• 308 replies
    Okay, folks, here's the plan as we roll over into the next stage of vining. Each vine will have its own topic. As has been noted once or twice before, Iz and I are the only ones who can start topics. Hence, if somebody has a vine they want to start, post the particulars here. Then Iz or I will cruise by, start the new topic, and delete the post from the New Vines area so it doesn't get unwieldy. We'll see how this goes...


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  • Ltapilot
    For the "History Buffs" among us. . .
    Thanks I am up for the old stuff. 1) Ltapilot
  • On The Road Again
    For the "History Buffs" among us. . .
    Sleepy Valley Hogstompers (6/11/62)Jewish Community Center San Carlos, CA Jerry Garcia - guitar and banjo, Marshall Leicester - banjo and guitar, Dick Arnold - Fiddle Set 1: 1. Chuck A Little Hill 2. Billy Grimes 3. Cannonball Blues 4. Devilish Mary 5. Buck Dancer's Choice 6. Little Birdie 7. Sallie Gooden 8. Hold The Woodpile Down Set 2 9. Crow Black Children 10. Johnson Boys 11. Shady Grove 12. Uncle Joe 13. Sweet Sunny South 14. Hungry Hash House 15. Man Of Constant Sorrow 16. Yonder He Goes 17. Three Went A-Hunting ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry & Sara Garcia (5/4/63) The Tangent Palo Alto, CA 1. Deep Elem Blues 2. Will The Weaver 3. I Will Truly Understand 4. All The Good Times Are Past & Gone 5. Long Black Veil 6. The Man Who Wrote "Home Sweet Home" Never Was A Married Man 7. Keno The Rent Man 8. Foggy Mountain Top I have a few more "old/early" ones. If there's an interest in these I'll see about getting them out there.
  • That Nice Hippy Guy
    reseeding 5-20-92
    Can anyone reseed cal expo 5-20-92? Someone in the tape trading topic was asking about it and it sounds like a show that I would like to have also. Apparently it was a vine before I came along, im not really sure. Thanks, Trevor "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
  • marye
    Three From '75 Vine
    Lives here: http://www.dead.net/forum/three-1975-vine
  • Ltapilot
    One more note for above
    As always the 3 from 75 will be in both FLAC/SHN and in WAV formats.DVD's and CD's Peace Rick
  • Ltapilot
    Three from 75-
    Here are three of the four shows that were prefomed in 1975. All are good strong shows and very heavy on the psychedelic side. Enjoy... ________________________________________________________________________ BAND Grateful Dead VENUE Kezar Stadium CITY San Francisco STATE CA DATE 3/23/75 LINEAGE SBD>FM>?>DAT>CDR. SET Bill Graham Intro Blues For Allah > Stronger Than Dirt > Drums > Stronger Than Dirt > Blues For Allah E: Johnny B. Goode COMMENTS: Merl Saunders and Ned Lagin sat in for complete Dead set ; show was part of the SF SNACK (San Francisco Students Need Athletics, Culture, and Kicks) Benefit; performing artists (billed): Doobie Brothers, Graham Central Station, Mimi Farina, Jefferson Starship, Jerry Garcia and Friends, The Miracles, Joan Baez, Santana, Tower of Power, Neil Young, (unbilled): Bob Dylan; guest celebrities (billed): Frankie Albert, John Brodie, Rosie Casals, Werner Erhard, Cedric Hardman, Willie Mays, Jesse Owens, Gene Washington, The Rev. A. Cecil Williams; 10:00 am Sunday showtime; $5 advance; $7.50 at the door RECORDING post-FM sbd 40 mins One small d/o in the 1st Blues for Allah (Track 2) @ 4:36 ripped, encoded and posted to abgd.hs 8/31/2001 by Skankweed ________________________________________________________________________ 6-17-75 Winterland Arena SF CA (2 audio) AUD CM>DAT>CD EAC> SHN Recorded by Rob Bertrando Sony ECM-280 mics > Sony TC-152 SD cassette > playback on Nak Dragon > DAT; audience from Winterland floor, about 30-35' back, just to the left of dead center. Disc One SET1 Crazy Fingers Beat It On Down The Line Deal Big River Peggy-O Me And My Uncle Help On The Way (1) > Slipknot! > Franklin's Tower Disc Two SET2 Blues For Allah > Stronger Than Dirt Or Milkin' The Turkey > Drums > Stronger Than Dirt Or Milkin' The Turkey > Blues For Allah Sugar Magnolia E: U.S. Blues _________________________________________________________________________ MOTB Release: 0069 16/44.1 Release Date: 2008-05-05 Band: Grateful Dead Date: 1975-09-28 (Sunday) Venue: Lindley Meadows - Golden Gate Park Location: San Francisco, CA Analog Audience Source: FOB Master Cassettes (MAC) Medium Stock Brands: MAC = 2 x Maxell UD 120 Analog Lineage: 2 x Sony ECM-270 => Sony TC-152 >> MAC Analog Sound Preservation: MAC >> Nakamichi DR-8 => Korg MR-1000 >> DSF [1-bit 5.6448 MHz Stereo] >> Korg MR-1000 => Korg AudioGate >> WAV [24/96] Taped By: Bob Menke and Louis Falanga Transfer By: Bob Menke Mastering By: Derek McCabe Set 1 d1t01 - Help On The Way > d1t02 - Slipknot! d1t03 - The Music Never Stopped d1t04 - They Love Each Other d1t05 - Beat It On Down The Line d1t06 - Franklin's Tower d1t07 - Big River d1t08 - It Must Have Been The Roses d2t01 - Truckin' > d2t02 - Jam > d2t03 - Drums > d2t04 - King Solomon's Marbles [1: Stronger Than Dirt, 2: Milkin' The Turkey] > d2t05 - Not Fade Away > d2t06 - Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad > d2t07 - One More Saturday Night d2t08 - Crowd Outro Mastering Notes -- Various drop outs patched with SBD (shnid=9392). -- Various drop outs patched to mono. -- d2t0{6,7} - Transition between "Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad" and "One More Saturday Night" patched with SBD (shnid=9392). Notes -- d2t04 - "King Solomon's Marbles" as listed is based on the sub-track titles from the CD version of "Blues For Allah", but just tracked here as one song. Title listings of this instrumental found on both commercial releases and legally traded sources are, to say the least, inconsistent. Whatever the case, we reckoned it was paramount to continue the tradition of inconsistency. Taper Talk -- According to Bob Menke, "It was an overcast day and we got there early. About 8:30 in the morning. That is how we ended up about 10-15 feet from the stage. The mics were mounted on broom sticks (handheld) and they were split about 20 feet apart. The upfront vocals I believe are the product of a small (relative to PA speakers) speaker on the floor of the stage next to the right PA column. The vocals seem to be blasting from that speaker. Another very intersting point is the fact that the Jefferson Starship opened and their sound from the same PA absolutely sucked. Nothing approaching the clarity and sound quality the Dead got from the same system." 1) That Nice Hippy Guy 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
  • That Nice Hippy Guy
    Wow that was Quick
    I forgot about the one being released on "One From The Vault". Thanks alot Rick. "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
  • Sunshine-daydr…
    i have all the shows but i think it is in hand Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
  • Ltapilot
    I have 3/23, 6/17 & 9/28. The 8/13 show was released as " One From The Vault".Give me a few days and I will seed this vine. Peace and good vibes, Rick
  • That Nice Hippy Guy
    I'd really like to see a vine for some or all of the 4 1975 shows started. Does anyone have these? "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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Member for

17 years 9 months
Okay, folks, here's the plan as we roll over into the next stage of vining. Each vine will have its own topic. As has been noted once or twice before, Iz and I are the only ones who can start topics. Hence, if somebody has a vine they want to start, post the particulars here. Then Iz or I will cruise by, start the new topic, and delete the post from the New Vines area so it doesn't get unwieldy. We'll see how this goes...
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Member for

17 years 9 months

:-) i will have to get my finger out then Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your work on this.The topic was getting overwhelming, looking forward to this new format. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. Wiliam Blake
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Will Be Autumn(Fall) 1989 will consist 26 10 89 12 10 89 18 10 89 and one other when the download has finished i will update post when new subject up Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I think we're in business. If you want to start a vine, post here. If I made a mistake on your existing vine, post here too. Posts will be deleted as soon as the issue's dealt with to keep this topic easily navigable. Why yes, my eyeballs ARE glazed over and rolling around in my skull, which is not a pretty sight. But it's done.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I think that once we get converted that this will really be alot better. Good idea and nice execution. My son needs on the computer right now so I will get back to updating later.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

sign up for vines here! Confusion will ensue! transplanting this fine interview right now.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Great Job Marye, I know this format will work out much better than the giant vine we had before. I will look again, but I can not find the SanDiegoNOV73 Vine in the new area. I apologize if i have missed it and will keep looking...thanx 143or245 stay safe and feel good!
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Then original name was SanDiego1973 and not Creampuff...this was my mistake..thanx again! 143or245 stay safe and feel good!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I think this will help the endless pages of searching etc... Hats off to all the vine helpers too!! Eric
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Member for

17 years 6 months

I am sure I speak for everyone when I say THANK YOU MARYE! Great job on this. I for one was skeptical but you seem to have gotten things "just exactly perfect." I especially like how the folders in the Vineyard are sorted based on recentness of the last posting.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

and vine on!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

now that we've had all those server adventures, is the vine stuff pretty much working the way it should?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

"just exactly perfect"at this point but "nothing lasts" because "we know time" If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. Wiliam Blake
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Member for

17 years 9 months

easier to 'vine' with this arrangement. I can quickly sort through these tasty years and to select a vine to participate in. It is also more effective to communicate about these shows and the topics surrounding these. Excellent evolvutionary progression ms. marye and thanks to you and all in the vineyard for the wonderful participation in sharing, planting, and growing this resourse to access more music. 'Let it Grow' - vine on!!.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

thanks for the kind words, off to start D00Dah's RatDog vine, and vine on! Oh, and happy Thanksgiving to all!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Eurovine #5Autumn 1989 4 shows on one DVD 8th October 1989 12th October 1989 26th October 1989 and one from Christmas period 27th December 1989 ALL Charlie Miller tweaked Sorry 4 the delay 1. 2. 3. 4. Bob Grateful Dead - October 8, 1989 Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, VA Recording Info: SBD -> Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Tascam 122mkII) -> Apogee MiniMe (24bit/48k) -> Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC/16 (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net December 16, 2006 Patch Info: (FOB) Schoeps CMC3/MK4 -> Dat -> CD supplies: Space (1:18 - 1:53) Notes: -- 2nd Set is seamless -- Thanks to Paul Scotton and Joani Walker for the tapes Set 1: d1t01 - Tuning d1t02 - Foolish Heart -> d1t03 - Walkin' Blues d1t04 - Candyman d1t05 - Me And My Uncle -> d1t06 - Big River d1t07 - Stagger Lee d1t08 - Queen Jane Approximately d1t09 - Bird Song -> d1t10 - The Promised Land Set 2: d2t01 - Tuning d2t02 - Help On The Way -> d2t03 - Slipknot! -> d2t04 - Franklin's Tower d2t05 - Victim Or The Crime -> d2t06 - Eyes Of The World -> d2t07 - Drums -> d3t01 - Space -> d3t02 - I Need A Miracle -> d3t03 - The Wheel -> d3t04 - Gimme Some Lovin' -> d3t05 - Morning Dew Encore: d3t06 - And We Bid You Good Grateful Dead - October 26, 1989 Miami Arena - Miami, FL Recording Info: SBD -> Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Tascam 122mkII) -> Apogee MiniMe (24bit/48k) -> Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC/16 (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net January 24, 2007 Notes: -- 2nd Set is seamless -- Thanks to Paul Scotton and Joani Walker for the tapes -- Tape flips in Dark Star and Not Fade Away patched with DSBD Set 1: d1t01 - Foolish Heart d1t02 - Little Red Rooster d1t03 - Stagger Lee d1t04 - Me And My Uncle -> d1t05 - Big River d1t06 - Brown Eyed Women d1t07 - Victim Or The Crime -> d1t08 - Don't Ease Me In Set 2: d2t01 - Tuning d2t02 - Estimated Prophet -> d2t03 - Blow Away d2t04 - Dark Star -> d2t05 - Drums -> d3t01 - Space -> d3t02 - The Wheel -> d3t03 - All Along The Watchtower -> d3t04 - Stella Blue -> d3t05 - Not Fade Away Encore: d3t06 - And We Bid You Good Night Grateful Dead - December 27, 1989 Oakland Coliseum Arena - Oakland, CA Recording Info: SBD -> Dat -> Cassette Master (TDK MA-XG90) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi DR-1) -> Apogee MiniMe (24bit/48k) -> Samplitude Professional v9.1.1 -> Cool Edit Pro v2.0 -> FLAC/16 (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller November 9, 2007 Patch Info: (FOB) Schoeps CMC3/MK4 -> Dat -> CD -> Samplitude supplies: Drums (5:31 - 6:05) Notes: -- Set 2 is seamless -- Thanks to Paul Scotton and Joani Walker for the tapes -- Thanks to Joe B. Jones for his help with the pitch correction Set 1: d1t01 - Cold Rain And Snow d1t02 - Greatest Story Ever Told d1t03 - Never Trust A Woman d1t04 - Althea d1t05 - Me And My Uncle -> d1t06 - Big River d1t07 - Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues d1t08 - Bird Song -> d1t09 - The Promised Land Set 2: d2t01 - Iko Iko d2t02 - Playing In The Band -> d2t03 - Crazy Fingers -> d2t04 - Uncle John's Band -> d2t05 - Drums -> d3t01 - Space -> d3t02 - The Wheel -> d3t03 - I Need A Miracle -> d3t04 - Morning Dew Encore: d3t05 - Johnny B. Goode d3t06 - Black Muddy River - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Do you want separate topics for each Eurovine, as in the rest of the vineyard, or do you want to keep the Vines Across The Water as a central location for them, as is the current situation? Either is fine, just lemme know.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

They are fine where they are from my point of view The US leg needs it's own topic though Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Mary - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hey Does anyone have any good cds from mid to late 80's that they want to start vines? Just curious. There are alot of early years on the vineyards, anyone interested in some other eras as well? Just curious. Having a great day off work today in south florida..... Kim
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Wow, enjoy your day off! I have some stuff from the Fall '83 tour that I was thinking of vining. 10/14 I think is the Dick's Pick Show. I have 10/15, 10/20 and 10/21 I believe. I also have the 2 MSG shows, but haven't listened to them yet (they are part of the 35 shows I recently acquired that I haven't listened to all of yet blah blah blah). By Jan I'll try to put something together for that tour. Did you see Sunshine Daydream's '89 vine? 4 shows from that tour. Plus I think the Hampton '89 reseeded vine has 2 bonus shows.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

i am downloading some 85 stuff from JP at the moment, more Charlie Miller Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 8 months

i might be just totally looking over it, but i dont see the sunshine daydream 89 vine. i see the hampton reseed, and I signed up for that... let me go look again.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

i think i found it. oops. nevermind
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Sorry, I should have said Eurovine # 5.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

5/4, 5/11, 5/16/, & 5/26 1972As requested by dstache, more May shows from the Grateful Dead's legendary Europe 1972 tour are offered. NOTE: For those seeking wonderful professional recordings, please visit the GD store and purchase Europe '72 (original and revised), Stepping Out, etc. If you don't have those, get 'em. In this vine, there are missing songs (eg. 5/11), some flaws (ie. 5/16), and several tunes out of order on 5/4. BUT, the educated among you may be able to make repairs (if your computer skills are not Flintsonean, as mine are) although what you see is what you get. And as Dick L. used to say "what you get, ain't bad at all." (Or something to that effect.) 5-4-72 Olympia Theater, Paris, France. Source: SBD>REEL>DAT>CDR (Thanks to Dave) (NOTE: *Song order was rearranged to fit on 3 CDs. Should be on 4 CDs to return to original setlist order.) SET I: 1. Greatest Story Ever Told, 2. Deal, 3. Mr. Charlie, 4. Beat It On Down The Line, 5. Brown Eyed Women, 6. Chinatown Shuffle, 7. Playin' in the Band,. 8 You Win Again,10. It Hurts Me Too, 11. El Paso, 12. Big Railroad Blues, 13. Two Souls In Communion, 14. Casey Jones SET II: 1. Good Lovin' 2. Next Time You See Me, 3. Ramble On Rose, 4. Jack Straw, 5. Dark Star> 6. Drums> 7. Dark Star> 8. Sugar Magnolia, 9 Sing Me Back Home, 10. Mexicali Blues 11. Big Boss Man 12. Uncle John's Band, 13.Not Fade Away> 14. Going Down the Road> 15. Not Fade Away, E: One More Saturday night 5-11-72 Rotterdam Chivic Hall Rotterdam, Netherlands (Thanks to Jon) Source: SBD>MR>DAT>CDA>SHN>DAW>(Beartha)>WAV>CDR (3 CDs) (Note* Gaps between songs on the second set (I don't know how to 'join' them.) SET I: 1. Playin' in the Band, 2. Sugaree, 3. Mr. Charlie, 4. Black Throated Wind, 5. Deal, 6. Mexicalli Blues, 7. China Cat Sunflower> 8. I Know You Rider 9. It Hurts Me Too, 10. Beat It On Down The Line, 11. Brown Eyed Women, 12. Greatest Story Ever Told, 13. Chinatown Shuffle, 14. Jack Straw, 15. Big Railroad Blues, 16. Good Lovin' 17. Casey Jones, SET II: 1. Morning Dew, 2. Me & My Uncle, 3. Two Souls In Communion, 4. El Paso, 5. Tennessee Jed, 6. Next Time You See Me, 7. Dark Star> 8. Drums> 9. Dark Star> 10. Caution> Who Do You Love> 11. Truckin' 12. Uncle John's Band (encore missing-One More Saturday night) 5-16-72 Radio Luxembourg, Luxembourg (Thanks to Dave) Source FM>?>CDR (2 CD) (Note *Sound difficulties at the begining of show are quickly resolved. SET I: 1. Bertha, 2. Me & My Uncle, 3. Mr. Charlie, 4. Sugaree, 5. Black Throated Wind, 6. Chinatown Shuffle, 7. Beat It On Down The Line, 8. It Hurts Me Too, 9. Tennesse Jed, 10. Playin' in the Band, 11. Promised Land SET II: 1. Truckin'> 2. Drums> 3. The Other One, 4. Sing Me Back Home, 5. Sugar Magnolia, 6. Not Fade Away> 7. Going Down the Road> 8. Not Fade Away E: One More Saturday Night 5-26-72 The Strand Lycem, London England (Thanks to Richard) Source MR>DAT(x5) >CD (4 CDs) SET I: 1. Promised Land, 2. Sugaree, 3. Mr. Charlie, 4. Black Throated Wind , 5. Loser, 6. Next Time You See Me, 7. El Paso,, 8. Direwolf, 9. Two Souls In Communion 10. Playin' in the Band, 11. He's Gone, 12. Cumberland Blues, 13. Chinatown Shuffle, 14. China Cat Sunflower> 15. I Know You Rider 16. Not Fade Away> 17. Going Down the Road> 18. Not Fade Away SET II: 1. tuning, 2. Truckin'> 3. The Other One> 4. Drums> 5. The Other One> 6. Jam> 7. Morning Dew> 8. The Other One> 9. Sing Me Back Home, 10. tuning, 11. Me & My Uncle, 12. Ramble On Rose, 13. Sugar Magnolia, 14. Casey Jones, E: One More Saturday Night 4 Europe Shows: 5/4, 5/11, 5/16, & 5/26 1972 1. dstache 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Vine On!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Friends, it’s been a while since I offered up a new vine. In my very humble opinion, the summer tour of 1982 was one of the most consistently great runs since spring/summer of 1977. The band was very tight and many of the shows had an energy level akin to a controlled explosion. I’ve selected four of my very favorite shows from that period to share with you. This package contains a data DVD with all four shows in digital lossless format plus the audio CDs. Fasten your seatbelts and sign up!First person on the list, you know the drill. Peace, Richard Grateful Dead - July 31, 1982 Manor Downs - Austin, TX Recording Info: SBD -> Cassette Master -> Dat (44.1k) Set 1: d1t01 - Alabama Getaway -> d1t02 - The Promised Land d1t03 - Candyman d1t04 - El Paso d1t05 - Bird Song -> d1t06 - Little Red Rooster d1t07 - Ramble On Rose d1t08 - It's All Over Now d1t09 - Brown Eyed Women -> d1t10 - The Music Never Stopped d1t11 - Deal Set 2: d2t01 - Scarlet Begonias -> d2t02 - Fire On The Mountain -> d2t03 - Estimated Prophet -> d2t04 - Eyes Of The World -> d2t05 - Drums -> d3t01 - Space -> d3t02 - Uncle John's Band -> d3t03 - Truckin' -> d3t04 - Morning Dew -> d3t05 - One More Saturday Night Encore: d3t06 - Don't Ease Me In Grateful Dead - August 3, 1982 Starlight Theatre - Kansas City, MO Recording Info: SBD -> Cassette Master -> PCM -> Dat -> CD Set 1: d1t01 - Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo -> d1t02 - Franklin's Tower -> d1t03 - New Minglewood Blues d1t04 - Peggy-O d1t05 - El Paso -> d1t06 - Cumberland Blues d1t07 - Althea d1t08 - Cassidy d1t09 - Big Railroad Blues -> d1t10 - Man Smart (Woman Smarter) d1t11 - Might As Well Set 2: d2t01 - Shakedown Street -> d2t02 - Samson And Delilah d2t03 - To Lay Me Down d3t01 - Let It Grow -> d3t02 - Drums -> d3t03 - Space -> d3t04 - He's Gone -> d3t05 - The Other One -> d3t06 - Stella Blue -> d3t07 - Sugar Magnolia Encore d3t08 - Casey Jones Grateful Dead University Of Iowa Fieldhouse Iowa City, IA August 10, 1982 MATRIX MIX: 50%AUD/50%SBD AKG CE-1 (4th row) > UHER CR-240 > Playback on Nak Dragon > Sony R700 DAT deck (sbm-on) - used only as A>D converter (44.1khz) > ZA2 > CDR (x2) > EAC > SBD -> Cm -> Dat -> Samplitude 2496 v6.0 -> CD -> EAC -> SHN SET 1: ----- d1t01 - Feel Like A Stranger d1t02 - Friend Of The Devil d1t03 - New Minglewood Blues d1t04 - Tennessee Jed d1t05 - Cassidy d1t06 - It Must Have Been The Roses d1t07 - Crowd/Tuning/Technical Difficulties/Noodling d1t08 - On The Road Again -> d1t09 - Beat It On Down The Line d1t10 - Stagger Lee d2t01 - I Need A Miracle -> d2t02 - Bertha SET 2: ----- d2t03 - China Cat Sunflower -> d2t04 - I Know You Rider d2t05 - Lost Sailor -> d2t06 - Saint Of Circumstance -> d2t07 - Eyes Of The World -> d2t08 - Drums -> d3t01 - Space -> d3t02 - Iko Iko -> d3t03- Truckin' -> d3t04 - Stella Blue -> d3t05 - Sugar Magnolia d3t06 - (Encores) It's All Over Now, Baby Blue -> d3t07 - Johnny B. Goode Notes: The results of this matrix are pretty darn good - enjoy this amazing Iowa Dead! Grateful Dead Glen Helen Regional Park Devore, CA 9/5/82 SBD: MC > DAT > CDR disc 1, set 1 01. Tuning/Phil 02. Playin' in the Band > 03. Shakedown Street 04. New Minglewood Blues 05. Samson and Delilah 06. China Cat Sunflower > 07. I Know You Rider Disc 2, set 2 01. Sugaree 02. Man Smart, Woman Smarter 03. Truckin' > 04. Drums/Space > 05. Not Fade Away > 06. Black Peter > 07. Sugar Magnolia Encores: 08. U.S. Blues 09. Satisfaction
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Member for

17 years 9 months

now playing Matrix version this IS a great show Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

new topics for the new vines coming right up!
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Member for

17 years 7 months

4 Europe Shows: 5/4, 5/11, 5/16, & 5/26 1972 1. dstache 2.iknowurider 3. operator 4. 5. 6. Hey - Oroboros- Thanks for your words and music PEACE Vine On!
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Sorry, should I have waited to sign up until you posted the new pages??
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Member for

17 years 9 months

any interest in a NYE vine, from various years Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 7 months

you betcha!Any shows are a good thing. Thanks again for all your work. Peace, Andy
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Couldn't turn down NYE shows. You are the Man. Well so are Orboros and Richard and everyone else but at this exact moment in time, things being what they are you are the Man.thanks. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I was also thinking of the possibility of this, i have a few shows on DVD, but not sure how many people have facilities to copy DVD's. Or if it would work as a watch and pass on sort of thing I was watching "Calibration" last night which gave me the idea Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Mary and Izzie any problems with DVD vines here? the first few will probably be "Sunshine Daydream" the new version with the new intro, Calibration and poss the Halloween 1980 tv broadcast I have afew more Copenhagen 72, and a few other tv broadcasts, the aud camcorder shows i have aren't up to much IMHO Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Let me think about this a bit. There may be some copyright issues going on with the video that aren't with the live audio, and I'd hate to bring this whole thing crashing down on our heads by acting hastily.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

This Vine Is sailing To KJ7XJ.I Wanted To Fill The Dvd,So I Also Included Jimi Hendrix-At The Newport Pop Festival 1969,Jefferson Airplane-Winterland 10-26-69.Jefferson Airplane-Family Dog 6-13-69.And Finally The Door's-The Isle Of Wight Festival 8-30-70.Merry Christmas Everyone. (Cause Theres An Easy Wind...Blowin' Cross The Bayou Today)