• Robert F. Kennedy Stadium - June 24, 1995
    with Bruce Hornsby on grand piano - final "FOTD" - final "TWBS" - final "Days Between" - last "Black Muddy River": 08-13-91 [289] - Bob Dylan opened


  • Jack Straw
    El Paso@
    So Many Roads>

    Iko Iko
    Way To Go
    New Speedway>
    Days Between>
    Saturday Night

    Black Muddy River

Ticket Stubs

Concert Photos

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  • reneewill
    2 years 8 months ago
    My last show

    This was my birthday and my last show. I was able to get a camera in and get some (blurry but decent) pics of Jerry. Got a whole bunch of pics of Bruce Hornsby. To be fair, I was pretty much seeing in blurr-vision that day so the camera cancelled that out! Hahaha

  • jaddley2
    3 years 3 months ago
    Amazing times and people ❤…

    Amazing times and people ❤ and the goodnight ol Grateful Dead 😊 ❤

  • Advocate
    10 years 1 month ago
    Looking for Jay/ Jason - do you know him?
    My name is Jay/ Jason from South Carolina /Champaign, Illinois; do you remember me? Grateful Dead Fan Remains Nameless, 18 Years After Fatal Crash NEW LEAD! JAY/JASON CHECK OUT HIS PHOTO Photo: http://imgur.com/R9WnPYu PLEASE SEE Websleuths THREAD CURRENT LEADS; FACTS AND UPDATES - POSSIBLE LEAD #1: 'Jason' from Champaign, Illinois. Origin of lead: Contact was made by three males who lived with a 'Jason' who matched the description of GD, after one had seen an Imgur post about The Grateful Doe. The Facts: From contact #1: This contact has a strong belief Jason is our GD. Photo: http://imgur.com/R9WnPYu - Was known to the contact in late 1994 to early 1995. - He was living with the three informants - He began living with the three informants in fall of 1994 - He was living with them in a house off the campus of the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana - He was younger than all three of the males living in the house, and was estimated between 17 - 18 years of age. - He was described as a 'laid back surfer dude' from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. - This is where one of the informants, G, met Jason. - G and Jason shared one bedroom. - Jason was NOT a student at UofI - He was a 'major Dead Head' and would discuss The Grateful Dead frequently with a fellow housemate - He discussed topics such as Atheism, hallucinogens, and believed he could talk to trees. - He worked at a McDonalds near the house. It is possible it's address was; 1605 South Neil Street, Champaign, IL 61820. - Was romantically involved with a 30 - 40 year old female manager at this location - He 'disappeared' in mid to late winter of February 1995. - Would frequently call 1900-RUN-DEAD (A line for fans of GD to call and be provided with information about setlists of concerts) - He had a slight build, hair looked sun-bleached like he had 'spent plenty of time at the beach'. His hair was described to look like 'Kurt Cobain' - His eyes were always slightly closed, and was possibly 'baked alot', it is possible he also took mushrooms. - The newer computer image doesn't 'look like Jason, they made him look too conventional/mainstream/awake' - He talked like a soft-spoken surfer dude, although he could get quite animated. - There is no recollection of Jason speaking about family - Jason's friend (contact #2), remembers the shoes identified in the GD's belongings. He states "His feet were a little bigger than mine, he only had a pair of sandals when we came back from SC. He tried to borrow some of my shoes, but most were uncomfortably small on him. I'm a 10 1/2, the info on GD says he was an 11 1/2". From contact #2: - The Jason I knew had wavy blond hair, the sketches make it look kind of curly or frizzy - He was a cheerful guy, and often in a good mood - Jason lived with contact #2's parents place for a month or two when they came from Myrtle Beach. What needs to be done with this lead? - We need follow ups done with areas in South Carolina surrounding, and including, Myrtle Beach. This includes enquiries for high schools, primary schools, colleges, workplaces. This can be done in person, or over the internet through Reddit, Facebook, Imgur and Craiglist. - We need follow ups done with McDonalds in the Champaign area. This can be done online, or in person. I have had a few seperate people contact me about this. I will be chasing up with them tonight, and update as soon as I know (one via WS, one via Reddit). - INVOLVING THE MEDIA. How do we go about doing this? I have been posting these updates on Reddit and Imgur aswell, below are a combined list of suggestions made by users from Reddit, Imgur and WebSleuths. Having a list of them, will make them easier to cross off. If you do any of these suggestions, please mail me so I know to cross them off as done. Huge thank you to EVERYONE who proposed suggestions! THE SUGGESTIONS: - "If he was a music fan beyond the Grateful Dead, you could try the facebook group called Fans of Mabels. Mabels was a (now closed) music venue in Champaign (and there used to be a McDonalds a few doors down from there-not sure if it's the same one)" - - "hey hows it going, i might be able to show this picture to some people. but im a little confused about what information your looking for?" COMPLETED: Messaged this user asking for assistance in showing the photo around Charleston. GM. - "You might want to look into contacting GD radio programs and see if they'll run an announcement or put it on their Facebook pages, America's Most Wanted-style. Looks like there are a couple of shows originating from VA and MD as well." - "I wonder if it's possible for to get employment records from local McDonalds locations so that you could at least get full names of any Jasons employed in the area at the time. That may be something that only law enforcement officials could do (they might need to be subpoenaed) and it might not be worth their time to do it. But if you could get that info it would really help to narrow things down and give you much more concrete information to work with." - "It should be possible to come up with records of the business that was there, if you want to put in the research effort. McDonald's stores are often franchises, so there should be a corporate registration with information on who owned/managed the store. The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District is also quite meticulous, and may still have or be able to recover records of that store that could lead to supervisors or other staff there. On your own, voter registration records are public information, including what elections were voted in. So, if GD was over 18 and registered, people named Jason registered in Champaign County with no votes cast after the date of death should be a pretty narrow set. If you can get a little bit of interest from law enforcement personnel who can make official inquiries, that residence and employment lead could be enough to narrow down tax filings and driver's license records to candidate identities - including a lack of subsequent activity in that name following the date of death." - "Important tip: All of the local McDonald's in C-U with the exception of the one located on Philo Road in Urbana were owned and operated by McDonald's itself (McOpCo) until the late 80s-early 90s, when they were sold to the current franchisee." - "Some leads that could be followed: News-Gazette missing persons article? High school yearbooks at Champaign Public Library Local police" - "You can see if the UIUC area has any groups (at bars/clubs) that were into the band back then. I'm sure he would've attended/known people from." __________________________________________ POSSIBLE LEAD #2: 'Jay' Origin of lead: Contact made on internet forum. This contact also believes that Jay and Jason, may be our GD. THE FACTS: - Contact was first initiated after seeing a photo of the 'Jason' previously discussed. - Commented stating that they knew the young man in the photos - The contact referred to this young man as 'Jay' - The contact noted that they had met 'Jay' on tour in the summer of 1995 - Jay first came into contact with contact and friends in a hotel - Contact and Jay discussed Kiawah Island, South Carolina. He had family who was from South Carolina area. - They did not remember him being penniless - He would interrupt you while speaking - Jay stayed with them one night, and had no bags - It's possible that Jay was not into the Dead, rather, touring with them. - Jay knew about about Kiawah Island and Charleston, South Carolina - Another friend remembers Jay, confirmed he was called Jay. - He was on tour, but 'didn't really seem to know what he was doing' - Contact met and hung with Jay in the shows leading up to RFK, 95 - Best they can remember, it would have been the Albany, New York City show - Jay had no tickets to any shows - He asked contact and friends for a ride to Washington D.C - Jay was at a hotel in Albany for three days before heading to Washington D.C - It is possible at this time he did have a bag, and a wallet - Jay did not have a plan from Albany to DC. - Jay was in Albany, New York for both shows - This contact left Jay a note when they left him at the hotel - He had no money and was floor surfing. It is possible the note in his pocket was from a hotel or someone he was staying with. - This contact also had an expert look at the photo who agreed; It is a solid lead. - Jay told contact he had crashed with people in Vermont - Leaving a note was possible in this situation - No family mentioned, may have been using Dead as a means to escape - Possibly only high school education - It is possible he did not want to be at home What needs to be done about this lead? - Enquires need to be made in South Carolina, particularly for Charleston, Myrtle Beach and Kiawah Island. This can be done online or in person. - Enquires need to be made about the Albany, New York shows. I have previously posted in both the Albany and New York subreddits, appealing for people to come forward who had been at this shows - With no luck. We need to explore these leads further. It seems that he was in the habit of following the tours with people and making friends along the way - We now need to extend our research to Vermont. The Grateful Dead played a show at the Franklin Co. Airport Field, Highgate, VT, on the 15th of June, 1995. This was followed by a concert at the Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ on the 18th and 19th of June, 1995
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Member for

17 years 11 months
with Bruce Hornsby on grand piano - final "FOTD" - final "TWBS" - final "Days Between" - last "Black Muddy River": 08-13-91 [289] - Bob Dylan opened
Jack Straw
El Paso@
So Many Roads>

Iko Iko
Way To Go
New Speedway>
Days Between>
Saturday Night

Black Muddy River
show date

dead comment

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Member for

17 years 8 months

I know I was only a newby follower at the time of only 10 years since my first show, but during that time, the scene had massively changed. I knew we were going to have to take a break from everything for a while. (Little did we know...) After the show, when we were out in the parking lot, someone stuck a bottle under someone else's tire. The bottle exploded when it was run over. Glass went everywhere. My Sister-in-law and I had little pieces of glass all over our bodies (thank God it didn't get into anyone's eyes!). My husband ended up with a huge gash across his left thigh. At first we thought it would be ok, but it wouldn't stop bleeding. We tried to find first aid, but no one would help us. We finally just got in the car and sat in the normal line to get out of the parking lot. It probably took us about an hour and a half to get out and get over to the hospital. Once at the hospital, we assumed they would take him fairly quickly since he was STILL bleeding. Nope. They just kept giving us bandages to sop up the blood. His name was finally called at about 4am. Needless to say, he was very weak by then. The doctor cleaned him up, gave him stitches and then (get this...) wanted to turn him into the cops for being in a knife fight!!!! He actually had to bring the doctor out to see us so he could see the little glass pricks all over our bodies. Would you believe, we still have the old clunker car we had then (we use it for junky stuff), and there are still blood stains all over the seats from that night. Liz
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Just before we headed into the show, saying, "Oh shit! We better get goin man! It's 7 already!" I then say, "I'm callin Black Muddy. I love that tune an nar gammit I wanna har it!." Sho nuf!...Got goosebumps and a big ol smile when I heard that first progression! "Moloch the incomprehensible prison! Moloch the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows!" -[I] Howl[I/}, Allen Ginsberg
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Anyone there remember Garica wearing a light blue shirt and white pants this day?Show gets a bad rap due to the whole 95 drama and lightning bolt hitting the tree, but in case anyone cares there were no deaths due to that strike. One of my favorite shows as far as song selections go, and a pretty underrated show IMHO, even for 95. Days Between was as dark as it ever got. Saint> NSB> TWBS was goooood. Bruce was his usual great self. The uptempo FOTD was nice. BMR - Perfect next to the Anacostia River; and a breakout! Cheers! JG “The Omnipotent Grateful Dead!”
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I did not realize the power of the GD's timing until this show. I only saw a handful of shows, so I'm grateful for every live note I heard. This was a great show, in my limited experience. My epiphany that I was a deadhead and loved the band was kinda cemented by the lightning strike. It paralleled the way my soul was stricken by my Love for them, that night.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

After Sat Night, the big screens had this awesome cartoon with this big guy driving a motorcycle with the caption:D.C. DEAD. Spoke volumes to me. Dead always seemed to play well there. Of course we are talking about the land of Joe Gibbs now!!!!! Cheers! JG “The Omnipotent Grateful Dead!”
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Member for

17 years 7 months

I was right up front for Dylan and the first set. Did anybody get Dylan's set list? Did he play Joey? Anyway, FOTD was faster than usual, which was fun. Saint>New Speedway was really good, I was hanging with the spinnies by that point. For some reason for trhe second set I felt compelled to observe from above as opposed to being down on the field. I guess I wanted perspective. Black Muddy was the last live dead song I heard. Appropriate, and I'm good with that. RIP Jer, I love you and miss your playing. Thanks for the great bus ride and for letting us record! Eternal Consciousness Enjoyin the Ride, Haybrown
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Tried out the scene with my daughter and caught a vibe from the police I didn't feel safe with.....left early but am grateful for the time there that was positive.
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Overall, this would be a happy 3-star show because stadium shows are just big, chaotic noisefests, and you can't necessarily expect too much either way. But here and there, something really good happens. This was my final Dead show, and it ended with a beautiful "Black Muddy River." But more significantly, I remember "New Speedway" being pretty cool. And the "Days Between" at this show stands out as probably the single most riveting moment of any Daed show I ever attended. Just an amazing version. Jerry totally held the entire stadium for the whole slow, cryptic, elegant song. It was also nice to have Hornsby on the grand piano. A good show for me to end on.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Great to see the Dead, as I stopped seeing them in 1980. From what I remember we where laughing so hard during the first set, I was crying laughing all about the people we where seeing on the field during the first set, some of which just over done there partying. We also ate somthing that made us laugh. As far as the band, I thought they where flat. Jerry was laid back, not too much energy. Although the second set opened with Aiki-Aiko which inspired me to go to the front of the stage. Made it to about 10 row, until the show ended. I remember the Dead leaving the stage as they had to walk near some of us fans as we all where leaving. All things considered, was a fun time. I miss the band and Jerry G. Now I really like bluegrass. Hot Tuna etc.
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Member for

17 years 7 months

I figured that I'd re-listen to this one today-- exactly 13 years after the fact. This was my final show and it was fun. Relistening now, it just sounds like a good ol' time. God Bless the Grateful Dead.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

went to see both RFK shows and ended up sitting next to a kid who was seeing the boys for the first time! I remember the police in RIOT gear after the show let out and the crowd afterwards wasn't rowdy to warrant that type of thing- full plexi shields, being pushed through cattle lines to the parking lot, very out of hand. Loved the drum scene under the overpass and had a great pre-show time both days. HOT as hell, soooo humid both days. the next night was the RAIN show, box of, samba in and Beatles Rain. Ended up going alone cuz a friend couldn't get a babysitter and having a good time with all those about. next the river, hackysackin, frisbee, and lots a nyce people. The night before, my friend's husband took a cam corder about the lot and made a hilarious tape which now is our little documentary on the last daze. Maybe you all are on it! Thanks for the memory. Jer died a few days later. Ami
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Member for

16 years 5 months

My last show... The day Jerry died, I heard the announcement over the radio; I pulled my vehicle over and cried. I'll always miss the time I had on tour, forever... I was glad I got to hit this one last show, even though it seemed to be lacking the energy of a few years earlier, and Jerry didn't seem to be soloing much during the songs.
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17 years 8 months

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17 years 8 months

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Member for

17 years 8 months

It was all but over, I had basically stopped going after '93 just to much BS to deal with and the set lists were no longer to my liking. I was spoiled and now very Grateful for every time I got into see the best band in the land.Thank you boys for a real good time!! Nothing to tell now, let the words be yours I am done with mine...
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Man, I was fifteen feet from that tree that was hit be the lightning.But i was really blown away by my second, and unfortunatly, last, Shakedown. >>Anybody got a sticker/T with the Shakedown struttin' on a lightning bolt?
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Member for

14 years 9 months

Does anyone know how I might contact the 3 persons who were hit by lightning right before the show began on 6/25/1995. I believe their names were Kristin Daniel, Kira Lee, & John Pongel. Does anyone know them or what happened to them in life?
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Member for

14 years 2 months

Sure glad I made the trip to DC to see what turned out to be my last Jerry show.Nice to see the remaining Dead guys keeping the vibe alive tho. Going to see 7 Walkers tonight. Just saw the Walkers on 12/9 and got to meet Bill and get the setlist autographed by him and the other Walkers. Will be wearing my autographed shirt tonight. What a thrill it was to meet and talk to Bill! "nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile"!:)
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Member for

17 years 3 months

It's hard for me to recall the quality of these shows for some reason. I do remember the highlight of these two nights for me was Jerry coming out to play with Dylan's band during the day, and they played Rainy Day Women #12 & 35. Looking back on it, it was one of my best Jerry moments. To see Jer and Dylan side by side singing "Everybody must get stoned" was quite enjoyable! I remember a big smile on Jerry's face, and he was bobbin his knees (like he would do on Liberty), about as much movement as you would get out of him during this period. I was with some kind friends from Cali, and we fully took advantage of this moment. I also remember being satisfied with the bust out of Black Muddy River.
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Member for

11 years 7 months

I had just graduated from high school one month before this show and a dead fan for many years before. A group of about 20-25 of us all went down to the show together from Baltimore. We camped out in December to buy the group of tickets from the local Ticketmaster at the mall. Good memories from that night too. Amazing to see Dylan with Jerry. Loved Iko Iko and Black Muddy River. Whole day and night was great. So wish I saw them before 1995 !! My son and I listen to the Dead all the time in my car and now he even requests that I put it on, if it's not on. I love that !!! Thanks for everything you continue to give to all of us Jerry, even in your passing. RIP, my sweet friend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Member for

12 years 7 months

First show! I saw my first 3 shows summer of '95 (the two RFKs and Pittsburgh's Rain Show). Not the best, even by '95 standards, but there are good moments. First set is pretty good, So Many Roads being very good imho, but perhaps I'm biased (first show remember). The pre-drums isn't all that great, but DRUMZ was bombastic. Bombastic?? Anyway, yeah I remember being down on that floor and literally feeling Mickey pounding my chest so hard I started to worry I had damage to my rib cage. All while I was 50 feet from the stage. And then that beautiful Days Between. The sights, sounds, smells, etc of my first show, and musically the Jerry Ballads, and DRUMZ, are what I'll remember when I think of 6/24/95.
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Member for

10 years 1 month

My name is Jay/ Jason from South Carolina /Champaign, Illinois; do you remember me? Grateful Dead Fan Remains Nameless, 18 Years After Fatal Crash NEW LEAD! JAY/JASON CHECK OUT HIS PHOTO Photo: http://imgur.com/R9WnPYu PLEASE SEE Websleuths THREAD CURRENT LEADS; FACTS AND UPDATES - POSSIBLE LEAD #1: 'Jason' from Champaign, Illinois. Origin of lead: Contact was made by three males who lived with a 'Jason' who matched the description of GD, after one had seen an Imgur post about The Grateful Doe. The Facts: From contact #1: This contact has a strong belief Jason is our GD. Photo: http://imgur.com/R9WnPYu - Was known to the contact in late 1994 to early 1995. - He was living with the three informants - He began living with the three informants in fall of 1994 - He was living with them in a house off the campus of the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana - He was younger than all three of the males living in the house, and was estimated between 17 - 18 years of age. - He was described as a 'laid back surfer dude' from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. - This is where one of the informants, G, met Jason. - G and Jason shared one bedroom. - Jason was NOT a student at UofI - He was a 'major Dead Head' and would discuss The Grateful Dead frequently with a fellow housemate - He discussed topics such as Atheism, hallucinogens, and believed he could talk to trees. - He worked at a McDonalds near the house. It is possible it's address was; 1605 South Neil Street, Champaign, IL 61820. - Was romantically involved with a 30 - 40 year old female manager at this location - He 'disappeared' in mid to late winter of February 1995. - Would frequently call 1900-RUN-DEAD (A line for fans of GD to call and be provided with information about setlists of concerts) - He had a slight build, hair looked sun-bleached like he had 'spent plenty of time at the beach'. His hair was described to look like 'Kurt Cobain' - His eyes were always slightly closed, and was possibly 'baked alot', it is possible he also took mushrooms. - The newer computer image doesn't 'look like Jason, they made him look too conventional/mainstream/awake' - He talked like a soft-spoken surfer dude, although he could get quite animated. - There is no recollection of Jason speaking about family - Jason's friend (contact #2), remembers the shoes identified in the GD's belongings. He states "His feet were a little bigger than mine, he only had a pair of sandals when we came back from SC. He tried to borrow some of my shoes, but most were uncomfortably small on him. I'm a 10 1/2, the info on GD says he was an 11 1/2". From contact #2: - The Jason I knew had wavy blond hair, the sketches make it look kind of curly or frizzy - He was a cheerful guy, and often in a good mood - Jason lived with contact #2's parents place for a month or two when they came from Myrtle Beach. What needs to be done with this lead? - We need follow ups done with areas in South Carolina surrounding, and including, Myrtle Beach. This includes enquiries for high schools, primary schools, colleges, workplaces. This can be done in person, or over the internet through Reddit, Facebook, Imgur and Craiglist. - We need follow ups done with McDonalds in the Champaign area. This can be done online, or in person. I have had a few seperate people contact me about this. I will be chasing up with them tonight, and update as soon as I know (one via WS, one via Reddit). - INVOLVING THE MEDIA. How do we go about doing this? I have been posting these updates on Reddit and Imgur aswell, below are a combined list of suggestions made by users from Reddit, Imgur and WebSleuths. Having a list of them, will make them easier to cross off. If you do any of these suggestions, please mail me so I know to cross them off as done. Huge thank you to EVERYONE who proposed suggestions! THE SUGGESTIONS: - "If he was a music fan beyond the Grateful Dead, you could try the facebook group called Fans of Mabels. Mabels was a (now closed) music venue in Champaign (and there used to be a McDonalds a few doors down from there-not sure if it's the same one)" - - "hey hows it going, i might be able to show this picture to some people. but im a little confused about what information your looking for?" COMPLETED: Messaged this user asking for assistance in showing the photo around Charleston. GM. - "You might want to look into contacting GD radio programs and see if they'll run an announcement or put it on their Facebook pages, America's Most Wanted-style. Looks like there are a couple of shows originating from VA and MD as well." - "I wonder if it's possible for to get employment records from local McDonalds locations so that you could at least get full names of any Jasons employed in the area at the time. That may be something that only law enforcement officials could do (they might need to be subpoenaed) and it might not be worth their time to do it. But if you could get that info it would really help to narrow things down and give you much more concrete information to work with." - "It should be possible to come up with records of the business that was there, if you want to put in the research effort. McDonald's stores are often franchises, so there should be a corporate registration with information on who owned/managed the store. The Champaign-Urbana Public Health District is also quite meticulous, and may still have or be able to recover records of that store that could lead to supervisors or other staff there. On your own, voter registration records are public information, including what elections were voted in. So, if GD was over 18 and registered, people named Jason registered in Champaign County with no votes cast after the date of death should be a pretty narrow set. If you can get a little bit of interest from law enforcement personnel who can make official inquiries, that residence and employment lead could be enough to narrow down tax filings and driver's license records to candidate identities - including a lack of subsequent activity in that name following the date of death." - "Important tip: All of the local McDonald's in C-U with the exception of the one located on Philo Road in Urbana were owned and operated by McDonald's itself (McOpCo) until the late 80s-early 90s, when they were sold to the current franchisee." - "Some leads that could be followed: News-Gazette missing persons article? High school yearbooks at Champaign Public Library Local police" - "You can see if the UIUC area has any groups (at bars/clubs) that were into the band back then. I'm sure he would've attended/known people from." __________________________________________ POSSIBLE LEAD #2: 'Jay' Origin of lead: Contact made on internet forum. This contact also believes that Jay and Jason, may be our GD. THE FACTS: - Contact was first initiated after seeing a photo of the 'Jason' previously discussed. - Commented stating that they knew the young man in the photos - The contact referred to this young man as 'Jay' - The contact noted that they had met 'Jay' on tour in the summer of 1995 - Jay first came into contact with contact and friends in a hotel - Contact and Jay discussed Kiawah Island, South Carolina. He had family who was from South Carolina area. - They did not remember him being penniless - He would interrupt you while speaking - Jay stayed with them one night, and had no bags - It's possible that Jay was not into the Dead, rather, touring with them. - Jay knew about about Kiawah Island and Charleston, South Carolina - Another friend remembers Jay, confirmed he was called Jay. - He was on tour, but 'didn't really seem to know what he was doing' - Contact met and hung with Jay in the shows leading up to RFK, 95 - Best they can remember, it would have been the Albany, New York City show - Jay had no tickets to any shows - He asked contact and friends for a ride to Washington D.C - Jay was at a hotel in Albany for three days before heading to Washington D.C - It is possible at this time he did have a bag, and a wallet - Jay did not have a plan from Albany to DC. - Jay was in Albany, New York for both shows - This contact left Jay a note when they left him at the hotel - He had no money and was floor surfing. It is possible the note in his pocket was from a hotel or someone he was staying with. - This contact also had an expert look at the photo who agreed; It is a solid lead. - Jay told contact he had crashed with people in Vermont - Leaving a note was possible in this situation - No family mentioned, may have been using Dead as a means to escape - Possibly only high school education - It is possible he did not want to be at home What needs to be done about this lead? - Enquires need to be made in South Carolina, particularly for Charleston, Myrtle Beach and Kiawah Island. This can be done online or in person. - Enquires need to be made about the Albany, New York shows. I have previously posted in both the Albany and New York subreddits, appealing for people to come forward who had been at this shows - With no luck. We need to explore these leads further. It seems that he was in the habit of following the tours with people and making friends along the way - We now need to extend our research to Vermont. The Grateful Dead played a show at the Franklin Co. Airport Field, Highgate, VT, on the 15th of June, 1995. This was followed by a concert at the Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ on the 18th and 19th of June, 1995
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Member for

2 years 8 months

This was my birthday and my last show. I was able to get a camera in and get some (blurry but decent) pics of Jerry. Got a whole bunch of pics of Bruce Hornsby. To be fair, I was pretty much seeing in blurr-vision that day so the camera cancelled that out! Hahaha