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  • jesuschrist
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    to Frankly
    My birthday was not on april first, however good guise. I did not Die on the cross therfore i was not re-born. It was a nice parlor trick was`nt it ? My birthday as many should know is the holiday called Christmas, so as I know you have not read any of my teachings,. this is and was a test for all. Frankly failed this test. My blessings still go out for you my son. And to all. my father and I shall be with you all in your times of trouble. Your Lord, JesusChrist
  • jesuschrist
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    I am known by many names,jahova,mahomad,Dalhi lama,the son of Mary,even Odem,ect. it depend on what your faith is. you do have faith don`t you ? the words of holy wars ghihads ,have been writen for many centuries. the bootist monks and the tibetin people have known for centuries of such atrosities. these words have been writen in the book of revolations and many other great books. have you not read any on my writings ? are you one with out any faith at all ? many great prophets have writen of me. Nostradomas , sylvia brown, ect. have known of the great holy wars. do you not think the tibetin people have not been prepared for this ? the holy wars have been going on since the begining of time.the Norse,the pegans,and all christians have been fighting these wars . If you wish to say a prayer for the tibetin people they will greatly appreciate it. as they will and have been praying for everyone. As i will send my blessings to you who do not beleive. I bless all who beleive and i bless the non beleivers also. As far as world peace, there has never been such peace . And there will never be such peace as many would like to have. That is the way it is and has been writen for many centuries. In the name of my mother Mary and my Father God him self I wish you many blessings and hope you will find your own faith some day. I bless all of you my children . Your Lord and savior JesusChrist.
  • iknowurider
    ReedChris ~
    That's perfect! OL' JC's been giving me the creeps here, Thanks My Brother! PEACE
  • reedchris
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    Who would have thought?
    The thought never crossed my mind that Jesus would be a grammatical train wreck. You my son need to go back to school. Peace on earth someday? Could you lend a hand perhaps?
  • deadheadkid
    My computer has suffered a horrible lab accident and mutated due to intense gamma radiation. This is from the library computer. wont be on for some time possibly. MORE COWBELLLLLL!!!Peace, The Kid
  • jesuschrist
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    then do as you will, you do have a free will. take care my son my father will watch over you if you wish to go to hell then let it be that way it is very warm there and you will be welcomed there and no i will not need your help thank you for the offering all things in live and death will take care of themselves my father will bless you either way you choose to go , my son.
    To me the SYF logo/emblem is a symbol of higher consciousness, which borders other more specific topics. From what I remember of the story, the symbol came to Dan Healy on a rainy trip, one night, somewhere in California, and was originally a lightning bolt enclosed in a circle to indicate electrical danger or presence, of some sort. The original symbol was used to indicate the band's equipment (speakers, amps, etc.) when playing festivals and all the equipment would get jumbled up with other bands' equipment. The metamorphosis of the emblem, to it's current condition and status is something I feel is nothing less than extraordinary. "Since you've all been such good boys and girls, I would like to take everybody in this entire audience out for milk and cookies. There are buses outside. Everybody follow me."
  • meschiel
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    what does SYF symbolize?obviously i'm a beginner here, and thank you cari for the log on support
    Where's The Money?
    "Your wife owes money to Jackie Treehorn, that means you owe money to Jackie Treehorn..." "You've got the wrong guy, I'm the Dude..."
  • Golden Road
    Hal > jesuschrist
    Hal - I can't remember Graham playing in the band but I could see him on cow bell or triangle, for sure! Also, did you notice the band that played last night on SNL? Panic at the Disco! Too funny (although last night's show was a bit disappointing, imo). jesuschrist - I think it's about time you got around to thanking all the poor souls that have defied logic, history, science and common sense to believe in You all these years, despite You always putting us down and threatening us with the pain of Hell, no matter how hard we try to do Your convoluted will. Make Your fucking mind up as to what You want us to do down here on Earth (and which Testament/Covenant You represent), tell us in plain English - and every other language on this planet, then take care of business with those that go around trying to punish other humans for living their lives, when those very humans claiming to be divine in some way and "in charge" obviously aren't anything other than ordinary charlatans. I've compiled a very extensive list of "people of interest" along this line of reason. If you'd like help with this job - that has gotten out of hand, due to You and Your Father's lack of attention - let me know. Don't bother with that "free will" crap as Your defense either, that's just another cop out, imo. Well, see you all in Hell... "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
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17 years 9 months
an open space.
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17 years 9 months

now imagine Playing in the band or Estimated if Jerry was using a voice box along with a wah wah!!!! that would be seriously trippy ( -; "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months

got the explorer working. First guess after actually hearing the clip: "Peggy-O"
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17 years 9 months

"From day to day, just lettin' it ride,You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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17 years 9 months

nope, nice guesses, but neither Peggy O or CC Rider and the show was from 1982... pretty close with the year, though!! peace "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months

Upon further review I've concluded that the sound bit is "Touch." If it isn't "Touch" then it's "Bertha."
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17 years 9 months

Oh, yeah, about the "Playin'" Controversy: I couldn't find a real good comparison with Keith on keys as it seemed he used the Wah-Wah until Keith left and ditched it around the time that Brent came around. I definitely like both styles, but the Stratocaster + Wah-Wah is a tone that just really did something for me. Now, its not like I'd ever complain about hearing it either way, but yes, Joe, you did point out many other factors that contributed to the "not quite the samedness" of the two versions, but I did the same thing you did: I listened to so many versions of Playin' that just floored me that I forgot what I was doing! Bozo Bus: I was in a band called "San Pedro Circus" back in 2001 when I played there. We were on tour and I had a bunch of my Denver buddies show up so it was kind of extra special for me. That and I actually played well that night which I had been struggling with at the time. I think there was an opening band, but green cookies and two hours worth of basketball in the hot sun before the gig make most of it very blurry. Somebody call this tune quick before Joe starts thinking he is a genius or something. (nyuk nyuk nyuk!) )(I'm just a, well...porpoise.)(
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17 years 9 months

not touch, not Bertha... nice guesses. Sken, I used to be a genius, then I realized it is more fun to be a 'fool' on the ship of fools... You thought you was the cool fool, and never would do no wrong... Heaven help the fool; guess I showed the sons of bitches Heaven help the fool, professional gimme-fiver... The wisdom of hypocrisy, the common sense of fools... Though I could not caution all, I still might warn a few Don't lend your hand to raise no flag atop no ship of fools... peace. by the by, I've been waiting for Gypsy Soul to try this round... she was the one who coaxed me into hosting this gameshow in the first place. ain't it always the way? just when you think you are developing a fan base, they skip out on you... the show must go on.
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17 years 9 months

I'm putting every upbeat song in A that I know - one at a time. "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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17 years 9 months

not Franklins. please try again... "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months

How the heck do you insert pics in these posts? "This aggression will not stand, man....."
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17 years 9 months

the easiest hosting site I have come accross is you can even upload pics and post them without registering... go to their home page, follow the simple instructions, click 'safe for work' or 'not safe for work' as the case may be... copy and paste the new url into your post, and presto, the pic will appear here... easy to use, really. image hosted by "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence" image hosted by
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17 years 9 months

NOT Shakedown Street "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months
Permalink but with, use the url that says 'Hotlink Image on a Website or Auction' for some reason on this board, it does not take the other ones... and it will end up looking like this shit at the top of this post... not the cool pic of Oscar. peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months

sounds like cold rain and snow "two riders were approahcing and the wind began to howl"
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17 years 9 months

not Cold rain and snow... please try again. I'm gonna give this round another 24 or 48 hours before I ditch it and start round two. I'll admit, the sound quality on that old audience recording sucked. peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months

hmmmmmmm. ok that is a tough it stella..........................or jimmy? or is that clock suggesting john? uncle john?? "two riders were approahcing and the wind began to howl"
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17 years 9 months

I've included a picture of myself with the family as a reward for your great instructions. "This aggression will not stand, man....."
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17 years 9 months

the only thing the clock is suggesting is where I left my brain all those years ago... every clock in my house is set to 5:15. (my old lady is a total Who fanatic) but, it is not Stella, not Row Jimmy, Not Uncle John's, and not Baby blue... nice tries, but nope. ( -; please try again. peace.
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17 years 9 months

not Althea! please try again... ( -; "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months

yup, 1982. at least I'm having fun with this... I hope all of you don't lose interest too soon. ( -; peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months

"From day to day, just lettin' it ride,You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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17 years 9 months

nice try, but nope. not Sugar Mag. OK, one hint... this particular song is the first song of a second set played in 1982. if no one guesses this one in the next 48 hours, I'll tell the answer and move on to round two. please don't touch that dial. ( -: "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months

this is the pilot run of another new game show brought to you by your humble host, CC Joe... Who the hell is that?? (the kid playing the horn) we will return to Call the tune after a word for the folks at home... please don't touch that dial.
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17 years 9 months

But not from the "Anthem" sessions! "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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17 years 9 months

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17 years 9 months

You can just hear Jerry strumming it as it cuts, ga da da da da....Big Railroad Blues. Dougles
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17 years 9 months

Daaayyy Job - Increible - And guess what? It's in A (Have you ever felt like slapping yourself but good! "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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17 years 9 months

Congratulations to Douglas!! Phil in his high school daze...
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17 years 9 months

Crazy Fingers
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17 years 9 months

Yes, congratulations, Bozo Bus, you are correct, it is indeed, Crazy Fingers... Well done! round three will take a bit of time to post, I gotta go hustle up next months rent money... business first. (until Rhino decides to offer me some cold hard cash or at least some sponsors for this and other cheesy game shows-- hint hint) "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months

Just wanted to stop in and say Hi! Don't have time to read all the posts so ..... as you were! Oh gee... I just noticed we can post pictures here!!! Woo hoo!!
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17 years 9 months

hi Rose... ( -: "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months

please look in the other section... under news and talk will you dare to try? can you? call the tune!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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17 years 9 months

that the light strumming isn't the part to be keying in on. I may be wrong. Right before the clip ends it sounds like the onset of Victim.
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17 years 8 months

Great to see the videos