• https://www.dead.net/features/news/dead-covers-project-2012
    The Dead Covers Project

    What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

    Throughout the month of April, we'll be shining our lovelight on a handful of artists that really made the grade. You'll get to know each of these five artists and find out just what made them connect with the Dead in our exclusive DEAD COVERS PROJECT profiles, but for now we'd simply like to congratulate the following participants (in no particular order)...

    Now Playing In The Band...

    The project may be over for 2012, but you can continue to check out some of the "Top Rated" videos that were submitted and "Like" them here.

    <?php $youtubeurl = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=DeadCoversProject&max-results=10&orderby=rating&time=this_month&start-index=2&v=2'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($youtubeurl) or print '

    There was a problem loading the youtube API xml

    '; $count = '1'; foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) { $media = $entry->children('https://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); $attrs = $media->group->player->attributes(); $videourl = $attrs['url']; $attrs = $media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); $imageurl = $attrs['url']; print '
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    '; print ''; print $entry->title; print ''; print '

    '; print ''; print '
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  • ziphler
    12 years 11 months ago
    Campaign to make DeadCoversProject a project not a pagent
    There is a statistic in youtube's stat's that would be ideal for ranking entries. You can access it from the video's page just below the video on the right The button is a bar graph. It shows a timeline and lists events on that timeline including in this case "the first referral from dead.net" and indicates the total number of views that came from here. This would be a very difficult system to game and there are many ways your website could access that number from youtube. You could also generate that number yourself by tracking outgoing links but you'd have to make sure you separate repeat viewers from new although repeat viewers is an important stat and needs to be measured with same day repeats thrown out. I have a degree in biostatistics (don't ask me why) and there are a million reasons why views is a better measure than likes and why views thru your portal are better than total views for your purposes. Just another 2 cents in my campaign to drop the annual contest and make this site an ongoing, highly functional project. For deadheads who are musicians, sound engineers, and videographers this site is a gift from Jerry himself (a jerrysend) but the annual beauty pagent is the anti-jerry to overuse a metaphor. The site brings us together, provides a platform and an audience, and if modified to a continuous rather than annual timeframe, doesn't make us have to wear watches. Have you ever seen those studies where they take deadheads and make them wear watches. One of the cruelest experiments conducted in our lifetimes - very disturbing as you can well imagine. ziph
  • deadheadland
    12 years 11 months ago
    good job everyone!
    really happy to see two of my favorites in the winners! I have been seeing Cubensis since around 1990, and cannot think of a band more deserving. They earned it, through 25 years of playing LIVE DEAD in their own unique way, several nights a week. Crag Marshall recieved Jerry's blessing to play the Dead's music - Jerry told him to do a good job of it! Larry Ryan holds down the bass bottom so solidly grooving, Steve Harris and Ed Fletcher drumming their hearts out (Steve sings good too!) - awesome keyboardist Tom Ryan (who has also toured with DSO) makes Brent songs his own. Nate LaPointe is unsurpassed at acing rhythm quitar, and leading it beyond... and the lovely Cece Sherman - newest member of the band, her voice is so gorgeous. makes all of us cry sometimes, (and she can play strings rather beautifully too!).... GO TEAM QB!!! And Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers - what canIi say? I am blessed every time I get to hear Nicki sing, and Deren Ney's guitar is a gift to all of us... listen to him solo, beautiful every time. Go see this band live! (by the way, they are not a Dead Cover band, they do mostly originals, with a wide variety of covers). Maybe we can hear Nicki Bluhm and Cece Sherman doing a duet someday? (~);}
  • Default Avatar
    12 years 11 months ago
    Getting Liked
    Good post Ziph, It seems a little harsh to have to rely on the video getting 'liked' to have it recognized, also. I am pleased they will do it again next year. Perhaps I'll have time to learn how to play a decent solo!
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Member for

15 years 10 months

What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

Throughout the month of April, we'll be shining our lovelight on a handful of artists that really made the grade. You'll get to know each of these five artists and find out just what made them connect with the Dead in our exclusive DEAD COVERS PROJECT profiles, but for now we'd simply like to congratulate the following participants (in no particular order)...

Now Playing In The Band...

The project may be over for 2012, but you can continue to check out some of the "Top Rated" videos that were submitted and "Like" them here.

There was a problem loading the youtube API xml

'; $count = '1'; foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) { $media = $entry->children('https://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); $attrs = $media->group->player->attributes(); $videourl = $attrs['url']; $attrs = $media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); $imageurl = $attrs['url']; print '
'; print '

'; print $count++; print '

'; print ''; print ''; print ''; print '

'; print ''; print $entry->title; print ''; print '

'; print ''; print '
'; print '
'; } ?>
" data-num-posts="20" data-width="500">
Display on homepage featured list
Custom Teaser

What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

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Member for

17 years 9 months

I think this is going to be a popular thread...
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Cool! Thanks for doing this. Can it be a JGB cover, or is it strictly Dead?
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Every June I host a 4 hour musical tribute to the Grateful Dead near Kennett Square, PA, about 40 minutes southwest of Philly and just north of Wilmington, Delaware. Last year we had 26 musicians in total perform from about ten different bands. For each song the lineup changes by one, two, or three musicians. There is no downtime between songs so the lineup is carefully choreographed. I chose musicians from all kinds of bands and they range in age from their 20's to their 60's. In many cases they have never played with each other. There are no rehearsals. Each musician is told in advance which songs he will perform in what key and what instrument he or she will play. We get over 600 people out each year and everyone, including the musicians (especially me) LOVEs IT. There are a few train wrecks, mostly unoticed off the stage, but the spontanatiety and the surprise of weaving a tune for the first time with a particular line up is a BLAST. Here is the thread for last year's show. All proceeds benefit the Brandywine Valley Association and the musicians all perform for beer and food! If you want to get on the list for next year, email me at grantini@aol.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXX14nmu4AU&feature=results_main&playnex…
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Member for

16 years 4 months

It almost feels like they made this contest specifically for me! Fortunately, I'm not that egocentric. Oh please, OH PLEASE, will some band nominate me to make their video??? All I would need is to know that your band is... a. TRUE TO THE HEART ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ b. KIND DEADHEADS c. AND HAVE MUSIC and or VIDEO for me to use for this contest. The more the better. d. HAS A WILLINGNESS to work with me through email, skype, phone, etc. to make your video SMOKIN' e. Buy me a beer at the end of it all at a show. If you'd like to see my "ametuer" work from all the things I've made from the heart just go to my vimeo site. Can we actually use vimeo, or do we have to convert to the crappy youtube????? Anyway, either way, I can convert and work with any kind of file either way. Any band interested in a high quality investment (of only time/love/and Jerry) not to mention more exposure just contact my email....I know we have a ton of really killer cover bands out here in Chicago (hey didn't John Kadlicek come from DSO in Chitown?) but I'd like to give the opportunity out there for any Dead.Netter first! So before I go off into Chitown Land and offer my services to some amazing Dead Cover Bands (ie: Mr. Blotto, Sisters and Brothers, Paradise Waits, Jack Straw, Terrapin Flyer, etc.) please accept this plea for me to make your video, I will do it justice ask anyone here. All people interested in Dead "Cover" bands around the country of America go here.......Who knows, maybe you'll make a killer video and rock the Dead.Net? Just sayin' All inquiries go to this email and write me: canyoncritter@southerntwirl.com Or as always you could PM me here on dead.net. ~Critter
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Nice to see you here!
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Member for

15 years 9 months

What about Drums>Space? May we submit a drums segment in lieu of an actual song?
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Member for

13 years 1 month

"Estimated/Eyes" from our 25th anniversary show. We play in New Bedford Mass every Tuesday. We're on FB at "I love Pearly Baker" THe vids were taken by someone else, are already up on Youtube. Can someone explain how I can re-tage them to say Dead Covers Project? Not familiar enough with the youtube landscape to navigate those waters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnTRcr3o2hk&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhgqgMfQSfM&feature=related
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Just making sure here... Whereas we are loving this enthusiasm, we refer you to the actual directions for the contest, posted above, which involve posting your videos on YouTube: "Upload your video to YouTube, tag it “DeadCoversProject,” then we’ll make it available to view on the band’s official YouTube channel, www.youtube.com/gratefuldead." (For the person who sent me a PM wondering if his video that's on Vimeo rather than YouTube will work, I think not, given the above reality.) Now if you just want to tell folks to check out your video, posting about it here is excellent, but for the contest, see above. We would hate to have some really cool video miss out because of this... Thanks, and on with the Dead Covers!
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Member for

16 years 1 month

I hope you enjoy our attempt at a video here... Just highlight, copy, and paste one of the 2 following links into your browser to find the video. Afblu-Smokestackltnin.wmv www.youtube.com OR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOvUyeiuO74 It's the closest I could come to being creative. (PS)" I aint often Right... "(So I corrected the previous link... this will bring you to the video)
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Member for

16 years 4 months

You will need to PM me here on dead.net....just click my name and PM me. PM=Private Message I can teach you how to embed videos....and thank you Marye for clearing that up. I'll post two from Vimeo (I think it is a better site, and actually adheres to alot of our Deadhead principles) but when I make your song, YES THIS MEANS YOU BANDS~The Critter is offering his services for FREE!, I will be sure to post it on somethingtube....I mean Glewtube, oh wait I really mean FLEWtube, or YouTube or something of the like. P.S. I've gotten a couple of submissions so far, but I'm asking you Cubensis, The Maykers type bands from the west coast to get off your California Lag Time and start pulling for my help. Videos to follow (ie: how to embed videos on this site or show your video) examples: Dead.Net 2011 Contest for 30 Days of Dead #1 Dead.Net 2010 Contest for 30 Days of Dead #2 Love is Real, ~Critter
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Is there a limit on submissions?
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Member for

16 years 5 months

As I posted on Youtube: very cool arrangement of Smokestack. Chicago blues feel mixed with what sounds like a ska-like sound, in terms of the 'distant' voice of the sax. Nice!
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Paradise Waits is Chicago's Grateful Dead Experience, and had hosted "Grateful Dead Night" in Chicago for over 2 years. They've been joined by Tom Constanten, John Kadlecik, members of JGB and over a hundred local Chicago musicians over their 7-year history of playing Grateful Dead music!
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Here's our lil' ol' band from one of our parties up in Potter County, PA doing a twist on an old GD classic. I completely blow the 3rd verse...lol. Complete w/ a false start, too! How GD-like! ;0P The band: Mike South - Drums Mike Tony - Keyboards David Tauberg - Bass Eric "Pappy" Weingrad - Guitar, Vocals
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17 years 7 months

theCAUSE with Cherylann Hawk & Jill Paone Simmons on vocals, Patti Spadaro joins us on guitar and Doug McMinn on saxomophone....
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17 years 7 months

Jack StrawtheCAUSE at The Altar Bar in Pittsburgh with Jill Paone Simmons on vocals & Matt Montgomery (from FUNGUS) on drums!
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Member for

13 years 1 month

Hey everybody. Thanks for the kind words on my Row Jimmy video! I felt like doing an "I Know You Rider" cover today. Hope you enjoy.
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Member for

13 years 4 months

Great idea! I can't wait to see and hear my fellow Heads...Dave's Picks and (hopefully) a ton of great videos for 2012 - my cup runneth over!