• https://www.dead.net/features/news/general-news/dead-heads-obama
    Dead Heads For Obama

    The Warfield Theatre
    San Francisco, CA
    Monday, February 4, Doors 6:00 PM/ Show 7:30PM
    Tickets are $35.00 general admission (main floor) and $35.00 (balcony) plus applicable service charges...all ages
    Two-ticket limit per person.
    Tickets will be available through Ticketmaster.com ONLY.
    Will Call only event.
    ::Map The Theater

    Deadheads for Obama

    Grateful Dead Members to Reunite for Barack Obama

    (San Francisco) Members of the Grateful Dead will host a get out the vote concert in support of Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama on Monday, February 4th at The Warfield Theatre in San Francisco.

    Mickey Hart, Phil Lesh, and Bob Weir, joined by Jackie Greene, John Molo, and Steve Molitz, will play show together in support of Barack Obama.

    The video website Iclips will be producing a live simulcast streamed via the Internet on www.iclips.net at approximately 7:30pm PST.

    This will mark the first time that the members of the legendary band have performed together since 2004. They have agreed to reunite for this one-time-only event in order to lend support to Senator Obama leading into the crucial “Super- Tuesday” series of primaries held on Tuesday, February 5th.

    PLEASE NOTE: Tickets will be available through Ticketmaster.com ONLY. Tickets will NOT be available at the box offices, charge-by-phone or Ticketmaster outlets. Two-ticket limit per person. Tickets are non-transferable. No refunds or exchanges. A service charge is added to each ticket price. In the spirit of fair access to tickets for fans, this is a "WILL CALL ONLY" event. UPS and Ticketfast will not be available as delivery choices. You must bring your government issued photo ID and your credit card used to purchase the tickets to the box office window on the day of the show to retrieve these tickets. You and your guest must enter the venue directly upon picking up your order. **Will Call tickets are not transferable and must be picked up by card holder. Alternate names for will call are not allowed. No will call drop-offs permitted.** *** TICKETMASTER, AT ITS DISCRETION, WILL CANCEL ANY AND ALL ORDERS THAT EXCEED THE TICKET LIMIT WITHOUT NOTICE. THIS INCLUDES DUPLICATE ORDERS HAVING THE SAME NAME, BILLING ADDRESS OR CREDIT CARD. ***
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  • Sunshine-daydr…
    17 years 1 month ago
    ican't get in either Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://spanishsunshinedaydream.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=633338979 Spanish Jam
  • Default Avatar
    17 years 1 month ago
    DelilajonesIs it just us or
    Delilajones Is it just us or is everybody looking at a white screen that says "Iclips"?????
  • Swelldance
    17 years 1 month ago
    No Show Blows
    do you think someone would have thought this might be popular and set it up so that more than 12 people can see it and hear the message - what a piece of c****
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17 years 11 months

The Warfield Theatre
San Francisco, CA
Monday, February 4, Doors 6:00 PM/ Show 7:30PM
Tickets are $35.00 general admission (main floor) and $35.00 (balcony) plus applicable service charges...all ages
Two-ticket limit per person.
Tickets will be available through Ticketmaster.com ONLY.
Will Call only event.
::Map The Theater

Deadheads for Obama

Grateful Dead Members to Reunite for Barack Obama

(San Francisco) Members of the Grateful Dead will host a get out the vote concert in support of Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama on Monday, February 4th at The Warfield Theatre in San Francisco.

Mickey Hart, Phil Lesh, and Bob Weir, joined by Jackie Greene, John Molo, and Steve Molitz, will play show together in support of Barack Obama.

The video website Iclips will be producing a live simulcast streamed via the Internet on www.iclips.net at approximately 7:30pm PST.

This will mark the first time that the members of the legendary band have performed together since 2004. They have agreed to reunite for this one-time-only event in order to lend support to Senator Obama leading into the crucial “Super- Tuesday” series of primaries held on Tuesday, February 5th.

PLEASE NOTE: Tickets will be available through Ticketmaster.com ONLY. Tickets will NOT be available at the box offices, charge-by-phone or Ticketmaster outlets. Two-ticket limit per person. Tickets are non-transferable. No refunds or exchanges. A service charge is added to each ticket price. In the spirit of fair access to tickets for fans, this is a "WILL CALL ONLY" event. UPS and Ticketfast will not be available as delivery choices. You must bring your government issued photo ID and your credit card used to purchase the tickets to the box office window on the day of the show to retrieve these tickets. You and your guest must enter the venue directly upon picking up your order. **Will Call tickets are not transferable and must be picked up by card holder. Alternate names for will call are not allowed. No will call drop-offs permitted.** *** TICKETMASTER, AT ITS DISCRETION, WILL CANCEL ANY AND ALL ORDERS THAT EXCEED THE TICKET LIMIT WITHOUT NOTICE. THIS INCLUDES DUPLICATE ORDERS HAVING THE SAME NAME, BILLING ADDRESS OR CREDIT CARD. ***
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17 years

Iam so stoked to see these guys... Welcome back Mark Karan !!!!!!Unfortunately Iclips is so slow, or so many of us heads logged in, that the stream sounds just like an old beat up vinyl record skipping and popping and doing the dirty music dance. ultimately I had to turn it off, it was just too much distraction to listen to all that noise every 10 seconds.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Enjoying a very cool show that well of course I hope goes on tour...ya see that will get a bunch more votes when we will really, really need themin November. Thanks for sticking your necks out boys...it's not even political...it's survival and i'm with the guy that didn't get head faked for a war with tales of "wmd"................PEACE!!.................................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Flight of the seabirds Scattered like lost words Wheel to the storm and fly" John Perry Barlow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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17 years 8 months

I doubt we'll get any kind of proof regarding the load of crap that was posted about Bob Weir. I mean he couldn't even get Bob's name right! I think he needs a new tinfoil hat - sounds like the voices are getting to him...
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17 years 1 month

that is it. they finally lost their minds. i guess all that residual LSD is still spinning through the last 6 brain cells of the last remaining members of the dead. supporting OBAMA, what are they kidding me. dead sucks without jerry anyway sorta like pink floyd without roger waters. all abou the money. GratefulDead.INC concerts are weak. suburban kids peddling 12 0z cans of beer to suburban kids, original. it is not about the tunes. jerry even said it while getting busted with his cola in his nice white beemer. i don't blame him a bit, at least he was honest , phil and bob sneeky little snakey creeps. mickey just keep saying uh huh. Hillary 2008
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17 years 8 months

I was all geared up to view this thing last night and I got nowhere. I figured everyone under the sun was trying to do the same....Music wont get me to vote for someone, the issues will and my vote is still in the air... The Washington Caucuses are this weekend maybe I will see something I havn't seen or heard.... Peace! Eric
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17 years 1 month

http://www.metroactive.com/bohemian/06.07.06/bob-weir-0623.html http://www.sonomacountyfreepress.com/bohos/bohoindx.html First, there was the contesting of Jerry's will over his guitars. Jerry wanted all of them to go to Doug Irwin, the now parapalegic man who created them. The argument Weir put forth was that the guitars were not paid for with Jerry's personal money. His reasoning, they were paid for with Grateful Dead Production money and therefore, not truly Jerry's to give away in his will. How DARE you contest the will of Jerry Garcia and over-ride his wishes for his guitars! Taking two of them away from a parapalegic that could have really used the money? Who in the FUCK do you think you are? Like Jerry gave a shit if the things were sold to some rich fuck on ebay. He cared about Doug Irwin, not a bunch of Heads waiting in a line to see the damn things behind some bullet proof glass. Does this minorly talented bafoon realize he'd have been lucky to be a high school band teacher if it wasn't for Jerry? Jerry was the Grateful Dead, Bobby. I don't see Ratdog on the Forbes list year after year or you selling out Madison Square Garden like JGB did. You're a follower and make a real ass of yourself when you attempt in vain to take a lead. Kind of like your lousy solo's during Little Red Rooster. Then there was the revoking of downloading sounboards from archive.org. How sweet of Bobby to put them back up for streaming only, and why? Because Heads all over the world bitched and threatened to boycott Grateful Dead Productions and Ratdog if he didn't. We should have done the same with Jerry's guitars, as we all should be doing with the recent knowledge of them joining the fucking Bohemian Club, for christ-sakes. Rubbing elbows with the scummiest elitist cunts of the Earth is unacceptable. If you disagree, you must have been a Touch of Grayer that never got it in the first place. No excuses, no justification, it's wrong, period. Jerry would spit in his face and kicked his lame showy ass out of the band if he were still here. Whatever, I've been disgusted with him since the contesting of the will. He continues to prove himself a whore in contradictory positions of what the Grateful Dead once stood for. Somehow, he's got Mickey riding on his new tuxedo curtails too. He may have grown up wealthy, but he's trashier than the trash on Maury Povich. Why? Because he knows where the light is and consciously chooses the dark. You cannot seek out membership in The Bohemian Club, and claim to be a person of Light. Turn around, you piece of mediocrity that was over generously spared being fired from the band in the early 70's. You were a 30 year long Donna, and why, I'll never understand. You are sooooo lucky that Jerry hung onto faith that you might learn to play your guitar one day. You know he still laughed AT you till the last show. Change your ways, find a good witch to break your spell, or you just might find us making jokes that we'll be grateful when YOU are fucking dead. But Hey why listen to me right? I have been referred to as a right wing xian, tinfoil hat wearing phreak on here but that is no big deal, just simple minds not thinking for themselves. All of us really need to wake up from this slumber and look and see what we are really supporting. I wish all of you the best and please open your eyes to what is really going on. I know most of you are very bright intellectual people that have free thought and free will. Its time to use that. Peace be with you all. P.S. I personally believe it will be a Billory Obama ticket, so the money raised here is supporting the Clinton/Bush dynasty....Time to take it back!!!! VOTE NONE OF THE ABOVE. There is and will never be a president for the people until the people wake up and take it back. Weir's a sleazebag. I personally watched that asshole cross an IATSE picket line where the promoters were having an out-of-town road crew set up for Ratdog in Eugene. The scab crew's pay was "experience." But, hey, Gore did the same thing in Eugene in '96....
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Member for

17 years 7 months

ok so we're all ,like silly humans right? the grateful dead, have been musical magic to all of our ears,,all politics aside,,We are the eyes of the world,,,because we all see,,even a blind man knows when the sun is shinning,,cause he can feel it ,,you can feel it too!!!now you know what to do,,,awareness ,, yes , if bobby's a sleezbag, he's my favorite one.i feel lucky to have watched , the end of the broudcast, 7000 miles from home,,people be kind,, and maybye, them boys 'll play some more, peace ,not out TG
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17 years 6 months

beenwaytoolongatsea wow man that's some vitriol dwolfweed ..... harsh flow bobby's way yeah the rooster solos were high pitched farts but how's yer guitar playing i just want to know if i'll ever be able to see the show, where, when, yes ,,, ??
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17 years 4 months

I hope you are feeling better now that you've gotten some garbage off of your chest. Are you telling me BTW doesn't bring a tear to your eye? I just can't believe someone who seems to have so much turmoil inside could really let all of their cares fade away while grooving to the Dead. Let the Music Play. Positive Well Beams heading your way!! PEACE
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17 years 1 month

..is more than bullshit.its this old iluminatius story that they erying to take over the power in the world,they dont need no strange fu?:ů(%_g owl ritual for this man.the world allraedy belongs to them people like mafia,big drug kingpins,repressive forces,world trade org. and their political buddys,they dont have to shove something up in some body-opening to be in power.THEY ARE AND ALLWQAYS HAVE BEEN!!!!!but the story with the guitars is kind of disgusting....when and for how much were they sold?
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17 years 7 months

Two of Jerry Garcia's custom guitars -- fought over in a lawsuit last year between the Grateful Dead and guitarmaker Doug Irwin -- sold for more than $1.74 million to two anonymous buyers at a New York auction last night. Tiger -- a guitar Garcia played for 11 years -- went for $850,000. The other guitar, called Wolf, sold for $700,000. The buyer's commission pushed the price paid for Tiger to $957,500 and the price of Wolf to $789,500. May 2002
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Member for

17 years 9 months

to revive all those CIA conspiracy theories about the Dead and acid being a tool of the establishment to keep the youth docile in the '60s?
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17 years 9 months

Who was that guy? I enjoyed the Jerry experience, but it took more than him to make the Gratful Dead.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Like everyone I am trying to find the deadheads for obama tshirt and sticker for the bus. anyone have any info plz email me at onedeadhead@hotmail.com Be well.........Mike ps......would love a reunion tour in the seattle area guys..........whats the chances :)
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17 years 1 month

i found out pretty quickly,that the bohemian grove aint no new world-order organisation,but its a park or a natural reserve near SF!wonder also what the 40 foot owl should be for as you describe this people as illuminaty,which WAS long ago a branch of the framacons!No framaconic loge uses an owl for whatever rite you might think,their symbols are hammer,skull,bible and other stuff which relates to their roots as the builders of the temple in jerusalem.its clear that you have absolutly no clue of what you are talking.leave bobby alone,hes old enough to make his decisions without the need to explain his actions to anybody........:-P
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17 years 8 months

Hope you run some of the T-shirts from the show. I have seen many peeps make comments that they would buy one. I would be in for 2
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17 years

I need one of those t-shirts!!
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17 years 2 months

Chad and the Darkstars that follow The hill or the bama its still the same , all about the cash people. Its greatful the boys got together but it's the same old,! what really happened to the promised land. Not to be a total bummer but times have changed people look around. The questtion is which is the lesser of the two evils? SOMTIMES THE BLIND MAN TAKES YOUR HAND AND SAYS CAN'T YOU SEE Peace sometime I hope
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17 years 9 months

Must be a redneck, and stay out of my pm's!! Frankly, I could care less about your thoughts. Sorry, everyone I was having a good day till I checked my pm's and found FRANKLY had invaded my private space. Something needs to be done about that.
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17 years 6 months

beenwaytoolongatsea man that dude ian, your aud of DFO is AAAWWWEEESSSSOOOOMMMME!!!!!! and it poured in in about fifteen minutes, smokin' crater in my mind i'd like to blown away right now it is HOT !! every body should get it lossless and super cherry, ahright here we go WHEN THEY COME TO TAKE YOU DOWN ...... ! on dead to the world wed eve david gans spoke about how "phil must have not been playing any bobby tunes lately" when a few nights ago he played sat nite and jack straw bbrraakk. bobby is cool, phil is cool, mickey is cool although he can be a cheeseball, billy rocks the world and was missed, mark gave us what we needed may good health be his almighty bless him, jackie, well, he's innocuous molitz best in keys slot since brent IMHO that's all been's got the dead always
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17 years 6 months

beenwaytoolongatsea sorry left out molo, number one choice on planet in lieu of BK, and barry on the petals skillful, tasteful, well done all around i love the dead and am eupho that all is so alive and well as it is sounding GREAT at sixty eight is all i got to say 'bout phil and bobby is a rock the rock of gibralter solid rocker and steady all along has never waivered going strong, his baby blue in eighty two made me cry shout if u remember that
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17 years 6 months

beenwaytoolongatsea meant baby blue in two thousand two lapse of consciousness one puff over the line
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17 years 1 month

there is not one undecent word in my pm,,,,,,,while the word "jerry thing"was a little too much for me.this guy was a human being,he had a name which was JERRY GARCIA and he gave 40 years of his live to bring joy and happiness to the people.he continued doing so while dying in front of our eyes...........:-P
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Frankly, Your pm was just plain rude. I don't drink as you so indicated. I've been to over 40 shows and enjoyed the Jerry experience, but it took more than him to make the Grateful Dead. Without the other players it was The Jerry Garcia Band. Do you get my drift, see here in America there is such a thing as team work.
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17 years 1 month

i only cited what u said in the above site....peace.
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17 years 1 month

....thats y i send u a pm.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Can we shake hands and move on? I don't believe in personal attacks that is why I blocked you. Your pm was full of prsonal attacks, shit you don't even know about me. You sent me the pm so know one else would see the blood on the knife. That being said PEACE and please move on.
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17 years 7 months

"His job is to shed light, not to master." "And the poet lifts his pen, while the soldier sheaths his sword. . ," - Ian Anderson
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17 years 8 months

We had the Washington State Caucus yesterday. My precinct had over 100 people show up alone. Our local supported 7 precincts so we filled up a Jr High cafeteria. Our precinct had to be relocated due to its size.We had believers from Clinton and Obama with excellent discussion all around When it was all said and done, Obama won the precinct. Our system is working at the Grassroot level and It is such a joy to be part of the process to vote for the president. PS - I was the only one wearing a Dead shirt....Ill get one of those Obama stealie shirts when/if they're available... Eric
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17 years 8 months

Yeah, where can we get the Obama SYF Tee Shirts? Maybe the logo could be made available as a high resolution image and we can make our own. My wife and I went to our local caucus as well. As there was no one to lead our small group, I volunteered to chair. In our group we vote 3 delegates for Barack and 1 for Hillary. I was elected to attend our State caucus in April as a Barack delegate. This is the first time I've been involved in a caucus and it was a truly great experience.
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17 years 9 months

first Nebraska caucus, our district count was 5 to 1 for Obama although when it worked out throughout the state that turned into 2 to 1 for Obama over Clinton. That was an interesting and invigorating experience. I agree with what was said about both candidates and listening to all passionate perspectives 'live and in real time' was preferable to the talking heads (no slight meant for David Byrne, Tina Weymouth, & co) on the tube.
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17 years

I was wondering about a banner for our local 4th of July parade. Would it possible to purchase one? Who made the banner for the show? Anyway our store Minglewood, in Rockford IL marches as a group of 30-40 people of all ages in red white and blue tie dye t-shirts along with several VW vans. We play Hippie music along the whole parade route. It is the best parade in the city because around 60-70 thousand folks attend. please visit the web site www.minglewood.us we also have a myspace page Safety 1st.
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17 years 9 months

maybe we need a parade topic.
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17 years

This show had a great setlist and Phil Lesh was awesome on vocals along with Bob Weir as well.
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17 years 8 months

Where do I get one of those Dead Heads for Obama t-shirts like the one phil is wearing ion the pic? Where did the pic and the Obama video go? Hmm.
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Member for

16 years 5 months

WTF, we were so excited to hear about the Dead reuniting (missing the man of course) in support of Barack Obama-what a miracle! But, come on, no tickets!! Anyone out there have 2 tickets-we will pay, not looking to be miracled, but wanting to find a miracle! How can this event on Oct. 13th be sold out already? It wasn't even advertised! Please contact us if you have 2 tickets you can spare, for 2 old heads who most definitely believe this country needs change. Direct us to some scummy ticket broker if you must, but we NEED to go to this concert! Again, willing and wanting to pay, as long as we are not gouged-too much gouging going on in this country already. Sink that Ship of Fools-vote please! Obama is the real deal, so is Biden. Contact me, if you know how we can score two tickets, please! MJ-Heads in Ohio
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17 years 9 months

according to what people are posting elsewhere, TicketMaster seems to be freeing up tickets pretty regularly, so you might want to check there. Also feel free to post in the Tix Wanted topic.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Ugh...Obama represents everything that is wrong and bad about politicians. Did the band even look into this guys life. You don't have to go far. The guy who is his economic advisor is neck deep in this whole Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac crap. Obama followers fall into two groups: Ignorant and Willingly Ignorant Jerry is rolling in his grave...