• https://www.dead.net/features/news/dead-covers-project-2012
    The Dead Covers Project

    What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

    Throughout the month of April, we'll be shining our lovelight on a handful of artists that really made the grade. You'll get to know each of these five artists and find out just what made them connect with the Dead in our exclusive DEAD COVERS PROJECT profiles, but for now we'd simply like to congratulate the following participants (in no particular order)...

    Now Playing In The Band...

    The project may be over for 2012, but you can continue to check out some of the "Top Rated" videos that were submitted and "Like" them here.

    <?php $youtubeurl = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=DeadCoversProject&max-results=10&orderby=rating&time=this_month&start-index=2&v=2'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($youtubeurl) or print '

    There was a problem loading the youtube API xml

    '; $count = '1'; foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) { $media = $entry->children('https://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); $attrs = $media->group->player->attributes(); $videourl = $attrs['url']; $attrs = $media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); $imageurl = $attrs['url']; print '
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  • marye
    12 years 11 months ago
    somebody start
    The Chant...
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    Semper Fire
    12 years 11 months ago
    Good fun time
    I had a great time, and I think most everybody else had a great time. Unfortunately the world is round and there are all types. So I guess there are whiners too. It seems like comparing apples to oranges to make a contest out of music. But if that is what some will want go ahead and give it to them. What is important is that now we know there are great bands out there still playing Dead. And now we know where they are etc.. We also know that there are tons of Deadheads out there playing amateur versions of Dead tunes. We also know there are tons of Regular folks out there who are also playing dead tunes........ And hopefully the Dead know that we love them and will never give up.... And whenever some of them want to retire the music wont stop. It will be okay.
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    12 years 11 months ago
    Questions going further...
    But seriously.. I think many of us would like to hear an admission from the powers that be that the "contest" as it were (yes, there were prizes.. being among the ten featured / recognition IS a HUGE prize) is NOT based purely on talent and musical ability and interpretations of the Dead tunes, but more on how many "Likes" the band can get on Youtube. So, if one band had a techie in the group, or a huge supply of devotees that could spend 4th dimensional resources campaiging to harvest Likes into the multi thousands, that band would be more likely to achieve the pinnacle of recognition. ...whether or not there was another band that had a version of the same song that blew it away (vocally, instrumentally, etc) but had few Likes, perhaps owing to having started out late in the game, or being technologically challenged, yet managing to post by the deadline, thinking some panel of human judges would be viewing all the ones that were shared (at least on Dead.net's BB bulletin board with a link to the song on their YouTube channel). The reason I feel it is important to be answered (not just for myself but for all the participants) is that going forward, what can we expect for next year? Obviously all of us who entered will be keeping our entries up on YouTube. So for next year, do we simply resubmit them through this portal, on this BB, to say "hey, check out this one!", or must we record new ones, and if we are using existing ones from this year, how will the # of accumulated Likes figure in at that point? From what I've read both on the BB and on various participating artists' YouTube pages and comments, is that many of us jumped through hoops to get submissions up by he deadline, but it amounted to naught, and not due to lack of talent either. When the contest was announced, the challenge was "Do you have what it takes to cover the Dead", and not "do you have what it takes to make your video go viral and have more people "Like" it. Important concerns, IMHO. That having been said, I was extremely impressed with some of the top featured choices. My favorites were Brandon McCoy, Aaron Gibson, Jugtown Pirates, & Packy Lundholm, not necessarily in that order, and would like to congratulate them (as well as the others) for achieving this distinction. I'm also curious as to what extent if any, the members of the Dead and their repsoective offshoot groups see or have any input into what songs "made the grade" (ie the featured list). Thanks in advance for your response. - Mark The Harper
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15 years 10 months

What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

Throughout the month of April, we'll be shining our lovelight on a handful of artists that really made the grade. You'll get to know each of these five artists and find out just what made them connect with the Dead in our exclusive DEAD COVERS PROJECT profiles, but for now we'd simply like to congratulate the following participants (in no particular order)...

Now Playing In The Band...

The project may be over for 2012, but you can continue to check out some of the "Top Rated" videos that were submitted and "Like" them here.

There was a problem loading the youtube API xml

'; $count = '1'; foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) { $media = $entry->children('https://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); $attrs = $media->group->player->attributes(); $videourl = $attrs['url']; $attrs = $media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); $imageurl = $attrs['url']; print '
'; print '

'; print $count++; print '

'; print ''; print ''; print ''; print '

'; print ''; print $entry->title; print ''; print '

'; print ''; print '
'; print '
'; } ?>
" data-num-posts="20" data-width="500">
Display on homepage featured list
Custom Teaser

What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

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Member for

17 years 7 months

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Member for

16 years 3 months

Love it! You all have set the bar extremely high. Great submissions. And, thank you Dead.Net for extending this thing longer! It's morphing into something really special.I'm thoroughly enjoying all the different interpretations of the Greatest Band Of All Time. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee LOVE weeeeeeeeeeeeee And Happycat, I sure hope so, I would love to see some P&F....we'll see, it is the start of golf season (~);-) Keep 'em coming Dead.Net
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Member for

16 years 3 months

All the bandwidth, and the videos are even making me dupidy doodaaa dupidy aye. Sweetness.
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Member for

13 years

Hi Folks! Please have a listen to my version of Crazy Fingers.

My YouTube channel is here.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

This was a great idea. Just awesome stuff being posted. There is some incredible talent out there. Some great younger talent too, which always a good thing. Now, how does the top ten work. Is it by who has the most likes on YouTube? Because the Cassidy by Damià Timoner has shot up to #2. But he has far less views and likes than the Cassidy by Amal and Jeff(which I really like), as well as some of the others with more likes. Don't get me wrong Damià is great just wondering how voting is working. Also check out Mike Masse's Black Peter. This guy is really good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aWnjxTfzW_o
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13 years

modusmongo - your fingers are on fire! thanks for sharing. up vote for sure!!
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13 years

Folks,Thanks for posting the vids from your 20th farewell Ithaca show at Castaways. I was there, & it was a spectacular magical evening! My Owego friends & I have been going to see you guys since day 1, & you'll be greatly missed... Peace & bliss, Matt
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13 years

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzjpeuE2-_0&feature=plcp&context=C3523ea… Recorded June 17, 2011 at The Alley in Highwood, IL. Erik Smith - Lead Guitar & Vocals Tony DiMaria - Rhythm Guitar Mark Kondziolka - Saxophone Brian Swislow - Keys Victoria Weisbart - Vocals Marty Kondziolka - Drums Randy "Beef" Rosset - Bass "Live it or live with it"
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Member for

16 years 5 months

A very good performance, I like it.However, this video looks like it was shot in a (very hip) cafeteria of a warehouse on a break. This is good, but the young child throws every thing off. It may be bring your child to work day (or night) or someone's violating child labor laws. Lots of laughs with this video, but the performance is very good and I like it and that is what really matters here.
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Member for

16 years

How is this one not up at the top of the chart.What a version. If they could only pull a singer in for the beautiful lyrics of this song it would be a winner. But I was singing along anyway.
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Member for

13 years

With an appreciation for many cultures and ways to look at life, my group of local surfer buddies gets together to explore musical boundaries and expression. With the loss of a close friend, we have grown tighter as a group and as friends. So Many Roads has always been a heartfelt song about living to the fullest as our good friend did. Remember to tell your friends and family you love them... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo0k2uFayCs
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13 years

Music with:Mike Moody of Magic Amplification Adam Hoxie George Broadstone Jason Buck of the Sea Palace Studio Filmed by Joel Geist
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Member for

13 years 6 months

We had raised almost 5grand for Rex and a few months before we raised almost 9grand so this poor boy with a spinal disease could obtain a special bed that the government would pay for. This is just an audience recording with grateful slide show CANUSA Theatre Windsor,Ontario Chris Gibson lead guitar using standard strat w/modded pots/cap and fx loop. Fender solid state 110 amp and mutron3 Shakedown
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Member for

13 years

Hi All - Here's my version of Looks Like Rain (just me and my lonesome on piano and vocals - no cops, no funny stuff): My way of saying thanks to the Greatest Band on Earth for all the insane times they showed me back in the day!
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Member for

13 years

Thank you mylerdude! Very kind of you ,-)
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Does anyone know the top ten is working? Damia is number one this morning. Now, he's is great, the Cassidy in terrific. But he he has few less likes and views on youtube than Cubensis or Amal and Jeff, who are both awesome. Based on the number of likes on youtube Damia should more at about 5 and Cubensis and Amal & Jeff should be back 1 and 2. Just wondering.....
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Member for

13 years

I think it's more of a ranking by the PTB at DeadNet, but can't say for sure. Some great music on here, no mater how it's rank. Keep them coming!
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14 years 3 months

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14 years 3 months

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Member for

16 years 5 months

I like this one, too. In fact, I like them all that have been selected by dead.net and those who are just posts here. You have just have to appreciate the music to understand it all.Keep up the good work.