• 1,225 replies
    If you'd like to know where to find something, how to use a particular feature, or why something doesn't seem to make sense, ask here! We'll do our best to help.


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  • marye
    It's possible you have defective discs; mine play fine in iTunes so that's my first guess, but I'm no tech expert. Especially in Windows. I'll pass this along to the tech folks and see if they have any thoughts, and one of us will get back to you. Sorry for the hassle.
  • marye
    well, fluff
    you're the first person to come along and mention them, but we could start a topic on 'em if you want!
  • fluffhead042
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    The Schwag
    How come you guys don't have The Schwag listed on your site in the "other bands" section? They keep the vibe alive and turn on more people to your music than anyone. I thought the dead were gothic before I went to this little festival in the woods called "Schwagstock" and my life changed. I am not alone. Deadheads need to catch one of their shows/festivals. JGB with Melvin Seals play there occasionally.
  • bigmountain
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    No idea if this is the proper forum...i received Winterland and was so looking forward to listening to it on my laptop.but when i inserted it into the drive, it spinned a couple times and that's it. tried opening it with itunes, winamp, wmp, and EAC - all with the same results. it plays fine in my car and my work laptop. i thought it had to do with HDCD, but then i put in 'stepping out', also HDCD, and that played fine. i'm able to burn, rip, and liste to other cd's. any help would make feel loved. thanks
  • Mr. Pid
    That would be Brent. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • NinaG
    Blow Away
    Who is singing this song?
  • Hal R
    Who knows what is up? Maybe illness etc., there have been some pretty good viners here that disappeared for a while and then come back. Vinekiller moniker may be premature Someone could restart the vine. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • erickat
    The Warfield 10/9/80 Vine seems to have died.
    Not sure what the protocol is here. The Warfield 10/9/80 Vine seems to have died. It was sent to GratefulGooner on Feb 27 and nobody's seen or heard from him since. We have his address, but his phone is unlisted. I don't want to trash the guy, if he has a good excuse & is Planning on getting the vine back on track, but how long is too long? When do we tag him with the moniker Vinekiller?
  • Mr. Pid
    Oh Captain My Captain
    Apparently you can, because you just did.Welcome aboard! Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • CaptainM25
    Can I post a comment?
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17 years 1 month
If you'd like to know where to find something, how to use a particular feature, or why something doesn't seem to make sense, ask here! We'll do our best to help.
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Member for

17 years

It's still in the menu but all it is, is (homage to Bubba Clinton) a list of every show's date with the venue below and a link to "details". Wasn't it once a list of links to each indvidual year? As it is now you have to page through every show to find the year you want. So, if you're lookin' for 1972, first you have to find what page 72 starts on by using the process of elimination and once you find it see which page of shows from 72 has your date. Is that clear? A simpler explanation: "Shows By Year" is the same thing as the "All Shows" only with 3 lines as opposed to 1line on "All Shows.". 1 day closer to springtime!!
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12 years 4 months

Hi,I wanted to know if I could post a survey on the message boards to try and get some market validation. Here is the link to the survey- http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DTWG9NC please let me know- thank you!
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17 years 1 month

commercial purposes, but I'd suggest that if you want to post a marketing survey you post in in the Your Own Storefront topic in the forums, which is the designated area for hawking one's wares.
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Member for

14 years

I see that at least one person posted earlier about the Show By Year problem ... um, couldja fix it already? The Show by Year on Deadnet is (or was) a great resource -- very user friendly, easy to search, a great quick "go-to" reference. But now, unless you're looking up, oh, '66 or '67, it's a serious pain. Not even really usable unless you feel like playing Click-on-a-Page Roulette. It's got to be a glitch, and not an intentional "Improvement" (I hope I hope), so I have the feeling that some techie at Deadnet WOULD know how to put it back, if someone would just ask nicely. So, pretty please? :-)
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Member for

12 years 4 months

I'd just love to help you gather your info so you can make some serious bucks off of us! How much do you pay, anyways? Surely you'd at least donate something to the webmasters of this site - or you could go away....
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17 years 1 month

but if you go to the In Search of Info topic and ask that question in the comment thread, it should work just fine...
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14 years 6 months

I just clicked on the almanac and went to comics and saw the images coming from Hunter's "Rosemary". Ye Gods! That was not funny. I'd never really listened to those lyrics before and even as I listened to the song (they have that feature now) the lyrics were hard to make out. If the Grateful Dead were really singing songs for those who have passed away (with Hunter & Barlow making up the words) then they were also riffing on ghosts, as Rosemary seemed to be some watery image from a goth H.P. Lovecraft novel. It's still sending shivers up and down my spine. Yikes, this might be enough to scare me away forever!
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17 years 1 month

that way. We have topics for a lot of likely categories in which you are welcome to post questions, comments, etc. If you have something to say or ask that doesn't seem to fit, or would like to have a new topic started, send me a PM. Thanks.
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17 years 1 month

just go to the What Else Should We Be Talking About? topic and post there. Or do what's currently happening in the Deadheads, Religion and Spirituality topic, start brainstorming a secular version with folks who think there's a need for one, and when it jells we'll launch it.
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17 years 1 month

I've seen it around, but I don't know who the artist is...
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Member for

12 years 8 months

I just tried to order the dvd box set and my browser says the Shout! Factory site is not secure. Seems a little strange. Is it safe to order??
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17 years 1 month

it's a different company from this one, so I dunno. I'll inquire, but it's not us.
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Member for

12 years 2 months

I am trying to locate Jack Ellis and his wife. If anyone knows how to reach him please let me know or let him know someone is looking for him. Close friend passed away.
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Member for

12 years 4 months

I am not able to order from the store using different my name or my wife's name and using different credit cards. Yesterday was a one day special on Road Trips with free shipping and you guys missed out on $100 order. That is ridiculous. I can see that Rhino is still screwing up royally on milking this cash cow.
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17 years 1 month

send me a PM with the details and I'll see if we can fix this.
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Member for

12 years 2 months

"You may meet (or, 'be') the fate of Ophelia/ Sleeping and PENCHANCE to dream//.." What does the word "Penchance" mean, it is not in the dictionary. driving me crazy trying to understand what this lyric means... I'm thinking "Penchant" but that's not how its sung or written anywhere I've looked... Can u give me a brief explanation? Thanks
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17 years 1 month

perchance, and you'll probably have better luck.
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Member for

12 years 2 months

ok, thanks soooo much, I get it, Shakespeare...
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17 years 1 month

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Member for

17 years

Could we please get a newspaper thread?For "news" about any topic, good, bad or strange. But news that was read in a newspaper and the link to the article is a must so you can go read it if you like. Could we get a GD family concert thread? A place to post any state or county live music. Just asking. Thank you.
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Member for

14 years 6 months

I'm not sure this is the right forum to ask but maybe you can steer me to the right place? I have a cassette, " Greatful Dead, Dead Set" on Arista from around 1981. It's a 2 album recording with some of my favorite tracks like Samson & Delilah, Brokedown Palace etc. It's worn out and I'd like to get it on cd. Anyone know where I can order it? Thanks..
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Member for

12 years 8 months

I subscribed on the very first day Dave's Picks was advertised back in October, but I still have not received vol. 1. Two calls to customer service led to a replacement being sent (on 23 March I was told - I never got an email confirmation); however this one has still not made it to Europe. All of my previous orders with dead.net arrived within 15 days. I am particularly concerned, and posting this plea here, as DP1 is now sold out and DP 2 will be shipping soon. Marye, can you please help? Thanks.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

send me a PM with the details and I'll see what I can do.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Hi - is there a section on this site where we can upload photos of fans from shows? I have lost touch with many tour friends over the years and would love to share old photos. :) -Angela
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Member for

14 years 6 months

If the dead.net store doesn't have it (and I assume that is why you posted here, otherwise look there and support the band) then go to Amazon which has 8 left in stock. I love Deadset also. It rocks. Also, Reckoning is the pick for choice acoustics from this run.
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17 years 1 month

On the community page there's a feature for uploading fan photos, and we THINK that it's working properly now after much drama, so give it a try...
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Is there a way I can hide the product threads? It's bothering me to have to wade through so many of them to find the threads I want to read. OR how about one catalog thread-showing all of the products in there. I guess they are what fund this site, but...to me it feels like the community feeling is tipping over into sales only.
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Member for

16 years 6 months

That ol' Filter by Item Type combo sure was handy for things like TL's experiencing...
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17 years

you might be interested in purchasing, INSTEAD of a mini billboard of a 'related product' obscuring the view (picture) of what you might be wanting to buy. This is a bizarre way to try and sell stuff. To hide what you want the customer to see, behind a picture of group of 'related products'. Or the even more strange when you hide the product the customer wants to see behind a BLANK 'related product' cutain which obscures the product the customer was attempting to view. So the idea is that every purchase should a mystery (grab bag?) at the GD store? "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble, it's what you know for sure that ain't so." M. Twain.
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Member for

17 years

Are there going to be any special events marking the 5th Anniversary of the new deadnet? I think there should be! I wonder if Marye can be persuaded to write a piece for us on her experiences as our heroic moderator over the years. I am sure there are many untold stories she can share with us (amended to protect the innocent and guilty of course). How about it Marye :-)
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Would be cool to read such a thing from marye. Might also help re-spark interest in this site, 'cuz at least I am loosing it.
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17 years 1 month

I'll check in WRT anniversary celebrations. As for tell-alls, my mind is surprisingly blank...
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Member for

17 years

Surprisingly blank or conveniently blank? ;-) Some celebration would be nice, but if possible please not another competition that us foreigners can't enter. How about a special download?
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17 years 1 month

I tend to go all deer-in-the-headlights when called upon to remember things on short notice. Who knows what I may remember at 3 a.m. on Tuesday, however.
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is jam of the week discontinued? there is a post for this week, though it comes up as page not found just like last week...I will wait & see what happens. The mic on GDHour does not show when I try to share GDHour 760; & we all know the GDHour ONTHEAIR mic makes the post look great. The same problem has come up with taper's section quite often, maybe because multiple thumbs have been offered...I dunno'.
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17 years 1 month

this is a test, as I've had a report of people being unable to access this topic, and it's coming up fine for me...
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Member for

13 years 5 months

I'm either looking right over it or you don't log out anymore?
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Member for

15 years 5 months

,,,,,as Phil Edwards said--(to surfers out there--60's icon)--surfin is tryin to make a difficult thing look easy!!!!-----someone just made an easy thing--difficult--for this old surfer-ALOHA!
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Member for

17 years

Something does not work!I have been enjoying poster art and poster lettering for over 40 years... I cannot make the Gr?teful Dead at the top of the new home page work. Maybe I need to be 'in the mood'.
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Member for

11 years 9 months

Is it wrong to use the parilments bop gun to shoot down the smoke shack pipe shop's- crystal blue steal your face sticker- from an ancient tour for refusing to carry grateful dead mechant dice today? jacob jamerson green street, champaign ,il university of illinios p.s. I just wanted a sticker.....