• https://www.dead.net/features/news/dead-covers-project-2012
    The Dead Covers Project

    What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

    Throughout the month of April, we'll be shining our lovelight on a handful of artists that really made the grade. You'll get to know each of these five artists and find out just what made them connect with the Dead in our exclusive DEAD COVERS PROJECT profiles, but for now we'd simply like to congratulate the following participants (in no particular order)...

    Now Playing In The Band...

    The project may be over for 2012, but you can continue to check out some of the "Top Rated" videos that were submitted and "Like" them here.

    <?php $youtubeurl = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=DeadCoversProject&max-results=10&orderby=rating&time=this_month&start-index=2&v=2'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($youtubeurl) or print '

    There was a problem loading the youtube API xml

    '; $count = '1'; foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) { $media = $entry->children('https://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); $attrs = $media->group->player->attributes(); $videourl = $attrs['url']; $attrs = $media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); $imageurl = $attrs['url']; print '
    '; print '

    '; print $count++; print '

    '; print ''; print ''; print ''; print '

    '; print ''; print $entry->title; print ''; print '

    '; print ''; print '
    '; print '
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    13 years ago
    For all you Bay Area Dead Heads
    Come out and see the Jugtown Pirates live this coming Friday, March 16, at Hopmonk in Sebastopol. Have fun mingling with your fellow dead heads and see why they're becoming one of the hottest new jambands. You wont be sorry. The Haight comes to Sebastopol-Get on board the bus before it's too late!!!
  • ziphler
    13 years ago
    Well they say "put up or shut up" and I've been sufficiently inspired by this vehicle to try to nudge it toward a more inclusive trajectory. So, as long as they let me get away with it, I'm gonna run my own little featured list. Who the fuck am I you may ask or more likely you've already noted my obvious self-indulgent nature. Hey, I'm an Aries and have accepted my place at the center of the universe which is why I can say to dead_naked_drummer, who by the way with such a cool name has got to be a pretty hip cat in his own right, without reservation that if there was even an inkling of truth to his declaration then we might as well kill ourselves now because there must be no flame fueling our universe. Fortunately even dnd has to know better deep down but this diversion allows me to cheat right out of the box by presenting an entry that was never submitted to deadcoversproject (I'm not setting precedent, that occurred with the posting of son of Mickey Hart's powerhouse, saturnreturnsband) yet nevertheless ought to qualify as the oldest dead cover band in existence and while the banjo player is pretty sparky, taken in total I doubt this video would have been recognized or made it to the featured set last month. So please, like em if ya got 'em and enjoy this, the very first . . . . . . . .

    ziph's picks

    By Ziph’s rules I’m thinkin any entry will be allowed to occupy up to three categories. The entry above for instance might appear in 1. Duets (but there's four. Ok,if they were a duet then) 2. No longer in circulation 3. Traditional bluegrass I’ll work up an entire category list soon but before I beat that horse it’s time to give Cubensis a little heat and after just scratching the surface of the more than 2000 entries I have already stumbled upon a veritable gold mine of solid, performances by “Playin’ Dead” out of Boston. These guys glide right out to dnd's edge and skimboard down the other side where they are the first to be nominated in the category: Nuts and Bolts Dead Bands These guys have been putting in the hours, are prolific, and got what it takes to soothe a worried mind. I expect they’ll be making many of my lists as we roll down the road. Like ‘em or leave ‘em Pretty good huh? Check out some of their other tunes; let me know your favorites. In fact, give a listen to Mr Charlie if you wanna see this southpaw in full regalia. And this wouldn’t be political without a little mutual back scratching. I would not have found Playin’ Dead if I had not listened to PAPPYPGH’s best solo performance, a very serviceable rendition of Dupree’s Diamond Blues PAPPYPGH has a powerful tenor voice that I suspect will really come into its own as he learns to belt it out and keep it out and he is a solid guitar technician who knows the chords and is neither tenuous nor sloppy. And it was PAPPYPGH’s Dupree’s that led me to this larger than life version by Playin’ Dead, where they demonstrate a cool as ice execution of this silly song. And that’s it for our first edition of Ziph’s Picks. I’m just kidding about the likes, go ahead and like what you want, we’ll be following traffic, not likes. ziph
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    13 years ago
    re: Cubensis, et al,,,
    Two bands that come to mind have gone way over and beyond. The bands NOT THE DEAD and Punk Is Dead which posted for this 'lil experiment.
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15 years 11 months

What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

Throughout the month of April, we'll be shining our lovelight on a handful of artists that really made the grade. You'll get to know each of these five artists and find out just what made them connect with the Dead in our exclusive DEAD COVERS PROJECT profiles, but for now we'd simply like to congratulate the following participants (in no particular order)...

Now Playing In The Band...

The project may be over for 2012, but you can continue to check out some of the "Top Rated" videos that were submitted and "Like" them here.

There was a problem loading the youtube API xml

'; $count = '1'; foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) { $media = $entry->children('https://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); $attrs = $media->group->player->attributes(); $videourl = $attrs['url']; $attrs = $media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); $imageurl = $attrs['url']; print '
'; print '

'; print $count++; print '

'; print ''; print ''; print ''; print '

'; print ''; print $entry->title; print ''; print '

'; print ''; print '
'; print '
'; } ?>
" data-num-posts="20" data-width="500">
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What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

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13 years 1 month

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16 years 1 month

Here's my '71-style arrangement of Bertha. All videos are complete takes. Enjoy, and thanks to the GD folks for doing this cool project!
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13 years 1 month

The lights were a bit low but we loved playing this tune. If you are in Raleigh, NC check out Shakedown Street. Vibes at a venue cant's be any better Love and Light to all
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Member for

13 years 1 month

Hi - I uploaded a vid (Looks Like Rain) a few days ago and it is still not appearing on the Dead's youtube channel despite being tagged with "DeadCoversProject". Did they stop accepting submissions in early Feb, or is there something else one needs to do to link it in? Here's my link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BArJhf16XGI Thanks for any info!
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Been checking out all your videos and friggin' wow man, blown away, by all the kind folks with an ear for music. No wonder all the "underground" bands always blow me away ~Live~ , you all are so talented, and have a love for the Good Ole' Grateful Dead. I bet we could ((((HUGZ))))) the entire world right now with our talent and abilities as a community, no individual, no "sacred lot", or "uber innie" circle could, but just some good ole' fashion Good Lovin' Dead.Net hippie lovin' folk. My jaw is wide open at this point.... Remember, to always let your ♥♥♥♥LOVE♥♥♥♥ Light, always.... Let it Shine!!! ~Critter P.S. Deadheads, I posted directions on how to embed here.... ~ EMBED DIRECTIONS POST ~ And a list of all the cover bands in your area (get them out of the wood works) here...
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Member for

13 years 1 month

My Loser cover was sited on youtube for having matched third part content. I posted it less than 12 hours ago, and has only had a handful of views. Has anyone else had issues or experience with this? No other postings of mine have been sited for this, although most others are published under Arista (Row Jimmy, Jack Straw, Standing on the Moon, Bird Song). Loser is published under Warner. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8SabzveL3Y
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Member for

13 years 1 month

We're a fairly new band and the only videos we have so far are from fans. So I have no way of officially entering our stuff. But here's a nice fan vid. This is the first time we tried this one, so go easy on us. ;-) Much Peace
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Member for

14 years 4 months

most of mine are the same thing. Not really a problem. It just means that they are allowing you to keep the video up and they will place their own ads on the side of it . If you start getting copyright infringements, they can yank your video or close your whole channel. Just don't try to monitize any videos with copyrighted material and you should be fine.
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Anyone know how to get the videos to actually appear in these posts (so that folks can just click on 'em instead of having to cut and paste the address? . . . thanks for any help
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Member for

13 years 1 month

Howdy William-O,Go to the youtube page that has your vid, click the share button, then click the embed button, then right click on the blue highlighted code that appears & click copy, then, when you go to the "comment" section of your post, right click & paste the code, then hit preview, if it's there, click save! peace & bliss, Matt
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Thanks Matthew. I'm enjoying your Franklin's (and amazing visuals). Giving this another whirl:
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Member for

16 years 3 months

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Member for

16 years 3 months

My computer wasn't showing that my uploads were uploaded until they all appeared!! My Bad!!
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Member for

13 years 2 months

Hey there, To everyone who’s frustrated because they can’t get noticed or even find the video they posted. All these entries could not be sifted and ranked in thirty days, nor should they be. There is some really awesome stuff on here (check out the jam band on the big stage at a hot springs in Utah – wow!) and this is going to be a phenomenal collation of wonderful creations. But we’re here for the long hall. Over time the really cool stuff will come bubbling up just like the very best dead shows have. I love this band soooo much and can never get enough of their delusion. One of our posted videos had 2 likes 3 weeks ago. At least 20 of our Facebook fans went to the video’s YouTube site and clicked on “like” yet it still has just 2 likes. Some of them asked me what they should do and this is what I said: “Don't know and ain’t gonna lose sleep over it. The problem lies with the Grateful Dead [dis]Organization. This band's logistical team could screw up a Sunday Picnic (It was always part of their charm). They couldn't hold free and fair elections if their drug supply depended on it (In fact their motto used to be: "fuck em if they can’t take a joke"), but thanks for trying! and God Bless the Grateful Dead! LOL” Not trying to be mean here or (god ferbid) disparage the band but I wouldn’t ask them to take out my appendix either. There are a couple of really interesting, inspiring, tunes featured but by far the really phenomenal stuff is buried deep in the entries. You don’t often hear deadheads talk about what horney fucks they are but there’s no question, just looking at what’s making the feature page so far, that the male votes can be influenced by a pretty girl (or in my case all the cute guys, especially bass players) which probably isn’t really fair is it? But there you go and it’s my point (if I actually have one). I mean really folks; David Gans has ALREADY been featured twice - the fix is in - Let them have their 30 days of fame in their own mind, we’re here for the long hall - and what a great site and collection. LONG LIVE THE GRATEFUL DEAD!! and all the creative musicians they have FINALLY spawnd ziph
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Member for

13 years 1 month

Just wanted to say: waking up to having my Looks Like Rain vid featured on the Grateful Dead's website today is truly a dream come true!!! Thanks to all the folks running this and to the Universe at large for this opportunity!!! -Satish
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Member for

16 years 1 month

Currently in the top 10?! Awesome, thanks guys!! Some really great stuff coming in, loving it
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Just wondering how many times the SAME video should be submitted. It's great to be noticed. Is it necessary to be at the top of the thread list all the time? With the same thing? Just sayin' No harm intended. Peace
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Member for

13 years

tried to only post this once hope somebody enjoys it...we did
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13 years

We are so stoked to be in the top ten. What a great idea this contest is. Kudos to whoever thought this up. Doug Grean Saturn Returns