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  • Randall Lard
    dripping sounds yield to stillness
    Oh well, fuck them then...
  • Mike Edwards
    Pussy Riot Petition
    I tried to sign it, but that website didn't seem to care for my Android.
  • Randall Lard
    feline vs ferocious
    it's no surprise a male dog barks aggressively.a pussy would sing soprano. did you sign the petition Mary and Mike?
  • marye
    in other news
    it appears that Cyndi Lauper sings "At Last" very well.
  • Mike Edwards
    Vaginal Vigilantism
    I nominate Pussy Riot for the best band name ever.
  • slo lettuce
    SNL "E-Meth" skit with Aaron Paul...
    helps to fill the void of no more Breaking Bad. Completely politically incorrect, too. Enjoy :)
  • Randall Lard
    hanging fire, to resurrect and dissolve
    Cornelia Parker What Do Artists Do All Day? In Conversation Cornelia Parker is a London-based sculptor and installation artist. She was born during the year 1956 in Cheshire, England. She was raised on a Cheshire smallholding. Cornelia Parker's work is regarded internationally for its complex, darkly humorous, ironic style. Cornelia Parker's work is highly allusive and patterned with cultural references to cartoons, a style which she adapts to her need to capture things in the moment before they slip away and are lost beyond human perception. When examining her work holistically one can see the following themes driving her work forward consumerism, globalization, and the role of the mass media in contemporary life. Cornelia Parker was nominated for the Turner Prize in 1997 and featured in the 8th International Sharjah Biennial in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates in 2007. Cornelia Parker has rural roots, as Simon Hattenstone for the Telegraph writes, Her sickly father had never been out with a girl until he was 34 and met Parker's mother, a German girl who had been traumatised as a Luftwaffe nurse in the second world war. Life was tough and physical – mucking out the pigs, milking the cows. "My father wanted a boy badly and didn't get one, so I was happy to be the surrogate boy. I was very strong, always doing manual labour." Later, Cornelia Parker studied art and received her MFA at Reading University in 1982. The Telegraph reports that Cornelia Parker trained at Wolverhampton Polytechnic because she was turned down by the larger colleges in London. After her Masters degree Cornelia lived a bohemian lifestyle in the fringes of Eastern London where she worked from home. She was awarded honorary doctorates from the University of Wolverhampton (2000), the University of Birmingham (2005), and the University of Gloucestershire (2008). As the Telegraph writes: While she got teaching jobs in the art schools that had rejected her, she was opposed for years to the commercial art market, and wasn’t represented by a gallery until she was nominated for the Turner Prize in 1997. Parker is married to the American artist Jeff McMillan. She has a daughter Lily, with whom she became pregnant with at the age of 44. The pregnancy is depicted in a piece of art in which Parker purchased the night gown worn in the film Rosemary's Baby hoping to wear it for birth but it was too small so she displayed it as a piece of art. Many of Cornelia Parker's artworks are ephemeral or 'site-specific', created for a single time and place. Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View (1991) was such a work, in which Cornelia Parker had the British Army explode a garden shed, and the fragments were suspended in the air around a single source of illumination casting shadows of the shattered pieces on the walls. This work was displayed at the Tate Modern Gallery. Mark Hudson wrote the following in a review of the work for Telegraph: Squashing a brass band is quite another. Flattening a whole band’s worth of instruments and sending them to the North East, home of the Durham Miners’ Gala, where the blare of brass is the very breath of proletarian pride, suggests a degree of chutzpah bordering on the suicidal. The striking style of the suspended sculpture, which challenges the limitations of time and space, is typical of Cornelia Parker's work. Hanging Fire (Suspected Arson) (1999) is another example of this type of sculpture, in which charred fragments of a building supposedly destroyed by arson are suspended by wires and pins in a pattern which is both geometrical and chaotic. The work captures the identity of the two states by a retroactive positioning, much in the manner of a forensic scientist might reconstruct the scene of a crime. Cornelia Parker has had numerous solo exhibitions in England, Europe, and the United States, at the Serpentine Gallery, London (1998), ICA Boston (2000), the Galeria Civica de Arte Moderne in Turin (2001), the Kunstverein in Stuttgart (2004), Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, California (2005), the Modern Museum at Fort Worth, Texas (2006) and Museo de Arte de Lima, Lima Peru (2008). The work of Cornelia Parker was included in group exhibitions and public collections at the Tate Gallery in London, MOMA in New York, the British Council, Henry Moore Foundation, De Young Museum in San Francisco, the Yale Center for British Art and many other venues. Some of her most noted exhibitions and works include Chomskian Abstract (2008), Never Endings (2007, 2008), Brontëan Abstracts (2006), The Distance (A Kiss with String Attached) (2003), Subconscious of a Monument (2002), Blue Shift (2001), Edge of England (1999), and The Maybe, in collaboration with Tilda Swinton (1995). b. 1956, Cheshire, England For some years Cornelia Parker’s work has been concerned with formalising things beyond our control, containing the volatile and making it into something that is quiet and contemplative like the ‘eye of the storm’. She is fascinated with processes in the world that mimic cartoon ‘deaths’ – steamrollering, shooting full of holes, falling from cliffs and explosions. Through a combination of visual and verbal allusions her work triggers cultural metaphors and personal associations, which allow the viewer to witness the transformation of the most ordinary objects into something compelling and extraordinary. 2013 a solo exhibition at Frith Street Gallery, London 2012 The Unseen: 4th Guangzhou Triennial, Guangdong Museum of Art, China 2012 Medals of Dishonour a group exhibition at Hermitage’s Menshikov Palace, St Petersburg, Russia 2011 Thirty Pieces of Silver York St Mary’s, York 2010 Doubtful Sound, a solo exhibition at Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead 2008 Latent News, a solo exhibition at Frith Street Gallery 2007 – 2008 Never Endings, a touring solo exhibition at IKON, Birmingham; Museo De Arte de Lima, Peru 2001 a solo exhibition at GAM, Galleria Civica D’Arte Moderna, Turin 2000 a solo exhibition at ICA Boston
  • slo lettuce
    National Geographic Channel presents: 'Cribs' ...
    Next week's episode: "The Do's and Don'ts of Financing a Hollow Log" - {%};-)
  • PalmerEldritch
    Breaking Bad
    Nice write-up, Anna. I loved the series but found the finale a bit disappointing. I guess I was hoping for a little more thought-provoking ending. Instead, it was a pretty predictable shoot-up. I thought maybe Walt finally succumbing to his cancer, quietly, alone, might have been more poignant. And the machine-gun in the trunk seemed a bit far-fetched. (we knew Walt was a genius chemist, but now apparently he is also a brilliant mechanical engineer....(?)) My favorite seasons were 1 and 2; those seemed to be the most realistic to me. After that they sometimes seemed to try a little too hard. Still, I loved all of it. I think it's the greatest psychological suspense/thriller i've ever seen (movies, TV, or otherwise).
  • Anna rRxia
    Reaching the end of "Breaking Bad"
    After capturing three Emmies this year alone (Best Dramatic series; Best Supporting role }Anna Gunn, Walter White's wife 'Skyler'[; Best Production/Technical values (or similar)) I would have to say that the ending episode of the series, it's ultimate conclusion, was satisfying. The series was always praised by TV critics. One of the things underlined before the final episode by said critics, and myself also here in this thread last year, is the playing out of the series on a lean, spare run to it's logical conclusion. That is, every episode had something to contribute to the plot line and there was no playing out tangents that had nothing to do with furthering the dramatic content of the series, with the possible exception of the "fly in the super-lab" (not it's official name) episode. Now, as for the ending.... It wasn't one of those confusing or ball-bustingly unsatisfying endings that leaves you gnashing your teeth and wanting to yell at the ceiling. For instance, it would have been a bummer if Walt had left Jessie slaving away in a Meth mine for the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang bent on supplying the Czech Republic's meth-head population. It would have been unsatisfying had not the whole Aryan crew not been taken out by a simple but tech-savvy swiveling machine gun in the huge trunk of an old American car. An older car, but an American classic that logically had room for such a device. The ending continues to play out with such things as Walter being able to pay for his son's college education (coincidentally, with the amount he originally set out to make in the first episode) and getting back at his old lover and her new husband who had used Walter's brilliant technical research for their ultimately wildly successful high-tech start-up called "Grey Matter" or something to that effect. Brilliantly, Vince Gilligan's writer's manage to kill a third bird by including Jessie's two old cohorts whom he has using laser pointers to convince the couple that they are guns for hire who will kill them should they not give "Flynn" (the nickname for Walter's son named Walt Junior) his college cash. that Lydia, the conniving bitch who plays the materials handler for the big German conglomerate that provided a necessary, hard to get precursor chemical gets hers with a simple phone call from Walter saying ricine had been spiked into her stevia sweetner packet at the cafe (slightly unbelievable unless you believe he is willing to kill everybody using stevia at said cafe that day). The number of people who end up being killed on this series during it's six year run is truly staggering and if I had to hazard a guess I would say the number is somewhere around two to three hundred starting with an obscure character chained up in the basement of then Jessie's aunt's house. There is poignancy being developed even at this early point as neither partner in crime wants to kill somebody and they end up having to toss a coin to see who will do the deed. Walt shows a father's tenderness by cutting the crusts off the sandwiches he is feeding his prisoner and showing some real angst about the matter, an angst that is only dispelled when he realizes, by solving the cognitive puzzle of a missing piece of dinner dish that is a jagged shard, that his prisoner intends to kill him with should he get the opportunity. Fast forward one or two seasons when Walt, Jessie and Gus Freyne narrowly avoid being killed by an apparent drone missile attack called in by the DEA, I think, on the marriage of an important cartel relative that is also a summit between two cartels and thus a prime target. The missile kills probably 50-100 people. Fast forward to the last episode while Jessie slowly strangles to death the baby-faced Aryan brotherhood sociopath stone killer whose uncle runs the prison gang. Walt kills the uncle without any compunction at all. The scene that follows is what I found most interesting about the whole final episode: Jessie picks up a pistol and prepares to shoot Walter, who seems to welcome the death which is impending from all angles. Jessie finds this too easy and asks Walter's permission, which he enthusiastically grants. Jessie finds that all too easy and drops the pistol, telling Walter to do it himself. Well thought-out ending by Gilligan's writers of the interaction between these two main characters. Jessie then high-tails it out of the compound, busting a gut laughing while he busts the gate. Walt, meanwhile, takes a final tour of yet another meth lab on the premises of the Aryan compound Jessie has been forced to labor in as the police close in. Whether it be from the cancer, the cops or the bullet wound he has sustained in the final scene, Walt knows he is dying and is no longer running from the law. The most telling scene in the entire episode comes earlier when he is talking to his wife Skyler about why he did this continuing series of crimes when he had had multiple opportunities to just walk away with mad stacks of Benjamins. He says something to the effect that he likes it. It was something that made him feel alive, even as he was dying. Two supporting characters that are worthy of mention and probably rate Emmy's for their support roles, are the lawyer Saul (not even his real name in the fictional mode) who was always good for a laugh whenever he made an appearance. He had the lawyer/criminal/lawyer role nailed right down to the white Cadillac with the license plate "lawyrup". The other was Mike, the former cop turned hard core criminal security chief. The show would have paled somewhat without the brilliant performances turned in by these two. I have to say for a final time that I loved the pathos of this show and the social commentary it provides as a plot for so many people's lives in America, whether it be for the ongoing $800,000 a year lifestyle or the Eighty million dollar empire built up over time. Otherwise good people are turned bad for the slightest of justifications. In America there are ever so many more people "Breaking Bad" rather than "Breaking Good". Thank God for the example of those Breaking Good. May their example always shine brightly! (Please excuse the length of this review, I hope you found it a good summation and a good read.)
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17 years 4 months
...and there's nothing on? Say it ain't so!
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15 years 2 months

...The Walking Dead.
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knowing what it is doesn't always help.but it helps a little. helps more than you might know. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 -
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17 years 3 months

How do you do that? Imbed the videos?

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12 years 11 months

Lamotrigine--brand name "Lamictal"--works wonders (I know firsthand). Kay Redfield Jamison--An Unquiet Mind--excellent book--memoir Touched With Fire, same author Actually a variant of epilepsy
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This is my favorite Sunday morning show. Fareed's got cojones and is not afraid to ask the tough questions of whatever person or situation. Plus, he is bit younger than most of the bloated talking-heads from the networks. Last Sunday he has Israeli Defense Min. Barach Ehud on who has no comment about nuking Iran. Within three years Barach said Iran would have nuclear weapons. (The Israelis have vowed to stop any Iranian missile program). Several commentators on the Euro crisis did not sound upbeat. Italy and Spain are in the contagion zone and only at least 5 years of austerity measures there and in Greece can stop the contagion. The German and the French combined could bail-out the affected countries but they want austerity measures. If the weaker countries do not adhere, the Euro is sure to fall.
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the wonderful actor Tom Hardy in an astonishing role.Stuart: A Life Backwards.
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pressure point on every epitomise the sound in my head...
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Excellent documentary film "The Interrupters - How To Stop A Riot". Tells the surprising story of three dedicated individuals who try to protect their Chicago communities from the violence they themselves once perpetrated. These 'interrupters' intervene in conflicts before the incidents explode into violence. Their work and their insights are closely entwined with their own personal journeys, which, as each of them points out, defy easy characterisation. Shot over the course of a year by acclaimed filmmaker Steve James, it is a vivid portrayal of a city under siege from spiralling violence, including the brutal murder of Derrion Albert, a Chicago high-school student whose death was caught on videotape. These wonderful human beings, part of the CeaseFire campaign, are truly extraordinary. They deserve as much support as you can give them.
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in an intelligent world, Jonathan Meades would be on the television every day and be made mandatory viewing in the planet's schools. the first episode of his new series Jonathan Meades On France - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 -
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the wonderful, inquisitive Dr. Gus Hayford started his new series this week on the Asante in Ghana. this is one of his previous programmes on Ehtiopia - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 -
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14 years 9 months

Jon Stewart, from Saturday Night Live, has consistently been winning the contest for most popular TV News Broadcaster. His sartorial wit and consistently good acting and funny writers have been a daily staple of mine every time a new show comes on, about 225 times a year. If you lean toward the right on the spectrum,you might want to stick to Fox or goose-step Rush. His guests can also can be very informative. The only time I've seen him be afraid was when he had Dick Cheney on, without his Darth Vader costume (Cheney that is), after is eight year stint as the President, errr-uhhh, excuse me, the Vice Prersident. Wait! Wasn't the last Bush declared brain dead during his second year in office and Cheney was running a shadow government? He got Google Earth to delete his home from the maps?
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a tribute to the Black Panthers by David Murray.
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12 years 7 months

has anyone else ever seen ancient aliens on history channel? its extremely informative, and somewhat freaky. it goes back to the ancient mayan temples and the possibility of aliens back then.
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extraordinary encounters along the Amazon. Part 1 - Part 2 -
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16 years 9 months

One can always count on Infotainment spin doctor's talking head puppets to have a tenuous grasp of the obvious.
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Part 1: North By Northwest - Part 2: A Passage To India - Part 3: Annapurna To Everest - Part 4: The Roof Of The World - Part 5: Leaping Tigers Naked Nagas - Part 6: Bhutan To The Bay Of Negal -
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12 years 7 months

One of the advantages to living in Europe is that you actually have media that is open to all things around the world. While the BBC is a bit stodgy, they are definitely World Class. In America, was have to suffer with isolationist tendencies and protective blinders that keep "those foreign countries" out of our experience. By the way, those foreign countries are all countries with the exception of Canada and Mexico. Thank God we have Globe Trekker on public television and the internet.
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Francis Baconpainter of hidden depths part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6
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what took it so long to spread it's erudite wings onto the cathode ray facilitator?indeed.
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14 years 9 months

Best of the Sunday morning talking heads. He is a liberal who gives a lot of facts to back up his views. His commentaries are sharp and to the point and all over the political spectrum. He really went after China last week for human right violations in their own country and the hypocrisy of that country accusing the US on that subject. That there is actually a (relatively) new program in the genre that would appeal to the 45-62 demographic is unusual. Like newspapers, this genre of news/commentary is aimed at the 62 and over crowd -- a dieing breed, if you'll excuse the bad pun. I hope that his show has a long shelf life and gets moved to the 7pm slot on a Sunday evening.
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14 years 9 months

on July 15th. The show has lost some of it's better production values and nice time lapse of New Mexico's landscapes and skys but the story is still relatively fresh after five years, which is hard to do. Starting this Sunday at midnight you can watch/tivo the entire series. Amazingly, the commercial encourages people to record! The AMC channel has consistently provided some of the best new content starting with Mad Men and Breaking Bad about 6 years ago. Amazing. Who is reponsible for turning around this sleepy cable channel known for John Wayne and old Westerns?
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wonderful series by Simon Reeve. Africa - Asia - South America - please visit and enjoy more about Simon Reeve, broadcaster, author, tv presenter - recent series, Indian Ocean should be available on BBC America. better still, purchase his DVDs.
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12 years 7 months

About a trailer park in Nova Scotia. Its rather campy with a story line about a couple of losers in a trailer park who just got out of jail and their adventures. They like to shoot of guns but they are just white trash hosers who don't mean to harm anyone as they drink and attempt to grow dope. My favorite character is Bubbles who wears inch thick glasses backwards that make his eyes look huge. It's a good show to watch when you're trashed. The episode where one of them is offered $160 to buy hydroponics if he acts in a porno movie is especially hilarious. Leahy, as the ex-cop trailer park security is especially funny.
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Krautrock: The Rebirth of Germany. excellent documentary on some of the most transcendent music ever produced. featuring Can, Amon Düül II, Popol Vuh, Cluster, Neu!, Faust and more.
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South Bank Show documentary on the novelist, journalist, short story writer and willing participant in psychogeography, Will Self. part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
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14 years 11 months

I've been following this story about the murder of Brian Terry and find it sickening that Holder thinks it's more important to keep his secrets, save face and cover up the facts of the case than it is to be open and transparent and release the documents requested by the Congressional investigative team...I wonder why the incredibly embarrasing "Deadheads for Oblamer" agree that Brian Terrys' parents have no right to know exactly what happened to their son...???
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14 years 9 months

But I think you know what happened to Terry, Dewlover. He was shot by a weapon that was from the US government's "Fast & Furious" operation that was badly bungled (see my post in the Trouble Ahead, Trouble Behind thread). I haven't read comments by any Deadheads who feel "Brian Terrys' parents have no right to know exactly what happened to their son". Could you please point out some evidence for that assertion? We know where the guns came from. It wasn't a plot to kill Bill Terry. I think the bad guys have access to guns without the US Government's help. Why don't you admit that you just hate Obama and are chewing on this particular bone because it is an election year and this administration has been so free of scandal this is the only thing you have to go on? Nobody on this site cares about this, Dewlover. Nobody. Get help for your hate before it's too late! There are many good, free programs available to help with this tendency.
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17 years 4 months

as previously noted more than once, you are free to post your political views in the current events topic and such topics as may be started in the future where they are explicitly relevant (as, in this case, should there ever be an Eric Holder topic). This, however, is the TV topic, with no relevant connection whatever. Any future such posts here or in other inappropriate threads will be summarily deleted. Thanks. Mod hat off.
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14 years 9 months

Breaking Bad returned last evening for it's fifth and final season, sort of. The crew and cast has finished filming 16 episodes. 8 of which will air this year and 8 the next. I think it's great that writer and creator Vince Gilligan is pulling the plug at the story-line's logical ending rather than extending it out into banality for commercial reasons alone. While AMC touts this show as the greatest dramatic series ever on television, a fact that I certainly wouldn't agree with, I still find it hard to point to any TV show with better acting. The production values are certainly some of the best I have ever seen. Technically, this series is state-of-the art. Nobody does it better. In fact, last night's show had it's own website where viewers could interact with polls and short videos and such. It's ridiculous with the problems facing humanity that a fiction TV program breaks new ground with this technology while pressing issues remain untackled with this kind of tool! Last night's episode showed that Mike is angry that Walt killed his boss Gustavo. Ed survived his accidental fall while being shaken down by Saul's "A" team for the IRS payment because of Skyler's fears. Saul wants out of his professional relationship with Walt, who in turn asserts his passive-aggressive nature. Walt and Jesse use a giant magnet to erase Gustavo's laptop in the evidence lock-up because it contains surveillance footage of them in the super-lab, which is now a smoking crater. Unfortunately, this action reveals another clue from Gustavo's personal effects. On we go. There isn't another TV program I care about or watch on a regular basis. I'm not hopeful I'll ever find one as compelling, contemporary and consistently good as Breaking Bad.
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Member for

12 years 2 months

The Balance

The Balance from KORB on Vimeo.

The Balance is a visual representation of two opposite audio waves. Director: Rimantas Lukavicius VFX / Design company: KORB Sound design: Andrius Rugevicius
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12 years 2 months

From Dr Who to the Dark Side of the Moon, the members of the Electronic Music Studios used pioneering technology and ideas to create a radical new soundscape for the 20th century. Post-war Britain rebuilt itself on a wave of scientific and industrial breakthroughs that culminated in the cultural revolution of the 1960’s. It was a period of sweeping change and experimentation where art and culture participated in and reflected the wider social changes. In this atmosphere was born the Electronic Music Studios (EMS), a radical group of avant-garde electronic musicians who utilized technology and experimentation to compose a futuristic electronic sound-scape for the New Britain.
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12 years 2 months

Rich Hall's Inventing The Indian Redressing the balance of misrepresentation. Questioning the screen image of execrable Hollywood films. A search for the real Indian. A different perspective on the people who set foot on American soil first.
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12 years 2 months

A World Of Sound In memory of David S Ware. A preoccupation with nothing less than humanity's place in the cosmos. Pure Music from a Planetary Unknown. 'Musically to go so deep that you touch upon those Universal forces.'
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12 years 2 months

Sir Patrick Moore Astronomer Broadcaster Eccentric Audio/Visual element leaves a lot to be desired but these things happen. You've got to make the best of a bad job.
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12 years 2 months

future past perfect actor: kyusaku shimada music: alva noto voice: anne-james chaton director: carsten nicolai / simon mayer script: nibo director of photography: tetsuya shiota editing: david fabra