• https://www.dead.net/features/news/dead-covers-project-2012
    The Dead Covers Project

    What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

    Throughout the month of April, we'll be shining our lovelight on a handful of artists that really made the grade. You'll get to know each of these five artists and find out just what made them connect with the Dead in our exclusive DEAD COVERS PROJECT profiles, but for now we'd simply like to congratulate the following participants (in no particular order)...

    Now Playing In The Band...

    The project may be over for 2012, but you can continue to check out some of the "Top Rated" videos that were submitted and "Like" them here.

    <?php $youtubeurl = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=DeadCoversProject&max-results=10&orderby=rating&time=this_month&start-index=2&v=2'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($youtubeurl) or print '

    There was a problem loading the youtube API xml

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  • Default Avatar
    13 years ago
    Tennessee Jed - IVY Travelin' Band(DeadCoversProject)
    IVY Travelin' Band perform Grateful Dead's "Tennessee Jed" at CAFE IVY, Tokyo Japan.
  • Default Avatar
    13 years ago
    Liberty by The Professors
    Wish it had been posted sooner, but thanks to all who voted The Professors into the top ten in less than a week. (And we are quite curious who gave us the one "dislike"; Prof. Steve suspects a disgruntled student......) And though the contest is over: Please continue to vote! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFH8mCBuM7o&feature=youtube_gdata_player Oh, might as well mention this: I happened to be there the first night the Dead performed Liberty in front of an audience: Oakland Coliseum, early '93 (a Sunday night show, can't remember the exact date). Also the first time they performed Lazy River Road and Eternity. Yeah, I miss Jerry, I miss that band, I miss those shows.
  • ziphler
    13 years ago
    Dear Dead.net
    Yeah Mutt, I agree but it seems a litle harsh to hold a contest with a deadline for entries and then not treat all entries equally i.e.most contests start the competition AFTER the entries are in. but then this IS the Grateful Dead we're dealing with here. - sure don't know I don't know what is more stunning; the audacuty of the crew who sat at the top of the deadcoversproject charts with thousands of "likes" for most of the month or the presumably innocent gullibility of the web master who left them there. But I forget, the supreme court now says its OK to buy votes. I am so relieved to see that it was all a ruse anyway. I'm sure that many of us saw this coming. All the hype about contests and votes, in the end you knew someone in power would decide who won the vote and thank Jerry,they picked Aaron Gibson for he had dropped off lthe billboard as fast as he appeared and he's the clear innovative, creative, talented-exuding front runner (Brandon McCoy's chops are in the same league). The bluegrass ensemnble you featured who did "here comes sunshine", and also then disapeared, were the obvious acoustic act in my book but the van dwellers are cute and a legitimate choice also. So why the damn contest? This is a great data mine you (dead.net) have started here. Why not strip off the top ten and let it continue just as it has. If you are gonna rank, make it a continuous ranking from one to a milion based on votes you collect right here not on youtube's extortable system.* That way everybody gets a sense of where they stand (even if its at #137) and you don't have these poor souls fretting that you never even noticed them (now they'll KNOW you didn't). This wouldn't stop you from lifting that ocasional one of a kind phenomenon like Aron to the stars WHENEVER they come along and give everyone something to strive for all year round. When dead.net anounced a virtual game that would be based on mutual coperation intead of competition we thought "wow, of course". The cover band project could be a rea-life creation of that. I knew there were dead bands out there but not this many. Back in the day the conventional wisdom was that dead heads couldn't play music and it was realy hard to fihnd talented musicians in the fold. I have had to trick more than one hot, non-deadhead musician into jaming on the dead with good result.Clearly now there is all sorts of talent among open deadheads and this site is gona help hook them up if you let it. What ever hapened to that game anyway? I know you're at bated breath and will be all so relieved to know that i absolve you of minor glitches in the process, believe on faith that you did wait for and consider everyone right up to the last entry , and made your best judgement. You've done a beaurtiful thing and we've been having a lot of fun - now don't fuck it up. sure don't know . . *see my addendum from tomorrow
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Member for

15 years 11 months

What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

Throughout the month of April, we'll be shining our lovelight on a handful of artists that really made the grade. You'll get to know each of these five artists and find out just what made them connect with the Dead in our exclusive DEAD COVERS PROJECT profiles, but for now we'd simply like to congratulate the following participants (in no particular order)...

Now Playing In The Band...

The project may be over for 2012, but you can continue to check out some of the "Top Rated" videos that were submitted and "Like" them here.

There was a problem loading the youtube API xml

'; $count = '1'; foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) { $media = $entry->children('https://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); $attrs = $media->group->player->attributes(); $videourl = $attrs['url']; $attrs = $media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); $imageurl = $attrs['url']; print '
'; print '

'; print $count++; print '

'; print ''; print ''; print ''; print '

'; print ''; print $entry->title; print ''; print '

'; print ''; print '
'; print '
'; } ?>
" data-num-posts="20" data-width="500">
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What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

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Member for

13 years

We cut this Tennessee Jed a few days ago live in my TN apartment Americana-esque. If you dig it, please like it on youtube. Thanks for giving it a listen!
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17 years 6 months

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Member for

13 years 1 month

What a blast! How great it is to see all the amazing talent, passion and creativity inspired by the greatest band on earth. Here's another fun one...Please give it some love (likes!) and help it climb the charts :-) Lost Sailors performing "Eyes of the World" More Lost Sailors Videos here
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Member for

13 years

Great version! These guys are fabulous musicians!
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Member for

16 years 1 month

Thank you guys SO MUCH for the feature! What an incredible honor, this whole project has been so much fun, and it's hooked so many musician 'heads up with each other in a beautiful way. Being featured is beyond awesome...And a huge thank you to everyone who watched/Liked so far. Woo hoo, my weekend's off to a kickass start! :)
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Member for

16 years 9 months

Nice listening to the creative & unique version. Really says a lot for their musical integrity and talent. A bright light in the world of upcoming JamBands with a respect for the Grateness of the Dead. Looks like they have a chance of making it to the top five if they get more votes! Hopefully they will be On the Golden Road to Unlimited Devotion!!!
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Member for

13 years 1 month

Thanks Dead.net for bringing all this great music together.Hope you all enjoy this.
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Member for

15 years 10 months

I believe I have just uploaded my first youtube video ever. I was going for an entertaining visual effect of my piano with the front removed. Hope you guys like it, God Bless the Grateful Dead, fans, and org. sdk Piano hammers_Loser http://youtu.be/Aj280WlAAlA
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Member for

13 years

We cut this Tennessee Jed a few days ago live in my TN apartment folky. If you dig it, please like it on youtube. Thanks for giving it a listen!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

When I first heard about this project I thought to myself, "why the hell would I want to hear some Tom, Dick or Harry's version of playing Dead covers. Man, I was sooo wrong! This project has brought to the surface so many talented heads and makes me proud to be part of such a beautifully talented community. Some of these folks have literally brought me to tears with their interpretations of some of my most favorite tunes, and you can feel the passion and connection folks have to this music when you see them playing it themselves. I particularly enjoy the folks who shot their videos in their homes, their parents houses, their bedrooms, etc. It's a really intimate sharing of music we all connect to and some of these folks are just blowing me away with their vids! Thanks to whomever thought this project up. It's most excellent! peace ~
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Member for

17 years 9 months

the multiple post vacuum comes through periodically...
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Dead Sessions 2011-01-21 Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, S. Burlington, VT Dead Sessions: Seth Yacovone-Guitar & Vocals Toby Kniffin-Guitar & Vocals Adam King-Keyboards & Vocals Pat May-Bass & Vocals Trevor Ainsworth-Drums Kevin Shapiro-Drums Christina Dufree-Vocals turkeymafia.com Audio Source: Soundcraft GD4/Nak CM300CP4-Mackie 1202vlz-Pro-Archos AV420-wav Video Source: Sony CCD-FX730V-Archos 604WiFi-mp4 Audio Lineage: Archos AV420-USB-Goldwave5.13-Flac1.2.1b Video Lineage: Archos 604WiFi-USB-Nero Vision-DVD Notes: Naks Shotguns left corner of SB 15' up 30' Back, Awgie Mix Recorded, Edited & Mastered by: Shiva Ho - www.myspace.com/shivaho
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Member for

13 years

That Dead.net can sift through all the videos and pick the best. The "like" system on youtube is easily manipulated by multiple people making multiple Youtube accounts and "liking" a video. This is pretty evident with the current #1 video.
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Member for

14 years 3 months

amen, i love this. It just feels so good to play because it's just so amazing to begin with.
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Member for

16 years 9 months

Love the unique style. They have the same feeling of improvisation like the Dead themselves. The way they take a song and recreate it, shows the talent of this up and coming jam band from the Haight. There are a few days left for them to stay in the top 5. Please listen, share with your friends and like! They truly deserve it. Been struggling for a long time.
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Member for

13 years

Please check out our version of Tennessee Jed recorded live in Nashville. If you dig it, please like us on the youtubes! Happy Deadin'!
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Member for

13 years

ok, this is weird. I am trying to post my video and others pop up! so random! Anyhoo, here is the link...maybe you can watch and like it by cutting and pasting? :) thanks for watching!!!! http://youtu.be/bGUR_rDL9bs
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Member for

13 years

Ok, here's our version of 'Playing In The Band'. It's sort of meditation music in that you don't have any idea where this piece of music is going to go. I know you can say that about the Grateful Dead version but this is different. So give a listen and enjoy the ride! - Theo Cas (thelonious castaneda) http://youtu.be/j-hlnSIZLMI
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Member for

15 years 10 months

I don't care how many likes I get. I just hope folks get turned on by my video.I especially hope the band members and the folks who support the band from the past, present and future, are encouraged, and realize how much it all means to us. Semper Fire I wont embed here again, but go check out my video: Piano Hammers_loser
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Member for

15 years 10 months

Congratulations and Well Done!! to everyone who has submitted or will submit a video. It is incredible to see the amount of effort, and the emotions that all of the artists have put into their music, their recordings and their videos. So many great songs to choose from; all have been interpreted differently by the various artists. Great job!!Are any of these groups/individuals based in, or do any play regularly at any venues in the Las Vegas area? I have a friend (not a member of this forum) who has recently relocated there, and they are having a hard time finding music away from the casinos, House of Blues, Hard Rock, etc. When I spoke to them, they said they don't miss our Seattle rain, but they sure miss our music scene. Can anyone pass on any information to me that I can give them? Any thing would be helpful; clubs, other venues, band names, show information, etc. Thanks a lot.