• https://www.dead.net/features/news/dead-covers-project-2012
    The Dead Covers Project

    What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

    Throughout the month of April, we'll be shining our lovelight on a handful of artists that really made the grade. You'll get to know each of these five artists and find out just what made them connect with the Dead in our exclusive DEAD COVERS PROJECT profiles, but for now we'd simply like to congratulate the following participants (in no particular order)...

    Now Playing In The Band...

    The project may be over for 2012, but you can continue to check out some of the "Top Rated" videos that were submitted and "Like" them here.

    <?php $youtubeurl = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=DeadCoversProject&max-results=10&orderby=rating&time=this_month&start-index=2&v=2'; $xml = simplexml_load_file($youtubeurl) or print '

    There was a problem loading the youtube API xml

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  • jjchristiano
    12 years 6 months ago
    Thanks for all the tunes
    Best part of the contest is it put a whole bunch of great content on YouTube. I love looking for great covers of all my favorite tunes and now I have a ton of them of my favorite band. Will be watching them regularly and decide on my own Favorites. Thanks for thinking this concept up. Can't wait for next year.
  • ziphler
    12 years 6 months ago
    make it a project, not a contest
    Thank you Harp-Unstrung for articulating a point of view that I’m willing to bet represents the perspective of the MAJORITY of participants in this project. This project came out of left field, was not particularly thought through prior to launch, was over before anyone even understood the ground rules, and in dead.net’s own words had an overwhelming response. If the likes of Mickey Hart are to be believed, the current mission of dead.net is to tap into the massive consumer market that the grateful dead brand has inspired. I’m sure there are many in the organization who are stung by that statement but I say more power to you. Why? Because if wealth and power must be concentrated somewhere I would rather it be held by organizations like the Grateful Dead. I don’t know Blairj’s connection to dead.net but since he responded in defense of the status quo his statements are a good place to begin. Harp-Unstrung already addressed some of Blairj’s comments as well as elucidating some key practical issues so I’m just gonna expand on a few things and try to frame out the fundamental difference between this project and every other facet of dead.net. Blairj admonishes that I not take things too seriously because this project was meant to be a “fun exercise”. I researched some of Blairj’s posts and nowhere on this forum have I read anything more passionate than his outrage over Rolling Stone Magazine’s ranking of Garcia as #47 guitarist of all time and I couldn’t agree more. I was actually pissed off when I saw that issue and anyone who knows me will tell you I don’t do anger. But it was a ratings contest for the entertainment of its readers, nothing was at stake, no effort required by the participants who were all highly recognized musicians. When Blairj espouses on how successful this was as a fun exercise he is spot on in that this has got to be a ratings bonanza for dead.net which is in the business of tapping the consumers of the Dead Brand. Honestly, while everything dead is new to that next generation of teens being introduced to the long strange trip, this project represents the only truly fresh and new content on dead.net. So yes it was a success, the deadheads love it but Harp-Unstrung nailed it when he points out how many very talented musicians, technicians, artists, and promoters jumped through hoops for what frankly turned into a joke. Not to take away from the five winners who are all deserving and were obviously picked thoughtfully by an individual or small committee, nor the ten featured above who are an interesting cross-sectional representation of the hundreds of entries but Harp-Unstrung is correct; they are all reaping huge benefit just by virtue of their seat on this page. And what about the Canadian band that sat at #1 with 2700 likes for most of the month. I’m dying to hear your explanation just by virtue of what delicious gossip it will be – although in court, that story would get your whole event thrown out the window. I think my point is that with power comes responsibility and the deadcoversproject has so far been a fairly reckless exercise of power. This project ought to be about the performers, musicians, artists, technicians who among other things are struggling to make a living with their skills. A living totally dependent on being recognized for what they are. The dead are to be commended for their sense of responsibility toward their fans over the years and no one can blame them turning a buck off of the sheer numbers of deadicated deadheads that thrive off of being a part of the clan but I would argue that this band has far greater responsibility to their fellow entertainers who, in many cases, were inspired by the dead to become what they are. I think somebody over there at dead.net had a great idea here but I they seem clueless regarding what it takes to make a video. Sure, a solo performer need do little more than tape themselves singing in the shower but to do what the dead did takes a coordinated organization (which is yet a whole nother topic) This project became a mandatory assignment once announced. You don’t pass up this kind of opportunity if you are a musician. Don’t underestimate the resentment the execution of this “project” will generate if you continue to handle the artists involved like so many trained monkeys. While your fans are eating this up, your peers in the music business are like WTF? Unlike the multitude of fans out there your fellow musicians aren’t asking for a miracle, just a fair shake and equal opportunity. The dead know it is a great leap from society’s comfort zone to choose music as a career, and rarely does it pay back what it has for the dead but . . . there but by the grace of Jerry they go. There’s an easy fix. You named it a project, make it a project. Recognize that this is the resource side of your business, not sales. Make it ongoing, you’ve got the infrastructure already (see my earlier post), use it to bring all this talent together, don’t pit them against each other and for God’s sake DON’T MAKE THEM WEAR WATCHES! And no Semper Fire, a contest is exactly what this whiner for one does NOT want. ziph
  • marye
    12 years 6 months ago
    sorry, I was just feeling
    that mid-'80s NFA coming on...
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15 years 6 months

What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

Throughout the month of April, we'll be shining our lovelight on a handful of artists that really made the grade. You'll get to know each of these five artists and find out just what made them connect with the Dead in our exclusive DEAD COVERS PROJECT profiles, but for now we'd simply like to congratulate the following participants (in no particular order)...

Now Playing In The Band...

The project may be over for 2012, but you can continue to check out some of the "Top Rated" videos that were submitted and "Like" them here.

There was a problem loading the youtube API xml

'; $count = '1'; foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) { $media = $entry->children('https://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); $attrs = $media->group->player->attributes(); $videourl = $attrs['url']; $attrs = $media->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); $imageurl = $attrs['url']; print '
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'; print ''; print '
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" data-num-posts="20" data-width="500">
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What a wonderful month it's been, sharing our love of the Grateful Dead through song and video! We applaud all the hard work and effort that you, the fans, put into the DEAD COVERS PROJECT, and we hope you'll continue to watch and support all the amazing participant videos on YouTube until we fire up the DEAD COVERS PROJECT again next February.

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12 years 7 months

Here's our version of "Broke-down Palace." If you dig it, "like" it on Youtube please! Thanks to everyone for all of the great tunes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flE7Is555DI "Broke-down Palace" Words by Robert Hunter; music by Jerry Garcia Josh Anderson-Violin Jim Kirby-Guitar/Vocals David Pratt-Harmonica Jason Anderson-Guitar/Vocals
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12 years 9 months

this was 31 years ago in belmont, california - yes there were even dead bands back then. this qualifies cause it touches both on truckin and ends with big boss man ziphler
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12 years 7 months

This is my personal fave of all the covers. Just wish there was a bit more volume.
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15 years 8 months

oops SORRY!!!! couldn't tell it was posting. soo confused.
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12 years 7 months

ROSEMARY.DeadCoversProject.StephanieLallouz http://youtu.be/FNDaraS0MNo Technique: I played the song straight through on Vocal & Guitar with 1 mic + added a strumming & vox track to give a more depth of sound & reverb. Video recorded with iPhone on the 8mm video app., Engineered, Video & Edit by Stephanie Lallouz Quote from Blair Jackson "Stephanie Lallouz: “Rosemary.” I always make a point to check out any videos of seldom-performed GD songs, and this certainly qualifies! Lallouz does a lovely job with this Aoxomoxoa treasure, crafting an evocative video that looks like it’s from some earlier era, and capturing the nuances of the song’s gorgeous and delicate construction both vocally and instrumentally." - Blair Jackson http://www.dead.net/features/blair-jackson/blair-s-golden-road-blog-mus…
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17 years 3 months

I'm not sure if it's that super, but it does have a singing robot named Jambot. Jambot is a jamband robot that sings and gets the crowd excited. This version is most likely the most craziest Dead Cover Project. But that's up to you to decide. We wanted to do it like how Mickey Hart intended it to be "PURE RAP" This is from Pizza T's Z-Kamp experience. We have been on youtube with the video "Obama joins a jamband" which has been openly hated by non Obama supporters. Thank you to David Gans and everyone at Dead.net. Here is the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyS-LVTxeSw&context=C31104c3ADOEgsToPDsk… or not..... having fun is the key to my happiness. And for all you old school NW people..... "YES that is Danny Kelly of Heliotroupe playing with Pizza T" I just moved to Illinois, so if any heads want to jam and join Pizza T then contact me through dead.net My next mission is to make a Jambot version of Terrapin Station
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Member for

13 years 5 months

Unfortunately the only videos of SpongeCake & The Fluff Ramblers doing any Dead, are posted by people in the crowd and can't be tagged by us . But here is a link to a really crunchy Rider Jam from New Years Eve . Hope ya enjoy. Peace!
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13 years 10 months

Here is the new one I did today of Stella Blue. I hope you guys like it !
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16 years 4 months

Please check out their unique version of I Know you Rider. I think they have so many of the qualities and talent our "Dead" have. Like the"Dead", they recreate a song, unlike no other and show their talent.Please help them to become discovered and like their submission. They need you help! You wont be sorry.
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Member for

12 years 7 months

Couldn't seem to reassign this video of Uncle John's Band to enter it into the covers project, but I'd love to share it with everyone! Lots of love on the lawn~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGP8Q6nQT8s Enjoy the old Deadwood Revival~ Recorded AUgust, 2011 at Dead On THe Creek fyi..... LOTS of Dead covers by Deadwood Revival on youtube~
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16 years 4 months

Disappointed to see they have slipped to #10. They have the most unique version I have ever heard of I Know you Rider, great harmonies and a jamband just trying to get recognized. Please help support your Dead Brothers from the Haight. There's a resurgence of great music,like the 60's, and they are one of the leaders. Please vote "Like" on YouTube ane help them make it to the top 5.
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15 years 8 months

Still riding high from my Bertha feature on Friday...what an incredible honor! My brother and I threw down a little H > S jam this weekend. Dig!
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12 years 7 months

Really enjoying all the awesome covers, Bertha and Cassidy have been my favorites so far. Hope you enjoy our version of TN Jed. I've always wanted to cover it, and this was a great excuse!
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12 years 7 months

I agree.This is an unabashedly raw, creative, sincere, unconventional performance. A very talented group. Some of the top ten videos tend to be more polished, safe, almost academic. Hard bop jazz from the 50's and 60' underwent a similar process in the 80's and 90's. The original intent and purpose of the music became weakened as it was standardized in efforts to recreate it. There seems to be a trend in how improvised music idioms develop and establish themselves.
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12 years 7 months

I'm so honored to be featured today in the midst of so many talented artists. Thanks again!
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Most of these are unbelievable. Everyone in Furthur and other GD extensions needs to step up their game. This contest proves one thing- There are exciting new players creating Dead music equal to, and superior in some cases to the current GD lineups. Bobby, next time you phone in a performance you might want to be aware of these other cats waiting in the wings. JK- You're the luckiest man on Earth, a number of these guys could do your job. And Phil- The singing's not happening big guy... keep it to a verse in St. Stephen.
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12 years 7 months

This has been so much fun checking out all of these videos. We're super stoked to have been seen in the top ten for the last few weeks. We've each liked many other people's videos and watched too many to count. We've social media'd and emailed and hounded all of our friends to come by and check out all the vids and cast their votes. Thanks everyone, what a great way to connect with other deadheads. There really are some fantastic performances on here. Hope to see some of you at a show sometime soon...maybe Mickey Hart here in a few. Maybe Cubensis. Maybe even at one of our gigs.Much Love, Tom, Saturn Returns. www.saturnreturnsband.com
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psych / noise / beats / drums / space gcube.bandcamp.com
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12 years 7 months

Check out our take on a classic Dead tune, combined with a classic Beck tune!
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12 years 7 months

and kudos to you for diving off the deep end :-D oh those many hours spent with the '68 mix of this song on the stereo....... I had fun doing mine but nowhere near as zonked - http://youtu.be/iM3wzHqEr3I cheers!