Week of September 20, 1993
OREGON TRAIL MIXGrateful Dead 8/21/93 Autzen Stadium, Eugene OR
Grateful Dead 8/21/93 Autzen Stadium, Eugene OR
w/ Huey Lewis, harmonica
"Oregon Trail Mix" is a radio play written by Jack Ellis and featuring the voices of Jack Ellis, Mary Weatherly, Sue Ellis, Ken Nordine, and me. We went to Eugene to broadcast the August 21 and 22 shows live on KLCC (with tons of help from KLCC's "Dead Air" hostess Deb Trist and other KLCC staffers), and Dan Healy thought it would be fun to create a piece of radio drama for the occasion. Dan played it over the PA at Autzen Stadium, too!
Huey Lewis was in town to appear as Elvis Presley (!) in Ken Kesey's play "Twister," which was presented at the Armory not far from Autzen Stadium. The play was a weird twist on "The Wizard of Oz"; I wish I remembered anything about the play.
You can browse and/or search the Grateful Dead Hour program logs on the GD Hour web site. Let me know if there's a particular program you'd like to hear, and feel free to post requests and comments here or by email to gdhour [at] dead.net
Thanks for listening! David Gans
gdhour [at] dead.net
dead comment
50 thou - right now
Oregon trial mix
DB Cooper in the news
Today's newspaper has a short item stating that "a parachute found buried in southwestern Washington is not connected to famed plane hijacker D.B. Cooper." Some kids found it last month and the FBI investigated, but after consulting with parachute experts it was determined to be unrelated to the famous caper. The timing of this GD Hour post was entirely coincidental. I swear!
What Are Those Funny Lookin' Shirts?!
who is jack ellis question mark
Jack Ellis
GD Hour station list
Those Eugene Shows were a great time
White Parachute
Ken Nordine
GD Hour station list
"An Empty Mind...
Parking lot sticker