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  • c_c
    raise your glass
    raise a glass and have a drink for me, my friend. if you happen to be in Pusan in 36 hours... or Shimonoseki in 12 hours... cheers, mate. love&peace.
  • cosmicbadger
    Good of you to drop by and let us know how you've been. Stay well. If you happen to be in Moldova next week let's have a beer! When you hear the music ringin' in your soul And you feel in your heart, it grows and grows It came from the backstreet rock and roll And the healing has begun Van Morrison
  • c_c
    first: (((((DNC))))) 2nd:
    first: (((((DNC))))) 2nd: congrats to the happy couple. 3rd: >U must patiently peel the tinfoil from many 1948 cigarette packs and roll it in a ball before rubbing on sidewalk. Silver guaranteed. bloody hell, Hunter, now youse let loose the details of my technique of earning a living. shit, the price of them 48' packs just shot up on e-bay-- gosh darn it. 4th: can't say why, can't say how, just know it was there; hoping it will stay. was it this??: "All I know is something like a bird within her sang All I know she sang a little while and then flew on Tell me all that you know I'll show you Snow and rain If you hear that same sweet song again, will you know why? Anyone who sings a tune so sweet is passing by Laugh in the sunshine Sing, cry in the dark Fly through the night Don't cry now Don't you cry Don't you cry any more La da da da Sleep in the stars Don't you cry Dry your eyes on the wind La da da da da da All I know is something like a bird within her sang All I know she sang a little while and then flew on Tell me all that you know I'll show you Snow and rain" had it on the loop, some show I seen from 81, last night, first night in a long while, I fell asleep without Carlo Rossi present, (don't mis-understand, I'm not gay -- not that there's anything wrong with that) woke up with a different feeling inside. optimiCCstic, maybe, realisCCtic for sure. looked up at the ever so familiar ceiling in the little old house... not counting cracks, not trapped by only looking back; just a different feeling inside. my head on straight, my shoulders square, my eyes dry; still carrying the freight -- but without the weight. thanks, folks. thanks ((((DNC))) you been there when I needed you most. you stayed there and was still there when i dropped in again-- ever in need, still unable to express it, and ever so welcomed back like I was never gone. can't say how or why, everyone handles things different, no one better none worse; all doing things in our own way and in our own time. I do appreciate the emails sent, the feelings I feel here on the public space. can't express the gratitude properly. just: thank you, thank you very much in the Elvi tradition is the way to say; all y'all played a part, all y'all who reached out and touched me, cep't of course for BJW who grabbed my ass... LOL ( -; ** all y'all touched my heart with your kindness, it all played a part, in a new start. still heading out, accross a sea or two, got my Old Spice packed and some Bay Rum, too... just know, I love you all, and that, my friends, is what matters most of all. ** LOVE & PEACE, cc.
  • JackstrawfromC…
    In my opinion his sound and style fit in best with Panic. But it was definitely cool when he played with the Dead in 03/04. "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
  • Hal R
    Jackstraw - Jimmy Herring
    Is one amazing talent that is for sure. I wonder if many Deadheads really got him when he played with the Dead. He sure has been in some amazing bands, ARU, Jazz Is Dead, Allman Brothers, Phil and Friends, the Dead and WSP. I know that when I saw him play with the Dead in 04 he seemed lower in the mix than Warren which was frustrating. Glad he has found his spot with WSP. Happy Birthday Jimmy. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • JackstrawfromC…
    Happy Birthday
    To Jimmy Herring! The baddest guitarist in the land! "I've stayed in every blue-light cheap hotel. Can't win for tryin. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time. Gonna make em shine."
  • johnman
    that's a beautiful, heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you....
  • c_c
    I am a 'tuff' guy, but I ain't strong... I truly ain't the only one to have ever lost a loved one, but she was the only one I ever truly loved. love&peace.
  • TigerLilly
    Big old hug CC
    ((HUG)) glad to cc you stopping by oCCasionally. ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
  • c_c
    tell em
    appreCCiated, much appreCCiated, people tell 'em you love 'em right now, folks. never know when that bitCh of the C will bite. been spelling peCCimistic this way ever since. love&peaCCe.
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17 years 3 months
Our beloved freeform topic reborn!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Directly below Venus towards the horizone the next brightest object is Jupiter. Now turn 180 degrees and you will see mars shining a soft red. Magic!
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Member for

17 years 2 months

I live in the country tonight! Unpolluted by too many lights! :D Spectacular!!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

When I saw the Moon and Venus last night, I looked for Jupiter, which has been nearly aligned with Venus in the evening sky the last couple of weeks, but it seemed to have set. I'll step out a bit earlier tonight and see what there is to see.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

March has been a great month for viewing the waxing moon, Jupiter & Venus.When Venus passes from the evening to the morning sky on June 6, 2012, it’ll swing directly in front of the sun. This is called a transit of Venus. Transits of Venus are rare, happening only two times in the 21st century, with none in the 20th century. I think Mars can be found within Leo: will advise.
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17 years 2 months

Please do, Ted!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I live in the mountains of southern California and at dusk last night, Jupiter was visible just above the horizon, Venus was higher in the sky and the Moon hung above them both. I was standing out on my front porch taking it in when a couple of LDS missionaries walked up and asked me how I was doing. I told them that it was a good night to be pondering the infinite and when they tried to work that idea into the introduction of their spiel, I told them that the visible heavens were enough for me and wished them a fine evening.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Mormons, Lilly. Sorry about that. I'm partial to referring to them as LDS, since it somewhat dyslexically resembles one of my favorite acronyms. I thought about asking them about Romney and the Etch-A-Sketch uproar, but I was feeling pretty mellow at the time and didn't want to get into with them, politically.
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Member for

12 years 6 months

They are always young and enthusiastic and well dressed and educated. I like them better than Hare Krishnas or Jehovah's Witnesses, which I don't see around anymore. Moonies either. Ocho freaks are gone too. Ohh well, guess we're stuck LDSers and other minor cults. I don't mind giving them a drink and discussing their cosmology with them. Their version of world history is like a Disney movie! But, you know, whatever you want to believe. More freedom to you.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Hey, is it just me, or does this page not display correctly? The post boxes seem much narrower here than in other discussions. Did someone not close a < table > tag? < edit > It looks like all the posts since September 30, 2010 are nested as replies under c_c's post on that date.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

although it may be a function of how many posts you're choosing to display on a page. I'll go take a look at cc's post of 9/30/2010 and see if anything's odd.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

You're right. I had my options set at 300 posts per page, changed it to 10, and now it looks fine. Thanks again.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I think since most of us have our pages broken up so we're not seeing posts from 2010 and the formatting thereof, it's not such an issue, but I also think that since this topic has been running for three years it's about time to roll the darn thing into a new version anyway. Stay tuned.