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  • ouchman
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    Sony Beta Max Tapes
    I have several east coast shows recorder on a converted Sony Beta machine (it was a better format than VHS) Problem is it was stolen. I have tape and no way to play them . Question is does anyone still have one they can lend, rent or sell? The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.
  • ouchman
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    Sony Beta Max Tapes
    I recorded a whole bunch of shows on a converted sony beta max, strictly audio only.( Beta was the truly better format). There were lots of folks doing this back in the day.Problem is my converted Sony machine was stolen. Is there any one out there or FURTHER OUT THERE that still has a Beta Audio machine that they are willing to ;give, lend or rent? The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.
  • paisley
    there are no lame questions!
    ...shall we go, you and I while we can... ...except the unasked ones.The bottom line is you have to open a single port in a universe that involves 60,000 to 80,000 of them. You are probably using Make Firewall Exceptions in your XP security center already. All that a file sharing system does is open 1 port, and utorrent can randomize that port daily, so it's always different, it can also encrypt incoming data, so no one knows what your sharing (called privacy). In two years of doing this, I've never run into a hacking problem myself, nor have I ever heard of one. I was the one who described it as "good manners". Deadheads should love this... you share back to a "ratio" of 1, meaning you give back as much as you took to others. BTW, I think "brain freeze" on this happens to a lot of us. DON"T FREAK OUT...remember a time when you learned something a little complex that really added to your enjoyment? Maybe you have to go back a ways, but you did it and you felt great about it! I got a computer with a comcast connection,and causually playing with it, I had the basics down in a month.It was the first time I ever used a computer for anything except word processing, and I'm no genius in this department! One more thing, this IS NOT involves the sharing of uncoprighted material for personal enjoyment and not for sale. In fact, in the torrent commmunity, the ethic is to ALWAYS buy the copyrighted version of anything that torrented that the band releases.It's just a great way to get shows without dealing with lousy copies, the vagueries of the U.S. Mail,ect. Okay, that's more than you asked,Marye...if you want to check it out, I'm happy to help you get started.
  • soundead
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    transfer tapes to wav files with $99 unit!
    Try this unit....either phono records or tapes...right into your USB port....been using one for about a year for both records and tapes and it performs beautifully....see it here:…
  • marye
    this is really a lame question, as I've only looked at the sites in question briefly before going into brain freeze, but responding to something somebody said way up the thread-- Do bittorrent and the other filesharing sites basically require you to leave an open connection and let people download files from your local machine? Somebody described this as "good manners" and it strikes me as the security problem from hell. But then I'm not running a server. Please clarify, I'm cluless. Thanks!
  • fred williams
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    There are some real sentimental attachments to some of the cassettes. Lots of love went into making them back in the day and there is something to be said for keeping that particular version of a show that you went to the trouble of trading for. Especially in the days before all the internet and computer stuff. I would for example try to fill every possible minute of a tape with fillers and played around with painstaking fade ins and fade outs all done by hand. All that work makes the tapes that much more special and unique. While the internet has allowed for an increased availability of shows, I think people take for granted that in the old days to get shows was really something special and something to cherish. Now it is almost too easy and I believe that certain things that were unique to each show are lost by the shear numbers of what is available. That being said, all this music is truly a gift and a lifelong hobby that I've enjoyed and will keep on enjoying.
  • fred williams
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    Yeah, iagree
    Thanks, Mr.Fantasy.....unfortunatly most of mine are all 90's so the struggle to edit continues,plus....and I know it's a sin, a majority of my tapes are 2nd set only. But it is kinda fun to try to put the puzzle together so to speak. But, I'm having fun and really that's what it is all about.keep on truckin!
  • paisley
    lossless files
    ...shall we go, you and I while we can... I'm always interested in how the band actually played it and how the sbd or aud recording of the show sounded. I still maintain that using the torrent approach not only does this, but gives you a wider range of show choices. And, if you have a high speed connection and a good internal burner, it's not too hard to get it going.Remember that folks have gone a long way to get the best possible recording of these torrented shows for distribution.
  • Mr.Fantasy
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    Fred Williams Response
    Fred, The majority of what I am transferring is 110's.... ....I don't know about your particular recording habits....but it seems like the Dead never filled up an entire 110 with one set.... ...easy solution.... Two Cd's per show. That is how I do it. Plus having that "Set break" gives me a chance to check out the next set to see if I need to tweak my EQ any (Because my original recordings ((My dads tapes)) almost always have different levels from first to second set). Of course some level differences between separate tapes of the same show could have been the original mixing done by the Dead. I.E. At set break Bobby might have said...I want my vocals raised/lowered or Jerry could have wanted more Phil (God knows why...) Make us SNAPPY!
  • Mr.Fantasy
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    amccuskey response
    Yes, that all sounds very nice, but how much real control do you have over your music? And aren't you limited by your computers hardware/interfaces at some point? I put my Cd's onto my computer after I make my Master copy. But I don't like the idea of only having my archives stored on PC case of a crash. That makes me NERVOUS! Make us SNAPPY!
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13 years 1 month

Hey folks, I have been looking to buy a new microphone or two to record live shows as well as my band rehearsals. I've look at the Rode NT 4 as a stereo mic and think it looks like a pretty decent mic. Just wondering what people are recording with, Mics, recorders, video recorders, etc.? Thanks Zel
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17 years 7 months

ok so i am a little embarrassed to ask this but, how do i get the torrent i downloaded into separate tracks? i have audicity, traders little helper and sony soundforge. I could do it manually but is there a way i can just load it into one of those and presto. thanks for any help.
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12 years 10 months

I have searched the achieves and I am looking for not a show but the program that Micky put together for the olympics I think in 94? anyone out there have this? I had it on VHS but over the years has gone missing James
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Have you tried osmosis?

-edit- It's where you set the tape ON the computer. Then, turn on the computer and look it up on youtube.

By the way, what tapes are they? ;-)

What type digital files are you interested in, what resolution (word length and sample rate) are you looking to have files made ? I could make most formats for you, from MP3 to 24 bit/ 192 KHz or if you have an outboard DAC I can create up to 2x DSD which is 1 bit/5.6 MHz .

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14 years 11 months

Hi there
I am looking for recommendations for a low cost quality recording set up. will mostly be recording a community concert band. would like to be able to use micro SD cards.

Hi there!

For a low-cost, quality setup to record a community concert band, I’d recommend looking into the Zoom H4n Pro or Tascam DR-40X portable recorders. Both offer excellent sound quality, built-in stereo mics, and support for micro SD cards. They’re compact, easy to use, and great for live recordings. Pair it with a good tripod or mic stand to position it optimally in the recording space.