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  • Golden Road
    Don't Listen to Him!
    marye, I'm telling you, that guy is one of the "Way Outs", if you catch my drift. I have nothing to do with him other than trying to talk some sense into him, whenever it's convenient to me and my experiments. He's also been a guest at our "facility", which is registered at all the various state agencies and EPA. I don't have any direct business dealings with him. In fact, he doesn't even act like a scientist. He's more like a game show host. "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
  • marye
    a mod
    is on the case.
    Oh, BTW
    ...that's Dr. Devotion, please. I didn't spend 7 years in Devotion school to be called, "Mr." Don't make me summon Golden Road, please. I hate to disturb him from running my legitimate corporations. They seem to be making more money than my "evil" enterprises. Gone are the Days, indeed. The Dude Abides!
  • cosmicbadger
    mystery gun
    Well spotted Mr Devotion some crafty counterfeiter has photoshopped in the gun in the foreground in order to make this downbeat movie more attractive to an audience addicted to violence. See, they've even learned fraudulent marketing from us dammit. I lived in Cambodia for 2 years and since it was not possible to buy or rent the real thing there and there are no cinemas showing international films the only choice for movie addicts was this! I even saw a counterfeit copy of the Grateful Dawg film there!!
    Counterfeit Quality
    I hate to say this, but a gun may have brightened that "Schmidt" movie up a notch. In fact, I feel a spoof coming on! You've got to hand it those counterfeit guys, at least they have a sense of humor. The Dude Abides!
    Counterfeit Question
    I remember the character Schmidt was a bit deranged but I don't remember him loading any guns, during that movie. The Dude Abides!
  • cosmicbadger
    it worked!
    the possibilities are now endless!
  • cosmicbadger
    Counterfeit goods
    OK thanks to CC Joe lets try this photo thing! Who can spot what is wrong with this cover of a bogus DVD of 'About Schmidt' observed in Phnom Penh Cambodia a couple of years ago?
  • c_c
    don't be like me and freak out or claim gov. conspiracies when you put links into posts andthey do not show up right away, it is in a queue that a moderator has to allow in. even knowing that, I can not help keeping on keeping on and trying and trying again. the result being numerous similar or the same posts. since this is the 'open space' mary or izzie, please leave all of the extra posts I made in frustration here for emphasis. thanx. peace.
  • c_c
    no patience and frustrated
    last try: the youtube thing is really easy; if you watch any vid, there will be a thang under the vid screen that says "embed" highlight that, and copy it, then simply paste it into any post. to post any pic, is also pretty easy. first go to: imagevenue. com you do not even have to register, you can upload the pic for free. then simply floow their instructions, and be sure o click on safe for work or not safe for work as the case may be. I reckon not safe for work means PORN, not even something like this: (I took the pic out) anyway, after the pic uploads into their data base, they give you a few options; for this board, copy the link at the bottom that says : Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on any Website or Auction for some reason the others do not work. try it, you'll like it. and it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. something tells me you are a youngin' rather than really being in the stone age... but that is neither here nor there. where? other questions, please do not hesitate to ask, we aim to please. peace. I have no patience when the board eats my posts, however temporarily...
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17 years 4 months
an open space.
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17 years 3 months

CCJ: You follow me up with cop footage? Party foul! Note to self: stop posting videos here Mom: I partied in Wildwood, NJ for prom weekend 1991. One of the best drugs/alcohol filled weekends of my life. Probably some of the most fun I'll ever have. Wild scene hardly covers it. But! The vibe was great and everyone survived it without jail. They'll be fine. | I'm just a, well...porpoise. |
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Member for

17 years 3 months

prom night 1991!!! you frigging youngins!! God bless ya! ( -; the cop vids were in response to badger's post. There once was a brother and a sister, fraternal twins, who were approaching their high school graduation. It was getting near prom night and neither of them had a date for it. So one day, the girl approaches her brother and says "Hey, you got a date for the prom yet?" He says "No, why? You got someone lined up for me?" "You might say that. Why don't you take me to the prom?" "Take you? You kidding? You're my sister!" "Well, are you taking somebody else out?" "You know I don't have a date, Sis." "And neither do I. But we both want to go to the prom, don't we?" Her brother nods. She continues, "So we should go with each other." The brother can't see anything wrong with her reasoning, so he tells his sister that if neither of them has a date by Wednesday evening, he will take her to the prom. Wednesday evening rolls around. Neither of the siblings has a date, so the brother tells his sister that he'll take her to the prom on Friday. At the prom, both of them have a good time. The brother is glad that his sister talked him into taking her. Then, while he's standing at the punch bowl, his sister comes up to him again. "Hey, brother, let's dance." He looks around to make sure that nobody heard her. "Look, Sis, this is the Senior Prom, okay? I'm not going to dance with my own sister at the prom, okay?" "Don't be so shy. Look, Jimmy Elder is dancing with his cousin. So why can't you dance with your sister?" "Oh . . . all right." So they dance, a slow number. The rest of the prom passes by and after a while it's over and time to go. Both of them have had a good time. In the car, with the brother at the wheel, the sister looks over at him and says, "Let's not go straight home." He gives her a curious look and says, "What are we going to do instead?" "Oh, I don't know. Just drive around." He agrees, and after they have driven around a while, out in the country, she looks over at him again and says "Want to find some place to park?" "Hell," he says, "are you crazy? You're my sister, I'm not going parking with you!" "Who said anything about 'going parking'? Let's just pull over somewhere and talk for a while, okay? It's been a busy year for both of us-- how long has it been since we've had a chance to talk to each other?" So she finally talks her brother into pulling the car over on a secluded back road, and after a few minutes of idle talk, she looks over at him again. "Hey . . . " she says. "What?" "Why don't you kiss me?" "You've been suggesting a lot of weird things lately, you know that? I'm not going to kiss you, you're my sister!" And he reached for the ignition switch to start the car. She reached out and took his hand. "I know I'm your sister. You've mentioned that a lot lately. And you're my brother. And don't we love each other? Why shouldn't we kiss if we feel like it?" She kissed him on the cheek and he kissed her back. After a few minutes of kissing, she whispered in his ear, "Come on. Let's do it." "Do what," said her brother, but he had a good idea of what his sister had in mind. "You know what," his sister replied. "I can't do that with you, you're my . . . " His voice trailed off. While he was on top of her, his sister murmured, "You know, you're a lot lighter than Dad." "I know," said her brother. "Mom told me."
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17 years 3 months

The summer sun looked down on himHis mother could but frown on him And all the others sound on him But it doesn't seem to matter to all you mother's out there, and especially to gratefulMOM, have a grate day!! Happy GratefulMom's Day!
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17 years 3 months

Had forgotten is Mother´s Day. Was better that way.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 3 months

It Must Have Been The Doses CC j grew his hair down to his toe-ses He had scabies, lice, and fleas in his long black hair I don't know, maybe it was the doses All I know, he couldn't give a care I don't know, it must have been the doses The doses and the scabies in his long brown hair I don't know, maybe it was the doses All I know, was he took them all there Ten sheets of blotter rolled up and got for free Sounds echo in his ear like a cool symphony If I take another, whaddaya think will happen to me? Let me take some more doses and float me out to sea I don't know, it must have been the doses The doses and the scabies in his long brown hair I don't know, maybe it was the doses All I know, was he took them all there One brown tab, put him in limbo Everyone's complaining, though, 'come on, we want some more Memories fade from shadows and now it's all lore And it's strange how no one doses any more I don't know, it must have been the doses The doses and the scabies in his long brown hair I don't know, maybe it was the doses All I know, was he took them all there in honour of the dude who invented that shit who just died, and honourable mention to Chilly Cheese Dog Dave who always used to sing 'It must have been the doses' at the top of his lungs at every show; fucking up every tape I ever recorded at shows. peace.
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17 years 3 months

To all you Mothers!!! And many more!!!!!
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17 years 2 months

and A Happy Mothers Day to all! Peace
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Member for

17 years 3 months

hope all u mothers got eggsbennie and mimosa's in bed:) have a Grateful day
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Happy mothers day. had a great day helping my mom in the garden. scary stuff with the tasers. remember that dont tase me bro kid? my dad (the fascist) thought that was hilarious. I asked him if he wanted to be tased, and that shut him up quick. thanks for the good wishes to coral. hes having a tough time getting into other schools, while the kid thats the addict is already at another prestigious school because his parents had the money to cover his indiscretion up, while coral was here on financial aid and a partial scolarship. My prefect is agonizing that he had to do what he had to do. he is prolegalization but he has a high sense of personal duty. sorry about the tangent/rant, i didnt take my meds today so im off in ADD land.Peace, The Kid
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17 years 3 months

Last night's show at The Greek in L.A. was superb. Explosive from the moment of initial stage presence all throughout the first song: "Shakedown". For the entire performance, Jackie Green was in top form, as was Mr. Cambell. Molo was a dynamo. Phil was beyond stunning, as he gently led his band mates across a vast array of tunes with a vengence. I can only give this show a 5 on, but if there's a scale that goes to 100, then that's what it gets! It also seemed that the National Guard of Los Angeles' Greek Theatre has relaxed it's "sit the fuck down & put out that smoke, OR ELSE" policy. That's a big factor in the experience. I think Phil & Friends felt it too. What a special night... Where's the tape? I can only hope that Ratdog will half as good a night next month there.
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17 years 3 months

Thanks for helping me make it through another day, between Phil shows! "You know what the trouble about real life is? There's no danger music."
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17 years 3 months

To Mr Romney, hope you had a good night Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 3 months

the illegitimate son of Harpo Marx and Mother Teresa." (according to Paul Krassner - hahaha) (~) ; - )
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17 years 3 months

I do not want to put this in the religion thread; but I've had 3 passports. (10 year passports) all with the extra pages added in because the origianl pages were not enough, and because you can get the extra pages added for FREE while it costs money to get a new passport. That is working up to 30 years of ijnternational travel, and yeah, they are US passports, because nobody recognizes my self made passports from 'Dark Star' I put the Taj story in because I met a cool deadhead there. overly touristy or not, I could look past that and enjoy the serene beauty and have a grate time. I do suggest everyone go there, and if you go, go before sunrise, you can enjoy most of your time without the throngs of people. sharp as a cue ball. gotta love life. peace. peace.
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17 years 4 months

we live in hope of hearing the story again. It was eaten by misbehaving software...
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17 years 3 months

thanks, marye. that is really a compliment. I am afraid it 'would pale in comparrison' to the last one, since I think that one was just exactly perfect... but.... I'll make a deal with you, if you scan those negs and make digi images of those 2 most excellent Jerry pics (you know which ones-- how sweet they are) and email them to me,I'll write it up again. ( -: peace.
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17 years 3 months

whats behind door number 3. marye, hold out for 1 more that is still unwritten;)
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17 years 3 months

more on old school I think the another big thing about being old school, or the old school heads on tours and the touch heads, was the general policy of 'self-policing' the community. as an example, nobody gave a shit if people were dringking themselves silly in the parking lots, BUT once someone threw a bottle and broke it, the older heads would chide the dude who did that. then, the 'old school' heads would go clean up the mess. being old school has nothing to do with age, mind you. sure, I was fucking around on the board one day and posting lots of crap, I did kind of fuck up because I did think I was in the chat room thread and not the news thread; bt that is not the point, once someone, in this case, marye said, dude, chill out with this, I stopped. I apologised, and that was that. end of story. end of issue. Door # 3??? clearly that would be marye up-loading a digi copy of her old cassette tapes of her interview with jerry which I really hope to 'hear' someday. peace
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17 years 3 months

things have been getting hot round the site! Spring fever? Cabin fever? Cat fever? Fever rolled up to one hundred and five? Must be because you have been without my calming influence for a bit!!??!! greetings friends from Ashgabat Turkmenistan! I am on TV tomorrow so tune in to the government station to watch the special performing badger show! Its after the repeat of the 3 hour documentary about cotton harvesting machines and before the sychronised stadium flag waving telethon. take care everyone!
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17 years 3 months

badger, have fun with that Täze Elipbiýi over there in Whereverthefuckitisstan! safe travels. Turkmen Proverbs Words of Wisdom for Life by Gazanfar Pashayev… 3 from that page: Blood is dripping from his pen. (His actions hurt others.) Don't swear in the name of my grandfather who was a slave, And I won't swear in the name of your grandfather who was a wealthy landowner. (A person's ancestry is sacred, no matter what reputation they had.) A donkey with a load is still a donkey. (The true character of human beings who are evil is still evident even if presented as respectable. The proverb is used in a negative way about people of bad character.)
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16 years 11 months

Had an AMAZING weekend. Went to a battle of the bands in willamantic supporting wildlife conservation and the conservation of the river. four amazing bands (well, at least three, one had a terrrrrible vocalist) great BBQ, dead heads galore. One band was a tribute band though they also wrote their own stuff. Also bought tons of books in providence. check out the band that won the battle, a band called "The Line" also, there was this amazing girl there named Desiree who is on youtube and the like. check her out as she is very young but an amazing player.Peace, The Kid
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17 years 2 months

The Mütter Museum at the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.We went there today for my girls anatomy class trip and what a trip it was, Wow this place is freaky, full of collections of medical monstrosities. You can check it out on line if you can't get there!! Really freaked me out!
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17 years 3 months

Sydney Pollack passed away on May 26. a hell of a nice guy, really down to earth. I met him once at a party I crashed on the upper east side round about the time just before or just after Tootsie came out. We talked for a long while, mostly about gangster stuff and the yakuza, and when I held up an extra ticket for the next night's show at MSG, and said "dude, you ever been to a Grateful Dead concert?" and this, I will never forget, he looked at me for like a full minute, and he said: "The Grateful Dead? those people never bathe" RIP, Syd, may the 4 winds blow you safely home. peace.
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4 years 7 months

Hey guys, I'm a senior at McLean High School completing a year long research project about if the Grateful Dead's following could be recreated in todays social climate. I'm conducting the bulk of my data through surveys so any responses would be tremendously helpful! Thank you all!!