Over in spinnin' spinnin' free, the sequel, a discussion of Eat Cod (you'll just have to read it for yourself) morphed into deadheadkid, who Couldn't Help But Wonder which was the worst thing of all time, the rotary on Cape Cod or Sex and the City.
I figure this is good for a bit of conversation, especially with Carrie and her pals now raking it in at the box office.
well well well
I haven't seen the film, but saw most of the TV shows.
I think I'll wait for the DVD to watch the Sex and the City film, just my imprssion there or better yet, free on HBO or Cinemax or something; I got better uses for my $9
Can there ever be a Sopranos movie? Can there ever be a Seinfeld movie?
look what happend when they tried to make a Gilligan's Island made for TV movie.
Thanks Mayre. as per usual i have made it my duty to be stupid and random. I know that this might anger some, but i am going to give my frank and distinct feeling on sex and the city. steaming. vat. of. liquid. shit.sorry, but i had to say it.
The Kid
on the other hand
I never cared much for the show but maybe its not for the likes of me! All that vanity and fashion phhewee. .... and like they invented free love! ha.
Now 'Sex and the Camper Van' I would go see!
and talking of fashion go see this
now we're talking shoes
Hey now CB those are some
shoes that I would wear, I was never much on foot torture in heels..hehehegive me GD sneakers anyday!!
Hey CB
Thanks for the post, Lovin the GD Chuck Taylor's! I was outvoted last weekend (by chicks of course), so instead of Indy, I watched the aforementioned movie. It was pretty wild. The movie cut off in the middle & the women in the crowd started chanting "we want sex". Luckily it only took a few mintues to remedy the film issue. I'd hate to see a crowd like that with bloodlust.
While I would never spend $$ like that to cover my body or my feet, it was pretty funny & I only cringed a little when I had to pay $8.50 to see it.
I have mixed feelings, myself
Not having cable, I never saw the HBO version, but by this time have seen the whole series several times over in somewhat expurgated reruns. I do not at all care for Carrie the character or Sarah Jessica Parker the actress/endorser of hair products (I stipulate to her talent; I just don't care for her). In general the characters leave me somewhere between bewildered and appalled at their general vapidity, self-absorption and overall behavior.
And yet, the darn thing has its moments. For example, I love Smith, not because he's so easy on the eyes, though that certainly helps, but for the scene where he shaves his head to keep Samantha company in the chemo. I loved the series ending, which was perfect, though I am still in horror at Carrie blowing off her own booksigning, for which the Parisian bookstore had gone to great trouble, for that narcissist sociopath played by Baryshnikov. I love Charlotte, Harry and Elizabeth Taylor in the last season. I like the way the girls look out for each other, even if I often echo the question often raised over the years of Who Are These People And Why On Earth Should I Care About Them?
Which is to say, especially since I haven't set foot in a movie theater since Brokeback Mountain, I'll probably wait till this is in Netflix, but sooner or later I'll probably see it.
oh, and speaking of shoes
I have to admit I like Carlos Santana's designs a lot, but would I buy/wear them? probably not. Some of them make your feet hurt just to look at them.
it's a vast community
and thoughts abound.....and now that i know who carrie blabla is i'm lookink for a door! jerry, i need a dark star,now!
let's just say
I don't think she would have done well at a Dead show. Though an amusing subgenre of Carrie At The Dead Show can easily be envisioned...
Good grief...
a Topic for "sex and the city"on the i halluzinating or is there some really great intellectual meaning hidden behind this soap-opera.or is this an attack on still healthy brain-cells of unaware Deadheads!!!!!!:-)(-:
or has just...
some mod gone crazy?(there is nothing bad with that,you can be cured....24hrs a day GD and everythings gonna be allright).....:-)(-:
I like it! (blush)
Carrie reminds me alot of my former roommate, even down to the body language (who I adored, though she was a living, breathing Deadhead Carrie) so liked her because she was so familiar. I like Samantha's balls for lack of a better fitting word, and I just adore Charlotte. And like marye touched on, I liked how 4 such different women were so tight and supportive of each other. Has happened to me all to often that find certain combinations of women can be difficult to deal with (for me at least) Oh good lord-new topic perhaps? Could discuss this forever, how women and men friends have their different plusses and minuses.**********************************
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live.
Samuel Clemens
Still healthy brain cells around here?
Frankly - who are you kidding?I think most of us are quite happily demented to some extent or another, that is the only reason why I think this topic is here and that both you and I are responding to it.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
William Blake
Quite Right Hal
Think everyone has something that they enjoy that some other people would consider truly awful. Also think that liking certain brainless things is no bad thing-world is hard and bad enough. See nothing wrong with occasional stupid diversion, as long as isn't constant.**********************************
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live.
Samuel Clemens
which reminds me
..we haven't heard much from Lilly Allen lately..
oh no!
oh no!
a Sex and the City section on a dead forum...
reminds me of the folks who used to grumble at 'yet another' Me and My Uncle...
( -;
pretty simple, if you don't like a topic, please don't open it and don't read it.
I'll make an analagy with Sex and the City and Howard Stern, both being NYC stuff that was often out there for shock value. 4 women in a coffee shop talking about blow jobs or getting laid, well, to some folks, that is risque, adding to its appeal.
mary, I think you needed to see it on cable to get all of the dirty words and the nudity, both of which ALWAYS add a certain je ne'ce'st quoi and pnache to any TV show.
yuk yuk yuk ( -:
this may well be true!
the reruns are on at 11:30 at night here, which make them quite convenient for those insomniac moments. But, alas, the censored version.
and while we're thinking of it
let me just say I thought the baby shower episode was pretty priceless, shoes and all.
so if i watch
will i find(figure) out how women really think? or r the writers men, like most of the shoe designers? or is this just TV,grain of salt and all that,eh!
the latter, most likely
but on the other hand I have never been into girly stuff so I'm a bad one to ask.
don't know
don't know if that show will help you understand women more or less after watching that show or the film, Michael Patrick King, (a guy) the writer/director/producer is said to be gay -- not that there's anything wrong with that...
( -:
I think you will understand how hollywoodland or HBO will do anything to make a buck more than anything else.
now where are my Liza Minelli albums??
( -;
I must say
on further reflection, that I love the gay guys on this show. I especially love the one who later turned up in a similar role in Men in Trees.
there is a censored version,must sound like morse-code..beep,bep,beeepbeeep etc.oh good wise liberal america!and europe we have a 60 year old tradition of who can open a book ,a site and read it.we had socalled political commisioners for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're on to something Frankly
I enjoy it alot that some things are not censored in Europe, as they are in the states. Since I have moved away, have noticed how absurd certain American moral standards are-but this is not the place for reflecting more on this, I think. LOL at your image of beep beep S&TC!**********************************
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live.
Samuel Clemens
As one with moderate to severe ADD I have to agree with you TigerLilly on the diversions thing. My friend (who is gay and my prefect) tried to beat me severely when I showed him my description of Sex and the city. He, of course, loves the show and watches it with my dorm parent all the time. as a result, none of us guys are able to use the common room or the tv with out being subjected to the show. Only thing more deadly than insulting sex and the city to my prefect is insulting grays anatomy.Peace,
The Kid
saw it...
I saw it on the plane... gotta say:
the best yuks they could come up with were Charlotte pooping in her pants and a dog humping a pillow??
Two 8-10 minute segments with fashion show stuff, Carrie in her closet -- showing the styles and shoes of the times, and the other runway fashion show?
A 'fat' Samantha? eating rather than getting laid?
Not enough screen time with the gay wedding planner guy, he was always a hoot.
Four un-opposeable thumbs down. (I walk on all fours, don't you know)
All that said, I did want to finnish the film just to see what (however predictably) happened at the end.
Sex and the City The Movie Part II is in the works and "all" treatments are under consideration, I hear.