Over in spinnin' spinnin' free, the sequel, a discussion of Eat Cod (you'll just have to read it for yourself) morphed into deadheadkid, who Couldn't Help But Wonder which was the worst thing of all time, the rotary on Cape Cod or Sex and the City.
I figure this is good for a bit of conversation, especially with Carrie and her pals now raking it in at the box office.
well well well
on the other hand
Hey now CB those are some
Hey CB
I have mixed feelings, myself
oh, and speaking of shoes
it's a vast community
let's just say
Good grief...
or has just...
I like it! (blush)
Still healthy brain cells around here?
Quite Right Hal
which reminds me
oh no!
this may well be true!
and while we're thinking of it
so if i watch
the latter, most likely
don't know
I must say
You're on to something Frankly
saw it...