continuing the free-form from where we left it...
Sydney Pollack
Sydney Pollack passed away on May 26.
a hell of a nice guy, really down to earth. I met him once at a party I crashed on the upper east side round about the time just before or just after Tootsie came out. We talked for a long while, mostly about gangster stuff and the yakuza, and when I held up an extra ticket for the next night's show at MSG, and said "dude, you ever been to a Grateful Dead concert?" and this, I will never forget, he looked at me for like a full minute, and he said: "The Grateful Dead? those people never bathe"
RIP, Syd, may the 4 winds blow you safely home.
(lest this gets burried in the now locked thread, and since he was a nice guy, totally un-pretentious, and he made some pretty cool films, I am re-posting this here)

Momentous day
tonight we had a huge ceremony. all the seniors leave tommorow, and we had the moving up ceremony. So many friends are graduating who ill never see again. all my international friends. Lots of great speeches. Such a bitter sweet night for many of us.Peace,
The Kid
you know...
I never understood why graduations were supposed to be such happy occasions. I knew damn well my college graduation meant leaving half the people I loved, never to see them again, and I was not in a celebratory mood.
I will forever love Harry Reasoner (despite the Hippie Temptation) because the following year, at my eventually-to-be-ex's graduation, he was the speaker. And he said, you know, don't believe all that crap about graduations being a joyous occasion. The best years of your life are ending and the real crap is about to start. Well, he used slightly different words, but his meaning was unmistakable.
I've always wondered if something similar was going on in the heads of the Acid Test Graduation participants. I suspect they knew it was a crock too.
Want a good laugh today.....
Check this out......The Landlord..
Hehe that made my day! LOL!!
Good news
My FAVORITE teacher ever has become my adviser. Ive suffered my current, terrible one for two years and now I got my request for a new one approved. shes a great person and a dead head herself. She even owns a parrot name pigpen who sings some GD lyrics if hes in a talky mood. BTW, thanks sooo much for that video gratefulmom. That made me laugh my ass off. My friends loved it. Also, Coral got into his new school, and is doing great. he wil have to make up a week of school during the summer, but hes cool with that. He says thatnks for all the well wishes and believes they helped.Peace,
The Kid
I'm just buzzed
I'm just buzzed.
get some video of that parrot, please, and put it up on youtube and post it in here. pretty please with sugar on top!
Try to get a video of the parrot singing I want to see too, please with a cherry on top too!!! :)Yea that video The Landlord cracked me up too!!
Good for Coral hang in there dude!!
Mountain Jam 2008 Live
Wow iclips is working too!! :)
3:45pm EST - Medeski, Scofield, Martin, and Wood
5:00pm EST - Levon Helm's Ramble on the Road
7:00pm EST - Bob Weir & Ratdog
Enjoy the show!!
Thanks mom
I'm watching and listening, right now to MM&W... awesome!
"You know what the trouble about real life is? There's no danger music."
Sorry guys
Ive never met the parrot and the was a huge misunderstanding. her current parrot doesnot do GD stuff, but her old one did, who died last year. I saked her for some vids, but she clarified. so sorry. she never thoght to make vids because shes a scatter brain like myself, and she figured hed live for another forty years, the average parrot lifespan. He got really sick and passed on, so she never got a chance to make any vids.Peace,
The Kid
This is funny...
My daughter Shanna lives in Miami and was at a friends party this weekend, she over hears a guy saying he is in a band ... Bob something band and she gets all excited and calls me thinking this guy is Bob Weir, well she gets him on the phone ( I'm not home its my answering machine) to leave me a messege... it says.... Hey there Gigi I'm here in Miami with your daughter having a great time and wanted to wish you a great night ...this is Alto Reed from the Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band..then my Shanna yells you must be freaking out Mom!! hahahahahah When I heard the messege I was cracking up, she had the wrong Bob!! hehe she is too much. She couldn't beleive it when I told her it was the wrong guy. She was telling him how I traveled around to see his band hahahaha...
birds of a feather
lucky duck daughter too!! i was going to post the lyrics for nite moves til i read them... don't wantta mess with your mind that much, such behavior in a song, tsk tsk
Nice To "See" You...
again, skenisahen!
"You know what the trouble about real life is? There's no danger music."
Okay, skenisahen
Since you're a fan of randomness, and you brought up cod is the supper thread, here's a random anecdote from my past.
When I was in college, a short handful of people from my dorm decided to take a quick weekend jaunt down to Cape Cod from Amherst. When you drive over one to the two bridges onto the Cape, it dumps you into a traffic rotary (or circle, or roundabout, depending on where you hail from) and in the middle of this rotary is a little landscaping featuring white rocks that spell out Cape Cod. Ever the pranksters, and this being the dead of night, they pull over and rearrange the rocks that spelled Cape to instead spell Eat.
Somehow, after they returned from their exploits and told several of us about it, this expression "Eat Cod" became our default dismissive for the rest of the year. As in, "Oh, you don't like my shirt? Well you can just eat cod!"
Anyway, thanks for reminding me of this arcane, historical morsel. And if anybody doesn't like my little story, well you can just eat cod!
Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
Hey Pid...
I liked your story but (ironically) I also just had a nice, big piece of "Cheesy Cod"! How psychedelic is that? (~) ; - )
"Cosmic Charley, how do you do?"
The Bourne Bridge
is just 20 minutes away from me. I know that rotary well and the stones sign has been replaced by some hedges that are sculpted out to say Cape Cod. It actually looks pretty nice as it is grown out large and manicured in a sort of calligraphy. You would need Edward Scissorhands to change it today. Anyway though that was a funny prank from back in the day. Eat Cod! To Funny.
Hey now Skenisahen! Good to hear from you man.
"Look out of any window
Any morning, any evening, any day"
Robert Hunter
Mr. Pid i love it. so good. we go through that rotary all the time. that place has inspired more cursing and colorful language then any other place ive been. Ugh, the rotary, the worst creation in human history. except of course for the sex and the city series/movie. but dont get me started on that one. ill save the rant for another day.Peace,
The Kid
you bettah off...
I bask in the joy that someone doesn't know who Carrie Bradshaw is...
She's the whiny annoying self-centered protagonist of Sex and the City.
The Kid
no more pencils
no more pencils
no more books
no more teachers dirty looks
what is?
what is synergy or synchronicity?
like this guy, I refuse to grow up.
Peter Pan syndrome: Term coined by pop psychology author Dan Kiley in his book "Peter Pan syndrome: Men Who Have Never Grown Up."
"Peter Pan is in reference to J. M. Barrie's classic 1904 play in which a boy who refuses to grow up teaches Wendy and her younger brothers how to fly and then it's off to magical Neverneverland for adventures with mermaids, Indians, and wicked Captain Hook and his pirate crew. The play's full title was "Peter Pan, or, The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up."
The Peter Pan syndrome is not at this time a medically accepted syndrome."
I went to court trying to get worker's comp for my Peter Pan syndrome, saying how can I work? they got child labor laws, but the judge laughed in my face, threw my case out, AND charged me court costs.
it IS true.

somewhere along the line
there was a rock 'n' roll version of "I Won't Grow Up." I haven't heard it for many years and don't have time to look it up now, but as far as I'm concerned, the chorus of "If growing up means I must be/Anything I don't want to be/I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up/Not me!" is a top contender in the Words To Live By hierarchy.
squeeky wheel
I grew up in the back room of a saloon, learning that 'the customer was ALWAYS right'
this is a case of how I got 5,000 bonus miles just for sending an email to explain what happened when I was trying to buy a tix online... being the squeeky wheel, so to speak.
I refrained from using cuss words, and had my old lady edit up my shakey grammer and spelling... ( -;
To Thai Air:
I would like to explain what happened when I spoke with reservation agents on the
telephone yesterday. Online, I was trying to book an e-ticket, and I
an e-cert certificate that I was trying to use. I was unsure of the
procedure, and called to inquire about it. I had searched for a flight
a price, but even after I had put in my e-cert number, and even after an
E-Coupon icon appeared, the price remained the same. I did not want to
click Purchase this Ticket before I saw the changed fare. I asked why
the price had not been discounted. She asked if the ticket price was
over 100 US$, and yes it is because this is a long flight.
I was placed on hold (there is a timer on my cordless phone, so I am quite
sure about the times) for 8 minutes. When the reservation agent
returned, she told me she did not know, and I should use the information portion of
the website to ask my question. I told her I wanted to book the ticket
as soon as possible to get the best fare, because sometimes discount fares
become sold-out, or lower priced seats suddenly become sold out. She
told me she could not answer any more questions and my only option
was to use the site. I tried to read through the FAQs, and so on, but
could not get an answer to my question. I wanted to book the ticket
before any discount fares were suddenly sold out. I called Thai air's ticket
line again. I explained again. This time, the reservation
operator asked for my schedule and flight numbers, etc. I was placed on
hold for 9 minutes, when suddenly the phone line went dead. I
immediately called back but getting a different person on the line, I
asked to speak with the person I had just spoken to. I told her this
was a flight ticket, and again gave all of the flight numbers. I was
agian placed on hold, and after 13 minutes the phone line went dead
again. I called again, and again, I told her how I had been on hold
before and cut off twice, this time, she had the common sense to ask my
telephone number in case we were cut off again. But, I had to explain
everything again, and I finally learned that I am unable to use the e-coupon. I
clicked on purchase this ticket, but the session had timed out, and I
had to go back and re-enter all of the information again. Needless to say,
it was a very long and frustrating experience trying to book this ticket, a major bummer, and a total buzz negator.
Is there a problem with the phone lines?
Essentially, it took me more than 90 minutes to finally book my ticket. The time to
call, the time to explain, the time to wait on hold, and the time to enter all
of my information again. It was all rather vexing.
CC Joe
Dear Mr. CC
Sawat Di Ka.
Thank you for contacting Customer Service regarding the
difficulty you had booking a reservation online with an e-certificate.
We appreciate the time you took to write and tell us about your
experience. On be half of Thai Air I apologize for the amount
of time it took to get an answer to your question from our agents. I
can understand how frustrating it would be to desire assistance and each
time be disconnected.
As our customer, you are in the best position to point out areas that
need attention. Our goal is to provide consistent and accurate
information to our passengers at all times. I am sorry that in this
instance you did not receive the service you expected and should have
received when you called the Customer Service to inquire about
the use of the e-certificate. Feedback like yours will help us improve
our process and overall customer experience. Please know I will be
sharing your comments with the responsible leadership team for internal
follow up.
Please know we greatly appreciate your business as a Platinum Royal Thai Air Silk
member. As a tangible expression of our appreciation and as an apology
for the poor service you received I have added 5,000 Bonus
Miles to your account. Please allow 2-3 business days to see
these bonus miles added to your account.
Again thank you for taking the time to write us about your experience
and I am confident given the opportunity to serve you in the future,
Thai Air will not only meet but exceed your expectations.
Khop Phun Mak Ka.
Ms. Songporn Nataruruj
Thai Air
Customer Resolution Department
Bangkok, Thailand
and then
the airlines usually respond and give 'something' even to semi-legit complaints like that one with the phone being dis-connected. there is a lot of competition in the air these days. and there are other choices. we do fly A LOT, so they also tend to 'respond' to steady custom, especially when worded so sweetly lke in my letter. ( -;
and then there was the time I bitched, nicely in a letter, to NW about the fact there was no pillows, and got 10,500 miles, the time a reservation agent laughed at me, (well, she chuckled...) and I got 10,000 miles... I was pointing out a problem with a reservation. in a totally serious tone of voice, and she just chuckled.
'you think I'm funny?
what am I? a clown? here to amuse you??!!'
Pesci in Goodfellas
I AM one of those guys who just tries to ek out as many miles as possible at every occassion. I even take convuluted, extremely time consuming routes because it adds up to more miles at the same fare.
> iknowurider
> iknowurider's, gonna put her fishnets on
> iknowurider's, gonna put her slit skirt on
> Gonna put on her garter belt, gonna keep turning me on
> Saw her last night, Lord, you know she looks the best
> Chatted last night, Lord, she’s unlike all the rest
> My heart was thumping baby, she put my wedding vows to the test
> iknowurider, gonna put your fishnets on
> iknowurider, gonna put that slit skirt on
> Gonna put on that garter belt, gonna keep turning me on
> The walls of the ‘love shack’ are shakin' again today
> The windows of the ‘love shack’ are all shatterin' today
> Some lucky someones are really getting blown away
> iknowurider, has her fishnets on
> iknowurider, has her slit skirt on
> Gonna put on that garter belt, gonna keep turning me on
> I wish I could see you try your garter belt on
> I wish I could see you try that slit skirt on
> I'd leave my old lady; and that ain’t no con
> iknowurider's, gonna put those fishnets on
> iknowurider's, gonna put that slit skirt on
> Gonna put on that garter belt, gonna keep turning me on
> I wish we was on tour, not working on this farm
> I wish we was on tour, not working on this farm
> I’d get a tattoo of you, my baby, and put it on my arm
> iknowurider, gonna put your fishnets on
> iknowurider, gonna put that slit skirt on
> Gonna put on that garter belt, gonna keep turning me on
> I wish you’d let me come in out from the rain
> I wish you’d let me come in from out the rain
> Cause right now, baby, my heart is in real pain
> iknowurider, gonna put those fishnets on
> iknowurider, gonna put that slit skirt on
> Cause in your “love shack” baby, I know what’s going on
> iknowurider says "I’m gonna put my fishnets on"
> iknowurider says "I’m gonna put my slit skirt on"
> "Gonna put on my garter belt, as soon as CC Joe stops drooling on
> on on ON ON ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
bear, I reckon, if memory serves, you were in on the chat where we started talking about fishnets and garter belts, and how iknowUrider thought them sexy...
she has told me, a while back, her place with her husband; they call it the 'love shack' a bit of an inside joke there.
Grateful Mom
Grateful Mom's, gonna put her fishnets on
Grateful Mom's, gonna put her slit skirt on
Gonna put on her garter belt, gonna keep turning me on
lazy bastard that I am...
( -:
late at night
CCj u qwacking me up
u very funny and what r the pics of ! our net nanny on server @work is blocking 'em, and i just got here, based on your song,my mind is gonna take me.......happy place:) Sign says.. Woo... stay away fools, 'cause love rules at the Lo-o-ove Shack! Well it's set way back in the middle of a field,Just a funky old shack and I gotta get back.
hmmm, i'm blocked out of 2 love shack vids on google....coincidence??
was another discussion about them in the chat room this morning. Joe and Rider-you missed it, but others have admitted to owning and liking fishnets too ;-)
Song is just wonderful c.c.! Keep the parodies coming!
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live.
Samuel Clemens
Fare Thee Well Love Shack
I gotta say, I don't miss my old Love Shack one bit! Who would've thought the LS would go down in history? You can't close the door when the walls caved in.......
if them walls
thank you, thank you very much. (Elvis voice)
if them walls of the 'love shack' could talk....
you can click on those pics to make them bigger, to
a) see how shitty my handwriting is
b) see how I avoided use of the word garter belt, lest my old lady see it and not unnerstand what I was writing about
c) see how I was toying with lines like 'all over town' and 'going down' but my manners took hold, and being a fly on the wall of the now infamous 'love shack' voyeuristic perv that I am.
d) all of the above
Hey now!
Remember the post about the FREE book SlipKnot a mystery featuring Sheriff Gavin Pruitt, a Deadhead. ...well I pmed msclement and got my FREE book in the mail today. So I'm gonna read it and then let you know how it is. So if you want a FREE copy pm msclement to get one or I could pass mine along.......... Have a grate day!Peace, Gigi
Hey Leanne
I wrote her 4 weeks ago, so your copy should get to you soon, if not I'll send you mine when I'm finished. I already started it :)Peace Gigi
Come see Terrapin Flyer with Tom "TC" Constanten Pre & Post Phil

Please check event link for all info.
Click Here To View Event LC Pavilion Columbus, OH June 12, 2008 Set 1: Minglewood Blues> Jam> Doin' That Rag Gone Wanderin' Direwolf Mama Tried Cumberland Blues> Bertha Setlist thanks to TAPERRROOOB!! Rock On! from Set 2: Passenger> Jam> Don't Let The Devil Take Your Mind High Time St Stephen> The Other One> Jam> The Wheel> Jam> Scarlet Begonias Sugar Magnolia Donor Rap/Intro E: Cold Rain and Snow GET OUT FOR TERRAPIN W/ TC BEFORE AND AFTER PHIL!!!!!!!! Dead to the Core Dead to the Core
I got the book several weeks ago and really enjoyed it. Read it in two days on a rainy Northwest weekend. This book is about lots that is close to me, Washington and its forests, environmental activism and the Grateful Dead. I will be posting more in the literature topic at this site about it. Enjoy and spread the word. You are helping out a Deadhead author and a small independent publishing company. That is just so right.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
William Blake
Happy Fathers Day!!
To all the Deadhead Daddys!! Have a Grateful Day!! :)
Hear, Hear Gigi
Enjoy the breakfast, cards, cheezy gifts, & the special things that come from your families hearts.
Happy Fathers Day
question of the day?????
after a very successful run on the tables, I am bucks up!!
one of my, ummm, how shall I say, one of my 'backers' has been pusing me to front a pool hall, I'm a pushover... so probably might do so.
the question of the day, what to name the joint??
I have always dreamed of having a pool hall with a simple name, like
'Joe C. Boss' Place' or simply 'CC's Pool Hall' and my 'proper name 'Jose Carlos Calio Hernandez Leal Delgado Sanz Fernández Luna Eduardo García Galván Los Muertos Agradecidos' Pool Hall is simply too damn long...
but now, given the freedom to do whatever I want, what would be you advice about a name for the pool hall??