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  • ripple70
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    surely the word
    hippy or hippie derives from the word hip,is it still hip to be a hippy? do we care if we are hip i know i dont if we take it back charles manson and altamont gave us all a bad name anyway.M e personaly i am a deadhead who loves life,flowers,tyedyes,beads etc dont think iwont a label anyway peace all.
  • ripple70
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    are we
    hippys,beatniks etc i agree with chinarider77 its whats in your soul i have the long hair,beads etc thats just external image stuff well said china its whats in your soul.
  • ChinaRider77
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    LOVE!!! In my opinion its not the clothes you wears, the music you listen to, the way your hair is, its whats in your soul that makes a person a walking being of LOVE. Some people call people like this "hippies" but I think that is just a label that mainstream society has stamped on those that have hearts full of the right stuff. God Bless
  • wilfredtjones
    in case you haven't yet tried...! P.S. I consider a 'hippie' as one that is 'hip to the jive'. Of course, it is multi-faceted...but to boil it down a hippie is hip to the jive of the culture.
  • zepthompson
    I'm not nearly as old old as Dave.. won't be 49 for another 8 months..but I do have older brothers... If any were hippies it would to be my second oldest - the long hair - the only other one really in to music (took me me to my first concert when I was 11 or 12 (his date canceled on him) - we went to Nashville to see Black Oak Arkansas - Marshall Tucker Band was also on the bill. He was and is as cool as they come - but not the image I get when i think of 'hippies' - Tho Dave did describe him above. Happy 49th Dave (I've got at least 8 months to go)
  • smiley dave
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    What is a Hippie I Love This.
    Since I was 11 now 49 in 2 weeks. I have always been what am. Was called a Hippie since a kid and always proud of it. A Hippie to me is, One That thinks Of The Universe As ONE. Thinks of others as a Priority cares for the Earth And Animals (ALL). To be open minded. Ready to learn. And do not WHINE. If there is something that needs done do it dont just point and tell others. Live by example best way. Well nobody will want to read more i can go on for ever. No I do not Feel I have Achieved all my Goals of Behavior. No way, NOT YET! But im still breathing still working and smiling at the situations And do better each day with set backs:) Blessings to all. Ramble on Dave:) Smiley Dave Light the Candles Spread the oil out:) Happy Hoidazes to all. Do For Other's You Will Feel Better. Guaranteed!!!!
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17 years 9 months
What, exactly, does the word "hippie" mean to you?
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16 years 10 months

Since I was 11 now 49 in 2 weeks. I have always been what am. Was called a Hippie since a kid and always proud of it. A Hippie to me is, One That thinks Of The Universe As ONE. Thinks of others as a Priority cares for the Earth And Animals (ALL). To be open minded. Ready to learn. And do not WHINE. If there is something that needs done do it dont just point and tell others. Live by example best way. Well nobody will want to read more i can go on for ever. No I do not Feel I have Achieved all my Goals of Behavior. No way, NOT YET! But im still breathing still working and smiling at the situations And do better each day with set backs:) Blessings to all. Ramble on Dave:) Smiley Dave Light the Candles Spread the oil out:) Happy Hoidazes to all. Do For Other's You Will Feel Better. Guaranteed!!!!
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Member for

14 years 4 months

I'm not nearly as old old as Dave.. won't be 49 for another 8 months..but I do have older brothers... If any were hippies it would to be my second oldest - the long hair - the only other one really in to music (took me me to my first concert when I was 11 or 12 (his date canceled on him) - we went to Nashville to see Black Oak Arkansas - Marshall Tucker Band was also on the bill. He was and is as cool as they come - but not the image I get when i think of 'hippies' - Tho Dave did describe him above. Happy 49th Dave (I've got at least 8 months to go)
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Member for

14 years 3 months

LOVE!!! In my opinion its not the clothes you wears, the music you listen to, the way your hair is, its whats in your soul that makes a person a walking being of LOVE. Some people call people like this "hippies" but I think that is just a label that mainstream society has stamped on those that have hearts full of the right stuff. God Bless
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14 years 6 months

hippys,beatniks etc i agree with chinarider77 its whats in your soul i have the long hair,beads etc thats just external image stuff well said china its whats in your soul.
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Member for

14 years 6 months

hippy or hippie derives from the word hip,is it still hip to be a hippy? do we care if we are hip i know i dont if we take it back charles manson and altamont gave us all a bad name anyway.M e personaly i am a deadhead who loves life,flowers,tyedyes,beads etc dont think iwont a label anyway peace all.
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15 years 5 months

The anti-war movement was all over the news before President Obama was elected. But apparently they weren’t really anti-war ... they were just anti-President Bush. Two college professors just released a study of national protests between 2007 and 2009. What did they find? … After January 2007, the attendance at antiwar rallies [measured in] roughly the tens of thousands, or thousands, through the end of 2008. … After the election of Barack Obama as president, the order of magnitude of antiwar protests dropped [...] Organizers were hard pressed to stage a rally with participation in the thousands, or even in the hundreds. For example, we counted exactly 107 participants at a Chicago rally on October 7, 2009. Amazing. Especially because the war in Afghanistan ramped up after Obama was elected. American fatalities shot up in 2009 and 2010. The protesters have remained silent over Libya. And I’m struck by the hypocrisy of the supposedly “anti-war” politicians who voted against Iraq, like Nancy Pelosi. Since Obama was elected, she has voted to continue the war in Afghanistan … and supported the attack on Libya. Only a handful of Congressmen have remained principled on foreign intervention. One of them is Ron Paul. On my FBN show this week, I’ll talk with him about why he opposes our “aggressive foreign policy.” IF YOU ANSWERED "HYPOCRITE", YOU ARE CORRECT!!!!
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17 years 9 months

this is a better fit for the current events topic. Thanks.
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Permalink who has the latest desired information on the latest tastes and trends. I really wish it had something to do with other things.
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17 years 3 months

Since I have always had long hair I have been called a hippie , now add to that I love to ride my Harley-Davidson when I have time. It's now a long haired hippie scooter trash. Lol !!! I say whatever I am what I am who cares what anyone thinks or says abt me , they don't know me anyway .. I love who and what I am !! Ps: look twice, save a life motorcycles are everywhere .. " Life is`nt about running from the storm, it`s about learning to dance in the rain "
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17 years 3 months

I don't always have the long hair, I cut it for the kids with cancer abt every 3 years. So then I am just scooter trash for a while, lol .. bikers and hippies have hearts too !! " Life is`nt about running from the storm, it`s about learning to dance in the rain "
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17 years 9 months

at my first Dead show, NYE 1980, going, whoa! 14-year-old hippies! in 1981! cool! Whoda thunk it... Little did I know.
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15 years 4 months

I was a 16 year old in 1981 Marye, so I might be able to explain the phenomenon.Raised around folks in underground radio and various other counter-culture pursuits, my "Hippieness" (or whatever the heck ya' call it.) started around the same time as my other Boomer brothers and sisters. '64 was supposedly the last year of the Baby Boom, if you believe the statisticians. I've got more in common with someone born in 1951 than 1971, so they might have gotten the demographics right for a change. Of course, the bigger shock for some people would have been hearing me singing along with "Truckin'" at 8 years old. Wish someone had taped me. It was probably hilarious. "Busted! Down on Bourbon Street." Not sure what's funnier. a kid singing "Busted" or "Bourbon"!
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14 years 2 months

Well, when I was back in high school we used to say. "the only good head is a Deadhead", so I'd imagine the only good hippy is a "Deadhippy". Didn't anybody out there go to the "death of a hippy" parade back in the 60's in Haight-Ashbury? Also,the master tunesmith Bob Dylan turns 70 today. Have a happy !!!
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15 years 5 months

...the neo-libs on the DNC site were always bashing me for my support of "W" and his war on the islamofascists, trying to convince me that he was only doing it because of oil, he's evil, and a racist, and only did it because he wanted to kill people with "brown skin", no lie, these are the type of idiotic things people were posting in response to me on the DNC MB...Now that Obamao has sent 10s of thousands more troops to the mid-east for his war on terror, kept camp Gitmo alive and well, ordered the murder of UBL, flying killer drones over Pakistan, and the NY Slimes have revealed his secret hit list on terrorists, they're no where to be found...If they weren't so sick they'd be funny!!
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13 years

Obamao? Islamofascists? Secret hit list on terrorists? Your analysis is about as deep as my daughter's wading pool... Obama is a centrist Democrat and he highly pisses off all the free-market conservatives who want to go back to the bad old days of "Dubya" where corporate hacks wrote regulatory rules for their own industry and enforcement sections were left with positions unfilled. Dubya was the greatest disaster this country has ever seen. He was the one who ushered in an era of corporate fascism, decimating our freedoms with the Patriot (read: War is Peace) Act. Meanwhile, the left flays Obama for not being liberal enough. Which he isn't. There are a lot of things he has done and not done that our empire should abandon. He almost screwed the pooch on this Chinese activist who made it to the embassy in Beijing. He did surge in Afghanistan be he has also reversed a losing policy. You disagree with his decision to take out OBL (by the way, what does UBL stand for?)? In case you haven't looked at the news lately, Pakistan and Iran are the enemy -- at least the fucked-up leaders of those countries. Bottom line on Obama is that he has people who hate him on the left and right and that puts him squarely in the middle. That is a good place to be as more people like to consider themselves as reasonable and moderate than not. At least they used to. Your hysterical rant doesn't help the debate.
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15 years 2 months

with what is a hippy. My definition? One who is hip. Or tuned in to the current trend. Which was true 45 years ago. Then it became a loaded term to denote "long-hairs" who were "high on drugs" and "listened to acid rock". Everybody knows acid rock would melt your brains if you actually listened to it. You just had to look at what happened to Art Linkletter's daughter to know that.
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17 years 2 months

do the darndest things. Some of them jump out of windows. Some of them grow up to be mindless slaves of the Right. Some of them grow up to be mindless slaves of the Left. Altogether too many of them just grow up to be mindless in general. Hippies have always struck me as people who grew up to be mindful. Mindful of their relationship with others. Mindful of coexisting and avoiding intentional harm to others. Mindful of the need to Question, not just Authority but Everything. Mindful of making the world a happier and safer place to be for everyone, not just those who looked, thought, spoke and acted like them. Mindful of the value added in learning to fish instead of expecting to be handed a fish, and the need to conserve and protect the stock of fish so it will remain plentiful for all. I think it's worth noting that what has grown to be the largest business enterprise in the world was started and developed by a hippie who credited his success to having had the opportunity to take LSD recreationally. How do you like them apples?
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15 years 2 months

My post was meant to be satirical. I like to believe that hippies have the view you have attributed to them but I think these forums on this site show that the last bastion of hippie-dom, the Grateful Dead fans, are really all over the place. They disagree more than they agree on almost all things. Is a hippie somebody who has long hair? Is a hippie somebody who has taken LSD? Is a hippie somebody who necessarily has to like music? I don't think you can put hippies into any of those boxes. One thing you can say about hippies -- they are always pushing their trip to the edge. You can always find a long-haired hippie freak at the end of the road -- the Central African Republic Patagonia, Timbuktu, Tibet, Innuvik -- wherever. You have to give them a lot of credit for that. And, as you inferred, for their creativeness. I think the Rex Foundation is an excellent example of honoring good ideas and creativeness on a small scale.
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17 years 8 months

Mr Pid wrote:
I think it's worth noting that what has grown to be the largest business enterprise in the world was started and developed by a hippie who credited his success to having had the opportunity to take LSD recreationally.
My first response was that this statement, minus the word "hippie", could apply to either Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, but then I checked the numbers, and it seems that ExxonMobil is presently the largest business enterprise in the world in terms of revenue, not Apple (#43) or Microsoft (#111). It is kind of fun imagining John D. Rockefeller tripping his face off, even though he died in May of 1937 and Hoffman didn't synthesize LSD until November of 1938. As for myself, I never liked the word hippie and always prefered to be called a freak, but hey, that's just me, whatever I am.
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17 years 2 months

that I am (and I see no inherent contradiction in that although others may disagree,) I tend to define "largest" in terms of market capitalization, not current revenue. See here for Apple and here for ExxonMobil. Yep, there's that wacky "value" thing again... I have no trouble seeing Jobs as a hippie. Not to mention Wozniak. They sure as shootin' weren't/ain't yer basic white collar Harvard MBA-type conservatives. Leastaways not like any of the ones I know. Gates wasn't ever anything like a hippie. Just another sociopathic nerd with serious control issues lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.
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17 years 8 months

Here we have yet another example of why I'm not a capitalist, responsible or otherwise; multiple metrics for meaningfullness. So, of course, I cede to your kind authority on this matter, Mr. Pid; I may be a daydreaming dilletante, but at heart I'm a realist. But I do need to question your distinguishing of Gates from Jobs where sociopathy and serious control issues are concerned; I always thought that these two men were wired much the same, and it was only their style that gave them the appearance of difference.
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15 years 9 months

Its a way of life, of thinking, and knowing peace nd love is the answer...unconditional love its quite simple Just love no matter what
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Member for

12 years 8 months

Some people who consider themselves to be hippies are cool and really do act on what they say they believe. The vast majority thought took boomers far too many times and became so detached and wrapped up in themselves that they create a delusional world where they think they are all the things they are and do little to act on it. Peace, Love, Equality, Acceptance? What a fucking sham for most "hippies." They clique together at festies and shows only accepting those like them and circle jerk about how they want to change the world whilst tripping their brain to bits in a field. Hallucinogens are not a party drug. Go sell more grilled cheeses and say that you're not a capitalist. I still love you, and I love you all so much that I wanted to shock and startle you all to see.
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15 years 2 months

No offense dude, but you strike me as a perfect example of the people you don't like. You have met the enemy and he is you. Or maybe you just can't write intelligible sentences. I rather think the vitamin K has scrambled your synapses worse than the acid ever did. Anyway, if you think all hippies have long hair and eat acid and go to festies I feel sorry for you (and anybody else that thinks that way). You can find the juicy people at juicy events. They don't necessarily give visual cues. We love you anyway -y..., Mmmmwahhhhhh!
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Member for

12 years 7 months

i read somewhere years ago that the word "hippie" was originally coined to denote a "brother or sister of the Hopi Indian tribe" and then, as anna stated earlier, the press got a hold of it and made it a loaded term. I like what jerry said about this. When the tour busses were making their way into haight/ash, "people would ask where the hippies were and they would point at us". I personally feel that ANY person of any dress/hair/no hair combo whos heart and mind have been opened and awakened by the use of psychedelics is a hippie. Jerry, later in his life, drove a bmw and not a vw minibus. he lived in a pretty nice houses later on also and not a teepee but i don't know of anyone who wouldn't say he wasn't a hippie at heart. that's my two cents (that's including tax,title,license and any and all appropriate/inappropriate fees). love to all.