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  • Mr. Pid
    Which reminds me
    One day when I showed up for work at a major central bank in lower Manhattan, I went through the usual drill. Slap the scannable ID card on the reader to unlock the turnstile, pass though and stop at the table in front of the Large Uniformed Man with the Badge and the Glock. Pop the locks on the briefcase [clack] [tclack], lift open the lid, and there, in my briefcase, in the middle of my briefcase, and away from everything else in my briefcase, lies my copy of Dozin' At The Knick. I'm sure you can all imagine the expression on the face of the Large Uniformed Man with the Badge and the Glock, as I suspect that one or two of you may have seen similar expressions on the faces of other Large Uniformed Individuals with Badges and Sidearms. As he's glaring/staring intently at me, I look him straight in the eye and calmly state: We Are Everywhere. Which, of course cracks us both up, because I'd been on the engagement for about a year and a half at the time, and we each knew each other by our first names. I didn't have the heart to tell him that the only reason that I'd brought in the then relatively recent release was to lend it to someone in senior management. The senior management guy, who I'll call Rolls, was in charge of the organizational unit that owned the systems I was working on. The day before, I had wandered into his office to get his take on some issue we were trying to resolve and just happened to notice a familiar Rainbow-On-White CD cover half buried under some papers scattered about his desk. "So, Rolls, taking a little European vacation this afternoon? And exactly how many shows did you get in to see?" "Hey now, Mr Pid, college was fun, wasn't it?" "Yeah, from time to time, and place to place. Now, about this performance report...." Rolls wasn't a regular and significant attendee of certain Big Monthly Meetings held in a National Capital, but his boss was. And he was his boss's right hand man. Rolls, and his boss, eventually got appointed to different assignments at other government agencies after the bank underwent a little "regime change" of its own. There were a couple of other like-minded folk there as well, but a bit further down the totem pole towards me. I was just a contractor, not an employee. But you see, we really are everywhere. Even Big, Important Halls of Money and Power. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • Warlock
    Nah, I did the 4 years
    Nah, I did the 4 years because they say... "Once a Marine, Always a Marine," so I felt I didn't need to serve the last 16 years! Ha! No actually I had a back operation and they'd accept my back in after time if my back was okay. Needless to say, I am lucky after being out. After 2 weeks (in '02) I missed my buddies so I called them and they all got deployed to Afgan. I was that close. I felt like I was leaving them behind for almost a year. I've gotten over that now tho. I want to join the Marine Corps League, but I have so many commitments right now, I'd hate to slack at everything I do. A dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago... ________________________
  • marye
    no problem Warlock
    will do. Welcome to the neighborhood. You still in the Marines? If so, you might check out the Military Deadheads topic.
  • Warlock
    Oops sorry...
    I went back to edit and it posted a new post. I meant to make corrections. For what it's worth read the second 'Marines' post. If a moderator could, maybe delete my first 'Marine' post. Thanks... A dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago... ________________________
  • Warlock
    Back in 1998 I was on a plane going to MCRD San Diego for Recruit Training. I felt so alone, no one with me and I knew I wasn't just going to meet up with some really nice people! Boot Camp...Oh no... Anyways, I'm on the plane and after about an hour of flight, the guy next to me, prolly 40, asks where I was headed ( I was 17) all alone? I said Marine Corps boot camp. He said he was 'in the corps' back in the day. Funny thing is that he was telling me he was a drill instructor at MCRD San Diego. I was trying to get some hints in before I got off the plane! We talked a lot for the rest of the trip and when we begin to land he pointed to the right and said there is where your squad bays will be. It was at night, I remember the lights all lit up. We shook hands and never seen each other again. During times in boot camp, I'd look out the windows and see planes coming and going. I'll never forget him. A dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago... ________________________
  • thndrbill
    French Hawaiian Deadhead in Mexico
    I think is about 1985. I was living in Hawaii, but had gone to Mexico and we were camping out on the beach at Ix-Cacel, about two hours south of Cancun. I had rented a white VW bug and I was driving south, towards Belieze. Out in the middle of the jungle there was a hitchhiker. This was pretty unusual as I was miles from any town and there were few people of any kind around in those days. He didn't speak English but we both spoke spanish. I was wearing a "Club Dead" t-shirt and he pointed at it and then at all the Dead stickers on his backpack. We got to talking and it turned out we both lived in the same small town on Maui about three streets away from each other! Small world indeed.
  • Ed Sieb
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    CQ Dead Head Hams?
    CQ all you Dead Head Hams! VA3ES here. We also know Eric, KJ7XJ and Dan, N4YKD. Who else is out there lurking in the ether?
  • c_c
    CC Joe sighting!
    I am in a faraway airport again, with a little time here.... so there I was, wandering around Oahu... I met up with some old friends, and I met some new friends, too. I saw a guy who had a dead related license plate getting out of his car, I did a quick "hey now!" flashing a peace symbol as I speeded past him on the hog. (no helmet laws or they are ignored in Hawaii!) another time I was in some beach park and I saw a couple of young dudes hanging, anyways, we got into talking and they were heads, so dudes, if you ever make it onto this site: welcome a(forum)board! I told them about this site, but something tells me they will not be able to remember that it is and not It was just that kind of day at the beach if ytou know what I mean. ( -; see you all in a few weeks! love and peace.
  • caroline
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    dead heads at wrigley
    i went to wrigley field this weekend to see my cubbies play the mets (we lost...). i sat next to a dead head, stood in line for the bathroom with another, and chatted with yet another in the beer line! 3 dead heads in one afternoon-- thrice my annual quota in my hometown! and as usual, dead heads are smiling and friendly and happy- as and extra, added bonus, these three were cubs fans too! caroline
  • traciegassette
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    cool people in japan too!
    its been a deep run nc, to a pink hill nc. so kinstones play too? Albertson nc pirartys in greenville
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17 years 4 months
Who'd you meet, and how?
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17 years 4 months

now THAT's a great story!
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17 years 4 months

Scotto and I decided a few daze in god old Amsterdam would help us get into a vacation groove.We werent in AMS long before we needed to find something in a pita for dinner. After debating the merits of shwarma vs felafel, we decided it had to be shwarma ...We sat at a sticky table waiting for our order, discussing who all I knew from the internet we could expect to see on tour. About then is when a bright eyed blonde bounded into the place. The shwarma dudes gathered round her to flirt,asking her if she was Australian. Blondie laughed and told them she was from Southern California. Scott had to add that hey, we were from Northern California. Blondie eyeballed Scott’s Rex/Dead shirt and said she had spent a few New Year’s Eves in Oakland.. which led to a conversation about Ratdog’s UK tour- Blondie knew all about it and in fact, along with her husband and some of her friends- would be flying across the North Sea to attend the London show. We started to exchange names and Blondie flashed on something bursting out with the ever familiar “Are you IRENIE? From Deadnet?!!!!”. Blondie turned out to be Deadnetter Rockin Robin.. Rockin Robin had been an active onliner Deadnetter til around the time she got married-3 years or so before then. Hadnt seen posts from her online in years. . Discovered that she and Milo (the husband) had been spending something like 7 months just traveling around the world. I had never seen her in person before but remembered reading her posts on Deadnet central. Small world.
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17 years 4 months

the pics I took were way too big to post here directly, and it took freaking forever to upload them... here's a little taste. early am, the sky was really overcast:… bit by bit, it cleared up...… within a couple of hours, it got much nicer outside:………
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17 years 4 months

CC, Very nice story and well said. Where are you in the States? I have not been to India yet, but i hear mixed stories so hopefully i can make it there some day. Greg
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17 years 4 months

we did a pretty short trip to India, and only the main areas of Delhi (new and Old) Agra and Jaifur, there were a few really cool sites we saw in between, but aside from pics, I don't take travel notes. but yeah, you should go!! might be hard with small children, well, that depends on the kids. of course the Europeans think nothing of packing their kids up and taking them on back-packing adventures... also, kind of depends on your old lady (wife?) or partner, certainly WHO you travel with to anywhere is a big consideration, before you go off to India with ANYONE, you better know what kind of traveller they are. my old lady is a pretty seasoned traveller, so she has no problems with trekkiing around lugging her own pack, sharing the load. but India is definately a place to go and see, from what everyone tells me, there are a TON of really cool places, outside of the main tourist loop that we did. GOOD hotels were pretty cheap, and since we were in a communal group of 8 people (all people I have known ALL my life) we shared the expenses of getting a private bus to take us around. that was a real MAGIC bus... but those roads were pretty scary, and those drivers are really down to earth dudes, but hot damn, the risks they take onthe road!! well, getting there is half the fun? we ain't as young as we used to be. who is?? so, we wanted to kind of get our feet wet in India the first trip. I'll say this, it is really, really intense. in good ways and in bad-- getting surrounded by hawkers and beggers was pretty much a major hassle, seeing the dire poverty, the absolute, utter misery of abject poverty; that was really fucking depressing. Cambodia and some areas of rural Thailand, (and rural China 15 years ago) was pretty much our only 'reality strikes' we have seen up close and personal. how was Africa? aside from Egypt, we never got there, YET! Cambodia is another great place to go, especially Angkor Wat, and we try to go to Thailand several times every year... that is our true love in SEA, the people, the culture, and of course the FOOD!! actually, we got our next trip back to The Land of Smiles (LOS) (Thailand) all booked and planned!!! for more on my take on Thailand go to deadnetcentral and look in the travel section. there is a link to that site in the community area of this board. peace! "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 4 months

And dannyclark1966 posts that his day job is dogwalking in Oakland. Hm, sez I. Picture sure looks familiar. So I email him and ask him who he walks dogs for. Sure enough, he's the dude who was walking my upstairs neighbor's dog last week and gave me his card when I was out with mine.
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17 years 4 months

small world among deadheads and pet owners... ( - : forum member discounts available??? "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 4 months

I was visualizing tie-dyed munchkins singing a la the Disneyland ride... (Okay, it's lame, but I used to love Small World. Probably still would if I ever went back to Disneyland.)
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17 years 4 months

now that damn song will be in my head all night. peace. ( -; "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 4 months

kind of cool to see dead stickers on a bicycle in Japan...
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17 years 4 months

even cooler to find a shop selling dead stuff...
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17 years 4 months

much much cooler to find a dead bar run by a Japanese guy who used to be a punk rocker until he saw the light...
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17 years 4 months

and also quite cool to find a dead sticker on a car in an upscale neighborhood, the car is owned by a really cool middle aged head who saw a few shows back around 85... he also plays in an all Japanese dead cover band.
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17 years 3 months

I was interning at a Botanical Garden in Mendocino County, N. California, and decided to fly to a Red Rocks show for 3 nights with Widespread Panic. I had to hop a few buses to get to San Fran Int. airport, and in Santa Rosa an old, dusty lookin' dude got on. He literally "Asked me for a dime, a dime for a cup of coffee" I bought him a cup, and he proceeded to talk to me for the entire 2 hour ride down the coast. After about 10 minutes he saw a "Steal your Face" album patch on my pack, and proceeded to tell some of the best stories I've heard to date. He said, and I quote, "Back in 69' my friends and I first saw those guys, and before I knew it, it was 1989 and I still didn't have a real job, but I sure had a lot of fun, and family." He also told me that a few years back he had met Bobby on a bus in downtown San Fran, and he asked Bob, "Why in the world are you on this bus, man?" Bobby answered back without missing a beat, "Have you ever tried to drive in this town?" It's experiences like this that make being a Deadhead all the more rewarding. I never would have met this version of August West had I not had that patch, nor would I have been so kind to someone down and out if it wasn't for that feeling that everyone is family in our community. As a Deadhead I feel like a member of some elite club, something very special indeed. We all know that we truly are blessed to be members of this Dead society. ramble_on74
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17 years 4 months

It was only a minor event, but it gave me great pleasure. We were in the cafeteria at Athens airport, returning from a great sailing trip round the Peloponnese. As we went to the counter I noticed someone staring at me from way across the room (its a big cafeteria). Next thing I know he came over, and pointing to my Dead Polo shirt , identiified himeself as a DeadHead ( from London). We had a brief chat and went our separate ways. Now I always were my Polo shirt when travelling :) It was the highlight of my holiday - which had been fabulous up to then anyway. Howard
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17 years 4 months

I was sitting in my car outside a shop in Deadwood, S.D. waiting for my wife when I was approached by a real ruff looking cowboy and his wife. Did I mention he was wearing a really big knife on his belt and his shirt said "London by way of Texas"? I didn't know what to expect. He tells me they saw my license plate and wanted to know if it spelled out Grateful Dead or Grateful Dad. I said it was Dead. He looks at his wife with a big smile and says "see, I told you". That certainly was a strange trip!
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17 years 3 months

I heard that phrase from fellow travelers on two occasions:I was working as a fitness trainer at a health club in Oakland, CA. A colleague referred a new client to me, and I was doing the standard intake session. She said she wanted to get in shape in preparation for some adventure travel: Me: "Wow. That's fun. What made you decide to do that?" Her: "This might seem silly, but...I was working as a vice president of a bank. Then Jerry Garcia died..." A few years later I was working as a recruiter of attorneys. A job candidate told me he'd gone from being a carpenter to getting a law degree in his thirties: Me: "Interesting. How did you end up doing that?" Him: "Well, I had this great carpentry business, and then Jerry died. I had all these customers who were other Deadheads, and I'd just go on jobs and we'd all cry. It became too depressing, so I decided to go to law school!"
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17 years 4 months

One morning last year as I was on my way to college, I decided to stop by a convenience store in Carlisle PA for a coffee and a breakfast sandwich. While I was standing at the deli area waiting for my sandwich, one of the employees noted my Grateful Dead t-shirt, and said "my cousin played lead guitar for them." "Sure," I said. "You may know of him," she continued, "his name's Steve Kimock." She didn't charge me for the coffee. Yo Soy Boricua!
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17 years 4 months

Have you ever met yourself? Boy, is it odd. I was living in Cincinnati, OH and went to hear Phillin' Phriends with Dylan at the local summertime ampitheater. There were a LOT of heads that sure looked familiar and a few people I hadn't seen in awhile giving hugs and groovin'... Nice night. I went to fetch me a Guinness (wine of the country) and saw a guy with a pal in the exact same shirt I had on. Not just any shirt- it was very ugly. There were sankes wrapped around hawaiian guitars and flowers in this awful bright red and white decor. I had to stop and make some chat. His name? that's right: Bob. His pal? same as mine: Dan. His beer? well, you see where this is going. But, it gets stranger (you know). I mentioned that my shirt had been a gift from my mother in law whilst on a trip to the Carribean at this little booth on some island... His shirt? His girlfriend's mom etc. etc. etc. We toasted heartily and said we'd see each other again each morning. The punchline: I related this story to my wife upon arriving home. "SO, ummm..."she said "you get his number?"See you round, Bobstopper.
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17 years 3 months

I used to work for a rather large telecommuncations company in Pleasanton,CA. My supervisors last name was/is Weir. Upon transferring into this dept I was tempted to ask if she was related to Bob, the answer was no but after talking about music for a few minutes she said that she had a family member that played in a band called the Tubes. I cant remember which member it was now but it was a wier-d connection.
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17 years 2 months

its been a deep run nc, to a pink hill nc. so kinstones play too? Albertson nc pirartys in greenville
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17 years 3 months

i went to wrigley field this weekend to see my cubbies play the mets (we lost...). i sat next to a dead head, stood in line for the bathroom with another, and chatted with yet another in the beer line! 3 dead heads in one afternoon-- thrice my annual quota in my hometown! and as usual, dead heads are smiling and friendly and happy- as and extra, added bonus, these three were cubs fans too! caroline
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Member for

17 years 4 months

I am in a faraway airport again, with a little time here.... so there I was, wandering around Oahu... I met up with some old friends, and I met some new friends, too. I saw a guy who had a dead related license plate getting out of his car, I did a quick "hey now!" flashing a peace symbol as I speeded past him on the hog. (no helmet laws or they are ignored in Hawaii!) another time I was in some beach park and I saw a couple of young dudes hanging, anyways, we got into talking and they were heads, so dudes, if you ever make it onto this site: welcome a(forum)board! I told them about this site, but something tells me they will not be able to remember that it is and not It was just that kind of day at the beach if ytou know what I mean. ( -; see you all in a few weeks! love and peace.
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17 years 3 months

CQ all you Dead Head Hams! VA3ES here. We also know Eric, KJ7XJ and Dan, N4YKD. Who else is out there lurking in the ether?
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Member for

16 years 11 months

I think is about 1985. I was living in Hawaii, but had gone to Mexico and we were camping out on the beach at Ix-Cacel, about two hours south of Cancun. I had rented a white VW bug and I was driving south, towards Belieze. Out in the middle of the jungle there was a hitchhiker. This was pretty unusual as I was miles from any town and there were few people of any kind around in those days. He didn't speak English but we both spoke spanish. I was wearing a "Club Dead" t-shirt and he pointed at it and then at all the Dead stickers on his backpack. We got to talking and it turned out we both lived in the same small town on Maui about three streets away from each other! Small world indeed.
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Member for

16 years 8 months

Back in 1998 I was on a plane going to MCRD San Diego for Recruit Training. I felt so alone, no one with me and I knew I wasn't just going to meet up with some really nice people! Boot Camp...Oh no... Anyways, I'm on the plane and after about an hour of flight, the guy next to me, prolly 40, asks where I was headed ( I was 17) all alone? I said Marine Corps boot camp. He said he was 'in the corps' back in the day. Funny thing is that he was telling me he was a drill instructor at MCRD San Diego. I was trying to get some hints in before I got off the plane! We talked a lot for the rest of the trip and when we begin to land he pointed to the right and said there is where your squad bays will be. It was at night, I remember the lights all lit up. We shook hands and never seen each other again. During times in boot camp, I'd look out the windows and see planes coming and going. I'll never forget him. A dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago... ________________________
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Member for

16 years 8 months

I went back to edit and it posted a new post. I meant to make corrections. For what it's worth read the second 'Marines' post. If a moderator could, maybe delete my first 'Marine' post. Thanks... A dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago... ________________________
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Member for

17 years 4 months

will do. Welcome to the neighborhood. You still in the Marines? If so, you might check out the Military Deadheads topic.
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Member for

16 years 8 months

Nah, I did the 4 years because they say... "Once a Marine, Always a Marine," so I felt I didn't need to serve the last 16 years! Ha! No actually I had a back operation and they'd accept my back in after time if my back was okay. Needless to say, I am lucky after being out. After 2 weeks (in '02) I missed my buddies so I called them and they all got deployed to Afgan. I was that close. I felt like I was leaving them behind for almost a year. I've gotten over that now tho. I want to join the Marine Corps League, but I have so many commitments right now, I'd hate to slack at everything I do. A dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago... ________________________
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Member for

16 years 9 months

One day when I showed up for work at a major central bank in lower Manhattan, I went through the usual drill. Slap the scannable ID card on the reader to unlock the turnstile, pass though and stop at the table in front of the Large Uniformed Man with the Badge and the Glock. Pop the locks on the briefcase [clack] [tclack], lift open the lid, and there, in my briefcase, in the middle of my briefcase, and away from everything else in my briefcase, lies my copy of Dozin' At The Knick. I'm sure you can all imagine the expression on the face of the Large Uniformed Man with the Badge and the Glock, as I suspect that one or two of you may have seen similar expressions on the faces of other Large Uniformed Individuals with Badges and Sidearms. As he's glaring/staring intently at me, I look him straight in the eye and calmly state: We Are Everywhere. Which, of course cracks us both up, because I'd been on the engagement for about a year and a half at the time, and we each knew each other by our first names. I didn't have the heart to tell him that the only reason that I'd brought in the then relatively recent release was to lend it to someone in senior management. The senior management guy, who I'll call Rolls, was in charge of the organizational unit that owned the systems I was working on. The day before, I had wandered into his office to get his take on some issue we were trying to resolve and just happened to notice a familiar Rainbow-On-White CD cover half buried under some papers scattered about his desk. "So, Rolls, taking a little European vacation this afternoon? And exactly how many shows did you get in to see?" "Hey now, Mr Pid, college was fun, wasn't it?" "Yeah, from time to time, and place to place. Now, about this performance report...." Rolls wasn't a regular and significant attendee of certain Big Monthly Meetings held in a National Capital, but his boss was. And he was his boss's right hand man. Rolls, and his boss, eventually got appointed to different assignments at other government agencies after the bank underwent a little "regime change" of its own. There were a couple of other like-minded folk there as well, but a bit further down the totem pole towards me. I was just a contractor, not an employee. But you see, we really are everywhere. Even Big, Important Halls of Money and Power. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Nice props for Arlo "away from everything else" PEACE
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Member for

17 years 4 months

I took my son's camping and fishing at Apache lake, good 2.5hr drive from Phx.MIDDLE of the DESERT, this is probably about 2002,03 and I still have not listened to ANY Dead since 1995(self imposed xile). Spent the day Sat., fishing and riding around in rental boat, get back to campground just before sunset, do dinner and get boys setup in they're sleeping bags, hear noise coming from resort above us(we're on the shore), there is a wedding going on, I'm thinking "oh swell, gonna be up all night listening to this crap", then I hear the band start knockin on the mikes "test 1,2", then they're gone. Cracked open a beer and kicked back, ahh silence, dark starry nite solitude, then the band comes back to play, opening congrats to the new mrn'mrs then ripped right into "Scarlett Begonias", my son TJ says from his bag, dad aren't they playing a GD song, I said yeah , probably the only one they know! Well it wasn't, they played solid dead on into that dark starry nite, I snuck off, packed a bowln'cried. I was home again! ThankU wedding party, too Kind.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

"In the strangest places, if you look at it right!"

Member for

17 years 3 months

After Jerry passed away, the only music that I could listen to for years was the GD. I felt like life was TOO short to waste time listening to other music. Nowadays I can and do listen to other bands, but by far the vast majority of my listening time is spent with the Dead. Jerry's music will live on longer than you or me, or anybody reading this post. Thank you very much for all you gave us Jerry, it was a wonderful ride...
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Member for

16 years 11 months

within in a few weeks of creating my profile Hal R pops up in my email. Turns out Hal hails from my home state - IA. Smack dab in the middle of the US. But the best is he lives right in the great state of WA now. WOW! The Grateful Dead have never been out of my music rotation but Hal has redirected me into the cosmic flow - thousands of hours of musical joy. What a small world technology presents us.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Okay, Nothing too big here, This was in 1999-2000. I was still lost without the GRATEFUL DEAD being around, but I made up for it by a LOT of PHISH touring (Next best thing) and The whole "Further" Tour and then Phil & friends... Anyhow, Halfway through the summer of 2000 I am at a Phish show in my home state (CT - At the Meadows in Hartford) I am selling juice and beer with a bud of mine walkin around this HUGE crazy lot trippn my brains off running into all my old friends from back home.. The 5-0 started getting a bit too much for us (They where moving in the area because too many people where jumping the fence into the show.. LOL We moved away and found a nice grassy area to sit down and pack up a nice Smoke!!! (U know what I mean).. So I look next to me and lo and behold this dude I saw at like three other shows (Always at the wierdest TIMES!!) just happened to be sitting RIGHT NEXT TO ME.. So I passed him the pipe.. We caught up and laughed and smoked for about 30 mins or so then headed our own seperate ways to try and find tickets for that nights show....This ALONE BLEW MY MIND as everytime I ran into this dude, We BOTH where trippin out... HARD! Now I only dosed now and then so this is crazy I am thinking that we ALWAYS are both out of our minds and run into each other in the wierdest ways... Fast forward 2 months.. Phish tour is over, I just finished catching my breath at home for a few days to relax and decided to head up to upstate NY to catch a good weekend Festival (CAMP CREEK 2000).... I went up and ran into mad friends AS ALWAYS!) I ended up working half the festival vending for my good friends I ran into up there.. But of course on night one I dosed 3 UFO tabs.. (BEST I EVER HAD) MIND BLOWIN STUFF!!!! As i was PEAKN HARD I ran into one of my BEST friends in the world at the time from my home town, we both ended up hangn as we both where on UFOS! (This is the same bud I was at the PHISH SHOW with selling juice and beers) We walked all over the campgrounds again and again, listened to some great music and had one hell of a trip.... Just when we both thought it couldn't get ANY crazier, who comes walkn right up to me & my friend!? The SAME dude from Hartford I ALWAYS ran into on tour (At LEAST ten+ times the past two years) Dude walks up to us and is out of his mind too (AGAIN)and in a BURNT OUT VOICE says "hey, aren't you the dude from the Meadow lands?"," u mean the medows in hartford"i REPLIED AS.. We both looked at each other and just started laughing like crazy..(As I realized who it was... We sat down in the vending tent and had a Peace pipe as per normal LOL, and talked a bit.. That night we all ended up meeting some SWEET hot gals and spent the night with them (The whole weekend actually...) Anyhow, The whacked thing is, Still to this day neither of us asked what each others names where.. LOL I never knew his Nor vice versa.. Yet always (Kinda had to be there) we met up at the most CRAZY PLACES at the MOST CRAZY times and it happened NON STOP for two years.. I never saw the dude again, but i wish him well and I'm sure he remembers us!!- Gypsy And Joe.... What a LONG STRANGE TRIP!!!PEACE Cosmic Travelers - Gypsy Blue GLASS @ BEST PRICES!!! JUST ASK!!!! -PEACE- "If Your not A HEAD - You are BEHIND!"
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Before i retired i used to work in a control room for British Transport Police, The railway police in England A Police sergeant transferred in from the Met, it didn't take long for me to find out he liked the Dead. We had lots of chats on nights mostly about Dead Shows. He never saw them, only Ratdog in London Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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17 years 4 months

one of the guys i did a lot of travelling with on the Dead tour was from Phoenix, if i remember rightly. His name was Hewitt Pratt and his sister was a school friend of Stevie Nicks who i believe comes from Phoenix Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spanish Jam
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I went to my first Dead show with a guy named Jay that was from Utah but who moved to Palo Alto to be with his dad after the shows in 95. He was fifteen then and has a tatoo on his ankle that speaks to his "dislike" of the morman faith. I've been looking for him ever since. Sending him my way if you know who I'm talking about.... Looking for Jay!! Blond Hair, Blue Eyes!!! Looking for Jay!!! Zelda
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Member for

17 years 1 month

met my ex in North Beach, SF, CA. Sept 1969 through a Hells Angel we both knew.....but of course......& then we went to hear the Good Ole Grateful Dead........
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Member for

17 years 1 month

met my current of the last 14 yrs through the Good Ole Grateful Dead @ Winterland some 30 years ago......but of course........ pix of my granddaughter
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Member for

17 years 1 month

is well WHAT???? who are you & why are you following me?" haha in case you didn't know-that's a turn around from the quote or maybe it was a bumper sticker that said: "who are the Grateful Dead & why are they following me?" Gypsy Cowgirl
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Member for

17 years 3 months

" the bus came by and I got on..." Any of you old foggies remember the free show in Athens, OH in Novvember 1968?
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Member for

17 years 1 month

Hi Gr8fulTed-did you mean foogies or foggies?..........was in SF in 1968-out here in the fog..... so can't answer your Ohio question......Gypsy Cowgirls....
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Member for

16 years 6 months

My first California shows (lived in DC from 83-89) was the 4 Henry J. Kaiser News Years run Dec 27-28, 30-31, 1986. My ex wife (I"ll call her K) and I went out with our friends Doug & Beth (where are you Doug Kane & Beth Dyer...we called em' ' Bug & Deth') : ) K took lots of pictures from the shows, and we have a pic of the couple (blonde haired woman & elf-looking guy selling the "original" Jerry (cabbage patch) dolls. They're sitting in front of the Kaiser dressed warm and have a pile of dolls. We had stopped at one point and looked at them but didn't buy one. But K snapped their pic, and it went into our 'tour photo album.' 1987 came and was prosperous for us (21 shows that year) and we lucked out and scored Red Rocks tickets. Landed at Denver International (back then) and we were waiting for our rental car. and I noticed a couple looking kind of frustrated sitting on top of an army style bag. The guy was holding a Jerry doll and I realized it was the same couple we had in our photo album from 8 months ago. So, we went up and told them so. They introduced themselves (Barbara (forgot her last name, my bad) & Barney Waterbury), and explained that they had a mix up with their rental car, and would have to wait for quite some time to get one. We asked them where they were staying and the address was of their hotel was an ONE even number away from ours! So, we were staying right next door to each other in different hotels, and we offered them a ride. That sprung a friendship, and we hung out together for all 3 shows, and they booked back to Florida (Tampa), as we headed into Colorado for more adventure. We kept in touch, met them at New Years in Oakland a few months later for New Years 87-88. They came up and we did the Hampton Shows together in March of 88, and on my 30th birthday at Buckeye Lake on 6/25/88, we knew they were going to be there, and waited by the gate for an hour to no avail. During Bruce Hornsby's set I patted K on the shoulder and said, "look over there," and sure enough, in a crowd of 30,000 people, there they were with Jerry Dolls in tow. The last I saw of them was in Tampa October 88, I flew down and stayed with them for the two shows at Bayfront Center. They loved to sail and Barney had a NICE sail boat,which they would take into the Caribbean, Virgin Islands, etc. I talked to Barney about 10 year ago, and he and Barb had broken up. I wonder if she's still making the Dolls? She was supposedly in contract negotiations with the Dead, and her company was called, appropriately, "Steal Your Heart." Those were very cute Jerry Dolls. And no it wasn't mine, it was my ex-wifes doll! ; ) Me, I liked GI Joes thank you. End of story.....BARNEY, BARB, where are YOU? Barney is probably findable, probably still in his house on the water. Miss you guy's and love ya! Amazing that a picture in your scrapbook can turn into your friends. ~Tom ( "takes the dark out of the nighttime, paints the daytime black")
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Member for

16 years 1 month

So, a friend and I roll out to Chicago back in July for the Umphrey's McGee/STS9 show at the Charter1 Pavilion. We pulled up in front of our hotel, and my friend ran in to register the room for the valet parking. While she is doing this, I pull my six-string out of the back seat and sit on the hood of the car... I start strumming through a "Bertha" when a cop rolls up next to me. He looks over and says "Whatchya playin?"... I looked over and said "Ahh, just some Dead." "Yeah? Gimme some Scarlet!" he smiles. So I did, and just as I'm about to get to the first verse, he flips on his lights... "The wind and the willow played tea for two!" he sung out... And proceeded to finish the verse with me. Then he tells me that he's seen the Dead 37 times, and Jerry another dozen times with various projects. And then, the line that made my day.... "Thanks for keeping rock and roll alive" he said... He turned off his lights, and drove off. That was by far one of the best moments of my short life, to date.