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  • johnman
    just realized the significance......(been drinkin' ya kno!)....good luck mom!!...(jeez tiger, i needa job too!! and frank and bob.....HEY let's start a company that drinks alla the left over beer....clean up, so to speak.....tiger can run the joint!!
  • TigerLilly
    Hey Gigi
    Kinda looking for a job-and paid my university by waiting tables-would come help you out if I could, GalPal!!!!!!!!!!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • johnman
    no, man!!...the Peanut Butter Patties!!...........get a grip
  • MarkintheDark
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    heheheheheh. That's a good one to sign out with, thanks johnman G'night folks woops, one more thing: it's 11:11 PM EST, and the wikipricks have removed the g'mom blurb. Bastards. for posterity's sake: "Grateful Mom recently opened the most delicious and soon to be very famous Wenonah Italian Market/ Deli/ Resturant! The Wenonah Italian Market may be found at 2 West Mantua Ave in Wenonah." I googled the Italian Market and it looks like realtors are using it as a selling point for houses on Mantua Ave., as in "within walking distance of Wenonah's new Italian Market" etc. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
  • johnman
    so, this monastery
    is holding open auditions for a bellringer, and a little hunchback is the first in line. the monk holding the interviews tells him to go ahead and give the rope a pull, see how he does. poor little guy pulls too hard and the rope slingshots him up the tower, and into the belfrey where he promptly smacks his face on the bell, causing it to resound with a perfect ring. falling out of the tower he lands on the ground and is surrounded by wouldbe bellringers, monks and a flustered policeman who asks the crowd if they know this man, to which the monk in charge of the auditions replied " i don't know his name but his face sure rings a bell".
  • MarkintheDark
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    Gonna have to stick to my guns (!) on the pot pie thing...
    For the record, it was chicken and it wasn't very satisfying. Only had the crust on top, not all around, the tabasco helped a little but I didn't have any cheese or beer. Didn't use garlic salt (damn pies have more than enough sodium already). The sauce was watery and the vegetables diced too small. Looks like I'll have to break into the secret stash of Girl Scout Cookies. If my sister knew I've been holding back a box (or two) of Samoas she'd kill me. (a real calzone woulda been awesome. Or that appetizer I had at this Italian place near Pittsburgh, it was just hot peppers fried with asiago cheese - I had a triple order as my entree, paid the price but it was worth it) ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
  • c_c
    it does kind of kill the buzz to put it here, but if mom can't see it then that ain't cool...,_New_Jersey#External_links hey, Pid, if you could please make a clickability thing, I'd appreciate it. couldn't figure out how to do that even wioth your instrictions. Borough of Wenonah Official Website Wenonah Elementary School Wenonah Elementary School's 2006-07 School Report Card from the New Jersey Department of Education Data for the Wenonah Elementary School, National Center for Education Statistics Wenonah Environmental Commission Wenonah, New Jersey is at coordinates 39°47′31″N 75°08′58″W / 39.791813, -75.149495 (Wenonah, New Jersey)Coordinates: 39°47′31″N 75°08′58″W / 39.791813, -75.149495 (Wenonah, New Jersey) [hide]v • d • eMunicipalities and communities of Gloucester County, New Jersey County seat: Woodbury City Woodbury Boroughs Clayton | Glassboro | National Park | Newfield | Paulsboro | Pitman | Swedesboro | Wenonah | Westville | Woodbury Heights Townships Deptford | East Greenwich | Elk | Franklin | Greenwich | Harrison | Logan | Mantua | Monroe | South Harrison | Washington | West Deptford | Woolwich CDPs Beckett | Gibbstown | Mullica Hill | Oak Valley | Turnersville | Victory Lakes | Williamstown Communities Bridgeport | Clarksboro | Cooper | Cross Keys | Franklinville | Harrisonville | Malaga | Mickleton | Monroeville | Mount Royal | Sewell | Thorofare Grateful Mom recently opened the most delicious and soon to be very famous Wenonah Italian Market/ Deli/ Resturant! The Wenonah Italian Market may be found at 2 West Mantua Ave in Wenonah. Retrieved from ",_New_Jersey" Categories: Boroughs in New Jersey | Gloucester County, New Jersey ViewsArticle Discussion Edit this page History Personal toolsLog in / create account Navigation Main page Contents This page was last modified on 18 December 2008, at 01:05. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. (See Copyrights for details.) Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductible nonprofit charity. Privacy policy About Wikipedia Disclaimers we'll see how long it lasts, I mean, how often does anyone look at the Winonan wiki page anyways?? peace.
  • MarkintheDark
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    Hell johnman...
    ...pretty much anything is good with enough tabasco sauce and seven beers! 'specially that habanero tabasco, mmmm. And I used to use about half a bottle of garlic tabasco on a pizza, but you can't find the stuff anymore I just checked the wiki article again at 1035 PM eastern time and the Wenonah blurb is still there, I'd paste it in here but that would spoil cc's surprise I think. Congratulations, gratefulmom! What's on the menu? ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
  • Mr. Pid
    Turkey Pie?
    Or is it Beef Pie? Nothing like the influence of a Frozen Beef Pie! Not that I'm knocking beer, mind you. Just hoping for a brave new superhero of the current economic slump. In any event, kudos to both Gratefulmom on her doubtlessly hugely successful venture and the intrepid wikifittist creatively promoting same. And may the wikiwankers be slow in discovering the transgression. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • GratefulGigi
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    Hey now!
    I can't see it and thats not fair...what does it say!!!! OMG we were soo freaking busy these past daze!! We are so unprepared for the crowd!! But people were so nice and we are so grateful!! Im drinking some vino now trying to chill...we need help , send some helping vibes! Peace, Gigi
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17 years 9 months
continuing the free-form from where we left it...
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17 years 9 months

so glad for you Gmom!
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17 years 9 months

So happy to hear you had a good time. 24, possibly the theory that if you immerse yourself in as many years of magical music then you become one with it. Just a possibility. Happy for you,
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17 years 9 months

Very cool of gratefulmom to share her life with us the way she has recently. I'm touched by her openness and wish her and her family all this psychedelic universe has to offer (and then some mooOO0000OOOO000oooore ~ ; - ) "You know what the trouble about real life is? There's no danger music."
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17 years 9 months

quick pop in here, in Nagoya airport on the way to lands farther and further away. love and peace.
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17 years 9 months

Yes, thanks grateful mom, we are too grateful. CC, be safe and know lots of us here are with you in spirit. Thanks to you both for the love you give and the love you share. peace,pk
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17 years 9 months

I am the only 'user' online now so I get to make a special wish. OK.... I made it but I can't tell anyone what it is or it won't come true :-)
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17 years 7 months

Ok so I'm sitting on the beach in Sea Isle City NJ today and went to eat a pretzel and out of nowhere a sea gull came from behind swooped down on my head reached around my face and stole the pretzel right out of my mouth...omg it scared the shit out of me, my friend said it had my hair in a mess in 1 second flat, it happened so fast I was in shock...hehe those nasty seagulls suck!!!At least it didn't shit on me :)
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17 years 9 months

but did you get another pretzel? My sister-in-law's black lab, Elvis, once stole a perfectly prepared bratwurst for which I'd been patiently waiting all day. I had set it on an ottoman in front of me, was seating myself and then he snatched it! The worst part is he looked directly at me while he ate it - kinda like when the opposing team's player hits a home run and then poses at home plate. For seeking retribution: view Caddyshack. Bill Murray was trying to do away with gophers, but I'm sure some of his tactics could apply to seagull disposal. "Where does the time go?"
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17 years 9 months

Mean seagulls do suck, but a little harder to ignore. Yeeeouch! talk about in your face! Bill may be able to help.....maybe.
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17 years 9 months

my uncle had an irish setter that devoured our thanksgiving turkey one year. that was awesome. hmmmm...animals need to eat, too - go figure! | Wait until the veil is shredded, then reveal it |
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17 years 7 months

Just like in the movie The Christmas Story...hehe
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17 years 8 months

I was watering some young Colorado Blue Spruce trees yesterday and startled a large bird of prey, a Marsh Hawk, watching him wing off to the west. I walked over to where he went aloft and found a young rabbit with a hole in his side, just above the forearm, minus the heart!
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17 years 9 months

Jersey gulls seem to be getting more and more aggressive these days. Reminds me of when I was a kid on vacation in NC. My brother and I were sitting on the beach and a seagull flew by and shit on his shoulder. My father was standing there, points at him and starts laughing hysterically. I look at my dad thinking thats not funny, thats disgusting. All of a sudden here comes another one and it shits right on top of my dads head. Now he's not laughing anymore, but I'm doubled over cause NOW its funny. They didn't get me but I was already taking cover.Lessons learned: #1 Don't laugh when someone gets shit on by a gull. If it hears you it will target you next. #2 DON'T FEED THE SEAGULLS. You are just giving them ammunition. (unless you enjoy being shit on). : )
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17 years 2 months

i think you should be able to get an original vinyl edition of the "Big Bamboo"in a record shop nearby you.peace
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17 years 9 months

impossible rider, tommy is posing as a bike mechanic at the shop i've been going to for my wheels, i swear it's him or a clone.... hey dude, do you need this part???(gotta say it sounding like tommy), cracks me up, i'm gonna try to get a circle going next visit : )
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17 years 9 months

Right on, iknowurider! Tommy Chong spent 9 months in a federal prison for his role in selling water pipes and bongs, via the internet. Blackmailed by US Attorney, Mary Beth Buchanan (Gestapo appointee of Herr Bush) Tommy's case was never heard in a real court of law because Buchanan threatened to prosecute his family members (son and wife) unless he accepted the government's terms, who were also part of his bong business. Tommy's house was raided and ransacked by federal goon agents that (imo) should have had other business than shaking down a peaceful head like Chong. This was the pivotal case that sent me away from the Republican Party and back into Never-Ever Land (politically). Good luck on your reunion tour, guys! I hope to catch a show myself. "You know what the trouble about real life is? There's no danger music."
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17 years 7 months

Buddy Plant I haven't seen him on in a long time...anyone know?Miss u Bud!!
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17 years 7 months

Show: 1572 • 07/30/2008 House of Blues, Atlantic City, NJ Setlist: 4/3/88 - Civic Center, Hartford, CT Set 1: Promised Land> Greatest Story> Althea, Little Red Rooster, Cold Rain & Snow, Memphis Blues, Box of Rain, Don't Ease Me In Set 2: Playin in the Band> Crazy Fingers> Franklin's Tower> Women Are Smarter> Drums> Space> Gimme Some Lovin> Black Peter> Lovelight Encore: Baby Blue "Filler": Around & Around> How Sweet It Is> Ripple
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17 years 9 months

I was wondering the same thing the last few days, Gigl. Think maybe I'll send him an email to make sure he's okay.
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17 years 7 months

Don't ease, don't ease, don't ease me in.I've been all night long commin' home, don't ease me in. When I turned around sweet mama, she was way across town So I'm walkin' down the street with a dollar in my hand I've been lookin' for a woman sweet mama, ain't got no man. The girl I love, she's sweet and true, You the dress she wears, sweet mama, it's pink and blue, She brings me coffee, she brings me tea, She brings me 'bout every damm thing but the jailhouse keys. yea I'm just jammin.....................I love this song............ Don't ease me in
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17 years 9 months

taking the forum title literally i see... flap them wings sweet mama don't ease me in
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17 years 8 months

Is still kicking, heard from him today. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 1 month

Lately there has been an issue with black bears coming into the cities looking for something to eat. A few weeks ago a giant bear ran into a small grocery store and ransacked an aisle of various foods. The bear took off before the cops arrived, thus avoiding being killed. No one in the store was hurt. I think I would shit my pants if I were in a store and suddenly had a bear running past me.
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17 years 7 months

Saturday night in Philly Pa at the World Cafe' Live featuring Splintered Sunlight!!....this venue come on out and dance ya'll It's gonna be FUN :)
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17 years 7 months

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17 years 9 months

hey paps how many b-days do u have, you got the cake over a week ago! do you celebrate 4 the whole month? i like it! happy birthday melissa,again! peace2U tc
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17 years 4 months

Happy Birthday Dear Paps :) Hope you have a Groovy Day! PEACE A month's worth of Birthday sounds pretty dang good 73, ha ha
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17 years 4 months

recently i have neglected my duty of making completely random posts, so heres 1 to enjoy.and yeash i know this belongs in the stories section, but it wandered, cause the fence broke. once upon a time, my step mother and i had an argument over some stupid thing that made me very angry. i forget what it was, due to the ensuing hilarity, but i would guess it was about censoring my computer. later that day, when she was out, i walked up the street to the CVS and bought a bottle of nair. i came back home and put it in her shamoo bottle in their private bathroom. later that night, she proceeded to give our dogs a bath. apparently we had no doggie shampoo, so used hers. i think you can see where this is going. in the end, the dog looked like a shaved rat, but didnt care as it was summer, and enjoyed being cool. the incident was blamed by the vet on what they thought was an allergic reaction. needless to say, no one used the shampoo after that. I will admit that, though it was horrible, and i feel bad for the dog, it was hilarious. Peace, The Kid
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17 years 9 months

why ur on the group w bench,kid! your a mothershaver! kid, i hope to never piss u off... too funny though :) peace
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16 years 7 months

Dylan Daze 2008: Three days. Three cities. Three shows. One Bob. Since I've gotten old and fully employed this is as close as I can come to following a tour around. It started out as an invitation to a friend of mine in Nashville to come up and see Dylan playing at a casino about thirty minutes from here in Indiana (I live in Louisville, KY). It's a Saturday show so I thought it would be easy to fit into work schedules. My friend looked at the tour schedule and said "sure I'll come up for it, but lets go to the show in Cincinnati the night before, and the show in Evansville the night after as well!" Cool! My friend is awesome, remind me to tell y'all about his first Deadish experience, and his discovery of The roadtripping begins Aug. 22 at that whatchamacallit amphitheatre in Cincinnati (National City, I think, next to the big one that Buffet always sells out), then the Horseshoe (formerly Caesars') Casino in Elizabeth, Indiana on the 23rd, finally the Mesker Amphitheatre in Evansville, Indiana on Sunday the 24th. Sure hope it doesn't rain, I'm definitely too old to revert to "mud hippy". Other than that it should be more fun than a bald dog! Cheers, MitD
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17 years 9 months

in the mail, no less! i've never recieved one before, remember i never signed up for fear of the "man" coming down on poor unsuspecting heads! so, my loss right. so i look through and check it out, nice,very cool.... then i catch a glimpse of the addresse's name, mary? my wife!!!! what the... the one who says nobody listens to that shit anymore mary????? i'm so dejected... again reduced to nobody status... oh well...guess i better buy something from the store if i want my name on the mailing list, that how she got!
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17 years 9 months

you might get one later! I don't have mine yet either.
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17 years 4 months

hey yall,im in dublin and its awesome. typin this onm a pay by the minute computer so ill be quick. its great here, seein some awesome stuff. mayb ill meet some deadheads while im here. Peace, The Kid
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16 years 6 months
Permalink I thought I'd come poke around. This is bringing back memories. I was a spinner on tour from 90 to 93. I miss Jerry...
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17 years 4 months

im in cork now.went to this great little pub last night that i walked past during the day. cool little place, full of dead heads and there was a GD tribute band playin. decided i HAD to stop in. its beautiful here, ill post some pics later. Peace, The Kid
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17 years 7 months

Cork looks like a wonderful town! Have fun and don't get into any trouble!!Peace, Gigi
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17 years 9 months

what are you doing off the bench? sounds like your having a good time..enjoy :)Never had such a good time In my life before I'd like to have it one time more One good ride from start to end I'd like to take that ride again
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17 years 4 months

we had a great day 2day. went to blarney castle and kissed the blarney stone. baby bro had a melt down and ruined the rest of our afternoon. all in all an okay day tho. i am in need of a new watch tho as my current 1 just broke. if ne1 has seen or heard of GD watches that i could purcahse online let me know please.Peace, The Kid
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17 years 9 months

tell those Heads you're meeting to come join us here.
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17 years 4 months

thanks SO much gigi. im gonna get the bear one. im now here in a beautiful hotel in kilarney with a view of this huge lake and there r some creepy/cool ruins across the street whicjh i intend to do some splorin amongst tomorrow. went to blqarney castle yesterday and had great fun. ill post some pics later.Peace, The Kid
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17 years 8 months

Dear folks:I received an almanac from, a week or so ago, and noticed it was addressed to my sister at my Kansas address: she lives in Ohio. Is the mailing list tied-in with addresses pulled from merchandising orders? She ordered a Dick's Pick's as a gift and had it sent direct to me last December.... Previous almanacs did have my name and address correct, but it had been awhile since I'd seen one in the mailbox. Looking forward to the next one!
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16 years 7 months

Here's something: I too received a GD Almanac. And two days later I received another one! loves me two times, baby! (I'm guessing I'm listed twice in the Cosmic Database, I also get two copies of "official email list" messages). Here's something else: a short while ago I happened to be doing google searches for something or other, using the keywords "grateful dead", "moroni", "skeleton", maybe a couple of others. Scanning the list of sites that Google presented me with one caught my eye. It appears to be one of your more fundementalist Christian sites, and was basically talking trash about Mormons etc. For your amusement the link is: The following is a snippet that contains the keywords that got the page googled. Enjoy, and don't forget to vote! (I didn't see any copyright notices on the site, and believe that fair use provisions would allow this excerpt. I will understand if this post disappears, however. Hey, the Devil made me do it!) "The new Majority Leader for the United States Senate is now U.S. Senator Harry Reid {a loyal (LDS) Mormon} of Searchlight, Nevada. When Reid was being interviewed in his home by reporters, he took them into his bathroom and pointed to his most prized possession. It was an autographed poster of the Grateful Dead. (38) The Grateful Dead is a notorious hard rock band noted for their heavy drug cult following. They are a satanic group of the first magnitude, and their followers are referred to as deadheads. Their emblem is a skeleton wearing a tuxedo and top hat with the skull wearing sunglasses. It is true, our Senate Majority leader is a deadhead, and this may explain the residue of the two lines of white powder on the glass top of the table, where he was seated with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, sometimes referred to as "Nasty Pelosi.""
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17 years 9 months

do you suppose Harry Reid really IS into the Dead??? that is too bizarre. Thanks for tracking down the artist on that Moroni shirt though!
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17 years 8 months

would an autographed poster be in the bathroom except to become full of mildew and rot? I just love the web and all the rumors that it passes along and how often there are not legitimate sources for information. Aargh! If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 9 months

if Snopes has taken that one on...
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17 years 8 months

What is this almanac that people keep referring to? Is it only a domestic U.S. thing??********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 9 months

I just checked, and the paper version only went out to folks with U.S. addresses. However, the Almanac is also available as a downloadable PDF file on the page noted above so you don't have to miss out...