• 136 replies

    started by Sunshine-daydream1951

    1971 shows. The vine will be in Shn/Flac on 6 DVD's, The shows will be

    29 Sept Rehearsals
    30 Sept
    ?? Sept
    01 Oct
    19 Oct Minneapolis
    22 Oct Chicago
    23 Oct Detroit
    24 Oct
    27 Oct Syracuse
    29 Oct Cleveland
    31 Oct Columbus 4 outtakes from DP2
    6 Nov SF
    11 Nov Atlanta
    12 Nov San Antonio
    14 Nov Fort Worth
    15 Nov Austin
    17 Nov Albuquerque
    20 Nov LA
    1 Dec Boston
    2 Dec
    9 Dec St Louis
    10 Dec
    14 Dec Ann Arbor
    15 Dec



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  • Sunshine-daydr…
    KFFM Eurovine
    1. brewster boy2. Deadicated 3.Hal R 4. UncleJon 5. stuman You are now on the vine. You need to send Uncle Jon a PM and give him your contact details addy etc so he can send on to you. Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://spanishsunshinedaydream.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=633338979 Spanish Jam
  • stuman
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    I would`nt mind getting in on the vine, sounds interesting just like the old tape trading ,,.. How do I get in on the vine ??
  • stuman
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    that`s what i though but not sure .. thanx Bob
  • Sunshine-daydr…
    Hi Stuman a vine is where a show/s is passed from person to person. They take a copy of the Show and pass the original on to the next person on the list Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://spanishsunshinedaydream.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=633338979 Spanish Jam
  • stuman
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    vines ?
    Hey Marye ,, what exactly is the vines ? Is it like tape or cd tradeing or sharing ? I just see the set list`s ,and names , but do not really understand it ..if it is tradeing or sharing i would like to get in on that .. Peace Marye ...Have a Grateful Day :)
  • marye
    signup status
    1. brewster boy2. Deadicated 3.Hal R 4. UncleJon
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17 years 9 months

started by Sunshine-daydream1951

1971 shows. The vine will be in Shn/Flac on 6 DVD's, The shows will be

29 Sept Rehearsals
30 Sept
?? Sept
01 Oct
19 Oct Minneapolis
22 Oct Chicago
23 Oct Detroit
24 Oct
27 Oct Syracuse
29 Oct Cleveland
31 Oct Columbus 4 outtakes from DP2
6 Nov SF
11 Nov Atlanta
12 Nov San Antonio
14 Nov Fort Worth
15 Nov Austin
17 Nov Albuquerque
20 Nov LA
1 Dec Boston
2 Dec
9 Dec St Louis
10 Dec
14 Dec Ann Arbor
15 Dec


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17 years 9 months

1. brewster boy2. Deadicated 3.Hal R 4. UncleJon
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17 years 3 months

Hey Marye ,, what exactly is the vines ? Is it like tape or cd tradeing or sharing ? I just see the set list`s ,and names , but do not really understand it ..if it is tradeing or sharing i would like to get in on that .. Peace Marye ...Have a Grateful Day :)
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17 years 3 months

that`s what i though but not sure .. thanx Bob
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17 years 3 months

I would`nt mind getting in on the vine, sounds interesting just like the old tape trading ,,.. How do I get in on the vine ??
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17 years 9 months

you're up earlier than I am...
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16 years 11 months

Please add me, I'd like to get in on this. I'll send my details to whomever is before me. Thanks!
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17 years 9 months

Here's what you do. Just copy the existing list, paste in into a new comment, and add your name on the end. Like this: 1. brewster boy 2. Deadicated 3.Hal R 4. UncleJon 5. stuman 6. Von_Dingle
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17 years

1. brewster boy 2. Deadicated 3.Hal R 4. UncleJon 5. stuman 6. Von_Dingle 7. reedchris 8.toddsnc
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17 years 3 months

1. brewster boy2. Deadicated 3.Hal R 4. UncleJon 5. stuman 6. Von_Dingle 7. reedchris 8.toddsnc 9. DaveC
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17 years 9 months

1. brewster boy2. Deadicated 3.Hal R 4. UncleJon 5. stuman 6. Von_Dingle 7. reedchris 8.toddsnc 9. DaveC 10.chasmo[gonzo7755@yahoo.com]
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17 years 7 months

Hello all,I have not seen this vine as of monday. Will update when it finally does arrive. Just want to keep everyone in the loop. Peace to all, Andy
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17 years 7 months

It has arrived, and a BIG thank you to BOB.It is already on it's way to Deadicated (Kevin) Peace everyone, Andy
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Member for

17 years 9 months

The KFFM vine is the grail for me Dead people. I will have it on its way shortly.Thanks to bb, Bob and all those whom I haven't a clew ... nos vemos "Where does the time go?"
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17 years 3 months

it appears that a meaty portion of 10/21/72 is up on the Lossless Legs site?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I now have this one and hope to have it out the door in a couple of days. Thank you once again Bob and all the tapers and other viners. This one is a golden monster of a vine. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 8 months

Sent to Uncle Jon today. Thank you SunshineDaydream Bob and the GOGD. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 8 months

The disks just came in today from Hal. I'll get 'em turned around as fast as I can...Stu is up next - Stu - you need to know these are in SHN format and ya' gotta' figure out how to convert 'em. Take a look at that PM I sent you yesterday - it tells you about a good utility for converting the files and will be well worth the investment. These DVDs probably will convert to at least 40 audio CDs. If you need help give a holler... "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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17 years 3 months

i will certanley to that Jon.. Thank you for all your help ... I`ll get all this figured out ,, one way or another ,, i got the determination for the chalenge now ,,...Thank you Unclejon !! :-) peace out ... Take care everyone ... one more thing ,, this vine may take me a while to get done ,, so for the next people after me please be patient with me ... Have a grate day everyone !! :-) ..........
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17 years 3 months

well maybe it was a typo or just the wrong web address,, but it was a blank page Jon .. can anyone help me figure out this shn thing ?? one more day for help then it`s out of here.. what a shame we ALL can`t enjoy this beutiful music .. the Masons secret is easier then this ....
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17 years 3 months

Wow what a monster this one is ,, lol...will get this finished today, after we go get more disc`s, he he .. off to von_dingle monday morning .. sorry this took so much time .. now we understand the shn/flac conversion ,, we`ll be able to have a faster turnaround on feuture vines .. Thanks for your petients .. Thank you Hal ,, and thank you unclejon .. for all the help .. OH, and thank you Bob for putting my name on this one .. Hope evryone has a Grate Day !! Peace .....
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16 years 11 months

I received the package over the weekend and I'll be sending them off to ReedChris by Wednesday. ReedChris... I need your mailing address.
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16 years 11 months

I haven't heard from ReedChris so I do not have his mailing address. Should I send this on to the next person on the list: toddsnc?
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17 years 3 months

Hi All, This vine appears to have been stopped in its tracks - last known whereabouts was with Von_Dingle, when he posted on 6/4 looking for reedchris's address. I've left him several messages over the last 6 weeks, but never heard back. As we know, reedchris is back, but he never received the vine..... I know it's quite a large vine, but is it possible that the DVDs could be reseeded and sent to reedchris or myself so we can keep the ball rolling? It's be a shame to have it stop at the 6th person, with 6 more currently to go.... Thanks, DaveC
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17 years 7 months

Hey now, I've got 730 GD shows on CDR...I'd love to trade for some of these shows if anybody is up for it...let me know and I'll mail you my list.... thanks, Ursa Minor funbebop@yahoo.com alternate e-mail I wish that for just one time, You could stand inside my shoes, and for just that one moment, I could be you - Bob Dylan, Positively 4th St.
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17 years 3 months

IHi all, I don't need all the shows ont he vine, but would love to get 5-6 of them. I don't have a formal list, but have gotten a bunch of shows from the Vineyard, and I also have a DVD of a bunch of misc. GD shows with the lossless files (everything else on my ist is Audio). If someone who did get this vine would be interested please let me know too, and perhaps you can send a wish list of shows (or GD eras) that I can research to see what I have. If we can't get this vine re-seeded (and I know that would be a tall order - this is a big vine!) maybe we can somehow get a least part of the vine back out there via trades and B&Ps. Thanks, DaveC
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17 years 1 month

This vine would have been great. Any chance for a reseed at all?
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17 years 1 month

I just went through my forty something pages of pm's and found a message from von dingle in which he thanked me for my address and said that he would mail the vine the following day. Unfortunately he never mailed it. That blows. There's so many vines moving around its hard to keep up with all of their current status. This is a huge and a reseed would be a major pain in the ass for somebody. Any ideas?
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16 years 7 months

Well, my first idea is we can agree on a term for a vine dying when you're next in line: you've been "dingled". (that's being mean, I hope he's alright, no tellling what's up). My better idea is we start posting about how nice some of the other (fortunately pre-dingle) viners are, like that Brewster Boy, whatta great, generous guy, or that nice stuman. Start the crowd chanting...stuman, stuman, Stuman, Stuman, STUMAN STUMAN. OK, so I'm not really an idea guy. I'd pop for the DVDs and postage to get the vine started again, though - got nothing to trade.
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17 years 3 months

I don`t know why the crowd would be chanting my name ? I did`nt know i was that well liked ,,.. OH the KFFM vine was my first shn/flac vine , and not knowing better we did not copy the dvd`s ,, we converted all dvd`s to cdr`s . that come out to be like 60 cd`s !! and would take some time, could try it if need be ..hav`nt converted cd to dvd yet, .. Hey I got an idea ,, what about Bob aka. Sunshine-Daydream ,, Bob do you still have this on dvd ? can you help out with a re-seed ?
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16 years 7 months

But burning 60 CDs would be onerous to say the least, and that kind of postage is a serious wallet-hit. Don't be reseeding with a stack like that. I was looking at the "6 DVDs" and thinking it was doable (damn, 60 CDs I'm gonna have to make a Walmart run and start stocking up...) ...with a final "Woohoo!" and a rather disorganized wave the crowd begins chanting again: "sunshine sunshine Sunshine Sunshine SUNSHINE SUNSHINE!" Cheers, MitD (time to go out and enjoy the SUNSHINE SUNSHINE ;^D )
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16 years 7 months

Just realized SD is in Spain. Any Amerikanskis up for a reseed? TIA, MitD
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17 years 3 months

I PM'd Sunshine last month - he was very busy working on the latest set of wonderful goodies for the Vineyard, but was gonna check to see if a DVD set was floating among the Eurovines (he didn't think so). I will ask him again, now that he's finished working on the April '71 stuff.....not sure if he reads current messages in this thread.
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16 years 7 months

It should be deleted from the system, it mocks me with it's unattainability. Dang, and I'm a Donna Jean guy too. Is there any chance for a reseed of the DVDs? ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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16 years 7 months

i really really DIG Keith this is a big Dumper how about a RESEEEEED Please Please bring back the Keith!!!
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16 years 7 months

I can reseed this but it's going to be awhile before I get caught up. I'll let you know. Here's the last signup list, I think; I've deleted a few names that are no longer active. Keith's First Few Months Vine 8. DaveC 11. Tommo ( tompen@earthlink.net ) 12. joneb 13. MarkintheDark 14. ********************************************* ******Laissez les bon temps rouler!****** *********************************************
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17 years 3 months

I did`nt know you had this one Mark ? If I could figure out exactly how to convert cdr`s TO flac then I could help out .. I`m just not to that point yet ..