- Post reply Log in to post comments486 repliesmaryeJoined:Having trouble posting? Getting strange results when you load a page? Report these and other strange occurrences in the desert here! (Feel free to mention what OS and browser you're using also, as it helps nail the problem.) Thanks!
- BillDendyJoined:I Miss Jerry
I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry a lot
Having trouble posting? Getting strange results when you load a page? Report these and other strange occurrences in the desert here! (Feel free to mention what OS and browser you're using also, as it helps nail the problem.) Thanks!
...for a 'report spam' button. It's a really good one and should be implemented. Don't be surprised if some unforeseen leak in the dike would spring forth as a result of that however. This site reminds me a little of a Rube Goldberg contraption sometimes. tehehehehe. Lots of love, folks. Have a grateful day.
When a new feature is introduced in a forum like this, there's always going to be someone who tries to exploit it, so my guess is that there would be some blowback from a "Report Spam" button; it's almost too easy to imagine that some might find a thing like that to be useful in a flame war, for example.
I represent at LEAST 10 PPL who have asked me about the chat. I pass on it has been reported but has been a long time IMO. Once again our kind tech brother Savage has opened up his chat to us. http://www.savagetek.com/oss/
Indeed, Mona! Take note friends, and pass it on!
IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's the use of having a 'View All Recent Posts' button if they don't show all recent posts? The recent posts are not displaying (at least on my machines) for the latest installment of the Taper's section. In addition, I've been posting to the orphaned Taper's Section entries that are floating around somewhere in Dead.net space (everywhere but where they should be of course (in the rundown with the other entries in the TS) so that maybe others can possibly locate them. These posts are not appearing in 'All Recent Posts'. Of course, this problem doesn't amount to a hill of beans for everything else that's fubared around here. Is it time for a complete overhaul of the site? Every time I think I've seen quite possibly the last unworking link or crazy problem, another one crops up. I bet I'm not the only one that's frustrated. That said, this site is better than nothing (although I like it better as it was last year) and I try my best not to look a gift horse in the teeth. It's just becoming a comedy of errors though.
I get a message that reads HTTP 500 Internal Server Error when I try to read new posts for the forum topics 'Got Questions Ask Here' and 'Technical Problems - Forums, Features, etc.'
Other details read:
Most likely causes:
•The website is under maintenance.
•The website has a programming error
What you can try:
Refresh the page.
Go back to the previous page.
More information
This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting had a server problem which prevented the webpage from displaying.
Is anyone else getting that, too? Sometimes with this topic, I can't view new posts from the 'All Recent Posts' button. I have to go to forums, then the topic to view new entries. I can't view the 'Got Questions, Ask Here' thread at all. It'd be interesting to know the technical reasons behind these bugs, as I am quite fascinated by computers and coding (not that I have much exerience with it).
as to the second problem, I'm not getting it, so it's hard to say. You may be getting it when something is resetting.
In general, the View All Recent Posts does not refer to your account specifically, whereas the My Recent Posts, generally speaking, does. The All Recent Posts seems to be for the convenience of random souls checking in from remote corners of the net. If you're logged in, you will be much better served by the My Recent Posts link, or the Recent Posts shown under your account on the left.
Hope this helps.
Nope, still not working...I have tried what you suggested but to no avail. argh. Still gotta go to forums as well to view this topic. It times out from 'my recent posts' and 'all recent posts' just the same...
Hey now...can view recent posts in 'Got Questions, Ask Here'...but here's the sticking point...I need to be logged out! HAHAHAHAHA. Someone 'splain that one now! Gotta hand it to you dead.net always keepin' me on my toes...hahahahaha.
I haven't posted in a while however when I log on many of the latest posts are from 2009 is there a system glitch?
what would be likeliest to produce what you're describing is that you've somehow got the comments sorted Oldest First when you used to have them Newest First? Other than that, there have certainly been isolated instances of weirdness, but nothing consistent.
Unable to connect to chat room, winxp, ie 8 (i think), etc...
Since I can't load the 'Got Questions, Ask Here' forum on any computer, and I've tried on five (only when I'm logged in, when I'm logged out works fine but can't post messages then) I'm going to ask here: Does Phil's bass sound on Dick's Picks 25 Disc 1, Good Lovin' remind anyone else of bouncing tennis balls? I think that's what it reminds me of, in a good way of course.
its really bumming me out that chat room is down ,i was going to invite anyone that could make it to join me on river st. in savannah,ga for st.paddys day celebration.only about 450,000 exspected,lots of green beer many tipsy ladies to talk,dance or what ever with. come down and lets have a shot or 12 of wild turkey email me @ harleyguy2008@hotmail.com we will go have a couple of shots
some of the glaring issues have been fixed. In particularly, we THINK you can now upload a fan photo (at least, a .gif or .jpg of reasonable size) without having it make your avatar go crazy. We invite a few intrepid souls to give it a try, anyway.
The chat room is still broken though, yes.
Dear technical wizard: May 11 - 17 isn't hapnin. Please advise when it is functional.
please advise if you're having a different experience...
to make sure this works, as somebody was having trouble posting in this thread...
marye, I used to see a text link for My Recent Posts, and I'm not seeing that or a My Recent Posts tab as of today. Here's a link to a screen shot of what I am seeing:
Screen Shot
Thanks, as always, for your help.
though in reverse, as all I'm getting is My Recent Posts, whatever I click. I've reported this. Thanks much!
I've been trying to submit new topic threads but have been unsuccessful. How does one go about doing that, anyway? I tried clicking "Submit content," but I have neither a Europe '72 Tour Photo nor a Fan Photo to share.
It's set up that way to avert chaos, basically. (To say nothing of spammers running amok as they are wont to do.)
If there's a topic you think we should be talking about and aren't, either post in the What Else Should We Be Talking About thread or send me a PM. A whole lot of topics got started that way... Thanks!
The website seems all boogered up. I can't find the Spring 90 thread. this on the very day I received my precious Spring 90 box. Everythings all boogered up :(
but if you click the image on the homepage you should be good.
I've reported this.
Thanks Marye! You are right, as usual...
i can't find the "log out" icon on the new surroundings. maybe i'm just not looking hard enough too. thanks for your help marye.
but when i try to play anything from gd hour i get a notice that the file can't be played. It might be on my end though. maybe others are having this prob. too. thanks marye 1st edit (whoops, i'll put this under streaming malf.) 2nd edit..........actually i won't put it under stream. malf. because i can't get to it anymore. weird...........pleasantly weird. i quit for tonight............pickup tomorrow. : )
The redesign will grow on me eventually, but I'd still like to see the return of My Recent Posts.
Can't you equal the same effect by going to 'My Account', then 'Track'?
WRT the Rolling Stones vine, I'm going to have to restart it from scratch due to convoluted issues. The people who have signed up for it will probably have to reconfigure the list.
Thanks for the track tip, wilfredtjones; I was getting tired of scrolling through the whole list to find my stuff. But here's a new problem for you, marye: when I click on My Account at the top of the page, it takes me to a search page. I need to click on my name in a post to get to my account.
was that I fired up a different browser, went to dead.net and logged in, logged out, copied the url of the login page, and pasted it into the original browser. Worked like a champ and I haven't had the issue since. Whether it will work for you I dunno, but I've also asked the tech guys if they have more reliable info than my blundering around.
...and any guesses why the only image available on the show description pages is one of the Summer Tour 1995 poster? Seems like they're just putting lipstick on the pig with the recent changes. Not really fixing the underlying problems, just fancying it up a little...might as well (I guess).
Here's a few:
• the Last Post link at the top of the page is not acutally a link. It looks like one, but there seems to be no action associated with it. (Edit: I checked the source code of that section, and there is code for a link, but that's not how it's playing on the rendered page; I'm guessing something runs afoul prior to those lines, which leaves this section's code invalid.)
• Cookies don't seem to be working properly. It seems like I have to log on to the site every time I visit it, but even then, it's not clear if I'm logged in or not. Here's an example. When I first hit the site this morning, there was a message that I had a message; I clicked the link and was taken to the message. I typed my response and then hit Send Message, which took me to a login screen. I logged in at that point (didn't we used to have a "Remember Me" checkbox?), and was then taken to the home page, but the response to the message that I had typed was gone.
• It's a small thing, but the Preview function for posts doesn't render/display in the same way as the actual post; the subject line is regular text, as opposed to the fancy style that I've quickly become a fan of.
And here's my system info if the techies ask: Firefox 14.0.1 running on Kubuntu 12.04.1 LTS. Thanks.