• 1,297 replies

    Nuclear power! Carcinogenic cell phones! The Stanley Cup! and the usual parade of kids dancing and shaking their bones, politicians throwing stones, etc. Discuss.


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  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    99 + 1 = 100
    Partial total consciousness added to with the finishing touch. It is total consummation of the bliss and void. Don not fold, shred, spindle or mutilate. Lay way back into it. 100%
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Possible "Occupy Wall St." strategy
    RICHARD KIM: You know, a couple dozen anarchist types organized the occupation of Wall Street, and then, within a few weeks, we have a global movement. So, I just wanted to ask you, why this? Why now? You know, what’s the sort of secret behind Occupy Wall Street’s success? MICHAEL MOORE: This is one of the most remarkable movements that I’ve seen in my lifetime, precisely because it really isn’t a movement in the traditional sense. And I think that it has succeeded because it hasn’t followed the old motifs that we’re used to, in terms of organizing. But it has its roots in all the good works that so many people have done for so many years, especially in the last 30 years since Reagan took office and the decline and destruction of the country, and essentially the world, began its modern-day disaster. I think that, you know, so many people have done so many good things, and we’ve always had different groups and different constituencies of people that have been able to rally behind different causes. But this, from what I’ve seen—and I’ve—like you said, I’ve been maybe a half a dozen or more of the different Occupy things. This thing has spread like wildfire. I mean, it is—I wish you could have been traveling with me the last few weeks. It has been the most uplifting, heartening thing to see: so many Americans of all stripes deciding that they’re just going to occupy. And they don’t have to call in to central command for permission. There are no dues to pay. There’s no leader to get permission from. There’s no meetings, subcommittee meetings, you know, all these things you have to go through. It literally is something as simple as some people in Fayetteville, Arkansas, just decide to create Occupy Fayetteville, and then 400 people show up. I was in Grass Valley, California, Nevada City, 400 people there. You don’t hear about any of these, because, well, the media either won’t or can’t cover it, because they’ve been so decimated themselves, in terms of reporters and bureaus that don’t exist anymore. So it would be impossible to kind of show the breadth and the scope of this movement. But it is—it is massive. It is building each week. And everybody feels that they have permission to be their own leader. And the reason why I think this works—I know a lot of people that say, "Well, you know, it’s got to get more organized. It’s got to have a plan. Or it’s got to—what’s the agenda? What’s the way forward here? What’s the next step?" You know, it’s enough right now that this movement just—first of all, it’s already had some important victories. It has alleviated despair in this country. It has—it has killed apathy. It has changed the conversation in a profound way. Seven, eight weeks ago, all we were listening to was about the debt ceiling and the deficit crisis, and [inaudible] nobody’s talking about that distraction any longer. They’re talking about the real issues now that are facing the majority of Americans: jobs, the fact that millions of homes are underwater, that 50 million people don’t have health insurance, we have 49 million living in poverty now, we have 40 million adults who cannot read and write above a fourth grade level, that are functional illiterates. That’s the nation that corporate America and the banks and Wall Street have created. And when somebody asked me the other day, "Well, who organized this? Who organized this movement?" I said, "Well, actually, Goldman Sachs organized it. Citibank organized it. BP organized it. They did—they did the organization." And I think that, you know, it’s—if you want to trace the current roots to this, somebody—I was being interviewed the other day. "Well, you know, at the end of your last movie, you were wrapping the crime scene tape around the Stock Exchange, and you called for this uprising." I said, "No. Yes, I did, but, you know, it’s not that. It’s not a magazine from Vancouver. It’s not—if you want to—if you really want to pin it down to somebody, I would thank Bradley Manning." And here’s why. A young man with a fruit stand in Tunis became very upset because he couldn’t figure out why he was just getting screwed and why he couldn’t make it. And he read a story, put out by WikiLeaks, that exposed how corrupt his government was. And he just couldn’t take it anymore, and he set himself on fire. That event, by giving his life to this, created the Arab Spring movement that went across the Middle East and then boomeranged back here to what has been going on in the fall here in North America. But if one courageous soldier hadn’t—allegedly—done what he had done, if he hadn’t done this, it—who knows? But it was already boiling just beneath the surface, and it just needed somebody to get it going. And thank God for you and your friends, who went down there on that first day, who endured the ridicule first, then the attacks, and then the attempts to co-opt. But they have held strong. And it’s not now—it’s not just the people who can camp out overnight. It’s 72 percent of the American public who say they want taxes raised on the rich. That’s never happened before in this country. It’s people taking their money out of Chase and Citibank and Wells Fargo and putting it in their credit unions. And it’s taken so many forms that—and it can’t be stopped. And it’s so great to watch Fox News and the others try to wrap their heads around it, because they can’t get their brain quite—like it can’t grab onto it, which is great. That’s what’s great. So, I’m a big supporter of it staying leaderless, with a lack of a certain amount of organization, that it remain in its free and open state. And thank God for all the young people who are willing to not take it anymore. And I’ve just been inspired by it, and I’m glad that I got to live to see what I believe, or hope, will be the beginning of the end of a very evil system that is unfair, and it’s unjust, and it’s not democratic. So, thank you.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    The Republican National Security Debate last night...
    Wolf Blitzer on CNN was truly frightening. Bachman, on the intelligence committee and subject to background briefings, pandered for votes so hard that she let slip a little news. Terrorists have attacked Pakistani nuclear storage sites 6 times, failing so far. Rick Perry continues to tell the world there should be no aid to Pakistan. Between the Pakistani shit and the Iranian shit these candidates are scaring people into believing there isn't three percent of pork in the military budget to easily cut. I can't stand Mitt Romney and he is the guy that sounds closest to the center, but still worshiping at the throne of Barry Goldwater. I really wish that the Democrats had a challenger in the early primary states. It would take the weird halo of quasi-truth off these clowns.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    US Congressional Super Committee Fails
    Making their approval rating now 1%, the lowest of all time. The only reason given for the failure was that John Kerry talked too much. Now Congress has to to undo it's own law that would trigger a 3% cut in the military and 100% of every other program for people except cops and fireman. The cuts are supposed to start in 2013. I can't ever remember a presidential term where a president has has had to battle, almost single-handedly, a reinforced number of wound up conservatives so weirdly bent that they, through their radical actions, created a movement to redistribute the wealth. Who will fall first? Italy or Obama?
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Yeah Badger
    All the hippies knew and I think Grace Slick was an unearthly goddess back in 69
  • cosmicbadger
    The goals were articulated 42 years ago in America
    but somehow the fire never caught..... My, isn't Grace beautiful ;-)
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Trying to articulate goals for "Occupy"
    The real meat & bones of the movement is the ridiculous gap that widens all the time between Rich & Poor. While it has always been that way to a greater or lesser extent, here in the US we lead the world in trending. Though on this one we're trailing quite a few countries, like Tunisia. The chasm has simply become enormous between 1 of 5 Americans on food stamps and 1% owning 75% of the wealth. This is the result, since 1850 or so, between two parties who always win elections in the US. "Occupy" has definitely taken a stance that neither party has the balls to fix this problem and in fact both want the status-quo to continue. What has coalesced this age-old problem is right-wing rhetoric of "Class War" leveled at Obama along with the loss of home value and the social contract between owners and workers that is supposed to provide pension, health and social security benefits. These things are being appropriated by the 1%. The 1% as corporations are being given additional human rights by this Supreme Court. This is not helping the long-term unemployed (defined as more than 208 weeks of unemployment and having given up looking for a job.) Occupy is a word of action and this movement needs to be one of action that uses original ideas and social media and raises the necessary level of consciousness among all Americans. Then they need to Occupy the White House and return priorities towards helping people rather than using up as quickly as possible every chunk of the environment. History has always shown that when violence is used in such a movement it tends to prolong the conflict while nonviolence brings it to a premature end. If Occupy can remain nonviolent in a very disciplined way then they can more quickly reapportion the wealth. The health industry and doctors need to be forcibly put in their place as well as the military and grants for such things as the NEA and NPR must be put on auto-support, along with the more important stuff like kid's school lunches. Beyond that is further nationalization in the name of Eminent Domain. The US must lead the mass of humanity on this planet towards the conscious realization that allowing huge gaps (more than 25%) between the rich and poor only adds to the total of human misery. And there certainly isn't enough opportunity for those with the ability to cross the class boundary. It all must change but I fear it all too late.
  • noonie
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    ocuppy but don't camp
    What i think should happen is stay in the parks but no camping. Just get people to rotate shifts like i will be there from 3pm to 10pm next group come in 10pm till???. i think. Tomorrow i am going to an occupy the north country info and brainstorming session...hey gonzo you should come on over it is in bethlehem nh...we will see what happens.
  • Terrapin Sedation
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    Occupy Strategy
    I think that the Occupy folks can show their solidarity, power and commitment in a much easier way than camping out in cold parks over the winter. Every once in a while they should announce an occupy event....kind of like a flash mob. Keep it fun and convenient. For instance This Saturday occupy the downtown mall from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. or at 5 p.m. Friday occupy Rip-off Bank and Loan until 11 p.m..... Showing up in public places in organized and systematic way will show power and organization ....which becomes the message.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Occupy Wall St./99% Movement rebuffed
    When authorities realized that the Occupy Wall Street had some hardcore support in major cities they did what they had to do, clear the parks of camping, for the safety and sanitation of the general public. The movement has met some quick success and could be off to a good start though they face a hard winter of demonstrating without camping. If they were to establish some positions and articulate some campaign leading to an objective that would go a long way toward getting them through the winter in good shape to make a presence in the presidential elections. The movement has already been infiltrated by state and federal provocateurs, causing problems, injury and riot. One thing is sure, if they don't articulate themselves and their means to their goals they are just going to be yesterdays news and irritating as they highlight an acute problem without providing an answer. Am I getting old, or what?
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17 years 4 months

Nuclear power! Carcinogenic cell phones! The Stanley Cup! and the usual parade of kids dancing and shaking their bones, politicians throwing stones, etc. Discuss.

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12 years 7 months

Considering the ongoing rhetoric that's been coming out of the Right since President Barack "I'm Not a Muslin" Obama won the election, it flabbergasts me to utter stupification how any even remotely (and I mean REMOTELY) intelligent American can get behind ANYTHING that side is saying. They continue to knod their heads like good little robots whenever the current talking points come on their beloved Fox News, and everything else gets ignored. And then they sit there and point their fingers at their television sets, claiming Obama's trying to take their rights away when it was the party that came before that restricted more of our Constitutional rights than any president in a long, long time. I'm not one of those conspiracy theorists, but is there something in the water out in the middle of the country? Some chemical or remote transmitter that shuts down a citizen's ability to take in information and process it like the rest of us? How do these people think that Romney & Ryan are "one of them" and actually concerned with their station in this nation? Can't they see that, by reducing/restricting taxes on the wealthy means it comes out of the middle class, thus reducing the middle class to a higher-income version of the poor? I swear, whenever I talk about these issues with my Republican friends, I want to throw my hands in the air and scream, "I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS!!!"
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14 years 9 months

I think it's the deep-fried butter sticks they consume at their fairs. Either that or Koch Brothers sponsored alien anal probes radiating out from Wichita (a stupid chip is left implanted) Seriously, how people, other than the top 2%, can vote for Republicans is a modern miracle of conditional advertizing! We're all doomed.
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12 years 2 months

a ww II vet. called into npr the other day to say that for the first time in his adult life he would not be voting for the pres. he then said the best thing to do from now on is to just place whoever has the most money into office and into congress. Aren't we already pretty close to that? Don't the koch bros.tell their puppets (boner and his cronies) how to vote and what to say? which laws to pass so that american "job creators" have an easier (more profitable) time going over seas to exploit brown people and destroy their environment due to no environmental regulations? Aren't the insurance and oil companies together so far up their asses that they make them cough? I guess i haven't been paying attention. to be honest, i can't believe the repoobs. didn't go for the jugular this time around and announce their ticket of christie /limbaugh (maybe next time). THAT really would have brought the sheeple out of the woodwork. ah yes, the great american plutocracy...........brought to you by at least 51% of american sheeple.ps. anyone seen "idiocracy"; funny "b" movie, but probably more prophetic than it's given credit for.
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17 years 3 months

if you have not come across this before, give it a listen. Enjoy Michael D. Higgins (who was elected president of Ireland last year) is fed up with over-the-top Tea Party rhetoric, and he isn't afraid to show it. Listen to him call out radio host Michael Graham on everything from health care to foreign policy in this heated exchange from 2010. http://www.upworthy.com/a-tea-partier-decided-to-pick-a-fight-with-a-fo…
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12 years 2 months

a most passionate, accurate and well stated argument/condemnation indeed!
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14 years 9 months

that the war will be over when the Isreali tank driver is convicted of muder for running over a peaceful protester nonviolently protesting. Until then they (IAFs) are all terrorists.
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14 years 9 months

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17 years 2 months

Good luck to all who fight the rising storm waters in Louisiana and Mississippi. Pumps are keeping up, and the levees are holding, in Jefferson Parish this morning. The French Quarter looks deserted, except for 3 people from the Weather Channel. How small is the font on this new comment form?? I'm tilting the eyeglasses way down!
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14 years 9 months

As the speeches go on it is so clear that the men and women who are giving then are strong and passionate in their vigor. Even John Kerry who always seemed like a vampire who came back from the Dead at then end of his stump speech came across with such strength and vigor it was truly astounding. If John Kerrry can burn down the house we may just be looking at at runaway race! (Amazing!!)
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15 years 6 months

Is there a chat room for dead.net anymore? Yeah it's been a long time since I got on this site, busy working and new girlfriend, etc. Wish you all well. "Once in a while you get shown the Light in the strangest of places if you look at it right..."
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17 years 2 months

Thank goodness for football! College games and now pro action are back! Will the Raiders be good this year? I'm not sure what to expect from the Chiefs.
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12 years 8 months

Not sure how many of ya'll out there are fans of Black Flag, but this really caught my eye. On Black Flag's Facebook wall, they posted a cut-out from BAM Magazine circa '83/84: "Say It Loud! I'm A Deadhead And Proud! Someone sent me a copy of your Grateful Dead review [in which BAM contributor Mark Levinton wrote, 'So-called adventuresome people who dig Black Flag probably wouldn't be caught alive at a Grateful Dead concert.'] I saw that Grateful Dead show in Irvine! I've seen them three times in Oakland and once in San Diego since the Irvine show. I've also seen them many times in years past. The Dead is my favorite band. What we find is that there are Dead fans at our shows outside of California. California's music scene is remarkably segmented. Bands like Black Flag and the Dead draw all kinds of music fans to performances *outside* of California. But maybe things are changing. I saw some Black Flag shirts at the San Diego Dead show. I feel that in terms of approach and music the Dead have been a big influence on Black Flag from the beginning. We love the Dead. Glad you do, too!" UTTERLY MIND-BLOWING!!!!!
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17 years 4 months

As one who worked at BAM back in the day, I get an even greater kick out of this. A blast from the past. And, of course, well said, Mr. Ginn!
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Member for

12 years 7 months

So, we've got this bogus quasi-movie going around seeming to demean the the Prophet Mohamed and causing his followers to do well-timed deadly actions. Not only has the movie caused the killing of the US ambassador to Libya, it has caused outright pitched battles in Eqypt, Tunisia and Yemen among possibly others world Arab countries. Added to this is the possibility that the movies makers mis-directed the entire cast about it's supposed plot and content of the highly polemical and incendiary flicks This has in turn given rise to the supposition that the film itself, shadowy as it is, is a tactical arm of Al Queda sewing mayhem and destructio,,
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12 years 2 months

The BBC Radiophonic Workshop is to reopen. Home of electronic experimentation, it was created in 1958 to produce sound effects and new music for radio and then television. An extraordinary pool of talent was located in those Maida Vale Studios on Delaware Road, including Daphne Oram, Delia Derbyshire, Dick Mills, Desmond Briscoe, Brian Hodgson, John Baker, David Cain, Paddy Kingsland and many more. The sound of the 'Doctor Who' theme that Delia Derbyshire helped to create, signaled the retreat behind the sofa for many a frightened child, myself included. The new Creative Director is Matthew Herbert, musician, master samplist, sound collagist and electronic wizard. It will now be based entirely online. Herbert's appointment is certainly promising. Here's to the future! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-19568120 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_Radiophonic_Workshop
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17 years 2 months

Understand that hundreds of Daves Picks vol 3 were stolen in shipment. I live abroad and find that shipment takes 37 days,three times longer than Amazon dealers arrange. My copy of Spring 1990 supposively arrived in Arlington accofrding to USPS tracking info on the 24th of August but disappeared before delivery. The shipping problems are a strain on us anda certainly on you guys and Rhino. Please keep us updated about the website's experience with USPS,which may not be as bad as previously thought. Maybe you guys should use the same shippers as Amazon dealers.
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Member for

14 years 9 months

That after 17 years The Grateful Dead continue to pull in not only widely held historical interest but ennui--like historical minutiae. Not to mention performances from spin-offs that the the genre they they themselves made famous..... shhhh, the baby is waking up. (this thing has now crossed two generational lines.) Is it worth all the stuff written & performed? Perhaps only as a sidebar to the history of LSD, whose letters are more favorably writ large on the dollar bill than USA.
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14 years 9 months

Though I've been espousing an electoral victory for the current president for the last few months-- to the point of taking all bets and giving ridiculous odds, with the release of the latest polls I am ready to call it an official victory without chance if loss. The sad thing? Nothing will change until perhaps the next 4 year annual melee.... I find it unutterably sad that the best president elected since JFK has to be chopped off at the knees by by a bunch of morally bankrupt corporate whores.
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12 years 2 months

listening to him speak to the united nations council today reinforced the feeling of how nice it is to have an intelligent human being as a president. he really is an incredible orator..........and then i try to picture geo. bush jr. speaking in front of this same group of people and wonder how anybody in the free world (or just the world,period) ever took the usa seriously during his two demented terms. i imagine that leaders around the world would mark their calendars for the next u.n. meeting so that they wouldn't miss having a good laugh should the great tex-ass speak. even with obama's hands tied, he's light years better than what we had (or might have).
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17 years 3 months

Here's a link to a funny little video starring Samuel L. Jackson that is the one true glimmer of hope I've seen in this presidential election season, since it uses humor, and not fear tactics, to persuade its viewers to vote: http://wtfu2012.com/
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14 years 9 months

Too bad Jackson isn't debating Romney or his bat-boy. Thanks for posting Mike!.
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12 years 2 months

would've gladly been romney's veep, but the poor child was just too tired from his sexual marathon with the middle class here. he's building his stamina for '16 when him and his senatorial sweety will be running mates (assuming obama wins).
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12 years 2 months

to all the colon cleansing cross-dressers out there, please accept my apology for associating you health conscious, socially adventurous and fun-luvin' folks with the likes of walker and ryan. political disgust got the best of me for a moment.
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14 years 9 months

GAUSHALA,Kathmandu, Nepal: A man died after he was stung by snake at Ekrahiya VDC in Mahottari district last night. He is 50-year-old Amilakh Mandal of Ekrahiya VDC-4. According to his family, Mandal was bitten by a cobra while spreading manure in the paddy field at Dhirapur-5 on Wednesday evening. He was first taken to a witch doctor for treatment and rushed to local hospital only after treatment by the witch doctor did not work. But it was too late by the time he reached the hospital and he died on way to the hospital, it is stated. Moral of the story: Taken them to the hospital first and alert the witch doctor his services are needed as the hospital. Seems like a sensible policy to me....
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14 years 9 months

The BBC analysis is that the three upcoming debates will not serve to sway the election. Rather, Americans are being prepared for the fiscal cliff, the slashing of social welfare programs to avoid a massive raise in the interest on the national debt. Whoever gets elected, bad news is coming...
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17 years 2 months

We're about to be bombarded with full press Karl Rove and Koch Brother funded commercials. If your TV set is in Florida, Ohio or Colorado, watch out!! I'm off to the Joint for Furthur!!
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17 years 4 months

so all we're getting is disingenuous spin on the propositions by the usual suspects on both sides.
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14 years 9 months

Tell vague lies for an hour and a half was more than I could take. Obama not being fired up was disappointing. Neither had any good ideas for the future. Goooooo Mayans!
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12 years

Sooooo besides all of the garbage in the news I would like to think that the Love for Levon event I attended in New Jersey last night was a spiritually healing and lovely event for one of music's most revered men. I have not teared up and had goosebumps from a live music experience in too long. This review puts it fairly poignantly http://www.jambands.com/news/2012/10/04/roger-waters-gregg-allman-john-…
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14 years 9 months

Without need for a concise history in the last 20 years of Afghanistan, the Mujahadeen fought and extraordinarily bloody war to oust the Russians from that desolate country. The Communist president, Najibullah and his brother were allowed to remain under UN protection (though the UN were merely public relations window-dressing without weapons, with the help of the Mujahadeen) Najibullah was left in relative obscurity in the diplomatic quarter of Kabul. The Taliban showed up after the Mujahadeen realized the impossibility of holding on to the war-torn country. Najibulllah's tortured body was strung from a traffic control light pole and guarded for all to see. Now, some 12 years later, Afghan President Hamat Karzai and his brother cling to power with the help of coalition forces, who have made clear through Obama that they are bugging out in 2014. Once again the Taliban are knocking on the door and once again it will be some component of the current coalition who will be tasked with handing over the bodies of it's erstwhile leadrers in the hopes of currying some type of favor. Today, on the anniversary of Najibullah's demise, Karzai pleads mournfully with the USSECDEF Leon Panetta for more support (who tells him to be more grateful for the sacrifice of 2000 allied soldiers as the coalition has expended that many men in mortal combat.
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12 years 7 months

Y'know, this thought came to me the other night, and it proves just how stupid and simple-minded the people of this beautiful country can be: The TEA Party consider themselves to be conservatives/Republicans, and their stance is that they've been "Taxed Enough Already." The majority of them appear to be middle-class Americans, and they're about as anti-Obama as you can get. Now, here's the part where I start scratching my head. They're anti-Obama because they don't like his tax policies (he wants to increase taxes on the upper class/richest 1%) and are going to vote for Mitt Romney, whom they identify with because he's filthy-f**king-rich. But Romney has admitted he doesn't intend on increasing taxes on the rich while also saying the American people need to pay more in taxes to recover from the deficit of '00 through '08. So, where's that money going to come from? The upper class's taxes are already reduced, and the poor can barely afford to pay the standard tax rate based on their income. Now, here's where I fail to find the logic in the TEA Party's argument (assuming there was ever logic to begin with): The obvious answer of who will be shouldering the brunt of the tax increases is the MIDDLE CLASS. How the TEA Party can't see this boggles my mind to near-migraine proportions. It's clear that we live in a country where the majority of the population chooses not to think for themselves, especially when we have a**holes like Bill O'Reilly and Glen Beck (among numerous others) who take it upon themselves to act as the mouthpieces of the extreme right.
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Member for

14 years 9 months

Is rooted in racism, among other roots in my opinion. The vast, vast proportion of the Tea Party are white and the type who lock their doors when driving through semi-marginal neighborhoods, thumbing the door locks. Many of them are "birthers" who hate all blacks and would never vote for a black under any circumstances. Next, they tend to be older and very conservative. Their rage (energy?) has to do mainly with the bail-outs and other spending Obama has done over his tenure, As usual, they conveniently forget Obama was facing a massive big-bank invented crisis which forced him to spend with little restraint with questionable legislation. They see this spending as irresponsible in the extreme and feel it will handicap the country as a whole and their kids and grand-kids in particular. Much of their ideology is written as talking points by conservative ideologues like the Koch brothers. Out of this (or starting from this) is a a guy called Grover Norquist who has had every possible politician sign a pledge saying they will never vote to raise taxes, whatever the circumstance. This is a thundering clash of opposing philosophies on the economy. The US Government's economy is not the same as your household economy and this is where they make their simplistic mistakes, You don't need to kill the social safety net -- you need to tax the highest 2% of the income tax bracket while shutting down corporate subsidies and loopholes (corporate welfare) and identify at least 5% of waste that every sane person knows is in the military budget. The Koch brothers and other super-rich Ayn Rand conservatives are foaming at the mouth to kill Medicare.Medicaid and Social Security. They need to be silenced to a reasonable proportion. One theory is slash all spending. Another is to spend money on physical infrastructure and other vital needs. No doubt the US will muddle through in a mixture of these two thanks to Norquist and the Tea Party, The Simpson/Bowles legislation does have some sound fiscal policy that would help address the debt and it's attendant interest. This would incorporate many of the Tea Party's legitimate concerns. The problem is to separate what is sound fiscal policy from the hysterical gibberish coming from the Koch Brothers and other super greed-head Ayn Rand coneheads. The Tea Party people are being used like tools. They need to see how they are being used in the class war.
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Member for

12 years 2 months

i wish those would come up for intelligent and educated discussions where i reside...............but i'm afraid that will happen at about the same time they run out of beer and brats in milwaukee. until then, it's best to do what any good and resourceful gardener would do. --- best of luck co, wa, or. !!!!!!! ---- (it's 2012, we shouldn't even so much as have to discuss this anymore, but it makes some politicians feel worthy of their useless jobs ( with their obscene perks) by creating ludicrous drug laws which target minorities and the poor......... who, in turn, feed the prison industry). "i like to think of laws not as rules to live by, but more as suggestions". :D....... a wise adage indeed! george carlin "they've outlawed the most popular vegetable in the world!" timothy leary
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Or does it still seem a little surreal to be seeing a couple of guys from the Grateful Dead singing the national anthem on national tv? Don't the the MLB, SF Giants, and Fox PTB know who these guys are? Happy Birthday, Bob!
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17 years 2 months

I hit the refresh button and got a duplicate post
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17 years 2 months

Bob and Phil must be buddies with the 3rd base coach, Tim Flannery. I was watching the Chargers kick ass over on ESPN.
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17 years 3 months

Comes as they are singing "land of the FREEEEEE." I loved Phil's raised-fist emphasis on "free."
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14 years 9 months

Screwing up on the first debate and then having to pray Joe Biden didn't muck-up scrambling up that apple tree in the 2nd debate. Truly, by the exit polls of those who are likely to vote, this race is a statistical dead heat. Could it really be that Obama doesn't want a second term? (And would anybody have blamed him?)
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17 years 2 months

It wasn't Justin Verlander's night as his slumbering Tigers ran into a deep swinging Pablo Sandoval. Barry Zito pitched well and contributed 2 hits too. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
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14 years 9 months

"I'm fixing a hole where the rain gets inAnd stops my mind from wandering Where it will go I'm filling the cracks that ran through the door And kept my mind from wandering Where it will go And it really doesn't matter if I'm wrong I'm right Where I belong I'm right Where I belong. See the people standing there who disagree and never win" Yeah well, at least it's a chance to get off the road and just squeeze the phone. Everybody stay safe on the East Coast!.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

I'm surprised I haven't read any accounts of baseball fans celebrating the sweep of the Tigers by the San Francisco Giants Sunday evening! Congratulations and hope the parade is fun, too.
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Member for

14 years 9 months

Cartels are fighting it out in jet-set destination Acapulco, Mexico while opium production is up 17.6% in the world-leading producer country Burma. Perhaps that is why Ang Sang Su Kyi gets her cosmetic freedom. Afghanistan is the #2 producer in the world, just waiting for the US exit in 2014 to retake the lead.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Greetings Beings! Hope some East Coast Heads out there find this post. Would love to see you so we can dance and shake our bones one more time... Will be sipping some sweet tunes into the night and groovin' in this massive dance space just like old times... Here are some details... FALL FOR THE DEAD! ~ A Night of Dancin' to the Good 'ol Grateful Dead! Saturday, Nov 3, 2012 8:00p NEA - North East American School of Dance 25 Main Street, 4th Floor, Northampton, MA Join us as we clear out the cob webs, dust off those rusty strings one more time, and enter into the circle of community and connection as the kids they dance and shake their bones to the sounds of The Grateful Dead! This one night only barefoot boogie dance event will be a time for all of us who Love the sounds of Jerry and The Boys to come together in Love, Peace, and Celebration! This musical journey will be guided by DEAD DJ's Brothers Antonio Aversano & Bill Baue Sliding Scale: $5 - $10 https://www.facebook.com/events/239395542853679/ Peace, ~ Antonio ~
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Member for

14 years 9 months

The Northeastern portion of the US as well as the Appalachian Mountain chain, the Hatteras shoreline to the North Shore of Boston and 22 foot waves pounding onshore at Lake Michigan (Chicago) and Lake Eerie (Cleveland) provided the rough proportions of a massive collision of two storms with a very low barometric pressure center (a record in fact) of 940 millibars. Hundreds of homes burned to the ground and and about 500 died. The price tag for damage? The second highest in history. It is clear that this combined monster, along with the heat of the summer drought, signaled the full onslaught of global warming. Just as clear is that people and politicians (including the presidential candidates) are in full denial of the real damages yet to be felt. If you live in a home that has no propane or oil heat, it will be uninhabitable when the grid goes out (predicted by cyber attack or otherwise). Unimaginable food and energy prices increases signal just a few of the severest effects. I'm not trying to scare anybody, just saying that I'm making plans for this stark future that include a self-contained tiny house with generator. In the long run of a worst case scenario even this will not be enough.