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  • neddles
    hmmm... well
    Sirius is owned by Mel Karmazin and from the interwviews with him that I've read, he has never been concerned with XM and what they're up to. He never talks about wanting to take away their listeners or monopolize the satellite market. All I hear him talk about is about how many people out there would enjoy this service and how to tap into that enormous market. Of course it's all about the money; it always is in the end. But I really think that the CEO's involved are thinking long term, to the millions that aren't hooked up yet. If they can make Satellite more attractive to all, more people sign up and profit goes up. They don't do that by raising prices and cutting programming.I probably sound terribly naive, but I do believe in this service and the industry. I'm not a stockholder (thank god!), but I'm coninually amazed by how good it is compaired to standard radio. In terms of the Grateful Dead Channel, I've seen both the Who Channel and the Rolling Stones Channel come and go, so I am prepared to be dissappointed. But this channel has had so much hype on Sirius that I'm just going to enjoy it for as long as it lasts... if it ever gets started!!!
  • southislander
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    You don't think?
    The Grateful Dead Channel is on Sirius, so that doesn't have anything to do with the merger. I think the merger will go through, but I'm not convinced it will improve our service. Just look what Clear Channel has done to regular broadcasting. There will be one satellite provider, so they can do whatever they want, raise price, cut channels, whatever, and if you don't like it then yeah, get an ipod that plays MP3s or play CDs. Even on XM why was there only one hour a week for Dead music? I meant to ask David that question. Then Sirius decides to play an entire channel, so all the Dead heads will go to Sirius. That's how good competition works. Anyway I feel lot safer with two sat companies. The merger will just be a bait and switch. Sirius is shaping up nicely with the Dead Channel, live music and XM might take that away, or cut programming. I hope you guys are right, but I'm used to heads crying foul, when they don't get what they want for nothing. peace out
  • neddles
    I don't think so...
    I disagree with the idea that the customers are going to lose out from this merger. Xm and Sirius are not just competing against themselves. There are only 15 million people that have the sevice in North America... that still leaves A LOT more folks out there listening to regular radio and ipod and cds, etc. These other forms of entertainment are the REAL competition. Why would the merged satellite companies start screwing their customers then? Believe me, they want new customers. They want to tap into the huge markets that they are barely scratching the surface of now. Satellite radio is a VERY expensive business; the satellites are very pricey, the receivers need to be developed and produced, and Howard Stern needs his 500 million! Why should these 2 companies have to compete against each other when most of the continent is listening to free radio and ipod? Bring on the merger and bring on the Grateful Dead Channel!!!!!
  • southislander
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    gd channel
    I've been listening to the Dead Hour for about 5 years on XM. I just switched over to Sirius two days ago, but didn't know about the dead channel. I just thought I would try something different. I'm glad David is putting the new Dead channel together. Who knows how the merger will work out for consumers. They are offering more selective channel selection from both after the merger, but they are just making that suggestion to see the deal through. There is nothing stopping each of them from offering a more selective programming now. Sirius and XM also have different compression so you would need a new receiver to listen to both. So that isn't going to happen for years. XM used to have better programming, live music channel, that they did away with. Also doesn't Clear Channel own most of the XM channels? The merger is going to be all about cutting corners and limited programming so the fat cats can make more cash. You might see a good offering in the first few years after the merger then they are going to hit you up. Well, any way it's good to see David here. I have enjoyed his show!
  • paisley
    Remember when...
    ...shall we go, you and I while we can...There would be a public outpouring of the people's wishes to stimulate change? You know, like the sixties? Get yourselves in touch with Sirius, and if you're a subscriber, push for the station being on-air ASAP. If you're thinking about subscribing, Let them know you want assurances about the GD channel first. If you have programming feedback, provide that ,too.Wishing and writing about it here won't make it happen.
  • neddles
    That Jerry/Bob interview was really cool... and funny!Can't wait for the full-time channel...but I guess i'll have to...
  • all_things_must_pass
    Turn those machines back on!!
    So when do we get a full time GD channel?I was getting VERY used to being able to listen to this station whenever I wanted. My favorite was an interview w/ Jerry and Bob where they talked about Phil's "angular" bass playing - and then played some clips to illustrate their point. Just great "inside the music" stuff. Sorry - I will go back to work now.
  • paisley
    ...shall we go, you and I while we can...Yeah, aud, you're right, waiting may have advantages except that 1) no one is thinking XM will buy out Sirius, 2) once Sirius buys out XM, Sirius will have control of the receiver market and the price of receivers MAY go up, and 3) If you buy right after the merger, it's sounding like you'll pay Christmas time rates for the receiver anyway. This deal's gonna happen, it's just too bad the lawyers aren't making good arguements for it to go through (yet). "Al A Carte" is a bad dining option and a worse marketing strategy. I'd try the "buffet" concept, myself.
  • aud
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    I've been following this in the business news for a while, and frankly will be surprised if it doesn't come to pass. I definitely have no plans to buy into either until this thing shakes out. Lots of investment news on this thing this week with the NAB whining about how they aren't buying the "a la carte" argument that Karmazin has been touting. Anyway, meantime I still enjoy XM online (thanks to my boss' subscription for his cars) and my pal Denny's Sirius online login when he's not using it. Sitting back on my lawnchair waiting for it all the shake out one way or the other before I even think about shopping! And enjoying the hell out of this Boston show at work this morning...
  • paisley
    Interview with Sirius President...
    ...shall we go, you and I while we can... Mel Karmakin on Fox News who said he expected the merger with XM to take place before the first of the year. The strategy is to say that Sirius and XM are competing with any music delevery system you can put in your home, car, or office, thus avoiding the monopoly issue. He also said that post-merger, "ala carte" channel purchase an other "efficiencies" would reduce the monthly cost to $6.95 per customer. So kick back and enjoy that GD channel , because it isn't going anywhere. Look for deals on receivers and adapters at stores like Best Buy and Circuit City, 'cause their cheaper there.
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17 years 9 months
Our own dgans is a programming consultant for the new channel!
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17 years 9 months

the GD (in all it's forms) will be considered a treasured public service, hahahaha ~ ; - ) "You know what the trouble about real life is? There's no danger music."
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17 years 9 months

Well it appears the merger went through without Mr. Adelstein's proposed changes (he ultimately voted against the merger). It appears the Republican Deborah Tate cast the deciding vote after both companies agree to pay fines related to the exclusive agreements struck with equipment manufactures. The "a la carte" idea seems to have survived so next year I'll see where that ends up and hopefully I can purchase a system and service (finally). I still think the business plan was unnecessarily complicated for both XM and Sirius and I expect to see advertising at some point in the future. Unfortunately the most greedy folks I've ever met are shareholders of publicly traded business and they will, at some point, demand that revenue from Madison Ave. As for terrestrial based radio, I feel this deal is unfair and a sad footnote to it's history but ultimately their demise was set in motion years ago and included elements not directly related to this argument. "You know what the trouble about real life is? There's no danger music."
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17 years

Would love to hear the show from the Marin Civic Center, Halloween 1983. Have never heard a tape but remember it as a great show. Also, Sante Fe Downs 1983, was there and had a tape for a few years, if the whole show can't be played how bout Goin Down the Road..., One More Sat. Night, and Cold Rain and Snow. Awesome stuff! Thanks!
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17 years

Not sayin it didn't happen cause I can't sit in my car all day, but I didn't hear one Jerry show during Jerry week. Mountain girl was great though.
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17 years

Ya think you guys could play some Jerry and John live acoustic, also love the song "And It Stoned Me" I dare you guys to play that Sante Fe 83 show (cold rain & snow encore) on or before the 25th anniversary and see how happy it would make us.
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17 years

I heard a great Samson & Delilah Saturday afternoon. Had to crank it to the max! What a sweet concert this morning! If you get confused, listen to the music play!
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17 years

heard a "Comes A Time" that blew my mind
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17 years 9 months

Looks like the Grateful Dead channel won't be part of the best of Sirius package for XM subscribers.[dangit!]
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17 years

I guess this isn't a good place to leave requests, I heard you give somebodies e- mail on the show the other day to request shows I think. Got that again?
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17 years

I'd like to give a big thanks to Jesse Ventura for rocking down with us Deadheads and being our commander-in-chief for an hour. Wish you were on the ticket. -ht
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17 years

thank God for celebrity DJ's
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17 years

the dorks we got are pretty cool too i guess, even though they won't play my damn concert!
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17 years

been listening to a show from Piscataway, N.J. 5/15/81 .can ya tell me the name of the venue this was at. I was at the Nassau show nine days earlier. that was the first show I saw after being parylised in a car wreck 3 months earlier. wearing a back brace and hobblin' around on wrist crutches, still learnin how to walk again."But they kept on dancin'!'

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17 years 8 months

05-15-81 Rutgers Athletic Center, Piscataway, N.J. (Fri)
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17 years 9 months

Best to always leave a happy always told me. Easy to remember, hard to forget.
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17 years

Rutgers! I saw em' there once, must've been the year before. Love ya all.
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17 years 9 months

Looks like The Grateful Dead Channel will be coming to XM around November 12th or thereabouts.[according to what i've read on various XM message boards]
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17 years 8 months

At $0.35 per share, I hope the merged XM into Sirius can survive, especially w Howard Stearns paycheck.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Just have to say that I waited until Sirius had the "Dead" channel and then purchased 2 radios, 1 for the car, the other for the home stereo! Love the channel and I'm looking forward to many happy hours of listening. Thanks for the great job everyone! Keep on Truckin'
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17 years 9 months

I was happy as a pig in slop to hear the Grateful Dead channel come on XM last night at 11pm ct......the Hartford 74 show this afternoon was excellent btw.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Bliss.. utter Bliss listening to XM 57 GD Channel, if you don't see it in your channel selections use Direct, it's there! .. setting up XM Radio Online now, never bothered before, but now work is about to go a whole lot smoother:)
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I am LOVING the GD Channel on XM!!! WAY bummed that I had to be at work AT noon, just when Laguna Seca 88 was about to begin....heard the first couple bumps of Aiko! Aiko!...sighed, turned the car off and went into work. ;) ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years

I missed the live broadcast of Ratdog cause the day of the show Sirius kept announcing that a Dead show was coming and not the dog. was all set for the re-broadcast last night and instead they play a Dead show. finally been listening to it this morning, Crazy Fingers was good. It's good I wasn't near a computer last night. S.O.F.
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17 years 8 months

Yesterday's KC Star business section indicates finances are tight for the merged satellite radio company. Regarding either on-line service, it would be GRATE to have the date of the song playing, in addition to the name of the song. My portable Sirius unit picks up the date.....
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Although I am thrilled that the GD channel is finally on XM, I sure wish the date and venue would be listed as each song is played. (XM unit and on line player)
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17 years 8 months

GADEADHEAD & Ted (hey that sounds like a great duo - you guys should think about hitting the road together! hahheeee).... I agree - it'd be awesome to see WHERE & WHEN these wonderful selections were played. ALSO - as cool as Keller is, I've heard his version of "Loose Lucy" twice in the last 2 days...sheeesh... ;) You still da MAN, Mr. Gans - hope to play w/ you again sometime soon!! ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 9 months

I have been fighting the good fight about track info since Day One. Problem is, all he different receivers handle that info differently and it's not possible to make all the information available to all sets. Still working on it. I can't explain the repetition of Keller's Loose Lucy :^) but I like it too! Gans/GD Hour blog
GD Hour station list
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Thanks for the reply David. Hey - sure hope you make it back to Pittsburgh sometime. We had a lot of fun playing after your show at the Thunderbird. Maybe next time you'll sit in w/ us? Hmmmm???? ;) Take care and keep them sweet tunes a-crankin' on my XM!! MORE 80s STUFF!!! (HUGE Brent fan, right here!) ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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Member for

17 years

How come a lot of the other sirius channels have live DJ's and not you? (classic rewinds for example) I'm watchin you!
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I had let my XM subscription lapse until Sirius bought them out. Of course, as soon as I found out that there was a GD station, I started it back up, and have NO regrets. Now I don't have to rely on my iPod all of the time. Don't get me wrong, you can fit a shitload of Dead on an iPod, but it's the gems, and the mix, that makes the station work so well. Now all is well on my daily commute.
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17 years

and play some presidential, innaugurential, freak potential, existensial, kum-bye-ential, human potential, spinnners central for our great nation!
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17 years 1 month

I can't seem to find a reliable source for concert listings on the Grateful Dead channel on the sirius Dead site .Sometimes it's there, but most of the time it's not, makes it difficult to set up a deck for recording.I've asked David Gans via feedback but no reply.Is there an alternative place for this info?Any help would be much appreciated. Bob R.
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17 years 9 months

I don't see the "Feedback" emails. If you emailed me directly, I apologize for not answering. I wish I knew what to tell you. Sirius XM doesn't seem to be very good at putting information online. Gans/GD Hour blog
GD Hour station list
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16 years 2 months

I'm really enjoying the GD channel on XM . It's just about the only good thing that has come out of the merger of the two services. I like the Today in GD history segment and I am sooo happy that there are no DJ's on the channel. Most of the Sirius channels that were put on my XM radio detract from the service as whole with yapping DJ's telling you to upgrade your radio subscription package. These pitches to get you to upgrade can range from annoying to obnoxious. At least on the GD channel, it's just about the music.
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17 years

well, I guess it's bound to come up sometime. r u guys gonna broadcast any of the shows??? The first "live Dead show I ever heard was Englishtown 77 on the radio, hanging out at a buudds and tripppin hard on purple microdot, after the show a thunderstorm came through and a lightinging bolt took out the transformer across the street.what a blast.
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17 years 9 months

where ya been?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Been out of the loop for awhile, ain't no feelin' like 18 wheelin'! Good to see the community (and the vines) growing like weeds. See ya out there... His job is to shed light, not to master...
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17 years

I was at the show they're playin on sirius right now, Kean College, 2nd row. One of the best. Off to mushroom land!
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16 years 2 months

Does anyone here have any info on the pending bankruptcy? Any insights that we won't get from the MSM? I sure hope they can pull out of it. Good to know you got shoes to wear when you find the floor.
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16 years 2 months

It would be kinda cool if they would broadcast one show or more llive on the GD channel. From what I understand, Jimmy Buffett is going to broadcasting all of the shows on his upcoming tour live on his Radio Margaritaville channel on XM. That would be the best of course but I don't think it will happen that way with The Dead. But maybe they do like they did with NYE on play the show the next day.
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17 years 1 month

Does anyone have another source for the schedule on concerts broadcast 3 times a day ? I've tried repeatedly to find out why the schedule is not updated or posted at all. I've put on a message on this site through feedback but have gotten no response. It's really frustrating to not know what shows to record in advance, we only have so much hard drive, I just want to know what's upcoming so I can record the shows I went to.Does't seem like a lot to ask since we do pay for this service! Serius is useless as far as caring about customer service or input, I've talked to at least 3 live bodies there(itself not an easy feat) and all have assured me that someone would get back to me, what a joke! Any help would be appreciated
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16 years 2 months

I'm a bit concerned reading TxJeds comment above... Any truth to that? I, for one, would go into a sirius depression if it were to ever go away. I'm glad this thread is here... I have a space to voice my appreciation for this station and the guy (that means everyone) who does what they do there... Everyday, first thing i do when i get to work is put on my headphones and start streaming. Meetings get postponed or avoided because they take me away from my computer and the music that fills me with joy... i have to plan my bathroom breaks between songs and shows... people think i'm nuts when they catch me playing air guitar, dancing in my chair or sometimes singing out loud despite my best efforts not to... but it's all good and hasn't gotten me fired yet : ) One of the best parts of this daily experience for me (besides Today in GD History... LOVE that show...) is the station's ability to bring back the thrill of being at a show...not knowing what they're going to play next... and playing the guessing game... I can name that tune is 3, no, 2 notes.... WOO HOO I knew it!!! It's that comforting thrill like recognizing then embracing a long lost friend. These voices...that sound... like being in love. It's the sweet anticipation of what's coming next...and knowing that no matter what it is, it will be sweetness to the soul. Every song brings back great memories and quite simply, brings me comfort.... havin' a high time, livin' the good life...even if it is while i'm 'at work'. HA! if they only knew they paid me really good money to jam to dead tunes all day long! So THANK YOU sirius 32... from one of your biggest fans, Janet from CT "it goes to show you don't never know"...
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17 years 9 months

Word has it Dish Network or Directtv are looking to take over XM/Sirius so bankruptcy might not be their only option.