• Franklin County Field - June 15, 1995
    First "Rollin & Tumblin" - Bob Dylan opened


  • Set 1: Touch of Grey
    Wang Dang Doodle
    El Paso
    Ramble On Rose
    Black Throated Wind
    Loose Lucy
    Promised Land

    Set 2: Here Comes Sunshine
    Samba In The Rain
    Truckin' > Rollin' & Tumblin'* > That Would Be Something > He's Gone
    > Drums > Space > Box Of Rain > Standing On the Moon > Sugar Magnolia


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    15 years 11 months ago
    This also was my last show
    This also was my last show and my son's first. We were shocked to read the papers and hear about the gate crashers and craziness. We got there early and didn't see any of it. We were there with an ex-boyfriend and another family and had an awesome time. Sadly it was the end of an era for me as well. The boyfriend and I parted ways, although he lead me to the GD and I'll always be grateful for that.
  • shaggyRYbc
    16 years ago
    no Dylan/Jerry encore
    ppl say 140,000 prob;ly 90000 w/ tickets...school in highgte finished up early 4 us ....oh ya thanks 4 my free camping bro ... my 1st show away from tha west ....west issss best ... Jerry jammed west then destructed ..and this was where it 1st showed that i noticed... gate ppl told us to ditch our water bottles on the way in ...bitches had us walkin on a massive pile ....yaaa the poor ppl in the porta's ...shhheeeeit .....sound sucked ...i bounced around and ended up phil zone .....saw jerry lookin for dylan 4 encore ...lost my rochester crew sorry Fortune //////thanks hanglider NH guy
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    16 years ago
    Hope for the Fall
    Alas, like many, it was my last show too. All in all it wasn't what I had hoped, though I had great friends with me and as result have some great memories. The show left me waiting for the Boston fall shows which would never happen...sad even thinking about it.
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Member for

18 years
First "Rollin & Tumblin" - Bob Dylan opened
Set 1: Touch of Grey
Wang Dang Doodle
El Paso
Ramble On Rose
Black Throated Wind
Loose Lucy
Promised Land

Set 2: Here Comes Sunshine
Samba In The Rain
Truckin' > Rollin' & Tumblin'* > That Would Be Something > He's Gone
> Drums > Space > Box Of Rain > Standing On the Moon > Sugar Magnolia

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Member for

17 years 9 months

Last time I would see Jerry; unfortunately I was unable to really enjoy the show, thick crowd, Bloody Marys and Balloons, gates crashing, heads all empty....I would quit drinking and drugging one year later almost to the day... "if you get confused..."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Set 1: Touch of Grey, Wang Dang Doodle, Peggy-O, El Paso, Ramble On Rose, Black Throated Wind, Loose Lucy, Promised Land Set 2: Here Comes Sunshine, Samba In The Rain, Truckin' > Rollin' & Tumblin'* > That Would Be Something > He's Gone > Drums > Space > Box Of Rain > Standing On the Moon > Sugar Magnolia, E: Liberty Comment: * First Rollin' & Tumblin'.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

last show for me too. i remember remarking on how grey Jerry was looking. There were some crazy gate crashers and an enormous traffic jam. order tickets for the fall the day before Jerry died.
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17 years 8 months

Drove up from Portland, ME. Beautiful day. Crowd was real thick. Gate Crashers. Last show for me.
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17 years 8 months

Pivotal point in life....Life would change for me after this show. Went up for the weekend; left after the traffic cleared for home. Drove 8 hours + straight to connecticut; got home, took a shower and drove to the airport to catch a plane. Left for a 17 day Alaska backpacking trip. Last show for me. It became the end of an era that I'm still, to this day, missing dearly. Ciao RIP JerCiao
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17 years 8 months

It was my last show as well. I was up front by Jer with my pack of High Life. He will be missed!
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17 years 8 months

My last show...who knew?! Actually an ugly day...too many people who didn't give a damn but getting buzzed...gate crashers, people getting hurt...not what the Dead were all about...couldn't wait for the Fall shows in Boston, those that we would never see. "He's Gone ...."
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17 years 8 months

While I was sad to have the era come to an end, I left this show feeling that it was ready to end. I agree with the comments above - the scene at this show was ugly, and no longer captured the spirit of community and magic that I'd come to know and love. Over a decade later, I still treasure the experiences and memories from about a hundred shows over a dozen years. What a long strange trip it's been...
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17 years 8 months

I agree with most of the comments here. I sensed the end was near as well. That's why I did most of the East Coast tour in '95. Although, there were some moments here and there Jerry was running out of gas and the scene attracted a LOT of RIFF RAFF. Regardless, I wouldn't change a thing and I'm eternally grateful to Jerry and the boys.
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17 years 8 months

This was my last grateful dead show as well. But as fate would have it, the spirit lived (and lives) on with the furthur festivals, the other ones, Phil & friends, and especially Ratdog. I hope to see you all at the Gathering of the Vibes.
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17 years 8 months

I remember Jerry wearing a red t-shirt rather than the more preferred navy one. The phrase "trouble ahead, Jerry in red" says it best. I just remember sitting in my tent after the show and feeling so let down. Jerry fumbled through the lyrics to numerous songs and looked so ill. It was the beginning of the end and it was all too clear.
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17 years 8 months

The vending was amazing, over half a mile of shakedown, but the crashers sucked!! People stuck in turned over porto-potties for over an hour, not cool. I still miss Jerry almost everyday. I'm with Drbombay, bring on the VIBES! Can't wait to see the DOG!!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

But I heard about it. My lil Sister went and she said it was a pretty bad scene. Gate crashers, police, bad traffic. I'm glad I saw my last show in Cali (Oakland) It was a much better way to say goodbye.
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17 years 9 months

Dylan opened. The papers the next day said there were 100,000 there. Pretty close I'd say.I was with my brother. When the Dead took the stage he said, "Jerry in red. Trouble ahead." ;(
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17 years 8 months

100,000 people and the majority were morons. such a great place to see the dead, and so secluded, it's amazing how far assholes will travel to wreck a good time. Wish I had stayed home, the way the boys played, they should have stayed home too
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Had to come back after Highgate '94 - but got stuck in traffic for hours, barely made it to the venue in time to hear Dylan in the distance - no ticket takers, the fence was down, so I still have my un-torn ticket. We managed to have a great time, all was not lost. But it was clearly the beginning of the end. The beauty and innocence of Highgate '94 was gone. "When I had no wings to fly, you flew to me"
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17 years 7 months

My last show prior to this one was in Oxford Maine. After those shows it was apparent to me that way to many folks were going to shows for the wrong reasons. It saddened me since I had been an avid follower since 73 or so. At any rate since they were playing in my home state I figured I'd go and see if anything had changed. Yes the scene had changed but even further away from what it was back in the day as they say. I was way up front for Dylan (who was great) and for the first set of the Dead. To look at Jerry almost brought tears to my eyes, that coupled with the hordes of riff raf was such a bring down that I left half way thru the second set, a first for me. On my way home I could not help thinking about all the great shows I'd seen thru out the years and that sooner or later something bad was about to happen to what use to be one of my most cherished events. Well now I'm happily into the alt-country vibe but still break out some live Grateful Dead of yester year to keep the flicker of light going and to remember what Jerry and the boys use to mean to me.........
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17 years 5 months

I begged my mom to go to this show the year before, but she said no. At the time I was 17 and living with my parents in Connecticut, the show was 250 miles away. I can remember her reaction, "God only knows what you’ll be up to up there…I know what goes on at those shows.” A year later my mom’s graduation present was to tell my father I was attending freshman orientation early so I wouldn’t be distracted when I started classes at UVM in the fall. He bought it because it came from my mom. This was my first and only show. The show wasn’t their best performance but I gave it 4 stars anyway because of all the good memories. I was close to the stage so I didn’t hear about all the gate crashing and a-holes until we got back to the car. The show was a very poignant moment in my life as it was a prelude to adulthood: for the first time in my life I was free to do what I want with out my parents on my back. I base a lot of the rest of my life off this show, 4 years later I’d see the passing of my father and my graduation from UVM, 3 years after that graduation from WNEC law, a year after that marriage and I find out yesterday my child should be due late May/early June 2008. This show was truly an end of an era; however, like anything else, it was also the beginning of a new one.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

god, was it awful...Jerry forgetting lyrics, portapotties being knocked over by gate crashers....just awful....at least my last show was my first outdoor show since '86
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Member for

17 years 3 months

This was my second show and my last with Jerry. I was in Nashua, NH working when I decided to go get some lunch at a deli. A car with two young girls saw me walking in a tie dye and told me Jerry just died. Much like on 9-11 or my parents knew where they were and what they were doing the day Kennedy was assasinated, I can remember the street, the direction I was headed, what I had for lunch and how this moment profoundly changed my life forever.See here how everything, leads up to this day>>>
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Member for

17 years 8 months

My memory of this one was Phil taking charge of the vocal jam in "He's Gone" and then taking us out of Space with "Box of Rain". Also a good "Ramble on Rose" in the first set, and a very embarrassing "Touch of Grey" opener. Good Dylan set too. Anyone have a copy? http://www.myspace.com/andrewtmitchell
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17 years 8 months

Was not supposed to be my last show but it ended up that way for me. I do not recall to much at this point in time except that I thought Jerry looked terrible. Meant to go to the following couple of shows including Giants, I think, but past. Missin' Jerry! Joe from RI
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16 years 5 months

It was my first and last show, if you got past the drug hungry kids, friends it was one of the best experiences! The true fans made you feel at home, and took you in! Loved it, miss-u jerry!
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16 years 2 months

I remember this one the most for two reasons: First, I was mostly sober for the event due to a less than honest person selling bunk stuff. In hindsight, I am greatful for this. Second, I was standing by a soda booth set up by a local VT charity when the crashers broke through. The flood of people destroyed the fence and the charity booth knocking a few volutneers to the ground. I was more than disappointed in the lack of humanity but it did not ruin the show for me. I remember getting emotional during Gone (perhaps prescient of Jerry's passing). Wouldn't change a thing...
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16 years 2 months

cassidysdada had good time[I think] got pulled over on way home spent 6 days in jail in w.mass [not fun] my good friend amy drove allthewaythefuckout to east bumfuck to save my ass moral:pay your fines! good news: Amy became my wife + we have perfect twins ROBBIE+CASSIDY
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16 years 2 months

This sadly would be the last time I saw Jerry, alive. You could tell he was out of it, reading from a telepromter. I had a tear in my eye watching him and I remember saying to a friend that Jerry might not be with us much longer because of the way he looked. Like what was said above the scene was bad total disregard for anyone or anything very depressing. A week later I passed on the Giant stadium shows because of the Highgate mess. And I'm still sorry for that. I thought it was a cool place to see a show. We camped there for two nights and have some great stories from it.
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16 years 7 months

It was crazy, hot day, many folks just not caring, balloons and gatecrashers were a drag. I remember after the show this brother on top of his mobile home right outside the gate pointing out someone from on top and yelling "un cool man!" it wasnt like even the previous year at the same venue. I miss Jerry. And as much of a drag as it may have been, it wasnt hard to find the heads. Which was always cool. Peace and HugsY'All, Grateful Ken
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16 years 2 months

this show was a bummer:Dylan was boring--Jerry was in horrible shape(heartbreaking)80%of the lot was loud,drunk posers(sickening)wish I had better memories for my last show but I dont...well,well,well you can never tell.
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16 years 1 month

Jack (Straw) Fuller My last show....took my new girlfriend (now wife), her first. She said, "now I understand...." Jerry in RED! I told her there was a storm coming.
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17 years 8 months

Alas, like many, it was my last show too. All in all it wasn't what I had hoped, though I had great friends with me and as result have some great memories. The show left me waiting for the Boston fall shows which would never happen...sad even thinking about it.
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Member for

16 years

ppl say 140,000 prob;ly 90000 w/ tickets...school in highgte finished up early 4 us ....oh ya thanks 4 my free camping bro ... my 1st show away from tha west ....west issss best ... Jerry jammed west then destructed ..and this was where it 1st showed that i noticed... gate ppl told us to ditch our water bottles on the way in ...bitches had us walkin on a massive pile ....yaaa the poor ppl in the porta's ...shhheeeeit .....sound sucked ...i bounced around and ended up phil zone .....saw jerry lookin for dylan 4 encore ...lost my rochester crew sorry Fortune //////thanks hanglider NH guy
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16 years 1 month

This also was my last show and my son's first. We were shocked to read the papers and hear about the gate crashers and craziness. We got there early and didn't see any of it. We were there with an ex-boyfriend and another family and had an awesome time. Sadly it was the end of an era for me as well. The boyfriend and I parted ways, although he lead me to the GD and I'll always be grateful for that.
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16 years 2 months

Only positive thing I remember is how emotional Jerry got during Peggy-o, Very sad- The poor man was in obvoius pain-should'nt have been on the road. But that was Jerry-Didnt want to put people out of work and did'nt want to dissappoint the fans-A TRUE rock-n-roll soldier. I miss him so much.
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15 years 11 months

I thought Dylan was in fine form. And my favourite part of the Dead show upon relistening is Loose Lucy. Jerry always belts this one out even if he's in rough shape like he was that day (year? tour?) Blessed to have had the experience, sad that it was the last one.
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16 years 2 months

I sat by the side of the stage, alone, sucking on a wine sack and new it was over.
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Member for

15 years 10 months

I saw both Dead shows in Worcester on 4/18 & 19 and they were some of the best shows I've seen with or without Jerry.... and I never thought I'd be saying that!! My first show was in 1973 and Highgate was my last "real" show but I'm glad I was able to see the Dead in their newest incarnation. I just wish I could have seen more shows and hope they tour again soon. I had fun at Highate but thought something was lacking at the time although listening now it sounds much better than I recall..... Regards!
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15 years 11 months

Yes bad vibe that show. People getting ripped off, assholes ruining the "whole scene" I too was there with wife and daughter of 2 yrs. We were chillin back right where that fence came down and the reaction of the crowd on the good side just stared in disbelief. We've talked about that show many times on how we were so unhappy with these new people invading our wonderful scene with there assholic behaviour. They werent there for the music of our favorite Band. Peace
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17 years 3 months

I am a Dead Head."Today I live a wonderful life in part due to the magic encountered some many years ago. The Peace Love Harmony & Symphony that I was witness to still resonates in me........I am Grateful to have seen as many shows as I have. Wising everyone Health & Happiness. The Joyrney goes Further.
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Member for

13 years 9 months

from shorline to vermont in 14 days. Gimme a break guys. Who made that jump? not me thats for sure.
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13 years 4 months

Despite the gate crashers, this was a great show. Dylan opened, then, Mickey and Billy tweaked my mind on drums. A fantastic second set!
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Member for

12 years 7 months

This was a crazy show - who knew it would be my last
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Member for

12 years 6 months

The very last time i saw Jerry. Was unhappy with the way he looked.Losing him was like losing one of my very best friends. Never got to sit down and talk to him yet,on many occasion in passing. Was right next to him " Dunsmuir House and Gardens, Oakland, CA @ the Stone in San Fran !0 4 86 @ Madison square garden called our hotel room to put us on guest list. I answered phone.......... Jerry asked for Mark to which I replied he is not hear rite now. Jerry saying OK well then give me your last name and will put you all on list under your name. Told him my last name and began to spell it to which Jerry replied fuck it man to long give me someone else in the room with easier last name. My only claim to his fame. Along with 400 or 500 times in his presence on stage. Just like all us on here. I use to always say the Dead could announce they are playing 3 nights at the town dump. And give it 2 or 3 years in a row somewhere on the east coast and many would call it the best place on earth to see the band.I sure do miss him just like so many others .That said his health has slipped to much for my liking after say 92. My health was getting better and I could finally see threw my rose colored glasses. That is in NO WAY meant to be a dig at Jerry or any other. Long live the SPIRIT and good fortune to all.
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Member for

11 years 1 month

I'm still Grateful for being able to see the last few years..(93-95), I hear complaints from older heads, and I feel you, but I choose to focus on the 50,000+ beautiful people who were in this crowd, not the 40-50,000 party/gatecrashers. Still a good time...He's gone and D>S were good moments here..not the best but ALWAYS worth it!
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12 years 6 months

We are not complaining about the change, just sad for the change. Those of us who caught the boys during good ole grateful dead days are what I think most are referring to here. Maybe am wrong but to every generation they had there own good ole days. I feel lucky to call mine the early 80'2 threw 89.
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12 years 6 months

I remember fondly joining the "We want Phil!" chant. After the chant died, I alone screamed "BOX OF RAIN!" as loud as I could. How awesome a surprise it was when they hit that tune in the 2nd set! Being 20 yards or so from the stage, I didn't learn of the gate crashers until I read the local newspapers. But this day ranks as the happiest of my life nonetheless, and I am grateful that my sober brain was able to hold onto the memory. I won't get into the grieving process I began to endure 8 weeks later...that'd be a short novel. On 1/20/13, my wife gave birth to my youngest son, Mason Garcia Raineault. When I help him in the hospital for the first time, I sang Casey Jones and Mason's Children with tears in my eyes. Then that July, I was glad to be able to bring my oldest son, Austin, to see Furthur in Gilford, NH. Sober that day too! 6/15/95 was the day my life became truly complete. Nothing before or after it ranks as fulfilling a destiny like that did. 8/9/95 is a day that, sadly, never really went away for me. I just hope that wherever Jerry is, he knows I thank him sincerely for the happiness he brought me.
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10 years 6 months

also my last show, and coincidentally also my first free show, compliments of the gate crashers I guess....