• 580 replies
    Here and there in the forums people are expressing their enthusiasm for particular candidates in the upcoming U.S. elections, while others are saying Enough Already, We Don't Want To Hear About It. So, this is the right place to discuss your favorites (or non-favorites) and other matters relevant to the campaign. If you're not into it, skip this topic! And as for all you non-U.S. residents, if you want a similar topic for what's going on in your part of the world, speak up and I'll start it. Thanks!


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  • Steve-O
    Who to vote for? I enjoyed the wealth of the Clinton years, could this be a repeat? I know absolutely nothing about Obama, except that he is younger. That could be a good thing. I know all about Bob, Phil, and Mickey's veiws, but do I want to support the California dream? I am really iffy on this issue. My primary is coming fast and I really need to make a decision, we shall see.
  • wolfsong
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    McCain is the only logical
    McCain is the only logical choice. as a registered independent i resent the fact that i feel the need to vote republican if only to vote against two not even remotely qualified people, either way the "party" decides. its scary to me that either are even up for nomination. Keep on rockin in the free world
  • Frankly
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    Oh,money supply..
    federal reserve,banks, inflation..i know a very interesting documentary called "Zeitgeist",theres a lot of information about all this stuff:-)(-:
  • 00
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    Libertarian party
    Bobbalee, I am actually a registered Libertarian and I registered for the party when I was in High school and always liked the idea that "nobody should tell me what to do while I am in my own home." But as I have many agreements with the Libertarian party I also have many disagreements such as no gun laws, no environmental laws, no social programs, little to no government. Maybe I am a bit out dated on these policies but this was the Libertarian point of view when I was following it closer. If I am wrong please correct me. I have been a fan of Milton Friedman (economics geek here) but I always had many questions about minimizing the role of government in a free market. This is sort of Bush’s policy on global warming. Let the market figure it out as it knows more that the government when it comes to such issues. I studied Friedman’s quantity theory of money and we can even say that Friedman is responsible for the connection between inflation and money supply and hence our current interest rate system that the Fed uses today. Federal Funds Rate etc. But I think you disagree with this right? Please tell me more about the Libertarian party as I have been out of touch with them for some time.
  • BobbaLee
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    Not much will change
    Sorry to burst everybodys bubble. The difffernce between OBama and McCain is about 15%,Dems and Repubs are two gangs that are constantly fighting over the turf called USA. I suggest you learn about the Libertarian party ot the libertarian philosophy. Ron Paul is a libertarian running as a republican in the primarys. I like Obamas attitude however his policies will not get through Congress. Clinton has the smarts to be president but is so politically slimey she inspires no one. McCain well it won't be Bush 3 however he will be tied to an old corrupt party. Look behind each parties stance: Dems will talk about education however what they mean is "as long as the NEA controls it." Repubs say school choice but what they really want is tax dollars going to religous schools. The same for defense, farm policy, Social Security etc. They use their power to reward their friends and punish their enemies until they cough up protection money. Both parties will do anything to stay in power. They start wars, find enemies everywhere and think nothing of stealing our rights to make sure they keep their system going. Our gov't owes between 10-15 trillion dollars in unfunded gov't pensions, subsidies, Social Security. Medicare. See the Fed lowering interest rates? (not for us) After the election they will rise sharply. Why? because our dollar is becoming weaker and weaker. It will not attract the people who buy our debt the people who own the debt will demand higher interest rates. Why do we still have troops in Europe and Japan? Why do we insist on surrounding Russia with NATO countries. Why? because our industrial military/welfare complex needs to have a large military to keep the economy humming. Dems will scream bloody murder when somebody wants to cut out the military base in their district. Repubs claim they want a smaller govt but have done nothing to shrink gov'r unless its to let corporations off the hook when they make a bad business deal. Both .parties use the fear of other peoples and countries to keep the military industrial complex going go into the ghetto every politican is running a welfare office-I used to insure an AIDS clinic in Miami-they never seemed to have the money to staff the clinic with doctors and medicine. But every board member got their $60,000 salary. and they were all connected pols. when my wife was a Masters degree candidate the welfare agency she worked at made up dozens of fake clients to get more grant money-she refused to sign off on it and was terminated. The owner was an elected official who plays the race card every election. Want to change the system? Read books by Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman and stop looking the other way. Free your self and your mind first. Oh and listen to the Good Ol Grateful Dead. And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
  • 00
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    I was not sure who I would vote for this time around but then I read “audacity of Hope" and I made up my mind. Barack Obama is what I think of when I read parts of the constitution. He is the memory I have of reciting the pledge of allegiance back when I was in 1st grade. Really, he is a reminder of what I was always taught and believed. I also feel his foregin policy will be more intuned with reality as he as actually lived outside the US. Lets see what happens but Barack Obama is change.
  • Jodester
    never trust a politician...
    If I vote for someone and they later do something really fucked up, as they always do, then does that mean I am partly responsible? And if I don't vote to keep out the most evil one, what then? Obama seems like a nice guy. Talks the talk, but can he walk the walk? We have no real way to know. He kinda back stabbed his minister but had little choice as to not do so would have been suicide, perhaps. I would tend to favor him although I'm sure he has a snowballs chance in hell of beating McCain. Hilary, where to start... I find her to be completely false and untrustworthy. Having said that, her and Bill back in the White House would basically be a rerun of Bills term without the Monica thing. That wouldn't be so bad. But she has no chance of beating McCain. McCain, since Bush cheated him last time around he seems to have been playing the game of play submissive to the big dog until in a position to take over with the big dogs help. Has this changed him, or is he still the same maverick under the hood? He's actually the most liberal Republican of this era. He's a true war hero in an age where the term is loosely thrown around, and has the most experience. I think he's a man of conviction even if I don't agree with all of his positions. I think he will bring the troops home in the right way if given the chance. I don't think he really wants the war to go on any longer than necessary but u never tell the enemy your plans so it's intelligent to demoralize the enemy by saying you'll stay 100 years if necessary. I think when all the hoo-haa dies down Americans will take him as the most steady, stable choice. Are you kind?
  • Lady Deadhead …
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    Deadheads Unite for Barack
    Yeah, I missed the Dead "re-union", being in Idaho. Location notwithstanding, some bloggers missed it too, (the point, that is...). It's all about change."The sun will shine in my back door someday". Maybe that day has come. Barack Obama is a decent man. Hillary & McCain; more of the same. Everyone, please,open your eyes... They are part of the political machinery that has been steamrolling over Americans, bargaining with lobbyists, and selling out to the "pro-life-war-mongering", constitution stomping, big brother, elitist right! Educate yourselves and do some research to find out the depth and breadth of lies that spew forth from Hillary's pie-hole. We don't need another liar in the house; male OR female. She has lied about her experience. She never had security clearance and sleeping with slick Willy doesn't count...Talk to Northern Ireland. She brought peace to them don't you know? All of Ireland is laughing about that...Macedonia? She claims to have opened their borders... funny, they were open before she even arrived and Bosnia...well you know how she ran from the plane under sniper fire...liar, liar, liar. The list is long...She didn't even pay the health care premiums for her OWN STAFF!!! Liar, liar, liar!!!! S-Chip for childrens' medical care? Check out her claims on that issue...Don't be fooled by the wolf in womens' clothing. Ship of fools...sail away from me...
  • Ami
    scary times
    my husband's all for Obama, change, get a fresh start out of the washington bogged down with lobbyists,etc... but to be in a position to gain the nomination in the first place, you're already part of the 'old boy's network'. Hillary has connections, not experience. if she had experience it meant that she was privy to decision-making she wasn't allowed to be privy of. so Obama has a good enough record, keeps harping on the war vote, a vote like many that he refused to give a vote on, has dirty Chicago politics behind him- and all that against a war hero who is a hawk that wants to continue a non-sensical war because 'we' will show the world as leaders how it's done. I live in a very densely democratic area, eastern pennsylvania- and it'll give Obama the vote most likely, but the center of the state is rural, we call it Pennsyl-tucky, sometimes pennsyl-bama- and I have a feeling that like a lot of places everywhere, NRA card-carrying militia members and most southern men aren't giving Obama a vote. As much as many don't want more Clintonism, or a woman in the white House, they'd sooner vote for McCain to cancel out Obama. The vote swing this time is the young vote. I lost my first vote of Carter VS Reagan, but this time we need the USA to be concerned with world issues that don't revolve around where we get our oil. If McCain wins- then education is kaput! No child left behind isn't a possibility and is an utter travesty and affront to public education. $$$$ spent on waste- we will have no Social security at all, cost of living will push anyone out of the middle class, and the minority achievement and employment gaps will increase even more. Unemployment will be more epidemic than now, which is at an all time high.. I am scared because if I had to bet who will win, I think deep down that most Americans are going to go with McCain- I'll still go Democratic, but I think the young have to rock the vote and go to the polls in numbers! Now I have to decide if Hillary's politics are any better or worse than Obama's- so far tObama just appears to be more civil. get all your friends out to vote! get anyone you know registered republican to get it changed so they can vote in their state's primary... and then vote! We are our own worst enemies- remember, Bush got RE elected, people didn't get enough the first time going! Ami
  • thndrbill
    Rolling The Dice
    McCain promises to be a continuation of the Bush years, which by almost any measure have been a disaster. I really expected more from him but I know better than to put much faith in politicians. Of the three I'll take Obama.
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17 years 4 months
Here and there in the forums people are expressing their enthusiasm for particular candidates in the upcoming U.S. elections, while others are saying Enough Already, We Don't Want To Hear About It. So, this is the right place to discuss your favorites (or non-favorites) and other matters relevant to the campaign. If you're not into it, skip this topic! And as for all you non-U.S. residents, if you want a similar topic for what's going on in your part of the world, speak up and I'll start it. Thanks!
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17 years 4 months

particularly cracks me up in this context because, its many fine qualities aside, we read the darn thing sophomore year in Catholic high school in 1962. Say what you will about Catholic school, particularly in that era--lord knows I do--but they generally encouraged you to read, say, Huckleberry Finn. I guess they never even got The Three Musketeers in Wasilla, or it would have been on the list too. Apparently they had Lysistrata (good for them!) but not the Metamorphoses? Weird. Maybe we should send them some books.
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17 years 4 months

The Deadheads for Wasilla Book Drive! Bet we could collect multiple copies of most of those books. I'm in!
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17 years 4 months

Not. It's out of print again and going for a "low" price on Amazon of $125.
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16 years 2 months

marye said :>the prophet Jeremiah. The prophet Elijah. And a whole lot of other revered >Old Testament types : interestinger and interestinger. for those not familiar with jeremiah: Jer17:7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is. Jer17:8 For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit. Jer17:10 I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. Jer17:12 A glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary. any typos are mine. old jer, new jer, whatevah, i like it. f.i. -listen to the river sing sweet songs to rock my soul- r.hunter
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17 years 4 months

Out of print? But you can have it for the low price of? Sounds like more subliminal control, and there's nothing more controling than subliminal control. Kinda like monitoring you behind the scenes, rather than the "your bags will be checked at the door, you must have a ticket to enter". Used to feel that when you got in, you were free ( unless you infringed on someones freedom). Thats the bgp thing that was very cool.
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17 years 4 months

it goes into the collector market and all bets are off. Unfortunately.
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17 years 4 months

Do you mean this? If so it is still there on Amazon, maybe you are looking at the hardcoverGarcia: A Signpost To New Space by Jerry Garcia, Charles Reich, and Jann Wenner (Paperback - Jul 29, 2003) Buy new: $16.00 $10.8832 Used & new from $6.94 If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 4 months

that actually didn't come up when I searched. That's really good news, as, with all due respect to my book-writing friends, if you have to have one book on the desert island, that's the one. I lucked into a hardback copy in a used bookstore for really cheap when I was a new Deadhead in 1981, and have never found another. I've periodically found paperbacks and usually given them away again, though I have one now. thank you!
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17 years 4 months

I have to applogize. A buddy that I sent that list to said that the list is an 'urban legend' on Sarah Palin. While she did request info on how to ban books at the library, and she did get into a power struggle with the librarian, he contends that this list of books that she proposed banning is not accurate. So mea culpa with that list and I will try to be more skeptical before I pass on info from the internet.
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17 years 4 months

Never heard of this, got to get a copy. Sounds like a must have.Thanks marye and HalR.
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17 years 4 months

I haven't heard of this book "Sign Post..." but it's going on my Christmas List along with the Egypt package. Thanks everyone! "The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer." - Ken Kesey
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17 years 4 months

thanks for the correction. I'm kinda glad; not that I'm planning to vote for her, but that really was over the top. Thanks for checking the facts.
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17 years 4 months

is a real stunner. It was out of print for eons. I was just talking about it to the Store folks because it's not there at the moment and they're all Whoa! we gotta get this in stock. So stay tuned on that front, but get it from Amazon if you just can't wait! Single paragraphs used to keep me up all night with an exploding brain. And then there's the photos by Annie Leibovitz. One in particular of Jer and MG and Sunshine and baby Annabelle, who has her daddy's eyes bigtime.
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17 years 4 months

from the Workingman's/Beauty period, and is a bit replete with hippie-isms of the time. But, persevere. One of the things that's great about Reich as an interviewer in this context is that unlike so many interviewers, he's not afraid to look like a dork and be out of his depth, and as a result he elicits some amazing stuff. After all, how many book-length Jer interviews are there...
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17 years 4 months

We are all very fortunate to live in her era. Don't judge who she takes photos of or who she takes photos for, she is a unique, insightful, and very induvidualistist person with a gift that will live on throughout the centuries. She is an artist whom I respect for her no boundries aproach. Takes on many different subjects and makes you see something in them you would never expect, and alway's deeper and more meaningful than any way you have seen that subject before. The purist definition of what a photography artist should do. Thank you Annie. You have shaped our world. peace,pk
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17 years 4 months

Well with that urban legend about Sarah Palin you were the dragon that got caught swallowing his own tale. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 4 months

brilliant! Agree re Annie L., PK.
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17 years 2 months

what about the cartoon with the head up it's a__.........about the same as the dragon, I'd say.....xoxoxo Gypsy Cowgirl
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16 years 7 months

I'm just hoping we make it to election and inauguration day. Don't like what I'm seeing. Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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16 years 8 months

Good ol GD Oro, thanks to for the update. After reading that I was wowwed. This can't be true. I read how to eat fried worms in like 8th grade Lit or something. Some of the others seemed to me to just be not believable. Anyway whatever. For all though complancency let 9-11 happen, and freedom is not free, believe me I have first hand experience on this one. I've had music never stopped playing in my head all day. Maybe I should re-arrange to the madness never stops. I think there is way to much drama in this election. Maybe the only reason I'm writing this or having any input is cause of it's deadland relation, which for some reason is just my favorite place to be. I kinda think that of course musicians are quite influential. Rock n Roll should be nuetral. Obama seems more of a celebrity than a presidential candidate. Hmm is there a difference. Both have something benificial to bring to the table. Though it may directly affect my well being. I'll still be here and should get an all expense paid trip to asscrackistan within the next year. I just glad the boys and bros are playing. I came across a child of god he was walking along the road and asked him where are you going? this he told me.
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16 years 8 months

Good ol GDStand back, stand back Stand back, stand back Stand back, stand back Stand back, stand back Doot do do do do doot doot Living in the u.s.a. Doot do do do do doot doot Living in the u.s.a. Where are you goin’ to What are you gonna do Do you think that it will be easy Do you think that it will be pleasin’, hey Stand back, what’d you say Stand back, I won’t pay Stand back, I’d rather play Stand back It’s my freedom Ah, don’t worry ’bout me, babe I got to be free, babe Hey Doot do do do do doot doot Living in the u.s.a. Doot do do do do doot doot Living in the u.s.a. Stand back, dietician Stand back, television Stand back, politician Stand back, mortician Oh, we got to get away Living in the u.s.a. Come on baby, owwww I see a yellow man, a brown man A white man, a red man Lookin’ for uncle sam To give you a helpin’ hand But everybody’s kickin’ sand Even politicians We’re living in a plastic land Somebody give me a hand, yeah Oh, we’re gonna make it, baby Oh, we’re going to shake it, baby Oh, don’t break it Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Come on baby, hey Hey, hey In the u.s.a., babe yeah Doot do do do do doot doot Living in the u.s.a. Don’t worry ’bout me, babe Doot do do do do doot doot Living in the u.s.a. Living in the u.s.a. Doot do do do do doot doot Living in the u.s.a. I got to be free Doot do do do do doot doot Living in the u.s.a. Come on try it, you can buy it, you can leave it next week, yeah Somebody give me a cheeseburger
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17 years 4 months

The good old Steve Miller, back in the day.
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17 years 3 months

I saw Steve Miller Band a couple of times in the 70'sDoot do do do do doot doot.....ahh the memories with my high school friends :) such fun!
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16 years

I am just so tired of the rah rah rah coming from both sides in this and every campaign in recent memory. We act like we are at a football game and our team must win at all costs. Any serious discussion of the issues leads to the sad conclusion that we have two lousy candidates for the most important job in the world. McCain might have been the right guy 8 years ago but now?? And Palin???? Beyond scary. Obama - his hypocrisy regarding the state of the economy and what brought us here is close to criminal and his naivete regarding foreign affairs is just as scary as Palin. Heaven Help the Fool - because it's going to be us. ------------------ Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right....
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17 years 3 months

indeed this is the scariest election in all my years! I'm not sure if I even want to vote this year. I will probably write someone in! Like my husband..... Ken Asroff for president!
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16 years 8 months

Good ol GD Too bad Zappa is gone remember the ol Zappa for pres time. Hey how about Tommy Chong. This would be a good choice. Being an actor is a prerequisite for a political career isn't it. Thats my choice Tommy Chong for pres. How bout Felix the cat for VP. Wavy Gravy for speaker of the house. David Crosby Sec of Def. and a bunch of us as the secs for everything else. We all love to travel, meet knew people, enjoy a wide variety of experiences and conciousness the perfect ambassadors. DEAD FREAKS UNITE. Deadheads for Deadheads it's a win win situation Weir in like flynn for 2012. Who's with me?
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17 years 4 months

I saw most of the debate, and I thought that other guy wasn't so bad. what other guy, cc???!!! you mean Obama or McCane?? nah, that other dude, he seemed to be the smartest; man's name is Jim Leher. ( -; as an aside note: Jim Leher as written some really cool FICTION. I especially dug, “The Franklin Affair” always cool to read a book when you know the city setting, in this case lots of local Philadelphia places... http://www.pbs.org/newshour/aboutus/bio_lehrer.html peace.
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17 years 4 months

I think this year I was so down in the dumps in terms of presidential candidates. You had Barack Obama, who must be the worst person we could possibly elect as president. The man hasn't a clue. He is nothing but a wind-sock, and a hand wringer. His favorite thing to change is his mind. And when he picked Mr. "Everythin-that-is-wrong-with-Washigton" Biden, I just said, get me out of here. Then we have McCain who is a sort of ornery, and aggravating at times, even though he will probably be the best in terms of reform and change. But that wash't enough for me. I was to the point of having to vote for Ron Paul, when McCain picked Sarah Palin. That's when I said, YES ... maybe McCain will win, and get ill, then she can take over. That would be good. So I'm voting for Mc-Palin this time around. And you can be sure that I will NOT ATTEND any Bobby/Phil reunion if the proceeds are going to OBama. I wouldn't give that guy a red cent. Greg SC
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17 years 3 months

Having witnessed Republican bullshit since 1972, I'd say enough is enough. Sarah Palin has no qualification to become Vice President of the United States: McCain is just another rubber stamp for Dubya's failed policies and wars. If you look back at history, you'd think folks would've learned from Nixon's attempted cover-up of an illegal break-in, Spiro Agnew's criminal activities, James Rhodes order to shoot at unarmed students in Kent, Ohio, Tom DeLay's Texas corruption, Larry Craig's airport antics, Alaskan Ted Steven's accepting gratuities, and the list goes on and on. So don't even try to rationalize even more Republican crap, because we're not going to take it. Barack Obama may not be perfect: who is? He has a progressive vision, can articulate intelligently, has been married once, to a wonderful wife and is a devoted father. What can you say about the family affairs of the other candidates? I rest my case.
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16 years 9 months

I am absolutely terrified by McCain and Palin. Sarah Palin is a piece of work man. We don't need her anywhere near the presidency. McCain too!
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17 years 4 months

No need to sear Gr8fulTed. This whole banking failure is due to the Democrats roadblocking any regulation of Fanny Mae, Freddie Mac for the last 6 years. Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Charles Shumer, and the whole bunch of Democratic zeros have cost me tons of money in my 401K. Barack Obama is tied to ACORN, a Chicago Politics organiztion that has pled guilty numerous time to voter Fraud. If that is the kind of politics you want, then you vote for the man. Even his chief financial advisor is the CEO of Fanny Mae. Give me a break! He is a zero, his campaign is zero, and he will do zero. If that is the kind of politics you want, then you vote for the man. But I will not ever vote for any such person. Sarah Palin easily qualifies for the job of VP. She will hopefully be let out of her cage Thursday night at the debate. Greg SC
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17 years 3 months

I wouldn't let your Republican buddies off the hook so easily for the current finacial mess. There may be a Democratic majority, but not much of one. It's hard to embrace confidence in any of them, regardless of affiliation. I'll vote for change, not more of the same.
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17 years 3 months

Gr8ful Ted!!! Absolutely agree with your first statement. And can you please explain exactly how you believe that "Sarah Palin easily qualifies for the job of VP" GregSC? am curious. ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 3 months

Good day Tiger Lilly: Are you across the pond? What do you think of us knuckleheads haggling about politics? We need a strong 3rd party to stir the pot. ..." one man gone and another to go, my old buddy you're moving way too slow..."
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17 years 4 months

Gr8ful Ted Why are no Democrats asking for an investigation? The reason is that it is their mess. Go back and watch the CSPAN tapes. Barney Frank, Charles Shumer, and the whole lot of the Dems singlehandedly defeated any oversight legislation on Fanny and Freddie. They have cost me dearly on my 401K. These people are shameless; they are guilty of destroying the economy, and you guys are going to vote for more of it. This has been going on since 2003 with the Dems. They have destroyed my portfolio, and must be launched in November. Sarah Palin is qualified for VP, as she has more executive experience than B.O., and is a Washington outsider. All insiders must go. Greg SC
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17 years 3 months

I AM across the pond, and I AM registered to vote to do my civic duty. Can't bitch if I don't vote-or that is my philosophy anyhow. But very interesting question Ted, about what I think from over here, because moving to Europe way back when, and becoming part of life here;has certainly caused me to see American politics, and also discussion about politics-with a completely different perspective.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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16 years 7 months

but if you don't vote for Dems your vote won't mean shit.
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17 years 3 months

http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/2008/07/foreclosure-phil.html Wonder where Phill Gramm is now? After hearing that dismal tune, check-out the Keating 5. Maybe our incumbents can figure out something good to repair the finances we're all in. If you have any cash positions, it's probably a good time to pick up some cheap stocks ..." one man gone and another to go, my old buddy you're moving way too slow..."
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16 years 8 months

Good ol GD Can relate to your perspective, I lived in Italy for 10 years. Their's are quite diff. Yes and can't bitch if you don't vote I lived that way most of my life, but actually don't care much about politics. I honestly haven't noticed much difference between presidents DEM or REP and anything changed. Oh yea the Berlin wall deal that was cool, go go awsome hair guy. Or since 2003 I have spent 30+ months in the mid east. But I don't point fingers at the white house for that. The length is getting a little tiresome. Could just sum up the whole thing as one big shit sammich which we all get to take a bite. Though must say some things are better in Iraq than they were last year and the one before and the one before that and so on. So again I say doesn't matter whose in the whitehouse we will stiil be at war for some time to come. and the kids they dance and shake them bones.
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17 years 4 months

Happy Trails I tend to think that this election is sort of a waste. It really doesn't matter who you vote for, as they are all a bunch of people to WATCH OUT FOR. Just check out their personal wealth when they take office, then look at their personal wealth three years later. It usually shoots up from about 100k to several million. Where does the money come from? Certainly not their salaries. These people are all snakes in the grass who take whatever money the taxpayers give them, then spend at least ten percent more. Then they tell you that you need to up the ante because you are not paying your fair share. Give me a break. They steal from you, then destroy the banks so we lose most of what we have in the stock market, then the very same yo yo's who got us into this mess, say they can fix it with more of our money. Whenever I see Barack Obama, Barney Frank, or Chris Dodd, talk about how they are going to fix this thing, I envision Cardinal Law in Boston saying, Hey, I can fix the pedophile problem in my diocese. These politicians are no different. That is why when it comes to the remaining Dead members doing a fundraiser for that zero Obama, it makes me quake in my boots. I guess Phil, Bobby, and all write excellent music, but are not the sharpest tacks in the box when it comes to politics. Maybe they should try living in common folk USA. I think they have been corrupted by the Hollywood know nothings. Greg SC
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17 years 4 months

I never have before but think I will this time. Now that everything is broken and spiraling out of control, they can go ahaed and fix it. He's gonna get the courts to award it to him again anyway on some technicality or if theres WMD ....no just kidding. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Walk into splintered sunlight Inch your way through dead dreams to another land" Robert Hunter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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16 years 7 months

right there with ya buddy, there used to be a Christian community in Iraq, ever since the apostle Peter wrote his epistle there, but now it's gone. Let's all ride this thing out together and show em' how to love! ht
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17 years 4 months

Yes, I've followed that one, as well. I believe they are Chaldean Catholics, who have been driven from their homeland --which was their homeland long before the Mohammedans took it -- and are now scattered all over the world because of the Muslims. I despise this war, and have despised it from the beginning. The Islamists in Iraq actually needed a guy like Sadaam Husein to keep them in order. They do not know what to do with freedom. The only religion that has its own self regulating principles for a peaceful world, is Christianity, and more specific, Catholicism, throughout history. The only reason many States adopted Christianity as a state religion was because when it was followed, peace was the way of the land. These Muslims are diametrically the opposite. May God bless the Chaldeans, but at this point, if we just pull out and leave, like Obama wants, then we leave Iraq a sewer hole with no hope at all. Hey, when you break a window, you need to fix it; when you rip a country apart by war, you'd better not leave til you fix it. Greg SC
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17 years 3 months

Would be very very careful Greg SC. That comment "these Muslims" not being peaceful is not only dangerous, but wrong. Just gotta look back in history, Guy.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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16 years 8 months

Good ol GD Iraq still has some christian communities mostly in the north, the city of Kirkuk is diverse with muslim, catholic. Hussien ruled by fear, murder, expolitation. The country is in much better condition than it was in march 2003. Though things are better for the people I personaly believe they will trash everything once we completly pull out. Maliki delays his own responsibilty for Iraq everyday. the Iraqi people kill each other on a daily basis through murder, bombings and random shootings. Their police and Iraq army are daily car bomb targets here in Mosul. The people just don't seem to really give a shit about prosperity, progress or peace. they will steal you blind in a heartbeat share tea with you in the day and rocket you at night. none are to be trusted. The american soldier puts his life on the line here everyday and the people we are here to train and help don't care. Even if Oblablama get elected we would still not be able to completly leave Iraq for quite sometime and we are being diverted to build up in asscrackistan which has no real end in sight as well. As of today 4,176 Americans killed in Iraq. I really would like to see a positive lost lasting outcome for Iraq so that freedom rings and that so many brothers have not died for nothing. War sucks but is an invitable part of reality.
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17 years 4 months

when Christianity is adopted or forced as a way of life on a people as a state religion.? Like the crusades? Like when if you don't believe in our way and follow the old ways of being in tune with the flow of the earth we will call you pagans or if you are an independent woman and/or a midwife or an herbalist you are a witch and we burn you at the stake. Christianity has an incredibly bloody history, especially of forcing itself on others. I am not saying other religions don't too and I know many amazing Christians who are very kind and loving people. But don't deny the blood we all wade in as a result of the one true belief as many interpret as Christianity. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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16 years 7 months

Some folks trust in reason.Others trust in might. I don't trust in nothin' But I know it come out right. Gone are the days we stopped to decide........where we should go......we just ride.
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17 years 4 months

Hal R Actually, if enough people say the same thing, eventually everyone believes it. We live in different times. The Crusades started out as a valiant effort to win back the holy Land for Christ, but the travel was long, and many died along the way. The people who usually made it were the strong ones, all brawn, and no brain. But that was a time of knights, honor, and glory. Of course in our day it is easy to look back and see it all as crazy. But to look at history, Islam was spread by the sword. And it has had a continual history of terror and killing. Even in our day, the governments of France and England tried to be nice, and invite them into their countries in great numbers. Today they wish they didn't. These people are uncontrollable, and are demanding Sharia law as the standard rule in these countries. If they don't get their way, they terrorize at night, burning cars and buses, setting aflame whole buildings. Now even the archbishop of Canterbury is calling for Sharia law, to calm the place down. It is like inviting a bear cub into your house when it is young, but eventually it kills the home owner. Christianity is a religion of peace; only when it is not followed, does the terror begin. We need strong leadership in our country; a hand wringer will be trampled upon, and we will eventually have another 9/11. That I do not want to see. Greg SC