• 950 replies
    By suggestion, a place for the poets among us to post their words.


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  • free idea
    there is only Life
    Looking down from aboveWe see the same old pleas It's the first argument you'll see when you leave reality; Mine's the one, yours is done I am the one, look what yours has done its been like that since you all Started to build a tower and tried to touch the sky isn't it enough that There is only Life perfect and everlasting you don't have to fight for it it comes perpetually free from my fountain isn't it enough that I hold all intelligence Truth and beauty in my hand isn't it enough that I made you perfect Perfect harmless and free There is only Life I never left anyone out of the Truth You have full authority to look out upon the world as I do There is only Life You can see what I see You are all good ideas forever in perfect harmony Now look down, see what I mean? it's the first argument you'll see, if you're leaving reality. Why? because it is the limit of the finite concept, it can come no further. it is left to argue this most pointless of points "Which word is better with which to refer to Me?" But let your thought raise up and see, everyone who makes it past there, is here with Me. To look out from Truth, and welcome everyone home. I dont care what name you call me, your religions are a false honor at best. Dont sell yourself short; I made you, so I made you perfect, not mortal like the fatally flawed way you fashioned yourself. The way I made you, you understand. You deadhead people, you've seen me, you called me "Infinity" Eternity" Creativity" All correct, but then mostly you forgot about what you saw when human life got hard. biggo mistako. I am MOST here for you when you have driven yourself into hard times. You deadheadios should of all, know where to find Me. And if you could at least remember, I'm never on any of your sides, you have to be on My side. Infinite Divine Love. Thats all you should need to know. isnt that enuogh? There is only Life.
  • JerseySchwartz
    Deadheads of Obama
    Parade Cool & Relaxed the beat cat wore a white hat.
Thinking over what was once left to remember. Learn to walk all over again, redeveloping innate skills. Summer night regain ever developing sense of something still going on. Fraud system, turn back the peoples champion.
Perpetrated by predatory courts, a king appointed. The roll of the dice, mother patriotism rejects war, as an option. Caskets shipped home in boxcars. Re-enter a work force against innovation, medical technology, fuel independence. While on this earth attempt reconciliation, maintaining angles in the darkness. Return a smile with nothing to say. From towers declare victory, outside a parade of failure. How long will the failing last? As long will we watch what passes.
 I Approve I am Jesus and I approve of this war. I am the Constitution and I approve of the dismantling of the American way of life. I am Florida and I approve of voter fraud. I am a Pig and I approve of this mud. I am the Supreme Court and I approve of being loaded. I am your President and I approve of my shit eating grin. I am a Carbon based fuel and I approve of this global quality of transportation. I am the Tax code and I approve of this corporate welfare. I am Human and I approve of this exploitation. I am Allah and I approve of this beheading. I am the Earth and I approve of this treatment. I am Jesus and I approve of this war --------- Another reason not to vote for. Vote no promise. Vote for if they. Vote told you so. Vote for no other reason. Vote for the right reason. Vote symbolic offering. Vote intangible truth. Vote lesser of three evils. Vote fools warning. Vote maybe next time, maybe never again. ------
  • free idea
    Note to Self
    it's all just a lot of blah blah blah,on this side of the mountain; if you're not walking on the water, or raising up the dead; then it's all just a lot of blah blah blah; heard it all before, got to go now got no time for silly nonsense, that's a good theory, now prove it to me, kind brotherman; you got no bank account here we've seen your type face before gonna get the kind bro chilldown the innie family freeze out so cold that it burns; but if you need to feel like you belong, you just walk along the edges skirt along the fringes; always outside living, and sideways glancing, seems ok for now; it's so easy to forget that it's all just a lot of blah blah blah if you're not walking on the water or raising up the dead; it's all just a lot of blah blah blah; the only family we belong to is the family we are all in.
  • starsleeper
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    bail me out
    10/1/08 Standing here by the ocean Waves roll in an endless motion Almost thought I had a notion Like when dreams come true Stopped to take a look around Listening for the sound Try to find some common ground I'd give it all to you But there I go again Out searchin' for a friend Waiting for you to plant a seed I just had to let you know I won't ever let you go Love is all we'll ever need Standing here by the ocean Far away from the commotion Looking at an empty cup That only love can fill
  • free idea
    Sitting on the Rock
    sitting on the rock, on a windless autumn day;a bubble pops, there's a ripple on the pond, then a stretch of silence no chipmunk could ignore; there's no ripple on the pond no more; the silence stretches out, not a leaf stirs; the fire red maple in the ponds' reflection; zigzaggy waterbug skates through the scene, near a circling dragonfly making her rounds; a bubble pops, maybe its a frog; there's a ripple on the pond on a windless autmun day sitting on the rock.
  • free idea
    Turning the Wheel
    Ok, we have arrived at the end of this particular song/poem cycle. It has been posted here as a thankyou to one, Robert Hunter, for jumping off a cafeteria table and bear-hugging me, for no apparent reason. It was ten years ago now, I was bunking in the local shelter, and trying to find a better way. Thanks, Robert, you are a good man. These are the kinds of things that keep us going when we are down. So, GOOD NIGHT, AUSTIN TEXAS, where ever you are, - andy
  • free idea
    You can find me there
    Walking down such a lonely roadSometimes it seems that you haven't got a friend Now you know that in the deepest hole Of the darkest hell, you can find me there And I'll still know that you love me And sing silly songs to the wind Get a foot up And lose a leg Time is on the side of death It takes a miracle to live So excuse me if I err On the side of thinking you were there I was only wondering, Because I never knew That walking down such a lonely road Sometimes it seems that you haven't got a friend Now you know that in the deepest hole Of the darkest hell, you can find me there Singing silly songs to the wind.
  • free idea
    From A to Z
    Well, let's see, if he's got anything leftI just had to get that one offa my chest Seemed like forever, but now that you're here I want to dive into your ocean And whisper in your ears But if you're gonna have any more Of those brilliant ideas Like falling in love with me And leaving me in tears Please won't you please Run them by me I can't wait to see; I can't wait to see If he's got anything left Just had to get that one Offa my chest Just like that, with no regrets All I know about that, is for me, She's the best, don't want no more So what, what, what! are you waiting for To dive into my ocean And run acroos my shore But if you're gonna have Anu more of those brilliant ideas Like falling in love with me And leaving me in tears Please won't you please Run them by me I can't wait to see I can't wait to see.
  • good.egg
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    Cherry Blossoms
    The cherry blossoms ...Decorate the garden floor. Though, the caretaker ... Doesn't live here any more. The song birds sing ... Till the break of dawn. Then go off and bring ... What was once upon. All come where there welcome. Now they seldom ever come ... They seldom ever come ... Now in despair. Feel it in the air. Frozen in ice. No sacrifice. No one has spoken. The peace is broken. Buried beneath. Underneath ... The snow. This you know. The cherry blossoms ... Decorate the garden floor. Though, the caretaker ... Doesn't live here any more. Spring will arrive ... And come alive. Nothing changed ... Is left un-arranged. Now in despair ... Feel it in the air. Lilies below ... Wait to grow. No one has spoken. The peace is broken. All tears shed. In fear, dead. The cherry blossoms... Decorate the garden floor. Though, the caretaker ... Doesn't live here any more. No, not anymore! Copyright 1995
  • free idea
    Set me free
    Set me free Set me freeWhy must it take so much time Like an endless wave over the ocean Set me free set me free Like the wind through the trees, Like a flower unfolding eternally; Set me free set me free It was all building to something That's what you promised me Set me free set me free Why didn't you tell me it was something That my eyes could never see; Set me free set me free Hah, you caught me looking, now I see you looking back at me Set me free set me free Like the light from a diamond That's just too bright to see Set me free set me free You told me that the world that we can see Is but a symbol of the true reality Set me free set me free Get me out of this cage Immediately Set me free set me free That's what a liitle birdie said to me I said here's the key Set me free set me free.
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Member for

17 years 9 months
By suggestion, a place for the poets among us to post their words.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

yeah, i know i've been monopolizing this space, and i shallback off at some point. i'm just a poem-a-day kind of guy. :) these poems have felt so incomplete, unheard, sitting on my music stand, next to my folder of hunter/barlow material, and for them to be able to be read by some of you, gives them a sense of completion, and wholeness/fulness, that i could never express in words. so thank you all for your flexibility, and appreciation. you reading the words is really finishing the poems, in a way i never could. and thankyou dead.net, for this forum, again i can't express in words. also, i sent my mom here to read some of her kid's poems, so everybody now, HEY MOM!!! :) thanks grdaed, now i'm "gonna just lean back and turn on the jets" love, andy schubert
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17 years 9 months

the kids alright! and keep em coming FI, never reach that point of backing off, let it flow.peace
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17 years 9 months

Right on down that lazy river road. Love to sit on the banks and read your poems.peace,pk
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16 years 7 months

Couldn't get to sleep last nightThe thought of you was calling me And I could not fall No, I could not fall. I listened and I heard The nightbird a callin' me It sang so soft and true, It reminded me of you, Nightbird NIghtbird Nightbird a callin'. And when the song was gone There was nothing but The thought of you; And the night bird. Of what use is there To this endless dance of darkness; For the nightbird For the nightbird For the nightbird a callin' I couldn't get to sleep last night The thought of you was calling me, And I could not fall No, I could not fall. I listened, and I heard The nightbird a callin' me It sang so soft and true It reminded me of you Night bird Nightbird Nightbird a callin'.
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17 years 3 months

Beutiful poems Andy .. We are more then happy to read your poems .. Thank you for sharing them with us !! It is a nice treat to log on every morning and see a new poem from you .. Hello Andy`s mom !! I send my family here to ,,hehe.. Peace & sunshine ... Stu ...
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16 years 7 months

Where ever you goI will be there, Whether you know or not. I can't tell you How to be there You got to go Yourself. But when we show The feelings You gotta know That it's real. Where ever you go I will be there Whether you know or not. I can't tell you How to see there. You gotta Know yourself. But when we Show the feelings You gotta know That it's real You gotta know That it's real.
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17 years 2 months

What's up with your allusion illusion?Why can't you just say what you mean instead of trying to couch some meaning in spaces and words in between? Is raw naked truth just too real for you? Seems like the hot end of the match? Better to keep em all guessing bout you than getting hung up on some catch. You enjoy all your masks and your postures adopted designed to get what you're after. People want to believe so why not just deceive since other's feelings don't matter? There's no need to support a position if others just can't pin you down. And if anyone seems to get too close there's plenty of others around. Keep pitching persona into the sea of well meaning suckers you find. Surely you'll get the approval you seek leveraging those who are kind. Why say what you think when when others will feel like you're saying things they want to hear? As long as you get what you want out of them it won't matter that you bring them tears. Just satisfying your own wants and needs justifies your crass lack of class. Those messy details, substance, meaning, are just one big pain in the ass. So move swift and light, you rapacious thing, don't get snared inside your own trap. It's a bitter pill to swallow, you know, when all know that you're full of crap. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 7 months

that's quite a good poem mr pid. a full frontal assaulton the ego, delivered with surgical precision. you don't see that much anymore. nice. f.i.
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17 years 9 months

Injustice Tiananmen Square 7/13-7/14/89 Dissident monks, activist students, protest outside the fence. Call and response, blame the betrayed for pursuing accountability. The world needs to see our society, in this culture of incrimination Due process, habeas corpus don't exist. Mind set rights of citizenship pray openly in public. Youngest political prisoner condition the necessary message. Wearing a monks logo distinctive with self determination Someone's missing a family member. Falsely accused of preaching against the institution teaching against the system. Transparent variation of immunity for the last time, rules don't apply Interpret the incident, you can either embrace Einstein or Mao. Living in anonymity, living a family life. You belong here, you who stood in front of tanks Balance a house divided, a bridge of freedom a love of common ground. Struggle for distinction, fairness, a fairest of rewards A responsible promise of democracy. Victimize the families of the executed, how soon they turn against their own Martial law ordered to do what they're told, that's what they'll do, and only that. Cornered off in the park, standing in circles, leave, disperse or be taken away. Chinese rifles penny a crate World weeps in remembrance gathering to mark its anniversary Collect the signatures, commitment of names effecting the course of history. State day parade everyone related to the L gang is Granted a hearing, prisoners will never be identified.
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17 years 2 months

for the props, free idea. I like your work, too. And just like Carly, I'll never tell... Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 7 months

Free idea I love reading your stuff its always a treat :) Allusion Illusion.... Mr.Pid!! :)
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17 years

Playing guitar on a warm sunny dayMy darlin' beside me is painting away Out in the forest, far from the rat race Nothing relaxes like Nature's embrace Down to the river to catch us some sup' Pour the wine bottle and say bottoms up Make love in the moonlight, and sleep in the stars Wake to the birdsong, this heaven is ours Lace up out boots and we head for the hills To have us a picnic where the waterfall spills And then after lunch, it's time to unwind Bask in the sun, your skin against mine Driftin' and dreamin' of days come and gone Glimpsing the future as time marches on Wherever we go, whatever we do Just know that I'll always be living for you
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16 years 7 months

True wisdom, when it comesIt comes so rarely Light splinters Through the window And it's so scary. But just for a moment And then off again Into the stratosphere; Floatin' the pilot Of my dreams, How could I tell you Which way to go When you know That I don't know How could you tell me Which way to spin When I see you fallin' in. True Wisdom, when it comes It comes so rarely Light splinters throught the window And it's so scary, yeah it's so scary. But just for a moment And then off again Into the stratosphere How could you tell me which way to go When I know that you don't know How could I tell you which way to spin When you see me fallin' in Fallin' in, fallin' in. True wisdom, fallin' in True wisdom, is fallin' in.
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17 years 2 months

Tonight I'm feeling lonely, and wishing you were herelaying right beside me. I ache when you are near. But you're so many miles away right now, so far, and yet so near. Sometimes pretending is all you've got. Sometimes pretending is all you've got. It might not seem like much, but it really is a lot. Sometimes pretending is all you've got. Seeing your sweet face, and your smile that's so kind, I just can't shake the image, you're always on my mind. To feel your arms around me our bliss all intertwined. Sometimes pretending is all you've got. Sometimes pretending is all you've got. It might not seem like much, but it really is a lot. Sometimes pretending is all you've got. You're right with me in my dreams, so very real to me it seems. I can't believe that you aren't actually here. Locked deep in love's embrace, my heart begins to race. My love for you just couldn't be more clear. You're not with me but you are, you're never very far. I think of you and then, well, there you are. I don't have you but I do, and tonight that will have to do. Sometimes pretending is all you've got. Sometimes pretending is all you've got. It might not seem like much, but it really is a lot. Sometimes pretending is all you've got. Sometimes pretending is all you've got. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 7 months

You can come out now, wearing a smileOr you are welcome to sit in a pile But don't you think that maybe this time it's true You might have bit off more than you can chew. I expect in the end, that you really don't think so, But at least now you know, that I really do, And after all is said and done It doesn't matter who's to blame, Or even who loves who, Cause it all stays the same; Yeah, it all comes out in the end And what you lost was your only friend. So, when the final notes have sounded And through the final corner you have rounded What comes out are only grass stains Washed and rinsed clean by the rain Maybe you feel that everything is brand new But don't you think that maybe this time it's true You might have bit off more than you can chew.
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16 years 7 months

ok, i think i did this right, so if you have tabbed browser, you can go to : http://harmoniousgeometry.spaces.live.com to see the art (39 new mandalas up yesterday), and on an underneath tab, you can go to http://myspace.com/lavalur and the music should play while the pictures show. if you scroll below the mandalas, the poems should be there. I think you can download any and all. enjoy, free idea
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17 years 9 months

thx so much FI
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17 years 9 months

Long ago Far away In the Garden We did play Danced the starry nights away All I wish All I pray We may do it again someday pk
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16 years 7 months

Sounds, bubbling sounds Across the midnight swamp A woodpecker's beacon call Echoes through my mind On a snowy day Through eternity Cherry blossoms fall Across your face As I watch love grow Inside of you It's why we're here, in this Perfect state of grace. All the world is but a dream So watch it at most As the appearance of a shadow or a ghost; Watch, watch, and listen. Listen to the sounds Sounds bubbling sounds.
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17 years 3 months

Very nice words Mr.Pid and PK , I really like those poems guy`s !! Andy , another fine poem from you !! Thank you guy`s for sharing all these wonderful words !!
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17 years

I look up at the skySitting here watching the universe go by We're born, we live, we die Fill what's between with love And learn to fly Take the time to see Life's reality There's only one way to be free And that's to love I walk and wonder why We let the chance at heaven here Just pass us by We fight and then we cry And though it seems we can't go on But still we try So take the time to see Our diversity There's only one way to be free And that's to love
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17 years 9 months

Happy trails, you blazed a wonderful path, thank you.peace,pk
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16 years 7 months

Come to me in the morning, my darlingLet me show you what I mean When I say that I love you, Say that I love you. From distant stars, we came to meet And join together in the street, The street where I love you The street where I love you. Someday we will run in the meadows Of heather and Queen Anne's lace In a swirling cedar and sandalwood dream When I say that I love you When I say that I love you. Come to me in the morning, my darling Let me show you what I mean When I say that I love you When I say that I love you Let me say that I love you When I say that I love you.
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16 years 7 months

Big train rollin', comin' down the trackBig train rollin', gonna take me back Big train rollin', gonna carry me Big train rollin', gonna set me free; Rollin' down that big train track Once she get rollin', she don't come back. Big train rollin', comin' down the track Big train rollin', she ain't comin' back Roll me where that big train goes Take me where nobody knows You'll know what I mean, when you hear that sound Big train rollin', yeah, she's shakin' the ground Big train rollin', comin' down the track Big train rollin', gonna take me back Take me where that big train rolls Show me what nobody knows Ride me down that big train track Big train rollin', she ain't comin' back You'll know what I mean, when you hear that sound Big train comin', yeah she's shakin' the ground.
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16 years 7 months

which makes my previous poem probably the most ill-timedpoem ever, but had no idea, my prayers are with all involved. andy
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17 years

Leaves are falling, from the treesI feel the last of, summer's breeze Pluck the fruit and, next years seed Harvest time is here Vega shining, overhead Salmon spawning, in their redds Wood gets piled, in the shed Winter's getting near Days grow short and, nights grow long Need your love to, make me strong So I can sing the world a song To chase away the fear
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16 years 7 months

There's nothing more to sayYou show me the way You show me the way to your heart. So don't ask me to behave, It's too hard, Right from the start. There won't be Another day Just like today So let's not wait To play, in our hearts. You show me the way You show me the way ll: To Love in our hearts :ll every day. There's nothing more to say You're reelin' me in A little more everyday So don't ask me to leave Your heart. It's so hard not to say There will never be another day Like today In our hearts There's nothing more to say You show me the way ll: To love in our hearts :ll Everyday.
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17 years 3 months

that one is nice .. really like that one , campfire thoughts , reminds me of my childhood camping trips .. Thank you HT ... wishing a beutiful sunshiny day for all !! Stu ....
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17 years

thank you man, keep on shinin'! -ht
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16 years 7 months

Oh no, here you come again, now God knows where you've even been, now You're the nastiest angel That I've ever seen. Tell me, what rock Did you crawl out from under This time baby, Looking perfectly torn In your well cut jeans Do you even remember Where you spent last night, babe, Was it with her, Or was it with him. Even animals know Not to shit where they sit now, Or at least enough to come in from the rain. You've poisoned the pool So no one can swim now; Don't even warn me, Which way you're gonna lean, You're the nastiest angel That I've ever seen.
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17 years

9/16/08 Sometimes I feel so lonely And don't know what to do I stare out at the ocean When will I find you? Sometimes I feel so lonely At least I have my dog We drive up in the mountains Above the misty fog And when I feel the sunshine So warm and comforting I feel a little better My heart begins to sing And then I'm not so lonely It's no fun feeling blue I've got to keep my hopes up Someday I will find you
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16 years 7 months

The saddest song I ever wroteDoesn't even come close To the way you made me feel today ll:In your own special way:ll When I think of what we could have had Deep inside each others hopes And why you left me here, Up on the stage ll:In your own special way:ll I don't have much to say But what I have to say Is you'll get your own page, ll:In your own special way:ll All the lost nights, all the misty mornings Couldn't make up for the way You made me feel today ll:In your own special way:ll You could call me broken hearted But that don't even get it started To the way you made me feel today In your own special way You led me right to true love's door And left me standing there, laughing, As you swiftly stole away, In your own special way You left me there, holding nothing Just like before you breezed through the door What is it that you used to say, In your own special way.
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17 years 2 months

My love, to you, is like yesterday's toast a nuisance, all shrivelled and dry. I'm burned and discarded, ash in the wind raised up by your life blowing by. It's a new day now, better targets ahead and you've got other fish to fry. And the saddest thing about this is that you just never tried to learn why. Love, to you, is an unreferenced pronoun. Long rope, without anchor to tie. A useful tool, handy for gathering lots of things to augment your sty. Thanks for the fun times. There were far too few, but I'll remember them until I die. Hope you can fill that great void in your soul. Fare Well. Adieu. Goodbye. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 9 months

Snow falling down, fluffy and soft. Rain dripping, cold and wet Freezing, feel the cold deep inside you I feel you shiver from the inside, out. Heart Racing From your soul to your fingertips and toes. I see the pleasure gleam out your eyes, as you bite your bottom lip. Eyes glazed, sitting, starring, sweating Oh MY! I see a tear, "I am not leaving", I need to slip out for a second. As I slowly back off, I see your goose bumps, and the little hairs standing all over. As your back is arched, I give you one slow passionate kiss while I stair deep into your eyes. which makes that cold raw feeling stop, and suddenly the Sun comes out! A warm feeling rushes through you, like a warm summer breeze. Your sweat dries to cool your hot skin and body. WOW the weather has changed!! From snow to rain, to sun and warmth, Through the toughest storm, and the worst weather, I will always remember you. 5-1-07—KB~~,{@
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17 years 9 months

you are my desert rose. The Summer sun beats down on my shoulders and bar neck the last drops of sweat evaporate. my mouth is parched Creatures scurry for shelter from the noon rays you can see the Heat rising from the sand dunes You are the Water that I desire. I am lost in the middle of the desert. and your beauty is like that hidden oasis paradise I see the Lush fruit hang from the trees, running water trickling into a lake. I am lost, and you are my savior. I lay down next to you my desert rose, I am in love The Beautiful scene suddenly fades to black. then to a bright white. I am dieing from dehydration, and heat stoke. But I will always remember the last sweet smell of my love, that desert rose.
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17 years 9 months

Reality melts into the manifestation of our dreams. into this scripted destiny we wonder like a drifter on the road Like a pirate on the open sea with the sun at my back I feel free earths gravity, mixed with reflections of light define our existence. I am the director, the actor, the set designer, the audience all in one perfect flash. All of mans desires are from the collective soul of humanity. One Breath in, one breath out, one breath in, one breath out. No control, scenes from a horror movie, obscure noises, pure WHITE LIGHT I am the Creator, I am the created. Shooting stars, faces on mars All built on the unknown. where do you stand? Season changing, all our life’s are like train waiting at the station "All aboard" echo’s through the canyon. we are the conductor, the engine, the cars, and the caboose while fate and destine are our railroad tracks. Where we came from is the beginning where we go is the end which way we get from one to the other is up to us.
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16 years 7 months

Minister tells me where to find the pearly gatesTelevision shows me there isn't any time to wait Cause we're sailing on the fault line Listenin' to that motor whine Never leave your lover blind Leave you running for cover. Stuck out in the freezing wind Never live like that again I took me a long time But I made up my mind That I'm living on the fault line Trying to find a better time Watching as I fall behind But it's too late to run for cover Cause we'ew running on rocky ground Listening hard, can't hear a sound You said that there was land ahead Well, if you were lying, then I think we're dead Cause we're sailing on the fault line Trippin' to another rhyme Seeing that we're losing time But it's too late to run for cover.
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16 years 7 months

It's easy to be cool when you're richThat's why I like people who can do it on nothing It's easy to be hip when you're stoned That's why I like to get off on my own So if it sounds like I think we're in trouble I know that we both know that we are not It's just that we could lose life in this bubble With just a few degrees too cold or too hot Crystal eyes lay forgotten Another path that took too much time Left to die out behind the others The others which we are not. It's easy to be happy in the fluffed up pillow zone That's why I like living a little closer to the bone It's easy to be foolish when you think that you are right That's why I like to think that I might be wrong It's easy to be cool when you're rich That's why I like people who can do it on nothing It's easy to be hip when you're stoned That's why I like to get off all alone So if it sounds like I think we're in trouble I know that we both know that we're not It's just sad that we could lose life in this bubble With just a few degrees too cold or too hot And if there is this much love here, when we're lazy Just think what we could do if we were not.
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16 years 7 months

I wish these days would never end,I'll miss the afterlight golden, Why can't we ever get it right, Unscrew the lid, the jar's too tight. Until then, I'll sing this morning song, to you Until then, I'll sing this morning song, to you. I want my heart to have a home We need to steer clear of the stone I wish we all could come as one For all true love to send, Until then; Until then, I'll sing this morning song, to you Until then, I'll sing this morning song, to you. So that big river never ends, Over the mountain, around the bend I want to be with you that long Until our love, it never ends. Until then, I'll sing this morning song, to you Until then, I'll sing this morning song, to you Until then, I'll sing this morning song, to you.
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16 years 7 months

Standing alone nowShadows come over the snow, Smoke from the chimney Lights from below. Learning the hard way That what's fair is fair, Running back over But you're over there. Circles spinning Shadows come over the moon Dolphins swimming To a past, come way too soon. Mountains moving Sparkles aglow in your hair, I remember It was right over there. Circles spinning Shadows out over the snow, Planets aligning Into the place that we both know; Circles spinning Shadows come over the moon, Spirit's ready now Not a moment too soon; Mountains moving Sparkles aglow in your hair I remember it was right over there, I remember; It was right, Over there.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

I'm not worried aboutWalkin' on water, I'm still trying to Stand on ice; A little dirt can Go a long long way; If we're only Being nice. I do wish we could find our way From darkness into light Until then, this is me thanking you For what you've done That's right. So I'm not worried about Walkin' on water I'm still trying to Stand on ice; Our little earth Can go a long long way, If we're only Being nice.
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Member for

17 years

Sunset paints a blazing skySummer yawns and says good-bye Seashore washed by suds and foam May the four winds blow you home Dark star hiding, in the sky The morning dew begins to cry Got two good eyes but still don't see There ain't no place I'd rather be Imagine dancing on the moon Did you remember your ballon? While sunshine day-dreams sing to you From that shining ball of blue Lost now on the country miles Nothin' left to do but smile It sure has been a wild ride Wave your flag and wave it high 9/21/08 Happy Autumn to all
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Member for

16 years 7 months

When I went to school, they told me the rules,But now that I'm through, I ask, who's the fool? I used to believe, that the world was free, But now I've learned, it's the fool, who gets burned. For there's a machine we call reality, The knots that tie, in the end, make you die And history proves, that the rich, with their greed, Just use the rest of us, to fuel their evil need. When I went to school, they told me the rules, Now that I'm through, I ask, who's the fool? I used to believe that the world was free, But now I've learned that it's the fool, who gets burned. Some seek their freedom in the rocks and the trees But in the end, most let the fear win; So, now what do we do, so ordinary, Just wait for the end, to do us in again? Why not look for a way, to make it work today, It doesn't work for anyone, until it works for us all. When I went to school, they told me the rules, But now that I'm through, I ask who's the fool? I used to believe that the world was free But now I've learned, it's the fool, who gets burned, But now I've learned, it's the fool, who gets burned.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

All night, in the rain;Ridin' on the Glenwood train, --Give me back my angel; Couldn't stand the pain; So I left my life behind, --Give me back my angel; I met her in 1849, on a corner In Phil-adelphia, P. A.; It wasn't very long, before She worked her ways on me, And stole my heart away; --Give me back my angel; All night in the rain Ridin' on the Glenwood train, --Give me back my angel; Couldn't stand the pain, So I left my life behind, --Give me back my angel; When it began to snow, Well she said she had to go, And don't you be a stranger; Just then the wheels left the road, I cried 'Look out below', --Give me back my angel; All night in the rain Ridin' on the Glenwood train, --Give me back my angel; Couldn't stand the pain So I left my life behind --Give me back my angel --Give me back my angel.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

the time arrives bills to pay moral debts carbon based ones too greenbacks become wallpaper how did it happen twice? the next one has some work to do god help us all.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

pai yow! pizza good feeling fat bad better to be on this side of the fence you know 6/22/69 1/24 or is it 25/71 nice and mellow then BAYOOM the cut in GL leaves one yet smiling the groove is found my soul dances around
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Doin' the big old boxcat bones,Shufflin' the ash, down on the coast; Never look back, as long as you're loose; No time to blow, when you're cutting the caboose. Send a square cat, down for his dues, He never come back, they never found his shoes; Don't you look back, as long as you're loose, And don't you know, they never found out who's Down doin' the mean old big boxcat blues, Don't count on it, or you'll learn to lose; Tell it to me straight now, we may only have this once, I'll keep it from my lips, until the morning comes. We'll let the morning bring on the day What will come, will come to be; Never stop a boat from docking at the pier, Never keep a ship from reaching to the sea. Down on the wharf, late last night, Doin' the big old boxcat bones; Shufflin' down the boardwalk, Lookin' for a light. Doin' the big old boxcat bones, Shufflin' the ash, down on the coast; Never look back, as long as you're loose, No time to blow, when you're cutting the caboo'.
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Little by Slow In turn we fall, we fly, we fail. The sun burns wisdom on the dragons tail. The street never sleeps, neither do i. Little by slow we live or we die. Dragon bone dust...deaths warm smile. My days pass by like an endless mile. Monteca, milagro, siempre, por que? The devil, a miracle, always, why? Little by slow we live or we die. The street never sleeps, neither do i. In turn we fall, we fly, we try. Little by slow we live or we die.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

You see, and look right on by,Cause I'm not there to you; You don't have to see me, Cause I'm not in your world; Lock your doors, Cross the street, When you see me coming; You better hit your feet, When you see me running, Cause you don't understand, I'm just another man -- Unfamiliar; Not following rules; This is what they warned you about When you went to school; When you see me running, When you see me running; You see and look right on by, Cause I'm not there to you; You don't have to see me. Cause I'm not in your world; Lock your doors, Cross the street, When you see me coming; You better hit your feet When you see me runnin', Cause you don't understand, I'm just another man; When you see me runnin' , When you see me runnin'.