• 120 replies
    Shn, Flac, Trader's Little Helper, and related technical issues go here!


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  • Exploratory Da…
    1 more thing
    burn your CDR set to "Disc at Once." If the setting is "Track at Once," it will put those annoying gaps between tracks.
  • cosmicbadger
    burning question
    try burn4free on burn4free.com supports gapless CD creation. Happy listening!
  • dstache
    I use I-tunes. You have to change the settings to 0 seconds btwn tracks. I think you go to preferences and advanced to do that.
  • maustin
    the light goes on, and we have success, now what is the prefered program to use for a gapless playback cd?
  • maustin
    Traders Little Helper
    when i go to decode i get a message- cannot open output file(likely it does not exist or is not accessable) now what to do here.........help i'm technologically challenged!!
  • dstache
    Traders little helper
    Step 1: download the music to your hard drive. I have a PC and download to "music" in "owner" and "desktop." Step: 2: open TLH, click "format" then "decode audio files" in the dropdown Step 3: you are now in "decode audio files"-click "add" and find and highlight the files you want to decode, then click "open" Step 4: once you have added all the files you want to decode (I suggest limiting it to 1 show, any more and the likelihood of errors seems to increase) click "decode." The files will start decoding. Step 5: once the files are all decoded, go to where your downloaded files are and you will see the WAV files.
  • maustin
    need help
    downloaded traders little helper, how do i use it? how do i convert the flac files so i can put them on an audio cd? any and all help is appreciated.........
  • stuman
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    dr zevon
    Well it depends on what web site you are attemping to download from . I just sent you a PM, check your in box . Hopefully that will help you . If you need more help just let me know , if I can`t help I`m sure someone here can help you out . Peace ...
  • dr zevon
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    file download help
    hey nowcan anybody help with directions on how to download shows and transfer them to CD. i do not have any teen agers or younger kids to help! lol
  • cosmicbadger
    More Eurovines
    Well I wouldn't say folk should discourage Euroheads from signing up, just check if the vine originated in Europe, because if it did there should be a Euroversion circulating. Euroheads like Sunshine Daydream (and to a much lesser extent me, Greg McFarlane and others) have started lots of vines and sent them to the US...and many folk over there have been kind enough to send stuff the other way when asked. I reckon it is up to each individual to decide if they want to make a copy to send across the pond (in which case the recipient should definitely then offer it on the Vines Across the Waters forum) or to include the Eurohead on the regular vine (postage each way takes 7-10 days)
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17 years 9 months
Shn, Flac, Trader's Little Helper, and related technical issues go here!
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17 years 9 months

OK, I stand corrected....I think.Anyone know a show date for which one of these "Healy matrix" tapes is in circulation? I'd like to get one and give it a listen. Peace, Richard
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17 years 9 months

and I added a couple comments. There are quite a few new viners since this adventure first started so I wanted to put this out again for the Vineyard. The idea goes something like this: > 1) A person starts the vine with a show of their choosing.He/she posts the show with the details and starts a list. People starting a vine should clearly print the artist/show date/disc#/and any other pertinent info on the discs themselves. I like to also add a card with the vine with all the show info. > 2) Who ever wants to get on the vine can do so as long as they have a burner and the time to keep the vine running smoothly. > 3)To get on the vine a person only needs to add their email to the list. > 4) The vine will go to the first person on the list and after that person recieves the show they must contact the next email on the list to get mailing information.Once the show has been burned you pass the origional show CD's onto that next person...so on and so forth. *Important note* There is no reason to wait until you recieve the discs before contacting the next person on the list. Feel free to contact the next in line before you get the vine.This can help speed up the mailing process greatly. > 5) ***Very important....once you receive the show in the mail you must post back to the vine to update it.Let others on the vine know that you have received the show on so and so date and what date you will be sending the show onto the next in line. This will keep all the others in the loop and will let us know if the vine has died and who has killed it. Very important knowledge for upcoming vines because if a person repeatedly kills vines then that person should be skipped over if seen posting to other vines. Other than that , there is some info that is specific to our little operation. First you should go to the most recent post pertaining to the vine you're interested in. For our purposes here on this forum we will need to highlight the text from the original message that includes what show is being vined, and the list of people who have signed up, and copy it (right click on the highlighted text and hit copy). Then start a new post and paste (again, right click where you want the text to reappear, then click paste). The copied list will apear and you will then add your logon name to the list. Since we all have inboxes here on dead.net I think it would be simpler to communicate with each other through them rather than getting into personal emails. However this is not set in stone and people can feel free to contact each other however they wish. Just make sure your contact info is available to the whole group in case somone needs to contact you. So I guess that's it. Any questions feel free to send a private message or just post here on this forum. Also, anyone who has experience with running vines is welcome and encouraged to share their advice and expertise. This is a work in progress and I hope all goes well. AND I would like to add that when viners rip and burn from the discs or data disc that arrives you should ALWAYS SEND the original CD's or discs to the next person on the list. And YOU keep the copies you made. Those originally vined CD's are the 'travelling tunes' and if everyone sent the copies that they made, then this would make for a degraded CD being sent down the line. And that isn't sharing the music that was sent to you. Same with copying and changing the format (if that is the right word) eg. from wav to mp3. Always stick the original vined CD/data disk back into the mail to be 'vined on'. If you are going to convert it to something else or to you Ipod or Zune, fine, but please send along what was sent to you. The same with any artwork (see D00Dah's inserts on that Stanford '73, tremendous!) or additional information, setlists, cd inserts etc. MAKE A COPY AND THEN SEND THE ORIGINAL ON TO THE NEXT VINER. That way we all get the benefit of the generosity and creativity of the different individuals active on the vine. Again I offer this to keep the vine going, we have all had unforseen circumstances and snafu's (such as with the techologically-impaired, yours truely). But you know, everytime I ask for help with the vine, there is a hand here to assist me. That is one of the beautiful parts of this. And the biggest one is sharing this wonderful and dizzying array of transportive music. Thanks to viners old and new. Vine ON!!!!!!!!
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17 years 2 months

A few days ago I posted a comment "looking for Flac Player Software for IMac". And last night I got aware that I mixed things up. The cog.app plays flac, but no shn. So I went googling again. PureMusic audioplayer looked like what I am looking for. But it wasn't downloadable at any of the sites, who offered it. Obviously the Mcintosh Police took action .... any help appreciated, andré
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17 years 9 months

Thanks Bob.From what I can see, Healy started doing this around 1987, or so. My show collection get's pretty thin after about 1982. That may be why I was unaware. Learn something new everyday - If I keep an open mind. Peace, Richard
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17 years 7 months

Unfortunately I have to revive this folder with a question which is the result of a disaster.One of my hard drives died last week. Luckily it was only the one with all of my applications, including my OS. I say luckily, because I didn't lose any data (165 GB of Dead among other things). I'm in the process of reloading my apps including iTunes. In fact I have iTunes set up and most of my music in it. The unfortunate thing is that a lot of my Dead tracks are in the wav format which seem not to carry any ID tags. This means that the title name is there but none of the pertinent info like date, artist etc. So I might have 15-20 Playin's with no date. UGH! I'm hoping that one of you smarties knows how to get around this issue because right now I'm looking at 1500+ tracks that need to be refiled!! Thanks for any help you can provide. operator
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17 years 8 months

Been there, done that,Read this http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93313 It helped me but I could find the xml file amongst the debris of my old back-ups. I hope you are as lucky. If not, ask again and a different white rabbit may jump out of the hat. Peace Rick
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17 years 9 months

Oh man, that is just awful. I'm so sorry.
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17 years 7 months

Thanks Rick for the help with the naming. Unfortunately, that is not going to work out in my case as I don't have an up to date XML folder. And on top of all that, it seems I've lost all my new music since October 2007 (the date of my last back up). So it looks like I'll be signing up for a few vines again. OUCH!
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17 years 4 months

let me know which shows u lost since ur last backup and if i have them, i will be happy to burn u new copies stay safe and feel good > (~):-}
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17 years 7 months

With great regret, I have to turn on the Bat Signal calling my fellow vineyard brother and sister. Through pure stupidity, and clumsiness, I hadn't done a back up in 4 months and have lost a lot of the great vines started here. I'm hoping I can get some volunteers to chip away at the list of lost music and help me replace these gems. If anyone's willing, please PM me, so we don't waste any more time here. And most importantly, I would advise everyone here to do a back up at least every month. By the way, anyone know of a good program to automate back ups on a PC? Thanks, operator
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17 years 7 months

Since I am more or less back to the drawing board with the vining I was hoping we could start a discussion again about audio formats.I have discovered the hard way that WAV files don't support the ID tags. In other words, all the metadata we enter i.e., Artist, Album, Year etc. is not embedded in the WAV file. To me that is a major limitation. I do have some WAV files backed up to another hard drive but now that I have re-imported them, all the data will have to be re-entered. So that leads me to believe that there is a better way. I use iTunes as my music player. The formats available to me are MP3, AAC, AIFF, Apple Lossless, and WAV. These are the possibilities for encoding on import. So what is the best choice when preserving the metadata is a priority?
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17 years 9 months

I only collect shows in digital lossless format. I back everything up to disc. Data DVD's hold a little over 4 gig per disc. I am currently at 166 data DVD's but have about fifty more shows that need backed up.I keep a spreadsheet listing every show and which disc it is on. I highly and strongly recommend the digital lossless format. TradersLittleHelper makes it very simple to convert these files to wav files which can then be burned to audio discs or converted to MP3 files for use on mp3 players. Thanks for reminding me of the importance of keeping up with my back-ups. Peace, Richard
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17 years

at work we just switched from microsoft windows to open office because it is free. However I can no longer listen to my dvd's at work. Is there a program out there that I might be able to dl that will inable me to at least listen to the discs and even possibly convert to wav. to put on my hard drive? Traders little helper does not have open office as a system requirement. thanks in advance.
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17 years 8 months

Does anyone do this with cassette tapes anymore? I never got into the whole cd burning thing. "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years 9 months

but we 'viners' have had this happen before, on a couple of occasions. If it goes on long enough, please pm the vine's originator about 're-planting' the vine. Often times others aren't aware if the vine has gotten stuck/lost somewhere and we can get it started again. If you can't get in touch with the original viner, I am sure that others that were able to rip and burn, can then provide a copy to get the vine going again. Just pm someone on the list prior to the vine stalling. Sometimes it is viners illness, or it has been a $ or time issue on prior occasions, but if you let others know what the deal is that really helps. I encourge anyone struggling with such issues to just send that vine onto the next person (if you can't get it copied), and then sign up again at the end of the list. That keeps things moving. And realistically the vines have actually moved remarkablely well. Vine on!
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16 years 11 months

I was wondering what the different colors mean. Obviously papers coming out of it means there is stuff inside, and a padlock means the vine is closed. But what's the difference between a grey envelope and a yellow one? -Tommo
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17 years 8 months

I just gave all 2000+ tapes away to a few fellow viners in hopes of some future matrix remasters. The tapes are certainly still out there (not just mine) Vine On!! Eric
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17 years 9 months

Just got the Led Zep vine and it is a single DVD. Now my computer has DVD play but not burning capabilites. A buddy has a computer with DVD burning capabilites. Can I convert this to a CD and if so how. Please speak slowing and in as little techical language as possible and I will give this a try. My computer skills are poor (I felt good about ripping and burning discs!) and I thought that someone up the vine had converted this so I do need help and if I can't get it done then I will send it along to the next viner. Help Much appreciated! Thanks, Tim
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17 years 8 months

Download traders little helper and we can go from there, it will do it. That is all I have too and open from the dvds. Once you have little helper we can talk you through it If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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16 years 7 months

Hi, Not a technical question (yet) but I'd like to get tangled up in these vines, is there a preferred way to get started or do I just pick a vine and add my name to the end? Thanks, MitD
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17 years 9 months

MarkintheDark. And a warm welcome, I think you are in for a lot of fun and a great way to expand your Grateful Dead (and others) collection. Vine on!
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17 years 6 months

A guy gave me a bunch of cds encoded in AIFF. I can't figure out how to rip it in I-Tunes. I need to be able to (1) rip the disc, (2) convert to WAV, and (3) burn to a cd. Is there free software to download for this? Traders Little Helper doesn't say anything about AIFF so I don't think that will work. Some positive vibes AND some free cds for anyone who can help. Thanks!
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16 years 7 months

Don't know about iTunes, but it should be able to convert the AIFF files to MP3 (Apple developed AIFF in the first place). Converting the MP3s then back to WAV for burning on a CD, you'll probably suffer loss in sound quality, might be better to leave them as MP3s, most CD players will play MP3s these days. I couldn't find anything to go from AIFF to WAV, not freeware anyway. I didn't look at Mac programs though (since I just now realized you might be using one) Here's a link at Wellesley College I googled up that has some info about AIFF and iTunes: http://www.wellesley.edu/Computing/Idocs/Itunes/convertMP3.html Good luck, sorry I wasn't more help, maybe one of the uber-geeks will know more.
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17 years 9 months

Make sure you have updated the latest version of itunes. They are coming on board fairly quickly. pk
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17 years 8 months

Copy the files to another folder, then rename the suffix from .aiff to .wavI rely on etree.org for flac and shn ideas and it suggests the same. I never do mp3's as you'll encounter white noise with any conversion.
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17 years 6 months

Thanks for trying to help guys. I updated I-Tunes but it still wouldn't "read" the disc. I downloaded the converter software suggested but it is only a trial and says it will only convert 60% of the disc, and I couldn't even get it to do that. SOOOO, I figured that since I-Tunes would read the disc or "import" directly from the dvd, I would copy it to my computer and try to import it from there. So, Start Menu/Computer/E-Drive, then I clicked and dragged to Music, first one track at a time, then one "folder" at a time (a set or an audio disc at a time) and finally the entire DVD at once. From there, I went to "import" on T-Tunes and ...drum roll...IT WORKED! I have listened to parts of the first show (8/27/72, hey, might as well start with the best!) and it sounds great. Now, I don't know if there is some sound quality loss converting this way, maybe it converts the AIFF to MP3 and finally to WAV, but I don't think so. The shows the guy wants me to convert for him are 8/27/72, 5/18/77 and 3/27/88. He also threw in 4/1/90, 7/6/90 and 6/6/93. I will listen to them and, if people want, I'll vine them as WAV files. Gr8fulTed, Pkpotter and Markinthepark, PM me if you want to be first. Thanks again!
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17 years 6 months

I-Tunes WOULDN'T read the disc directly or import directly from the disc...
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17 years 8 months

..." one man gone and another to go..." I found another software site, with FREE software, named Audacity. It may be our salvation, if you can work it! Gr8fulTed
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17 years 6 months

Sorry Gr8fulTed, I got it working, my correction post was regarding one sentence in my earlier post. T-tune won't directly import the music from the DVD, but it WILL import it from the computer. So I clicked and dragged to the Music file in my computer, then imported from there to I-Tunes. Seems to work well. Deleting stuff from the Music file in my computer as I burn and spot check. Thanks! This guy also gave me a very nice AUD of 5/14/83 I could throw into the vine. This is just a straight up WAV disc, no converting required. Sorry for the confusion, go back to investigating how to concoct the perfect grilled cheese sandwich!
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17 years 9 months

for all of us viners. PLEASE REMBMBER TO POST WHEN YOU GET THE VINE AND WHEN YOU SEND IT OUT. Please. I know that I got lazy with that courtesy and need to remind myself to do this. I think that it helps the vines stay alive, because we then can locate them, we know where they are or aren't, and it is a courtesy that enhances the vineyard and can be used to help keep these vines on track. Recently several vines that appeared to be dead (no pun intended) suddenly reappeared. The person recently moved and found these unsent vines and sent them off to the next viner! That is great that this individual who shall remain nameless (BennyJakes) would take the time and effort to not ignore the responsiblity that he volunteered for by being a part of the vineyard. Even though it was late. It as grate. (I must stop rhyming.) Let us step up viners in keeping these vines moving. Lets set a goal for turning them around in a quick manner. Again, I myself need to heed my own advice. Recently, the Egypt '78 and Winterland from Egypt with Love became commercially available and are now 'locked' (taking no more viners). Some of these other vines may be on the schedule for a Road Trip compiliation and while that is just what some people would like (yes, I like new releases) but do I prefer complete shows. And commercial releases would knock out some of these other great/essential vines we have here from sharing further. I know I am being a 'dad' (er.. well I am a dad) and trying to give a pep talk, but some of these vines have disappeared without a trace and that is unfortunate. I think if we get into better habits, be more responsible, and communicate more, we can do a better job of spreading these wonderful shows around and sharing what has been shared with us all. Sorry if I lectured, as I said I am a dad. AND I need to do a better job myself and will work on that. Take care, viners. And of course, VINE ON!
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16 years 7 months

Good job Oroboros. And a courtesy exchange of PM between sender and recipient, to make sure the recipient is still available, doesn't seem like too much trouble. If somebody is going to be moving/on vacation or otherwise unavailable they can be moved down the list, rather than hold the vine up or get it lost. I'm pretty new so I'm still contacting people for the first time to get addresses, but I expect I'll "confirm the appointment" for a vine each time before sending it out. Hopefully we'll keep the "retired vines" tracked via PM, I was getting close on Egypt but was really looking forward to the Winterland shows and I was pretty far down that list. Darn'ed ol' Rhino stole the Viner's Idea!
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17 years 9 months

These shows look interesting. how do I join? And the road goes on forever.... BobbaLee
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17 years 9 months

(Copied and altered from Hunter's original instructions many moons ago)The vine goes something like this: > 1) A person starts the vine with a show of their choosing.He/she posts the show with the details and starts a list. People starting a vine should clearly print the artist/show date/disc#/and any other pertinent info on the discs themselves. I like to also add a card with the vine with all the show info. > 2) Who ever wants to get on the vine can do so as long as they have a burner and the time to keep the vine running smoothly. > 3)To get on the vine a person only needs to add their email to the list. > 4) The vine will go to the first person on the list and after that person recieves the show they must contact the next email on the list to get mailing information.Once the show has been burned you pass the origional show CD's onto that next person...so on and so forth. *Important note* There is no reason to wait until you recieve the discs before contacting the next person on the list. Feel free to contact the next in line before you get the vine.This can help speed up the mailing process greatly. > 5) ***Very important....once you receive the show in the mail you must post back to the vine to update it.Let others on the vine know that you have received the show on so and so date and what date you will be sending the show onto the next in line. This will keep all the others in the loop and will let us know if the vine has died and who has killed it.Very important knowledge for upcoming vines because if a person repeatedly kills vines then that person should be skipped over if seen posting to other vines. Other than that , there is some info that is specific to our little operation. First you should go to the most recent post pertaining to the vine you're interested in. For our purposes here on this forum we will need to highlight the text from the original message that includes what show is being vined, and the list of people who have signed up, and copy it (right click on the highlighted text and hit copy). Then start a new post and paste (again, right click where you want the text to reappear, then click paste). The copied list will apear and you will then add your logon name to the list. Since we all have inboxes here on dead.net I think it would be simpler to communicate with each other through them rather than getting into personal emails. However this is not set in stone and people can feel free to contact each other however they wish. Just make sure your contact info is available to the whole group in case somone needs to contact you. So Bobba, you click on show(s) that you are interested in and follow the above instructions in 'cutting an pasting' and then adding your name to the list. You then send a pm with your address to the person in front of you on that vine and then wait until you recieve the vine and/or notification that it is on the way. It arrives, you copy it with your CD burner for your libary, readdress the envelope and then send the original vined show off to the next viner. Hope that helps. But if you are still confused (listen to the music play) continue to ask questions. Viners will assist. That is what the vineyard is all about.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Thanks for the comments Oroboros. Important to keep the vineyards watered. I will happily reseed any of the vines I have gotten if they have been lost down the line on the vine. Just wanted to let fellow viners know. Let me know,peace,pk
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16 years 7 months

...this isn't really a technical question, but how can I determine the permissibility of posting certain things, copyright wise? I know marye put the "caveat" on the Dylan/Dead vine (since it wasn't just the Dead) and suggested that the vine might have to be retired if something came up. There are other non-Dead vines that don't carry the caveat, so do I just suggest a vine in the "New Vines" forum and wait for approval? I have one short CD to stick in a vine, it was never commercially released on its own, nothing really earth-shattering but probably of interest to somebody -- I bought an autographed copy of Phil's autobiography on eBay and it came with this CD with some music clips and Phil discussing. I guess they gave the CD away at some book signing.
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16 years 9 months

post it as a potental new vine if it is all good she will post it if not she will let u know
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Hi Folks, I'm somewhat new to the vine thing here at dead.net...I'm so happy that dead.net has allowed fans to do this activity here, as it should be here all along! Maybe it's been said before, but if everybody who accepts a vine PLEASE make the turnaround time within a week at the most would really be helpful...I've recieved my first vine and it has taken past 65 days for me to get it...that's a long time compared to other places that trade music via snail mail...I recently seeded a vine and the person I sent it to sat on up for more than 2 weeks...so everybody please be mindful and turnaround the discs in 3 - 4 days... thanks for the soapbox...and later this week I'll be throwing out more digital soundboards Ursa Minor
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17 years 9 months

my thought on the Phil disc is that it would probably be a good thing to inquire over on phillesh.net about that, because while it's clearly not Grateful Dead per se I suspect it's probably got half a dozen copyright/rights issues going on (book publisher! music publisher! performance rights! etc.!) that, from this distance make me pretty nervous. If you want to PM me the specifics, I can pursue this with the Phil camp, or feel free to look into it yourself, but let's just say issues abound and we need more info. Thanks!
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17 years 6 months

I think I figured it out. I downloaded Trader's Little Helper a while ago and finally tried it with the 1991 Digital SBD vine. I use Windows Vista and I-Tunes. Let me know if I am doing this correctly (i.e., can I combine any of the steps). (1) Copy tracks from the FLAC DVD to the Music section of my computer. I have been doing it one show at a time. Maybe I could do the entire disc at once, I don't know. (2) Go to Trader's Little Helper, Decode Audio Files, and add the tracks to decode. I have been doing only one CD worth at a time, as when I tried to do the entire show, I get an error message. After it decodes, the WAV files appear in the Music section of my computer. (3) Import the tracks, track by track, into I-tunes. (4) Burn WAV disc on I-Tunes (5) After ensuring the disc plays, delete the FLAC files on my harddrive. I've been leaving the WAV files because I don't want them to disappear from I-Tunes (I think they might delete because the one time I converted Apple's lossless files, then deleted them on my harddrive, the WAV files in my I-tunes disapeared). I don't want the WAV files on my harddrive if it takes up too much space. Thanks for your help
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Member for

17 years 8 months

My way is to decode to the the same folder that the flac is in and then just go to add folder to library in itunes and add the folder, that way you don't have to add track by track If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 6 months

Yep, that works, thanks Hal, don't know if it saves any time as I still had to create a folder and copy and paste into the folder, but it seems a little easier than importing track by track into I-Tunes. What if I want to burn the FLAC files onto a DVD, in case I want to pass lossless files onto someone else? How do I do that? Can I do that directly from My Computer or do I need to download something else? I have a DVD burner. Thanks!
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16 years 7 months

...and whatever software you use to burn to CDs and DVDs. I just copy the folders w/flac files from the DVD to my hard drive, then copy them back to a blank DVD. You could even copy them onto CDs but you'd need more since CD capacity is less than a DVD. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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17 years 6 months

Cool, thanks MitD
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I am looking to see if there would be any intrest in a flac/shn vine. I have a lot of shows that I would like to share if any one wants them. But its too much for one person to vine. My idea was, a flac/shn vine. Vinners with flac capabilites could copy the ones they want. And if they want to - make audio cd's and start a vine for the flacless. It would be a huge vine(15 dvd's) but you would only copy the ones that you want and pass it on. I you want to start a cd vine, great! If you dont, no biggie,someone else might. No rules, no expectations, I would like to keep it lose and free. Vinners that can use flac and might be interested PM me. I can put it together(might take a week) The concerts I have are all good quality, I discard them shortly after I get them if they dont make the cut. I have around 6 to 10 shows of each. JGB 85 More JGB 76, 78 More Old and in the Way More Reconstuction Pearl Jam Dire Straits U2 Jefferson Airplane Neil Young Crosby Stills Nash Young Bob Marley Garcia and Freinds Phil and Friends Some of these I only have 1 or 2 shows: Talking Heads Sublime Violent Femmes Grateful Dead Studio Outtakes 71-77 A Grateful Dead Movie of 10-31-80 (4 dvd set)
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16 years 7 months

Speechless, I'm literally speechless. And I was going to ask if anybody had any T.Heads shows, and the only tape I ever had (it's gone now, though) was a Violent Femmes show from a frat party at the University of the South. I'll PM you, see how it gets started. (I'm gonna have to buy a new DVD burner, this one's gonna melt) ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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17 years 6 months

I'd be interested in the Femmes (saw them in '89 or so, GREAT) and in JGB '78 (I don't think that is MORE '78 because there hasn't been a first JGB '78 vine, or have I missed something?). Oooh, and Dire Straits would be nice too. Good stuff, Lopezz!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Neil Young ,CSNY, and the Airplane.......golden nuggets of music that changed our world, and shaped our minds. I am all for it lopezz, thank you. peace,pk