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- Kate_C.Joined:Boxed In
Okay. On Monday, our very own NCDead summarily referenced a purported comment by Gans & Lambert about the next box set on their Sunday show "Tales from the Golden Road" (7/21). After I made inquiries in all the familiar e-places, this response was posted by well-known participant HighThyme in the Dead community over at SHF:
"During last week's Tales from the Golden Road, David Gans said he just got the email for the August 1 Meet-Up at the Movies featuring the 6/17/91 Giants Stadium show, which notes that David Lemieux will announce the upcoming box set during the intro, and Gary Lambert replied "Very good. And I think, and I think, it's related to, uh, that Giant, that Giants Stadium show may have some, uh, some role in that, but I'll say no more for now. I'll let Mr. Lemieux do the talkin'." So take what you will from that."
So there's that.
- Kate_C.Joined:The 2019 archival release train continues to defy entropy...
...some new Duane from SBD masters? Yes sir, please. I've recently entered honeymoon periods with Radiohead, Rush, and - of all things, Doom Metal(?) - Khemmis, so Tuscaloosa and the RTR box still sit unmolested in shrinkwrap. That phenomenal cover for the ABB release would make a rich poster; as well, the bonus Mtn.Jam @ 45 min. from the Warehouse just eclipses that magnificent beast from Ludlow's.
https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QqwXpijDcCs/XQ0UB16-VEI/AAAAAAAAzHE/QH597Io9… - Kate_C.Joined:'75 Thunder
Looks extraordinary, and certainly outstanding value at that price point. Bonus disc is a bit anemic, but oh the prospect of those rehearsals in addition to a personally favoured tour. The home team will have it's work cut out topping this for primacy among '19 archival releases.
- Kate_C.Joined:Dylan Redux
A rather exciting new skeletal entry on Amazon today:
I love the raw energy of the RT tour and certainly the 2disc BS#5 proved only a tantalyzing suggestion of the larger library - a lot of boards, if I understand the recording history correctly. Screen shot fr: Netflix Italia for correlative Scorsese doc - https://www.instagram.com/p/Butn8vQlfBi/ - Kate_C.Joined:A Primer on Making Correct Decisions from the Get-Go
I despise duplicate purchases through reissues and the like, which is why I consider multi-sized release options with some deliberation. But as with the Basement Tapes, my 2-cd selection of Cutting Edge started to fail my increasing appetite for extended listening of this superb material - and MBMT aptly demonstrated that repetitive track listings were anything but an obstacle to repeated play. Kicked myself for failing to buy when XII Deluxe was $72 w/ coupon (koopen, in my best scotch soaked Ron White stage voice) a bit ago, so here's an opportunity for redemption: $75 on Amazon
- Kate_C.Joined:Bi-Polar Vortex
When I left Neil and MN Wed morning it was -20something air & -50 windchill temps. Ran the tri-state peak in sun and 65F today. It'd be funny if it weren't so broke; and, of course, there's a tweet for that. Despite the forbidding cold, I meandered home along a southeast course plotted through a number of record/music stores mentioned around SHF and turned up by my own Googlizing. My favourite experience was completely unplanned and occurred as I was heading downtown from the Boho Mecca of Louisville's Highlands via Bardstown Rd when, having missed my cut-off at Broadway, I landed in a modest neighbourhood that housed this proportionately attired little jewel:
EDIT I: Drat, see that we can no longer post pics with an HTML code.
From the darkened street, it was easy to see a kid with a Gibson plugged in and playing inside the front window. The superb name and shabby-chic mein (not to mention available street parking!) proved irresistible; and though vinyl selection is predictably small, this hole-in-the wall epitomizes the charm, friendliness, and community of a genuine corner record store.
Coming out, a couple guys were talking through a car window from which I heard a glorious opening melody suggestive of early electric folk, and then caught most of the amazing lyrics that I now know by heart:
"And you measure for wealth by the things you can hold
And you measure for love by the sweet things you're told
And you live in the past or a dream that you're in
And your selfishness is your cardinal sin."It was - is - songcraft on the order of the greatest minstrel poet all of us already know, so, throwing caution to a nonexistent wind, I stopped, the guys turned, and I remarked brilliantly, "That's not Dylan". Honestly. And to this pointless, dunderheaded statement, the (thankfully) good-natured, 50-ish guy in the driver's seat laughed and said, "Honey, this is Rodriguez". Fifteen or so minutes later, after listening to the balance of Cold Fact post "Janis", as well as the renowned opening track, "Sugar man" - and receiving a introductory block of instruction about many things Sixto - I left absolutely dizzied by the syntactic anarchy, storytelling scope, biting editorialism, and naked musical genius of this unheralded talent. I delayed departure the next day long enough to find a CD issue of Cold Fact - as well as the Oscar winning documentary - at a larger store and have about spun it to death since.
EDIT II: Double drat - Or Utube vids w/ an embed code?! (such things are emphatically not improvements)
P.S.: Thanks, WTJ, but I didn't make it. The cold really hampered mobility and I spent most of my time in the usual arty places and music shoppes. I'd love to return during the 3 weeks of Summer! :)
- wilfredtjonesJoined:Kate
Landmark Center is an interesting building. I was there yesterday for a classical music concert. There are several exhibits inside as it is a historically interesting and restored building. I guess the restoration was done in 1978, and before that there were places where the bird poop was a foot deep. Anyway, it has nice cafe downstairs as well. I recommend the chicken sandwich. -10 though this morning so wear your long johns I guess.