I painted this watercolor for my Uncle Walter, who is a huge fan, growing up all I remember is all of his Grateful Dead stickers, the bears, and his Jerry Garcia doll and just loving everything about them cause I just thought it was so awesome. So when I was requested to do a portrait of Jerry for him I couldn't pass it up, but I also wanted to incorporate some of the images I saw growing up as well. So I guess let me know what you think, I was happy to findout I could share this..
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Jerry's famous comment
About America's two party political system. I couldn't agree more whole-heartedly and am so glad you chose to include it with your very, very nice artwork.
Of all the quotes attributed to Jerry, could you say what moved you to include this one??
I chose that quote because to myself it just went with the personality of my uncle all too well, and it's also one of my favorites.