• https://www.dead.net/features/news/obama-event-change-rocks-final-ticket-release
    Obama Event "Change Rocks" - Final Ticket Release

    With regards to the Change Rocks event at the Bryce Jordan Center in State College, PA this Monday, October 13, please note the campaign has released a limited amount of tickets this morning which have been placed back into the system for sale to the General Public. Please go to www.ticketmaster.com for further details.


    WHO: Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann, and Mickey Hart, Gregg Allman, Butch Trucks, Jaimoe, Warren Haynes, Derek Trucks, Marc Quinones, Oteil Burbridge, and Jeff Chimenti

    WHAT: Concert Fundraiser

    WHERE: Bryce Jordan Center, Pennsylvania State University State College, PA

    WHEN: Monday, October 13, 2008 - Doors Open 5:30 PM EDT

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  • mcleary
    15 years 8 months ago
    Gene Shalit: How do you play at that frantic volume and sustain any kind of rational mind? Jerry Garcia: It’s like a dog hanging its head out a car window. Shalit: You love it. Garcia: Yeah. - The Today Show (NBC-TV) 3/21/1981
  • mcleary
    15 years 8 months ago
  • mcleary
    15 years 8 months ago
    WWJD ?
    Jerry will only be there in spirit. here's the Garcia interview [most of it] from the early 1980s re Jerry not wanting to support an individual politician : JGarcia: We're friendly. For me, I can't see relating to the audience any other way. We exist by their grace. It's very hard for me to do anything but like them. They're nice people. This thing of following bands on the road is very funny. Some bands make it hard for other bands; some audiences are real rowdy and smash everything. You get lumped in with everybody, and you have to constantly separate yourself. Listen, our audience is not the Black Sabbath audience. JC: So your main responsibility is to your audience. JGarcia: Sure. Of course, we want to give them their money's worth, but we also want to avoid putting them in positions of harm. There are some places in America where we can't play because of the friction between the local authorities and the audience. We've had the experience of, basically, acting as bait. The first couple of times we played Nassau Coliseum on Long Island, the police busted about 100 people. They took advantage of the situation. We have to try to make sure that doesn't happen. JC: Have you ever worked for the authorities? Would you ever consider playing to support a political candidate? JGarcia: Never. We draw the line at that. Who's that cool, really? Who's so cool you would want them leading people? Nobody, certainly no politician. We've been hit on by all kinds of them, candidates, gurus, holy men. All kinds of power freaks have hit on us at one time or another to raise money for them or get on the bandwagon and sell their trip. It's our responsibility to keep ourselves free of those connotations. I want the Grateful Dead experience to be one of those things that doesn't have a hook. We're all very anti-authoritarian. There's nothing that we believe so uniformly and so totally that we could use the Grateful Dead to advertise it. JC: Not even toothpaste? JGarcia: Not even REAL GOOD toothpaste. JC: Do you still get hassled by the law? JGarcia: It's an ever-present danger. I have a feeling this whole Reagan era means a tightening down from the top, so we're always on guard. We try to be as cool as we possibly can. The world is still not that safe for people like us. But I don't think any law enforcement agency sees us as a real menace. JC: That's interesting, because ten years ago you were perceived as a menace to public health and safety. JGarcia: Well, we might still be. It's just that nothing's ever come of it. No major disasters or anything; our audience comes out for a good time and that's it. We've had countless sheriffs and chiefs of police giving us points because they've dealt with our crowd, and they know the difference between our crowd and other crowds. I mean, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they have thick dossiers on all of us and they're just waiting for us to make a false move. But I don't think so. I think we've won the fight against our Sixties image. JC: But that image was cultivated. The skulls and the Hell's Angels and. . . JGarcia: Well, let me put it this way: We didn't make any effort to avoid scaring people. But we didn't think we'd scare them as much as we did. It all seemed pretty normal to us. JC: Were you surprised by the power of the images you put forth, by the power that other people invested in you because of them? JGarcia: Well, one of the things about the name, right from the beginning, was that it has a lot of power. It was kind of creepy. People resisted it at first. They didn't want us to be the Grateful Dead. It was too weird. But that response has sort of flattened out. I don't think the connotation is anywhere near as creepy as it used to be, though sometimes the power is very evident. It comes back to us. Every once in a while, some soul out there overamps. And all of a sudden there's a guy banging on the door with a whole complex pathology, a whole weird Grateful Dead universe woven up with images from our stuff. JC: Well, at least that's not happening much anymore. JGarcia: Hopefully there aren't as many suckers for rhetoric now. It was so obvious what was happening back in those days. Like the Black Panthers. I mean, what happens when a bunch of black guys put on berets and start packing submachine guns? They're going to get killed, man, they're going to get fucking killed. You can't do that in America. You can't wave guns in the faces of the biggest guns in the world. It's suicide. That's obvious, but how could you say it? LIke, all that campus confusion seemed laughable too. Why enter this closed society and make an effort to liberalize it when that's never been its function? Why not just leave it and go somewhere else? Why not act out your fantasies, using the positive side of your nature rather than just struggling? Just turn your back on it and split - it's easy enough to find a place where people will leave you alone. You don't have to create confrontation. It's a game, and it's a no-win game. I remember once being at a be-in or one of those things, and the Berkeley contingent - Jerry Rubin and those guys - got up on stage and started haranguing the crowd. All of a sudden it was like everybody who had ever harangued a crowd. It was every asshole who told people what to do. The words didn't matter. It was that angry tone. It scared me; it made me sick to my stomach. JC: Well, it must be hard to be stuck with your own charisma, discovering that you have it and not knowing what to do with it. JGarcia: Yeah. It's the only thing you have. And charisma is no shield. It's not something you can hide behind. All you can do with it is stuff like making speeches. And where do you go with that? It's a drag to be a celebrity. It can even be a drag to be a talented celebrity, with something to do. But if you're not a performer, being a celebrity could be all negative. JC: But don't you have people coming around and saying, "Be my leader; tell me what I'm supposed to do"? JGarcia: We tell them we don't know. I've made every effort to tell them that we're not in a position to lead, that everybody's going to have to lead themselves. What it boils down to is: Who do you trust? Who would be such a perfect kind of person that you would trust him enough to follow him? Nobody I know. And even fewer people want to lead. And the kind of people who do want to lead are mostly assholes. I mean, being a politician is a lot like being a stand-up comic. The only thing you have is your personality, and the only thing you can do is stand up and say, "It's me, it's me, it's me." What kind of personality do you have to have to do such a thing? Do you want someone with that kind of personality controlling your life? No sir. NOW FELLOW DEADHEADS AND RELATED FANS REMEMBER THAT : 1. JERRY NEVER MET OR SAW SENATOR OBAMA 2. IF JERRY TRUSTED HIM AS HE SAYS HE'LL BE THERE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE STAGE PLAYING LEAD FROM ANOTHER UNIVERSE WE CAN'T SEE 3.AS MY WIFE POINTED OUT --BOB PHIL MICKEY AND BILL --NOT TO MENTION THE ALLMAN BROTHERS-- HAVE EVERY RIGHT IN THE WORLD TO DO THIS SHOW IN SUPPORT OF THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE THEY SUPPORT--IN THE SPIRIT JERRY GETS NO "SAY" HERE FOLKS DEAL WITH IT 4. JERRY IS NO LONGER ALIVE IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD NOR IS HE ON THE BALLOT-- SO I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA --THE AUDIENCE HAS THE RIGHT TO DISSENT BUT LET THE BAND HAVE A SAY SINCE IT IS THEIR CONCERT FOR THEIR POLITICAL REASONS AND NOT "OUR" CONCERT 5. HOPEFULLY GOVERNOR RENDELL OR WHOEVER IT WILL BE CAN KEEP ANY CHEERLEADING FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA TO A MINIMUM --OBAMA IS GOING TO WIN THE ELECTION-- HE IS OUR NEXT PRESIDENT --HE WILL BE A TREMENDOUS IMPROVEMENT OVER BUSH --AND HOPEFULLY RESTORE THE INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION OF THE USA --AND REPEAL THE BUSH DOCTRINE --BEFORE CHINA ADOPTS IT AS THEIR OWN AND NUKES US PREEMPTIVELY ....... AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST..... once the show starts [with "Promised Land"?] we can forget about dissension and join in the sound......and if the band feels good about this show a Spring/summer "final" Dead tour just may happen..... peace...... STOP THE WAR IN IRAQ IT IS BANKRUPTING THE NATION --mike "mcleary" p.s. LEAVE ONLY FOOTPRINTS
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15 years 9 months

With regards to the Change Rocks event at the Bryce Jordan Center in State College, PA this Monday, October 13, please note the campaign has released a limited amount of tickets this morning which have been placed back into the system for sale to the General Public. Please go to www.ticketmaster.com for further details.


WHO: Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann, and Mickey Hart, Gregg Allman, Butch Trucks, Jaimoe, Warren Haynes, Derek Trucks, Marc Quinones, Oteil Burbridge, and Jeff Chimenti

WHAT: Concert Fundraiser

WHERE: Bryce Jordan Center, Pennsylvania State University State College, PA

WHEN: Monday, October 13, 2008 - Doors Open 5:30 PM EDT

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17 years

Quotes by Jerry Garcia : "Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us." "Tipper and Al came to a show the last time we were in Washington. They're nice people, a nice family. We made every effort not to frighten them." "Truth is something you stumble into when you think you're going someplace else." "It's pretty clear now that what looked like it might have been some kind of counterculture is, in reality, just the plain old chaos of undifferentiated weirdness." "Every silver lining has a touch of grey." [w/ Hunter] "You do not merely want to be considered the best of the best. You want to be considered the only ones that do what you do." "What is life but being conscious? And good and evil are manifestations of consciousness. If you reject one, you're not getting the whole thing that's there to be had."
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15 years 9 months

since the dead are all about supporting socialism, where is my hand out. I can't tell you how many official t-shirts i own. At least 100+ official cds' and every dvd ever released. where is my check? i'll be waiting. hopefully not very long in this economy.
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15 years 9 months

i forgot to mention that. well, i need help too. where is my hand out.
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16 years 6 months

I'll say it again, one more time. The boys are NOT billing themselves as The Dead, neither are they billing themselves as The Grateful Dead, just a handful of very talented people. I don't have to like or dislike what they are doing. So, please, just get yer facts straight, people. (jeez, it's like tryin' to talk to uh buncha hippies er deadheads er sumpin'). Now SOMEBODY better let me know what time the SHOW starts, cuz i intend to be on my porch with a BEER in my hand, and I BETTER be able to hear the screams when the boys hit the stage. A buncha starvin' deadheads oughta have no problem yellin' loud enuf fer me ta hear it in Tacoma!!
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15 years 9 months

i am sure it will be a great show. although, i still would not go.
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15 years 9 months

maybe mine will come via a lottery ticket. we can always pray. ha ha
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15 years 9 months

apparently, my favorite band and others have decided to support our savior Obama. Well, since they want wealth distribution, i deserve a kick-down.Let me tell you why. i have bought well over twenty tickets to their shows, and most of those after jerry wasn't all that in to it. in addition, a hundred plus cds' and every dvd they have ever released. plus, god knows how many t-shirts and stickers and whatever else was cool and hot at the time. don't get me wrong, i love the band, i love the music. however, i don't like the political stance that i have never seen before. If they want socialism, i want my check. my check for support of their capitalist ways. i have supported them since i found them and if they want socialism they need to remember me. since i helped them get to a point where they can act this way. where is my hand out? i am waiting.
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16 years 9 months

its apparent some people have absolutely no life.
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16 years 9 months

if this is not The Dead, nor the Grateful Dead, then no one has the right to complain about "their" band going against their right wing philosophy. The show will go on...well attended. And the money is going to someone you hate for reasons you can't understand. Your checks will be in the mail after the election.
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16 years 6 months

apparently some people's lives revolve around sharing their "hatred". I don't support the bands position, but at least they have the decency to perform as themselves. i should'nt have to put up with whiney p.m.'s from some knucklehead telling me to sue him. you wanna call them "the dead"? be my guest, if you have something to say to me be an adult about it....this is a forum and we are all entitled to our opinions, you're just barking up the wrong tree is all.
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15 years 8 months

i know they cant play benifit shows for all who really need it,but obama doesnt need it,to think that the musician i love so much are not much smarter than a puppet really upsets me. Change is that what they are calling leming like behavere.nothing in ill.(chicago)has changed its still the same high taxes(highest in the nation) highschool students protesting,high murder rate,obama plays the chicago polotict game very well with teachers like durbin, madagan and daley he learned how to fool alot of people CHANGE? CHANGE!! ha sounds like same old same old to me.
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15 years 10 months

I am so happy to b living today with all of youon this big ball. I can't explain it, but I feel more in common with you all than differences. May all your notes be pure and in tune. Rainbows all around, and do the twist and shout. Lets do lunch after the show. somebody turn the psu web cams toward the bjc please, thankyou, so we can watch.
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17 years

One of the definitions of insanity is, "To keep doing the same thing expecting different results." Nothing changes if nothing changes. I first saw the Grateful Dead at the Miami Pop Fest December 29, 1968. "The bus came by and I got on, that's where it all began." I've been a fan, a Dead Head, and a person that has watched all the hopes and dreams that were given birth in the sixties dry up and blow away with the wind as our society and culture changed into a market place of: "Shipping powders back and forth Singing black goes south and white comes north. In a whole world full of petty wars Singing I got mine and you got yours. And the current fashion sets the pace, Lose your step, fall out of grace. And the radical, he rant and rage, Singing someone's got to turn the page. And the rich man in his summer home, Singing just leave well enough alone. But his pants are down, his cover's blown..." Nothing changes if nothing changes. What a group of musicians do to support their own personal view of the world is none of my business. If they happen to produce some great music in the process of doing their own thing and some kind tapers, or better yet, the soundboards are released, and I get to hear that great music, I will be happy. And the politicians throwin' stones, So the kids they dance And shake their bones, And it's all too clear we're on our own. Singing ashes, ashes, all fall down. Ashes, ashes, all fall down. Have a Real Grateful Day :-) "When I die bury me deep, put two speakers at my feet, pair of ear phones on my head, and always play The Grateful Dead."
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17 years

the center of PA has longed been nicknamed "Alabama" by the media so it just may be the opener the "Useless Blues" as I call it has had some VERY mediocre live versions over the decades let's hope today's isn't ! and listen for the lyric change as follows : Featured Song-- "Wave That Flag" [US Blues] : *Wave the flag, pop the bag Rock the boat, skin the goat Trap the rat, bell the cat Ball the jack, chew the fat Shoot the breeze, lose the keys Feed the poor, stop the war Make the signs, connect the lines Pay your fines, save your dimes WAVE THAT FLAG WAVE IT LOUD AND HIGH SUMMER TIME'S DONE COME AND GONE MY OH MY ! MY OH MY OH MY MY MY MY....... SUMMER TIME DONE COME AND GONE MY OH MY.....
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17 years

Alabama Getaway Greatest Story Ever Told Peggy-O Me and My Uncle Big River Loser Far From Me Lazy Lightnin' Supplication Althea Lost Sailor Saint of Circumstance China Cat Sunflower I Know You Rider Feel Like a Stranger He's Gone The Other One drums Wharf Rat Around and Around Johnny B. Goode Brokedown Palace
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15 years 8 months

Deadheads we're heading over to Otto's later today before the show. Great brewpub and anxious to meet you all.
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15 years 8 months

Does anyone know if this is going to be broadcast on the internet or television? I think I heard it was going to be on Sirius' Grateful Dead channel but I sure would like to be able to actually watch it. Any input would be helpful. To those of you going, I hope everyone has a nice time.
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16 years 8 months

They did DHFO, so Im hoping theyre gonna do this as well. PEACE
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15 years 8 months

Down in Carlisle he loved a lady, many years ago..." Eighteen miles west of Harrisburg, the town of Carlisle, Pennsylvania (pop. 18,419), is rich in American history, especially military history. Google maps show driving directions from State College to Carlisle, PA - 101 mi – about 1 hour 50 mins. Obama is the only one of the candidates that will end the Iraq War in a timely manner, while McCain said that it may take until 2013! It seems that during the course of American History that we fought for victory, while that doesn't seem the case here. With three kids in their 20's, and like many deadheads, I did protest the war in Vietnam and do not want to see my kids drafted!!!
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16 years 9 months

Sirius posted this: Grateful Dead Channel at Change Rocks! Tonight 6:00 pm ET The surviving members of the Grateful Dead will reunite for a cause! They’ll perform again, along with members of the Allman Brothers Band, in a benefit concert benefit called “Change Rocks,” for Democratic presidential nominee, Barack Obama. Tickets are limited, but the Grateful Dead Channel will be on site to keep you updated with everything that’s going on at the historic event. It doesn't say how they are doing this. As for iclips, I checked and its not there. It actually looks like no one will be broadcasting it anywhere that I can see. If anyone has any info on the Dead (excuse me...Phil and, no...Bobby and the, no...Mickey and Planet,no....the Billy Kreutzmann sextet, UGH...Warren Haynes' Country Bear Jamboree? I'll stick with this one) show let us all know.
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16 years 11 months

what is up with all the fuckin bitchin about what the dead are doing if you don't like whats happening with the country do something about it as ghandi said be the change in the world you want to see the dead are just four guys doing what they belive in remember they are only musicians if you don't agree don't go but i don't understand what all this negative talk is getting done just bringing more bad vibes in the world i support obama but because of economic reasons i can't afford the trip..... well i love all of you
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15 years 8 months

obama and his cronies should not be running for election they should be running from the law,it goes to show you if you talk slick you can get people to belive whatever you want them to.IF YOU WANT A CHANGE TRY THINKING FOR YOURSELF.
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16 years 7 months

Interesting the various stands/non stands rockers have taken. Back in the 60's it was enough to get a record contract and be politically neutral for many rock people. Elvis and Michael Jackson for example. Nobody cared that they didn't express any political thoughts. Even the Beatles and the Stones didn't espouse political beliefs....much. Then there's the other extreme. Jefferson Airplane, especially Paul Kantner, did much political venting (We can be together, Lawman, Mau mau Amerikon, War movie, etc.). Plus now we have U2's Bono calling GWB41 from stage and passing moral judgement on GWB43. But we wouldn't know who any of these people were if not for the music. Back in the 60s as I said, the ideal was simply to get a recording contract and make a consistent enough product to stay in the biz as long as possible, but things have changed. Today, the big names, whether for sales or substance, seem to have a strong personna, both as artists, and as thinkers. IMO this is now more of a requirement than an option. I don't fault the 'living Dead' for supporting a political candidate. Just like before, nobody is sticking a gun to your head to either attend the show or vote for anyone.
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15 years 9 months

requirement? laughable at best. as far as a gun to your head, that is what we are heading for when "our savior" gets elected. if you pay taxes, your money is already being wasted and mismanaged. Don't you think it is time to make all of d.c. balance a budget and try to do it with a lot less taxpayer help? a CEO is not tolerated for this kind of waste and loss. why do we tolerate it from our elected officials?
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16 years 8 months

go rant somewhere else please... It's just money...we'll print some more later ....
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16 years 7 months

quote: as far as a gun to your head, that is what we are heading for when "our savior" gets elected. Did you know that when Thomas Jefferson became president there were those who thought the antichrist was in the white house because TJ didn't believe Jesus was God? I usually vote republican and probably will this time, too, but it won't be the end of the world if Obama gets elected.
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16 years

evening all just a short note about last nite @ penn state. the allmans' sounded as strong asthey did in the early 70's and played all my favorites.with phils coaxing the band opened up with a very nice truckin then continued to play a really enjoyable set,some of my highlights were help on the way,st. stephen,the other one and just a myriad of all our favorite tunes i was there with a smile on my face and advanced years behind me so remembering all the tunes and in what order isn't in the cards suffice it to say the boys had fun got the message out hopefully will do this imprompt to get together atleast a couple of times year.it was great just to see them let alone hear them making music..anyway hope this didn't come off as to incoherent take care good people and hey .......vote on nov 4th for whomever you like ....later
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Member for

16 years 5 months

ok, here I was in Philly, just plain lazy to take off work, ride for hours, find lodging in Happy valley (that's the true PSU area)...and I knew I'd regret it the next day- and I do! My last PSU show was a rocker in 1980, shoulda gone, glad y'all did. politics or not, a show is a show and the boys have been into their politics for a while now. Phil gives his transplant/donor talk, Bobby rocks the vote... it's all good. Ami
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16 years 11 months

you should of been there with us,we had a grate time!! Missed u!! Peace,Gigi
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15 years 9 months

What would Jerry do? good question, nobody knows ,those closer to him could guess. For the rest of us it's the music, this band and others like Warren Haynes and the Allman brothers provide us with a brief respite from what's going on in this country and for just one evening allow yourself to enjoy some of the best there is, and they have stood the test of time, starting way back at watkins glen in 1973. Anyone interested check out the Allmans venue every spring at Live Oak. Florida at the Wanee Music festival. Bob Weir, or one of the members is usually representing "The Dead " at the last several I've attended it's outdoors and usually a 3 day event , Check it out...
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17 years

>>obama and his cronies should not be running for election they should be running from the law,it goes to show you if you talk slick you can get people to belive whatever you want them to.IF YOU WANT A CHANGE TRY THINKING FOR YOURSELF. HAHAHAHA!!!!! Nice comment. Running from the law. Do some real research, rather than watching FoxNews or reading Rush Limbaugh's transcripts. Give me a break. McCain is the dirty one of the 2, and he's not even THAT bad, legally speaking. By making the statement you made, you are basically calling me a person who is easily influenced by a good speaker and someone who can't think for himself. If you'd like to find out MY level of intelligence and whether or not I can hang with your worldly expertise, feel free to drop me a PM and we'll talk. Don't blame me if I make you cry. ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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15 years 9 months

apparently, it was an incredible night and i am sure that i would agree on the quality and substance of the music. However, now since all this pandering is over, why don't we the people who really want a change slide over to the libertarian side on election day and send a message that will actually matter. anyone(beuller), it was only eight years ago that the clintons had the world on a string. when, if ever are we, the voters going to hold these egotistical liars(meaning both parties) accountable for their promises?
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16 years 7 months

You could be right, ss, but the last time we elected a president who wasn't democrat or republican was 1848. Since then there were 2 elections in which it seemed like a possibility, but both of those had the same result:1912 - When Theo Roosvelt was pres (1901-1909) he was a republican, then he decided he didn't want to be pres anymore so we elected a different republican (Wm Howard Taft) in 1908. Then in 1912 Theo wanted to be pres again, but he couldn't be a republican, because Taft was the incumbent and he wanted a 2nd term, so Theo had to run on the Bull Moose platform, but all he accomplished was to divide the republican vote giving the election to the democrat (Woodrow Wilson). Same kinda thing happened in... 1992 - Ross Perot got lots of votes, but, again, he divided the republican vote and Clinton became pres. Sometimes I like the idea of a new party, but it's probably not going to happen in our lifetime.
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The sparkle in the snake oil Obama is selling has worn off. All those "Change Rocks" people have gone back into political suspended animation. Obama has made the world safe for investment banks to keep on making billions. We need change all right, from either demoncrats or repulsivesans. We need many strong, vibrant, robust political parties in order to have a real debate that will lead to real change. Let's start with making voting mandatory (meaning something like a $25 fine if you don't do the least of your civic duty). The alternative is the current state of affairs when a populist candidate comes in and bums out all the idealists when he can't walk on water. This makes people turn off even more to the political process.
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Member for

16 years 6 months

i agree, but let's leave voting a right and not a requirement....if you don't like either candidate you should have the option....or mebbe a write in?? we sure as hell do need other options though. i for one am sick of the bloated money-sucking parties we have now.
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Passed health carePassed financial reform Passed the bailout (right or wrong, we're not in the middle of another Great Depression) If you vote for a repulsivecan in the mid-terms you are just not paying attention or are super-rich and know which side your bread is buttered from. (Spammers suck! Get a real job and stop being the BP of the blogosphere!)
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17 years 1 month

and back to your regular well-aged topic...