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  • Mike Edwards
    Artist Nails His Testicles to Ground in Red Square
  • unkle sam
    wow, it's a pretty tall statement to call someone greedy and wanting people to die just because you don't want to pay for their healthcare, don't you think? Some are in this position like a lot of people who have never had healthcare insurance and never needed it, ever. If those people could afford the cost of insurance, don't you think that they would have it? A lot of people can't afford one more dime coming out of their take home pay, especially if there is nothing wrong with them. When ever they needed a medical service they went to the doctor or specialist and paid for it right then, yes it was a financial hit, but never did they not pay, and this worked for most of those people. Now all, even the healthy, are being forced to participate with the people who desperately need insurance because they are unhealthy. The key word here is "forced". I know many veterans who never used their va benefits, but now, they all will as to not have to pay a "fine" (tax) for not having insurance, this will burden an all ready overtaxed situation. Soon, the same ones that fought and were injured keeping this country safe will have to wait in line to get what they were promised when they signed their life away to protect everyone who lives in this country's lifestyle. I feel sorry for the uninsured, the preexisting conditions, the under insured, all of the poor people who can not afford anything, but because one can not afford to take care of all of them, does that make them greedy? Or not caring? Or wanting them all to die? Those are some pretty harsh words my brothers and sisters.
  • Anna rRxia
    Getting suckered by the media on the ACA (Obamacare)
    If you want the media to explain the new health care law to you, go ahead and be misled. It is better to think for yourself. Think it through. Who stands to benefit? People without insurance and people with "junk" insurance plans that had to be scrapped after the new law passed. Who stands to lose? The upper middle-class and above who want super good insurance plans. They will pay more in premiums without subsidies and without being subsidized by the suckers who bought from slick-talking insurance salesmen. The insurance companies will have to adjust to make their policies more fair and correspondingly charge a higher rate. There is a line out there, based on type of coverage, where those with less income will get a helping hand with a better plan subsidized by people with greater incomes. You want to call this socialism and bellyache about it? Think of how greedy you are. Not only do you not care about your brother and sister but you also you wish them dead asap from disease, Consciously or unconsciously. Wake up! (I am not addressing Trailbird only here). The new law may not be perfect and the roll-out was a far site from unblemished but these are steps on the road to catch up with the other industrialized countries where there is universal health care. If only we could reign in the drug companies along with the insurance companies and medical professionals and those among them who make the whole industry a "for profit" business we would be a truly progressive country. We would half the current jail population and and ten times the current number of beds for psych. patients would become available. We would be awash in cash to treat the poor. Like in Canada, there could be low-cost trauma centers on every other block in the big cities, It is as obvious as the nose on your face. Why would you ever look at a plagiarizing republican (Rand Paul) for an answer to any question regarding the health and welfare of the masses? For that matter, the democrats either. Better to draw a line from Finland to Spain and examine how people are cared for in these places. I am so sick of how people are led blindly down the path by a non-reporting press. At least one deadhead actually read the law on this site. And it wasn't me!
  • trailbird
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    tell your reps...
    I think our country needs a law that says than Congress and the Senate may not pass a law unless it has at least one vote from the other major party. Our President went all in on pushing a flawed health-care bill, that even he doesn't understand, down our throats without one vote from the other side and has spent the ensuing years wondering why the Republicans won't work with him on anything. It has not been good for our country. Work together ! peace to all
  • Anna rRxia
    Military Calls on it's Patrons to Avoid Sequester Cuts
    The sequester, to the Republican's collective glee, was supposed to hit all government agencies equally with a 2.5% cut. But then along came reality and complaints from constituents to Republicans saying they wanted safe airline travel and tours of the White House and countless other "stuff". After hearings on the Hill in which the top General-Domos have complained about the draconian nature of these cuts and how they will effect a certain percentage of their units readiness to fight at a moment's notice, their Patron Saints McCain and Graham are riding to the rescue. What is it with these two? They are "hawks" and fronting hacks for the Mil/Ind/Complx. In the end, if their is a reckoning before some higher power, their should be a representative of the poor who reads Eisenhower's quote: "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron." Based on this, John McCain and Lindsey Graham are the ringleaders of a gang of thieves who steal on a staggering scale from the most needy and least able to defend themselves. There are other Republicans and Democrats who are part of the Posse, but these two are the head honchos. How do they live with themselves? It is truly Dread, Mon. Dread, dread, dreadful!
  • Anna rRxia
    The US Practising Torture With Music
    One can reach no other conclusion after hearing the 60 Minutes story last Sunday. At Abu Ghraib, at GitMo, at Waco and countless other places of rendition. Apparently the worst form of this torture, the most terrifying, the most effective is to hit the Muslim Hater ideological zealots with Barney The Purple Dinosaur's "I Love You, You Love Me" played for hours on end. Other forms of music include Nancy Sinatra singing "These Boots Are Made For Walking" for hours on end toward the final climax with Koresh & his Davidians in Waco. Earlier in the siege the FBI had been using Tibetan monks chanting their prayers (popular recordings during the mid-90s) until the Dalai Lama of Tibet called and complained to them to stop. Eminems rapping for something like 25 straight days at Abu Ghraib drove grown men to break down like old women who have labored to long picking fruit in the fields. If only the Grateful Dead had played a 48 day Playin'>Dark Star>Playin' they could have been among America's greatest patriots in this regard!
  • Anna rRxia
    Dow Drunkenly Hits 33rd High of the Year
    The markets are lurching forward to new highs on a regular basis. Don't be deceived. This is not the result of goods and services being produced in the US. Many corps. have found ways of profiting from the "Great Recession" (I hate that term - It should be the Great Investment Bank Swindle of 1999-2008). The markets are drunk on 85 Billion dollars of Fed printed money per month. There is so much money sloshing around in corporate coffers and banks continue to give at most, 1% on your basic 2-year CD. Meanwhile, more than 45 million people in the US have fallen into poverty, about 1/6th of the population. Who is speaking and advocating for the poor? In my community, the local foodbank and homeless shelter, who act like arrogant Gods suffering the giving of a boon. Genuflect and kiss their ring before you fill out the app.. Inflation is coming. End the stimulus or use it to provide infrastructure for the homeless (small block apartment houses). A good percentage of the retiring baby-boomers is going to need them.
  • Anna rRxia
    Tearful Toronto mayor admits crack use
    Rob Ford, mayor of one of the largest, most diverse cities in NA, admitted that he smoked crack in one of his drunken stupors but did not resign. He has big, fat cojones that are just hanging out there waiting to get whacked right now. What is it about politicians who appear in scandals to act like deer jack-lighted by car headlights. It makes you want to cry or jump up and slap them in the face. Alas, it is the human condition. It takes time for powerful human beings to go from being a "Master Of The Universe" to the realization that they need to check into rehab.. One can only imagine Ford's advisors running around in circles, barking advice at the Mayor while all the time sending out resumes on their I-Phones and tweeting about their hopeless situation, the boss is an irrational drunkard. I don't know whether to laugh or cry... Smile for the camera as you inhale!
  • Anna rRxia
    A Great Weekend For Boston Sports
    Saturday hundreds of thousands shared the cheer and confetti Boston style as Baseball World Series champion Red Sox paraded their trophy around Boston in the city's fabled amphibious duckboats. On Sunday the NFL's New England Patriots (playing at home just south of Boston) set a franchise record for points scored, destroying the Steelers 55-38. It was a flashback to the glory days as QB Brady was razor sharp with his 4 TDs and 432 passing yards. The Pats move to 7-2 on the year, but it still is a rebuilding year It don't get much better than that if you're a hometown fan.
  • Anna rRxia
    Kentucky gets Obamacare Right
    I just saw an interview with the Governor of Kentucky at his exchange call center blow away his Congressional delegation (nitwits Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul) with sound reasoning about Obamacare that will further shove the Republicans underground. Kentuckians are signing up like crazy in the seemingly one state in the country that got their website right. I live in Vermont and they were another state to set up their exchange early and got the website wrong. Let people peruse the plans first and then have them register later and get their subsidy figured out seems to be the dealio. When the websites get set up right and millions of people who had junk insurance get properly insured Americans will be far better off. The insurance companies are evil and had to have this shoved down their throat. They remain evil and lurking, trying as hard as they can to maintain their 20% profit margin. Their most egregious errors have now been outlawed. This was long overdue. The last thing the governor said is that in one year, when everything is fixed, people will be further pissed at the deception of the Republicans like Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell. They are so far from the reality of their constituency that they are tripping-out, Washington style. I foresee a wholesale slaughter of Republicans in the mid-term based on this issue and their never-ending obstructionism during the Obama years. One further note: The Republicans are blocking the appointment of the next Fed Governor and have probably engineered the government shutdown to get the Fed to continue the faux stimulus that has the government pumping 85 Billion dollars of freshly printed currency into the marketplace every month. This should have stopped 18 months ago. It effects you and your retirement. Printed paper can only lead to inflation. You can thank the Republicans for this gift.
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17 years 3 months
What's happening out in the world? Did it matter, does it now?
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14 years 8 months

"I ♥ Non Sequuntur > Kim Jong-Un's uncle was stripped naked and fed to 120 starving dogs as the tyrant watched on, a shocking report has claimed...The human race is better than this and will eventually evolve. I wish I could agree with you, Anna, but there seems to be no evidence for your claim." This was reported 24-48 hours ago by NBC news.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Anna, I wasn't questioning whether Jang Song Thaek had been fed to a pack of starving dogs (although there are those who have questioned whether it went down that way), but rather I was saying that I didn't share your conclusion that "The human race is better than this and will eventually evolve." That's the claim for which I can find no evidence and that's what makes us human: we hope even when there is no reason to do so.
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15 years 1 month

49ers at Seahawks should be one for the ages. I've always been a fan of the NFC West for some reason and at least one of my teams will be in the SuperBowl.
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14 years 8 months

I would definitely say that I am glibly optimistic w/o much evidence...
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Member for

14 years 8 months

The World:Sochi Winter Olympics: Likeliness of terrorism Kiev, Ukraine: Weeks of protests turned violent. President wants to side with Russia South Sudan: Hundreds of thousands killed based now on tribe instead of politics. Syria: Stalemate in the war with no end in sight. No unification of the rebels means deadlock. Syrian refugees destabilizing the entire region. Iran eases up on nuclear issue to talk The US: NSA rolls on with minors adjustments, no clemency for Snowden Chris Christy does a belly flop in the Jersey mud. Washington & Colorado: Smokem' while practicing with your AK-47 No extension on unemployment I probably missed a lot of stuff, not paying much attention these days...
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Taylor Swift drives me into a wild tizsy! What a great young talented woman.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I like her too. Also, she seems to have good sense to go with the talent.
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Member for

14 years 8 months

The 6 Wal-Mart heirs are worth more than 48% of the American people. It's time for the minimum wage to be raised to AT LEAST $10 and more like $15! Obama should roll out some good ideas tomorrow night. What a JOKE to believe that everybody in this country has an equal chance for upward mobility. The Republicans have uttered nothing, no words of worth or value for years. Just crap like Tradle of Florida (R) resigning for buying crack in a Fed sting. Immigration Global Warming Infrastructure What do the Repubs want? Repeal of the estate tax so we all can become bloody peasants again!
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17 years 2 months

ol·i·gar·chy [ol-i-gahr-kee] noun, plural ol·i·gar·chies. 1. a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few. 2. a state or organization so ruled. 3. the persons or class so ruling. Origin: 1570–80; < Medieval Latin oligarchia < Greek oligarchía. See olig-, -archy "oligarchy." Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 27 Jan. 2014.
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Member for

14 years 8 months

As soon as you're born they make you feel smallBy giving you no time instead of it all Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all A working class hero is something to be They hurt you at home and they hit you at school They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool Till you're so ****ing crazy you can't follow their rules A working class hero is something to be When they've tortured and scared you for twenty-odd years Then they expect you to pick a career When you can't really function you're so full of fear A working class hero is something to be Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV And you think you're so clever and classless and free But you're still ****ing peasants as far as I can see A working class hero is something to be There's room at the top they're telling you still But first you must learn how to smile as you kill If you want to be like the folks on the hill A working class hero is something to be If you want to be a hero well just follow me by John Lennon
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17 years 2 months

In a world strung out on terror and greedJonesing for success in excess all succeed Fix me up with coffee, tobacco and weed A working class speedball is all that i need A working class speedball is all that i need The world only imagines things to be bought By souls sold into slavery for a recycled plot I free myself buying coffee, tobacco and pot A working class speedball is all that i need A working class speedball is all that i need All you need is love but they want to see the cash But why bust your nut shagging after flashy trash When you can drink coffee, smoke tobacco and some hash A working class speedball is all that you need A working class speedball is all that you need If the world is a hemorrhoid, a pain in the ass Then, like other things, its days too must pass Until then, i'll take coffee, tobacco and grass A working class speedball is all that i need A working class speedball is all that i need Falling out of bed and into the abyss I heard this whispered by a whiskered walrus: Drink coffee, smoke tobacco and canna-bissss A working class speedball is all that you need A working class speedball is all that you need If you want to be a hero, then don't follow me If you want to be a hero, well don't follow me by Mike Edwards
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Member for

15 years 11 months

that pretty much says it all, great lyrics.
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Member for

14 years 8 months

A verse for the new century. Still, my soul is with John Lennon on top of Mt. Royal in Montreal(site for famous anti-war protest around 1970)
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Member for

12 years 1 month

'Imagine one thousand suns in thesky at the same time. Let them shine for one hour. Then, let them gradually melt into the sky. Make one tunafish sandwich and eat.' by Yoko Ono
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Wow, thanks for the quote RL. Never was much into Yoko but this one blew me away! I'll have to try the meditation some time (as long as the tuna is dolphin-free!) (%);~}
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Member for

14 years 8 months

While Obama will try to salvage some of his presidency this evening nothing eventful is going to happen except what he can do himself without the approval of an obstructionist Congress. He may take the opportunity to fire up his base for mid-term elections and 2016. Lord knows his ideas are certainly worthwhile. The middle-class is like a boat collapsing in the middle with people hanging on to either side. There is a lot of poor people freezing in the cold this year, one 20 miles from me. But what brings a soul-less rage to my mind is the inability to effect change by basic Americans. The damn right to vote is under attack in almost every red state. And that is if you believe the power of the ballot would ever change anything in a two party system. In effect, this two-party system draws off the people who would otherwise be the capable ones in effecting some real change. The Supreme Court rearranges the Constitution and Bill of Rights like pieces on a chess board according to how the winds are blowing. There are good people in this country but very few have the power or cojones like Ed Snowden to effect even a ripple of change in the abomination that is and has been American foreign and domestic policy. I'm tuning out the ritual of the State of the Union tonight. I already know the state: SOUL-LESS!
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12 years 1 month

"Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation." - Henry A. Kissinger
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Member for

14 years 8 months

At 9am and called him a thug and and said he should be charged for threatening murder and thrown out of Congress. After saying I wasn't a constituent they hung up on me. Brooklyn manners, typical. This was a disgrace and the capitol police should press charges. This guy needs anger management at the least and benzodiazapines at worst. His scared and humble response was such a crock later in the day. CNN is playing a tape this morning where he asks CNN not to play the footage! There are good politicians but they are the 10% for sure.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Yesterday, Edward Snowden was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by two Norwegian politicians. Snowden's story is still being told, so its cultural significance has not yet been determined, but I do find this nomination to be notable because it provides an alternative to the narrative being promoted by the US government.
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Member for

14 years 8 months

There is already a campaign underway to paint Snowden, Greenfield & Assange in the same political colors. The last reformation of the NSA was brought about 40 years ago by whistle-blowers who broke into a government office building and removed sensitive files. Pleading to any kind of reduced charge on Snowden's part would be a cop-out and unseemly. Obama should grant him executive clemency -- there are too many hardliners in the military-intelligence community who consider him the USA's most damaging spy ever and feel that he has to be made an example of. Of course, giving him the Nobel Peace Prize would piss-off America enough to throw Norway out of NATO!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Holy Crap this Ukraine thing is heavy! Sochi Olympics? Wouldn't go if I had free tickets and an all inclusive paid trip!! Looking forward to the curling though...
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I was snowed in today, btw. Current events.
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Member for

12 years 1 month

it's safe to say, they won't be getting 100% today :)))
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Member for

14 years 8 months

A man who started out out in a boat for El Salvador in September of 2012 ended up in the Marshall Islands. He is recovering nicely after his 16 month ocean sojourn where he said he survived on birds, fish and turtles. He was lost for 16 months He was a Lost Sailor He spent far too much time at sea
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Given current events, I don't know if it's irony or just synchronicity that brought this year's 2 teams together but it should be a good game!P.S. Oh, and happy Groundhog's Day. Anyone know if Punxatawny Phil saw his shadow?
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Even though it was cloudy in Western Pa.. Even Puxatawney Phil is corrupt! Anyway, we're expecting 6-12 inches of snow Wed-Thu in interior NE. Wish it would snow in the Sierra - no snowpack means no water for the Central Valley means higher veggie prices. All of Cali on water conservation. Counting the days till our winter Alabama Getaway (just below in Fla.).
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Member for

12 years 1 month

"The Super Bowl will provide a venue to acclimate the American people to the presence of the military." ( The government will provide F-16's, at a cost of millions of $, to enforce a no fly zone over New Jersey's MetLife stadium, with a $100K fly over of Blackhawk helicopters. Seriously?????????? I guess with so many educated people still not being able to find a decent job, you never know when an unemployed white, middle-aged engineer whose Lithium prescription ran out two weeks ago will decide to fly a suicide mission with his Cessna on 3rd and down. It could happen. Millions of $ for the Super Bowl. But cut unemployment bennies to those most desperately in need. It's not hard to see where priorities lie in the Land of the Absurd. GO BEATLES!!!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

...the NFL is tax exempt. I actually learned that on CSPAN this morning, and that the MLB is not!
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Member for

14 years 8 months

From the first play of the game when the center snapped the ball past Denver's Peyton Manning into the end-zone for a safety you knew it was going to be one of those super blow-outs. The militarization of security plus squadrons of helicopters doing a flyover after the national anthem seemed hyped for the world's most violent game. Fans were delayed for hours getting to their seats due to elaborate searches.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Seattle won the game with incredibly tough defense. Keeping Denver's offense off the field was a work of art, although time of possession reveals Seattle with 31:53 and Denver with 28:07. Sure seemed like Peyton Manning was on the bench for much of the first half while Russell Wilson and Percy Harvin were running all over the field.Demaryius Thomas, Denver's wide receiver, set a Super Bowl record with 13 receptions, so there was the one Bronco highlight. BTW, Chelsea Manning is in the military prison in lovely Leavenworth KS, just north of KC on a bluff overlooking the Missouri River. Leavenworth also has a federal penitentiary and 2 or 3 state corrections facilities. Eagles quarterback Micheal Vick was a guest of the federal pen a few years back.
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Just as Janet Yellen is sworn in as Federal Reserve Chairperson.... Yellen has sworn to follow Bernanke's policies and was VP to Bernanke since 2010. After pumping money into the economy for FIVE years by buying 85 Billion in Treasuries a month after 4 monster stimuluses since 2008 one wonders how corporations could POSSIBLY be losing money. It was laughable hearing Yellen say her role as Fed Chair was to help all of the American people. No, not all; far from all. She works for the 2%. It has been well-proven now that a rising tide will not lift all boats. Except for those boats along both coasts that will be lashed by global-warmth driven storms. American banking has returned to it's speculative ways after insisting on being bailed out and gutting new regulatory laws. Instead of doing things like building and re-building infrastructure and other investment in new start-ups and pouring some of it's king-ass pile of foliage into venture they are again resorting to derivatives and other ways of making money from thin air that is connected to no real, tangible goods. One wonders about the road ahead. A correction is merely a correction and I look forward to a good old bull rally till May, minus any major crises. But a house of cards ievitably falls. ~ Sell in May; Go away ~
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Member for

12 years 1 month

Thank you Gr8fulTed.I really should've remembered the change to Chelsea. How terribly remiss. Denver still should've played her though.
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Member for

14 years 8 months

It is little known that Europeans celebrate about 30 paid holidays per year. American proles are entitled to be paid 8 hours (if they work full time) for a total of six, count'em, 6 holidays. They are:Jan 1 Memorial Day 4th of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Christmas On the other hand, there is a class of people composed of Federal and State Municipal employees, Bankers/Lawyers/Insurance professionals (& elements of other professions), Teachers and students who also celebrate: Martin Luther King Day Washington's/Lincoln's B'day; President's Day; Mattress Day Columbus day Veteran's Day Day After Thanksgiving If you live in the South, this class might also get: Lee-Jackson Day Confederate Heroes Day Robert E. Lee Day Thomas Jefferson's Birthday Confederate Memorial Day The point is, is addition to an unfair minimum wage, the proles in this country have only six days in a year where they get a paid holiday. In a supposedly classless society the middle to upper-middle class manage to grab another 5. The whack-jobs in the South get another 5. In none of these cases do the number of paid holidays reach that of the other modern industrialized countries. Why must American workers suffer this indignity? Is it really so much to ask for 30 paid days off a year in addition to 2-6 weeks of paid vacation along with 7 personal days, 7 sick days and 6 months of paid maternity/paternity leave? Is that socialism or just a normal, decent way to treat those who create wealth? I hate to say what I consider those who feel this to be socialism. By the way, Happy Mattress Day!
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Member for

14 years 8 months

For not moving quickly enough to turn in all known pedophiles within the ranks of priests and Bishops and Arch-Bishops and Cardinals. Bergoglio has no doubt shown many positive actions, many of them seemingly genuine. I, for one, was greatly moved by reports in the media that he went out into Rome and ministered among the poor during the nights. But, when reports of such heel-dragging come to light it has to make one wonder if a genuinely motivated, simple priest was promoted too far through the ranks and his very humble actions are being cynically manipulated by a corrupt hierarchy of entrenched Cardinals to re-brand the church and keep the faithful throwing into the collection plate, especially among the Hispanics of South America to Mexico. Bergoglio will have to show a forceful hand among that cabal of Cardinals who presume to plot the strategy of the Roman Catholic Church.
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Member for

15 years 11 months

never heard of that one or all the others that you have mentioned in your post, what part of the south celebrate these days, I lived in the south 39 years, never heard of any of these holidays, especially paid holidays. Believe it or not, a lot of people in this country never get any paid holidays, any part time employee does not get paid holidays, or paid vacations, or even pay that you can live on. It's only gonna get worse for these people. Now that there will be a flood of new workers out there since their unemployment has been cut, there will be a lot more part time workers out there getting no pay and no benefits, including paid holidays. Amerika, what a country.
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Admittedly, this is not a typical company, but the one my spouse works for gives part-time employees health insurance after a qualifying period of working 1000 hours in a one year period. They give 2 weeks of vacation (@22 hours per week or more) after working at least 2400 hours in two years. Oh yeah, they get 4 hours paid on the obligatory 6 holidays, though they might have to work the actual holiday There are a small percentage (less than 10%) of companies that do the right thing and treating their part-time employees with the dignity and respect they deserve. My spouse works full time and gets family health insurance for $225 a month with reasonable co-pays.
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Member for

14 years 8 months

For the Republicans to punt. Whether their constituency wants "colored" people in the great American ascendency or not -- they ARE! Just like the Jews, Italians, Irish, Swedes and every other color of people who ever passed through Ellis Island. We all want our orange juice for $3 a half gallon and other similar citrus and farm products like milk (yes, milk!) at around the same rate. It is only by discriminating against illegal aliens that we get those prices. Think the price of food is high right now?? Here in Vermont we've got Mexicans down on the farm who can't get driver's licenses who risk their semi-legal status just to go to the store to send money or go see a prostitute after being on that snow-bound farm for three months. More than that, the children of these workers become naturalized citizens and they enter the "ascendency' and go to school and compete for spaces among the professional classes with white people. They work twice as hard and they totally deserve those jobs and they add immeasurable joy to the broken arms, hands and bodies of those parents who dreamed that their child might some day make it, the son or daughter of an agricultural immigrant. The Republicans just show themselves for the selfish, prejudiced people they really are. The elitist scum who have forgotten their own recent generational history.
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Most state workers had the day off because it was a Georgia government holiday, Confederate Memorial Day. The official date isn't until Thursday, April 26, but the state observes it on a Monday to provide employees with a three day weekend. Confederate Memorial Day was first declared an official Georgia holiday in 1874 and has been observed ever since. Six other southern states also celebrate it: Florida and Alabama (April 23), Mississippi (April 30), North and South Carolina (May 10) and Texas (January 19). The holiday was set aside to remember those who died fighting for the Confederacy, many of whom are buried in several local cemeteries. (Texas takes the case for insensitivity, celebrating this holiday 4 days after MLK Day)
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Having been a southern man for a few years, you left out Fat Tuesday: folks in south Louisiana, and maybe along the gulf coast as well, get the day off to go party!For all you yanks, Fat Tuesday is synonymous with Mardi Gras and falls each year before Ash Wednesday. 35 years later, I've retired from federal service. While working for the USDA, the Friday after Thanksgiving was never a paid holiday.
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Member for

12 years 1 month

Thank you, Anna. Your assessment of the illegal immigrant agricultural labor force is spot-on. Same situation here in WI. I've worked with Latino families in agriculture for the last 8 yrs here and there are at least a few recurring themes as to why they risk making an honest living here and risk deportation: 1. Most Mexican families leave Mexico for the lack of employment opportunities, but even more so, for the very serious corruption, mostly from police, organized crime, and gangs. Justice has not much meaning there or expense and young people are very serious targets for gang recruiting. The parents want their children to have a future and they know that can happen here. 2. The avg. American will not even apply for the positions that the Mexican families will apply for - thus assuring a steady and stable form of employment here. There is a greenhouse operation owner in Alabama who claims that in the last 33 yrs of his operation, not one caucasion person has even so much as filled out an application for employment. But that doesn't sell TV commercial space. We do get to hear about Mexican gang members and marijuana growers, though. That shit sells airtime. 3. Working long days in the fields, risking exposure to pesticides, is something that even minors can do and is it a not-so-well-known fact that [many] American employers overlook age so that they can have entire families employed, often for minimum wage (or less) or just slightly higher. They are some of the most family oriented, happy-go-lucky people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. And you're right, if they were paid what they were worth, our food prices would easily double. From what I can see after 8 yrs of observation, these native Central Americans simply want a chance to have a future for their family and they're willing to do the work here that no one else wants to do with low pay and often no benefits in order to achieve that goal.
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Member for

12 years 1 month

Congratulations to Lizzy Yarnold on her Sochi Olympics Gold Medal in Skeleton.Focused, polite, sincere, humble, determined, inspiring. Now away to those waffles and muffins. You probably deserve it, I reckon....
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10 years 6 months

I am looking for suggestions of original acoustic songs that were done by Mother Mcree's Uptown Jug Band, and the Warlocks, and for which clean recordings exist.Scott Ward, the Minister of Music for 1st Unitarian Church in Wilmington, DE, is planning to let the various incarnations of the band provide the musical accompaniment to the worship program in an upcoming April service. Toward that goal, Scot asked for my help, and I in turn, am asking for your help - leveraging the power of the collective, so to speak. There will be 4 or 5 musical interludes, and we have potentially covered 2 - 3 of them with Sage & Spirit from he Blues for Allah sessions, and Heaven Help the Fool from the Warfield run (although a clean quality recording would be helpful). Scott is really interested in getting something from the early years and lineups, which is well before my time and outside of my experience. Any and all input and ideas are greatly appreciated and gratefully received. Please post back and / or reach out directly ( Great thanks to all, Brian