• 580 replies
    Here and there in the forums people are expressing their enthusiasm for particular candidates in the upcoming U.S. elections, while others are saying Enough Already, We Don't Want To Hear About It. So, this is the right place to discuss your favorites (or non-favorites) and other matters relevant to the campaign. If you're not into it, skip this topic! And as for all you non-U.S. residents, if you want a similar topic for what's going on in your part of the world, speak up and I'll start it. Thanks!


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  • c_c
    I used to be a "joe six-pack" then I became a "Joe 'fifth of John Daniels' in my back pocket" then I became a "Joe cheap burgandy red wine in a 3 quart box" finally, I reached my own personal NIRVANA by being a "Joe Cheese Whiz" living on the straight and narrow these days... people change. trouble is, I suppose, in some cases, no matter how clearly an opinion is presented, and no matter how carefully the 'directions' are written on the label, some people will always fuck it up or mis-understand the 'real' purpose of a "product" anyway, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, for everyone, and if it is your Cheese Whiz, and your clothes, do with it what you will, but please keep in mind, we all share this washing machine. doesn't it say on a box of Q-tips, do not insert into your ear? what the fuck?? even the obvious can remain unclear. peace.
  • Gypsy Cowgirl
    What the F__K!?!
    Greg SC-Phil believes in what he believes in, so what the hell? They all support Obama, so what's the big deal? Who ever said Obama is an Anti-Life candidate? I'll have to research that one. I agree with Hal R-the Republicans had their chance & they've screwed it up royally. Selfish sons of bitches........enjoy the music & be done with all this bullshit. Gypsy Cowgirl ps-if I felt like telling you who I am, I could tell you more, but I'd rather be a mystery
  • johnman
    shot down
    just a little clarification here....i 'm not supporting anyone or anything.....being "shot down" means the opposing side poked so many holes in your aircraft that it falls from the sky......you don't get " shot down" flying to pennsylvania.... your aircraft may fall from the sky for other reasons........like, mechanical failure, or pilot error, o.k.? thank you for your time.
  • Hal R
    Greg SC
    The Republicans had their chance and what do we get - 4,000 American's killed in Iraq for George JR and his big lies and future generations will be paying for it. McCain is still in a Vietnam War type mentality. He thinks that war could have been won and this one too. Sinking more American lives and money into death for nothing. Thank you for your service now go off and die for us. Something some of us have a major problem with. Those of us who aren’t fortunate sons see our relatives and friends end up maimed, psychologically damaged and dead for the lies of the rich Bush and McCain types of this country. Plus all the innocent Iraqis. And this is pro-life? I think a woman should not be forced by a patriarchal system to carry through with an unwanted pregnancy. That early in the pregnancy she should be given a choice. You and I obviously disagree on when an independent life begins. It is a difficult choice, I leave it up to the individual woman to decide, you don't, you feel that you have the answer for her. Sarah Palin strong, sure, maybe like an ox barging its way through a kitchen. Independent, sure, but being president is about working with others and reaching agreement. I don't think she has these skills. A wink doesn't do it in the realm of world politics. She is not dealing with Joe six pack here. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • Greg SC
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    right on.
    Billy and Is420 I couldn't agree with you more! Amen! The only reason I am even stating on these threads who it is I support, is because Phil and Bobby (and Bruce, and Neil), have decided to get political. So once that starts, it gets polarizing. That is why I am horrified that Phil and Bobby have twice now publicly designed fundraiser shows for Obama. I think it stinks. I never used to talk politics to anyone. I would just sit there, drink a beer, and have fun, keeping my political thoughts to myself. But now, these guys are out there stirring up a hornet's nest. They should really think about what they are doing. But then, maybe they now have enough money not to give a crap. I also can't help but wonder why Phil, a guy who went through hell with his liver transplant, is now supporting an Anti-Life candidate like Obama. It blows me away. Greg SC
  • ls420
    who would you hire
    I am totally agree with keeping music separate from politics. But since we have opened the can of worms, here are some things to think about. Obama: Occidental College - Two years. Columbia University - B.A. political science with a specialization in international relations. Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude & Biden: University of Delaware - B.A. in history and B.A. in political science. Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.) vs. McCain: United States Naval Academy - Class rank 894 out of 899 (meaning that, like George Bush, McCain was at the bottom of his class) Palin: Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in journalism Palin created a highway on an island across from Juno to link the mainland with an airport. When it was finished she vetoed the bridge to the mainland, wasting 17 million dollars. Before she was governor she was mayor of a town of 5000. She has never been out of the country. McCain only became a P.O.W. by being one of the worst naval pilots ever. The first time he was shot down he was trying to steal a plane to fly to Pennsylvania to see his girl friend. There is just about as much dirt on Obama. He did associate with terrorists, when he was six. In his books, Obama admits attending "socialist conferences" and coming into contact with Marxist literature. But he ridicules the charge of being a "hard-core academic Marxist," which was made by his colorful and outspoken 2004 U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes. Anyway, I don't think either candidate is totally honest or even a good American. I do believe in knowing the truth. You can find any of this via Google search engine. Make sure to triple cross reference, since there is a lot of dirt being thrown. STAY AWARE!!!!
    Hey GregSC...
    You said:>>And Sarah Palin is a sharp cookie ... but she became victim of a vindictive interview, and a editing designed to rip her to pieces. No matter what the woman would have said would have been wrong ... There have been tons of these types of interviews, gaffes, studderings, and confused moments, etc., of Obama, but the press sweeps those under the carpet. >>If this woman had been running for President for the last 2+ years, she'd be head and shoulders above Obama or anyone. At the moment she is playing catch up, but in the end, she has real substance, and will be light years ahead of any party-line politician like Obama. So let me get this straight...the VINDICTIVE questions like "What newspapers do you read?" and "How does Alaska's close proximity to Russia give you foreign policy credentials?" were GOTCHA questions? Unfair journalism??? SHARP??? Put down the crackpipe and slowly walk away. Medic? Over here in SC... Dude...she has yet to be able to sit down and answer ANY question with authority. TWO DAYS AGO, she was questioned on the export of Alaskan oil to China. I'm sure you've read one of many articles on this - here's a quick reference. It's an AP article - all sources verified: http://www.comcast.net/articles/news-politics/20081010/Palin.Oil.Export… Now, PLEASE stop pretending this woman is "on the ball". She came out swinging and energized her party to the point where I was getting nervous. Then the real Sarah Palin came through. She WILL make a good politician ONE DAY. She's not ready for prime time, bro. Obama - wet noodle? You mean the man who's rallied over 20 MILLION people, including THOUSANDS of hard-core conservatives (like 6 seperate households on my own street?!!) to back him? Yeah, wet noodle....classic. Read his plan. Read McCain's plan. One is filled with vision and common sense and shows how everything is paid for. The other does nothing but say how he thinks his opponent will bring this country to "the brink of disaster" (apparently worse than we already are). I'll let you guess which plan belongs to whom. They are both available on their respective websites for public download. I recommend some reading. ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
  • Billy S
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    Just a thought....
    Now this is just a thought......but maybe.... just maybe.... the political landscape has changed over the years....I dunno, everything else has, so why not politics and the way that the monster is ran. I have no problem with ANYBODY stepping forward and presenting who they are or aren't supporting. They...just like you SC have everyright to to show support for one candidate or another. You don't have to agree with them, and if it's more than you can stomach, then by all means it's up to you to decide if you even wanna support the person that's doing the supporting. Pretty novel idea I know, but it's "your" choice to decide what to do with what you see and hear. Ever since the "Rock to Vote" campains started, it has grown into people from all aspects of life on BOTH sides of the party lines showing their support of a certain candidate. Since there seems to be people (and although very sad and pathetic) that can't decide for themselves what's best for them, You now have people trying to inform others on what they think is best. I may be totally misunderstanding you and the point your trying to make here, but in a way, your doin pretty much the same thing on this board as Phil, Bobby, Bruce, and Neil are doin in concert. You've been pretty vocal on who you support, and that's your right I guess...as far as Palin...I can't stomach her, and find the little winks and smiles at the camera repulsive. She's not your "average" joe...She's nothing like me, or anyone else I know....ya know..."Your Six Pack Joes". or whatever it is she calls them. But hey, If there is any beauty in Politics at all, and I don't think there is...It's that you have the right to your own opinions, and you have the right to voice them, and get this....YOU have the right to vote! What ever your convictions are that helps you decide what you think is best, you get to use them. Get what I'm sayin'....The 4 above metioned individuals, that you are so put off by right now, becouse of the stances they've decided to take...Right or Wrong...It's their choice my friend. That's why, me personally, hate discussing politics. It tends to lead to angry and hurt feelings most of the time. People can be so compassionate about their beliefs, they tend to forget, that the people their discussing it with, are just as compassionate. Oh well....I better quit rambling here...I tend not to make alot of sense most of the time,..lol.. So sorry if I've carried on. Just my 2 cents.
  • Greg SC
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    two threads are better than one.
    Hal R I think the Neil Young, Bruce, and Phil were from another thread... But since you brought it up, let me clear it up. I think music should be kept seperate from politics. Even Bob Dylan never named names, he would just get people thinking about political themes... What I see coming from Phil, Bobby, Bruce, and Neil Young these days is a bunch of telling people WHO to vote for, and being quite blatant about it. And, yes, it will cause their musical careers to FADE AWAY. I went to see Phil in Charlotte NC the other day, and the Phil show was blown out of the water by the Allman Brothers Band (who opened for them!). Phil needs to spend more time gettting his band sharp, getting good cameramen, and getting good mixing board techs, and possibly picking up one more guitarist, rather than going down the depressive road of politics -- especially for that wet noodle, Barack Obama. That was my point. And Sarah Palin is a sharp cookie ... but she became victim of a vindictive interview, and a editing designed to rip her to pieces. No matter what the woman would have said would have been wrong ... There have been tons of these types of interviews, gaffes, studderings, and confused moments, etc., of Obama, but the press sweeps those under the carpet. If this woman had been running for President for the last 2+ years, she'd be head and shoulders above Obama or anyone. At the moment she is playing catch up, but in the end, she has real substance, and will be light years ahead of any party-line politician like Obama. Greg SC
  • free idea
    sox held on
    the sox held on for the win.always liked my tv news in black&white, not so depressing somehow, and my baseball i like through the radio, so i can use my imagination more. 'and we bid you goodnight"
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Member for

17 years 4 months
Here and there in the forums people are expressing their enthusiasm for particular candidates in the upcoming U.S. elections, while others are saying Enough Already, We Don't Want To Hear About It. So, this is the right place to discuss your favorites (or non-favorites) and other matters relevant to the campaign. If you're not into it, skip this topic! And as for all you non-U.S. residents, if you want a similar topic for what's going on in your part of the world, speak up and I'll start it. Thanks!
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17 years 3 months

Yo TC in AZ: Flying Dog used to have a joint in Denver, but moved out and are in Maryland. Have you ever tried the KiltLifter in Phoenix? A coworker here in KC really likes the brew there. If you ever run into Oskar Blues Beer, check out Dale's Pale or Gordon's. Gr8ful TC in KC
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16 years 9 months

Just went and voted. Walked right up to my polling station and no waiting. About half of my district had already shown up, which is usually more than they get for the whole day. This is going to be a record turnout. And about friggin' time, too. I consider voting a social responsibility, and I have yet to miss any election in which I'm eligible to vote in. So if you still haven't gotten out there yet, please do. We're all counting on you! Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 9 months

gonna try one more time......can't stand too long, mebbe no line now....gotta do it either way....i don't remember the lines EVER being this long...chargin' my phone now!!! and of course now the wind is kickin' up.........
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Member for

17 years 1 month

listening to CNN-problems again @ voting places in Pa......no problem here in our district of SF.......hope it's the same in the others...TODAY IS YOUR VOTING DAY!!!!! NO OTHER....!!!!! ADAMENT ABOUT YOUR REGISTRATION-I'm quoting CNN...... xoxox Gypsy Cowgirl gotta run
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17 years 4 months

Like swimming in a clear cold topaz blue mountain lake high in the sierra's.That feeling when you walk home from voting. Totally blissed out and smiling. We can change the world, one vote at a time. peace,pk
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16 years 9 months

in line at 1245........finished at 1510....2 hrs 15 min in line.......once i received my ballot was another 10 min 'til i was done.......i will now drink all of the beer, stand aside!
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17 years 4 months

I'll remain cynical and skeptical till all of the votes are in, but Barack seems to be aHEAD. peace.
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16 years 9 months

'spose i should let him know that he might be the new state auditor AND public lands commissioner for washington
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16 years 7 months

Well I voted in 5 minutes here in Fl., no waiting. Speaking with my friends wife earlier, she said maybe Obama's grandmother could help him more from the other side. I told her I had goosebumps just hearing that. Peace
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17 years 4 months

Pennsylvania goes to Obama! Thank you Bobby, Phil, Billy, and Mickey. For your grate efforts to bring us the change we need. peace,pk
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16 years 9 months

Republicans, because the party's over. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 4 months

Obama 49%McCain 49% actually Obama is ahead by 132 votes at this point. This is unbelievable. Nebraska hasn't split our electoral votes since 1964! Hey Hal, we got out the vote!!! The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 4 months

AP is just announcing that Obama won Virginia. Whoa! Polls are still open for ten minutes in California. Maybe longer if people are still lined up!
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17 years 4 months

This is a magical time. Wow. He will win california,oregon, and washington and thats the start of a new era.
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16 years

The right man won.now the all the hard work starts.He has one hell of job ahead of him
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17 years 4 months

OK, I've been politically ambiguous to this point, because well, I'm like that. I guess I've hinted at my stance as I tirelessly monitored the Change Rocks concert info as well as the DH for Obama concert info, so I would like to now simply say, "YES!!!!!" I'd also like to say, "Oroboros - much love! I still listen to those discs at least 2-3 times a week and I'm still stuck on 6-9-77. It just never gets old for me. Love!"
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17 years 3 months

Wonderful new historic day. World over here seems to be exhaling in relief.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 3 months

I think you made the right choice..someone who can start to undo the enormous harm done by GWB and cronies. Please keep him safe and give him time!
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17 years 3 months

The election of Obama as the US President is historic. And like many historical figures, he may just find himself on a stamp someday. Food stamps that is. Americans have collectively voted that they want more government programs and are not willing to take full accountability and responsibility for themselves. Furthermore, American ingenuity will dampened with all the tax increases. It appears that there is a fundamental change taking place toward more socialist programs and activities across America and the globe. I am totally against redistribution of wealth. While I don't have much, I want to keep all I have and get. All were fed up with That (the Bush Administration) that they elected This (Obama), when This is not that great either. But it is what it is and we move forward.
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16 years 11 months

So happy ....... It's like seeing a very good old lost friend back with a large smile on his face ....... BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO ............... Sad black and wite time 's over let's get into the mixing colors years .... Grateful Marek from France.
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17 years 3 months

The post-election party in Grant Park looked like a real good time! Good luck, Mr. President-elect, in building an effective Cabinet. Congress has a few more Democrats to grease the wheels of progress.
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17 years 4 months

not falling into their time-honored pattern of succumbing to hubris and adopting all the vile behavior that got their opponents thrown out--cronyism, corruption, pork, coziness with lobbyists instead of the citizenry, etc. I for one am not forgetting for a second that the evils of the last eight years are the result of Bill Clinton's pathological inability to keep his pants zipped or tell the truth, and I do not want to see this movie and its aftermath again. When you have a pack of slavering Newties determined to use any pretext to bring you down and the well-being of the country depends on their not succeeding, cavorting with interns and lying about it is arrogant, borderline criminal stupidity from which it is perfectly clear that Rhodes Scholars are not immune.
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17 years 3 months

I don't care what anybody does with their own time, just don't do on the Democratic Party's time. What didn't Clinton get? That guy changed the course of history with his stupidity. Dan White of San Francisco could't face the city he grew up in after what he did. Clinton's walking around like nothing happened. Republicans can get away with that, but not a Democrat. What didn't he get? I will never figure that one out.
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17 years 3 months

marye, but please what is a Newtie? (blush)********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 4 months

oh, yeah, marye, that is so right on. I have always thought it quite shameful that in our land of opportunity, we only have a two party system. makes me want to 'Ralph' (throw up) yuk yuk yuk... ( -; yeah, yeah yeah, I know all about them libertarians, and the greens, and the indies et al; but they don't have any real chance of winning... but from this 'Nadir' I dont see them winning nationally. but quite honestly, I never thought I'd live to see the day that a man of colour would get in the 'White' house; so I hope I'm wrong about not thinking the other 'parties', the lesser known, lesser funded candidates may someday get in there, too. here's hoping about that for the long term future. meanwhile, I hope Barrack will get this country back on track, have to keep raising the 'Barr' on him; I hope he rises to the challenge... and I especially hope and pray some ignoramus bigot racist asshole doesn't kill him.
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17 years 4 months

Newt Gingrich type, newtie I also hope someday there will be a tie-dye room in the White House!! maybe replace that 'yellow room' did I ever tell you folks the story about how I puked all over a set of beautiful marble stairs INSIDE the White House? c. 1977/78 Carter years. too many peanuts early in the am, I reckon. peace.
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16 years 4 months

Well , now that the dems are in full control, they can't blame the rascally republicans any more. They control the executive branch plus the legislative branch. I don't want to hear any more whining from Tom Dashle. If they screw this up, then we can throw the bums out in in 2010 and 2012. "I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do"--Lion Wizard of Oz
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17 years 4 months

Remember, it will take some time to repair all the damage from the last 8 years. I hope he's up to the task. I voted for Obama, and proud to say so! Peace everyone
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17 years 4 months

I guess one of the best things about this Obama win, is many of us will get our redistribution checks from the man. He said he will be increasing taxes on the rich, so I'd expect him to be whacking Bobby, Phil, Mickey, and the other members with higher taxes. Then turning around and handing the money over to us. We might see it as getting a discount, or bonus coupon back, for all the money we give them during the year. Hey, go Obama! Greg SC
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17 years 4 months

maybe just maybe... if Weir, Lesh, Kreutzman, and Hart gotta pay higher taxes they will hit the road for a new The Dead tour. I'd also love a combo Phil and Friends / Rat Dog tour. AND, I want Hunter to be the opening act. ( -; peace.
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17 years 4 months

Here we go again, like deja vu all over again.Best to stand up and help your neighbor, than sit and criticize. We can all have a hand in making this country great again, together, as one, against all odds. Like this band I heard, they were, and are, really cool. They came up against the norm, started with a small following, leaving people saying, wow, these guys are really different. They seem unrehearsed and very improvasional. They don't use que cards, seems to come from the heart. Hey, thats the same song...oh thats a different arrangment..it seems they keep thinking and trying to make it better. Trying to make it Just Exactly Perfect. They crossed the aisles..thats Branford Marsalis playing with them, isn't he a jazz musician, hey thats Hamza El Din, isnt he egyptian... and they recreated a song and it was as if it had always been played that way. They have a wonderful and varied following. They are all individuals and they are very different, with a common goal, a goal they are still tyring to perfect and define, and it is like life itself. It never ends. Always trying to make it just exactly perfect. Always evovlving, always thinking. New ideas, always thinking, not afraid to climb out of the box. Not afraid of different ideas. It seems like what Barack is doing is much the same in it's essence. And he needs all of us to help with ideas, effort, and support to make this world around us just exactly perfect. "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" John F. Kennedy peace,hope and a new era. pk
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17 years 4 months

I just learned that John Leopold, an old pal who's sometimes seen around these parts, won the runoff election for Santa Cruz County supervisor in his district. Having known John since he and twin Dave were 18-year-old Heads back in the day, and having actually been his wedding photographer, I've gotta say, WOO HOO!
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17 years 4 months

That is really grate news. About time, the world is coming around. WOO HOO TOO!!! ps I love santa cruz, a favorite spot.
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17 years 4 months

Man, I've been waiting for Obama to win so I can quit my job, and get taken care of. I think I might just take the moment to thank the Lord, and then write a personal letter to Obama, saying how I need his help. This is going to be a great four years. Thank you Obama, you have promised alot, but don't take off that Santa Clause suit, as I'll be needing health care, car insurance, gas subsidies, food stamps, etc. Man, my excitement has yet to stop. Greg SC
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17 years 4 months

Geez, I hope everyone is thinking like you Greg, then nothing will get done and we can all starve.
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17 years 4 months

gonna change your name to richard, greg?no one has a magic wand, it don't get fixed if everyone doesn't help!
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17 years 4 months

It's all in the attitude. And with attitudes like that.....it's ok, I believe lots of grate people will help and thats ok if you don't. Just sit back, criticize,be cynical, it's ok. We will all make sure you have a better world to be miserable in, no worries.
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16 years 9 months

but i believe he's saying that government is far too involved and this could easily become what alot of people view as a "nanny state" where the powers that be take care of everything and there is little or no personal responsibility.many of our larger cities have generations of people who have lived on welfare, without attempting to better their lives themselves. now i am not saying he's right, and maybe his view is extreme, but we are all entitled to our opinions and he might be closer to the truth then we realize.
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17 years 4 months

1st have a cookie, now i agree with what you say about the "inner cities" and welfare and those ticks... but just possibly some will see that they do have a chance now, change can only come about if the majority roll with it. if everyone plants their feet and refuses to budge then nothing happens! it is a group effort!!! like pk said, it's attitude, positive is good, negative is bad!now have another cookie : )
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17 years 4 months

I think anyone who looks at Barack Obama and believes he is just going to hand out checks to folks for the sake of hand outs is not paying attention to his past, or present ideaologies. He has worked as a community organizer, to help give people a hand up to contribute to society. He states he wants to help kids get into higher learning if... they give back a substaintial effort to the country. He is way past "the welfare state" , he is looking to get everyone working and contributing to our country. I believe if you worked for Barack Obama you would have to work hard and you would be rewarded. this is his whole lifes goal. As opposed to a few getting "rich" , both in money and resourses and leaving the many,many others out there with no money or resourses, and what do you do with that, especially the latter. What you do is stagnat, Watch, but remember, you must put out the effort to make it work before you can sit and judge that it is a failure. Time to get to work.
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16 years 9 months

just an opinion and i'm reserving my own.....a wait and see kind of thing, but i'm hoping my taxes don't go up.....i can't afford them now, i always seem to owe every year. i aint got a job just the $800 a month i get from the navy, and they want to garnish that. i've never cheated on my income tax and i don't know how many people can say that. i can't take much more.
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17 years 4 months

some folks have just never had the joy of getting a miracle ticket. worse than that, some folks have just never had the extreme pleasure of GIVING a miracle ticket. all a matter of point of view. THIS scene is about caring and sharing. peace.
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Member for

16 years 9 months

bought a ticket without at least two extra for someone.......my first show was a gift........i'll jus' hafta wait 'n see.........................................sure would like a cookie, though
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17 years 4 months

fair trade: cookies for tix! or tix for cookies! to give what s/he has, to get what s/he needs. peace.