• 580 replies
    Here and there in the forums people are expressing their enthusiasm for particular candidates in the upcoming U.S. elections, while others are saying Enough Already, We Don't Want To Hear About It. So, this is the right place to discuss your favorites (or non-favorites) and other matters relevant to the campaign. If you're not into it, skip this topic! And as for all you non-U.S. residents, if you want a similar topic for what's going on in your part of the world, speak up and I'll start it. Thanks!


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  • Bamski
    Not into Politics
    I am not really interested in politics and don't think this site should be a forum for political conversation. But that is niether her or there. I view John McCain as the best of the options likely to be on the ticket for President. I am interested in increased levels of defense spending, lower taxes for both corporations and individuals, smaller government, and the privatization of social security (which will likely never happen). Nonetheless, my vote really means nothing in liberal New York, where I just get my vote on the record and is not enough to put a Republican candidate over the top. Mr. Pid, you are correct when you say that the President gets too much credit and too much blame regarding the strength and weakness in the economy. Actually, the Federal Reserve probably plays a greater role in the health of the economy than the President does. This is something that is lost on most people. Just my quick 2 cent political rant.
  • Mr. Pid
    Recapping Roles
    I wouldn't purport to speak for Mr. Obama, but I would like to make a response to the thrust of Ms. Glick's piece. Given the target audience and venue of publication of her article, I can well understand her preoccupation with the import to Israel of the US Presidential election. While US foreign policy is certainly a relevant and germane issue, it is NOT the most ordinate one. The election of a US President is about what's best for the US, not what's best for Israel. Further, US policy towards the Arab and Muslim worlds hasn't exactly been a shining beacon of success and infusing some fresh perspectives there might produce a more constructive future for all, including Israel. As far as a President's ability to "lead" our economy, I think it's important to remember how the basic structure works. All money (i.e. spending) bills originate in the House of Representatives, and must pass muster in the Senate before being forwarded to the Executive branch for final authorization and implementation. The Executive branch has no power to introduce any spending plans of it's own. It is more than welcome, and usually does draft suggestions of what spending they would like to make, but it is the Legislature that actually creates the acts and laws that cause all government spending to occur. That's why I chuckle every time I read some rose colored glass filtered story about the economic prosperity of the Clinton administration. As though Mr. Clinton had anything to do with it. Does everyone remember who was running the Legislature in the 90's? Nevertheless, it is the common misconception that the President deserves the credit - or blame - for the relative success of what is basically a free market economy. In addition to electing a new President this November, every single seat in the House is also on the ballot, along with one third of the seats in the Senate. Just something to keep in mind. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • deadheadkid
    I like Obama for his support of small buisness, but Id be cool with having just about anyone besides Bush in office. Nader would be cool too. yay cool moose party.
  • grog man
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    I'm ready to see some real unity in this country and to get back to a place where people around the world take us seriously again. The problem I see with all of these candidates is that non of them seem to have a strong stance on foreign relations.
  • sakparadise
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    Regarding Obama
    Does he have the ability to lead this country out of it's current mess? Or will he behave like most Democrats and be afraid to govern? All his talk about change will go out the window when he fails in universal health care, aiding Kosovo, tuirniong the econonmy around. Remember, this country will expect quick results and when the country does not get the results can he handle the pressure?
  • cosmicbadger
    the gloves are off in the land of the free
    that nasty Mr Obama, consorting with foreigners, getting dressed up foreigner outfits, knowing people who have radical views, taking an interest in different perspectives as to how things are and might be, not buying into the orthodoxy of the paranoid 'us (=US) and them' world view. Hell pretty soon we are going to hear that he was once mean to a puppy and went to a Dixie Chicks show.
  • Peachy
    Can not believe the politics of Heads!
    I support Obama as any good Head with their eyes open can see Obama isa great man! All the negativity is amazing! If you are a SEER as are Bob, Phil snd Mickey we ALL saw the X factor in Obama- you can HEAR Truth in his voice just as you COULD HEAR IT in the DEAD. I was ASTOUNDED TO FIND MY BROTHERS all agreed enough to reunite- SOMETHING is Happening here and all the pro Israel pro war posters have lost touch. Feel the FORCE- OBAMA has it! WE ALL INDEPENDENTLY CAME TO THE SAME CONCLUSION! ASTOUNDING! LIKE- HEY THIS GUY IS DIFFERENT! Great work boys......and play like its your last GIG always! Black Peter is upon us all...... AUM Peachy!!! GO OBAMA! "if the Thunder don't get ya then the lightning will!"- The Wheel "Gonna find out something only dead men know" - Silvio Class of Red Rocks '79... Life without the Dead is not life...and so we carry on...
  • Easywind54
    As a person that support Obama, I would like him to answer this.
    I find this disturbing, and have not seen any response to it. THE AUDACITY OF TRUTH Caroline Glick Jerusalem Post, January 21, 2008 …Barack Obama has a good chance of securing his party's nomination for president and winning the general election…. Although the rumors that Obama—whose father and step-father were Muslims and who was educated in Muslim schools in Indonesia—is a Muslim are demonstrably false, his Christian affiliations are a cause for alarm in and of themselves. Obama belongs to the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Its minister and Obama's spiritual adviser is Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. In an investigative report on Obama published last week by the American Thinker Web site, Ed Lasky documented multiple examples of Wright's anti-Jewish and anti-white animus. Wright has called for divestment from Israel and refers to Israel as a "racist" state. Theologically, he believes that the true "Chosen People" are the blacks. Indeed, he is a black supremacist. He believes that black values are superior to middle class American values and that blacks should isolate themselves from the wider American society. Wright is a long-time friend of the virulently anti-Semitic head of the Nation of Islam—fellow Chicagoan Louis Farrakhan. The two traveled together to Libya some years ago to pay homage to Muammar Gaddafi. Last year Wright presented Farrakhan with a "Lifetime Achievement" award…. Obama's affiliation with Wright aligns with his choice of financial backers and foreign policy advisors. To varying degrees, all of them exhibit hostility towards Israel and support for appeasing jihadists. As Lasky notes, Obama has received generous support from billionaire George Soros. In recent years, Soros has devoted himself to replacing politicians who support fighting the forces of global terror and supporting Israel with politicians who support appeasing jihadists and dumping Israel. As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama opposed defining Iran's Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist group. He calls for the US to withdraw from Iraq - only to return if genocide is being carried out and then, only as part of an international force. He also supports opening negotiations with Iran even if the Iranians continue to enrich uranium. In forming these views, he is assisted by his foreign policy team which includes Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mark Brzezinski, Anthony Lake, Susan Rice and Robert Malley. All of these people are known either for their anti-Israel views or their pro-Arab views—or both. Malley, a Palestinian apologist invented and propagated the false claim that the 2000 Camp David summit between the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and then prime minister Ehud Barak failed because Israel wasn't serious about giving the Palestinians a state. This view is disputed by Barak and Clinton. For her part, as chief foreign policy advisor to Senator John Kerry during the 2004 presidential elections, Susan Rice reportedly convinced Kerry to announce that if elected he would appoint Jimmy Carter and James Baker to serve as his envoys for Middle East peace. Mark Brzezinski has openly called for unconditional negotiations with Iran. For more than 30 years, Zbigniew Brzezinski has distinguished himself as one of Israel's greatest foes in Washington. Unfortunately, in the anti-war frenzy now gripping much of the Democratic Party, one could say that there is nothing notable about the fact that Obama has hired anti-Israel foreign policy advisors, attends an anti-Israel church, and receives financial backing from anti-Israel billionaires. But even in this atmosphere Obama stands out—for not only does he theoretically support appeasement, he is actively advancing the interests of Islamists seeking to take control over a state allied with the US. [In] Kenya…elections pitted incumbent President Mwai Kibaki against Raila Odinga who leads the Orange Democratic Movement. While the polls showed the public favoring Odinga, Kibaki was declared the winner. Odinga rejected the results and his supporters have gone on rampages throughout the country that have killed some 700 people so far…. Kibaki is close ally of the US in the war against Islamic terror. In stark contrast, Odinga is an ally of Islamic extremists. On August 29 Odinga wrote a letter to Kenya's pro-jihadist National Muslim Leaders Forum. There he pledged that if elected he would establish Sharia courts throughout the country; enact Islamic dress codes for women; ban alcohol and pork; indoctrinate schoolchildren in the tenets of Islam; ban Christian missionary activities, and dismiss the police commissioner, "Who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists." Although Odinga is an Anglican, he referred to Islam as the "one true religion" and scorned Christians as "worshipers of the cross." Obama strongly supports Odinga who claims to be his cousin. As Daniel Johnson reported recently in the New York Sun, during his 2006 visit to Kenya, Obama was so outspoken in his support for Odinga that the Kenyan government complained to the State Department that Obama was interfering with the internal politics of the country. …. It can only be hoped that in the coming weeks and months ahead of the presidential election, the political center of American politics will reassert itself and that the final race will be between leaders who abjure bigotry and understand that foreign policy is neither about minding your business nor being polite. It is about opposing enemies, supporting allies and knowing the difference between them.
  • lauowolf
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    Obama has great pr, but I
    Obama has great pr, but I fear it is all an optical illusion.But before you hand him the keys to the store, try goggling Obama/Exelon. This guy is heavy in bed with nuclear, and that scares the shit out of me. And anyone else remember recent elections where you've been bombarded this heavily with how charismatic and charming the candidate is? Hell, they said Reagan was an orator. And Bush was the guy you wanted to have a beer with. I haven't seen much content from Obama, but I have seen a lot of spin, much of it painfully dishonest. I wish the band had stayed on the sidelines a little longer on this one.
  • bagus
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    Deadheads for Obama
    Hey.. I created a Deadheads for Obama widget (sprout) using my new company's technology at http://sproutbuilder.com http://greenhouse.sproutbuilder.com/sprout/seed/FACwDX14AGFPBBwp You can also see updated versions at: http://sproutbuilder.com/deadheads Hope you all enjoy it and spread the word. peace, carnet
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Member for

17 years 9 months
Here and there in the forums people are expressing their enthusiasm for particular candidates in the upcoming U.S. elections, while others are saying Enough Already, We Don't Want To Hear About It. So, this is the right place to discuss your favorites (or non-favorites) and other matters relevant to the campaign. If you're not into it, skip this topic! And as for all you non-U.S. residents, if you want a similar topic for what's going on in your part of the world, speak up and I'll start it. Thanks!
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17 years 7 months

Yo TC in AZ: Flying Dog used to have a joint in Denver, but moved out and are in Maryland. Have you ever tried the KiltLifter in Phoenix? A coworker here in KC really likes the brew there. If you ever run into Oskar Blues Beer, check out Dale's Pale or Gordon's. Gr8ful TC in KC
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17 years 2 months

Just went and voted. Walked right up to my polling station and no waiting. About half of my district had already shown up, which is usually more than they get for the whole day. This is going to be a record turnout. And about friggin' time, too. I consider voting a social responsibility, and I have yet to miss any election in which I'm eligible to vote in. So if you still haven't gotten out there yet, please do. We're all counting on you! Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 2 months

gonna try one more time......can't stand too long, mebbe no line now....gotta do it either way....i don't remember the lines EVER being this long...chargin' my phone now!!! and of course now the wind is kickin' up.........
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Member for

17 years 6 months

listening to CNN-problems again @ voting places in Pa......no problem here in our district of SF.......hope it's the same in the others...TODAY IS YOUR VOTING DAY!!!!! NO OTHER....!!!!! ADAMENT ABOUT YOUR REGISTRATION-I'm quoting CNN...... xoxox Gypsy Cowgirl gotta run
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17 years 8 months

Like swimming in a clear cold topaz blue mountain lake high in the sierra's.That feeling when you walk home from voting. Totally blissed out and smiling. We can change the world, one vote at a time. peace,pk
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17 years 2 months

in line at 1245........finished at 1510....2 hrs 15 min in line.......once i received my ballot was another 10 min 'til i was done.......i will now drink all of the beer, stand aside!
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17 years 8 months

I'll remain cynical and skeptical till all of the votes are in, but Barack seems to be aHEAD. peace.
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17 years 2 months

'spose i should let him know that he might be the new state auditor AND public lands commissioner for washington
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Member for

17 years

Well I voted in 5 minutes here in Fl., no waiting. Speaking with my friends wife earlier, she said maybe Obama's grandmother could help him more from the other side. I told her I had goosebumps just hearing that. Peace
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17 years 8 months

Pennsylvania goes to Obama! Thank you Bobby, Phil, Billy, and Mickey. For your grate efforts to bring us the change we need. peace,pk
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17 years 2 months

Republicans, because the party's over. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Obama 49%McCain 49% actually Obama is ahead by 132 votes at this point. This is unbelievable. Nebraska hasn't split our electoral votes since 1964! Hey Hal, we got out the vote!!! The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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17 years 9 months

AP is just announcing that Obama won Virginia. Whoa! Polls are still open for ten minutes in California. Maybe longer if people are still lined up!
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17 years 8 months

This is a magical time. Wow. He will win california,oregon, and washington and thats the start of a new era.
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16 years 4 months

The right man won.now the all the hard work starts.He has one hell of job ahead of him
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17 years 8 months

OK, I've been politically ambiguous to this point, because well, I'm like that. I guess I've hinted at my stance as I tirelessly monitored the Change Rocks concert info as well as the DH for Obama concert info, so I would like to now simply say, "YES!!!!!" I'd also like to say, "Oroboros - much love! I still listen to those discs at least 2-3 times a week and I'm still stuck on 6-9-77. It just never gets old for me. Love!"
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17 years 8 months

Wonderful new historic day. World over here seems to be exhaling in relief.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 8 months

I think you made the right choice..someone who can start to undo the enormous harm done by GWB and cronies. Please keep him safe and give him time!
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17 years 7 months

The election of Obama as the US President is historic. And like many historical figures, he may just find himself on a stamp someday. Food stamps that is. Americans have collectively voted that they want more government programs and are not willing to take full accountability and responsibility for themselves. Furthermore, American ingenuity will dampened with all the tax increases. It appears that there is a fundamental change taking place toward more socialist programs and activities across America and the globe. I am totally against redistribution of wealth. While I don't have much, I want to keep all I have and get. All were fed up with That (the Bush Administration) that they elected This (Obama), when This is not that great either. But it is what it is and we move forward.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

So happy ....... It's like seeing a very good old lost friend back with a large smile on his face ....... BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO ............... Sad black and wite time 's over let's get into the mixing colors years .... Grateful Marek from France.
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17 years 7 months

The post-election party in Grant Park looked like a real good time! Good luck, Mr. President-elect, in building an effective Cabinet. Congress has a few more Democrats to grease the wheels of progress.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

not falling into their time-honored pattern of succumbing to hubris and adopting all the vile behavior that got their opponents thrown out--cronyism, corruption, pork, coziness with lobbyists instead of the citizenry, etc. I for one am not forgetting for a second that the evils of the last eight years are the result of Bill Clinton's pathological inability to keep his pants zipped or tell the truth, and I do not want to see this movie and its aftermath again. When you have a pack of slavering Newties determined to use any pretext to bring you down and the well-being of the country depends on their not succeeding, cavorting with interns and lying about it is arrogant, borderline criminal stupidity from which it is perfectly clear that Rhodes Scholars are not immune.
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17 years 8 months

I don't care what anybody does with their own time, just don't do on the Democratic Party's time. What didn't Clinton get? That guy changed the course of history with his stupidity. Dan White of San Francisco could't face the city he grew up in after what he did. Clinton's walking around like nothing happened. Republicans can get away with that, but not a Democrat. What didn't he get? I will never figure that one out.
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17 years 8 months

marye, but please what is a Newtie? (blush)********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 8 months

oh, yeah, marye, that is so right on. I have always thought it quite shameful that in our land of opportunity, we only have a two party system. makes me want to 'Ralph' (throw up) yuk yuk yuk... ( -; yeah, yeah yeah, I know all about them libertarians, and the greens, and the indies et al; but they don't have any real chance of winning... but from this 'Nadir' I dont see them winning nationally. but quite honestly, I never thought I'd live to see the day that a man of colour would get in the 'White' house; so I hope I'm wrong about not thinking the other 'parties', the lesser known, lesser funded candidates may someday get in there, too. here's hoping about that for the long term future. meanwhile, I hope Barrack will get this country back on track, have to keep raising the 'Barr' on him; I hope he rises to the challenge... and I especially hope and pray some ignoramus bigot racist asshole doesn't kill him.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Newt Gingrich type, newtie I also hope someday there will be a tie-dye room in the White House!! maybe replace that 'yellow room' did I ever tell you folks the story about how I puked all over a set of beautiful marble stairs INSIDE the White House? c. 1977/78 Carter years. too many peanuts early in the am, I reckon. peace.
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16 years 9 months

Well , now that the dems are in full control, they can't blame the rascally republicans any more. They control the executive branch plus the legislative branch. I don't want to hear any more whining from Tom Dashle. If they screw this up, then we can throw the bums out in in 2010 and 2012. "I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do"--Lion Wizard of Oz
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17 years 8 months

Remember, it will take some time to repair all the damage from the last 8 years. I hope he's up to the task. I voted for Obama, and proud to say so! Peace everyone
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17 years 8 months

I guess one of the best things about this Obama win, is many of us will get our redistribution checks from the man. He said he will be increasing taxes on the rich, so I'd expect him to be whacking Bobby, Phil, Mickey, and the other members with higher taxes. Then turning around and handing the money over to us. We might see it as getting a discount, or bonus coupon back, for all the money we give them during the year. Hey, go Obama! Greg SC
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Member for

17 years 8 months

maybe just maybe... if Weir, Lesh, Kreutzman, and Hart gotta pay higher taxes they will hit the road for a new The Dead tour. I'd also love a combo Phil and Friends / Rat Dog tour. AND, I want Hunter to be the opening act. ( -; peace.
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17 years 8 months

Here we go again, like deja vu all over again.Best to stand up and help your neighbor, than sit and criticize. We can all have a hand in making this country great again, together, as one, against all odds. Like this band I heard, they were, and are, really cool. They came up against the norm, started with a small following, leaving people saying, wow, these guys are really different. They seem unrehearsed and very improvasional. They don't use que cards, seems to come from the heart. Hey, thats the same song...oh thats a different arrangment..it seems they keep thinking and trying to make it better. Trying to make it Just Exactly Perfect. They crossed the aisles..thats Branford Marsalis playing with them, isn't he a jazz musician, hey thats Hamza El Din, isnt he egyptian... and they recreated a song and it was as if it had always been played that way. They have a wonderful and varied following. They are all individuals and they are very different, with a common goal, a goal they are still tyring to perfect and define, and it is like life itself. It never ends. Always trying to make it just exactly perfect. Always evovlving, always thinking. New ideas, always thinking, not afraid to climb out of the box. Not afraid of different ideas. It seems like what Barack is doing is much the same in it's essence. And he needs all of us to help with ideas, effort, and support to make this world around us just exactly perfect. "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" John F. Kennedy peace,hope and a new era. pk
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17 years 9 months

I just learned that John Leopold, an old pal who's sometimes seen around these parts, won the runoff election for Santa Cruz County supervisor in his district. Having known John since he and twin Dave were 18-year-old Heads back in the day, and having actually been his wedding photographer, I've gotta say, WOO HOO!
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17 years 8 months

That is really grate news. About time, the world is coming around. WOO HOO TOO!!! ps I love santa cruz, a favorite spot.
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17 years 8 months

Man, I've been waiting for Obama to win so I can quit my job, and get taken care of. I think I might just take the moment to thank the Lord, and then write a personal letter to Obama, saying how I need his help. This is going to be a great four years. Thank you Obama, you have promised alot, but don't take off that Santa Clause suit, as I'll be needing health care, car insurance, gas subsidies, food stamps, etc. Man, my excitement has yet to stop. Greg SC
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17 years 8 months

Geez, I hope everyone is thinking like you Greg, then nothing will get done and we can all starve.
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17 years 8 months

gonna change your name to richard, greg?no one has a magic wand, it don't get fixed if everyone doesn't help!
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17 years 8 months

It's all in the attitude. And with attitudes like that.....it's ok, I believe lots of grate people will help and thats ok if you don't. Just sit back, criticize,be cynical, it's ok. We will all make sure you have a better world to be miserable in, no worries.
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17 years 2 months

but i believe he's saying that government is far too involved and this could easily become what alot of people view as a "nanny state" where the powers that be take care of everything and there is little or no personal responsibility.many of our larger cities have generations of people who have lived on welfare, without attempting to better their lives themselves. now i am not saying he's right, and maybe his view is extreme, but we are all entitled to our opinions and he might be closer to the truth then we realize.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

1st have a cookie, now i agree with what you say about the "inner cities" and welfare and those ticks... but just possibly some will see that they do have a chance now, change can only come about if the majority roll with it. if everyone plants their feet and refuses to budge then nothing happens! it is a group effort!!! like pk said, it's attitude, positive is good, negative is bad!now have another cookie : )
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I think anyone who looks at Barack Obama and believes he is just going to hand out checks to folks for the sake of hand outs is not paying attention to his past, or present ideaologies. He has worked as a community organizer, to help give people a hand up to contribute to society. He states he wants to help kids get into higher learning if... they give back a substaintial effort to the country. He is way past "the welfare state" , he is looking to get everyone working and contributing to our country. I believe if you worked for Barack Obama you would have to work hard and you would be rewarded. this is his whole lifes goal. As opposed to a few getting "rich" , both in money and resourses and leaving the many,many others out there with no money or resourses, and what do you do with that, especially the latter. What you do is stagnat, Watch, but remember, you must put out the effort to make it work before you can sit and judge that it is a failure. Time to get to work.
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17 years 2 months

just an opinion and i'm reserving my own.....a wait and see kind of thing, but i'm hoping my taxes don't go up.....i can't afford them now, i always seem to owe every year. i aint got a job just the $800 a month i get from the navy, and they want to garnish that. i've never cheated on my income tax and i don't know how many people can say that. i can't take much more.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

some folks have just never had the joy of getting a miracle ticket. worse than that, some folks have just never had the extreme pleasure of GIVING a miracle ticket. all a matter of point of view. THIS scene is about caring and sharing. peace.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

bought a ticket without at least two extra for someone.......my first show was a gift........i'll jus' hafta wait 'n see.........................................sure would like a cookie, though
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Member for

17 years 8 months

fair trade: cookies for tix! or tix for cookies! to give what s/he has, to get what s/he needs. peace.