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  • jodoyle
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    Dead Jokes?
    have a good friend, a good father and a great deadhead that has pancreatic cancer... not looking good right now... still has a great sense of humor and was looking for any good (dead?) jokes you might have... thank you!!!
  • marye
    so glad you made it back to us!
  • paps
    We were just thinking about you a couple of weekends ago! Glad to see you back. How could you fail math??? Don't you know that's what i teach? Just ask for help! Paps
  • grdaed73
    major bummer for you, dude! that is a true hellhole! so glad to hear you back out on the sunny side of the road,,,bright happy beams to you, canyoncritter!yugh,cook county...a good place to be from!
  • c_c
    Canyon Critter
    Canyon Critter, more +++++++++ vibes heading your way. peace.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    stripey skies
    wondered where you'd got to?? what can i say?? however can fully feel how y'must've been feeling on a day to day level.."what layer to the cake today??"like the previous comment ,"it never rains...."glad it seems to be gettin back on track for you & y'wise :) ol lady ..hope y'Ma gets sorted out as soon as possible!! thoughts n affection jimi c
  • fluffhead042
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    Love you too bro...
    glad to hear you're out and about and with a "glass is half full" attitude...psssstttttt....****whispers***** "fall tour...." ;) "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • Hal R
    canyon critter
    When it rains, it pours. Glad you are back. Too bad about all of this. I am sure you are a stronger person after this. Adversity can make us stronger, so even the darkness can bring out the light in us. Take care my friend. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • johnman
    hey....ya do what ya gotta do....everyday is a new day. as long as you can live with yerself there's prolly nuffin' they can do to you. i too have found that as long as you are honest you can put up with almost anything.........peace, brother
  • Canyon Critter
    Critter is Back, Dejected but here
    Unreal...I just got back from county jail. I missed the whole tour, my family (you), the Boyz, almost lost my true love, and my mother went into the hospital. Could be TMI, but I don't care. Sherrif's On My Trail... May 1st, get pulled over for my license plate light being out...Had a warrant from Cook County for not paying $110 for a prior DUI 2003....they take me to jail in DuPage County (Illinois). As we are driving cop says do you know you have a warrant in California from 1996 (my drug years)? I said Yes, I've been arrested before and they never do anything about it because it's so small. Spend the night in jail, next morning I get my bail hearing...judge asks can you come up with the bail, looking at my girlfriend and mom in the courtroom, I said yes (he doesn't appoint me a lawyer). An hour later they let me have my clothes back and possessions while I'm in the "holding cell" because I was bailed out. I can see my mom/girlfriend in the window paying the bail. Waited for another 30 minutes, then the officer comes and says come with me, and takes me to where they put the orange jumpsuit on....What? You have a hold in California...I said I've been arrested here in DuPage 2 times before and they have never said they were going to extradite me for a misdemeanor. Well we can't do anything about that he says and they put me in jail. The Grass is always greener either side of the hill.... Seriously? So I'm in jail waiting for Monday so they release the hold when they figure it out...this is Monday May 3rd mind the worst thing happens. My mom goes Manic (Severe Bi-Polar Manic Depression to the delusional style) and goes into the hospital (because the police 5150'd her) Sunday. I've been taking care of her for 10 years for this while my only other sibling is in California and usually I'm there to help. Busted down in New Orleans (Chicago).... So the only one who could bail me out is in the mental this time my true love hates me because I lied and didn't tell her about my warrant. Since I have no lawyer appointed I can't speak to anyone. You can't call cell phones from jail....boy I wish. Usually I can help the Doctors with my mom's medicine and state and give them info on how to get her out of there in at most a week. Well, they take her off Abilfy and totally screw up her meds....this leads to her being in the ward for 24 days....I didn't know anything except for what my Dad told deserve this. Finally I have my court date, and they let me go for time served (we're talking 3 days, I spent 31 days!) So I'm in jail for a month for what I should have been in for only 3 days because I wasn't appointed a lawyer and didn't have access to my money the very little I have. Rich Man Stepped On My Poor Head.... I'm still the same man I've been when I left the rich. Of course, my father wouldn't help me out, why? because I am not a snob, giving into the arrogance of money. I won't tell you that when you have money, you can pay off the system, because you can. You can even get out of murder (OJ Simpson), but I'm still happy I didn't and haven't ever gave in to that mentality. There are good rich people, just a minute few. Most people would think that because I grew up that way I would have gave in and gotten out of jail. NO WAY. I Need A Miracle.... So imagine this, you've been dying to see the one band that makes you smile, smile, smile since January 1st, 2009....and your tickets are sitting in your drawer at home....and your in jail. I was dying while I was in there Tuesday May 4th, looking out a barred window thinking about what are they playing? At least I could have miracled someone>what a waste...I was mad at not seeing them, but at least I could have given them away. Second day, I had tickets, (and the opportunity for luxery box seats), yet again, couldn't do anything for anyone. It was killing me. $400 worth of tickets down the drain..... They Love Each Other.... Luckily I'd told my true love (Trish) where the tickets were before. She had given Tues. to her little brother....Life Changing Experience for the 21 yr. old so I'm told by more than one. The next day he talks her into going (first shows for both, except when I took Trish to Ratdog) and they couldn't believe the love. Both of them had been listening to the band for awhile but never experienced a live show with the Dead! Since I've been out, my True Love has forgiven me for not telling her the total truth about everything (not totally but she understands). Let it Grow.... Hopefully this long winded story has told you that I've screwed up alot in my life....yet I've truly been a better person for being honest and letting it out. I'm still paying for the crap in the be it....I changed along time ago, but I still have to pay the terriff! Obviously this is a long story, but I had to be truthful to you all. I missed my favorite band. I love you all. ~love~ Canyon Critter _____________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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17 years 4 months
Need 'em? Got 'em to share? Post here.
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16 years 1 month

maybe we can start out sending some loveout to the world. we're the fortunate ones, especially stumbling upon this music, whichever way we did. so some good vibes for the world, mebbe? ---'never prank a truster'----
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17 years 4 months

good vibes to the whole world!
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Member for

16 years 11 months

good vibe to all out there in need.i know this prolly isnt the right place, but me and my family could use some good vibes right now, my dog has cancer. I found out the other night and im really scared for her, as she is really near to me. we caught it early and she has REALLY good chances, but we are still all havin trouble keepin up a good face. any and all well wishes would be greatly appreciated Peace, The Kid
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17 years 4 months

It's true, it's amazing how much veterinary science has progressed. Good for you for catching it early, healing beams to your doggie, good face beams to you and your family. What's her name? My Rex and Callie send their good doggie vibes also.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Sorry to hear about your dog and hope things are on the up swing for you guys. The sooner these problems are caught, the better the outcome. Like marye said, the dog docs are getting better and better at treating our little friends. I also can relate 'cause one of my dogs just received a clean bill of health after a really rough spell in which she had an emergency operation to save her life, a few weeks ago. Unfortunately she has lost her hearing (as a result of the operation) and I've had a tough time (emotionally) accepting that fact. But now that she's getting back to normal, playing and romping around with us again, I'm just grateful she's alive. Like Warren Zevon said (and perhaps I understand better with every experience that brushes death's doorstep), "Enjoy every sandwich"... with your dog ; - )
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17 years 4 months

beams to you as well. My Callie, now 11 (the spotted one), has been deaf her whole life. Certainly never slowed her down. You might want to check out the Deaf Dogs list on yahoo groups; it's very active and very nice folks. While I'd say the lion's share of the discussions have to do with rescue, adoption and training of deafies-from-birth, people often come along after their hearing dogs have lost their hearing for one reason or another and want some coping strategies. When Callie was young we used to go to local Deaf Dogs picnics, but now that we're all geezers in this house we've lost touch with that scene a bit. Sounds like your girl is coping just fine however!
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17 years 3 months

As a casual poster on this site I feel little weird asking, but everyone here has always been so excellent to me I figured any prayers/thoughts from such a good group of folks would be a big help.My one y/o son is having surgery tomorrow to have tumor removed from his chest. Though not growing on his spine, it is pressed right against it. The docs can't say for sure whether it's benign or malignant. The statistics tend to be on our side (benign), but we won't be sure until pathology gets a chance to take a look. If you have the time please keep my family in your thoughts. Thanks. McB "...the powerful plays goes on, and you may contribute a verse" -Walt Whitman-
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17 years 2 months

The Deadheadkids doggie and his family hope he gets well soon!and to McB28 for a safe recovery for your son! Keep the faith! Peace,Gigi
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Member for

16 years 11 months

my heart goes out to you and your son McB28, all the best and good wishes are being sent your way.also, thanks for the well beams guys, i love my pup and if i ever lost her id be devastated. Her name is gretzky and shes great. all the best wishes to your pup grtud. Peace, The Kid
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17 years 4 months

to all our loved ones who need 'em. Safe recovery to McB28's son!
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Member for

17 years 2 months

to you Kid, for Gretzky's happy and healthy recovery, and also to you McB28! Hope your son's tumor is malignant, and that he heals completely and quickly. Healing light and energy to all who need it now.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 3 months

McB28-forgot the not-meant that hope is NOT malignant. Am glad that Pid was pointing out that I forgot a word. Of course I don't wish what I wrote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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16 years 4 months

always a positive thought to dance your ***! Fare Thee Well...
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17 years 3 months

to McB28's son. May today be a good one for his whole family. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 3 months

Hope your dog does well. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 3 months

good doggie vibes headin2U!McB28, thinkin all good 4U and your son!!
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17 years 3 months

more ++++ vibes for all! love and peace.
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16 years 6 months

Somthin' about those doggie vibes............extremely healing Gone are the days we stopped to decide........where we should go......we just ride.
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17 years 3 months

The surgery went pretty well for my son. It turns out that it was not a single mass (tumor), but instead a group of inflamed lymphnodes. The surgeons seemed encouraged, if not a little puzzled by this. Now we are just waiting on results from pathology. Thank you all for your positive thoughts and prayers. It is always pleasant when you realize that there are some genuinely good people out there. Thanks. "...the powerful plays goes on, and you may contribute a verse" -Walt Whitman-
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17 years 2 months

So happy for you all, sending more positive vibes for grate results from pathology! Keep the faith! Without love in a dream it will never come true
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17 years 4 months

here's hoping it turns out to be something really trivial and easy to fix!
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17 years 3 months

McB2B - the news sounds good on your son. I'm praying for a full resolution for you and your family that includes a long life for all. Keep us posted. marye - thanks for the advice on my (now) deaf Yorkie. She's doing great, btw. Each day she's more like her old self. As for the deaf condition, she follows her brother's lead and seems to be doing as well as she has for the last year or more, which makes me think this surgery was a real life saver because (we think now) that the last few ear "infections" were being caused by the tumor and why they didn't seem to respond to just antibotics (we had to get Rx for steroids the last two times she has been sick). I'm so happy that she's well again! Thanks to all for your well wishes. "The task is, not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to think what nobody has yet thought, about that which everybody sees. ." - Erwin Schrödinger
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16 years 11 months

first off, good vibes to all out there in need, specially to you and your son McB2B and you and your pup GRTUDSecondly, on behalf of my pup and myself i wanna say THANK YOU for all the good vibes yall sent. my pup went through the first round of chemo today and the lymph nodes (which are the problem sites) shrank considerably, which is a GREAT sign. thank you all so much, not just for the good vibes, but for the support. Peace, The Kid
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17 years 4 months

to all who need 'em, of whatever species. And good vibes of strength and comfort to those who are in it with them.
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16 years 10 months

Well and positive beams to all in need ,, no matter how many feet you walk on !! Take care and enjoy the weekend !!
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17 years 3 months

Let's all send good vibes to johnman's computer, so he can be back with us again soon. Seems as if his has broken down.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 3 months

...and to all who need 'em. BIG POSITIVE ENERGY coming to all who need it from Pappy in Pittsburgh - especially to my sister-in-law, Maria who had surgery today. ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 2 months

Healing computer vibes for Johnmanand Get well healing vibes to Maria *~*Walk in the sunshine, watch for the bright sun, Be all those things you're able to be*~*
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17 years 2 months

Really appreciated.... You're awesome! ~ Pappy "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 3 months

so that it all works out 'just exactly perfect' for you all on these paths.Take care The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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16 years 11 months

to all out there who need emPeace, The Kid
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17 years 3 months

cookies on the computer johnman? pixel beams for your motherboard!! get well beams for maria!
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15 years 10 months

I haven't posted here ever before... used to hang out back in the 90's in a chat called "710 Ashbury", and haven't had the time since about 98', so a lot to say but will try and keep it short... haven't seen a show since Phoenix 94, just kinda faded away after Uncle Jerry went to play that great gig in the sky. Much has happened in my life since then. Kinda drifted in and out of the rainbow family for a few years, then joined the machine and became a heavy equipment operator of all things. That took me out to Reno and into a union and... well I'll save that for later, but, it eventually took me to Iraq working for a company out of Houston called KBR. It is truely amazing for me to look back at it all and see just how far I have strayed from who I really am in the name of the almighty dollar. I spent more time living in a warzone listening to Jerry and Bobby and Phil then I had until rescently since my last show. I'm home now and definitely scrambled in the head. Because I was a civilian contractor, there are no benefits available for counseling, no one will hire me, and I am so deep in debt, I can't even see the sun anymore. I only sleep 2 to 3 hours at a time and only 4 or 5 times a week. I keep my doors locked and have been living my life infront of my computer trying to get out of my head... but, I found a couple of my old cd's cleaning the house the other day and I have been back on the bus. I feel, just from the music, that the hole that war has left in me is slowly, very slowly, starting to close. I've been home for over a year and more than half my friends don't even know I'm home. Honestly, just so I know it myself, I'm not living this way out of fear, more, I feel that this is my pennance of sorts... I have created my own cell... I have nothing but love for all mankind, but the images trapped in my head still won't go away, so, I guess I'm askin for nothin but love... I could really use some good vibes and words of encouragement to know, weather you all agree with war, the war, or anything related to that whole scene, I'm still alive and its never too late. Sorry for the downer. Thanks for reading my vent, and if anyone cares to, feel free to drop me a private message or post a responce. Thanks again and, from what is left of my heart, never let go of the music.Chubs I be.
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Member for

16 years 1 month

just do what ever you can do keep to your sweet nature it's not a downer to listen to what folks go through, far from it reflecting smiles to you, andy ---'never prank a truster'----
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Member for

17 years 2 months

What free idea said "it's not a downer to listen..." Also it sounds like you got some stuff to get out, and we certainly don't mind listening. Hang in there Chubsib, take it day by day, and perhaps come back here from time to time, where people are kind. Is at least one more guy here who knows first hand what you've been through in Irak. He's still there, so perhaps you can hook up with writing to him here? Peace and inner strength to you Chubsib,and lots and lots of good vibes. ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 2 months

Sending you lots of LOVE & POSITIVE vibes.......and some tunes....... Help on the way, well, I know only this, I've got you today. Don't fly away, cause I love what I love and I want it that way. I will stay one more day, like I say, honey it's you. Making it too, without love in a dream it will never come true. Peace.Gigi
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Well first off positive vibes Look man get out of the house, don't lock yourself into a cell and shut others out. Find others with your same experience and talk about it. If no counseling is available to you. You need to vent holding stuff in only creates anger and self sorrow. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Get out go to a show seems like there is alot of the scene out there get away for a few days. I know we alllike to have our higher conciousness or altered whatever. But please my brother don't drink yourself into a cave. Now that that is said. I know the experience and am sure have been in much worse situations than any KBR personnel. Please don't take that as a personal strike against you. It's not. I'm sure the thing is something you wish to contend with. death is a daily deal contractors are not exempt from the horrors and are targets as well. So with all that said and you start thinking who the fuck is this guy to tell me. My name is SFC Dwight R. Laporte am on my 3rd tour in Iraq. My job is combat engineer. I parachuted in Bashur Iraq in 03. returned in 06 to Mosul and am again currently in Mosul. I could go into great detail of war but don't think this is tjhe place. War sucks but is a reality we all have to deal with. everyone is affected either directly or indirectly. Have friends or family members who have been here etc. Maybe for me I've just kinda built of an internal defense. Sometimes nothing seems to matter, I always say if no body's dead it ain't that serious. I've been posting on here alot for the last couple month's cause we are getting ready to go home and have toned down some. Have made some grate friends here and hope to meet them somewhere one day. It helps me cause I a freakin deadhead and we all relate. And like you off the bus for a long time. I catch a fest when I can but won't be able to be completly free for 3 more years. I've gotten so much recent info about what is going on these days here. And like you when Jerry passed I kinda just lost touch with it all. Still listened of course but stayed in the Army. Anyway what did you do with all those big dollars KBR paid you, ha ha. Look man write me anytime. I look forward each day hoping some of my friends dropped me a line or responde to a post in a goofy way is alot of fun and is a release for me. So to all of you thanks. And chubs you can get past the bad but doing it alone is not the way to go believe me
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Thank you for you're post, it shows we all have stuff that sucks and we can't deal with. I used to be a regular at a chat place called Haven't posted or chatted in awhile. The funny thing is that we all need our time and space to figure it all out. What I do know is that the spark that was kindled in your heart for what most call "Dead" is acutally alive. I've never been through what you are speaking, have heard alot of indepent contractors that have gone there, but what you are going through is not irregular. Don't stay at home, don't be reclusive, and please let your light SHINE! Most people don't know of the Grateful Dead and what's known is either Jerry died or it's a Hippy Community. I know this...I wasn't born in the 60's, nor in a commune, nor did I waste my youth....You are a part of something bigger than that, which is what you know is to be true! There is more love in this place of existance than you know. I've been in the deepest darkest of holes, yet I knew I was meant for more, why? Not because of me but because there are truly people in the world that care. You are one of the few light that beacons from every spectrum of the just LET IT SHINE. Being a youngin I only understand a little, but I'm sure that all the love you find in this place WILL NOT FADE AWAY! Scotty _________________________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

lots of good advice above, and.... "when you get confused, listen to the music play"
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17 years 2 months

I'd like to thank all of you for being assertive, innovative and expressive within this forum over the past couple of years. Tomorrow, I'll be in surgery and hope that I return to your flavorful posts, even if you're Republican. David, if you're out there somewhere, see if you can find a recording from New Orleans > 10/18-19/80. If the anesthesia isn't too strong and the slicer isn't hungover, expect my return. If not, grdaed73 can have my double imperial IPA,s downstairs in the fridge. Good luck, God bless, and long live the Grateful Dead~!!
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17 years 3 months

Ted. all the best wishes and positive vibes during your hospital surgary. peace.
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16 years 2 months

I have to be careful in sending out the beams, afraid some of my innate negativity will leak out. That said, hope things work out for the best, Ted. Be looking for you on the vines, bro' Even if you are holding back IPAs ;^D ************************************************ I have a sigfile! --> ************************************************
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Member for

16 years 11 months

to you Gr8fulTed, give the nurses Hell! PEACE
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Positive healing vibes out to you Gr8fulTed. Hope the anesthesia is just exactly perfect and the slicer is also. grdaed73, now don't rush over to his basement just yet! And if you need back up with the nurses, give iknowurider a call, she will color their world! ;))peace and good wishes,pk
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17 years 3 months

May everything go well. Hey Pk, I'm a nurse, how will iknowyourider color my world? I'm not wearing fishnets if that is what you have in mind. Unless they are tie - dyed, that may be another matter. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Let me try again ~ Give the Nurses HECK! Hal R ~ Oh, to see you in tye dye fishnets!! Even then, I'd be speechless.... PEACE