• Cardinal Stadium - July 6, 1990
    Bruce Hornsby & The Range opened


  • Hell in a Bucket
    Easy to Love You
    Desolation Row
    West L.A. Fadeaway
    Picasso Moon
    Ramble on Rose
    Music Never Stopped

    China Cat Sunflower
    I Know You Rider
    Man Smart/Woman Smarter
    Standing on the Moon
    He's Gone
    Wharf Rat
    Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad
    Around and Around

    Baby Blue

Ticket Stubs

Concert Photos

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    15 years ago
    Hey Hagg
    I remember that van.
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    15 years 4 months ago
    And we went swimmin' in the river after the show and named our new kitten Baby Blue. What great times!
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    16 years ago
    The Disco Van is Born
    Seriously, to everyone who came and joined us in a bit of disco that evening and tour, hoorah. We ended up disco-ing our way through that tour, and I remember hearing someone talking about it at Reggae-on-the-river, while I was in my tent, saying what a blast it was. i concur, we had a time. Miss you guys!
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Member for

17 years 11 months
Bruce Hornsby & The Range opened
Hell in a Bucket
Easy to Love You
Desolation Row
West L.A. Fadeaway
Picasso Moon
Ramble on Rose
Music Never Stopped

China Cat Sunflower
I Know You Rider
Man Smart/Woman Smarter
Standing on the Moon
He's Gone
Wharf Rat
Goin' Down the Road Feelin' Bad
Around and Around

Baby Blue
show date

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Member for

17 years 8 months

Didn't even make it to the show... We stopped in Corydon Indiana a 1/2 hour from the show. We had a hitch hiker with us and he stupidly agreed to sell acid to this local cop. I mean this guy was as straight as they come he may as well have had a neon sign saying "I'm a cop". Anyways I'm pumping gas and I turn around our hitchhiker is lying face down with this cop standing over him with gun drawn. So I look at my girlfriend and tell her to get rid of the stash. Meanwhile I walk up to this cop and start talking to him to distract him. Meanwhile our stash is being buried in the trashcan next to the gas pump. Soon the rest of the local police arrive and we are all handcuffed. As I'm sitting their handcuffed I remember I have two hits of acid in my wallet. I fish it out and then eat them. Relieved I spent a very interesting night in Corydon jail. It took three days to get a trial date for me 20.dollar fine for transportation of alchohol. The police confiscated our car and all our possesions. I was left with what I had on when I was arrested a pair of shorts with a hole in the ass a shirt and a sweater. I did get my wallet back and had money wired to me from home. I high tailed it to the highway and made my way to Louiville three days late. The bus station was filled with heads with the same story. Got arrested for ...fill in the blank.... The cops in Corydon said that there had been 500 arrests by 6pm. Baserd on the amount of deadheads at the bus station they were probably right.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I had never been to a Dead show,but it was so fantastic.How I miss those days.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Man, was this a special time! My cousin and I decided to meet @ Sandstone for the 4th of July show. He had just finished his first year of college and I was entering my senior year of high school. There was no way my parents would let me drive out of state solo (my cousin lived in the Chicago area). And, I was in Minneapolis at the time. So, we conceived of the plan to go to St. Louis to see our grandparents for a few days. The whole thing was about Bonner Springs on the 4th. We left early in the morning on the 4th and met @ Luther College- where he was attending school. The plan (to our parents) was to stay there with his friends and drive on to St. Louis the next day. Yahhh, right!!! We hauled ass to KC and had one of the best 4th of July's ever. We still talk about it. Of course the question was asked to us during preshow partying, "Are you going to the next show?" We hadn't even thought about it. Our whole little scheme was about seeing the show on the 4th and getting to St. Louis to see our grandparents, without skipping a beat, and no one being the wiser- except ourselves. Needless to say we were ecstatic!! Shoot, we could hang with the g'rents and for the following days and then hit up this show! Bonus!! My first shows were the previous year @ Alpine Valley for the summer tour. This escapade for the summer of '90 put the nails in the coffin, so to speak (ha-ha, Grateful Dead). The interesting thing around the whole story is that our Grandfather passed away the following summer, so this was the last time we saw him healthy and well. The world works in mysterious ways, and much of it came from experiences with the Grateful Dead. I know I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for those experiences entwined in sparkling clover.
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16 years 10 months

Intersesting follow-up fact. After the Louisville show, My cousin and I drove up through Cincinnati and I looked at a school that I was considering applying to for college. Well, it turned out that I became a Miami University graduate. Who says the Grateful Dead is for mindless burnouts and shows are a good for nothing waste of time? Those who, simply, don't know, right??
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Member for

17 years 8 months

This is the best of the Dead imho...I loved the Brent years the most I thought 1989-90 that 19 month period was there best ...oh also most of my Shows I caught are in that time also, maybe thats why...lots of great memories, some a little foggy...Miss all my old buddies from Michigan
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Member for

16 years 7 months

does anyone else remember the thunder & lightening?and the power went out and when it came back phil booming right in where they left off?or was i trippin?
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16 years 7 months

does anyone else remember the thunder & lightening?and the power went out and when it came back phil booming right in where they left off?or was i trippin?
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17 years 8 months

My first and best show. I don't remember thunder and lightning, but there was a giant dancing skeleton.
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17 years 7 months

aina mama wrote:does anyone else remember the thunder & lightening?and the power went out and when it came back phil booming right in where they left off?or was i trippin? If that's strictly an either/or proposition, then u wuz trippin'. Never rained in Louavull on that hot day or evening. Remember it all vividly, including the sun shining into our eyes and, later, watching it set behind the stage. No hassles whatsoever with power, either --at least from an audience standpoint. Top highlight for me was "Standing on the Moon">"He's Gone." I played with both of 'em like they were elastic clay in my hands (and I know that my saying so won't sound too weird around here, anyway). Oh, and they broke out the enormo dancing skeleton marionette during "Truckin'" outta "Space."
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17 years 4 months

my 5th birthday show!!!! lots of cops;(
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Barry, from Colorado, my family and I drove over to Louisville from KC after the Sandstone show. My wife was in charge of 3 dogs on leashes with our 3 kids at the Doubletree downtown, within walking distance of Cardinal Stadium. We shared an elevator ride with John Molo, not recognizing him as Hornsby's drummer, until later that night when we were staying-up making cassette copies of the show. We drove up to Chagrin Falls the next day for our high school reunion...what a long strange trip. We, too, are Miami University grads!! My previous trip to Louisville was for the legendary 6/18/74 show at Freedom Hall, while at MU.
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17 years 9 months

Hey eina mama - you are recalling the Raleigh show 4 days later when the power went out during a lighting storm. However, you may be right that you were still on the same trip when that occurred. I think I was! :-)
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16 years 6 months

Seriously, to everyone who came and joined us in a bit of disco that evening and tour, hoorah. We ended up disco-ing our way through that tour, and I remember hearing someone talking about it at Reggae-on-the-river, while I was in my tent, saying what a blast it was. i concur, we had a time. Miss you guys!
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Member for

15 years 4 months

And we went swimmin' in the river after the show and named our new kitten Baby Blue. What great times!
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Member for

15 years

I remember that van.
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Member for

15 years 3 months

Ok - so for this show we were in the backed-up traffic outside the parking area - waiting in line to "file in." Within minutes, a deadhead came strolling by the car singing out, "Thirty dollars and 15 hits for tickets! Thirty dollars and 15 hits for tickets!" Considering we had ended up with TWO EXTRA tickets and this guy wasn't specifying HOW MANY tickets, I said, "Climb on in here brother!" We did business and by the time we parked the car, I was already REALLLLLY feeling the 1 hit I had taken when the dude laid them in my hand. I jumped in the water fountain that had a sign that read, "Do not play in water...," took another hit and strolled in the gates. Before the night ended, I took 3 1/2 hits and was wayyyyyy out there! FANTASTIC SHOW!
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Member for

14 years

I STILL dream of that skeleton!!!! My 14 year old daughter asks me about it from time to time. Hornsby was okay. The Dead were in-freaking-credible. I think I have part of the show on a DVD somewhere. My sister that turned me on to the boys was going to Miami at the time (not of the show, but the time she gave me Working Man's Dead for a Christmas present). Love the skeleton. Downside: something happened at the show that has haunted me ever since. I was standing in line a concession stand and the guy in front of me passed out. I froze and didn't help him out. The people behind me pushed forward and took care of him. I hope he was okay.
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Member for

13 years 10 months

I remember this being a HOT, weird show. The security was absolutely dumbfounded. There was a Jehovah's Witness convention going on at the same time as the Dead breezed into town. So on the hottest day of the year there were the Jehovah Witnesses(in white shirts, ties and long pants) trying to hand out copies of the Watchtower to hippy girls twirling in sundresses, some with underwear, some without. It was also a good show. The next day, we drove to Memphis to see Graceland.
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13 years 1 month

I remember that skeleton, riding the Harley in GDTRFB, and the skeleton hand beckoning at the end! Hot and humid in KY. A day before the show, a friend decided to join our crew, and her ticket was in a different area, so I took it because she was too weirded out to be separated from us, it being her first show. I assumed I could just find them after we all got it (usually you could find someone to stub you down), but the tic I had was in the bleacher section of Cardinal Stadium, and they wouldn't let you travel to the other 3/4 of the stadium! Security people were not good freaks...so I spent the show away from my peeps and making new friends. Super funky KY Jam....nightfall of diamonds! SOTM began right at sundown, and it finally cooled off, it was dark by the end of that song. miss all of you, life sure was different back then. PAX!
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9 years 1 month

I remember it was hot as hell and they were crowding us into the horse stalls they turned into piss troughs for the bathrooms Luckily they had the misting showers set up next to it so you could wash that stench from the stalls off! HA! HA!I remember the the thunder and lightning, with PHil coming back in right on que!! Lot of fun that summer!
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8 years

Best friend from high school came and picked me up, outside of Nashville, and told me I had to go see the Grateful Dead with him. It was the first of many. Kind of a blur, but a good blur :-D
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Member for

7 years 7 months

Wrombola, Sorry to hear about your experience en route to the show. Picking up the hitchhiker should have brought your better luck/karma. Jail must have been a wild trip. I live in Louisville now, but didn't attend this show. Locals all lament the same thing when this show gets mentioned. "REMEMBER ALL THE BUSTS!?"
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Member for

14 years 4 months

Well written sir.
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5 years 8 months

My first and only dead show. What a long strange trip it was. Approaching 29 years. Crazy!!!

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1 year 1 month

My first show and i was clueless going in. It changed my life