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    Shn, Flac, Trader's Little Helper, and related technical issues go here!


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    Healy and the Matrix mix
    From what I understand, Healy was responsible for creating at least some of the matrix mixes that are in circulation. Here is what I was able to dig up online. If you're more interested, you can follow this link:http://www.thetradersden.org/forums/archive/index.php/t-5988.html This is an excerpt from that link. Super technical, but informative. 04-13-05, 11:46 AM :nono: OK, here we go again. What are commonly (inaccurately) referred to as "Matrix" recordings are in fact "Blends" of independently recorded SBD and AUD sources of an event. In the audio world, a matrix recording is in fact: Mid-side Matrix One cardioid mic (M) points at subject (0°), and a figure-8 mic (S) picks up ambient sound by pointing at sides(90° and 270°). The signals are then run through a decoder matrix (software or hardware) which creates two stereo channels: n M+S = channel one n M - S = channel two One channel is a mix of M and S and the other be a mix of M and Sø (which means S is 180° out of phase) n The more S, the stronger the separation. MS Matrix recording is mostly used in acoustic concert settings to capture the true image of the hall. One technique that Dan Healy perfected when mixing and recording the Grateful Dead, was to place a MS Matrixed microphone array at the mix position, and record it on a source that was locked to the same source as the SBD recording (assuring that the recordings were sped accurate to each other) What Dan called an "Ultra Matrix" was (as I understand it) actually a BLEND of a Matrix recording and a SBD recording. There are also time coincidence issues that are addressed when combining these sources. Many "Matrix" recordings in circulation are simply blends of 2 different recordings and present a significant challenge in Post Production in terms of correctly time and pitch aligning the sources. The results of these efforts often sound really good, but are difficult to produce. The cow has left the barn in terms of correcting the proper use of the term "Matrix", but in fact, it's nice to know the proper terms to apply to these very different methods.
  • andré
    looking for Flac Player Software for IMac
    Please somebody tell me whether such software exists. Or not. And in case there is some, also shares it's name and/or where to download a software, that plays flac audio files on my iMac (OSX 10.4.11 that is). Thanks, andré
  • andré
    Just stumbled into this topic. Because I use to have trouble with my iMac, I decided to read through all the posts. And as I already have had my share of trouble with mit iTunes dealing with gap's, (at least some of) the following might be helpful to (hopefully at least one of) you. I have used the path mentioned in a previous comment on "Gap's" to adjust "none" as the duration of silence between tracks. On my iMac I can use Garage Band to cut tracks into little pieces to juggle them around, delete and whatever. IMAGINE "three Dark full Star days" ... ) My Microsoft times PC doctor still runs his pc with Windows 98. And I have seen his WinOn software not only cut tracks into segments, etc. but also chose Nothing/none/0 as the length of silence between tracks. And that's for sure the same with newer Win On versions or other Windows sound software. The bad thing is that my iTunes had this siiod (Self Induced Ignoring Orders Desease) phase .... Although I had set it on "none", it started to make 2 seconds gaps on the copies. I checked and it said still "none". I copied an official CD with gaps, told my Mac to have "none" and it kept/made them. So I was glad, when, out of a sudden, with no changes, except usual uploads for my iMac software several times, It must have been the smell of all the Dead audio roses coming in, that made my iTunes decide to follow my instructions again. After I had added decoded flac files for the first time. So I am sure, the tools are amongst us, to shut the gaps up. PEACE andré
  • Sunshine-daydr…
    correct me if i am wrong but i believe the Healy Matrix shows are around were made by healy at the shows, putting an aud feed with the sbds, to try to get more what the aud would here so are different from the Sick Bits etc matrices Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://spanishsunshinedaydream.blogspot.com/ Spanish Jam
  • Hal R
    Check this out now-- new Traders Little Helper
    Hey folks,Tonight I was trying to decode some shn files that I had decoded before and they kept coming up as errors and were not decoded. So I found that there is a new version of Traders Little Helper, downloaded it and now files are decoding fine. I don't get it, I don't understand it but somehow it works now. So if you are suddenly having problems decoding download the new version. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • D00Dah
    Maybe best to start over..
    Same story here, 400-500 hrs of Maxell XL-II laying around, I found the Archive and the vines here on the boards and started over. I'm not set up for bit torrent, I just wanted to replace the stuff I had with quality digital copies I could play in car, truck, at home, etc... I got a good 500gb HD from newegg.com and went to town. I now have much more than I used to have and have an ipod chock full of tasty bits to satisfy the jones while I'm on the road. Thanks to all for the sharing of the music and the knowledge, Best wishes in '08. His job is to shed light, not to master...
  • KJ7XJ
    I have the same thoughts as Yama. I to have 1000+ cassttes and started to run them through various programs designed to take analog and upload it to the computer for future CDs (see my posts from this past summer). However, it is a VERY time consuming project and I have found it much easier to go online and download shows some of which sound 10x better then my copies. Thus, you already have the digital file and dont have to mess with the cassettes. Good luck! Eric
  • yamadog
    Just Something's To Think About
    Digitizing Tapes Of The Amount You Have Is A Project In It Self.But Fairly Easy If Your Set up For It.You Might Want To consider Sending A Couple Of 500gb External Hd's With Package.Then You Can Get Your Shows Back Loaded On Hard Drives In flac.Format.This Eliminates Ton's Of Dvd's Laying Around The house.Of course You Are Also Getting Into A Pretty Hefty USPS bill With The Weight Of your Parcells.Of course You Can Get The Hard drives,Get Set Up For Bit torrent And Get Awsome Charlie Miller Sbd's From B-etree And Download away.You'll Be Suprised How Quckley You Will fill Up The hd's And Grow Your collection.I Would Love To Help But time Is At A Premium For Me Right Now.But Mabey In The Future If You Don't Have Any Takers.Have A grateful Weekend...Brian.
  • jomay
    tape trading
    Hi,I'm wondering if anyone is interested in helping me digitize some tapes. I have maybe 1000 GD audio tapes (+ several hundred other live band recordings) that I would love to have in digital format. The vast majority of the GD tapes are Maxell XLS soundboards. While the shows span 30 years, what I think are the best years are well represented (68-77, 85, 90, 91). I live in Chicago and the tapes are in storage in Northern CA. If there is anyone seriously interested in helping me digitize some of them, I can create a database of what I have and send it to you and we can talk about working out some kind of trade or form of compensation.
  • richard
    Healy did not do the matrix mixes. Those are done by various folks who have secured an SBD and a high quality AUD tape, then blended them together. Check the source and recording info in the text files to learn more about how this was done.The theory behind this is to try and re-create an authentic live-listening experience. IMHO, some folks do a better job of this than others. I don't think it comes off as well in stereo as it does in DTS 5.1 surround sound. I have some of those where the mix has the SBD on the front and center channels and the AUD on the rear channels. When this is done well, the result is awesome. Regarding the Iowa show, I would love to have the straight SBD tape, I just haven't found it yet. So I vined the best of what I have. Hope that helps. Peace, Richard
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Shn, Flac, Trader's Little Helper, and related technical issues go here!
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too. I've recently grabbed some TH, and quite a few Dire Straits so it'd be cool to hear what you've got! On the NY front I was just listening to 12/18/07, a very nice AUD recording. I'll PM you... "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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I will get it together and post it in new vines this weekend. I will make sure and put that it is shn/flac only.
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on live Talking Heads. thanks Lopezz "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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Just wanted to see how that looked in print. David Byrne is pretty much a genius, I think. I just missed seeing him here in Louisville, doing a show of the Byrne/Eno stuff (without Eno). Heard it was enjoyable. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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Mark,I'm one of those. Am going to see David Byrne in Feb. :-) If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Hi, Sorta technical, and I didn't want to fill up "New Vines" with one of my long, rambling endlessly wordy posts. What is the preference regarding people from outside the US signing onto the "normal" USA vines, vs signing up on Eurovines? Recently LIG71 received the Boston Tea Party vine which he had signed up for some time ago. Turns out he's in France. He does have the vine and will be sending it back over here at some point (to me, since I'm next), but my understanding was that the Eurovines were set up to avoid the ocean crossing and the resultant 2 - 3 week delay in transit (not to mention whatever that postage is like). Are the Euroheads aware of this, or how does a person in France or wherever know they should only sign up on the Eurovines (if that is the case)? Frankly (who is in the Czech Republic) pulled out of the 1991 DSB vine because of the issue (although I said I'd send him a copy 'cause I'm a fuckin' grate guy) but LIG71 is after me on at least one vine, and as long as any vine is going to go across to Europe it seems like we should just send a copy and it can stay there and circulate, while keeping the original vine here growing. I haven't checked the Eurovine forum (guess I need to but have too many to keep up with already), how does that system work? School me. Thanks Cheers, MarkintheDark ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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well what normally sort of sometimes kinda happens is this... Vines started in Europe have US and Europe Versions (the latter posted on the Vines Across the Waters forum) Some vines started in the US have also been seeded in Europe if someone here asks and if someone there is kind enough to make and send a copy. They then get posted on Vines Across the Waters and circulate on. When US vines start to slow down some have also gone to and fro across the big pond. Most (but not all) transatlantic traffic has been in DVDs only , it keeps costs down and avoids the attention of customs. Most of us in Europe are quite OK with handling DVDs and someone in the US normally volunteers to make CD copies of vines coming from Europe. (If you are sending vines internationally make sure you fill in on the customs declaration that the contents of the package are a gift of no commercial value) Vines in Europe don't tend to last so long as there are not so many of us, because the post is quite fast, because we normally just use DVDs and also because many here are well hooked into other ways of getting shows. Expired Eurovines are generally offered to members of the Eurotraders site (a Yahoo group of Eurodeadheads). Since I started the Matrix vine in Europe it was also offered from the start on the Vines Across the Waters forum . The last to offer it there was grateful-ted back on October,27 so ideally LIG71 would contact him to get it. I hope that makes sense. Its all a wonderful evolved disorganisation that works pretty well because of the kindness of all involved. PS Stand by for Volume 2 of the Matrix Vine
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See the book 'Talking Heads- the band and their music' by (get ready, get ready) David Gans. Our own David Gans. It is a fun read and has some great pictures of the band's evolution. The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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So there is a copy of the Matrix Vol. 1 already in Europe, somewhere, that LIG71 should sign on to? And are we here in the US to discourage (maybe that's not the word I want) overseas 'heads from signing up on US vines? Don't know where a viner is until he (or she) sends us his (or her) address and I'd hate to be the guy in front of the guy in Lichtenstein who's waited for a vine for months only to be outed as a European when he sends me his address. If you can follow that messy sentence there. This Matrix vine has been slow going over here, and there are seven people after LIG71. If there's already a copy over there maybe I should PM him to check on it, or at least make sure he can handle just the DVDs. This Matrix vine is a beast, as you know, and I've already promised Frankly in the Czech Republic that I'd send over a copy of the 1991 DSB vine - and I've already confirmed he *doesn't* do DVDs/flac. Unrelated: Deadheads, Talking Heads and David Gans wrote a book on 'em. That is too synchronisticly funny. Thanks for the pointer Oroboros. You guys are the coolest. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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I've PM'd LIG71 and suggested he contact grateful-ted about the European Matrix (desperately trying to not sound like I'm a cheap, lazy bastard blowing him off) and also sent a PM to grateful-ted (think he's British) to let him know what's going on. Keeping my cheap, lazy bastard fingers crossed. Thanks again for the help MarkintheDark ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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Well I wouldn't say folk should discourage Euroheads from signing up, just check if the vine originated in Europe, because if it did there should be a Euroversion circulating. Euroheads like Sunshine Daydream (and to a much lesser extent me, Greg McFarlane and others) have started lots of vines and sent them to the US...and many folk over there have been kind enough to send stuff the other way when asked. I reckon it is up to each individual to decide if they want to make a copy to send across the pond (in which case the recipient should definitely then offer it on the Vines Across the Waters forum) or to include the Eurohead on the regular vine (postage each way takes 7-10 days)
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hey nowcan anybody help with directions on how to download shows and transfer them to CD. i do not have any teen agers or younger kids to help! lol
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17 years 3 months

Well it depends on what web site you are attemping to download from . I just sent you a PM, check your in box . Hopefully that will help you . If you need more help just let me know , if I can`t help I`m sure someone here can help you out . Peace ...
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14 years 7 months

downloaded traders little helper, how do i use it? how do i convert the flac files so i can put them on an audio cd? any and all help is appreciated.........
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Step 1: download the music to your hard drive. I have a PC and download to "music" in "owner" and "desktop." Step: 2: open TLH, click "format" then "decode audio files" in the dropdown Step 3: you are now in "decode audio files"-click "add" and find and highlight the files you want to decode, then click "open" Step 4: once you have added all the files you want to decode (I suggest limiting it to 1 show, any more and the likelihood of errors seems to increase) click "decode." The files will start decoding. Step 5: once the files are all decoded, go to where your downloaded files are and you will see the WAV files.
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when i go to decode i get a message- cannot open output file(likely it does not exist or is not accessable) now what to do here.........help i'm technologically challenged!!
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the light goes on, and we have success, now what is the prefered program to use for a gapless playback cd?
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17 years 6 months

I use I-tunes. You have to change the settings to 0 seconds btwn tracks. I think you go to preferences and advanced to do that.
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try burn4free on burn4free.com supports gapless CD creation. Happy listening!
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burn your CDR set to "Disc at Once." If the setting is "Track at Once," it will put those annoying gaps between tracks.