'Wake of the Flood' Matchbook, Outside Artist: Rick Griffin
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Does anyone know
how rare are these matchbooks? Just curious, as usual...Damn I love the archives here. Should still have 'em...... xoxoxox Gypsy Cowgirl
never seen one
but then i never looked either!Strike another match, go start anew
pass it over here, i'll give it back to you
wow, too cool
I've never seen one either, but that's on my short list of favorite art.
Wake the Flood Matchbook
It's spring cleaning 2017!I've just come upon a Mint condition unstruck all matches there "Wake the Flood" matchbook.
It must have been in hiding/storage for 30+ yrs.
Yes, these are very rare indeed.
I'm a match collector and other then this long lost book, I've never seen another one in my 40+yrs of collecting.
I wouldn't have a clue to it's value, but I'm glad it's mine!!
Cold Rain and Snow!!!!
Wake of the flood matches
I have quite a few of these matchbooks.
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