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  • Randall Lard
    bangerz & mashed
    No apology necessary, Anna.We must say what we truly feel.
  • Anna rRxia
    Orange Diamond
    An exquisite 15 carat orange diamond is expected to fetch upwards of 15 million dollars at auction. Naturally occurring colored diamonds comprise approximately 5% of all diamonds. Those that are of this particular cut, color and clarity are extremely rare. It is worth looking up this specimen if you have an excellent computer monitor and are into geological specimens of rarity and beauty.
  • Anna rRxia
    Now Playing: "The Republican Show!"
    Yes, It has become high comedy-drama, this show featuring the Democrats, moderate and progressive and the Republicans, "Tea Party" and and "Old Guard". This year the table was set for an old-time political show-down between two factions of the Republican Party. They were at each others throats and neither wanted to give in because of well-funded primary challenges sure to come. The stakes were enormously high. As high as we have ever seen in our lifetime. One side of the Republican Party wanted to gamble with the full faith and credit of the the US Government (By shutting down the Federal Government as well as not voting to raise the debt ceiling by fully funding, without discrimination, the budget for 2013-14) as well as gut any trace of the first black president's legacy of universal healthcare through landmark legislation known as the "Affordable Care Act". The other side of the party, the moderates, want to repeal, or at least drastically scale back, Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, Unemployment and all programs related to Aid to Families with Dependent Children. This is something that the upper 2% of the wealthy in this country have been screaming for since it's inception in the 1930s. These were seen by the wealthy at that time in history as a way to keep an uprising, increasingly organized, restive population from exploding due to hunger and unemployment during the dark, hard times of the Great Depression. One US Senator, a first-termer named Ted Cruz associated with the Tea Party, went on a hell-bent 21 hour twisted screed on the Senate Floor in a maverick attempt to derail the President's health care act, which was about to go into effect. It was not a filibuster and had nothing to do with any strategy on the part of the Republican minority Senate leadership. It was his personal attempt to defund ObamaCare. What he ended up doing was putting the President's landmark healthcare legislation squarely in the spotlight for the American people to seriously look at, at exactly the time it was coming into effect by law. Senator Cruz effective attained a majority of support for the law where one had been formerly lacking. In the meantime, the "Old Guard" leadership had become so distracted (McConnell; Boehner; Cantor) that they totally missed the fact that the Democrats were willing to begin negotiations with the Republicans budget numbers. In other words, they were already miles down the rail-road track toward a "Grand Bargain" that would have made decisive steps toward making accommodations in the budget for the wave of baby-boomers about to retire, enrolling in the vital social welfare programs that could never be cut before. The result may very well be NO REFORM in those social welfare programs and the GOP permanently split as a party. One side becomes the the fiscally and socially conservative Tea Party "True Believers" and the "Socially Moderate, Polite, Play Fair, Republicans" who are still fiscally conservative, though not so vehemently so. What has been pointed out before is that the Tea Party faction is willing to sew chaos by roiling the US and World Money Markets by playing with the default of the "Full Faith And Credit of the United States Government" by not paying the interest, and eventually the principle on those T-Bill Coupons. This has been an amazing tale that is still unfolding...
  • Anna rRxia
    About the hyperbole...
  • Randall Lard
    everything you need from the ships and the ice cream
    Mary, Sinéad's long, drawn out letters may have been heartfelt, but are entirely ineffective and the method chosen to convey her feelings spectacularly poorly judged.Why not contact her directly and express concern, if she so desperately feels the need, instead of an 'open letter'? Her rambling was met with a rather delightfully witty response; some cute little put-downs which she immediately took exception to. If you don't like being called crazy, please refrain from acting in such a fashion. As for Mrs. Lennox, her tiring call for a rating system for pop videos was rightfully shown the exit back in the eighties, along with the equally delusional rantings of Tipper Bore et al. May i humbly suggest a ratings system for banal, mediocre and instantly forgettable piano ballads, usually delivered with a teary eye at a Comic Relief event, accompanied by video screens projecting images of suffering African children. Their views once again perpetuate the incoherent and illogical belief/myth that any woman working in pornography, nude modeling or the sex industry, is being manipulated, coerced, prostituted or pimped by men. For some lamentable reason, it would seem that certain women, sometimes men (usually when trying to impress in the company of women, truth be told), are deeply unhappy with their fellow gender openly celebrating their sexuality. The notion that women can enjoy and promote sex of their own accord appears unfathomable and sadly adds to the general condescension that females have to endure on a regular basis. Are we to attribute empowerment and strength only to the male of the species? Miss Cyrus' parents have nothing to be ashamed of. She is a beautiful young girl enjoying herself and exploring her sexuality. And although Billy Ray has a hell of a lot to answer for; inflicting 'Achy Breaky Heart' on the world's population to name but one, that is a whole other kettle of slimy, white fish (mullet fish?) - his daughter's behaviour is not one of them. Is 'Wrecking Ball' a great pop song? Not especially. Is the video an immense artistic achievement? Not really, although it's splendidly fun and everything a good pop video should be; certainly has a lot of people frothing (at both ends). Intention aside, (and be damned even, it's the results that are interesting), is it more/less entertaining than a bunch of guys (it usually is, isn't it?) essentially repeating the same songs, with minor adjustments and fluctuations in key for a living? (A question quite reasonably aimed at a large section of artists deified on this site). The answer? Hugely debatable. Pornography, nudity and sex is not intrinsically a danger to women. To be more pertinent - in·trin·sic ( n-tr n z k, -s k). adj. 1. Of or relating to the essential nature of a thing; inherent. Sex and the body in it's purest form is beautiful and to be encouraged. I read the other day that there was an offer to Miley for $1 million to direct a porn movie. I hope she has the courage to accept this offer. And Anna - i'm afraid i've no idea what you meant by your 'don't give in to denial - the news is what it is' comment. I can only assume that Slo Lettuce was correct in his guess and that you took my 'Shut up..' posts as personally directed at your good self. Although why you would think i would ever speak to you in such a fashion is beyond me and makes for rather a depressing thought. It never is, never was and never will be my intention to tell anyone what they can or cannot express in this Forum. This should be a place for everyone. Your views on this subject are hugely encouraged.
  • Anna rRxia
    No offense, Lard-o
    My buttons get pushed easily. Your rant (twisted screed, whatever) was quite good but I'm sure you don't expect everybody to agree with you. There are a number of ways to look at this. Miley had the wholesome girl kid hero image to pull away from and she milked it for all it was worth in a sweet PR campaign. Really, It's her PR people who should take a bow, not Miley. She was just choreographed. Sinead and Annie? Irrelevant! Sour grapes mixed with their own private versions of psychotherapy hell sessions. I hate to sound banal but what was the line from Seinfeld about the traditional route of being spit out the bottom of the porn industry? Anyway, sounded like you had something to say and you said it in your own inimitable way.
  • Anna rRxia
    Well Ted, The Way You get around
    I doubt you're living paycheck-to-paycheck. Still, I wish to express my deepest sympathy for the family crosses we all bear. Well, the unluckiest of us, or the luckiest ones in the lessons we learn. Well, you know what I mean... Need I say it? The Tea Party has torn asunder the two-party system that sustains the Right's hegemony over us all. Whooda thunk it!
  • Anna rRxia
    Don't worry, Slo
    I acknowledge Randy is light-years ahead of me. Good detective work on your part!
  • slo lettuce
    lesson learned...
    my apologies to anyone I made feel uncomfortable or disrespected. The only pot I ever care to stir is usually sitting next to me. I will now write, "I will attempt to keep my big keyboard shut" 100 times on the etherboard. Knowing myself though, this will be met with limited success.... :)
  • marye
    I think the Sinead letter
    sort of goes into the anthology that also contains Courtney Love's screed on the music industry. Out there maybe, but classic.
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17 years 4 months
What's happening out in the world? Did it matter, does it now?
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12 years 2 months

3 years of intense civil war 150,000 dead 2,500,000 refugees, most living in squalor in the desert, if they're lucky, with nothing left to go back to. the polar vortex doesn't seem so bad...
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17 years 4 months

A number of folks have asked about this effort--a petition drive on started by a Head in Kansas to have the band included in the Kennedy Center Honors next year for the 50th anniversary. Details here:
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17 years 2 months

Ukraine's unrest has left the door open for neighboring Russia to walk right in and take control of the Crimean peninsula. This gives Russia more coastline on the Black Sea for their navy. I don't think the apparent invasion was for humanitarian or stabilization purposes. Today's stock markets suffered as a consequence, especially those with Russian interests. Some energy and commodity prices went up. NATO is silent, as is eastern Europe, as far as I can tell. Eyes fall upon the USA to do something about Vladimir Putin's "incredible act of aggression", a quote from Sec. of State John Kerry. Putin is more interested in Crimea than he is in improving Russia's relationship with the USA. Let's see how Barrack Obama handles this tense situation and hope for diplomatic success to diffuse potential hostilities.

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10 years 7 months

Crimea had finally decided to join Russia after 96.6 of voters are favor to join Russia. Crimea had become independent Ukraine since 1954. However, majority of their population were Russians.
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17 years 2 months

I think I'm in the current event forum, aren't I? Montreal won a great hockey game with the NY Rangers last night, eh?
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15 years 2 months

Holy crap!! First place in the A.L East. Finally this team is playing like it was told to us at the beginning of last season. Hitting dingers like madmen and getting quality starting pitching is paying off after seasons of playing rather dull baseball.The only doubt's I have is the bullpen. it seems they need a 4 or 5 run cushion every night to pull off a win. Still...first place after 50 or so games hasn't happened in a long time. As far as the Habs go, I guess it's a good thing and I'd like to see them go 7 games. But it's hard for me to cheer for a team I hated all season. Hockey ended for me when the Leafs shit the bed. I think St Louis mother passing away has seemed to be a rallying cry for the whole Rangers organization. I hope they win it all.
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10 years 3 months

Bummer the US couldn't beat Portugal yesterday. I thought they had it then let that goal in with less than a minute left. Hope they can tie or beat Germany Thursday.
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17 years 3 months

It was very disappointing to lose the lead with less than a minute to play. We played very well but let our guard down just for a moment and they exploited it. I think a win against Germany will be difficult. Though if Ghana could tie them, maybe we can too. At the very least, if we can avoid a route like Portugal got against Germany, then we should be ok to move on. -Dave
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10 years 3 months

I think your right. Beating Germany is going to be tough task think they were one of the favorites to take the whole thing. Would absolutely love to see them beat Germany though, imagine the confidence boost it would give them going into the next round. I think if we loose and Portugal beats Germany we still get in. Not real sure about that though. Looking forward to the match on Thursday.
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17 years 3 months

Yeah, if we win or tie Germany, we advance. If we lose to Germany, then it gets tricky. If Portugal/Ghanna tie, we advance. If Portugal beats Ghanna, we would tie Portugal on Win/Loss/Tie, so it would go to point differential. Since Portugal got stomped by Germany 5-1, they would have to beat Ghanna by about the same to advance over the US. If they only win by 1 or 2, the US still would advance. If Ghanna were to beat Portugal, we would be tied with them on Win/Loss/Tie but Ghanna has a much lower goal differential to overcome so if they won by 2, they would advance and the US would be out. Of course the numbers would vary by what Germany beats us by. So, ideally, we either win/tie Germany, or we want Portugal to tie or barely win against Ghanna. Thursday will definitely be an exciting afternoon! -Dave
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10 years 3 months

I appreciate you breaking it down for me. Definitely makes allot more sense now I didnt know they did goal differential. Anxiously waiting til Thursday now. Whos your pick to win it all if US isnt there?
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17 years 3 months

Well, if the US can't make it, then I would probably go with Mexico, or possibly Brazil or Belgium. Beyond that, anyone who can beat the Netherlands! I am more of a fan of the "beautiful game" style of soccer that countries like Spain, Brazil and Mexico play, than the "almost American football" tactics of the Netherlands. Unfortunately Netherlands are favored now. Hoping, whether US wins or not, that Mexico can beat them next week. Will be their toughest game. You? Got anyone in particular you are rooting for? -Dave
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10 years 3 months

I'm not a huge soccer fan however I do like following when the world cup is going on. I like rooting for a our country in a whole. If the US doesnt beat Germany today then I would prob pull for Germany, actually use to live over there. With that said Go USA.
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17 years 3 months

Israel/Gaza, the Iraq debacle, Syria, Libya, unresolved Afghan election, the August recess with really not much hope of anything productive from congress, Snowden asylum, Ukraine crisis, the CIA spying on the senate, California drought, November midterm elections, suing the president? It's no surprise things are a little dry around here, especially since Anna's gone...oh well. Ignorance is bliss!
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17 years 4 months

as, on one level, it's a regional grocery store issue in New England. However, the Save Market Basket saga is, in my opinion, the most important business story in recent memory, representing as it does the success of stakeholders refusing to let a business be destroyed by greedheads. God bless those folks.
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12 years 2 months

'It's time to make emotional abuse a crime.Psychological violence is hard to define and hard to police. That's exactly why those experiencing it need the law to be changed.' Insightful piece by Lauren Laverne -… An average of seven women are killed by their current or ex-partners every month in England and Wales. The numbers in the United States are considerably higher. Lauren Laverne: 'What I remember most about emotional abuse is that it's like being put in a box. Maybe you think it's a treasure box at first: you're in there because you're special. Soon the box starts to shrink.'
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17 years 2 months

A long, strange and trippy 12 inning game gives Kansas City life in October!Sorry Marye about ending the A's season....
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17 years 3 months

My Brewers really screwed the pooch this year. After spending most of the season in first place, they lose 22 of their last 31 and end up in third place. Funny the first 1/3 of the Royals lineup last night were former Brewers, as is the manager Ned Yost. Yost was fired after almost botching the Crew out of the '08 playoff picture. Go figure.
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Member for

15 years 2 months

What did I say back in June about the Jays??? Silly me speaking too soon like that. Happy for the Royals tho. They deserve it. My moneys on the Giants.
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16 years 9 months

Is there gonna be a pony? They said there would be a pony..
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17 years 2 months

You've got me on the pony promo: please elaborate Johnman.We're getting the brooms ready in KC for Sunday's baseball game, after the Chiefs beat the 49r's.
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17 years 2 months

2 more wins to go over the O's to reach the Series: Will the Redbirds play dead against the Giants in St Louis again today?
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17 years 3 months

Also a former Brewer. Gotta give the Giants the edge in this one, although I have no preference other than an entertaining series.
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Member for

13 years 10 months

now it's almost here. getting psyched for another grand time. what you talkin 'bout you say? only the reason the internet has any value. the reason i get up every morning. and end up staying up all night. the quintessential listening party and trivia game. the best time outside the lot. gather round children for NOVEMBER IS HERE AGAIN!! 30 DAYS!!! say it again 30 DAYS!!! Right on You see this cat 30 days is a bad mother --- (Shut your mouth) But I'm talkin' about 30 days (Then we can dig it) dig it we will can't wait to see you all there let the games begin!! (we are doing it again this year right?) --peace and love-- hornsby.
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10 years

Gee, Hornsby, I sure wish we could get you excited about "30 Days" this year! Ya seem a bit laid back... ;) K
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16 years 9 months

Who doesn't like a pony? [=;{/)
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Member for

11 years 4 months

it is sad to learn that the Furthur bus has reached terminal station. very few bands create the entrancing aura Furthur delivered, thanks boys. too bad they call it quits but the future will bring good things. FFFers, where are you?
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10 years 7 months

Tim Flannery recently talked to AP about singing the anthem with Bobby and Phil, and he also dropped a nice cryptical hint about 2015. "We did this two years ago," Flannery said. "And they haven't been together. They're about ready to start a 50th anniversary Grateful Dead, so they kind of split their ways this last summer, and so this might have been the first time they've been together."…
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15 years 9 months

FFF FFF FFF Hey Cosmic Jerry! Hey Gordon The Drummer!
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11 years 4 months

Hey Jared! hey Gordon, how good to get news from you guys! Grateful for the link Jared, thanks!! :)
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Darn Patriots lucked out again. Flacco had a great game for Baltimore. Seatle just scored: Seahawks should roll. Colts will surprise the Donkeys tomorrow. Green Bay at home is a good bet.
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17 years 3 months

Some people dvr'd it ya know...
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17 years 2 months

No time like the present, Jeff. I find it hard to watch recorded sporting events after the contest is over. That's some eagle nest on your profile page! I saw a few balds and a couple of golden's last month in the mountains southwest of Laramie WY.
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17 years 3 months

Technically, the same day is the present. It just depends on your time scale. I was only kidding anyway, I had a feeling the new post in this forum had something to do with the football game, so I resisted clicking through to the messages. By the way, I find it hard to the watch inane commercials while the event is happening. So there's the obligatory trade-off.
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10 years

I'm inclined to believe that could I decipher the meaning in your cryptic posts, unraveling the universe's dark mysteries would be a mere formality; then again, perhaps they're one and the same..../k