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  • grdaed73
    CCj u qwacking me up
    u very funny and what r the pics of ! our net nanny on server @work is blocking 'em, and i just got here, based on your song,my mind is gonna take me.......happy place:) Sign says.. Woo... stay away fools, 'cause love rules at the Lo-o-ove Shack! Well it's set way back in the middle of a field,Just a funky old shack and I gotta get back. hmmm, i'm blocked out of 2 love shack vids on google....coincidence??
  • c_c
    late at night
    late at night, I woke up about 2 or 3am, with the iknowurider song in my head. in semi darkness, I keep a flash light next to the futon, I wrote up these notes: peace.
  • c_c
    Grateful Mom
    Grateful Mom's, gonna put her fishnets on Grateful Mom's, gonna put her slit skirt on Gonna put on her garter belt, gonna keep turning me on lazy bastard that I am... ( -: pe@ce
  • GratefulGigi
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    Funny CCJ :)
  • c_c
    bear, I reckon, if memory serves, you were in on the chat where we started talking about fishnets and garter belts, and how iknowUrider thought them sexy... she has told me, a while back, her place with her husband; they call it the 'love shack' a bit of an inside joke there. peace.
  • rambelinbearis…
    well thenlol
  • c_c
    > iknowurider > > > iknowurider's, gonna put her fishnets on > iknowurider's, gonna put her slit skirt on > Gonna put on her garter belt, gonna keep turning me on > > Saw her last night, Lord, you know she looks the best > Chatted last night, Lord, she’s unlike all the rest > My heart was thumping baby, she put my wedding vows to the test > > iknowurider, gonna put your fishnets on > iknowurider, gonna put that slit skirt on > Gonna put on that garter belt, gonna keep turning me on > > The walls of the ‘love shack’ are shakin' again today > The windows of the ‘love shack’ are all shatterin' today > Some lucky someones are really getting blown away > > iknowurider, has her fishnets on > iknowurider, has her slit skirt on > Gonna put on that garter belt, gonna keep turning me on > > I wish I could see you try your garter belt on > I wish I could see you try that slit skirt on > I'd leave my old lady; and that ain’t no con > > iknowurider's, gonna put those fishnets on > iknowurider's, gonna put that slit skirt on > Gonna put on that garter belt, gonna keep turning me on > > I wish we was on tour, not working on this farm > I wish we was on tour, not working on this farm > I’d get a tattoo of you, my baby, and put it on my arm > > iknowurider, gonna put your fishnets on > iknowurider, gonna put that slit skirt on > Gonna put on that garter belt, gonna keep turning me on > > I wish you’d let me come in out from the rain > I wish you’d let me come in from out the rain > Cause right now, baby, my heart is in real pain > > iknowurider, gonna put those fishnets on > iknowurider, gonna put that slit skirt on > Cause in your “love shack” baby, I know what’s going on > > iknowurider says "I’m gonna put my fishnets on" > iknowurider says "I’m gonna put my slit skirt on" > "Gonna put on my garter belt, as soon as CC Joe stops drooling on > on on ON ON ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  • c_c
    and then
    the airlines usually respond and give 'something' even to semi-legit complaints like that one with the phone being dis-connected. there is a lot of competition in the air these days. and there are other choices. we do fly A LOT, so they also tend to 'respond' to steady custom, especially when worded so sweetly lke in my letter. ( -; and then there was the time I bitched, nicely in a letter, to NW about the fact there was no pillows, and got 10,500 miles, the time a reservation agent laughed at me, (well, she chuckled...) and I got 10,000 miles... I was pointing out a problem with a reservation. in a totally serious tone of voice, and she just chuckled. 'you think I'm funny? what am I? a clown? here to amuse you??!!' Pesci in Goodfellas I AM one of those guys who just tries to ek out as many miles as possible at every occassion. I even take convuluted, extremely time consuming routes because it adds up to more miles at the same fare. peace.
  • marye
    you go
    Joe! Good for the airline for dealing with this well, also.
  • c_c
    squeeky wheel
    I grew up in the back room of a saloon, learning that 'the customer was ALWAYS right' this is a case of how I got 5,000 bonus miles just for sending an email to explain what happened when I was trying to buy a tix online... being the squeeky wheel, so to speak. I refrained from using cuss words, and had my old lady edit up my shakey grammer and spelling... ( -; Message: To Thai Air: I would like to explain what happened when I spoke with reservation agents on the telephone yesterday. Online, I was trying to book an e-ticket, and I had an e-cert certificate that I was trying to use. I was unsure of the procedure, and called to inquire about it. I had searched for a flight and a price, but even after I had put in my e-cert number, and even after an E-Coupon icon appeared, the price remained the same. I did not want to click Purchase this Ticket before I saw the changed fare. I asked why the price had not been discounted. She asked if the ticket price was over 100 US$, and yes it is because this is a long flight. I was placed on hold (there is a timer on my cordless phone, so I am quite sure about the times) for 8 minutes. When the reservation agent returned, she told me she did not know, and I should use the information portion of the website to ask my question. I told her I wanted to book the ticket as soon as possible to get the best fare, because sometimes discount fares become sold-out, or lower priced seats suddenly become sold out. She told me she could not answer any more questions and my only option was to use the site. I tried to read through the FAQs, and so on, but could not get an answer to my question. I wanted to book the ticket before any discount fares were suddenly sold out. I called Thai air's ticket line again. I explained again. This time, the reservation operator asked for my schedule and flight numbers, etc. I was placed on hold for 9 minutes, when suddenly the phone line went dead. I immediately called back but getting a different person on the line, I asked to speak with the person I had just spoken to. I told her this was a flight ticket, and again gave all of the flight numbers. I was agian placed on hold, and after 13 minutes the phone line went dead again. I called again, and again, I told her how I had been on hold before and cut off twice, this time, she had the common sense to ask my telephone number in case we were cut off again. But, I had to explain everything again, and I finally learned that I am unable to use the e-coupon. I clicked on purchase this ticket, but the session had timed out, and I had to go back and re-enter all of the information again. Needless to say, it was a very long and frustrating experience trying to book this ticket, a major bummer, and a total buzz negator. Is there a problem with the phone lines? Essentially, it took me more than 90 minutes to finally book my ticket. The time to call, the time to explain, the time to wait on hold, and the time to enter all of my information again. It was all rather vexing. Sincerely, CC Joe Dear Mr. CC Sawat Di Ka. Thank you for contacting Customer Service regarding the difficulty you had booking a reservation online with an e-certificate. We appreciate the time you took to write and tell us about your experience. On be half of Thai Air I apologize for the amount of time it took to get an answer to your question from our agents. I can understand how frustrating it would be to desire assistance and each time be disconnected. As our customer, you are in the best position to point out areas that need attention. Our goal is to provide consistent and accurate information to our passengers at all times. I am sorry that in this instance you did not receive the service you expected and should have received when you called the Customer Service to inquire about the use of the e-certificate. Feedback like yours will help us improve our process and overall customer experience. Please know I will be sharing your comments with the responsible leadership team for internal follow up. Please know we greatly appreciate your business as a Platinum Royal Thai Air Silk member. As a tangible expression of our appreciation and as an apology for the poor service you received I have added 5,000 Bonus Miles to your account. Please allow 2-3 business days to see these bonus miles added to your account. Again thank you for taking the time to write us about your experience and I am confident given the opportunity to serve you in the future, Thai Air will not only meet but exceed your expectations. Khop Phun Mak Ka. Sincerely, Ms. Songporn Nataruruj Thai Air Customer Resolution Department Bangkok, Thailand
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17 years 9 months
continuing the free-form from where we left it...
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17 years 2 months

Or is it Beef Pie? Nothing like the influence of a Frozen Beef Pie! Not that I'm knocking beer, mind you. Just hoping for a brave new superhero of the current economic slump. In any event, kudos to both Gratefulmom on her doubtlessly hugely successful venture and the intrepid wikifittist creatively promoting same. And may the wikiwankers be slow in discovering the transgression. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 7 months

...pretty much anything is good with enough tabasco sauce and seven beers! 'specially that habanero tabasco, mmmm. And I used to use about half a bottle of garlic tabasco on a pizza, but you can't find the stuff anymore I just checked the wiki article again at 1035 PM eastern time and the Wenonah blurb is still there, I'd paste it in here but that would spoil cc's surprise I think. Congratulations, gratefulmom! What's on the menu? ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
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17 years 9 months

it does kind of kill the buzz to put it here, but if mom can't see it then that ain't cool...,_New_Jersey#External_links hey, Pid, if you could please make a clickability thing, I'd appreciate it. couldn't figure out how to do that even wioth your instrictions. Borough of Wenonah Official Website Wenonah Elementary School Wenonah Elementary School's 2006-07 School Report Card from the New Jersey Department of Education Data for the Wenonah Elementary School, National Center for Education Statistics Wenonah Environmental Commission Wenonah, New Jersey is at coordinates 39°47′31″N 75°08′58″W / 39.791813, -75.149495 (Wenonah, New Jersey)Coordinates: 39°47′31″N 75°08′58″W / 39.791813, -75.149495 (Wenonah, New Jersey) [hide]v • d • eMunicipalities and communities of Gloucester County, New Jersey County seat: Woodbury City Woodbury Boroughs Clayton | Glassboro | National Park | Newfield | Paulsboro | Pitman | Swedesboro | Wenonah | Westville | Woodbury Heights Townships Deptford | East Greenwich | Elk | Franklin | Greenwich | Harrison | Logan | Mantua | Monroe | South Harrison | Washington | West Deptford | Woolwich CDPs Beckett | Gibbstown | Mullica Hill | Oak Valley | Turnersville | Victory Lakes | Williamstown Communities Bridgeport | Clarksboro | Cooper | Cross Keys | Franklinville | Harrisonville | Malaga | Mickleton | Monroeville | Mount Royal | Sewell | Thorofare Grateful Mom recently opened the most delicious and soon to be very famous Wenonah Italian Market/ Deli/ Resturant! The Wenonah Italian Market may be found at 2 West Mantua Ave in Wenonah. Retrieved from ",_New_Jersey" Categories: Boroughs in New Jersey | Gloucester County, New Jersey ViewsArticle Discussion Edit this page History Personal toolsLog in / create account Navigation Main page Contents This page was last modified on 18 December 2008, at 01:05. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. (See Copyrights for details.) Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductible nonprofit charity. Privacy policy About Wikipedia Disclaimers we'll see how long it lasts, I mean, how often does anyone look at the Winonan wiki page anyways?? peace.
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16 years 7 months

For the record, it was chicken and it wasn't very satisfying. Only had the crust on top, not all around, the tabasco helped a little but I didn't have any cheese or beer. Didn't use garlic salt (damn pies have more than enough sodium already). The sauce was watery and the vegetables diced too small. Looks like I'll have to break into the secret stash of Girl Scout Cookies. If my sister knew I've been holding back a box (or two) of Samoas she'd kill me. (a real calzone woulda been awesome. Or that appetizer I had at this Italian place near Pittsburgh, it was just hot peppers fried with asiago cheese - I had a triple order as my entree, paid the price but it was worth it) ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
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17 years 2 months

is holding open auditions for a bellringer, and a little hunchback is the first in line. the monk holding the interviews tells him to go ahead and give the rope a pull, see how he does. poor little guy pulls too hard and the rope slingshots him up the tower, and into the belfrey where he promptly smacks his face on the bell, causing it to resound with a perfect ring. falling out of the tower he lands on the ground and is surrounded by wouldbe bellringers, monks and a flustered policeman who asks the crowd if they know this man, to which the monk in charge of the auditions replied " i don't know his name but his face sure rings a bell".
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16 years 7 months

heheheheheh. That's a good one to sign out with, thanks johnman G'night folks woops, one more thing: it's 11:11 PM EST, and the wikipricks have removed the g'mom blurb. Bastards. for posterity's sake: "Grateful Mom recently opened the most delicious and soon to be very famous Wenonah Italian Market/ Deli/ Resturant! The Wenonah Italian Market may be found at 2 West Mantua Ave in Wenonah." I googled the Italian Market and it looks like realtors are using it as a selling point for houses on Mantua Ave., as in "within walking distance of Wenonah's new Italian Market" etc. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
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17 years 2 months

no, man!!...the Peanut Butter Patties!!...........get a grip
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17 years 8 months

Kinda looking for a job-and paid my university by waiting tables-would come help you out if I could, GalPal!!!!!!!!!!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 2 months

just realized the significance......(been drinkin' ya kno!)....good luck mom!!...(jeez tiger, i needa job too!! and frank and bob.....HEY let's start a company that drinks alla the left over beer....clean up, so to speak.....tiger can run the joint!!
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17 years 9 months

i got an email this morning, scary shit dude! they are selling flying monkeys as stocking stuffers... must be some kinda devious plan abounding! 3 for $10, an army is amassing. be sure to cover all beer xmas day, they will be in the air!!
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17 years 9 months

Sir markinthedark is relegated to eating frozen pot pies, and Neil Young's Archives have been pulled from amazon today, again. ;((
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17 years 2 months

the horror....the horror
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17 years 2 months

but ya'd hafta eat 'bout 9 of 'em...........ditch the samoa's tho...peanut butter patties, dude!
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17 years 9 months

markinthedark has moved to a much higher quality muffin meal and Neil's Archives are back up on amazon. I am sure it's just a coincedence.
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16 years 7 months

...of receiving my order. Samoas is (now=was) all I had left. Whole wheat muffins too! I didn't realize the NY Archive set had ever disappeared from amazon. I saw it when it was first posted, realized that it would set me back over five hundred bucks to enjoy (over $350 for the set, $150 for a blu-ray player) and couldn't look back. I have pretty low-def ears anyway. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
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16 years 7 months

A recent post to the site 12/24, categorized as a story (that will probably disappear before long): "Sale Info Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page. Here is the promo page." (repeated another 94 or so times) Looks like a placeholder for some webprogramming. Maybe the deadnetstore had as disappointing holiday sales season as most other stores did, but I can't help but think they'd have had better sales if they had things to sell. Actually I have solved this merchandise problem for them, using a tribal philosophy with a dash of corporate geekiness. needs to get out of the business of selling merchandise, except perhaps for actual music (CDs, downloads or whatever) and the limited edition tie-ins, and collectibles (posters, autographed things, fundraising stuff). They can't compete, either in selection or price, with about a bazillion small businesses that are on the 'net. I investigated this during the "Long Night of the Onesie", when I tried yet again to buy something at only to discover they were out of most of the items they showed on the initial webpages for that category. When I googled "Grateful Dead Onesie" I got those bazillion hits mentioned above, and these vendors had *wonderful* selections, all in stock, everything that had been available at the store (at some time in the past, I suppose). My admittedly brief survey suggested that these stores were overall cheaper, as well. So here's what the Dead Inc. people need to do: rather than waste a lot of time and effort trying to have a store of their own and keeping the applicable webpages current (or lose sales having somebody else manage the store for them, whichever it is), they need to go the Webring route, and direct potential customers to one of those other stores that do actually carry stuff, in stock. And these stores have a *huge* variety of things, too, that you never see at All the items that the deadstore has (excepting the Egypt '78 tie-ins, which I expect to be on sale soon) plus the usual hippy goodies, beaded curtains, incense, stickers etc etc. Lot of it appears to be licensed goods, anyway, so GDP must've gotten a little fee in there somewhere already. Deadcorp. just needs to approach these vendors and offer to link to their site for some small percentage of any sales generated by customers crossing over from Tracking the transaction is doable. The small (well-stocked & efficient) business gets to be a preferred vendor, customers increase as a result, doesn't need to worry about having a store, and people can easily have access to a wider variety of merchandise, clothes, jewelry, books, everything. I've gotten references to several sites through users here at, and spent several hundred dollars as a result jsut in the last few months. If I would've used a link through the website to get to these other vendors (since I always start at then DeadCorp would have gotten some little cut of the action, for no trouble at all. Viola! the problem is solved! And in a nice, communal fashion as well. There can be a nice group of pages here with links to other stores showing their logos or whatever, categorized or not. The site already does something vaguely similar, in the "Your Own Storefront" forum, this would just be bigger, centralized, flashier and more "professional". The Dead Mall. Lots of nice groovy names, too. "Dharma Rose", "SunshineJoy", like that. Brilliant. Ah, I'm a genius. You can send me a present, out of gratitude. Probably have an extra pyramid laying around, that'll be OK I guess, as long as I don't have to pay the shipping :^) (and look, here's one of those businesses to get ya started, and Beth sends the profits to Rex!) ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
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17 years 2 months

like 6 hours ago i was lookin' at my profile page, tryin' ta figure out when my actual aniv. as a member here is, and it said i had like, 52 weeks 18 hrs....i'm assuming this was a leap year as 52 weeks is a year, right? so i'm thinkin' 18 + 6 is 24....gotta be at 4PM right? 4 rolls around and i check my page and it says 1 year 2 hrs.....too make matters worse, yesterday mornin' it said 52 weeks.......and when i post it says my aniv. is the 26th.....i've always thought i never needed help being confused...apparently i have been mistaken all these years.....oh well...Merry Christmas everyone!!
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17 years 7 months

Merry Christmas and Hippy anniversary whenever it was :)Peace,Gigi
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17 years 4 months

HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Peace, The Kid
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16 years 7 months

I happened to be in a doctor's waiting room recently, for reasons that don't need to be discussed here. This doctor is a general practitioner, and as luck would have it there were three pregnant women in the waiting room as well - must've been "Ultrasound Wednesday" or something. I tend to listen in on other people's conversations in situations like this; here is what I observed: One of the ladies was reading some new-agey magazine and remarked on the article she was reading. "This is kind of interesting" she said, "it says here that the gender of your child can to some extent be determined by the kind of lovemaking that led to the conception. I guess that means that I'll be having a little boy, because my husband was very manly and virile and totally ravished me when we made this baby." "That is interesting" said the lady to her left, "I suppose I will be having a girl then, because when my husband made love to me it was very gentle and sensitive, and he had lit candles and incense and sprinkled rose petals on the bed. Sounds like a girl for me." At this point the third lady burst into tears, sobbing loudly and moaning "Oh no, oh no". The first two pregnant ladies finally got her calmed down enough to talk (in situations like this, I try to turn invisible). "What's the matter, dear? Are you OK? Is there anything we can do?" Between sobs the distraught pregnant lady managed to get out: "I'm...I'm...I'm gonna have puppies!" (Cheers, TL!) ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> *********************************************
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17 years 9 months

The best to everyone here @ and more to come in the year 2009! "The task is, not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to think what nobody has yet thought, about that which everybody sees." - Erwin Schrödinger
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17 years 9 months

Happy New Years Eve to all here at deadnet! Here's to wishing we were all at the big event in the city tonight. I know we will be there in spirit. Good night to watch the Closing of Winterland dvd, you know magic happens there, and celebrate the dawn of the new era. Peace, hope,and love to you all. pk
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17 years 9 months

an extra sweet Sugar Mag at midnight to start the year off right!
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17 years 8 months

I own this issue-the one right after Jerry left us, along with several mint condition Tim Truman Grateful Dead comics. The Rolling Stone no longer mint-but intact. All this stuff been imported with me from the states to Europe. PM me if anybody interested in owning it, or for more details on the comics. Postage from europe would have to be included in selling price, but am open to negotiation. Hard times call for desperate measures. SIGH********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 9 months

it wasn't enough that the boys played absolutely steller shows both nights, and not enough that Jackie was a fucking HOT opening act, not enough that I met Jeff Chimenti outside te venue early afternoon on the 30th, not enough that the boys played well over 6 hours of MUSIC both nights, not enough that my old lady was literally brought to tears by the most excellent Dear Prudence, not enough that I ran into plenty of old friends and made some new ones, not enough that we was back in San Francisco after a ten year absence... but on exiting the show on NYE, being handed the spring tour notice; hmmm, that was the coconut cream icing on top of a very nice cake. nothing left to do but smile smile smile. of course we already have/had plans/ air tix, for April/May far far away from the US, but shiiiiiit; free mile tix can be cancelled, and plans can/will be changed. love and peace.
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17 years 9 months

Finally, my daughter has given birth. 37 hours of labor, only to get a c-section.8lbs, 10 oz., 21 inches. Pretty big considering my daughter is about 5' and 100 lbs. Both mom and baby are doing weel, although a little tired.
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17 years 9 months

u a grandparent now!! big congrats 4 yer daughter, 37 hrs, wow!! boy,girl?? weel??? i'll leave that alone : )peace
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17 years 9 months

and now kind people, on the other side of the rabbit hole: don't get me wrong, I'm here and will be around this site for another week or so before we head off to escape the cold rain and snow in our usual way to the wilds of South East Asia... gotta pay back some karma to the karma balance sheet keepers. got a few more days on the road shooting pool to raise up a bit more cash for the tour and then back to the villages and the village people of Issaan. the timing for us, personally, was just exactly perfect. with the NYE shows, the announcement, and the tix sales while I still got access to a decent i-net connection. jet lag does suck though, and I am still body clocked knocked out. does the fraise, 'not as young as you used to be...' ring any bells. ring the bell, technical knock out. back off topic: funny thing about the complainers, or maybe I should say ironic; nobody complained about the one thing I might have complianed about: did anyone look at a frigging map?? back and forth and up and down, too far tour planners. NC to DC and then back to Charlottesvile? all the way to Albany and then to Mass? then to Buffalo? no logic in the logistics... wanted to take the Erie Canal from Albany to Buffalooooo low bridge everybody down! well, I am OUT of the mindset of going to as many shows as humanly possible, and trying to be mellow in our approach, but no way can I make those long drives... anyways, totally stoked about the tour!! AND sooooooooooooooo happy for our Tiger Lilly. peace.
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17 years 8 months

Saw that the Dead were confirmed to play one of the Inaguration Balls If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 9 months

grdaed, PEACE back at you, man!! yeah, I wonder what the pre-sale fiasco will be like for the tix to the innagural ball will be like... bet prices are higher for that show than the tour, too. though I hear behind the stage will only be 75$ ( -; yuk yuk yuk... listening to a killer My GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGggggggggggggggggggeneration made me change my name to cc jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj peace.
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17 years 9 months

just punched up my NorthWorst mile summary!!! made it above 1,000,000 miles since enrollment!!!!! WorldPerks® Account Summary Name: Mr CC joe Account Number: 696969696969 Account Status: 01Mar2008-28Feb2009 Gold Elite 01Mar2009-28Feb2010 Silver Elite 2009 Elite Qualifying Miles 9,716 2008 Elite Qualifying Miles 45,900 2009 Elite Qualifying Segments 4 2008 Elite Qualifying Segments 16 Lifetime and Year-to-Date Balances Total Banked Miles 282,166 Current Locked Miles 0 Current Available Miles 282,166 Total Mileage Since Enrollment 1,012,166 wooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
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17 years 9 months

enjoy! all of this movie is currently up on youtube! you gotta switch from part one to part 2 and so on.... about 8-10 minutes each clip. if you have never seen this movie, I have a feeling you will enjoy it. it will NOT be on youtube too long, it violates not only copyright stuff, but also their nudity rules...
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17 years 9 months

hitting the road (errr, air) once again. back in a few months. CC's Gone CC's been drinking, out on a binge No reason why, but just on a whim Now he is shitfaced, on a plane Flying away, he's just insane And now CC's gone Now CC's gone, Lord he's gone CC's gone With an elbow bending, it's a binge in fact CC's gone, gone, but someday he'll be back CC's gone A member of the club 'Mile High' His old lady letting out a great big 'sigh' Playing 8 ball, he can't lose Nothing left to do but booze, booze, booze... And now CC's gone Now CC's gone, Lord he's gone CC's gone Going where the there is no rain at all On a dry farm until fall Dug one well, made a ditch The muscles in his back are starting to bitch Again, CC's been drinking, out on a binge No reason why, but just on a whim Now he is shitfaced, on a plane Flying away, he's just in-sane And now CC's gone Now CC's gone, Lord he's gone CC's gone Ooh, one day CC's gonna be back Ooh, one day CC's gonna be back Ooh, one day CC's gonna be back love and peace.
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17 years 9 months

thankx, marye. waiting in the transit lounge now... got 4 hours to kill before the next flight. 'nothing left to do but booze booze booze...' peace.
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16 years 2 months

ccs gone, you ever get a chance, check out the movie around the fire, its about a kid that jumps on tour.Happy trailes bro. Phatmoye
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17 years 7 months

To my sweet twins Kelly & Katy!!Can't believe your 19 WOW Weeeeee!! and to my neice Lisa who turns 22 today too! Hippy Birthday girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of Love! Peace,Gigi
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17 years 9 months

happy birthday to the 2 Ks and L!!
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16 years 7 months

Hippy Birthday, gigi's twin's, And Lisa.. That's a lot o' cake :)
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16 years 7 months

Lux Interior, founding member of the Cramps, has died of a pre-existing heart condition. One of the select few that created a musical genre, and psychobilly music will never be the same. Makes me wanna slam-dance to "Surfin' Girls with Machine Guns". He will be missed. ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************
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We'll see if this makes it to the post.... We all loved Jerry's presence and music. We all had all the freedom we wanted. But are we free to do whatever we want? Are we free to self-destruct? I don't think so. We're all our brother's (sisters) keeper. Certain people are enablers. All they believe in is absolute freedom. I wish Jerry was still around making music today. I couldn't see another show after May of 93. Yeah, there are always some nice colors when the sun sets. How did Neil Young put it in that song he sings at every one of his shows? I didn't know. It still bums me out to this day. I miss Jerry, I wish I could still here him play...
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16 years 7 months

AP has reported the following: "Dewey Martin, the muscular, gregarious drummer and singer who helped found the pioneering country rock band Buffalo Springfield with Neil Young and Stephen Stills, has died. He was 68." His death is being attributed to "natural causes", and the article says he played for Patsy Cline and other country artists while living in Nashville, pre-Buffalo Springfield. RIP, MitD ********************************************* **************This space for rent***************** *********************************************