• 1,689 replies
    jq171(document).ready(function (jq171) { var covertArtDownloadMarkup = 'Looking for the digital cover art? You can download it here.'; setTimeout(function() { jq171('#digital_cart').append(covertArtDownloadMarkup); }, 500); });

    What's Inside:
    •144-page paperback book with essays by Nicholas G. Meriwether and Blair Jackson
    •A portfolio with three art prints by Jessica Dessner
    • Replica ticket stubs and backstage passes for all eight shows
    •8 complete shows on 23 discs
          •3/14/90 Capital Centre, Landover, MD
          •3/18/90 Civic Center, Hartford, CT
          •3/21/90 Copps Coliseum, Hamilton, Ontario
          •3/25/90 Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, NY
          •3/28/90 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY
          •3/29/90 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY (featuring Branford Marsalis)
          •4/1/90 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
          •4/3/90 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
    Recorded by long-time Grateful Dead audio engineer John Cutler
    Mixed from the master 24-track analog tapes by Jeffrey Norman at Bob Weir's TRI Studios
    Mastered to HDCD specs by David Glasser
    Original Art by Jessica Dessner
    Individually Numbered, Limited Edition of 9,000

    Announcing Spring 1990 (The Other One)

    "If every concert tells a tale, then every tour writes an epic. Spring 1990 felt that way: an epic with more than its share of genius and drama, brilliance and tension. And that is why the rest of the music of that tour deserves this release, why the rest of those stories need to be heard." - Nicholas G. Meriwether

    Some consider Spring 1990 the last great Grateful Dead tour. That it may be. In spite of outside difficulties and downsides, nothing could deter the Grateful Dead from crafting lightness from darkness. They were overwhelmingly triumphant in doing what they came to do, what they did best — forging powerful explorations in music. Yes, it was the music that would propel their legacy further, young fans joining the ranks with veteran Dead Heads, Jerry wondering "where do they keep coming from?" — a sentiment that still rings true today, a sentiment that offers up another opportunity for an exceptional release from a tour that serves as transcendental chapter in the Grateful Dead masterpiece.

    With Spring 1990 (The Other One), you'll have the chance to explore another eight complete shows from this chapter, the band elevating their game to deliver inspired performances of concert staples (“Tennessee Jed” and “Sugar Magnolia”), exceptional covers (Dylan’s “When I Paint My Masterpiece” and the band’s last performance of the Beatles’ “Revolution”) and rare gems (the first “Loose Lucy” in 16 years) as well as many songs from Built To Last, which had been released the previous fall and would become the Dead’s final studio album. Also among the eight is one of the most sought-after shows in the Dead canon: the March, 29, 1990 show at Nassau Coliseum, where Grammy®-winning saxophonist Branford Marsalis sat in with the group. The entire second set is one continuous highlight, especially the breathtaking version of “Dark Star.”

    For those of you who are keeping track, this release also marks a significant milestone as now, across the two Spring 1990 boxed sets, Dozin At The Knick, and Terrapin Limited, the entire spring tour of 1990 has been officially released, making it only the second Grateful Dead tour, after Europe 1972, to have that honor.

    Now shipping, you'll want to order your copy soon as these beautiful boxes are going, going, gone...


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  • wjonjd
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    Unkle Sam
    Unkle Sam - Obviously, people know what they like, and I prefer the sound of LP's myself. But science, the same science that allows radio waves to be transmitted and received (and analyzed) and developed the LP in the first place, confirms that you are making the logical mistake of going from "this sounds better to me" to "this has all the music and is closer to the original compared to the other", when simple sound alaysis equipment verifies that the exact opposite is true. Many theories exist for why many people prefer LP with the most common being that the "warmth" comes from the inevitable distortion caused by physical contact and the always imperfect nature of never flat physical media, never perfect needle, never zero pressure on the tone arm, never perfectly consistent rotation speed, etc., all adding up to significant distortion from the original recorded sound. In addition, you actually SEE on analysis equipment the drastically reduced dynamic range on the LP. This compressed dynamic range isn't even an accident - it's applied purposely prior to the cutting of the master LP's because the physical medium is incapable of storing more than 60db of dynamic range (compared to over 96db on CD and over 120db in a HD file) so the volume range of the recording has been altered to "smush" together the softest and loudest sounds so the entire range can fit properly in the grooves of an LP. In other words, the LP is far less like the original recorded sound being placed on it than the results of even standard 16/44.1 digital. No one disuptes that LP sounds better to many (myself included). But, how does one respond to a belief that your preference means that the LP contains a more accurate representation of the original (as opposed to one you simply like better), when this is demonstrably the opposite of the truth? How about your belief that a lot of low and high frequencies are in the LP that are lost to digital?? Again, not only is that demonstrably false, but when the LP is made they remove all ultrasonics (frequencies above 20khz) to avoid overheating the cutting equipment. Analysis equipment shows that frequencies exist on the final LP well over 22khz, but since they weren't in the music actually transferred it is clear that they are "errors" or "noise", although inaudible because it's above your hearing range. You can also clearly see that the CD contains the full range of audible frequencies in the original sound recorded, and when you pass, say, an analog tape recording through analysis software and then a CD made from it through the same software you can SEE that all the low and high frequencies on the original tape are right where they're supposed to be on the CD. The "warmth" you hear in the LP is coming from the opposite of what you are stating - it's not because it has "all" the music (it doesn't) or because it is closer to the original recording being transferred (it isn't). Clearly, whatever the "defects" are in the LP medium are perceived pleasurably by many (including me). When you refer to "a light reading 0's and 1's" it reminds me of original arguments engineers in germany faced when they were developing magnetic tape. Magnetic tape is also used as an analog medium, but can achieve similar or better signal to noise ratios and without the dynamic range compression required on LP's. But, original detractors would write things like "there's no way little magnetized particles can possibly sound as good as the lacquer recordings we currently have", and this was in the 40's when records were '78 and nowhere near current fidelity. The complete lack of understanding of how those "magnetized particles" work (although if they were interested they could have learned about how they really work) and how they are used to reproduce sound leads to a disbelief that this newfangled technology can be as good as the technology they DO understand. Those little 1's and 0's are capable of reproducing any sound, ANY SOUND, even ones way below and way higher than we can hear, as well as encode sound quieter and louder than we can hear (although we don't always have playback equipment capable of playing back these recordings), so any deficiency would be in the method of creating the correct sequence of 1's and 0's. But, your statement implies a lack of belief in the actual ABILITY of light reading 1's and 0's to reproduce sound as well, let alone the reality that they have the ability to (and currently do) reproduce the original sound waves with far GREATER accuracy than any analog medium. That in no way invalidates your preference (or mine) for LP. But that preference does not necessitate or justify the propagation of demonstrably false beliefs about either analog or digital sound recording.
  • unkle sam
    analog vs digital
    I'm old school but I can most definitely hear the difference in my old analog lp's over any digital recording. There is no way, in my opinion and thru my ears, that a light reading 0's and 1's can possibly reproduce the same rich, warm feeling and sound coming from a vinyl recording. Nothing beats the needle in the groove. I have tried this experiment in the past, even comparing a first press lp to a MFSL gold cd, there is no comparison, the vinyl sounds better, there are a lot of very low frequencies and high frequencies that are lost in the transfer. The cost of vinyl is more, but it is worth it if you like to listen to "all" the music. When I'm just using music as background, the digital is ok, but when I want to really listen to the music, it's analog all the way.
  • wjonjd
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    Two Sides
    Hi OneMan,I do realize you're NOT ignoring anything, and I DO appreciate the lengths to which you are going to investigate this. Please let me know if/when you get additional feedback from other sources. Thanks OneMan.
  • snafu
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    @DJMac520 & Neil
    You make an excellent point about Neil and how many people have reacted to him over the years due to personality and I would add his willingness to go his own way no matter what people think. I would add the point that geniuses are rarely nice people. 2 others I can think of in the music field are Dylan and Zappa. All 3 go their own ways and it takes time for many to catch up. But those that do are I think amply rewarded. For my money Zappa is highest on the scale that would be musically and following my reasoning being the biggest a$£#%^e at times. I don't need to be buddies with my musical heroes I just want to love the music. As to the specific item under discussion. .. Neil ' s Pono in this case I think he is unrealistic but hey even genius isn't right all the time. Hell if I play Zappa for someone I have to be careful especially with the live stuff. He can be beyond crude especially about women at times. That said to those who won't listen to him because of that, they are missing out on some of the best music of the 20th century
  • wjonjd
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    Different perspective
    Your last suggestion - I would be VERY interested in the outcome of such a test. I would no longer be able to be a participant in such a test (at this point in my life, anything in my subconscious is STAYING THERE.). But, that would be a very interesting test ;). I used to, and maybe still do, subscribe to the belief in vast and undiscovered powers of the human mind which psychedelics tap into. It actually wouldn't surprise me either way.
  • One Man
    Two Sides
    I'm sure I can't hear the difference. I'm not sure no one can. I'm not ignoring anything -- I'm actively participating. There is another side to this that I want to explore (and NOT ignore). I'm not convinced there is absolutely nothing to the claim that 24 bit has merit. I may come to believe that eventually, and Jon you certainly have done more than your share to try to push me in that direction. But it ain't over for me yet. I know several people in the pro recording world and I want to hear what they have to say. Other 24 bit proponents may have evidence or counterarguments I have not heard. And I want to test some other listeners here at home. I'm not advocating this, but maybe a listener high on hallucinogens would have a different perspective.
  • wjonjd
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    Thanks for taking the time
    Thanks for taking the time to test using meticulous methodology, and reporting back results whichever way it went. Obviously, I'm still confused by the statement "I still believe it is possible for younger, less damaged ears to distinguish the difference." That's why understanding the science behind this is so important. What would younger less damaged ears have that would enable them to distinguish the difference more readily? An ability to hear frequencies over the 22khz that 44.1khz digital audio files already encode perfectly without encoding frequencies above that? Not unless they're infants. An ability to distinguish gradations of volume more finely than 65,536 gradations of amplitude? LP's, because of required dynamic compression, and analog tape because of inherent tape hiss causing a much higher noise floor, already have far less dynamic range than a 16-bit digital audio file. In other words, exactly what do you think is in files that use more than 16-bits and and higher sampling frequency than 44,100 times per second, that these younger less damaged ears would pick up??? When choosing the original CD standard, they specifically looked to the science to determine the minimum specs required to reproduce audio at the frequency and dynamic range limits that completely covers the abilities of human hearing (see my caveat about dynamic range below). Going beyond this was a waste of precious space (at the time), while not going this far would not provide maximum audio quality. No one disputed the usefulness of recording at higher bit rates and sampling frequencies for the purposes of digital manipulation of audio files, which was already standard. Again, what is it in 24-bit files or 96mhz or 192mhz files that you think younger ears could hear that is not completely contained in 16-bit 44.1mhz files? That's what I'm not getting. What is the difference between ignoring what the science says about how this works, and the assumptions made by people who don't understand the logical fallacy in stating that since flac is better than MP3, hi-res flac must be even better? Edit - it is possible someone will point out that my statement that 16-bits can encode the same dynamic range as the dynamic range capabilities of human hearing, is not strictly accurate. But, the point is moot, as no recording of music requires the full range. As stated, 16 bits already covers FAR more dyanamic range than LP OR analog magnetic tape. If you tried to record the sound of a slight breeze juxtaposed against the sound of a cannon with a microphone in the barrel, 16-bits would fall slightly short. BUT, of course this is NOT the argument hi-res proponents espouse. They refer to the actual music that people listen to every day, from jazz to hip hop to rock to whatever. It is recordings of THAT they believe derives some benefit, and the dynamic range of all of those are more than contained in 16-bits (way more than). So, for all practical purposes, the dynamic range issue is moot. Additionally, it's ironic that many of the proponents of hi res are also analog aficionados, where the dynamic range is TRULY impaired. Not all of them, of course. There are many lovers of analog who are also aware of its limitations and distortions, and are aware that digital audio is a more accurate and clear reproduction of the original sounds that were recorded; it is the specific and unique nature of the sound of the analog media themselves we have developed a love for.
  • floridabobaloo
    One Man and modern marketing
    I once tried a similar test.My friends all drank Bud. So I bought some Bud and some Busch, and did the Pepsi challenge so to say. To my surprise, the majority picked the Busch and said they were sure it was the Bud! The lesson we learned? Buy Busch when playing quarters! But now I will spring for the good booze, cause Everybody can tell, and the headaches arnt worth it Glad with my iPod, I remain.......Bobaloo
  • One Man
    I Tried It
    So this morning I transferred the studio version of "Candyman" from a previously-unplayed vinyl LP copy of American Beauty to two digital files -- one in 24 bit/96k and one in 16 bit/44.1. The levels for both were precisely the same (I didn't even touch any of the input controls other than switching file formats) and I trimmed the top of each file so the audio wave started at the same time. Of course, I cheated while doing this and listened to parts of each file. I thought man, this is going to be easy. The 24/96 file sounded so airy on top and rich and clear throughout, and the 16/44.1 not so much. Then I talked my wife into playing the first verse and chorus of each file randomly, using a random number generator to decide which one to play. We repeated the test 25 times, listening first on studio monitors, then on one pair of headphones, then another. I correctly identified the file format less than half the time. Sometimes I felt sure I had it right but this was not an indicator of success. I failed. I cannot hear the difference. This is not to say no one can. I still believe it is possible for younger, less damaged ears to distinguish the difference. I will try it on some other folks when they visit. But I won't be buying a PONO, since my iPhone plays lossless files and they sound great. I'm still rooting for old Neil, but he has some 'splaining to do. Interesting sidebar -- I discovered some audio feedback in the intro of the song I'd never noticed before, along with an unintelligible human voice shouting something. These were plenty audible on both file formats.
  • TheeAmazingAce333
    i'm personally not hip to this kinda stuff, but a good friend & fellow Head showed me the list of nominees for Best Limited Edition Boxset (or something like that) & THIS BOXSET WAS ON THE LIST, so again, CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE INVOLVED IN MAKING THIS HAPPEN, ON THE GRAMMY NOMINATION!!! ♤
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17 years 6 months
jq171(document).ready(function (jq171) { var covertArtDownloadMarkup = 'Looking for the digital cover art? You can download it here.'; setTimeout(function() { jq171('#digital_cart').append(covertArtDownloadMarkup); }, 500); });

What's Inside:
•144-page paperback book with essays by Nicholas G. Meriwether and Blair Jackson
•A portfolio with three art prints by Jessica Dessner
• Replica ticket stubs and backstage passes for all eight shows
•8 complete shows on 23 discs
      •3/14/90 Capital Centre, Landover, MD
      •3/18/90 Civic Center, Hartford, CT
      •3/21/90 Copps Coliseum, Hamilton, Ontario
      •3/25/90 Knickerbocker Arena, Albany, NY
      •3/28/90 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY
      •3/29/90 Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY (featuring Branford Marsalis)
      •4/1/90 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
      •4/3/90 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
Recorded by long-time Grateful Dead audio engineer John Cutler
Mixed from the master 24-track analog tapes by Jeffrey Norman at Bob Weir's TRI Studios
Mastered to HDCD specs by David Glasser
Original Art by Jessica Dessner
Individually Numbered, Limited Edition of 9,000

Announcing Spring 1990 (The Other One)

"If every concert tells a tale, then every tour writes an epic. Spring 1990 felt that way: an epic with more than its share of genius and drama, brilliance and tension. And that is why the rest of the music of that tour deserves this release, why the rest of those stories need to be heard." - Nicholas G. Meriwether

Some consider Spring 1990 the last great Grateful Dead tour. That it may be. In spite of outside difficulties and downsides, nothing could deter the Grateful Dead from crafting lightness from darkness. They were overwhelmingly triumphant in doing what they came to do, what they did best — forging powerful explorations in music. Yes, it was the music that would propel their legacy further, young fans joining the ranks with veteran Dead Heads, Jerry wondering "where do they keep coming from?" — a sentiment that still rings true today, a sentiment that offers up another opportunity for an exceptional release from a tour that serves as transcendental chapter in the Grateful Dead masterpiece.

With Spring 1990 (The Other One), you'll have the chance to explore another eight complete shows from this chapter, the band elevating their game to deliver inspired performances of concert staples (“Tennessee Jed” and “Sugar Magnolia”), exceptional covers (Dylan’s “When I Paint My Masterpiece” and the band’s last performance of the Beatles’ “Revolution”) and rare gems (the first “Loose Lucy” in 16 years) as well as many songs from Built To Last, which had been released the previous fall and would become the Dead’s final studio album. Also among the eight is one of the most sought-after shows in the Dead canon: the March, 29, 1990 show at Nassau Coliseum, where Grammy®-winning saxophonist Branford Marsalis sat in with the group. The entire second set is one continuous highlight, especially the breathtaking version of “Dark Star.”

For those of you who are keeping track, this release also marks a significant milestone as now, across the two Spring 1990 boxed sets, Dozin At The Knick, and Terrapin Limited, the entire spring tour of 1990 has been officially released, making it only the second Grateful Dead tour, after Europe 1972, to have that honor.

Now shipping, you'll want to order your copy soon as these beautiful boxes are going, going, gone...

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13 years 8 months

Here are some links explaining in detail issues with the difference between 16 bit and 24 bit (and 44.1 vs 96khz), the abilities of the human ear and lots of other technical info. I will get links to the university studies themselves when I have time to find them again. http://www.sonicscoop.com/2013/08/29/why-almost-everything-you-thought-… http://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html http://hothardware.com/News/Research-Data-Suggests-Higher-Music-Fidelit…
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15 years 8 months

I just improved my delivery day by 1 day (delivery now tomorrow!!!), by creating a UPS My Choice account and then upgrading from the UPS>USPS to UPS Ground for $3.50. UPS Cust Svc said I made the change in time - just did it. Bob

Member for

10 years 4 months

Makes me remember going down to the stereo shop, if you're old enough to remember those, hahaAnd having the salesman do his thing with all the setups they had. Man that was always a blast. And after you spent hundreds or thousands you'd get home and set the new rig up. And possibly think you know it just doesn't sound as good as down in the showroom!
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Member for

12 years

Anybody know any links to the cover art of the individual shows? not the box cover. I would like to put each show with its individual art. thankswhat a great box!! I've made it through the 3/21 show so far, plenty of highlights The 3/21 Wharf Rat WoW!! now back to listening...
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15 years 11 months

Could it be that you would want those frequencies in there even though the ear can't hear them as to provide separation between the instruments to give it more detail and a wider sound-stage.
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17 years 2 months

Just received the BOX. First class job all the way! Did anyone mention the DEAD dice set that was included?
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Member for

10 years 11 months

I saw that upgrade a day sooner deal, but didn't want to open an account. Finally got a shipping notice on my box last night, first said by Friday 8 PM, then they updated that to Saturday at 8 PM. Hand-off to the USPS carrier. UPSMI is a pain, especially when a UPS truck goes down my street at least once a day. Last time they shipped out Dave's 11 I got it the next day it was released. So you never know. I guess they gave overseas and Canada priority on this box since many are listening to theirs while I wait days longer here in Dallas.
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13 years 8 months

@fourwindsblow - that could be. I just think that, because many of the folks in the studies I read were audiophiles very familiar with the best audio equipment/technology who are familiar with and listen to 24bit music, it seems to me that if they still get about a 50% success rate in picking out the 24 bit versus 16 bit recording of the same music samples then there can't really be more detail or a wider sound-stage that is discernible (by ears as opposed to electronic analysis equipment). Also, it's not just a larger range of frequencies involved (although, as you indicated, those frequencies are generally beyond human hearing), it's also more frequent digital sampling (slices as it were) of the music (44.1khz versus 96 khz)) - more points in time; other stuff also. My main point is that if a particular person can't tell the difference (can't detect the wider soundstage, more detail, etc) then the difference isn't really there for all intents and purposes - certainly not to pay for. And, to my knowledge, no one particular person in any of the studies when put through double blind testing was able to get anything statistically significatnly higher than 50% which indicates no discernible difference. Obviously, when run through sound analysis equipment there is a difference, but that's moot to the listener. Most people I have spoken to gauge their preference for 24 bit, etc., by their use of SACD or DVD audio, and as I mentioned before, that's not apples to apples because the SACD and DVD audio are almost always made from different masters, have different mixes, etc., not to mention able to be played back in more than two channels. So, first of all, they hear an immediate difference, and secondly, it DOES sound better but it sounds better because of those other things not related to the higher bit rate or sampling frequency. Of course, I'm sure there are hearing savants out there. But, another, thing to consider - if you have exposed yourself to high volumes of music or are older than say 30ish then the issue really is moot because the odds of you're retaining the ability to hear that level of nuance when so very very few people indicate ANY ability to tell the difference under controlled conditions seems to me to be very low. One last thing. It seems to me that rather than spend money on higher bit higher sampling frequency recordings, given the dubious nature of the difference it makes to the human ear, it would be a far better investment to make one time investments in superior playback equipment (particularly speakers and headphones, but other equipment as well) rather than pay more for each recording. A pair of $500 Grado headphones is going to do WAY more for the quality of your music experience than spending $5-$10 more for every recording you buy. And no, I do not own a pair like that, but have listened with them extensively (extended family). One day maybe...
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Member for

15 years 11 months

I got myself a Marantz receiver sr7005 it has M-DAX expander. When I first got it I didn't use it much because I didn't hear much of a difference at first, but now I can't listen without it especially at a higher volumes. Makes the 16/44 files sound like a record when set on mid setting. Nice talking with ya bro
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12 years 1 month

My box arrived today here in Birmingham, AL. I'm looking forward to having time to listen to all of it soon... Jessica Dessner's artwork is great - heck, all the GD artwork in the past few years has been impressive, but the artwork on the individual show digipaks and elsewhere in this set really brought a smile to my face. And the box's design really complements the artwork well. The smaller book was a nifty idea. Great job all 'round, folks.
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11 years 1 month

...less than 24 hours of receiving an email letting me know it had shipped!! I got lucky on this "other one." I'm always blown away by the attention to detail on these sets. Even the box it's shipped in is cool,
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15 years 6 months

Your comments about higher res formats sound right on. At one time, I had a 320Kbps MP3 of a show which I had enjoyed thoroughly, but found the recording lifeless, unengaging, frustrating, unpleasant and quite difficult to listen to all the way through. After repeatedly being unable to enjoy it for nearly a year, I finally purchased the FLACs, taken from the exact same source recording, and now enjoy listening to and being surrounded by all or even just portions of it to no end. There's no comparison. You will never convince people who don't get it, because while you're listening to the music, they are analyzing data as they listen to it. Their opinion on how the music sounds is utterly pointless because they don't know how to LISTEN to music in the first place. Kinda makes you wonder why they even bother in the first place sometimes.
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Member for

14 years 7 months

I've made some attempts to hear a difference between a 16-bit and a 24-bit version of the same source material, and I'll be darned if I can hear any. I use decent equipment, and second the opinion to get some nice Grado headphones. I went to a site that supposedly tested my hearing abilities, and it seems that I don't have the capacity to hear much difference in anything, and I've somewhat babied my ears over my 44 years. I had my wife randomly play me a Joshua Redman track that was in lossless FLAC and in 256 mp3. I guessed correctly five times out of ten. Others swear by hi-rez, and I'm certainly no expert, but I would ignore the format and use the savings for more recordings you don't already have, plus some good ($100-300) headphones. One additional problem with the hi-rez version of older recordings is that they rarely state which source and process was used, so you're probably getting nothing more than you've already owned all these years. That, and you don't even get liner notes for your $20/disc! AND, they usually don't include the bonus tracks that were included on your remastered CD version! And then your hard drive crashes . . .
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Member for

11 years 1 month

I'm 44 years old and I was just GIGGLING listening to the Branford show. It's redonckulus....just silly how awesome this is....:) Re:listening to the listening party....picking up the set first thing @ the P.O.!
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13 years 8 months

@HighThyme- hey now! First, I apologize to anyone to whom I came off as preaching. I just think that if they put up 24 bit flacs, they will probably charge more (I think they said $200?). That's a lot of money compared to $160 for the same music, I assure you that i am thinking of NONE of that technical stuff when I am being transported to those magical places music takes us, whether jamming with thousands, or alone with my "deck". In fact, somewhere around half my music collection consists of music recorded before stereo was invented, and I have and enjoy and love a substantial number of recordings I have from before the electrical microphone was invented. The very opposite of hi-fi. I, for one, will ALWAYS opt for a mediocre recording of great music over a great recording of good music. And I would certainly never judge who does and who does not know how to listen to music by what can be gleaned from comments on a message board. I was trying to save people money by explaining what they're not getting with their higher priced 24 bit file. I think I managed to do that without insulting any one, and certainly not aiming insults directly AT a particular person. Was that really necessary? While I may have been over-technical, I wasn't bringing any one down or tearing anyone down. Were you trying to make me feel like shit? Maybe you just had a crappy day. It happens. To your point, though. I don't think you completely understand the issue (no big deal, though). Mp3 (and AAC files) even of 320kbs, are "lossy" formats meaning that a lot (a LOT) of music information is lost from the file in order to compress it down in size (by 70-90%!) from the original file it is created from. Most people will hear a significant difference between the original music file and an mp3, and virtually everyone will hear the loss in sound quality when comparing them on excellent equipment. There's no comparison. But, that has nothing at all to do with fourwinds' or my points. The flacs, and alac files that we are talking about are "lossless" files. This means that no music data from the original file they are created from is lost (they only compress the original by about 50%), and are decoded to the exact original as they play, or you can decode them yourself and then convert to flac again over and over with zero loss in quality each time. When you create an mp3, though, you are throwing out a ton of music data that is gone forever. If you decode it to a wav, the wav is still missing what you threw out. If you compress to mp3 again you will degrade it even further, etc, What we were discussing is the difference between digital recordings that are 16 bit and 44.1 kHz (what a CD uses), and 24 bit 96khz recordings. The bits refers to the number of data bits used to store each "unit" of music information sampled from the incoming analog electronic signal, and the kHz refers to how often "snapshots" of the incoming signal are captured (44,100 times per second vs. 96,000 times per second). Most studies show no one can really distinguish between two music samples where one is 16/44.1 and the other 24/96 when created from the same source. Most people CAN readily distinguish the poorer sound quality of an mp3 and the original 16bit or 24bit it came from. A substantial sacrifice in sound quality has been made to create a MUCH smaller file. I only brought this up because many people have been jumping on the "hi Rez" bandwagon, paying substantially more for 24bit files while I was aware that the university studies done to date indicate that people can't hear the difference between a 16 bit file and a 24 bit file (which has nothing to do with mp3 degraded encoding). Let's say they were offering a gd movie on actual film, one that plays at 72 frames per second and another at 144 frames per second, but they're charging a lot more for the 144. If I've just read that no one who watches both can tell which is which, I'm gonna come on here and suggest that people don't waste their hard earned money. And, to do that I'm going to have to explain the difference between the two and why having all those extra frames doesn't actually matter. Just trying to save some friends some scratch. By all means, when they put up the 16 bit alac file (they already have) which can be converted to 16 bit flac with no loss, and then they put up 24 bit flac and charge $40 more for it, then, because you can hear the difference between an mp3 and a flac (which most everyone can) by all means go ahead and get the 24 bit file if that somehow makes logical sense to you. It's like you're saying, " since I can hear the difference between a crappy mp3 and a perfect lossless 16 bit flac, well then I might as well pay even more for this 24 bit hi res flac!" I could just say "that's fine with me, no skin off my nose", especially after your purposely insulting and condescending comment, but it actually DOES bother me that you, someone who obviously loves music or you wouldn't be here and who I am sure knows how to LISTEN to music just fine, might be convinced to pay more for something without getting anything of any additional real value when that money could be going to more music that you love or other meaningful places. In any case, I honestly do hope you just have great times with the music in whatever form you get it. Long live the omnipotent Grateful Dead.
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13 years 7 months

@fourwinds- thanks, you too. I remember when most music junkies would get the best equipment they could afford. Huge floor standing speakers with the latest in tweeter and woofer technology, cool receivers, amps and pre-amps, turntables with the coolest new types of needle cartridges, and we were so careful to make sure it was spinning at 33 1/3 after we used those velvet things to gently remove the dust from the precious vinyl as it spun........
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13 years 7 months

@deadheadbrewer- aren't those grado's something? The warmth of sound, the 3 dimensionalilty, the clarity, and the feeling of space is like nothing I've ever heard in any other phones. I saw they have come out with ear buds. When I do finally take the plunge I think I will have to go with one of the full size phones, but I'd like to find out if their buds sound similar. They have 3 types of buds, but their lowest price one is the only thing they sell that isn't handmade in Brooklyn. The other two, though are $300 and $400. Can't do that and the regular headphones also.
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13 years 7 months

@jrf68- they put the 2nd set of that show up with the two listening parties. The exact same giggling thing happened to me. It WAS redonckulus!!!!!! Also, after that whole Clint Eastwood DVD thing, I just got notification that my box should get here by end of day today. YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I also received my order on September 9th. I was really amazed to receive it so quickly - especially after the delays with the first Spring 1990 box which saw all Australian deliveries sent via Germany. And these sound REAL GOOD! What's lined up as the Box Set release for 2015 I wonder.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

All along the tracking for my set has shown Friday 9/12. I just looked at it again. and it now says UPS is NOT going to turn it over to USPS and that they will deliver it today!!Doing the happy dance as I try to type this. Tonite is going to be heaven! Rock on
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Member for

16 years 7 months

1. Congrats to all those who have already received their box sets.2. My set should arrive sometime today-can't wait. 3. Re: big stereos and vinyl ritual-I plead quilty to all of it. 4. I don't know about hi-rez downloads-don't have any of them but I definitely think MP3 is virtually worthless for music enjoyment. I like HDCD, vinyl and SACD. I also have some excellent sounding modern CDs. 5. I agree however that I will listen to an ancient lo-fi recording of a brilliant performance over a state of art recording of a mediocre performance-I have many CD issues of historical classical (Furtwangler, etc) that I would not part with.
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13 years 8 months

Cool Musically, my other complete obsessions besides the Grateful Dead are Furtwangler and Callas. I have virtually every performance, offical and bootlegged, that can be found (I'm sure i'm missing a few). I have told many people that Furwangler is like the Grateful Dead of classical music. He would rehearse the orchestra (at least his own Berlin and Vienna) over and over and over, takingn input from orchestra, playing the same piece in many different ways with different emotional content in different places. That way, when in performance, he could go with whatever he was feeling, changing what he was doing by how he felt at the moment and knowing that the band would be right there with him able to emotionally follow where he was going and play it that way. He could IMPROVISE the emotional content of the piece on the fly and sometimes magic would happen. One of my absolute favorite recordings of all time is the December 1944 Beethoven Eroica Symphony with the Vienna. The peak moment about 2/3 of the way through the slow movement, is one of the most intense musical moments I've ever heard. Ever. Makes the hair on my neck stand up every time. Anyway, gotta get back to work.
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Member for

15 years 8 months

2763 has been delivered by UPS - doing the $3.50 shipping upgrade was worth it to me. For those trying to figure the numbering system, I ordered mine the day before Meet Up At The Movies, I picked the cheapest shipping option and my last name is in the middle of the alphabet... Looking forward to listening to it!
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16 years 7 months

the Furtwangler Ring Cycle avail on the big Membran box is amazing. To me the Ring cycle is another musical obsession comparable to seeking out contrasting GD performances.
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13 years 7 months

Hey there Volcano - Oops, I forgot to add one more obsession (really) - Wagner. I have both Furtwangler's complete cycles, the recently (sort of) released Keilberth from 1955 (first stereo recording of it ever made, not released for ages), the Solti, the Barenboim, the Karajan, and the decca Bohm set. Also have lots of versions of all the rest of the main canon (I especially like Kubelik's Die Meistersinger), as well as one copy of each of his first three, Die Feen, Das Liebesverbot, and Rienzi. When I first started listening to opera, it was all Italian and French. I thought I couldn't stand Wagner. I kind of liked Flying Dutchman, and it kept growing on me, so I moved on to osome of his others. I found his music to be completely addictive, to the point that for a while I wasn't listening to anything else (obsession). It is literally a physical pleasure, very hedonistic. For such an asshole, he was without a doubt one of the most amazing geniuses to ever live.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Checked my shipping status: "A late UPS trailer arrival has caused a delay. We're adjusting plans to deliver your package as quickly as possible." BOOOOO! Ah well, what's another day or two for one of my favorite tours. As long as all the contents and discs are correct this time (they were not on the first box) it sounds like I'll be one happy head the way everyone keeps raving about the sound quality. I cut my Dead teeth on this tour, this is where it all came together after seeing my first show in the summer of '89. This is like 80's Dead, but better for lovers of that era.
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10 years 11 months

A late UPS trailer arrival has caused a delay. We're adjusting plans to deliver your package as quickly as possible. So close yet so far.
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12 years 9 months

6024 arrived in Philly today. Happy Thursday, Deadland!!!
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Member for

13 years 10 months

I live in colorado and got the late trailer delay message on the ups tracking page. must be out of Commerce City. hopefully there will be no damage to the box! can't wait! gonna be a midi drenched weekend!
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Member for

12 years

Perhaps this has been addressed before, but could someone tell me where the album art for the individual shows from the Spring 1990 TOO box is located? Many Mahslo's!!
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12 years 10 months

#2550 just arrived here in Western MA! All I can say is: Beautiful! Just beautiful! Great packaging all around, certainly worth the $ no doubt! The book, the prints, even the coin and dice are cool! Got a couple things to do on this glorious day off and then I will let the music play!! I'm going to go right in order, off to the Cap Centre it will be!! Take care folks! Hope everyone gets theirs soon!!!
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Member for

16 years 7 months

has landed. Almost didn't make it-USPS truck burned right by the house-I got on the phone and made some calls trying to figure what went wrong-getting ready to saddle up and go chase the truck-when ding-dong went the bell-carrier out front holding the box and saying gee I forgot I had it in the back of the jeep. Ah well-tragedy narrowly averted! What a MAGNIFICENT box-no time yet to listen-had to get back to work-but the box as a collectible object is really desirable. I won't spoil for those still waiting and who have avoided the pre-views( as I had done). Suffice it to say that this is a fitting presentation for this great band. If you are on the fence-don't hesitate to pull the trigger. Thanks to all for realizing this product.
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Member for

11 years 1 month

Nice posts. I've had the same discussion here before about how 44.1/16 is as high-def as the human ear can possibly hear. I appreciate that you are just trying to help people out and save them from spending extra on something that is essentially unnecessary. One of the links you posted (Xith.org) is also from the same folks who are the developers and maintainers of the FLAC file format. Seems to me they might know a little bit (pun intended) what they're talking about on this issue. fourwindsblow: "Could it be that you would want those frequencies in there even though the ear can't hear them as to provide separation between the instruments to give it more detail and a wider sound-stage." Actually, it's the opposite. You don't want those frequencies, as some inaudible ultrasonics could cause distortion in the audible range, resulting in the "high-def" recording having poorer fidelity during playback than the CD standard.
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10 years 5 months

Wow; Received this on Sept. 8 after just receiving shipping confirmation from Dead.net !!! I can't believe it arrived so fast as I waited 2 weeks for DP 11 to come. At 46 years of age, I have just recently been introduced to the Grateful Dead and I have completely jumped in to their work with both feet. This box set is absolutely glorious and tHe sound is impeccable. I'm sorry it took so long for me to appreciate this band as I would have loved to have had their previous large box sets (Europe '72 most of all). The past being the past, I cannot change that, going forward I will not miss another set like this that gets put out. It has been a great 3 days diving into this so far and I can't believe the differences between shows !!! Please don't let this end...
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13 years 10 months

Try searching with Google Images. This worked well for me for most GD boxes, individual art for the May 77 box being the exception (probably available now, but weren't back when I ripped the set upon receiving). Have not tried it yet with this release because my box is still in transit.
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Member for

11 years 10 months

#3960 arrived at the Isle Of Fehmarn in Northern Germany.Got a shipping note on 9/5, box landed in Germany on 9/6 and first note of UPS in my postbox on 9/8. Was on Holiday in Danmark for a couple of days so I wasn't surprised when on 9/10 the UPS guy appeared on my working place and handled out the box. UPS charged me for taxes EUR 50,45 and an additional UPS charge of EUR 12. All together I've paid about EUR 280. First at all thanx to dead.net for more than fast delivery. And for the first time you could see the tracking online, fantastic. I've just had the pleasure to listen to 3/14 Landover. The sound is fine and I really like it. But what I'm missing a bit is the audience in the mix. One of my favorite tapes is a first gen aud tape of 3/27/93 Knickerbocker Albany and especially the end of the first set. During "Cassidy" and "Casey Jones" as closer the singing of the audience reaches the same level as the music. So this in my opinion is a fine thing of getting a concert at home. What about the release of the Europe 90 shows as the next big box? Anyone remembers the scream "Dunkelstern" during the first notes of "Dark Star" in Berlin 10/20/90? Greeting fron the sunny island and gar-see-ya JJ
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Member for

12 years 10 months

Wow!...all I can say is WOW! Great first set from 3/14 and its only the first CD out of 23! Great version of "Big River",very unique. "Loose Lucy" ,"Row Jimmy" and "Let It Grow" also kick ass!I love these box sets! I dont care what year it is(though I have my favorites!), I LOVE the DEAD!!!!!!!!We certainly are a spoiled lot aren't we?! No other group is doing what this band and co. is doing and I love every minute of it!!! Take the dog out, trip to the cellar, back to the tunes!!! Later folks!!!! Did I mention its a great day off?
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Member for

11 years 1 month

Looks great !!
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17 years 3 months

Has arrived! Thank you everybody who made this happen for me! Can't wait to dig in!
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Member for

10 years 5 months

Awesome news man! Glad you got it!!! Mine coming tomorrow!! Taking it on vacation! Good to see you posting. Saw your guilty pleasure post about friends being into metal bands like priest, dio, ozzy, etc. Mine too. Every so often I pop in one of those cds. I doubt my old buddies pop in a Dead tape very often but they all made to a show at least once (even if it was only the lot)! You rock man! Enjoy
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Member for

14 years 2 months

Is there some reason why the link on this dead.net page that reads, "Looking for the digital cover art? You can download it here" does not contain the art for each show? Seems like a pretty logical place to hide it rather than have a bunch of folks searching the 'net for it. Maybe MaryE could suggest this to the nice folks behind this web site?
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12 years

Anyone else notice the unfinished "paint by numbers morning sky" on the cover of 3/25/90? # 1318 just landed in rainy S Florida. Halfway through 3/28/90 (looks like rain!) sounds REALLY GOOD! Thanks for this one!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I got my box today and visually inspected all discs for issues, and noticed a blotch/watermark/defect pressed into Disc 3 of the 4/3/90 Omni show. UGHHH. Played the disc on a few CD players, and just as I feared, the disc skipped/sputtered and wouldn't play past the 5:22 mark in Not Fade Away. Anyone else check their discs and find Disc 3 of 4/3/90 to have some type of blemish pressed into the disc? or find their disc to skip during Not Fade Away? Suffice to say I called Dead.net, emailed Dead.net as well, and emailed Dr. Rhino of Rhino Records hoping that this one disc can be replaced. Since I just got the box, I didn't listen to anything but that one disc (since the flaw was obvious and visible). Regardless, everything else looked great and was packed nicely. Can't wait to dig into the whole thing (listening in order), and hoping I can get a replacement Disc 3 of the 4/3/90 show before getting to that show.
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16 years 5 months

5017 is in the house and sounding fantastic! Cheers to the powers that be for putting this together.
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13 years 10 months

So I decided when I placed my pre-order to have the box set sent to my parents in South Carolina. Normally anything takes at least three weeks to get here in South Australia, and I'm flying back to the States for holiday end of the month.(27th) That way it wouldn't arrive after I left. Little did I know International orders would be shipped so early. I will be in SF for three days or so, back to Ohio for my 25 year high school reunion, and won't get to my parents until the 10th of October. So it looks like i'll be waiting another twenty-nine days before I get my first listen. Sigh..... The only good thing is after we leave my parents we fly over to Wales then back to New Orleans, then back here to Adelaide so on those long plane rides I'll be a happy, grooving, deadhead.
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Member for

14 years 9 months

I ordered 2, as I usually do, one for a sealed vault/archive. So, also bought the Branford show, Although the top of the case was cracked, chipped a bit.......opened it, anyway, as it's no bigs and hadda pop 'em in right away! I'll mull the box choice, as I want a really 'neato' number and lots of music to enjoy before I delve into the full set. ;)
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Member for

10 years 11 months

Haven't received my box (supposed to show up by 8 PM Saturday), but earlier this year I ordered a bunch of the Road Trips series. Got one bad disc with a visible ring from silver to dark, about a half inch from the edge all the way around the CD, a defect in the reflective metallic coating. Would not play on any player past a certain point. dead.net send me another one right away with a prepaid return label. Then more recently I ordered a remastered Shakedown Street, received TWO defectives so far, both factory sealed with no CD inside! Empty! I've learned that I should probably open and check all CDs for playback, and make sure they are all there, present and accounted for. Never really had a defective CD or packaging (buying them since '83) until recently, this year, made by Rhino.
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