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  • PeggyO
    Reflections on a Tour
    Well, the Spring Tour 2009 is in the bag and was definitely one for the books! That's for sure. I know a lot of people might think the Dead are dead without certain members, and to be honest, the last couple of tours the Dead have done were great experiences for me, but I always felt like people were "sitting in" to fill some big shoes left behind. Even Warren, in 2004, felt like he was filling in. So I went to the LA Forum show expecting what we got in 04. Oh how wrong I was! That first throat grabbing chord of the show was like the band was saying to everyone in the Forum, "Listen up people! We're not f*#cking around here, we're here to play so let's get down to it!" And then BOOM, right into that unreal VLB groove, with a beat that you just had to move to. I have been doing tours since the late 70's/early 80's and to my ears, this band has never been better. On the one hand, they're tighter, yet they're also looser. I cant explain it, and honestly, that's about the best one can say about the Dead when they're really "on", "well, I cant explain it man, you just have to experience it..." ;) I've been keeping up with the Tour, listening to the shows online as the Tour progressed and the first half was just okay for me. But in LA it felt like something happened that night and everything the boys had been striving for just all fell into place that night. The Forum felt like an old school East Coast indoor arena show, complete with rabid, hardcore heads that were so grateful to be back at the party again. This was not a "best of" tour. This was a "here's who we are now, dig it" tour, and man did I love what I heard on the West Coast leg of this Tour. That night in LA, I realized that Warren and Jeff no longer felt like they were filling in for anyone anymore. The *were* the Dead just as much as Bobby, Phil, Billy or Mickey are. To me, the Dead has always been a band in flux. There have been so many iterations of them I've sort of lost count. So to those who lament a Jerryless Dead, all I can say is, you don't know what you're missing. Sure I miss Jerry and I miss Brent. But the Dead as they are right now? Sound the best I've ever heard them and they're not stale, they're still out there pushing the envelope and really, isn't that what this is all about? So yeah, I no longer get weepy when I hear Brokedown Palace or Ripple or Box of Rain. I just revel in the fact that I get to experience this amazing thing we call The Dead, once again. And I am truly Grateful. One final comment...It felt so great to experience Shakedown once again and the lot scenes in LA and the Gorge were excellent. Like some upthread said, I found my self also saying things, and using expressions that I haven't used in a long time...It felt good to have the tribe back together again, didn't it?!
  • GD GRW
    right on southerntam
    My sentiments exactly. It was a bittersweet night. Very cool to stay up until 3 am+ listening to the whole show, with great interviews and commentary thrown in during the set break. But it was so great to back out there catching 4 shows, eagerly anticipating seeing the setlists of the shows I didn't catch each morning, listening to the downloads etc. I'm going to miss all that. I'm firmly in the camp that thinks the music has changed/evolved in a great sounds, tunes I never thought I'd get to hear live, Rhythm Devils taking it to new heights each night etc etc. Warren and Jeff are as good as it gets in the post Jerry/Brent/Keith/Pigpen era, which is to say they're both amazing musicians who fit right into the fabric of the band and helped to make the magic each night. Jeff is a monster on the keys and Warren managed to channel the ghosts of Jerry/Brent/Pigpen in his paying and singing while keeping it new and fresh and his own as well. Branford's interview during the set break was spot on: they're older, they've each gone on to do new things are are coming at playing together from a new angle, pushing the boundaries and not just treading the worn path. By the time they got to the Gorge, they seem to have all completely melded musically and got the bugs all worked out. We may not see them out on the road two thirds of the year least as The Dead, but I gotta think the fun they seemed to be having along with the embrace of the fans will pull them back for another go around or two down the road. And yes, it was really cool to hear Mickey thank the crew and bring them out onstage for some well deserved applause. I've seen them with Jerry from the early 80's onward, seen Phil and his band, Ratdog, the Dead 2003/4 and I can say I had as good a time at these shows and I've had at any. All different, all excellent and all the music of the Grateful Dead which is what it's all about. Thanks guys!
  • theotherone2
    GDTS TOO website
    Not sure if this is the appropriate forum to use but I'm sure Marye will let me know. I just went to the GDTS TOO website for the first time in years to see about Ratdog tix and was amazed at what i found. It prompted me to send them the following... Please don't take offense. Just a little constructive criticism. It's been many years since I've visited your site. Back in the day I thought it was the greatest thing ever. The days of calling the hotline every day sometimes multiple times were over, but come on guy's, your site is really quite primitive by today's standards. To my dismay, when I tried to fill out the credit card form I discovered it wasn't interactive. I consider myself a caveman for not having a printer/copier/scanner combo, but times are tough. I don't even know where to find a fax machine. Aren't we supposed to be a paperless society by now? This planet needs all the trees she can produce. The decorative envelopes are still very cool, and should be an option, but how about an online interactive version of the envelope? I'm sure there are thousands of heads out there into web design who would be willing to collaborate and put something together for you. I'm not a designer myself but I'm willing to help wherever I can. Just something to consider. Peace and much thanks for all you do. So this would be a shout out to all of you webmasters out there if they are receptive. I know youre out there, a simple Google search for anything Dead related shows me there's some mad skills out there. I have not recieved a response yet, but when I do I'll post it.
  • fillmore
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    Maybe I should of gone for
    Maybe I should of gone for the CDs too!
  • thor369
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    thanks fillmore
    thor369 - I'm still waiting for my two Chicago show downloads that were ordered May 3rd! Hope your wife is better. she is doing much better. it was an asthma and panic attack type combo, scary stuff. my CD isnt a download, it was a CD i paid for, at the show, they was recording off the mixing boards, and pressing official show CD's on the spot for $25, with show date, and place, on official The Dead CDs. it is why i dont want the download to replace my CD, my puter dont have good speakers, and i only listen to my CDs in my car, or my headset CD player. i cant reburn 1 on my puter, and it isnt the official CD with the printed faces on them.
  • AlpineMike
    Bringing the magic home...
    Chicago was incredible... 20 years since since my love's and mine last show but with one more in tow - our 11 year old son whose favorite song right now is Throwing Stones. All with a different yet better spirit. The magic was back. It does remind me of reading a book where you don't understand the words and you go back later and understand it even more after life experience. I started reading the book long ago and loved it - and It means even more now. The shows brought smiles, healing and joy. Peace Mike P.S. Please Tour again !!!! - You are beautiful together ! Such a long long time to be gone and a short time to be there
  • marye
    fillmore, and anyone else having issues
    you too
  • marye
    pm me the details. We're working on this one.
  • fillmore
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    I feel the same way, could never have said it any better. Great post!
  • fillmore
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    thor369 - I'm still waiting
    thor369 - I'm still waiting for my two Chicago show downloads that were ordered May 3rd! Hope your wife is better. I thought all the shows were just awesome. Thanks guys for giving us the magic again. Sure would be nice to hear the Chicago shows and relive some nice memories again.
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16 years 6 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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16 years 2 months

i think presale is straight old school. No plastic, money orders and deeply loved on envelopes.
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17 years 8 months

So the cheaper seats are all behind the stage with obstructed views and if I pay $100+ I will either get seats in the front row or in the nosebleeds of the 300 sections. This has to be the most ridiculous ticket arrangement I have ever heard. Shame on everyone involved that it has come to this.
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16 years 2 months

Just had to lol when I read that. Rikers Island ha ha fucking priceless. I'd start taking a little less of the candy, man. If you get confused, listen to the music play. "Oh if a man tried To take his time on earth And prove before he died What one man's life could be worth I wonder what would happen To this world."
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17 years 9 months

I was listening to the encore of Tales from the Golden Road (sirius) and heard that the Boys wanted to get out and get a feel for things and see how this mini tour goes - then take from there. Maybe if it goes good, they'll do another run next year or something. I think there may be old posts from a couple days ago as well that might shed some light on the possibility. If I remember correctly I think someone said there may be some info over on Phil's website? Not 100% positive as my short term memory is no where near as good as it used to be. Browse through this thread and see what you can find.
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16 years 2 months

It looks like getting tix tomorrow for presale should be a snap....lots of you say: "too much!" while many more seem helpless on the internets....fascinating I have confidence in my ability to get thru some complex captcha faster than 98% of the people posting! ;-)
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Thanks for the laugh! I needed that. Camping at MSG would most certainly be a "trip." And Rikers would probably be on the itinerary. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 2 months

a trusted friend just told me that mail order is the only way to get presale tix. then why is there a countdown clock to 12 noon tomorrow on this site?
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16 years 2 months

I just saw new info on VIP packages posted on the tour page....but when i reloaded it was gone. Denver was VIP Gold Room package $475 Sec BBB, Mile High sec AAA, BBB, CCC or 102+ for $350
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17 years 9 months

Yo Johnny Rocks and Mr. least somebody is laughing on this board! Remember Jerry's key operative word....FUN
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16 years 2 months

and all online sales were starting at noon EST nelliegirl - definitely online presale going on here
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16 years 6 months

and that is why ticket prices are so high. the dead will get their money up front (good for them), but i hope live nation eats it when the venues are only 1/2 full!!!
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17 years 7 months

GROUP HUG.....AAAAAAHHHHHH.....NOW EVERYONE RELAX if you plant ice you will harvest wind
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16 years 2 months

I have been searching different sites for ticket info and Ticket Master seems to be the only one posting info for venues... I would think that if they have the venues listed that unfortanatly they will be handling the ticket sales... Questions I had prior to the presale are becoming clearer.. We will most likely get password right before the tickets go on sale The tickets becoming available 9am West Coast time Tickets will range from 50-100 dollars a ticket not including Ticket service charge I am thinking Ticketmaster got the gig My game plan tommorrow is to open 4 windows on the computer prior to the sale I suggest refreshing all these until you have your ticket info 1 open e-mail (Keep refreshing for notification from this site on a password 2 open Ticketmaster and have it ready for purchase 3 Open this site and keep it on the page with presale and ticket info...Keep refreshing so you don't miss it 4 Open this forum and keep refreshing since if someone gets aditional info or the password chances are they will post it here... Good Luck to everyone here and may we all get in
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17 years 6 months

-wondering how long it takes for them to let you know you are one of the lucky ones getting tickets. -do you think that they will let you know b-4 tix go onsale thru ticketbastard? -i've been trying to call gdts too cust. svc # all day....busy busy busy! (tried over 100x!) someone please HELP!! thanks!
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16 years 2 months

$100 a seat? Fifty is fair, Seventy five is pushing it but one hundred bucks? Give me a break, nice way to stick it to the fans. I don't care who is handling the sales and what the excuses are, that's just lame. Doesn't sound like the Grateful Dead I once knew, pretty sad indeed.
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16 years 2 months

I was going to do albany, 1 Woooooster and msg....just like old times.... thinking 50 a ticket would come to about 200 with all charges with 100 a tix that will not happen, i might but it will be hard to get the group back together to do this. Allmans, phish, the rooo.....lots of shows and the economy and the price of this tour just put a bad vibe in my body.
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17 years 7 months

All the years combine They melt into a dream...... $100 for 1 ticket - I remember paying $50 for a scalper's ticket at the Meadowlands in 1984. Thought I'd never pay more than that. It all rolls into one and nothing comes for free I'm going to at least 1 show. Doing the mail order thing just like I always have. It's hit or miss on the seating but at least I'll be there. Dust off those rusty strings just one more time, Gonna make them shine, shine Good Luck with the tickets Y'all!
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16 years 2 months

What the deal with setting up an account I've had a account on for years.I tried to get a account but it won't let me. WTF
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17 years 7 months

Pricing works on a few levels--keeps demand low, prevents touring, makes the band more money, etc. And it does continue the excellent work that the Eagles started years ago. Settle for the economy model with vinyl seats in the back or the luxury option with the telescopic leather seating that allows you to make out details on the stage.
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16 years 2 months

I just went and reregistered and updated all my info with Ticket-Bastard just in case they are the sellers for this show..I would suggest others to possibly set this up in advance since it will store all your info and make the purchasing smoother & faster..This way if you open up Ticketmaster prior to sales as soon as you get the passwoord just enter it and click
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16 years 2 months

thanks rowdy. i just finished reading thru some older posts on here and i'm just going to trust that i will get a password tomorrow and will be able to 'try' to get some tix online and am not going to prep. for mail order tonite. all the secrecy is frustrating.and thanks chawks for the suggestion on the best way to get tix online. good luck everyone! see here how everything leads up to this day...
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17 years 6 months

----> I'm wondering if they get back to you in time to purchase tickets thru ticketbastard if you are not lucky enough to get mail order. ----> I've been trying to get a hold of GDTS TOO all day today, prob called over 100x BUSY>>>BUSY>>>BUSY! can someone shed some light?
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16 years 2 months

should I do mail order or do the presale on line? gail
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16 years 2 months

Since no more mail is going out tonight in the majority of the country and presale is tommorrow I would try the presale...If it doesn't work you can send the mailorder tommorrow since you should know rather quickly if you have tickets
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Can't mail order until tomorrow anyway. Have it all set to go, try the pre-sale, if you do not get tix, send off the mail order. Good luck.
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16 years 2 months

Can you use personal checks for mail order...I have been so spoiled by the internet I think I may have forgotten how to even mail a letter
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17 years 6 months

only usps money orders or western union mo's
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Save your money, go see Phish and a DSO show for what it costs to see "THE DEAD".
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Member for

16 years 8 months

The Wilkes - Barre show runs from 70 to 100 bones, save your money and go see the boys. If we knew when Jerry's last show was the demand would be crazy for tix. So get out re-live the good life while we can. " Goes to show you don't ever know what the cards hold"
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17 years 6 months

I was able to set my account, but there was no access code provided as described in the FAQ. The explaination about setting up an accout is poor! I signed up for pre-sale notification and have received no e-mails about the pre-sale. Very bad execution of the pre-sale ticket notification (plus free goodies)! As it stand now, this whole pre-sale through Ticket-Master or what ever it ends being is flawed because if you follow the advice to set up an account before hand, you are not provided the required information (i.e., access code) required to purchase ticket. There should have been better information provided and sooner.
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Member for

17 years 5 months

He knows not of what he speaks. If you have money, buy tickets. Period. Poor saps like myself will have to resort to old tactics and get by and the "doctor" can have fun with his Minor League bands. Long Live The Dead!! Calico Kaliope come tell me the news!
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16 years 2 months

Mine came a couple posts later. :)
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16 years 2 months

green ripple - you are not alone...noone has any codes yet, all you get is an account for readiness. i assume we will all get a mass email tomorrow morning or tonight for purchase online at 9pst/10mst/11cst/12est
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17 years 7 months

does any one know at what age do they charge children
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16 years 2 months

actually green ripple and you guys are right...the FAQ is misleading and says "Important: Write down the username and password you received with your Access Code and put it in a safe place. You will need your Username, Password, and Access Code to buy tickets." I think this applies to people activating an account after the presale begins, so they will get an access code immediately. I'm sticking with the theory that we should all get an email or message with access codes tonight or first thing tomorrow....
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16 years 2 months

All I was suggesting was getting an acount set up through Ticketbastard in advance since I think they may be doing the ticket sales...Noone has a password yet but it is a good idea to sign up with them and have your info for the transaction already provided ahead of time.Tommorrow open up a window for Ticket-Bastard in advance under the new account you opened... Also make sure to be in the area of the venue you are getting tickets for... As sson as we get our password tommorrow go over to the site and follow the direction...It will list the date 1-23 that they go on sale to the public and will also list the date which will be tommorrow for the presale...They are holding off til the last minute because if we already had the password with todays technology all the scalper and brokers would clean house on scooping them up...There are a ton of visitors on the forum and I can guarantee alot are people looking to make a quick buck of us
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Member for

16 years 11 months

I certainly hope so...I think this will just lead to more Heads in the Lot than in the show...which means more of the problems that come along with this...Gatecrashers, Cops, etc...etc..etc. Kind of a bummer... :(
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16 years 2 months

am signed up... no access c ode yet. is it written how many tix per pre sale on line tomorrow ? GDTS is 4.
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16 years 2 months

It appears that a lot of effort was put into VIP ticket packages but zero was put into the logistics of actually selling tickets. It bet most of these VIP tickets don't sell in the presale and are eventually released as regular tickets.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

The overwhelming bad vibes are flowing. The calamity ensues. Overpriced tix abound. Save your hard-earned scratch and go to a summer festival. Go See three Bands, Rat Dog, Phil and friend, and Gov't Mule all for the same price.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

how many tickets can you purchase per on line/ pre order tomorrow ? thnx MC
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Member for

16 years 2 months

how many tickets can you purchase per on line/ pre order tomorrow ? thnx MC
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16 years 2 months

double post... I'm a tool.