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  • c_c
    Supertaks: outstanding!! glad you had a real good time! peace.
  • DIreCoyote
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    ...we just ride
    Well....How to put into words. I just finished seeing both Shoreline shows and the Gorge. My last experience with any Dead members was Phil and Friends w/Bob Dylan at the Gorge in 2000, before that was West Coast 1995 ending with the last Jerry show in the Bay Area at Shoreline. I was thrilled, to say the least...every aspect went off without a hitch. The shows were fantastic, better musically then I could have dreamed. Each show had a stellar highlight, but if I had to chose a favorite, I would say the first Shoreline show. Help/Slip/F.T opener, and we knew we were in for a nice ride. Too much to relay and reflect I will just say, take what Mickey said to heart...take this good feeling out into our on the your life like the planet depended on you.
  • southerntam
    On a side note...
    I'm sure I"m not the only one, but after listening all night on Saturday and hearing Phil do his donor rap, then hearing Mickey come out and thank the crew...I just couldn't help but feel sad that this tour was done. Like the others before me - THANK YOU BOYS FOR A REAL GOOD TIME. I can't even put into words what this band and this community means to me, and I just feel extremely blessed to be a part of it. Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile!~Tam
  • southerntam
    Just have to say I loved reading your post, just loved it! I read it and re-read it twice. That's what it's all about, and I love how you only got a few hours of sleep and woke up the next morning feeling more relaxed than you had in some time. Great post!!!!~Tam
  • thor369
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    the spring show
    i had an event AFTER the show, that ruined it for me, i held off ofr 5 days, to get it resolved, but.... my wife got sick at shoreline, RockMed, the heros they are, got my wife to ambulance, right after the encore, i bought wristband, picked up CD in time, b4 ambulance left, well... the 3rd disc dont play, i missed the 2nd half of 2nd set 2x sofar. the CD only has listed as contact info, they tell me on phone they dont FIX venue sold items. WHO DOES?? how do i get the 1/3rd of this show i paid for, and the recording wont play? why does it take 5 days for to still not have answers for me on how to replkace this disc, other then REBUYING the download for $15 more!! this is what the opperator told me, at i didnt buy a download, i bought a concert bought, pressed CD. i spent good cash for it, all i want is what i paid for, thank you. if not, return my $25 for this half a show, and i will stop going to shows alltogether. me and my wife collectively have over 200 shows behind us, this is the ONLY bad exp i got from 20+ years of going to your shows. is it so hard to step up, and give a bit of service to those who pay your bills, lines your pocket, the fans.
  • JackstrawfromC…
    My highlights
    Nice story Supertacks! As I sit in a hotel in Montana, 500 miles from home I am still dazed. We had so much fun and I felt like I did 20 years ago. Being stuck in the rat race I really needed this tour for many reasons and on many levels beyond just seeing a concert. Here are some of my highlights of my 10 days of craziness: * Walking into the Pepsi Center and everyone is just going nuts - hooting and hollering, we weren't even inside yet!! * The Denver acoustic set and especially Deep Elem Blues was so so good * Taking my daughter and wife to Shoreline for the 20 anniversary of my first show at ... Shoreline!! What a feeling dancing with my little girl in the same place I first danced 20 years ago * Help Slip Franklin opener ... St Stephen the 11 encore * SHOOT!! Couldn't make it to LA but from what I heard from folks in the lots it was super sick. * Now on to Shoreline May 14. This show folks was so good. The best post-Jerry show by faaaaaar. And I would say maybe one of the top 10 Grateful Dead /The Dead shows ever. Seriously I will stand here and defend that statement that it was was one of the best shows I have EVER seen. You can read my earlier review but when they were playing Fire all of Shoreline was in one wave of cosmic trippy dancing it was so beautiful and it reminded me of back in the day * Getting a 70 year old super cool lady high for her first time at Shoreline * The fire dancers doing their thing to Mickey's thunder * Seeing the Gorge *Hearing Dire Wolf and Althea and Eyes * I will say this about the Gorge though - it was like the boys finished shoreline and were like "oh shit we still have to play the gorge" * I am a new huge fan of Warren he had me in tears several times this tour. Just as one girl was shouting as she marched through the campground at the Gorge - "Warren - Motherfucking - Haynes!!! ORDER OF MY FAV SHOWS: 1.2ND SHORELINE 2. DENVER 3. 1ST SHORELINE 4. GORGE Thanks for a real good time and please come on tour again!! Can't wait for Ratdog this summer! Thank you all for your wonderful vibes!!! I felt them!! "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • Supertacks
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    Closing thoughts on the
    Closing thoughts on the Spring Tour I am 45 now. Up until 04 I had not been to a “Dead” show or derivative of since 90 or 91. I was 27, 28’ish in 91. I caught on at age 18-19 at City Island in Harrisburg in 82 but didn’t get going until 83. Back then I was still wondering around aimlessly not even understanding that I had not found my niche in life yet. I knew I was not confident within certain groups or types of people and in certain situations but beyond that was just a punk kid. I was going to lots of different types of conerts back then and none hit me like a Grateful Dead show. The reason was that this was one place I could go where I felt I was not being judged by anyone and had no expectation to live up to. Of course I did not realize that then, but that was really the thing for me that made it a great place to go. I gre up during that period and carried on until 91. i took in 100+ plus shows in the time. Fast forward to 04. I went to see The Dead at Montage Mountain for Nostalgic purposes. They were 20 minutes from my house so it was low maintenance. It was great fun and the music was good. If I had to go further I would have said fuck it. I didn’t go there with the high expectations or expecting it to be like it used to be. I had a great time, got home to bed, and was asleep by 11:30. I listened to Jack Johnson the next day. Fast forward to 08. A good bud works at the Bryce Jordan in State College and emails me way ahead of public knowledge telling me the Dead are doing an Obama benefit. I figured fuck it I’ll go. I got tickets, then totally realized the historic significance of the show among the community, but it wasn’t that big a deal to me. I get to the show and am blown away. November 08 – The Kirby Center in Wilkes-Barre is a small and beautiful theater in WB. They are my client. Bob Weir is doing a show there and my phone rings that morning. It’s the promoter, he is having computer problems and needs help. I say “Let me grab my hat and I’ll be right there” They are across the street from my office so I am onsite in 4 minutes. I casually let him know I was at the Bryce Jordan show and he smiles and says let me put two comps at Will Call for you tonight. I had no plans on going. My wife goes with me and the show is killer. Fast forward to Spring 09 The economy is in the shitter, I know of 5 or 6 people who have lost their jobs who are extremely talented. There is little good news and everyone is stressed to the max. The Tour is announced and The Dead books Wilkes-Barre. That’s my building, I do ALL the tech work there so of course I gotta go. WB has no idea what they are in for and don’t open the lot until 4. It’s a full fledge spring tour so the busses were dusted off, tuned up and the caravan is in high gear. The community sets up in the Walmart parking lot up the street. The scene is small but cool. Same ole, same ole, but has a really different feel than the 04 show. The 04 show felt like a reunion show for nostalgic purposes only. This was different. The show itself was good, not great, but good enough for me to check out some other shows online. As it turns out the WB set list was my least favorite of the tour so far. I start to get the itch to go to Philly where I didn't miss a show through the 80's Fuck me. We get in town at 2:00 and it’s just going off. I find myself saying stuff and hearing stuff that hasn’t entered even my most remote thoughts in 20 years. As soon as we pull in I looked at my bro-in-law and said “Lets pour a beer and head over to Shakedown Street for some eats” I am immediately floored because I haven’t thought about Shakedown in that wqay forever. I talked to too many people to count. Many now corporate guys with old shirts on and many hippies, some that came in community busses just like the old days. No one is talking about the economy, Iraq, school shootings, swine flu, the crime rate, the financial crisis, GM, Chrysler, housing, none of it. Everyone is smiling, speculating on the final Set List for the Spectrum. There is much talk of the first “Dew” on the tour. Much talk of the first "Samson and Delilah” on the tour. I had my Hershey 85 shirt on. No less than 20 people stopped me to talk about Terrapin in the rain. There was tie dye, crystals, falafel, burritos, balloons, curry, BO, Patchoulie, much sweet smelling smoky stuff etc. All the symbolic stuff was point on. The vibe was just incredible. If they tour again I will be there. At 45 what I got out of it was every bit as fun as it used to be. I was not there to cut loose without fear of judgment like back in the old days. My life is well defined now and I am comfortable in my skin. But it was soul cleansing and therapeutic to rinse off the stress of everything going on in my 45 year old world. There was this total sense of release from everyone there who was doing the same thing. After just one afternoon and evening . . . (Got home and 3:00 a.m., shower was mandatory) asleep at 3:30 and still woke up Sunday morning feeling more relaxed and fresh than after a week’s vacation and I still feel that today. I haven't listened to anything but the Dead since May 2nd. I DL'ed every show on this tour, stayed up way too late checking out the streams, met tons of new peeps online and have just had a blast. I think we get so caught up in our lives, families, children, responsibilities, and the expectations everyone around us sets for us, that it’s hard to do stuff like this without feeling irresponsible. I am fortunate in that I have a wife who urges me to go have some fun and blow off some steam. I pick and choose very carefully where I use these opportunities and only use the hall pass once or maybe twice a year. He'll I don't even golf. She knows this, so when I bring something up she knows it’s for real. It’s so nice to be able to do something you know, really puts your wife out for a day and she is still supportive and encouraging. There is still nothing like a Dead Show. If several circumstances did not happen that made it easy or convenient for me to get re-acquainted I never I would have. I am not sorry there are more shows on this tour I can’t go too, but truly appreciate the ones I did. I am back in the daily grind now, and the grind is rolling off me like water on a well waxed car. It is so amazing to me that this scene evolved the way it did, and survived. If you look at the era in which we live, it is one of the most unusual occurrences going and I am honored and blessed to have had the opportunity to particpate. God bless the Grateful Dead and everyone that is a part of it. You people are as much responsible for this as the music. I will miss this tour, can't wait for the news of another, and am off to have another grate day!
  • TigerLilly
    Poetic, heartfelt, and multiple times; as usual!!!!!!!!! Love you bro! ********************************** Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Mark Twain
  • Moye
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    Well, found myself tismorning listening to the last show on this tour.(sigh) The boys have definately outdone theirselves on this tour. I hate to see it come to an end. Im keeping my fingers crossed for a fall tour. Listening to the last show, I found some tears running down my face. (tears of joy) I just want to say thank you Mickey, Bill, Bobby, Phil, Warren, and Jeff for all the joy and happyness you guys gave us on this tour. Made alot of new friends here on and in the Philly lot. Thank you and thank you Marye for your knowledge and trouble shooting on this site. I hope to see all of you on a fall tour:) God Bless you all and God Bless The Grateful Dead!!!! Peace- Moye
  • Moye
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    Well, found myself tismorning listening to the last show on this tour.(sigh) The boys have definately outdone theirselves on this tour. I hate to see it come to an end. Im keeping my fingers crossed for a fall tour. Listening to the last show, I found some tears running down my face. (tears of joy) I just want to say thank you Mickey, Bill, Bobby, Phil, Warren, and Jeff for all the joy and happyness you guys gave us on this tour. Made alot of new friends here on and in the Philly lot. Thank you and thank you Marye for your knowledge and trouble shooting on this site. I hope to see all of you on a fall tour:) God Bless you all and God Bless The Grateful Dead!!!! Peace- Moye
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16 years 6 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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16 years 2 months

Ha-Ha-Ha..... why are you so suprised about the fact that brokers (a.k.a $calpers) have tickets before the pre-sale? ....... It'$ a mu$ic bu$ine$$ Tour packaging....Vip Packaging..... Ticket Brokers.... Ticket sale manipulation. ~Can't stop the Greed~
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17 years 9 months

"I am sure the guys are invested in the same markets that most people are that just took a big dump." If that's the case then they should realize that we just don't have the money. We hadn't planned to do alot of shows...just the ones in Philly, but with only one income due to my losing my job back in August, $400 is just out of our reach...we've got more important things to spend that kind of money housing, food, utilities....just the basics... They've sold us out...
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16 years 2 months

Don't punish yourself over the prices..... You have about as much control over that as you do over "The Bail Out" If you think it matters weather you go to the shows or not your mistaken. These shows will sell out and they wight have to add shows because of the demand. If you don't go someone else will. And it's only gonna get worse...There is no regulation. There never has been. It's 2009 not 1970..........Bill Graham is long gone.
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16 years 2 months

is there a code for buying tix or is my membership on here all I need?
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Dayum. $100 bucks. Guess that's not gonna happen. Heat my house, buy groceries......or buy tickets. Sorry. I'll keep my fond memories of the Grateful Dead. It's just sad, that's all.
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17 years 7 months

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16 years 2 months
Permalink go to the shows or not your mistaken." Matters to me. I have to look in the mirror in the morning. It's their right to charge whatever they want to for tickets. It's my right to say, "thanks for the memories, but you're gutting what this used to be about." I don't want any part of it.
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16 years 2 months

Wow, This is incredible!!! I live in Scranton Pa. I have 9 shows all within driving distance from home. The closest is Wilkes-Barre at 17 miles the furthest is Buffalo about 5hrs... Tic prices are a bit steep to make all the shows but If I were only back in my twentys minus the wife and kids I would be on the road again. I always said this is the best place to live for concerts. 125mi. from both Philly and NYC. I am Going to Wilkes-Barre and both Spectrum Shows. I will try for a MSG as well hope to see ya there!!!! Music is why I love life so much. Live music only makes it better. In music, I beleive everyone can find PEACE..... Sadly the world isn't ready..
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17 years 8 months

Sure everything costs more these days, but they have sold out to class warfare. Used to be everyone paid the same price and got a fair shot at decent seats. It's bad enuf the scalpers always manage to scoop up the best seats, but now the band is engaged in scalping themselves. VIP seats for a couple hundred dollars a piece?!? Or pay $45.00 more for "better" seats---and they don't even tell you where those seats may be. Then the online presale eliminates the "cheaper" tix altogether for most venues. WTF? My first dead ticket cost $6.50. I don't mind paying more but this is insulting and a ripoff of the fans that got them where they are thru good times and bad. At Penn State, I couldn't give extra tix away. If these shows fail to sell due to this BS it will only lessen the probability of future shows.
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17 years 9 months

The price of tickets to big-name acts has risen steadily and spectacularly. Some top ticket prices at Madison Square Garden in 2007 and 2008 (not including any VIP tickets that may have been offered): Bob Seger, $79.00 Ozzy Osbourne, $79.75 Neil Diamond, $120.00 Rush, $129.50 Van Halen, $149.50 Barry Manilow, $150.00 Roger Waters, $174.50 Celine Dion, $189.50 Jimmy Buffet $201.50 The Police, $254.50 Steve Winwood & Eric Clapton, $254.50 Genesis, $256.50 So $100 is not out of line. I don't completely buy the story about how expensive it is to tour today. It undoubtedly is, but I believe the reason tix are so expensive is because the performers want to have a big pay day.
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16 years 6 months

Yes people are freaking out about the ticket prices, it is shocking but have you been to a football game, Hockey game or a Basketball game recently? That’s is what is out of control!!!! The ticket prices are in line with what other bands are charging in this day and age. The good news is you have a few options that will be cheaper that the $100 seats. Some acts are charging more for tickets just to keep the scalpers away from the good seats. I go to a ton of shows and the ticket prices usually range from $70 – $150 and up to $400 (Sting as an example)
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17 years 8 months

I have my memories of the great 1993 run of shows that I went to and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I did see The Other Ones at MSG and they put on a great show as well as both nights of the Dead at Jones Beach in 2004. But with the state of the economy today and people losing jobs left and right... I can't justify spending 100+ on a concert ticket.
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17 years 6 months

So I am down on the registering and so forth but where should we be parked at noon? I mean should we be at the venue page off of this So click on Greensboro and just keep reloading that and hope that the "Ticket Info" link will change to "ok you can order tickets now" from what it is now: "Tickets for this event go on sale Tuesday, January 13 at noon EST." thanks, pokey
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16 years 2 months

Just a Heads up for those getting tickets today especially with alot of peeps being low on funds.. I have used music today several times and they do charge an extra service charge, also beware of the mailing options for they automatically put you on the most expensive mailing option but you can change that option but you have to click that option, there is no access code or password, all you have to do is registor and then when you go back to the site tomorrow all you have to do is sign in with the password you made. This is not rocket science and very user friendly
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Here are the facts: 1. The 60s, the 70s, the 80s, and even the 90s are gone, deal with it. The notion that the Dead were different, but have now sold out is quaint, but ignorant. They have adopted the corporate culture long ago. 2. The guys ( and their suits) are entitled to charge what they think the market will generate. If they overcharged, then the venues will not fill up. If they fill the arenas, then they priced it at the right level. In any event, the market will determine the correct price level, not your whining. 3. If you are suffering from these unfortunate economic times, then you shouldn't be spending ANY money on concert tickets, so the difference between 50 or 100 bucks is not a factor. 4. If you really want to see the boys, you can probably find a way. This is real life folks, you make decisions and sacrifices every day. 5. When you compare the prices with the costs of other entertainment today, they are not really out of line. That being said, I hope everyone who wants to go can somehow get a ticket and be able to enjoy the music. Peace. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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16 years 2 months

Im not saying the dead dont deserve what the other artist are getting for a show, cause their just as good musicians as any of the other mega bands but it was the mindset the dead always carried knowing they didnt need to charge that nor did they want to. It was more about the music and getting people and themselves off and resisting the corpartions, after all thats how the grateful dead ticket service got started was trying to get away from the corporations putting their hand in the till. I've thought about it alot, im not so mad anymore about the ticket prices as i am that i feel the dead have lost their way and their values.
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16 years 2 months

Don't blame the band....blame the market for the prices. Greed drives this process If people were not willing to pay so much the ones with their hands out (Promoters) would have to settle for what ever they could get. Even in a depression....people still party....still need to be entertained....and most of all need to be sedated.
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17 years 4 months

We used to play for silver, now we play for cash.
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16 years 2 months

I posted this yesterday prior to knowing who was handling tickets..Now that we do know ..Here is the link from this site Questions I had prior to the presale are becoming clearer.. We will most likely get password right before the tickets go on sale The tickets becoming available 9am West Coast time Tickets will range from 50-100 dollars a ticket not including Ticket service charge My game plan tommorrow is to open 4 windows on the computer prior to the sale I suggest refreshing all these until you have your ticket info 1 open e-mail (Keep refreshing for notification from this site on a password 2 open Ticket site and have it ready for purchase 3 Open this site and keep it on the page with presale and ticket info...Keep refreshing so you don't miss it 4 Open this forum and keep refreshing since if someone gets aditional info or the password chances are they will post it here... Good Luck to everyone here and may we all get in
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17 years 9 months

You hit it right on fleaflicker. Everyone is upset about the prices but it's more about the boys losing their way and values. It was always special for me that they were not like everyone else.
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16 years 2 months

Mail ordered 4 seats for msg at $58.50. They are on the presale as only one tier, $99. Think my m'o seats are behind the stage? I don't care, I'm just happy to go and have a good time at a fair(er) price. Good luck all. Have Love and Keep It - Patrick
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16 years 2 months

It's all I can do not to let the negativity bring me down. I am freaking thrilled that the boys are touring! Good luck to everyone at noon!! See y'all in Greensboro!! "You know it's gonna get stranger, so let's get on with the show!"
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17 years 6 months

thanks for those instructions - could those bitching about ticket prices leave this area clear for those of us willing to pay so we can work with each other to figure it out? I am not sure where you people have been - rock shows are expensive now. If you don't like it, don't go. The Dead is a rock band, not some nonprofit circus. poke
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17 years 3 months

I am happy about the tour but times are tough. Have you seen the prices for the good seats? $350. for a good seat? Come on guys, we're dead heads not Donald Trump!! I guess money talks. Too bad.
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17 years 8 months

anyone know if we can buy multiple shows through this site or will it be a one show at a time deal? example: order show>cash out>order show>cashout OR oder all shows>cash out
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16 years 1 month

How and when do I get pre-sale tickets? Password? What site? Help Please.
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17 years 2 months

Down to the box office, packin' a gun"Give me 4 seats, I gotta have my fun "$400 dollars please, the ticketwench said Dupree said, "I'll pay these tix off to you in lead Simple economics - supply and demand - see y'all at the gigs "Between the two slices of bread in the sandwich of hypocrisy, there is often more than one sandwich, making it difficult to eat in the dark. However, there is always a flashlight in the Thermos!" - R Hunter
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16 years 2 months

I am sorry but when people pay 12.00 to get in a movie not including snack, drink and possibly dinner when you can own the DVD 3 months later and enjoy it almost just as much I have no problem paying for a day with the Dead since that memmory will last forever and I am not being shushed or having to listen to a ceell phone going off in the back ground..You get what you pay for a 1 night with the Dead during these times is priceless..People waste countless amounts of money every day on doctor bills and prescription to get by...For me the docotrs will be in the pffice @ Shoreline May 10th
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17 years 6 months

Can't really afford to go but the wife and I are making it happen. This could very well be the last one. Looks like mastercard is gonna make a few bucks off me for this venture. 8/
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16 years 2 months

Its shocks me how unselfish the boys have been for decades, proving over and over again how much they care about the fans. They are actually putting 4 seperate bands on hold to make this tour happen. Imagine the personal sacrifices involved in all the peoples lives revolving around those bands. They are doing this for us. Not the money. If they were about the money it would have happened about 30 years ago. I am pretty disappointed in this knee jerk reaction to a band that has given us so much for so long. Personally I would walk through fire to see them again. I understand wanting to see them so bad and being frustrated about not being able to afford it. Its been a reality of mine most of my life. I have seen about a third of the shows I would have had money never been an issue. That said thank yo to everyone that has helped make this tour possible! I am entirely grateful for even a possiblity to see more shows! 42% of all statistics are made up.
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17 years 9 months

Didn't tell the boss why, she wouldn't get it anyway. Just said I had some stuff to take care of and that I needed to use an hour or so of sick time. I'm waiting anxiously, got everything ready, all four screens open ect.
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16 years 1 month

Hope the ticket site can handle the traffic it's about to get. Glad I know the Verizon Center in DC well so I'll have an idea where the tickets they offer are located. Maybe I'll buy an extra and invite the new guy in the big white house nearby...... Sometimes we live no particular way but our own
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Member for

16 years 2 months

where do you get your access code? I have a account set up but dont know what the access code is?? Help
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I'm with you, I couldn't get over all the negativity around here, it was such a buzz kill. I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself...I mean this is a chance to see the Boys again. I'm so grateful it's even happening and if I don't get seats up front...oh well, at least I'll be there to listen and dance to the music I love so much! Woohooooo!!!!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I am with you about the Grateful Dead being different and going their own way. Its part of what made them and the scene so special. The point of my post is that those days are long gone. On the other hand, I will always cherish the times when they and the whole Deadhead scene were special and when I was on the bus. My advice: DONT LET WHAT THEY ARE DOING NOW RUIN THOSE MEMORIES. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

How ampted up alot of us are...all the excitement and nervous energy. Then once we get our tix it's like all the air will flow out of our sails and we'll be waiting again. Kinda funny when you think about it.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

they have a new welcome screen for Open a new window and type you'll see. Clears up the confusion of where to get the tickets
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16 years 2 months

I wont have any money until Friday Jan. 16- Will there still be tix available at that time? I want to see the Greensboro show.
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16 years 2 months

that possibly these painfully outrageous prices are simply presale prices and the nationwide prices will be lower? it makes sense, because otherwise there's no point in a presale. most bands make presales available to people who have bought the album or pay extra money. i have an hour to figure this out.
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16 years 2 months

scalpers are gonna be all over these tickets like seagulls on a 1/2 eaten cheeseburger.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I realized on the ticket page of this site it has recently been updated..If anyone has ticket question croll down and click on ticket questions..It brings tou directly to the agencies pages and it answers several different questions people have inquired on
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Member for

16 years 1 month

I heard they were going to play 4 shows in June at Red Rocks, but I can't that anywhere...any one else heard this?
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16 years 2 months

If the scalper read all the negative vibes in these forums about ticket prices and alot of Heads taking a pass they may move on to the Phish forums
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Member for

16 years 2 months

There will be plenty of tickets available at the venues? Fans with x-tras. Scalpers unloading seats they would have had to have eaten because nobody wanted to pay those crazy prices. No worries~
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Member for

17 years 6 months

i'm a friend of a friend of a scalper. if he is at a show and cant get rid of his tickets, he wont sell them any cheeper, he uses them as a business write off!! dozens of tickets unused!!!bunch of bulls*it if you ask me.
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16 years 2 months

I hope his accountant has to work over time with the leftovers from this tour