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  • PeggyO
    Reflections on a Tour
    Well, the Spring Tour 2009 is in the bag and was definitely one for the books! That's for sure. I know a lot of people might think the Dead are dead without certain members, and to be honest, the last couple of tours the Dead have done were great experiences for me, but I always felt like people were "sitting in" to fill some big shoes left behind. Even Warren, in 2004, felt like he was filling in. So I went to the LA Forum show expecting what we got in 04. Oh how wrong I was! That first throat grabbing chord of the show was like the band was saying to everyone in the Forum, "Listen up people! We're not f*#cking around here, we're here to play so let's get down to it!" And then BOOM, right into that unreal VLB groove, with a beat that you just had to move to. I have been doing tours since the late 70's/early 80's and to my ears, this band has never been better. On the one hand, they're tighter, yet they're also looser. I cant explain it, and honestly, that's about the best one can say about the Dead when they're really "on", "well, I cant explain it man, you just have to experience it..." ;) I've been keeping up with the Tour, listening to the shows online as the Tour progressed and the first half was just okay for me. But in LA it felt like something happened that night and everything the boys had been striving for just all fell into place that night. The Forum felt like an old school East Coast indoor arena show, complete with rabid, hardcore heads that were so grateful to be back at the party again. This was not a "best of" tour. This was a "here's who we are now, dig it" tour, and man did I love what I heard on the West Coast leg of this Tour. That night in LA, I realized that Warren and Jeff no longer felt like they were filling in for anyone anymore. The *were* the Dead just as much as Bobby, Phil, Billy or Mickey are. To me, the Dead has always been a band in flux. There have been so many iterations of them I've sort of lost count. So to those who lament a Jerryless Dead, all I can say is, you don't know what you're missing. Sure I miss Jerry and I miss Brent. But the Dead as they are right now? Sound the best I've ever heard them and they're not stale, they're still out there pushing the envelope and really, isn't that what this is all about? So yeah, I no longer get weepy when I hear Brokedown Palace or Ripple or Box of Rain. I just revel in the fact that I get to experience this amazing thing we call The Dead, once again. And I am truly Grateful. One final comment...It felt so great to experience Shakedown once again and the lot scenes in LA and the Gorge were excellent. Like some upthread said, I found my self also saying things, and using expressions that I haven't used in a long time...It felt good to have the tribe back together again, didn't it?!
  • GD GRW
    right on southerntam
    My sentiments exactly. It was a bittersweet night. Very cool to stay up until 3 am+ listening to the whole show, with great interviews and commentary thrown in during the set break. But it was so great to back out there catching 4 shows, eagerly anticipating seeing the setlists of the shows I didn't catch each morning, listening to the downloads etc. I'm going to miss all that. I'm firmly in the camp that thinks the music has changed/evolved in a great sounds, tunes I never thought I'd get to hear live, Rhythm Devils taking it to new heights each night etc etc. Warren and Jeff are as good as it gets in the post Jerry/Brent/Keith/Pigpen era, which is to say they're both amazing musicians who fit right into the fabric of the band and helped to make the magic each night. Jeff is a monster on the keys and Warren managed to channel the ghosts of Jerry/Brent/Pigpen in his paying and singing while keeping it new and fresh and his own as well. Branford's interview during the set break was spot on: they're older, they've each gone on to do new things are are coming at playing together from a new angle, pushing the boundaries and not just treading the worn path. By the time they got to the Gorge, they seem to have all completely melded musically and got the bugs all worked out. We may not see them out on the road two thirds of the year least as The Dead, but I gotta think the fun they seemed to be having along with the embrace of the fans will pull them back for another go around or two down the road. And yes, it was really cool to hear Mickey thank the crew and bring them out onstage for some well deserved applause. I've seen them with Jerry from the early 80's onward, seen Phil and his band, Ratdog, the Dead 2003/4 and I can say I had as good a time at these shows and I've had at any. All different, all excellent and all the music of the Grateful Dead which is what it's all about. Thanks guys!
  • theotherone2
    GDTS TOO website
    Not sure if this is the appropriate forum to use but I'm sure Marye will let me know. I just went to the GDTS TOO website for the first time in years to see about Ratdog tix and was amazed at what i found. It prompted me to send them the following... Please don't take offense. Just a little constructive criticism. It's been many years since I've visited your site. Back in the day I thought it was the greatest thing ever. The days of calling the hotline every day sometimes multiple times were over, but come on guy's, your site is really quite primitive by today's standards. To my dismay, when I tried to fill out the credit card form I discovered it wasn't interactive. I consider myself a caveman for not having a printer/copier/scanner combo, but times are tough. I don't even know where to find a fax machine. Aren't we supposed to be a paperless society by now? This planet needs all the trees she can produce. The decorative envelopes are still very cool, and should be an option, but how about an online interactive version of the envelope? I'm sure there are thousands of heads out there into web design who would be willing to collaborate and put something together for you. I'm not a designer myself but I'm willing to help wherever I can. Just something to consider. Peace and much thanks for all you do. So this would be a shout out to all of you webmasters out there if they are receptive. I know youre out there, a simple Google search for anything Dead related shows me there's some mad skills out there. I have not recieved a response yet, but when I do I'll post it.
  • fillmore
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    Maybe I should of gone for
    Maybe I should of gone for the CDs too!
  • thor369
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    thanks fillmore
    thor369 - I'm still waiting for my two Chicago show downloads that were ordered May 3rd! Hope your wife is better. she is doing much better. it was an asthma and panic attack type combo, scary stuff. my CD isnt a download, it was a CD i paid for, at the show, they was recording off the mixing boards, and pressing official show CD's on the spot for $25, with show date, and place, on official The Dead CDs. it is why i dont want the download to replace my CD, my puter dont have good speakers, and i only listen to my CDs in my car, or my headset CD player. i cant reburn 1 on my puter, and it isnt the official CD with the printed faces on them.
  • AlpineMike
    Bringing the magic home...
    Chicago was incredible... 20 years since since my love's and mine last show but with one more in tow - our 11 year old son whose favorite song right now is Throwing Stones. All with a different yet better spirit. The magic was back. It does remind me of reading a book where you don't understand the words and you go back later and understand it even more after life experience. I started reading the book long ago and loved it - and It means even more now. The shows brought smiles, healing and joy. Peace Mike P.S. Please Tour again !!!! - You are beautiful together ! Such a long long time to be gone and a short time to be there
  • marye
    fillmore, and anyone else having issues
    you too
  • marye
    pm me the details. We're working on this one.
  • fillmore
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    I feel the same way, could never have said it any better. Great post!
  • fillmore
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    thor369 - I'm still waiting
    thor369 - I'm still waiting for my two Chicago show downloads that were ordered May 3rd! Hope your wife is better. I thought all the shows were just awesome. Thanks guys for giving us the magic again. Sure would be nice to hear the Chicago shows and relive some nice memories again.
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16 years 6 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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17 years 5 months

Yeah I remember that sticker,, she had some bad nights for sure,, but for 2009 it would be cool to get her back.. many folks never seen her with the band... hell many people have not seen the dead with Garcia... its all good...
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17 years 8 months

QUOTE: As for Warren....give the guy a break....he sings like a bird, none of the other short list candidates.....have the vocal talent or range to pull it off." I dunno, I find his vocals to be too gritty and "classic blues rock" for my taste. Helluva player and great person, though. Hornsby knocks Garcia songs out of the park, vocally. Kimock plays much more melodically (then maddeningly disappears). Obviously, the short list must not have included John Kadlecik from Dark Star, but the Dead (and Phil) have always steered clear of being "too close to sounding like the original Dead". For whatever reason. It's not like Kadlecik is copping Jerry note for note. He rips on his own merit. But good luck to Warren, am sure he'll have a ball.
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17 years 8 months

Levon HelmAllison Krauss and Robert Plant (HA! slip that one into the "fat chance" catagory--now THAT show was worth 75 of the year-or two)
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17 years 7 months

Allman Bro's & Dylan w/ Hunter opening!As long as the Dead play 2 sets!
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16 years 2 months

Robert Hunter Levon Helm Have Love and Keep It - Patrick
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16 years 6 months

AllmansLevon - Hands down! Santana? No disrespect meant but he sold his soul long ago...Maybe he'd want to bring along Matchbook 20... Tdub - Completely agree that Hornsby is the man vocally, but we're talkin' guitars no? I wonder if they asked Bruce to join the tour, does anyone know? And also agree w/ the Plant / Krauss tour. Saw the Toronto show last year & easily rates in my top 5 shows ever, incredible...That needs to happen again, anyone who witnessed any of that tour knows why there may never be a Zep reunion w/ Plant...
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17 years 9 months

And 2 More: Steve Miller who did a great at the Fillmore last year and I'm with SouthernTam on Dave....that would be sweet. Either alone or maybe even with Tim R....... : ) NBT
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17 years 8 months

It was sublime. Saw Levon last summer and he's definitely on my list for opening act. And as a personal favorite, I'd add Wilco.
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16 years 2 months

76' - 78'donna is very nice i think, especially 77'. She found her voice and started singing unlike the early shows where i think she was trying to replicate Janis and it just didnt work out for her. Looks like rain, st. stephen , the music never stopped and sunrise are some of my fav donna songs. The music never stopped was never the same after donna left.
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16 years 6 months

Wilco, yes...Good choice.
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17 years 9 months

i'm with fleaflicker on donna , she did change as times went on.....less janis as mentioned more donna ....... they love each other was so sweet with her along on that tune as well as the wheel...... nbt
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17 years 5 months

Little Feat? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -enjoyin' the ride -There'll never be another Jerry
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16 years 2 months

But if there was going to be an opener I say Yonder Mountain String Band - those boys rock. One show I saw they played Lady with a Fan it was so damn good, sent chills up my spine. I personally wish Steve Kimock was playing guitar but I suppose they need someone else who can pitch in on the singing. "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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17 years 5 months

I've always wanted to see Yonder Mountain SB. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -enjoyin' the ride -There'll never be another Jerry
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16 years 1 month

been to 40 shows and looking forward to two more @ the dcu center in worcester yippee happy new year everyone
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16 years 2 months

I've been avoiding this forum the past couple of days due to bad vibes when so buzzing. It's nice to see peace here again! As for an opening act, any or none will do. But I did notice when clicking on shows attended that opening acts refresh my attendance memory. Remember when the Violent Femmes opened in Ohio? Wow. It was so cool to see the few cross over Femme Heads dancing (was I or wasn't I?) . . .
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17 years 5 months

Yes, we come!!As we live in Holland we have never attended a Grateful Dead show. Not around in 1972 nor later. The closest was watching the Rock Palast show live on TV. We often say how much we would like to have been part of the audience. This time we got the news in time. One show would be in Chicago where my brother lives. I decided to try to buy tickets and we could combine a family visit with a Dead show. We got our tickets. I still used the excuse that I could always sell them if we decided not to fly to the States. But when we got the final mail that was not an option anymore. This will be our chance to see the four remaining band members play together. The flight is booked already We are so thrilled!!! We will be in Chicago from Sunday May 3 until Saturday May 9. Are there any Dead Heads who would like to meet a couple (in their 50's) from Holland? I will check my mail. Everybody else: Have fun! Ship of Fools
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16 years 2 months

`Hey, old hippie. Look up. I'm in the Netherlands, too. A friend and I are flying Stateside for DC, Charlottesville, and Albany . . .
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17 years 8 months

Do you really think the Dead could match an opening act that is this vibrant and fresh? (this is a neutral question folks so don't give me a hard time, address the question, thanks) If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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16 years 2 months

A group I would like to see added to the Dead gig is New Monsoon..I can't get enough of that band and they usualley come up to Seattle 2x's a year..They are from Northern CA and if you never heard of them check it out.. I can't get enough of them
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16 years 2 months

No they probably couldn't which is why I vote for no opening band. But you are right - if you want to see an up and coming band (even though they have been around 10 years) YMSB is it! "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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16 years 2 months

I haven't heard of them - what's their music like? I am always up for hearing something new. "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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16 years 2 months

I decided I would replace Santana with Black Crows,,, Black Crows Allman Brothers Band For the Spring Tour @ the smaller venues if there is an opening act "New Monsoon"
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16 years 5 months

Walking out of pennstate I was thinking they should do a tour.Said that again 2nd page of this thread. And with Warren in the Dead for this tour. 09 is the 40th year for ABB and I know they are doing abig tour this summer Hope it's not me just dreaming. Peace Tina
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16 years 3 months

with JackstrawfromCo, no opening band. Just an amazing show from the boys that if I had a say would include a smokin, Other One here in Denver and the louder the better since I'm not exactly sitting near 'the Golden Road'. At least I'll be there though!!!peace
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16 years 2 months

They are one of those rare bands that the 1st time you see them you are hooked by the end of the show..They are a great jam band and I am suprised @ times they aren't bigger than they are which is actually nice..Check them out @ .. The majority of people I have turned onto them have also enjoyed them
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16 years 1 month

As long as they play a full length show, I don't need an opening act.
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16 years 2 months

Sweet! Another Colorado person! The Pepsi Center will be rocking 'Golden Road' or not! See you there!! "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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17 years 8 months

yep, they are a really good band. Come around here once in a while. JackstrawfromCo - I see that you also realize how incredible YMSB is. Folks, you should see this band. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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16 years 2 months

Hot tuna or rusted root would be a good opening act. Little Feet would be sweat to, seen them open for DSO at Grateful Fest at Nelsons Ledges
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17 years 9 months

Big Thanks to All for working to change up the Vibe here...........feel re-charged and ready for a great Bay Area Weekend !!! NBT
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16 years 2 months

I just realized that you are from the CO area..I saw a band a few years @ The Oregon Country Fair called Kannal and they blew me away.. As soon as I got home I ordered there CD and got on there mailing list..They are from the CO area and seem to play the majority of there shows in that area and I have never seen them come back up to the NorthWest....They are a great band also with Guatemalan roots..They have a tribal / jam sound to them..I justfound an article on them from The Washington Post Kan'Nal It's a rare CD that makes you want to rub sticks together in your back yard, yank off your clothing and howl at the moon while cavorting around a crackling bonfire. Kan'Nal's "Dreamwalker" has that effect. Started in Guatemala by Tzol, a transplanted vocalist-guitarist from Austin, and lead guitarist Tierro, a Canadian wanderer, this "shamanic rock" group has evolved into a seven-member performance-art beast based in Boulder, Colo. Kan'Nal's concerts are spectacular: Hypnotic percussion, skull-crushing guitar and buzzing didgeridoo create a spirit-channeling framework for Tzol's primal screams and sensual, son-of-Tarzan vocals. Kan'Nal's two female members -- mesmerizing hippie-chick dancers -- gyrate as if possessed, eyes rolled back, sometimes holding deer antlers to their craniums. I know you said you like discovering new music and this band is in your backyard..If anyone is interested they are at ...... Sorry if posted in wrong place but just trying to keep the positive vibes flowing today with some good conversation
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16 years 2 months

I will check them out for sure - again I have never heard of them but they sound interesting! How about I'll check out new monsoon and kannal and you should check out YMSB (they are based in CO too). "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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16 years 2 months

I have been listening to them for a few years and they have the annual Northwest String Summit every year in OR @ (Hornings Hideout)..My cousin is a huge fan of theres and is always playing them and going to see them.. google Hornings Hideout OR and you can see the event..They are an amazing band
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16 years 3 months

Yes!!! The Pepsi Center will be rockin! See you there
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16 years 2 months

Just quick question, who is YMSB??............wait.........OH, YONDER MOUTAIN STRING BAND? Right? If so, yeah, I meen, HELLLL YEAHHH!!!!! They jammmmm!!!!
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16 years 2 months

Saw Yonder Mountain with Keller Williams at House of Blues In Myrtle Beach. What a great show. Each member jammed a different song with Keller. Keller does some great Dead stuff too. __________________________________________________ I can't get tired of the Satellite Dead Channel, as much as I may try.
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16 years 2 months

KELLER WILLIAMS IS GREAT!!!!! Hes got that CRUNGE sound, he opened for DSO at grateful fest last year
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16 years 1 month

4957 days since my last show... 91 days til my next one WOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!
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16 years 2 months

Yeah Keller is really fun to see live. I've only seen him twice (open for Ratdog and for YMSB) and he was great! Funny guy too. "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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16 years 4 months

No shows North of the border, as always. Truckin' to Buffalo once again. YEE HAA!
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16 years 2 months

I just saw moe. on demand and I was blown away! They were havin a blast and they sounded pretty cool. The pecussionist did a ballsy Xylophone solo.They'd be a cool opener,I think.(anyone else know moe about them?)(Im interested in moe info on them)(Bad joke-sorry)seriously-Id like to know- BLOW THE HORN-TAP THE TAMBORINE-SMILES FOR MILES-APRIL'S NEAR!♪♪♪♪♪
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16 years 1 month

Did the Dead (Grateful) ever use opening acts for indoor shows? I remember opening acts at stadiums during Summer tour but never in arenas. I may have seen the most usual opening act for a dead/solo show. In Nov. 1988, I saw three Garcia shows at Ceaser's Tahoe, and they had a comedian open each show. I think that the guy had a flamingo shaped guitar. It was one of those shows where a maître d' picks where you sit, and you have to buy three drinks. The things that I did for JG.
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17 years 3 months

rosa rugosa Happy Friday Night everyone - seems like the vibes are friendlier, and the Band Beyond Description is soon coming to town! I would love to hear Touch of Gray as an opener. We watch the Trucking Off To Buffalo DVD all the time (got to stop spilling wine in the laptop) and that has definitely become a favorite. Funny how it's a whole different song to me now than it was back when it was a hit. Maybe because I've got a touch of it myself now :)
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17 years 9 months

Opening song in North Carolina: I call "Promised Land" Jimmy 'the fish' (myVegas bookie) is laying 7-1 odds on that call... Tony "Shoes" of Atlantic City is putting his faith, and his cash, in a Help Slipknot Franklins for the MSG show... though I'm getting even money, 2-1 odds, on a Shakedown Street for the 1st night at Philly. peace.