• 929 replies
    Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

    Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

    (We're changing some things for 2009)

    BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

    MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are


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  • Hal R
    reseeding topic
    On further thought, I think a reseeding topic would be fine. If no one offered to reseed a vine there, a pmail could be sent with a request for a reseed to one of the folks who already got the vine. To those who have been discussing this, thanks for thinking about this stuff and furthering the cause of keeping the vines running smoothly. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • pomo1
    The only reason
    why I suggest a new topic is because most people, or at least I dont go through vine topics that i have already received and passed on. As a result, I have no idea that a vine which I already received has stalled. How am I supposed to offer to re-seed if i am not aware a vine has stalled? I suppose a pm system might work, but I don't see the harm in a separate topic asking for re-seeds. We can also post in the specific vine topic as well. A central re-seed request topic is something we can all check periodically. If I see a vine that I have, I can offer to re-seed without me continually checking each and every vine topic. We can post our offer to re-seed in the actual vine topic, as well. My opinion is to give it a shot and see if it works. However, if the community is against it, it is no big deal. I just think it will make it easier to re-seed without having to visit every topic. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
  • JackstrawfromC…
    I like your suggestion Pomo1
    But if we could modify #3 to what Hal is suggesting, we'll be set. Lets keep a re-seeded vine on the original thread to keep all the info in one place. Next - how do we deal with folks who cannot be reached, so they get skipped but then they show back up and want the vine that skipped them? If you have to skip someone, move their name to the bottom of the list, or to the next in line on the list? I suppose this could remain flexible but if you get skipped, you should be able to still get the vine eventually I just don't know if it is fair to have to wait until the end of the list. But that would be the easiest solution. Or the person just has to sign back up again... Then again maybe I'm making too big a deal about it?? Just thought I'd throw that out there since we are on the topic... Have a grate weekend everyone and happy vining! "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • Hal R
    pomo 1
    reseeding vines topic - I am not sure if this is best as its own topic or not. After all if you already have a vine, you might not be looking through the reseed topic. I have reseeded several and the way I did it was by getting a pmail with a request for a reseed. It seems to work that way and also by posting on that vine's specific topic, thread. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • pomo1
    1. FLAC is the preferred format, but ultimately it is up to the seeder. As in the past, people should feel free to request that someone create audio cds from a FLAC vine, and it is up to fellow viners to choose to do so. 2. Re-vining an occassional show is not prohibited, provided there is at least some justification for doing so, such as the show fits within the theme of the new vine or it is a quality upgrade. 3. There will be a separate topic for requests regarding re-seeding a stalled vine. Before re-seeding, all reasonable efforts should be made to get the vine moving. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
  • Exploratory Da…
    I am not against flac. Flac all you want. In fact, I have gotten a few flac vines by accident. I thought they were CD vines. I burned them to a DVD for storage and "future" use. I just don't want to see all vines go flac--that's all.
  • Arkdeadhead
    Well Said Birdsong!
    I prefer flac because it ultimately puts less strain on my burner, but if my only option is burning a few cds for a show that I want, then so be it. I like flac for the quality, and for the reason I just stated. A 20 cd vine in the end, ends up being 40 cds once i get done uploading them to iTunes and then burning them, but I still love my CDS and until I get a transmitter that broadcasts my iTunes library through my stereo receiver then CDs are what I am stuck with it. Any way to listen to the Dead is better than no way!!
  • UncleJon
    Its great to be a part of this !
    Derek, I really enjoyed your diatribe - it was quite constructive - and from the last couple of days I'm glad to see we still have a pulse out here...Y'all rock! I am a big fan of FLAC over WAV. FLAC are ridicuilously easy to manipulate with Traders's Little Helper and you can even play them back with foobar 2000 which you can get here: www.foobar2000.org Anyone who needs help using FLAC format I'm willing to work with you - PM me. As for vine duplication, it is getting harder to avoid, and in cases where only a WAV version previously circulated, FLAC would be an upgrade. Not to say that there aren't plenty of other ways to download these. And FLAC definitely takes up less space. Cosmic, what size hardhat do you wear? I am always game to reseed anything I've touched. Lonestar, thanks for doing some sleuthing - I'll reseed the 1st Anniversary Vine. I think a reasonable vine turnaround is 3-4 days with the ocassional week here and there. I'm certainly guilty of being slow now and then or failing to remember to post. But, I will never fail to answer a PM nor will I be offended if I am called on a slow turnaround - we all have the same goal - spread the music. Peace brothers and sisters! "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
  • Birdsong1969NJ
    Flac you! Or Compression vs. MP3/Wav
    My thought process during these Vineyard "meetings of the minds" with a lot of different opinions is; I try to put myself in that makeshift Sausalito office with unmatching squeaky chairs in a band meeting, and think - "What would Jerry say"? In my imagination of course it would go something like this: (He lights a Camel)" Listen Man, who gives a shit? If Joe-Blow (no pun intended) has a machine from the fucking "Enterprise" that will compress musical notes into macromolecules so be it. Let him flac away. If Joe-Snow (pun intended) has the original boom box from the Fat Albert show that just plays plain old CD's, well he should be able to listen to the same stuff as Blow. I don't care about the music once it leaves our stacks, but they do, so it should be made available to all." I share Jerry's opinion. Some of the community is not Flac compatible. They should not be told what they can and what they cannot get off this forum. On the other hand people that are compression friendly have the choice to sign up for a vine that is not compressed. Something Iknowurider said struck me. She said " I have a good many shows that leave a lot to be desired concerning sound quality, but over the years I guess I've felt/heard them so much that I don't even notice. UNTIL I get the primo stuff, whoo hoo!!!" I can relate. The primo stuff is UN-REAL. It is the quality I dreamed of when I had my quite large collection of scratchy fucked up cassettes. I listened to a choice few (Freedom Hall 74' I would rewind Eyes of the World over and over and over, Barton Hall 77', and Starlight Amphitheatre 85') until they were so stretched out Jerry sounded like a frog on helium or they had some form of liquid spilled and spent too many hours on a 120 degree dashboard that they would just seize up and I would be pulling spools of tape out of my Alpine! Point is, then IT DID NOT MATTER! I have never been one to like light cigarettes (quit two years ago!), light beer, or any kind of stepped on watered down shit! When I heard my first couple of compressed soundboards of shows that I had listened too a million times I WAS HOOKED! I am not a "techy" but I am figuring out how to make Flac work for me because I love the quality. That's my choice. Exploratory Data does not want to spend the time and neither does his machine. That's his choice. This community should make a pact to provide the music for anyone who has the capability to so in any modern (no LP's, 45's, 8-Tracks or cassettes please!) format. I think the reality is, it will always be up to the seeder to decide how she, or he is going to vine the show. If she or he decides to seed just a compressed version in my experience there will always be some cool person that will convert them and add the MP3's to the vine if there is a request. (These opinions of "what would Jerry say" are purely from my warped Lysergic infused brain and are not meant to make anyone think I am a totally psycho dude who thinks he's Jerry). "Say you'll come back when you can Whenever your airplane happens to land Maybe I'll be back here too It all depends on what's with you."
  • Exploratory Da…
    No Flac
    I perfer audio Wav or MP3 files. I don't have time for flac files, and it takes 1 hour to unflac/unpak 1 show on my computer. I don't have an ipod, itunes or iphone or any other "i" device. So, before the pro-Flac vigilantes take over, let me say, keep the audio CDs a coming--especially for 3 or less shows in a vine.
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17 years 9 months
Was a student there at the time. Saw the JGB in Campbell Hall (76?),With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! --

Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works

(We're changing some things for 2009)

BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine".

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are

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17 years

(from Hal R - for posterity sake) wait one more thing We forgot to mention how listening to vines will open your senses to the wonders of nature; give you the keys to universal knowledge; open the gates of mystic revelation; expand cosmic consciousness; empower your inner Buddha and Christ natures; have you become one with the Tao; grant you inner peace; lead to new friendships; put you in blissful states; plant a permanent smile on your face; give you a huge sense of humor and wit; make you shake your bones throughout the day and just plain be filled with joy and innate coolness as you groove through life. On the other hand, never mind. Peace. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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16 years 8 months

Thanks all! Marye, Ericat and all the others that had a hand in this. It is truly a privilege to be able to collect and share music here. Just 6 months ago I only dreamed that I could have such amazing quality and such an abundance of hours. It was seriously a dream. I am GRATEFUL. Vine on! "I had a hard run, runnin' from your window."
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Great work on the new vines section you guys, thanks alot. If its alright I'd like to offer up this one. There is no post-jerry dead in vindex. The Dead Thursday, July 10, 2003 Red Rocks Amphitheater Morrison, CO Neumann u89i(Subcard/NOS)->Lunatec V3@16/48khz w/ANSR on DA-20->VX Pocket->Wavelab(resampled to 44.1khz)->CDWAV->Flac 16 Disc 1: Set I 1. Jam-> 2. Help On the Way-> 3. Slipknot!-> 4. Here Comes Sunshine-> 5. Hard To Handle 6. Down the Road Again-> 7. Tennessee Jed-> 8. Broken Arrow Disc 2: Set I cont. 1. Dark Star-> 2. Bertha Set II 3. Blackbird@-> 4. New Minglewood Blues 5. Eyes Of the World-> 6. Dark Star Jam-> 7. Drums/Space-> Disc 3: Set II cont. 1. China Doll-> 2. The Wheel-> 3. Dark Start-> 4. Throwing Stones-> 5. Franklin's Tower 6. Encore Break 7. Organ Donor Rap 8. Loose Lucy "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years 8 months

In honor of this wonderful group, I offer up the following shows.gd70-01-02.early-late.sbd.cotsman.18120.sbeok.shnf gd70-01-10.sbd-pitch-corrected.miller.xxxxx.sbeok.flac16 gd70-07-14.sbd.cotsman.17815.sbeok.shnf gd70-07-16.sbd.miller.32551.sbeok.flac16 All are from 1970, there is some scratchiness to some of the tracks but all the shows warm my soul. As always all are offered in both SHN/FLAC and WAV. Please do not sign up before this vine is planted in it's own topic. Enjoy, long live the vineyard. Peace Rick _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ Grateful Dead 1-2-70 Fillmore East, New York, NY Disc 1 (63:08) Early Show: 1. Zarathustra introduction--> (1:09) 2. Mason's Children (6:12) 3. Casey Jones (4:27) 4. Black Peter (12:48) 5. Mama Tried--> (2:39) 6. Hard To Handle (4:58) 7. Cumberland Blues (5:49) 8. Cryptical Envelopment--> (2:01) 9. Drums--> (3:56) 10. The Other One%--> (10:14) 11. Cryptical Envelopment--> (1:59) 12. Cosmic Charlie// (6:49) Disc 2 (46:14) Late Show: 1. Uncle John's Band--> (7:19) 2. High Time (7:24) 3. Dire Wolf (4:19) 4. //Easy Wind (7:20) 5. China Cat Sunflower//(-->) (3:36) 6. //I Know You Rider (2:02) 7. Good Lovin' (7:30) 8. Me & My Uncle (3:05) 9. stage banter (1:37) 10. Monkey & The Engineer (1:57) Disc 3 (72:15) Late Show continued: 1. stage banter/tuning (1:34) 2. Dark Star//(-->) (29:59) 3. //St. Stephen--> (5:13) 4. The Eleven--> (12:20) 5. Lovelight% (23:07) _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ Grateful Dead - January 10, 1970 Golden Hall - San Diego, CA San Diego Community Concourse Setlist: d1t01 - Stage Banter/Tuning d1t02 - China Cat Sunflower -> d1t03 - I Know You Rider d1t04 - Me And My Uncle d1t05 - Dire Wolf d1t06 - Hard To Handle d1t07 - Casey Jones d1t08 - Mason's Children -> d1t09 - Black Peter (Missing but can be found on Disc 7 The Golden Road (1965 - 1973)) d1t10 - Good Lovin' d1t11 - Cold Rain And Snow d2t01 - Turn On Your Lovelight d2t02 - Announcements _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ Grateful Dead 7-14-70 Euphoria Ballroom, Disc 1 (51:49) acoustic set: 1. Don't Ease Me In (3:10) 2. //Friend Of The Devil (3:28) 3. stage banter (1:59) 4. Dire Wolf (3:54) 5. stage banter (3:35) 6. Dark Hollow (3:07) 7. //Candyman (4:45) 8. //Black Peter (6:46) 9. //How Long Blues (3:23) 10. Deep Elem Blues% (3:22) 11. Cumberland Blues* (5:13) 12. //New Speedway Boogie* (9:01) Disc 2 (75:07) electric set: 1. Casey Jones (5:05) 2. El Paso (6:05) 3. China Cat Sunflower--> (5:24) 4. I Know You Rider (5:09) 5. //Easy Wind (2:52) 6. Me & My Uncle (3:31) 7. Cryptical Envelopment--> (2:07) 8. Drums--> (7:10) 9. The Other One--> (10:12) 10. Cryptical Envelopment--> (5:18) 11. Cosmic Charlie (8:23) 12. Good Lovin'% (6:18) 13. Uncle John's Band (7:26) *with David Crosby on acoustic (Garcia is on electric) _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+ Grateful Dead - July 16, 1970 Euphoria Ballroom - San Rafael, CA Setlist: d1t01 - //China Cat Sunflower -> d1t02 - I Know You Rider -> d1t03 - Candyman d1t04 - Turn On Your Lovelight
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Nice way to start off the new topic. Thanks. Thanks to Trevor, also, although my taste runs to pre 1981-82 stuff. OK, call me a snob, I can take it. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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Member for

17 years

There was a note on the old "new vines" topic about labeling the packages - but I would rather have documentation about what vine it is & set lists etc.. on the INSIDE of the package - to help prevent theft (not an indictment of our US postal workers - but decorating the outside can lead to temptation). As for keeping track of the vines, I use an excel spreadsheet to track vines. Sample Vine Tracking Spredsheet In this sample, I have deleted everyone's name & address - which i collect through the vining process (for vining purposes only - so i don't have to constantly ask for addresses). It consists of 4 tabsTab 1 - expected vines (sort by expected date & update frequently) Tab 2 - completed vines (copy from Tab1 to here as they get done - for historical purposes) Tab 3 - names & addresses Tab 4 - a copy of the vinedex (for local reference) Tab 5 - vines I have started (again - for historical purposes) with all the time we put into keeping the music flowing, it only makes sense to do it in an organized way & keep track of things. Note that Tabs 1 & 2 have url links back to this site, for easy status checking. It's really not much effort at all - as you're sitting there burning the discs, you just update the spreadsheet.
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16 years 7 months

...waiting for the new topics to show up ;^). Good job for sure erickat. I appreciate having things clearly spelled out, esp. the items that can result in a viner getting skipped. "No response in 3 - 4 days" is helpful, and setting a deadline was something that had prevented me from getting started on anything like this (well, that and the fact that I'm still fairly new here and didn't want to be pushy). The item regarding checking in periodically is good, too - several of the currently missing vines are involved there, viners mailing out vines to others who are known to be missing, or being at the end and not checking back for new signups. I don't think these guidelines will have a negative effect on the playground here, although as one viner stated a couple of months ago: "I've read some pretty restrictive rules on other sites & even though we have some hiccups here now & again, it's a much more free & open environment" I think the environment here is safe ;^) Cheers! MarkintheDark ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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17 years 9 months

this new system is MUCH quicker.
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17 years 9 months

us all to remember what we forgot (or didn't know). Grate job you guys! The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

very nice , this should eliminate some confusion for sure .. Grate job guy`s !!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

the small correction :-) thanks erickat and Marye and everyone else too. I am in Banda Aceh, the city destroyed by the tsunami in Dec 2004. Puts my little problems and complaints into perspective.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Here are 2 more shows. I have checked the vindex plus the official releases and do not see these shows listed: 4/5/69 and 7/18/72. Notes for both shows: SBD sources; seamless tracks; very good sound quality; audio wav format; a total of 6 CDRs San Francisco, CA Avalon Ballroom (4/5/69) CD 1 Dupree’s diamond blues Mountains of the moon Dark Star > St. Stephen Lovelight Hard to Handle (Set 2 Starts) Cosmic Charlie CD 2 China Cat Sunflower Doing that rag Cryptical envelopment > The other one > Cryptical envelopment > The eleven jam It’s a sin Alligator > Feedback We bid you good night Jersey City, NJ Roosevelt Stadium (7/18/72) CD 1 Bertha (some stitches at beginning during opening chords) Me and My Uncle Bird Song Promised Land Sugaree Black Throated Wind China Cat Sunflower I Know You Rider Jack Straw Loser CD2 Beat it on Down the Line Stella Blue El Paso Casey Jones Playing in the Band Brown Eyed Women Tennessee Jed CD3 Truckin' Dark Star Comes a Time (audience recording patch inserted at 3:32) Sugar Magnolia CD4 Ramble On Rose Greatest Story Ever Told Mississippi Half-Step Sing Me Back Home Not Fade Away Goin' Down the Road Feeling Bad Not Fade Away E: One More Saturday Night (missing)
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16 years 7 months

...if you happen by a temple please light some incense for me. I had nightmares about the tsunami, I can't imagine living through something like that Cheers, and stay well, MarkintheDark ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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17 years

Grateful Dead - 4/13/84Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, VA Set 1: d1t01 - Keep Your Day Job -> d1t02 - New Minglewood Blues d1t03 - Dire Wolf d1t04 - Beat It On Down The Line -> d1t05 - West L.A. Fadeaway d1t06 - It's All Over Now d1t07 - Bird Song d1t08 - Hell In A Bucket -> d1t09 - Don't Ease Me In Set 2: d2t01 - Scarlet Begonias -> d2t02 - Fire On The Mountain d2t03 - Estimated Prophet -> d2t04 - Drums -> d3t01 - Space -> d3t02 - The Wheel -> d3t03 - Truckin' -> d3t04 - Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad -> d3t05 - Around And Around -> d3t06 - Good Lovin' Encore: d3t07 - U.S. Blues Grateful Dead - April 14, 1984 Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, VA Set 1: d1t01 - Feel Like A Stranger d1t02 - They Love Each Other d1t03 - C.C. Rider d1t04 - Brown Eyed Women d1t05 - My Brother Esau d1t06 - Tennessee Jed d1t07 - Let It Grow Set 2: d1t08 - Touch Of Grey d2t01 - Playin' In The Band -> d2t02 - Terrapin Station -> d2t03 - Playin' Jam -> d2t04 - I Don't Need Love -> d2t05 - Drums -> d2t06 - Space -> d2t07 - Morning Dew -> d2t08 - One More Saturday Night Tease -> d2t09 - Throwing Stones -> d2t10 - One More Saturday Night Encore: d2t11 - It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
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17 years

This will be a DVD vine - the two hampton shows, the city island show, 6/23/84 - Grateful Dead City Island - Harrisburg, PA Recording Info: (FOB) Senn 441 -> PCM -> Dat .. Set 1: d1t01 - Alabama Getaway -> d1t02 - Promised Land d1t03 - Peggy-O d1t04 - Little Red Rooster d1t05 - Brown Eyed Women d1t06 - My Brother Esau d1t07 - Big Railroad Blues d1t08 - The Music Never Stopped -> d1t09 - Don't Ease Me In Set 2: d1t10 - Touch Of Grey d2t01 - Estimated Prophet -> d2t02 - Eyes Of The World -> d2t03 - Drums -> d2t04 - Space -> d2t05 - Truckin' -> d2t06 - Spoonful Jam -> d2t07 - Black Peter -> d2t08 - Around And Around -> d2t09 - Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad -> d2t10 - One More Saturday Night d2t11 - (Encore) Day Job
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17 years

The "Hampton April 84" vine will be Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, VA 04/13/84 & 04/14/84 City Island - Harrisburg, PA 6/23/84 On a DVD - Hampton in Flac, City Island in SHN Thanks You may want to come up with a more creative name like Hampton & Harrisburg 84 or something
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17 years

Sorry - next time, I'll do the space calculation ahead of time. I'm going to add 3/29/84 to this vine... so it's Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, VA 04/13/84 Hampton Coliseum - Hampton, VA 04/14/84 City Island - Harrisburg, PA 06/23/84 San Rafael, CA 03/29/84 On a DVD +R Grateful Dead - March 29, 1984 Marin Veterans Memorial Auditorium San Rafael, CA Recording Info: SBD -> Cassette Master -> Cassette (Maxell XLIIS-90) Transfer Info: Cassette (Sony TC-WE475) -> Sony R500 (Pass Through) -> SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC (2 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) Transferred and Edited By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net February 22, 2006 Patch Info: Tape flip in Eyes Of The World patched with Sony ECM-939LT stereo mics(x2) > Cass Master > Sound Forge > CD Notes: -- Thanks to Paul Scotton and Joani Walker for the Cassettes. -- Seamless transition between discs. Set 1: d1t01 - Walking The Dog d1t02 - Bertha -> d1t03 - The Promised Land d1t04 - It Must Have Been The Roses d1t05 - Little Red Rooster d1t06 - Bird Song d1t07 - My Brother Esau d1t08 - Might As Well Set 2: d1t09 - Tuning d1t10 - Shakedown Street d2t01 - Tuning d2t02 - Estimated Prophet -> d2t03 - Eyes Of The World -> d2t04 - Drums -> d2t05 - Space -> d2t06 - Spanish Jam -> d2t07 - The Other One -> d2t08 - Wharf Rat -> d2t09 - Sugar Magnolia Encore: d2t10 - Keep Your Day Job
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17 years 9 months

I have been dying to get 10/31/70 Stony Brook. I think there were two shows that date, but I NEED the one with the LAST Viola Lee Blues. Being the good soldier that I am, I looked in the Vindex and noticed that the Repatriation Vine had at least one of the shows in the vine. Two problems: One, I cant tell which of the two 10/31 shows was included. Two, the vine seems to have been taken out of circulation due to "overhandling." Can we re-vine it? How about a "Last Time Performed" Vine that includes this show and maybe two or three others where classic stuff was "retired.' Revivals by Phil, Ratdog, Other Ones, the Dead don't count as "unretiring." For example when was the last time they played The Eleven? Or was it revived? Obviously, there are a number of Pigpen songs that would fit the bill. What do you guys think? Thanks for listening. "Let there be songs to fill the air."
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17 years 9 months

I will."Let there be songs to fill the air."
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Any one have this or able to vine this?? I am wanting to get a hold of this show.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Looks like Binghamton 5/2/70 is Dick's Picks volume 8sorry
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17 years 3 months

with the new systme in order I find myself wanting to keep coming back to see if the new vine has a home yet .. can i sing up yet can i sing up yet .. Nope Marye has`nt got to it yet ..makes it more interesting and diferent for sure .. the anticipation is killing me .. LOL .. I`m patient and i do like the new systme ..
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Thanks!!! I don't know how I missed that one. Heading to the online store right now.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Hey wats up Erickat , Ok, so can you start a vine on ur PS3? Im on the PS3 now and I can post comments on forums and topics, but I can't get into the chat room. The chat room screen shows up, but where everybodys chatting is complely blank.Any answers to this maddnes? Anyone? This is probably a good question for Marye. thanx, Phatmoye
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Member for

17 years

PS3 - PC, Mac etc... nobody but the sysops can start a new thread - and there is no file sharing or downloading - the vines are just descriptions & sign-up lists - and have to be approved by the sysops (read Marye). The actual music is sent, physically, via snail mail on cd or dvd media. If you are signed in, you should be able to chat - it may be that you need particular software support for chatting - not sure what browser the PS3 uses.
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17 years

Here's a note about the PS3 and Internet access ... "esssential PC software such a Java Updates, Adobe, or Flash Player cannot be downloaded by the individual, rather they must wait for a software update from Sony. This means of number of online video sites cannot be watched, leading to a frustrating search for ones that do (You Tube appears to be one that works consistently)." Dead.net uses Gagalive chat - not sure if it's supported on the PS3 Source Of This Info
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17 years 8 months

Heres one to represent 86. Grateful Dead - April 22, 1986 Community Theatre - Berkeley, CA Recording Info: Set 1: SBD -> PCM -> Dat -> Sonic Solutions -> CD -> EAC -> FLAC Set 2: SBD -> PCM -> Dat -> Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC (2 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By David Gans and Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net May 18, 2006 Notes: -- Disc change is seamless -- Thanks to David Gans for the Set 1 disc and Set 2 Dat -- Truckin' tease before and after Spoonful Set 1: d1t01 - Box Of Rain -> d1t02 - Visions Of Johanna d1t03 - Mama Tried -> d1t04 - Big River d1t05 - Bird Song d1t06 - Little Red Rooster d1t07 - Deal set 2: d1t08 - China Cat Sunflower -> d1t09 - I Know You Rider -> d1t10 - Looks Like Rain d2t01 - Terrapin Station -> d2t02 - Drums -> d2t03 - Space -> d2t04 - Spoonful -> d2t05 - Throwing Stones -> d2t06 - Black Peter -> d2t07 - Turn On Your Lovelight Encore: d2t08 - Brokedown Palace "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years 8 months

Ok so pkpotter recently sent me copy's of both nights of the Alpine Valley Family Reunion 8-3-02 and 8-4-02. We both agree that they are important shows but they are both very rough recordings and all of the disc's have one track that plays all the way through. I was thinking about starting a vine for them but I have a couple of questions. Does anyone out there have better recordings of these shows? and if not would anyone be interested in signing up for a vine for these even with the shows as rough as they are now? "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

before I launch this BCT vine, would it make sense to confer amongst ourselves and see if we can put together the rest of the run? Which, as I recall, was pretty good?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I have sent in a request to the seeders and I will begin leaching 4/18,19 & 21 as soon as the request is filled. More to come when I am finished.Peace Rick
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I usually just vine single shows that I get that havent been vined yet. If anyone ever has anything that they would like to add to one of my vines its always cool. Thanks everyone, Trevor "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I was just having flashbacks to those shows. Handing out flyers to total strangers about this computer network thing...
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Im sure that we will be able to put this vine together. oh and Im about recieve 15 or so early 1969 shows so keep an eye out everyone. Peace, Trevor "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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16 years 7 months

Yep, should be outa blank CDs any time now. And marye's having flashbacks. Cool! You'll have to name the vine after her ;^D ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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Member for

17 years

I know we spoke of this before - and I'm not intending to be negative or cast aspersions on anyone - but we do continue to have the issue of missing vines - and a pattern I've seen develop is that someone joins Dead.net and having only been a member for a day or two, signs up for every vine available - then dissapears. (or becomes overwhelmed & doesn't track what they signed up for). We saw this with FadDad82, Billy S, and a couple of others that I can't recall at the moment. We may not be able to prevent that - but we can keep an eye out for similar patterns. Anyway - the point i want to make here is that while this is a free & beautiful thing we have going on, it's up to us to be vigilant - so go ahead and make that decision to skip people who are known to have dissapeared with other vines, or who aren't responding. PK - don't appologise - it definitely is up to you (and all of us) to decide to skip them when it makes sense - I really appreciate the way that MarkInTheDark and others have stepped up lately - This thing is what we make it - and while I continue to preach no hard feelings, I can't help but say - "Don't send that vine to someone who already has disapeared with 5 others". - it's just common sense. Thanks
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Im always up for re-seeding vines that I have and have since gone missing (audio disc's only, becuase of my lack of a dvd burner). I will usually need awhile to do it though. So let me know if I can help with any of them. Peace, Trevor "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

hmm I see the problem. Maybe we should encourage all new people to introduce themselves on the Meet the Viners forum. Folks who take the trouble to do that and say a little about themselves are maybe more community minded and less likely to kidnap vines.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

with some of the new viners not sure how to sign up , maybe the vining instructions should be moved to the header of the vineyard itself instead of under new vines 09 ,. just a thought . good night folks ..
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Member for

16 years 7 months

He's signed on to *all* the vines tonight. Hell, when I started I only signed up on five or six a night before I felt like a pig and quit (actually, my fingers got tired). That's OK, seems like a decent 'head upgrading his tape stash, and if he messes up we can just hunt him down and throw him in the wood chipper like we did the last guy ;^) MarkinthewaywayDark PS As long as we're all here, can I (or somebody) go ahead and delete Billy S from any vines his name is still on? I've been moving him to the end of lists as he comes up, but with all the new folks showing up since the ticket-sale-population-boom maybe it would be better if BS just disappeared. There's a couple of other "known to be no longer vining" names that could also be edited out, I think. Perhaps we can compare notes and vote or something. ********************************************* I have a sigfile! --> www.kindveggieburritos.com *********************************************
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I think that is too much to keep up with unless he doesn't work. That is putting a lot of seeders and reseeders and viners work on one person to carry through with and keep up with in a short time frame. Would someone be willing to write him a pm and ask if he knows what he is getting into? Maybe he does and that is cool but then again that is a lot to take on if he is new to vining. .He could be getting like 20 vines or so a week at some point. We have a large backlog. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Member for

17 years 8 months

5 vines gone and no contact.go for it MarkintheDark If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake