- Post reply Log in to post comments1,244 repliesmaryeJoined:If you'd like to know where to find something, how to use a particular feature, or why something doesn't seem to make sense, ask here! We'll do our best to help.
- pnilsson68Joined:Thank you for your response…
Thank you for your response and ideas. I was hoping to find a fan that would want it. And this place is full of them. Is there not a place on the site to post something like this? Plus with auctions you have to pay a percentage and I'd rather sell the painting for less to someone that really wants it. Again, thank you very much for your help. Here is a linke to eBay where I have it posted if you are interested in seeing it - https://www.ebay.com/itm/Original-Grateful-Dead-Painting/253990201481
- maryeJoined:Off the top of my headI'd do some internet searches for recent auctions of Dead memorabilia (there have been some notable ones lately as people's estates come up, etc.) and get in touch with the relevant auction houses. Also I see recent auctions of Pernish's work in a quick Google search, so I think it might be worth your while to research this a bit.
- pnilsson68Joined:How To Sell A Painting of PigPen
I have a very nice oil on canvas painting of PigPen that was done by Paul Pernish in 1967 that once hung in a coffee shop on California Avenue in Palo Alto, California where the band used to hang out. The band knows this painting and it is stunning. It was a part of the John Bolles collection at one time. John Bolles was the architect that designed Candlestick Park, as well as many other San Francisco area landmarks. This painting is very well known and has real Grateful Dead, Bay Area, and artistic history. I'm interested in selling it and don't know if this site, or where on this site, would be the best place to do that. Would you, or someone, please help me. You can also pm me and I can send pictures. It really is quite special. Thank you in advance for your help. Peter - wilfredtjonesJoined:shows in archive off by a day?
Someone noticed this recently in the 30 Days comments, why are all the shows are off by a day when viewing them in list view? The data seems correct when you are viewing the full show detail page however. Seems like some weird parallel Grateful Dead universe.