Well, OK, our old friend Rock has moved on. *Way* more than nine lives, by my count.
Where to begin? When last we spoke, he was as full of wonder and curiosity as when we first met him back at the Acid Test. His mischievous sense of adventure made him a perfect candidate for the position of manager for a band with similar sensibilities and and an equally similar disregard for the way things were supposed to be done.
We bowled ahead and made history together, - the kind people write books and make movies about. Rock was a BIG part of it all. He put in the miles with us. He knew the words to all the songs. He knew the right things to say, to tell people, to let them know what we were all about without ever actually explaining anything, because he knew it couldn't be explained.
What a guy.
Vaya con Dios, Rock, we'll be catching up...