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  • Oldneumanntapr
    Looking for a patch for Sunday's Shoreline show
    I can't make the show this Sunday so I'm sending up my D7 DAT recorder with my friend Mark. I hope someone can give him a patch in the tapers section. Thanks a bunch. Jeff
  • rosa rugosa
    That's right, Phatmoye!
    Let's keep Jack Levitated out West!
  • Moye
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    Some good vibes...
    Some good vibes for JACKSTRAWFROMCO!!!!!!!! May your shows your about to embark on be the GRATEST EVER!!! Have fun man. And like Rosa said, keep us posted my friend:)Forever Grateful, Forever Dead, Peace- Moye
  • rosa rugosa
    Glad to hear you had a great show - we're doing the second half of the tour through you vicariously, you know! So you must keep reporting back:)We're listening to it on Internet Archives right now - actually in our garden, which isn't a bad place to be either. Are you going to all the W coast shows too? Going to order RatDog tickets for Hampton, that's the best cure I can think of for the post-Dead blues!
  • c_c
    both 12/30/08 and 12/31/08 were two of the best non-Grateful but dead related shows we ever been to. general admission to boot! was a bit rough on the system, though. seriously squeejeed by jet-lag getting to San Francisco and then the all night partying and way too little sleep both daze and nights. napping in the panhandle doesn't quite provide enough rest to my tired bones. only stimulant used was adreniline, green tea, and coffee. borrowed a hog from an old tour buddy who still lives in The Haight... let me just say, racing up and down the streets of San Francisco on a scoot at 5am is rareley a good idea. ) -; shucks, just ain't as young as I used to be. sigh. ( -; peace.
  • onebear
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    Pepsi Center
    Hey now, awesome, great show! Spent the day in the lot meeting up with old and new friends. All was well, good energy. The show rocked! I left with a smile on my face and a warm heart! However, as soon as we left the Pepsi Center we were greeted with hostility from security. We quickly got back to our car and decided to pack it up and move on when a fight broke out between two deadheads. We did not get a chance to say goodbye to friends. Does anyone know how the scene transpired? Did everyone get on the road safely? To all, "may the four winds blow you safely home". Peace
  • Moye
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    WOW!!!! I'm speachles man......That looks like one hell of a party:) Watchin the turtle drop...WOW!!! Forever Grateful, Forever Dead, Peace- Moye
  • c_c
    hmmm, given the fact thatJackie is opening a fair amount of shows for Ratdog, I wonder if phil will take the summer off and then tour in the fall? check out these CONFIRMED dates: phil's site and his tour link only re-directs back to dead . net and the Dead tour dates... meanwhile, moye, I have lived my life chasing my own (cough cough) pipe dreams, and here's hoping yours will come true! ( -; meanwhile, here is a taste of what happens if Phil and Friends and Ratdog jam together in one big super band! 12/31/08 NYE show at Bill Graham Civic Center in SF, and yup, we was THERE!! fucking grate shows! a couple of different views of the same stuff: and the final bow which was about 2:30 am... that show lasted from around 6:30pm, Jackie opening, etc etc etc, until the wee hours... not to mention the after parties outside after. ( -;
  • Denverguy
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    Denver Dead Show Photos
    Check out photos of their show at the Pepsi Center in Denver. Good times...…
  • Moye
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    A penny for my thoughts........
    So, we know thar Ratdog is doing a summer tour.... And i'm sure that Phil has stuff going on as well...But, wouldn't it be kewl if Phills band and Bobbys band joined forces and opened up for The Dead:) The start of a summer tour!!! Maybe throw Robert Hunter in there to sing for Phil & friends and Ratdogs bands:) 1 HUGE JAMFEST!!!! Well, there probably just pipe dreams of mine, but Damn, can you just imagine!!!! Peace- Moye I NEED MY DEAD
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16 years 6 months

The band says Happy New Year with an announcement of almost twenty shows in April and May.  More details to come!

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16 years 1 month

for 2 people to want to see 5 shows, at 119.00 a ticket (with the added fees) roughly adds up to 1,190.00. thats just the ticket price. the grateful dead has always said we, the dead heads, are the ones who made it happen. we are the reason they came and made musicfor us night after night...that with out us, it could not have been done. well, the way i see it, if the band does not step up and do something, anything, about the way ticket master rapes us on prices, it's going to be us who, sadly makes it not happen. i hope every single last scalper out there gets cancer. good luck everyone, have a great show where ever you may be goin
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Member for

16 years 9 months

I fully agree on that the tix are a bit taxed....BUT FOR YOU TO WISH CANCER ON SOMEONE JUST BE CAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH THIER LINE OF INCOME IS TRUELY A SAD SAD SAD STATEMENT..May be you never lost any one to this disgustingly terrifing sicness...But is not something anyone desrervs to have to go threw..It appers that you my friend have some issues in your life.. I hope you figer it out and stop these horrable fantasies
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16 years 2 months

Tickets are very expensive, so what! We can't blame it on the band or anyone else. NO BLAME ON ANYONE!! This is a chill of the chilliest topics room. Just reflect back on all the GREAT & EXCELLENT times the MUSIC gave to US all!!FRIENDS WE ALL ARE!! Phatmoye
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17 years 3 months

It was getting close to new years 1989, I was so excited my very first paid vacation was comming , so I got my airline ticket from Philly to L.A. with conecting flights to S.F. , GDTS has always been great to me , except this time .. My money order i sent in was .25 cents too much , well guise what , that was enough for GDTS to send it back to me .. .25 cents too much !! they could have just kept the quarter !! I`m not going to stress over 25 cents ..Anyway ,,I made it to S.F. , was shopping at one of the local piers in an art studio I met this guy who`s freinds broke down just west of Denver , this guy had all their ticketts ..being short on cash his freinds would not be making it to Oakland , $375.00 later I had my New Years ticket .. And a smokin show it was too !!
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16 years 2 months

♪♪Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn? Remember how she swore,we would meet again-some sunny day?♪♪(sorry-goin' to see Pink Floyd Experience friday-been playin' Floyd all week.)Anybody seen them?Please give me your review,I've read good stuff about them.--GARCIALATER-G
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16 years 2 months

Just wondering-where did Jerry's guitars go? are they on display somewhere? I'd love to see those babies up close!
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17 years 1 month

I believe Grateful Dead Productions (Core Four) and Doug Irwin ended up with them.
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16 years 2 months

Arnt some of Jerrys guitars in the rock n roll hall of fame in Cleveland Ohio?Phatmoye
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17 years 2 months

Here's a quick peek! Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Any word on a Summer tour? I'm busy in the spring and it's hard to get away but come July and August I'm ready! Come on...... how about a little middle of the country, Buck Eye,Soldier Field, Alpine Valley, Sandstone, Red Rocks (or what ever bullshit sellout corporate name they now are known by) old school thing......
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17 years 8 months

I've seen that phish isn't letting people onto the lots until 2 hours before the doors open--i am thinking they are trying to stop a shakedown from forming. Hopefully the dead don't do the same. Anyone heard anything? On a side note i also saw that phish is charging 49.50 for all tix--not that i'd pay to see them
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16 years 2 months

word is phil wants summer off to be with family. :(
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16 years 2 months

I agree-I would'nt pay to see Phish either-Ive never gotten the whole Phish thing-I think they try too hard to be weird and that Trey guy bugs me, Not that I think he's a bad musician-He just seems like a stuck-up geek.(JMO)just my opinion-bilee-I heard NO SUMMER TOUR because of RATDOG's summer shows and a GOV'T MULE tour(I know-bummer-but if there was a summer tour I may have to take out a 2nd mortgage just to see a few shows)(LOL)Back to SoPo-yeah I hope the lots open early-that's 1/2 the fun!!!!♪♪♪Nothin's shakin' on Shakedown Street-Just gutta poke around...♪♪♪♪
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17 years 5 months

dont know how they could do a summer tour, with this band as is,, looks like ole Warren is busy with the Allmans this summer 40yr. tour and all. plus Govt. Mule,, Bobby and his band will do there thing, maybe with the ABB, if this tour goes well for the Dead Look for a verry late summer( sept> oct. ) run , maybe south west.. Ratdog also has venues booked for fall tour( westbury, halloween) grab a ticket for this tour, I think they are ready for some serious fun again..
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16 years 2 months

I stopped going to Grateful Dead concerts in '84 - so the lot scene wasn't all that big of a deal yet. It wasn't until '01 when I went to a Phil Lesh show in Burlington, VT that I got a taste of that experience. It was November, so it was cold outside. Even so, a few hundred folks were milling around in the parking lot near Memorial Auditorium, some of them selling stuff, others buying and even more just hanging out. though In '04, I caught The Dead at SPAC and the lot scene was a very big deal. The thing I thought was kind of sad about it all was that so many of the folks there neither had tickets nor had any real inclination to go to the show. They were just there to party with the folks who were going to the show (or just with other hangers on). I was always used to big crowds outside shows back when I caught the Grateful Dead between '76-'84, even when they played small theaters. The deal was that folks were trying to score tickets, not a buzz and a burrito. I guess it's all cool, but I always figured that the music made the scene, but that the scene wasn't an end unto itself. "When it comes to humility, I'm the greatest!" - Bullwinkle Moose
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16 years 2 months

The parking lot at the penn show was pretty laid back, we arrived about 3 hours before the show, and i think we paid about 10 bux to park in the lot. We just wondered around the lot for a while, got a few veggy burritos, talked to other heads, drank a few beers, smoked alittle, the usuall lot scene. Now, after the show, campus police really didn't make anyone leave till about 3 hours after the show. As far as the security goes it was pretty laid back. Shakedown St. was deffinately going on for a good 3 hours after the show. I hope the philly shows are the same way!Phatmoye As for phish, save ur money, and see the DEAD!!!!!
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17 years 8 months

To all of those with your positive and enlightening remarks about ticket sales, or should I say non-sales, THANK YOU!!! Class action is in order against Ticket Bastard, anyone know a poster boy/girl we can use as lead plaintiff? I AM STILL WAITING FOR YOU TICKETBASTARD, just for an ALERT THAT Ticket sales will begin for the Chicago show, SOMETIME!!!!! See y'all in the Windy, No thanks to TICKETBASTARD~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^>>>>>>>>
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16 years 2 months

That was a good post-but do ya'think we needed 3 of them!?!?!?!(LOL)Just messin' w/ya-bro!!Did you get my post about those DEAD books? DARK STAR is a really good read-lots of inside info on ole uncle Jer. Are you goin' to any Worcester shows-I'd like to meet ya and share a doobie(or two)GARCIALATER-G♪
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16 years 2 months

greetings, i say phish can stand on their own. they're entirely different form the dead. i have had the pleasure of seeing both many times an well as all the spinoffs and i see no similarity. i would say it is possible to enjoy them all as they're all doing their own thing. i really enjoy hearing the familiar songs played with a twist never knowing what to expect. wonderful world beautiful people earthman I'd save the world but I'm short on cash
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16 years 2 months

Robbie I totally remember that song. What were some of the others ... I remember a song it was like My Dead Dog Rover or something. Too Funny. :-) "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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16 years 2 months

Hey does anyone know anybody who's going to Ratdog in Jamaica? I think it's tomorrow. Man that would be so chill. Jamaica is so much fun, it would be great hanging with some dreads listening to Bobby on the beach of Jamaica smokin and drinkin Appleton rum. Damn that would be fun! "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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17 years 7 months

do you remember the video... it pretty much acting out the can't dance with them...or take them to the movies
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16 years 2 months

Didn't Billy Mummy write that phish head tune? earthman I'd save the world but I'm short on cash
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16 years 2 months

OH YEAH-Dr.Demento!! He used to be on WBCN in Boston when I was a kid-FUNNY-ASS SHIT!! -Little Known Fact:That AEROSMITH song "Big ten inch"was taken from that show. Apparently Tyler and the boys thought he was funny too! P.S. YEAH-JAMMIN' in JAMAICA would be KICK-ASS!!! Always wished I could have seen DEAD or JERRY in HAWAII,too.Things grow GREEN+SWEET in those tropical climates-Knowutimean,Vern?
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17 years 8 months

They're coming to take me away. Didn't he play that one also? If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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16 years 2 months

That video was friggin' hilarious!!! member they used real dead fish heads? Wonder if you can u-tube that video? HAL-yeah that was DD too-the man was a genius! ♪:-)smilesmilesmile:-)♪
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16 years 2 months

Just tried to utube fishheads-it's there but they wont let you see it because of some copyright bullshit! Damn lawers gotta ruin all the fun! There IS a couple homemade videos to the same song though...That is one funny-ass song!
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16 years 2 months

but i do enjoy some of their stuff. Thought i would check em out live. got a pre-sale ticket to the indy show. My very first phish show, we'll see how it goes. Hope the scene is similar to the deads, but i feel it aint so. Hopefully im wrong.
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16 years 2 months

It's all coming back to me ...My Name Is Larry I have a mother her name is mom ... Hello mudda hello fudda My bologna (sung to My Sharona) Hilarious!! "Everybody's braggin' and drinking that wine, I can tell the queen of diamonds by the way she shines. Come to daddy on an inside straight, well I've got no chance of losing this time"
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16 years 1 month

""deadheadjac I fully agree on that the tix are a bit taxed....BUT FOR YOU TO WISH CANCER ON SOMEONE JUST BE CAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH THIER LINE OF INCOME IS TRUELY A SAD SAD SAD STATEMENT..May be you never lost any one to this disgustingly terrifing sicness...But is not something anyone desrervs to have to go threw..It appers that you my friend have some issues in your life.. I hope you figer it out and stop these horrable fantasies""" I lost 3 family members to cancer. basicly scalpers ARE cancer, as is ticket master. maybe my post pissed you off because you are a scalper? if your "line of income" is generated by ripping people off then yeah, i got a problem with it. whats really sad here is, you my friend seem to be defending scalpers.
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17 years 5 months

have been listening to the new years run , heavy the last week,, two djinn from the 30th is so strong.. might be Bobbys best tune since,, well since whatever,,Iwould love to see the dead take a poke at this one for phish,, its an old debate,,but I cant see the connection with the dead, they are a "jam band " for sure whatever that is.. but the GD were unique as were/are the heads.. peace,, spring is commin...
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16 years 2 months

A foot & half of snow & ice in Ohio is what I woke up to today. Can't wait for spring! Guess ill just put on Days Between and wait it out.Phatmoye
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17 years 5 months

grew into our shoes,,, great late day dead,, snow/ ice rain,, here in eastern long island.. more like cold rain and snow.. get in the mood and let the good times roll
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16 years 1 month

I have to ask who in the hell is writing Phil PR shit....I mean come on...did anybody else see this nosense about nobody come to the show without a ticket and don't try to sell anything and what not. Hey...I'm not going to do either one but I'm an old school dead head and I say Damn the torpedoes and anybody is welcome to do what they not cow tow to the fucking man .....come on Phil....don't let a pussy write for you! Rock on...everyone! PS..Phil if you really did write that then I'm sorry, I love you but shut the fuck up and just play good music.....leave the outside to us.....we can handle it.
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16 years 2 months

ROCK ON BTROCH!!I totally agree brother!! Phatmoye
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16 years 2 months

NO DOUBT,I always thought it was cheesy at DEAD SHOWS when you'd get those fliers supposedly from the band-"dont do nitrous""dont come without a ticket"BULLSHIT,man!! As long as you respect other people and their property,I say "come one-come all!!!"Do you honestly think JERRY wanted to tell people how to act and what to do??GET REAL!! There is ALWAYS gonna be some assholes showing up who dont know how to act+some wimpy little note is'nt going to change that(sorry PHIL but its true)So just worry about the music-PHIL.The parking lot is not your concearn(NO disrespect intended)♪♪"Never had such a good time-in my life before-bound to have it one time more!!"♪♪
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16 years 2 months

Tick-tock-Tick tock,With every second,minute,hour,day+week that passes we get closer to show time!!!! If you could hand Bobby a note with the whole 1st written on it what would it say?Here's ONE of mine:Scarlet>Fire-Bertha-Promised Land-Iko-Iko>Loose Lucy-Cassidy>Deal♪♪(I have many more but I think this one would be BIG FUN!!)-Dance the whole first set!!!:-)☆☆♪♪:-)
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17 years 9 months

Actually, the disrespect shown by some patrons,gate crashing, blatant public displays of illegal drug use, among other things threatened the ability of the band to continue touring and broke Jerry's heart.
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16 years 2 months

the best ratdog song is either ashes and glass or lucky enough anyone who is in jamaica right now enjoy yourselves
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If you want to suck down industrial nitrous from gun-toting people who ain't there for the show, that is your business. I think PKP has a good point, but telling people not to come who don't have a ticket is ridiculous. The best shows I ever went to were one's that were free. They had a point for everything they wrote though, the best of which, to me, was;Deadheads, leave no tracks! (That means pick up your own garbage, in case you were wondering) How about this for a quote, R & C: "Took his rings, four bucks and change. Ain't that heaven sent?" Oh, that's right, you respect PROPERTY and p e o p l e . . .
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17 years 1 month

My excitement about the Spring Tour and a potential four night run in NJ and Philly was quickly tempered by the ticket fiasco. First the absurd pricing left me chilled - taking my son on a four night run just became prohibitive considering I'd be coming from KY. No big deal I thought we'll make the Chicago show. Not to be given the server freeze up when tickets went on sale and when i finally made it through there were no tickets left unless i wanted to buy from Ticket Exchange at three to five time face value. The final blow came this past weekend when Ticketmaster sale started and within 2 minutes I was in, only to be told 2 tickets were not available - of course there were a multitude of tickets available from scalpers - something is really wrong here. Instead of a road trip with my son, I'll be looking for taper copies on-line. It feels like the Band left their fans hanging with this show and are more concerned about reaping financial rewards - more power to them and I am saddened for another generation will not experience the Dead - it marks the passing of another era!
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16 years 1 month

Thanks for listening to my little rant.....just want to clarify that when I say "do what you want" I of course assume we are talking about peaceful fun....i.e. not gate crashing. I was at Deer Creek in '95 and that was a bogus scene....but I think those were kids and idiots....I doubt that that will happpen on this tour. HAVE FUN...YEAAHHHH! Thank you.
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16 years 2 months

1 day closer to the philly run!!! Man, I haven't slept in 36 hours, no, im not on drugs, just overly excited about this tour!!! Phatmoye FRIENDS WE ALL ARE
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17 years 6 months

1st set dreamScarlet Fire Smokestack Brown Eyed Women Cassidy Birdsong Looks Like Rain ChinaCat Rider 2nd set dream St. Stephen Dark Star Cosmic Charlie Playin' He's Gone Drumz Space Wheel Other One Watchtower Dew Enc: Brokedown
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I. Viola Lee Blues>PLayin'>Viola Lee Blues>Cryptical>Other One>Cryptical>Viola Lee Blues>Playin>Viola Lee Blues>Caution>Born Cross-Eyed II. Dark Star>St. Stephen>The Eleven>St. Stephen>NFA>Throwin' Stones>Drumz>Space>Dark Star>Dire Wolf. Dancin. Enc.: Werewolves>Satisfaction, We Bid You Goodnight