• 75 replies

    This started with a discussion between Frankly and Warlock, which follows below because it's too good to summarize and sets the tone beautifully... Tell your stories here! -- ME


    winds of change

    what about a topic which deals with the fact that there is an evident change of DH generations underway.there are rhe seniors who are coming into their 60s(or more) now,than the middle of the road who came on the bus late 70s and the new ones who never had the luck to see the GD because when jerry passed away they were like 5-10yrs. old.wow,its in fact allready the 3rd gen. of DH and the 1st to grow up only on canned music.i am sure that the folks of all these 3 groups might have alot of interesting stuff to tell one another..:-)(-:peace to all


    Frankly... Frankly

    I'm one of those 3rd generations. I was born in 1980, f


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  • GratefulGigi
    Default Avatar
    My son is playing on x-box live Call of Duty,besides all the killings,he was just now eaten by dogs...now that is sick!! Smoke a joint kid and listen to some good ole GD! heehee! Peace!
  • incognito
    Never Trust a Prankster and F em' If They Can't Take a Joke
    Of course drugs shouldn't be glorified and kids shouldn't take them...but they shouldn't play viloent video games, listen to gangster rap or buy Brittany Spears or Hannah Montana Douchebag Cyrus records either. Which will destroy your brain and cause suicide quicker than drugs. Besides this is a "round the fire telling tales" location...and remember kids...this F#%@&n website wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for LSD. And, excuse me, but we are here grooving on the music and cultural vibes of some of the biggest dopers ever to come down the pike. So let's not glorify anything, but lets not be squares and let's remember from whence we come.
  • NTCusername
    Default Avatar
    Red Rocks and Colorado
    seeing the string start with the Red Rocks...had to share; 77 moved out to Boulder CO sight unseen from east coast just cause I heard it was nice. Age 21 and pretty experienced and on the bus since a little after Watkins Glen. End up in framing carpentry building houses along the foothills. Lots of hippies/dead heads. My favorite bands then were Little Feat and Marley’s Wailers. Saw Dead at Red Rocks but can’t remember how many times. But I was at that 1st 79 show because now I am reminded that the next two were rained out...didn't have tickets to them but it all jogged my memory. Saw them at a great venue one summer at the Univ Col (CU) football stadium on a nice day. They cut the field in half and played to one end zone stands. Can’t remember the year…. 81?? Great day…for once I didn’t have to hassle with driving a car or not knowing where I was….Warren Zevon was the opening act and he was really wrecked…almost couldn’t function…BobWeir came out on stage and tried to help move his show along…. Saw Jerry solo at a small theatre on campus somewhere along there. Carpentry went bust when housing collapsed (just like now…I’ve been thru it all before I feel sometimes….) Had moved on to graduate school at CU and had a good regular job by 83 and so heard about SunSplash concert in Montego Bay. First time I had any money to do anything. It was a thanksgiving weekend I think…84?? Maybe not sure….so once again ventured to an unknown place…camping in Jamaica and within walking distance to concert venue….very wild stuff. Lots of bands. Went with friend Jim a carpenter also, older, long hair and beard but only so so into music…kind of a cynic but very smart. I am very straight appearance by this point (relevant later…)… Met up with guy dead head that I remember was from Wisconsin. He gave me a hit - - and I don’t really remember too much beyond. I was very experienced by then but that one knocked me for a loop. I hope Wisconsin ended up ok - I was still very very looped the next day and Jim I don’t think even bothered to go into the concert area cause you could hear it from the camping area plenty loud and he had found a girlfriend…but he was in far better shape and corrals me to catch the bus to the airport to return. Everybody smoking on the bus because the paranoia is starting to set in about the reality of going thru customs security and so might as well get rid of it. We arrive I guess into Miami to clear customs and connect to Denver. Now in airport customs area it isn’t just concert returners..but lots of everyone, business people etc. I see Jim get tapped on the shoulder and he’s taken to a private room while I’m in line – the security guy starts going thru my back pack…and I am still very looped from the hit a day before plus smoke on the bus…he’s asking me questions which I answer honestly and he asks me what I do in Colorado and I tell him the truth that I work for the telephone company. And immediately he stops searching me. Zips up my pack and tells me everything is ok. It was like the term ‘telephone company’ was some sort of code word or something… weird…. Poor Jim finally clears and really got the 3rd degree even though he never had anything except long hair……we make it back to Boulder and later unpacking I find this huge spliff about 3 fingers thick that I didn’t realize I still had !! wow. Accidental smuggler…. Anyway it is several days before I really settle down and that’s the last hit for me ever since…. I went and saw Dead at CU’s Event Center some time later…. ~86?? Can’t remember. Gym where the CU basketball team played. First time I went solo. No trip. Kind of detached. Sat in back and did not really connect like other times. I regret not moving down front and enjoying that show more. Along that time made the vow that I was never going to any concert in stadiums any more. Too big. Music quality bad. I remember Springsteen came to Denver and I didn’t go unlike all my friends because I had sworn off stadium shows. Then I reasoned that young people like young music and therefore the Dead will wear off in popularity - - start playing smaller venues - - and then I will go because I love the experience. But that of course never occurred. Totally wrong on that one. They just got more and more popular up thru Touch of Grey. Moved back to east coast in 87. On the job interview that ultimately took me from Boulder to Hartford I am returning to Denver via Chicago O’hare. Wearing a suit. Go to my gate and look over and there is Jerry Garcia standing there. I am not one to fawn or ask for autographs. We catch eyes and frankly I am so startled at the completely unexpected recognition of who he is that I just more or less just give him an arched eyebrow look that says “hey you’re…” So I go and sit down in a deserted gate area and start reading the book I was on..Naked Lunch by William Burroughs…and a few seconds later Jerry is sitting a couple chairs down from me in the same deserted gate writing into a notepad..in the end I realize he is keeping his eye on the gate across the aisle that is loading..just before the door closes he gets up and goes in..last guy on board……….
  • marye
    So glad you made it through that one...
  • Gypsy Cowgirl
    GDTUD-Cliff Hangers/1974 & HT-the kids
    Cliff Hangers/1974/Humboldt Co., Ca. yes, it's true-my then 3 yr. old son & I went over the cliff in a van & he was literally hanging over the next cliff, as I pulled him up to spend the night under the stars in a bed of pine needles with me. (it rained the night before & the night after) Next morn, managed to walk the hill to the nearest house 4 help. A TOTAL miracle-the van didn't blow up, didn't land on us, we lived thru it in the land of the Giant Redwoods, etc.... your story earlier reminded me about that. HT-I agree about "glorifying" LSD for the other kids to hear about. There was always someone in high school (in the '60's) who didn't come back to us (but alcohol also did the same) Not to mention what was made back then was from the Chemist, who knows what's it made from or who's making it now...........xoxoxox Gypsy Cowgirl
  • iknowurider
    Watch Out....
    GRTUD : The Ultimate Gate Crasher PEACE
    I Love You Folks!
    You all get free passes to Heaven... just tell 'em you know my name (kinda like an anti "Sugaree"). I'm not sure if I'll make it but the fact that you've all put up with me so well will be the trick for all you grate people. I may have to borrow one of your tickets or jump over the fence when no one's looking but that'll be part of the fun. "The task is, not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to think what nobody has yet thought, about that which everybody sees. ." - Erwin Schrödinger
  • marye
    great tale!
  • pkpotter
    I am now breathless
    What a journey oroboros! Had to put a couple more logs on the fire. Now sitting in front of it in awe. Your story is proof once again, magic happens at Winterland!Thanks oroboros for the grate story, one for the archives. peace, and magic,pk
  • Oroboros
    On the road circa 1977
    Very well gentlemen- for your edification and in keeping with the latest Winterland 77 vine, the story of roadtripping summer of 1977: Bake and I had decided to visit the northwest and visit one of my oldest friends Dave, in Oregon. I had turned him onto the Dead years before in Lincoln and he was as rabid as I was to take in some shows. Dave was working in a Creamery in Springfield at the time (anyone heard of that place?) and his employers were very receptive to his ‘jumping on the bus” to chase music and especially the Grateful Dead (who were returning from a historic tour). We caught Tom Waits playing in the Oregon student union accompanied by a piano and drums. Jazzy and entertaining. Then we headed down the coast to San Fran and caught Little Feat at Winterland. A tremendous show, and Lowell George was cooking with his slide guitar (wearing his trademark white painter’s overalls) and he kicked his foot in joy and his shoe flew off right out into the audience! I don’t know if he got it back. Headed further south to find Tom in Santa Barbara. He had accompanied me to my first Dead show and informed us that the Dead we going to be at the Fabulous Forum in LA on 6-4-77 and then for 3 day run at Winterland. We were beside ourselves but continued with the serious business of music with Bonnie Raitt at the Santa Monica Civic bowl, and her opening band was the David Grisman Quintet. I was floored with the musicianship of that show (Tony Rice!) and the little outdoor venue was perfect. Bonnie Raitt asked the band members for a show of hands of the guys whose face she hadn’t sat on. Bonnie???? Little Feat again played in a little hacienda style indoor place that looked like it was a southwestern stucco town, complete with the sparkling stars in the indoor sky. Feats was ON that night and it was a delightful event and when Jackson Browne dropped in to sit in to sing Willin’ with Lowell I thought could this get better? We had written back to Lincoln, NE. to tell a couple of buddies that the Dead were going to be in Winterland and they should trek out and we would meet them in the Wharf Rat bar at 1 clock the day before the 1st show. Now to get to the 6-4-77 show. I was beside myself with anticipation and it was truly a case of too many party favors. We all imbibed and then went to the airport to pick up friend Greg who flew in from Lincoln, fresh from the ’77 Minneapolis show and he was toting MORE party favors, which of course we gobbled down, not stopping to consider the doubling and synergistic effect of all this. We then zipped to the Forum and went through the routine. They had ticket takers and then as you entered there was one guy sitting on a milk crate searching your ‘lower half’ and another person searching your ‘upper’. And everything they took, they tossed into garbage cans at the entrance and as I walked by it was ¾ full of everything under the sun, booze, smoke, pipes, pills, powders, etc. That was some expensive refuse! We hustled into our seats and I had never been in a venue this huge before. But my oh my the boys did play that night. They were late for some reason and the anticipation was hanging in the air (along with many of our minds). That was my first glimpse of the new ‘Terrapin Station’ and all that went along with it. The Dead charged headlong into their new material and also played us tasty and welcome treats from the past. At the beginning of the second half I noticed that the Forum had started to rotate, like the Tilt o’ Whirl at the Fair, and the centrifugal force was accelerating with the song list and I swear one of the fastest Not Fade Aways known to modern man only added to ‘the ride’. By this time, all in attendance had acquired wings and were perched on the back of their seats in the forum. We were like gargoyles waiting to take flight from the grip of gravity. Must wait for the right moment, once the floor gives way and we are in the air. There is more to this but I don't think I can do the story justice in writing (If I could just write like GRTUD. Maybe when I grow up). After that show we drove up what is called Highway 1 (I believe) and stopped on a spot that took us down by the ocean. We all got out of the car to a thundering sound of the water colliding with an embankment affixed to the side of the bluff overlooking the ocean. Tom and I stood on the little rock barrier as the ocean waves slammed into the wall/shore and shot the salty water 100 feet into the air and then it would rain down on us as we giggled pointed and pontificated on what delights the Dead might have in store in that magical Winterland. Unfortunately, Tom had to go back to work in Santa Barbara, and Greg back on the plane to the Midwest, then time to race to San Francisco. Dave,,Bake, and I had an inkling what was in store, but this road trip was moving to its natural peak at a pace we were unfamiliar with.We arrived at the appointed time at the Wharf Rat bar, walking in from the bay side entrance and as we did, coming in from the side door were Mike and Jeff who ran right into us like the 3 Stooges (hey there was 5 of us!) Boom. Whoop whoop, hey Mo, hey Larry. Unbelievably they had jumped a train in Nebraska and ridden under automobiles that were on flatbed train cars as the locomotive traversed through the high Rockies, though lengthy tunnels, across the ‘cool Colorado range’ and Mike and Jeff had gotten in across the bay and then jumped on the ‘tube’ (is that what it is called) to meet us. They would have to tell that part. It is incredible and quite 'hairy'. We laughed at the sight of them covered with soot and road wear and went to clean up and then off to an animation festival. The next day was the first show. We drove up to the area where Winterland was, a lot of crumbling and unused buildings, and Mike headed to the liquor store to make a purchase for the show. We stood in a line that wrapped the sidewalk outside Winterland and talked with the wide variety of people that were set to welcome the Dead home. Jokes, smokes, food, stories, songs, and the ever present tapes of prior shows from weeks before filled the air. Oh, the line is moving, let’s get going. As we went in the search that was conducted was only half as serious as in LA and I didn’t see the garbage cans filled with ‘contraband’. Mike held his arms up as the attendant, searched his pants and pulled out a half pint of cheap whiskey. “You can’t take this in, Man” and the attendant pocketed the bottle. All the time not noticing in Mike’s hand raised high above his head, a pint bottle of Jack Daniels. Mike was a boy scout, you see, always be prepared. And I guess he earned his misdirection badge. We went into the old skating arena, and I was enthralled. It had a great big floor area, chairs around the outer ring and back under the balconies, and that great balcony that wrapped the whole place. There was a bar inside the Winterland, where of course you could purchase your favorite intoxicants, but the delight was one of the first ‘big screens’ I had seen. But more significant was that Jimi Hendrix was the one playing on the screen and as I watched I realized that all the music that I was watching had taken place at Winterland. Bill had the foresight to tape many of the bands. I think now it is known as Wolfgang’s Vault. Back then it was the entertainment in the bar. Quite a treat. But outside the bar the electricity began to intensify and then Dead came out to start. First Bertha, then Jack Straw, yes, those are tears on my cheeks, the sound permeated this venue. It was if the dead were breathing life into the bricks and mortar and animating the old girl to start her own dance. Animating this abode into our own Mars Hotel. She began to sway in time as we began our dance. Anticipation mixed with delight and longing, and the walls started to shimmer and breath. And then it was time to hear my Scarlet Begonias, but wait what is this next song? And that undulating underwater guitar? Garcia!! (my first Fire!!) Long distance runner is what I wrote when I heard that phrase and then could write no more until Fire had segued into a ripping Good Lovin’. The treats continued with old and new tunes and when they played Estimated Prophet, I of course wrote “California… Like an angel’… and into He’s Gone and then Samson & Delilah. I wrote “Tear this old building down”. The band was grinning ear to ear as they played and I swear I kept hearing Jerry noodling the notes from “Encounters of a 4th Kind”. But my huge reward was to come. An epic Terrapin (my second, they played it in LA) BUT when it segued into Morning Dew, my mouth dropped to my chest. Phil cranked up his philbombs and the very air was being pushed out of my lungs. It felt much like gravity was now a lateral sensation as opposed to drawing you downward. I leaned into the band as Garcia told the tale and Phil continued the gale of bass notes propelling me backward. But I had to lean forward as I was drawn by Jerry’s sweet refrain and compelling guitar-work. Garcia and the caressed us as the music built and then suddenly was very quiet, and then crescendo. Bliss. Abruptly the gear shifted and Bobby threw us mercilessly into a double speed Around & Around. Back to reality. I had to catch my breath and then later they gave us encores of UJB and US Blues to send us out into that cool bay evening. So many smiling faces, giggling, and the serenity that is inherent in coming home after a wonderful exciting adventure. And as I walked out, I thought to myself, shit, that was the first night! We have two more shows to go ;0}!!!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

This started with a discussion between Frankly and Warlock, which follows below because it's too good to summarize and sets the tone beautifully... Tell your stories here! -- ME


winds of change

what about a topic which deals with the fact that there is an evident change of DH generations underway.there are rhe seniors who are coming into their 60s(or more) now,than the middle of the road who came on the bus late 70s and the new ones who never had the luck to see the GD because when jerry passed away they were like 5-10yrs. old.wow,its in fact allready the 3rd gen. of DH and the 1st to grow up only on canned music.i am sure that the folks of all these 3 groups might have alot of interesting stuff to tell one another..:-)(-:peace to all


Frankly... Frankly

I'm one of those 3rd generations. I was born in 1980, f

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Member for

17 years 6 months

Cliff Hangers/1974/Humboldt Co., Ca. yes, it's true-my then 3 yr. old son & I went over the cliff in a van & he was literally hanging over the next cliff, as I pulled him up to spend the night under the stars in a bed of pine needles with me. (it rained the night before & the night after) Next morn, managed to walk the hill to the nearest house 4 help. A TOTAL miracle-the van didn't blow up, didn't land on us, we lived thru it in the land of the Giant Redwoods, etc.... your story earlier reminded me about that. HT-I agree about "glorifying" LSD for the other kids to hear about. There was always someone in high school (in the '60's) who didn't come back to us (but alcohol also did the same) Not to mention what was made back then was from the Chemist, who knows what's it made from or who's making it now...........xoxoxox Gypsy Cowgirl
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Member for

17 years 9 months

So glad you made it through that one...
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Member for

16 years 3 months

seeing the string start with the Red Rocks...had to share; 77 moved out to Boulder CO sight unseen from east coast just cause I heard it was nice. Age 21 and pretty experienced and on the bus since a little after Watkins Glen. End up in framing carpentry building houses along the foothills. Lots of hippies/dead heads. My favorite bands then were Little Feat and Marley’s Wailers. Saw Dead at Red Rocks but can’t remember how many times. But I was at that 1st 79 show because now I am reminded that the next two were rained out...didn't have tickets to them but it all jogged my memory. Saw them at a great venue one summer at the Univ Col (CU) football stadium on a nice day. They cut the field in half and played to one end zone stands. Can’t remember the year…. 81?? Great day…for once I didn’t have to hassle with driving a car or not knowing where I was….Warren Zevon was the opening act and he was really wrecked…almost couldn’t function…BobWeir came out on stage and tried to help move his show along…. Saw Jerry solo at a small theatre on campus somewhere along there. Carpentry went bust when housing collapsed (just like now…I’ve been thru it all before I feel sometimes….) Had moved on to graduate school at CU and had a good regular job by 83 and so heard about SunSplash concert in Montego Bay. First time I had any money to do anything. It was a thanksgiving weekend I think…84?? Maybe not sure….so once again ventured to an unknown place…camping in Jamaica and within walking distance to concert venue….very wild stuff. Lots of bands. Went with friend Jim a carpenter also, older, long hair and beard but only so so into music…kind of a cynic but very smart. I am very straight appearance by this point (relevant later…)… Met up with guy dead head that I remember was from Wisconsin. He gave me a hit - - and I don’t really remember too much beyond. I was very experienced by then but that one knocked me for a loop. I hope Wisconsin ended up ok - I was still very very looped the next day and Jim I don’t think even bothered to go into the concert area cause you could hear it from the camping area plenty loud and he had found a girlfriend…but he was in far better shape and corrals me to catch the bus to the airport to return. Everybody smoking on the bus because the paranoia is starting to set in about the reality of going thru customs security and so might as well get rid of it. We arrive I guess into Miami to clear customs and connect to Denver. Now in airport customs area it isn’t just concert returners..but lots of everyone, business people etc. I see Jim get tapped on the shoulder and he’s taken to a private room while I’m in line – the security guy starts going thru my back pack…and I am still very looped from the hit a day before plus smoke on the bus…he’s asking me questions which I answer honestly and he asks me what I do in Colorado and I tell him the truth that I work for the telephone company. And immediately he stops searching me. Zips up my pack and tells me everything is ok. It was like the term ‘telephone company’ was some sort of code word or something… weird…. Poor Jim finally clears and really got the 3rd degree even though he never had anything except long hair……we make it back to Boulder and later unpacking I find this huge spliff about 3 fingers thick that I didn’t realize I still had !! wow. Accidental smuggler…. Anyway it is several days before I really settle down and that’s the last hit for me ever since…. I went and saw Dead at CU’s Event Center some time later…. ~86?? Can’t remember. Gym where the CU basketball team played. First time I went solo. No trip. Kind of detached. Sat in back and did not really connect like other times. I regret not moving down front and enjoying that show more. Along that time made the vow that I was never going to any concert in stadiums any more. Too big. Music quality bad. I remember Springsteen came to Denver and I didn’t go unlike all my friends because I had sworn off stadium shows. Then I reasoned that young people like young music and therefore the Dead will wear off in popularity - - start playing smaller venues - - and then I will go because I love the experience. But that of course never occurred. Totally wrong on that one. They just got more and more popular up thru Touch of Grey. Moved back to east coast in 87. On the job interview that ultimately took me from Boulder to Hartford I am returning to Denver via Chicago O’hare. Wearing a suit. Go to my gate and look over and there is Jerry Garcia standing there. I am not one to fawn or ask for autographs. We catch eyes and frankly I am so startled at the completely unexpected recognition of who he is that I just more or less just give him an arched eyebrow look that says “hey you’re…” So I go and sit down in a deserted gate area and start reading the book I was on..Naked Lunch by William Burroughs…and a few seconds later Jerry is sitting a couple chairs down from me in the same deserted gate writing into a notepad..in the end I realize he is keeping his eye on the gate across the aisle that is loading..just before the door closes he gets up and goes in..last guy on board……….
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Of course drugs shouldn't be glorified and kids shouldn't take them...but they shouldn't play viloent video games, listen to gangster rap or buy Brittany Spears or Hannah Montana Douchebag Cyrus records either. Which will destroy your brain and cause suicide quicker than drugs. Besides this is a "round the fire telling tales" location...and remember kids...this F#%@&n website wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for LSD. And, excuse me, but we are here grooving on the music and cultural vibes of some of the biggest dopers ever to come down the pike. So let's not glorify anything, but lets not be squares and let's remember from whence we come.
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Member for

17 years 7 months

My son is playing on x-box live Call of Duty,besides all the killings,he was just now eaten by dogs...now that is sick!! Smoke a joint kid and listen to some good ole GD! heehee! Peace!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

your post makes me want to finish my story. I don't want kids to do anything stupid ('cause of something I've said or done) so I've taken some time to reflect on that idea. I'd like for folks to understand me, either now or later, I don't really care but I really never intended to scare anyone and if I have, I'm sorry. I had a dream about going out to California a month or so ago and I only had enough money for the trip and once there, I had no idea what I was going to do as far as staying somewhere, eating and so forth. Somehow I found myself at marye's place and she was totally cool but I sensed she was afraid of me. It really made me think... (and her dogs made me sneeze, even though they were so lovable and playful... when I woke up I could barely breath). I think what I liked best about this scene (in real life) was the fact that I was never out of place, since that place was very safe overall and we actually were able to be with one another in the flesh... it was easier to convey our real selves. The other "real life" is quite another story, of course. Either way, I figure it doesn't matter but I wanted everyone to know before I come through these parts again and post. "The task is, not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to think what nobody has yet thought, about that which everybody sees." - Erwin Schrödinger
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Please, please keep these stories coming...I don't know what signifigance they will ultimately have, but I feel that they are part of the foundation of a societal sea change that is just appearing on the horizon.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I'm still trying to figure things out as at 50 I'm barely digital. A friend of mine and I have set up a facebook page, Grateful Dead Pick-A-Place-And-Go to try and capture memories of places the band played. I see there are a bunch here but we're trying to get to the essence of the places. Why were they good, why did they suck what should people know about the places who never got the chance to catch a show there? What unique and personal memories do you have about shows at those places? I loved the Uptown in Chicago, Red Rocks, the Greek in Berkeley and Oakland Auditorium Arean/HJK. What about you? Rob
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Sorry my virtual self had weird vibes, and sorry my doggies made you sneeze!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

marye... your virtual self was way cool. I hadn't been to California in over 20 years and I was so excited to be back there again... it seemed just as awesome as the last time I visited. Thanks for the accommodations, btw! The fear was all mine, I'm sure, which happens when I take leave of the familiar for me. Also, my allergies aren't your fault or those cute doggies'. Give them a big hug for me please. "The task is, not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to think what nobody has yet thought, about that which everybody sees." - Erwin Schrödinger
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Member for

16 years 4 months

_> I want to hear some OLD school stories from heads of the 60's and 70's and what they were going through, living, feeling, loving, from crap to good. Try to tell us what it was really like back in those amazing times! What do you think?> > I've grew up sitting around some "old timers" at a bonfire or at a wood picnic table, and that's where I learned the most.......Old Timers Stories, The Stories That the Crow Told Me, Travelin Back To the Summer of '69, Campfire Stories, or something or another as a title. Just hopin people will post. > > Scotty (Canyon Critter) ___________________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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Member for

16 years 4 months

I was born in 1975, therefore I don't remember The Grateful Dead before then...I love hearing the stories. It's better than the grandpa that told you about WWII for sure....Thank you in advance for posting!____________________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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Member for

16 years 4 months

I've been reading through these....wow, I love this stuff. I was telling Marye that I learned the most through these people. It's definately true, if this is your first show, or 390th (that you remember) than read through this stuff....you can really learn alot from people who have been there. Strangers stopping strangers just to shake their hands.____________________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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Member for

16 years 4 months

But I will keep this on top, until The End!____________________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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Member for

16 years 4 months

I am the light.....you seek fire my child!____________________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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Member for

16 years 4 months

I've been trying to keep this on the top of the que....yet I have to work. I bid you goodnight, but don't think that you typing that kick arse story won't stop me from reading it!!____________________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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I only started seeing the Dead in the late 70s and consider myself fortunate to have seen a few shows with Keith & Donna before they left the band. I know there are Heads out there who remember being at Pigpen shows but that was long ago, many brain cells down the pike. If you ever run into anybody who says "I've been to every show there ever was!" , don't believe them! The only people who have been to every show are Jerry, Bobby, Phil & Bill. Because they were the band and HAD to be there... Even when I got my Dead "legs" around 82 there was always the feeling that I'd missed the goold old days. The Good Old Days are some magical place where everything is totally groovy and the band can't miss a note or sing off key or forget a word and the sun is shining and there aren't too many people and the show is free and there is plenty of everything and everybody is sharing it. It actually never existed that way but we built it up in our mind that we'd missed some magical space & time and we were only left with the remnants. I guess what I noticed WAS the passing of the torch to a new generation some time in the late 70s. Group hugs, massage circles, massive amounts of people dancing together shoulder to shoulder in a line on the floor. A lot of public sex going on at shows in the shadows. This all seemed to pass some time around 1980, loosely speaking. Jerry and the boys just got real quiet on stage from that time on. Words were few and far between. At Kingswood in Maple, Ontario in June of 84 Wavy Gravy was EmCeeing from the stage. The Dead had played a great show, along with The Band and Wavy was kind of summing it up when he said: "These ARE the good old days". It made me think then and looking back now I can see the he was absolutely right. That whole new group of Deadheads was in place and the band was pre massive popularity and perpetually sold out shows after 87 and Touch. I think what everybody should remember is that nothing was ever perfect. Yes, maybe the new generation will never know Jerry's unique presence and licks but we're the audience and we have a lot to do with the tone of any show. If we're kind and sharing and caring we can create the space we always had and pass that along to another generation. The music will be all the greater for our effort. If you see me blowing bubbles and blissing out I won't be plugged in or multi-tasking. I'll be just there in the moment, dancing & enjoying the good old days. I hope to see you there also!
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17 years 8 months

Boreal Ridge 8-24-85 Yep, it was technically a very glitchy show. Definitely far from their best. But, it was the highest(!) I was there with 4 other friends and we got there soon enough to park along the highway in a place where we hoped we wouldn't get towed. I spent the first half of the show in the audience proper and then decided it would be far more interesting to wonder off in the woods just to the right of the stage. Of course, the fact that I had to pee had nothing to do with that idea at all...in the end I climbed up to the top of the ski slope and managed to hop on the ski lift down as the boys were rolling into Truckin'. Then, about 2/3rds of the way down the slope the lift just stopped and there I was suspended over the left side of the crowd as the band continued to play. Nothing quite like watching the boys suspended in mid-air like that - way too cool! And then, just as they were wrapping up Day Tripper, the lift took me down to the bottom and dropped me off past the crowd and i hightailed it over to our car and found my friends and we flew out of there down to South shore for a quick dip in the lake - ! What an awesome day even for a glitchy show...must have been something I ate... "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
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17 years 9 months

that was you on the ski lift?:-)
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16 years 4 months

UncleJon, That would have been awesome! I always loved making a trek up to "Boring Hill" ahem I mean Boreal to ski, and getting stuck on a lift was my specialty. Sounds like it would have been surreal! ____________________________________________________ Will you come with me? Once in awhile you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right!
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Field Report April 15 1977 Got up at 5:30 to go to soccer practice. Hated it. Only joined the team cause my next door roomie was the equipment manager, and he got me a spot. We were second ranked in the country, so it was a heady time to be on the team. The coach was a straight up bastard who I hated with a vengeance since high school. He felt the same about me. Earlier that week, I had arrived at 6:05 am, five minutes late, and he had sent me off to the broom closet to sweep up, and I was not at a loss for a few choice words, as I left. Well, this cool Connecticut morning, I arrived at the gym, went into the locker room, and was directed to a "cut list" that had every name on it, but mine. I practiced as usual, cleaned out my locker, and went back to my dorm room, a little chastened, but mostly relieved, to be out of that soccer gulag. I met my high school soccer buddy in my room, as per preordained plan. We had planned to meet up with our friend Tim, also, but he had class, and he had two friends up from his home town who had nothing to do, so they hung out with us. He said he had something for us, and [deleted] We walked down to (hh) room and sat around smoking and laughing. At one point he put a record on the turntable, and handed me the cover. It was something called "Aoxomoxoa" what the hell? a mirror word? But it was a by a band I liked and had actually seen by mistake in my previous misspent youth. So I was interested in what it was about. Along about the time Rosemary's baby or some such song started, and I was staring at the album cover, and flipped it around to the back. Something felt really funn..nn..nn.. y, I couldn't put my finger on it, but it felt I was losing something, and also gaining something at the same time, it was quite confusing, and I stared a little closer at this band of hooligans sitting under a tree, and something just slipped away, i felt it, and then all of a sudden I was standing under that tree, talking to those people. And then I was sitting on the bed again, staring at an album cover, with my friends, new and old, listening to this album that was in my hand, and the music isn't so much music anymore, it is more noise, and noise with shapes and colors, and meanings. And then they start playing some bluegrassy sounding song and the strands of the sounds coming out of the instruments start weaving in some heretofore unknown visual way, so that I could see the interplay between the musicians as strands in a wreath. Whew, I was tired, it must be almost night by now... No, it has only been 3 1/2 minutes since I looked up at the clock. Hmm. What was the name of that album again? Crockolocka? Something? Who are these people? They are smiling at me, kindly. Who am I? Oh yeah, that kid, I just got cut from the team today.. Is that me? I guess not anymore, huh? Who, then.. Oh we are leaving the room now, and heading back to my dorm for some unknown reason. After getting heavier clothes on, we set out from my dorm. Word had got out about something, and people were in their door ways smiling at us as we left for some reason. We crossed the busy road, and climbed the fence into the fields beyond. It was easy going for awhile, but as we got out into the pasture, the unmelted spring snow began to bog us down. Standing kneedeep in snowdrifts, one of us happened to look back at the dorm up on the hill we had just left, and said, "hey, look!" We turned to see all three floors of windows packed with my dorm mates, all yelling and waving at us, cheering us on. Cheering us on for What? I thought to myself, that is odd beyond what I, well, we got a little wigged out, and decided to clear the field , and top the hill on the other side. So, to the cheers of the entire dorm, we topped the far hill, and halfway down the hill sat down to ponder. One by one my new companions jumped up, started running down the snowcovered hill, until the snow drifts tackled them, and they went rolling laughing down the hill. I was the last to figure this little joy out, and as I sat there a red pickup appeared in my field of view. Right in the middle. It hadn't seemed to come down the road, it just appeared in the middle. I made a mental note to figure that one out later, and I jumped up, and started running down the hill, until the snow tackled me, and I went spinning rolling laughing down the snow covered hillside. When I came to a stop, and picked myself up, I saw that (hh) was balancing on a boulder on a stone wall, and Jerry and Brian were sitting on said stone wall, looking a little like that picture of the thinking ape. Well, I simmered myself down, as it appeared they were deep in thought, but I was wrong, they were just waiting for me, so we headed off a tractor path into the woods. [deleted] We ended up deep in the woods at a fenced enclosure, and when we approached and peeked through the cracks in the wooden fence, we saw.... ...wolves? in Connecticut? Wolves?? in pens?? huh? Well, we commiserated with these wolves, and as we walked down the road out to the animal barns, a dark blue Audi pulled up and stopped, rolled down the window, and a pretty face, I should say a pretty angry face poked out and said, "What are you guys doing out here?" We said something as innocent as possible, and she said, "You need to stay away from the wolves, and leave them alone." As we tried to spit out, What are wolves doing..?" she sped off. Well, we managed to find the animal barns, and went first into the cow barn. The creatures were all laying and standing all on top of each other, and when one had to go, they would just eliminate right on top of one another, And the uuuhhhhhhss of the cows, just made me make a mental note on that sort of life. hmmm. Next was the sheep pens, and the sheep were giving each other a bit more room, and what is that? Some kind of female sheep in readiness, whew, never saw that before, what is that? that little black sheep over there, staring right at me. Little guy, lots of attitude, only little black sheep with all white sheep, and he looked pissed. As pissed as me, deep down, at the whole silly world situation. Just an angry kid, like me. Just like me, I think he knows it too, he is staring right at me fixedly, and me right back at him, and we are having a meeting of the minds, "hey dude, what is UP with this world?" " I know, huh?" Well, you have a good life little black sheep, let us see how we make our way in this world. As we turned to leave the barn, a thought hit me, and I turned to (hh) and said, "hey I just remembered I have a final today" As I started to continute that idea, he quietly said to me, "Maybe it's better just not to think about that right now, we'll deal with it later." That made perfect sense to me at the time, and honestly this is the first I have thought about it, some 32 years later. At some point we ended up back at the dorm, in a friends room, packed with people, I don't know why they all were there. I was only there because for the life of me, i couldnt figure out any other place to be. As we sat on the bunks, with that top bunk like a beam through my thought, I mentioned that I would enjoy hearing some Jimi Hendrix right then, that that must sound cool at a time like this. Right then, the radio that was playing started playing "Crosstown Traffic", and the room all kinda went oooh, and inside I went ohhhh nooo, because I could tell they all wanted to think I "knew" something, to have said that, but I didnt know how to let them in on that I was at present by far the hugest fool in that room. I put it aside and tried to kind of melt in the background. There was a small telescope, and out of boredom I guess, people started passing it around the room, one to another, around the circle. As it neared me, some kind of awful anticipation began to set in, that some how I was expected to do something meaningful, some thing "knowing" with this telescope, and my skin started to crawl as it came near to me. As it was passed to me, i was filled with an utter sense of not knowing what to do, or how to please these perceived expectations of my present cohorts. Without thinking, i just reversed the telescope, and looked through it backwards. Again with the ooohs from outside, and the ohhh nooos from inside, and just as the uncomfortableness was peaking, my consciousness was suddenly and shockingly instantly shot out of the back of my head to a distance of (conservative estimate) 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 thousand million light years, behind my skull enclosure........WTF??????????? I cannot contain this, I thought to myself, and saw myself from the outside, jumping up, because I could not fix this in place, and I had always heard if something goes bad, just change your surroundings, so I jumped up, and found an empty chair, a kind of Victorian affair, very out of place in this dorm, but it looked inviting and from another time so I sat in it, and tried to regain some form of a conceptual bubble field that i had must have been unknowingly living in, because suuddenly I was OUT OF IT, and I didn't even know the first thing about this new thing. The cutest couple ever, thats what I always called them, both with curly black locks that they must have spent hours a day cultivating, the cutest couple ever jumped up, and sat down crosslegged in front of me, opened up their school notebooks, and said "just start talking, we'll write it down." Now that is NOT what I need to hear, I thought to myself, and as the disassociation was not getting any better, and there was no one there who I could consult with, they were either long gone, or not in possesssion of the facts that I was living under. So the best I knew to do, was..... bolt.. bolt for the door. And as I hit the door to the stairwell, I turned to make sure I had closed the door, to see all 15 people in a big trail, trailing off behind me, and I shouted NOOOO on the inside, and just made my break. I headed for the cemetery and the yellow submarine beyond it. I ended up sitting on the cemetery fence with my four goodest friends, who had somehow run to the same places, and I pressed my fingers together, it was funny. The feeling of my pressed together fingertips was no longer located out "there" where my hand supposedly was. No this sensation was no longer located there. That proved it was all true to me. We walked back to my room, where stumpy 1 withdrew his foot halfway out of his athletic sock, until it looked like a person, and talked through his sock, and kept us all laughing until the sun came up, and we all fell asleep.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

it's the knick, it was the knick when you broke it in,in 1990, it will always be "the knick" sec 2 row E seats 7,8
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Member for

17 years 9 months

to finish my front row story but I'm thinking of something along this line as a suitable format (the names and dates are just starry eyed pipe dreams just like my life): Photobucket
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I posted an earlier draft of this monologue in the thread for the show where the events that are described took place; Park West Ski Resort on September 4, 1983. It's part of a play that I've written for my Master's thesis that's titled Waiting for the Show, so when I found this thread today, the words "The Tribe Around the Fire" hit me like a ton of synchronicity. Here's why. (The setting for the play is the sidewalk in front of the Warfield an hour before the doors open the evening of a show; the set-up for the monologue is a sudden shift from a realistic depiction of the scene in front of the Warfield to a fantasy scene where everyone one stage gathers in a semi-circle at center stage; some sit, some stand; at center, a fire is produced; all cast members enter and join the gathering; a large mirrored ball is lowered; it slowly spins illuminated by a pinpoint spotlight; sage is burned in the wings; soap bubbles are released from the wings; cast members improvise on the ritual of the storyteller and the fire; some sit transfixed by the tale, some dance in circles around the gathering, some beat hand drums, some chant, some testify, some speak in tongues; near the end of the storyteller's monolgue, all on stage respond as the crowd that is being described in the tale; when the storyteller speaks the line, “but as soon as we realize this we return,” all exit by slipping into the wings.) STORYTELLER ...tonight we were talking about life and what I didn't know about it which was everything I think...nothing I thought...nothing I knew...worked anymore...and to be honest...knowing never really worked in the first place...knowing is not the same as the way...I had to find ways to stop thinking and start doing...I've crashed and burned and resurrected myself so many times...it's an embarrassment of pissed away riches...but then I know now what it was I needed then...and it's so simple...I needed to find a way to be still in motion...like a hummingbird...did you ever see one of those little buggers...I was at a show this one time in Utah...it was at a ski area up in the mountains outside of Salt Lake City...but it was like Labor Day weekend so there wasn't any snow...just green grass and tall pine trees running up to a high rocky ridgeline and a stage set up at the base of the hill by the lodge...I was riding with some kind folks from Montana that I met at the show in Idaho a couple nights before...we hit the parking lot a couple of hours before showtime and I thought I'd use the time to take a hike up the hill...maybe up to that high ridgeline just to see the sights... (Pause) ...my ride said to stop by their car after the show if I needed a lift to Red Rocks...I said I might...and then pointed myself up that hill above where the crowd was gathering...I had been looking forward to a hike before the show but forgot about the elevation...so what I thought looked like a five or ten minute walk probably took me an hour to get up...by the time I did make it...huffing and puffing...sun scorched...and dripping sweat...to the top of that ridgeline...and turned around to see what I had done...I just about fell on my ass from the view that opened up before me...there was the crowd below...and the stage beyond the crowd...and then mountains and mountains and mountains...too many to count...too much to understand...I caught myself sitting on a rock that was there...I hadn't planned to...to sit I mean...it was just what needed to be done in that moment I guess...and that's when I felt or maybe I heard...the air moving...a fluttering whoooosh...like atmospheric tachycardia...then...right in front of me...hovering there in the air...maybe a foot from my face...a flash of emeralds...and rubies...I was seeing then realizing I was seeing...a hummingbird...and look...she's checking me out too...like time was standing still...but with that realization...it all...shifts...it was time...and off she flew... (Pause) ...that's when I notice the crowd below looks like they're...turning...I wheel around to look behind me...but there's only rocks and sage...I turn back to the crowd and...they're looking at me...why are they looking at me...I'm sitting on a rock...I have my clothes on...I haven't burst into flames...there's like a couple thousand people down there who were facing west a minute ago and now they're facing east...I turn and trace the line of their gaze...up in the sky...and there's a person up there in the sky...a person with a parachute and purple smoke trailing behind...I think...well that's just crazy...but then...I want to do that...I turn back to the crowd...and they're going nuts...woo hoo...woo hoo...woo hoo...then down there in the middle of the scene...I can see from my vantage point high above...there's a large blanket or a tarp being laid out in the middle of the crowd...a target...no way...no fucking way...I turn back to the guy in the sky...he's got a beard I can see by now...he's coming in fast and maybe fifty feet above me...and he's dancing...he's fifty no wait forty feet off the ground and he's dancing...there's purple smoke trailing behind him and he's waving something in his hand...a ticket...he's waving a ticket in his hand as he passes over me and I make the loudest sound I can...woo hoo...woo hoo...woo hoo...and the guy in the sky answers...woo hoo...woo hoo...woo hoo...I turn back to the crowd at the roar they make...the guy in the sky steers their way...a little bit to the right...a little bit to the left...a little bit more to the left...several thousand people are focused in on this thing...you can see that he's feeling it...like slow motion more or less...there's motion still and sound but it's not the same old tick...it's ours somehow...like we've slipped out of its grip but as soon as we realize this we return...like the guy in the sky has to land...and he hits the target...sticks his landing...I jump up and run all the way down that hill but it feels like I'm flying...the band is hitting the stage as I hit the rail and here we are...the miracle moment of creation...the only time we ever live in...here and now...miraculous...all the time... Dead for life. What a way to go.